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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for May 13 - 14, 2019

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (May 13, 2019). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
May 14th, 2019
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2017 Rank Update FAQ

Greetings, Saviors! A lot has changed in TOS with the latest Rank update: new classes, new features, revised content… it can be a lot to take in at once. So, to get you up-to-date with the newest version of TOS, we put together a little FAQ list that hopefully will help clear any doubts on what’s changed and how it’s changed. Keep in mind that this list only contains information on some of the main aspects of the update. For a more exhaustive list of all the changes and fixes, please check the patch notes.   [Challenge Mode] - The Challenge Mode is a new game mode that allows you to fight powerful monsters for better equipment items and cube rewards. - The Challenge Mode consists of 5 stages, each running for a maximum of 10 minutes. - To complete each stage you need to defeat the boss monster within the time limit. Only then can you move on to the next stage or complete the challenge. Q. How can I enter the Challenge Mode? In fields of recommended level 200 and above, you will come across a purple monster which you must defeat in order to create a portal to the Challenge Mode. This monster will appear in regular fields, but not in Hunting Grounds. Also, keep in mind that the Challenge Mode will close automatically if your 10 minutes run out or you become incapable of combat. Defeat the purple monster to open the Challenge Mode portal. The gauge at the bottom shows your current Challenge Level (stage). Your goal is to defeat the monsters and charge up the gauge within the time limit to complete the stage. When the stage is complete, you will see two portals: Step Up and Close. Step Up takes you to the next Challenge Level, and Close ends the Challenge Mode. Complete stage 5 and exit through the Close portal to receive your Challenge Mode rewards and cubes. Q. Can other players enter the portal too? Yes. The portal stays open for 10 minutes and anyone who qualifies can enter it (players whose character is within 30 levels of the Challenge Mode level). The Challenge Mode map behaves like a cutscene quest, so you won’t see non-party member players there when you get in. [Unique Raid] - This a new raid-type dungeon where you can get recipes and materials for Lv 350 Unique equipment. - The dungeon is available to characters of level 330 and above, and it can be accessed through the corresponding tower (First Shelter) in Nobreer Forest. - There is no daily entrance limit, but each entry consumes a set amount of a special material item. Q. What items do I need to get in? To enter the dungeon, you need at least 6 Raid Portal Stones. The Stones are consumed from your inventory after you receive the dungeon’s final rewards, and every entry on the same day costs additional Stones. Raid Portal Stones can be obtained as rewards from the Challenge Mode, and Token users get a discount of 2 Stones on each entry. Q. Can I use vouchers and other dungeon-related items there? No. Instance Clear Vouchers, Multiply Tokens and entrance/reset vouchers do not work on the Unique Raid dungeon. Q. The dungeon didn’t give me any Silver or EXP. The Unique Raid dungeon does not drop Silver or EXP. [Instanced Dungeons] - Each entry is now counted only after you receive the dungeon’s final rewards. - Instanced dungeons now have a completion rate system which determines the amount of rewards you can receive. Q. The entrance to instanced dungeons are gone! The old instanced dungeon entrances were removed. Now you can access all instanced dungeons through the Sentinel Rian NPC located in Klaipeda. Q. How are dungeon entries counted now? Before, each instanced dungeon entry was counted as soon as you entered the dungeon (entering the dungeon = -1 entry). Now, the entry only counts when you receive the dungeon’s final rewards. Dungeon rewards (Silver, cubes) are now delivered all at once when you defeat the final boss monster. If you exit the instanced dungeon before that, you won’t receive any rewards and the entry will not count. Q. Is the amount of Silver received from clearing the dungeon a common reward shared with other party members? No, the amounts of Silver stated as instanced dungeon rewards are the individual amounts each player gets for completing the dungeon. For example, if a party of 5 clears the Lv 300 instanced dungeon with a completion rate of 100%, each party member receives 220,000 Silver. Under this system, there’s no need to solo low-level dungeons to fund your characters, since it’s more effective to clear those closer to your own level in premade or automatched parties. Q. I cleared the dungeon but didn’t receive any EXP. It’s possible that the monsters you defeated were 50 or more levels apart from your own character’s level. You will not receive EXP from them if that’s the case. Q. I think I got too many cubes at once. Is it a bug? No. Instanced dungeons now have a completion rate (displayed in the minimap UI), which you can increase to receive bonus rewards, including extra cubes. The more monsters you defeat, the higher the completion rate and the more rewards you get. Please note that, if you clear an instanced dungeon with a completion rate under 20%, however, the final boss will not drop any Silver. Q. I can’t get any EXP or items from the dungeon! All the rewards, including EXP and cubes, are now delivered to you only after you defeat the final boss monster of the dungeon. Q. I can’t reopen the cubes. Cubes obtained as instanced dungeon rewards (the ones called “[Dungeon Name] Cube”) cannot be reopened. Q. I can’t reincarnate monsters inside the instanced dungeon anymore. Reincarnation skills no longer apply inside instanced dungeons. [Party EXP] - You can now increase your EXP gains according to the number of members in your regular party (this includes field parties). - The former EXP bonus obtained from having 3 or more different class trees represented in the same party no longer applies. Q. What’s different about party EXP bonuses now? There’s no more bonus for having different classes in the party, but the automatch bonus now applies on top of regular EXP rules. - Regular EXP: For parties of 5, it’s the same bonus as before. For parties of 4 or less, the bonus has increased. - Automatch EXP: For parties of 5 and 4, the standard is the same. For parties of 3 and 2, the bonus is lower. [Common Drop Items] Q. Common drop items like Golden Anvils, Instance Clear Vouchers, etc. aren’t dropping like before. Those items can’t be obtained in regular fields or instanced dungeons anymore. Instead, you can now get Golden Anvils, Monster Card Albums (all 4 colors), Blessed Shards and Gems (Lv 1 to 3) from Hunting Grounds. Aside from that, the drop rate of Rare and Unique grade unidentified items has also increased by 2-4 times. [Item Re-identification] - The stats applied to items when they are identified are now random. - If you want to get a different set of stats, you can get your items re-identified at the Blacksmith NPC in Klaipeda or Orsha. Q. If I get my item re-identified, will the new stats be completely different? The total number of stats and the group to which the stats belong will not change. Instead, you can get different stats within the same group. There are four stat groups: Attack, Defense, Utility and Basic Stats. - Attack group: physical attack, additional property damage, magic attack, magic amplification, critical attack, defense type attack, monster type attack. - Defense group: physical defense, magic defense, attack type defense, property resistance, critical resistance. - Utility group: accuracy, block, stamina, HP, SP, HP recovery, SP recovery, critical rate, block penetration, looting chance, evasion. - Basic stats group: STR, DEX, INT, SPR, CON. Q. Can I also re-identify [Faded] items? No. [Faded] items are the (un)identified items from before the update and they cannot be re-identified. Only unidentified items obtained after December 12, 2017 can be re-identified. [Incapable of Combat Penalties] - Becoming incapable of combat no longer consumes Goddess’ Blessed Gems or Monster Cards from your inventory as penalty. Q. How is the penalty different now? You will no longer lose Goddess’ Blessed Gems or Monster Cards when you become incapable of combat in certain fields. This is how much of each item you can lose from your inventory now, according to the star rating of the map:   Map Gems Blessed Shards Silver ★ No loss No loss No loss ★★ 5 (not %) No loss No loss ★★★ 5 (not %) 10% 10%   [Other FAQ] Q. The attribute to increase buff count is gone. There is no more limit to the amount of buffs you can have, so the attribute was removed. Q. I made a mistake on my Companion’s name. Can I change it? Now you can. Open the Companion window (F9) and click the pencil icon to change the name of your Companion. It will consume 9 TP, the same amount charged for changing your character name.    

