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Item Enhancement

Equipment Enhancement

You can enhance the equipment by using a certain item.


1. Anvil Types


Item Details
Anvil You can purchase via Merchant NPC in Klaipeda, Orsha, and Fedimian or obtain it by hunting in the fields.
It is the basic enhancement item. Silver is consumed when enhancing and the performance improves on success according to each probability..
The item can be destroyed when enhancing while the Potential falls to 0.
Practice Anvil You can receive the item by clearing a certain quest, and has the same effect with normal Anvil.
Lightweight Anvil Can only be used when an item has not been enhanced and does not consume silver.
Pperformance improves on success according to each probability.
Silver Anvil Does not consume silver when enhancing the equipment, performance improves on success according to each probability.
1 potential is deducted when failing to enhance and the equipment is destroyed when failing at 0 potential.
Golden Anvil Can only be used on equipment with 0 Potential.
Performance improves on success according to each probability, and the equipment won't be destroyed upon failure, but the enhance level will decrease by 1.
When you fail at an enhance level of +12 or higher, it will reduce to +10.
Ruby Anvil Can only be used on equipment with 0 Potential.
Performance improves on success according to each probability, and the equipment won't be destroyed upon failure, but the enhance level will decrease by 1.
When you fail at an enhance level of +16 or higher, it will reduce to +15.
Diamond Anvil Performance improves on success according to each probability, and the enhance level won't decrease upon failure, but the potential will decrease by 1.
Equipment is destroyed when failing at 0 potential.
Can be obtained only by event rewards.


2. How to use Anvil

- Right-click on the Anvil in the Inventory (F2) and select the equipment to enhance.

- Please check if you've selected the proper Anvil and equipment before you enhance!
- Once the anvil is created on the ground, attack the anvil 3 times to succeed or fail in enhancing.

- Please be noted that the anvil will be removed when the character gets too far from the anvil.


3. Enhancement Success/Fail

[Enhancement Success]

- Enhance level increases by 1 when succeeding in enhancement, and the main point increases as well.

- Every equipment succeeds 100% up to enhance level 5.

- Special effect will be added when succeeding in enhancing the weapon +15 or more.


[Enhancement Fail]

- You can fail in enhancing when trying equipment with +5 or more.

- You can also see the enhancement penalty in game.

- When you fail in enhancing the item, the potential and enhance level will decrease by 1.

- Potential is similar to lifespan. If you fail in enhancing when the item's potential is 0, the item will be destroyed.

- Item with 0 potential cannot be traded or awakened.

- The potential rate differs by item. The potential can decrease in other situations than failing in enhancement.

4. Item Transcendence

- It is an enhancement system to enhance the equipment's ability by 10% by using Goddesses' Blessed Gem.

- As 1 stage of transcendence increases, equipment ability increases by 10%.

- Chance to succeed in transcendence differs in stages, and the stage increases upon success. (up to 10 stages)

- Weapons, Armors, and Accessories can be transcended.

- Transcendence success chance increases by the number of materials/maximum number of materials, input materials (Goddesses' Blessed Gem).

- Number of Goddesses' Blessed Gem for transcendence differs according to the type of equipment.

- If the transcendence fails, the transcendence stage drops to the previous stage, and 1 potential decreases.

- [Legend Rank] items can be transcended by [Transcend High Grade Item] function via [Teliavelis] in [Fedimian].


※ When you fail when the potential is 0, the item will be destroyed. Please be careful. 

※ Transcended item is unable to do Personal Trade. However, can be traded via market or transferred to Team Storage.

※  Locked items cannot be transcended.


5. How to Transcendence

- [Blessed Shard] can be obtained by clearing contents or defeating elite monsters in the field by chance.

- [Blessed Shard] x5 can be obtained by chance when opening the [Irredian Cube].

- [Blessed Shard] x3 will be given when clearing [400 Level Dungeon].

- [Blessed Shard] x2 can be obtained by clearing the elite monsters in normal fields.


- You can craft Goddesses' Blessed Cube with Blessed Shard by purchasing Recipe - Goddesses' Blessed Gem from the Merchant NPC in Klaipeda and Orsha.

- You can transcendence an item via Blacksmith NPC in Klaipeda, Orsha, and Fedimian with the crafted Goddesses' Blessed Gem.

- Drag or right-click on the item to Transcend and Goddesses' Blessed Gem.

- You can see the chance to succeed by placing Goddesses' Blessed Gem.

- 10% of ability per 1 stage of Transcendence increases.

- You can check the increased abilities via tooltip.


- Some equipment can be obtained with TRA applied.

Place Rank Transcendence Stage
(normal fields, Hunting Ground, Challenge Mode)
Magic ~ Unique 1 stage among  0 ~ 10 stages

※ Contents may change due to updates.