Developer's Blog
December 13th, 2017
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[UPDATE] New Growth Support World Management and Unification Policy

Greetings, Saviors!   As you may already know, we will be opening New Growth Support Severs for each region on February 11, 2020. The New Growth Support Servers will be in service for a limited period from February 11, 2020, to May 12, 2020, and the following policies will be applied.      Pre-Registration   Pre-Registration will be available after the scheduled maintenance on January 28, 2020, to before the scheduled maintenance on February 11, 2020.    Please visit this link for the details of the Pre-Registration.     Service Period   The New Growth Support Servers will be in service from February 11, 2020, to May 12, 2020, and will be united into the Original Servers.    The names of the New Growth Support Servers for each region are as follow:   New Server Region Original Server Audra North America Klaipeda Daiva Europe Fedimian Sigita Southeast Asia Telsiai Lenja South America Silute   New Growth Support Server Benefits   The purpose of the New Servers is to support the rapid growth of the new Saviors. Thus, the New Server will receive special benefits as follow:   - Basic EXP +300% - Loot Chance +300 - Ichor Extraction Bonus +20% - Enhancement Price -50% - Transcendence Cost -50% - Blessed Shards from the Hunting Ground Mission x10 - Unique Raid Cost fixed to one Unique Raid Portal Stone - [UPDATE] One Special Reward for reaching the max character level per team Item Count Tradability Team Storage EXP Card (Lv.400) 1 X O Class EXP Card Box 1 X O [4ever] 11 ENH 10 TRA Savinose Weapon Selection Box 1 X O [4ever] 11 ENH 10 TRA Savinose Armor Selection Box 5 X O [Event] Character Slot Voucher 3 X X Attribute Reset Potion (14 Days) 1 X O Skill Reset Potion (14 Days) 1 X O Stat Reset Potion (14 Days) 1 X O   Unification Policy   All accounts in the New Growth Support Servers will be affected by the following policy.  All accounts in the Original Servers will NOT affect the following policy.  Every asset not mentioned below will be preserved.    Ranking which will not be carried on Team Battle League Remnants of Bernice Dungeon Adventure Journal Fish Etching Legend Raid Clear Time Record Battle in Sulivanis Lair Clear Time Record Points which will not be carried on Adventure Journal Fishing Chat Logs which will not be carried on Group Chat Party Chat Communities which will not be carried on Party Group [UPDATE] An account will not be carried on if there is no character of level 140 or above [UPDATE] Lodge Mails will not be carried on     FAQ     1. Can I purchase TP in the New Growth Support Servers? - Yes. You can purchase all TP items as same as the Original Servers.    2. Will the guild from the New Growth Support Server preserve? - Yes. The whole guild will be transferred to the Original Server.    3. I read the clear time for the Legend Raids will be gone. What about the titles? - The first kill titles of the New Servers will be preserved.    4. Will the titles from the Team Battle League transferred? - No. The Team Battle League titles are temporary titles which last for a season. It will not be preserved.    5. Will my friend list remain? - Yes. Your friend list will be transferred.    6. What happens to the items that I obtain from the New Growth Support Server? - All items except some event items will be preserved. Any event items that will disappear after the event will have a notification sentence on their tooltips.    7. Will the Adventure Journal be reset? - No. Only your ranking and points will be reset. If you already received the rewards, the rewards and record will be preserved.    8. Will my achievements transferred? - Yes. All of your achievements will be preserved.    9. Will my collections transferred? - Yes. All of your collections will be preserved.    10. What will happen to the monster cards? - They will be preserved.    11. What happens to the items on the market during the unification? - We advise you to retrieve all items from the market before the unification. Any unsold items will be sent to your market cabinet.    12. What about the Blessed Shards from other contents? - Only Blessed Shards from the Hunting Ground Mission are 10 times. Any other Blessed Shards from outside of the Hunting Ground Mission are not affected by the New World Benefit.    ※The FAQ will be updated continuously. 