6. Enchant Jewel


[What is Enchant Jewel?]

- It is a special option that you can apply Enchant Jewel to the equipment.

- There are Rare, Legend, and Unique ranks in Enchant Jewel.
- Enchant Jewel can be obtained by low chance when dismantling the equipment with Rare rank or above, and the rank equal to the equipment will be created.

- It can be obtained from any Rare, Unique, Legend items with Lv.75 or above that can be dismantled.


[Apply Enchant Stat]

- If the rank of Enchant Jewel is high, (Legend>Unique>Rare) the value of the stat can be created bigger.

- Stat added with Enchant Jewel applied does not affect the existing stats but will be applied separately.

- Enchant Jewel can apply stats to 10 levels higher equipment than the equipment before the dismantling.


[Enchant Stat Feature]


- Only 1 Enchant Stat can be created per item.

- When using the New Jewel to the item that already has Enchant Jewel, a new stat and value will be applied.

- Only the highest stat will be applied when you have the same type of stat in various equipment.


[Transfer Enchant Stat]

- You can transfer Enchant Stat to another equipment via [Alchemist Master] NPC.

- Following conditions need to be met to transfer the Enchant Stat, and silver will be consumed.

Equipment to give Stat Equipment to receive Stat
Lower or equal level with the equipment to receive Stat Higher or equal level with the equipment to give Stat
Trade O Trade O
Trade X

※ You cannot transfer stat from untradable equipment to tradable equipment.


7. Awakening

[What is Awakening?]

- It is a special option that can be applied by using Awakening Stone and Awakening Abrasive.

- You can use Awakening function via [Awakening Shop] created by other users.

- You can Awaken the equipment by registering Awakening Stone and Awakening Abrasive.


[Apply Awakening Stat]

- If the level of Awakening Abrasive is high, the stat may be created with a high value.

- Stat added by Awakening does not affect the existing stats but will be applied separately.

- When using [Lv.460] Awakening Abrasive, new Awakening Stat will be applied, and the values are as follows.

Awakening Stat - Weapon Value Awakening Stat - Armor Value
Pyhsical Attack 65 ~ 327 Physical Defense 131 ~ 653
Magic Attack 65 ~ 327 Magic Defense 131 ~ 653
Physical Critical Attack 171 ~ 885 Maximum HP 477 ~ 2384
Magic Critical Attack 171 ~ 885 Maximum SP 189 ~ 1514
Accuracy 28 ~ 142 Evasion 28 ~ 142
Block Penetration 28 ~ 142 Block 28 ~ 142
Critical Rate 28 ~ 142 Critical Resistance 28 ~ 142
Additional Damage 171 ~ 885 Add. Damage Resistance 171 ~ 885

※ When using [Lv.460] Awakening Abrasive, Awakening Stat will be applied as above regardless of the equipment type.


[Awakening Stat Feature]

- Only 1 Enchant Stat can be created per item.

- When the Awakening the item that already has Awakening Stat, a new stat and value will be applied.


[Transfer Awakening Stat]

- You can transfer Awakening Stat to another equipment via [Alchemist Master] NPC.

- Following conditions need to be met to transfer the Awakening Stat, and silver will be consumed.

Equipment to give Stat Equipment to receive Stat
Equal level with the Equipment to receive Stat Equal level with the Equipment to give Stat
Equal part with the Equipment to receive Stat Equal part with the Equipment to give Stat
Equal rank with the Equipment to receive Stat Equal rank with the Equipment to give Stat


8. Seal

[What is Seal?]

- You can obtain [Seal] in Borutas Kapas and Irredian Shelter.


- [Dragon Strength] among Boruta Seal stats affects the [Set Stat Skill] effect of Legend rank item.

ex) Effect that increases damage received of Velcoffer Kraujas 5 set is changed from 20% to 5%.

- You can change Boruta Seal into [Boruta Seal - Common] by consuming 30 Medal of Honor: Boruta via [Naujoves] NPC in Fedimian.

  ▶ Enhance level remains equal.

[Enhance Seal]

- You can enhance Seal via Teliavelis NPC in Fedimian.

- For enhancement, Seal with equal rank and enhance level is required.

- Fixed stat will be activated when succeeding in enhancing the Seal.

- Every item including the material item will be destroyed when failing in enhancing the Seal.


9. Equipment Information

- Details of currently equipped equipment can be checked by pressing [!] button in the Inventory (F2).

- [!] will be marked if there is a stat that hasn't been crafted, and the information of uncrafted stats will appear when hovering the mouse on the [!] mark.

- Information stated for Weapon and Accessory are as follows.

Weapon, Armor ENH, TRA, Enchant Jewel, Fixed Ichor, Set Stat, Gem, Awakening
Accessory ENH, TRA, Awakening


※ The content below is subject to updates and modifications.