May 13th, 2020
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[UPDATED/COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for December 26th-27th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for December 26th-27th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
December 30th, 2016
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[CLOSED] Kivotos’ Compass Ep. 1

    Greetings, Saviors! Not long ago, a compass from the Kivotos, Jurate’s sacred ship, ended up on the shores of Igti Coast, where it was found by a follower of the goddess. Hearing of this discovery, a group of pirates from the Corsair Master’s crew stepped in to steal the compass, running away with the sacred object. After this, the Pledge of the Blade mercenaries were sent on a mission to retrieve the Kivotos’ Compass until, suddenly, all contact with them was lost…   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on September 5, 2017 TO the scheduled maintenance on September 26, 2017 Who Can Participate - Characters of all levels How to Participate STEP 1. In the city of Klaipeda, speak to the Pledge of the Blade Investigator NPC to join the mission and help look for the missing mercenaries.         - Participation in the event quest is limited to once per day, per team (resets at midnight). STEP 2. To see which region you need to investigate, type the command /pledge in your chat bar or click the “i” button in the Event popup window. STEP 3. Move to your assigned region and use the /pledge command once again to display the exact location on the map that needs to be investigated. STEP 4. Complete the investigation and return to the Pledge of the Blade NPC to receive your reward. The prizes are different depending on your total count of completed quests (per team), so make sure to check in every day!         - Remember to check whether the reward can be moved via Team Storage or not before accepting it on one of your characters (see Important). Rewards Receive a different prize every day according to your total count of completed quests! 1 quest = Megaphone x10 2 quests = Warp Scroll x10 3 quests = Soul Crystal x10 4 quests = Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x3 5 quests = Hair Dye Box (7 Days) x1 6 quests = Urgent Repair Kit x5 AND Goddess Statue (14 Days) x3 7 quests = Superior Bracelet Box (7 Days) x1 [Drops one of 5 bracelets (7 Days) of your choice.] 8 quests = EXP Tome (14 Days) x2 9 quests = Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x5 10 quests = Mercenary Uniform (Male/Female) x1 11 quests = EXP Tome (14 Days) x5 12 quests = Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days) x5 13 quests = Zemyna Necklace (30 Days) x1 14 quests = Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x10 15 quests = Skill Reset Potion (14 Days) x1 16 quests = Title: Aspiring Pledge of the Blade x1 17 quests = Pengmarine Egg x1 Important - Reward items that cannot be traded and cannot be moved via Team Storage:    1) All rewards with expiration periods (7 Days, 14 Days)    2) Title: Aspiring Pledge of the Blade - Reward items that cannot be traded but can be moved via Team Storage:    1) Megaphone    2) Warp Scroll    3) Soul Crystal    4) Urgent Repair Kit    5) Pengmarine Egg - Reward items that can be traded and can be moved via Team Storage:    1) Mercenary Uniform (Male/Female)

October 11th, 2017
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Introducing Hethran Badges

Greetings, Saviors! We have another new feature coming up that we want to introduce to you today. We will be adding a series of new quests that can only be accessed through a special type of item, the Hethran Badge, found in specific maps. Keep reading for a preview of how you will be able use this new feature, and remember that, as this is expected to arrive only in a future major content update, some details may have been changed by the time we bring it over to iTOS. Q. What are Hethran Badges? Hethran Badges are a type of symbol badges named after a former head of the Kedoran Merchant Alliance, and like most items in TOS, they can be used by right-clicking them from your inventory. Using Hethran Badges gives you access to exclusive quests that you can complete as many times as you want. Q. What level do I need to be to use them? There are two types of Hethran Badges: Lv1 and Lv2. Lv1 Hethran Badges can be used by characters starting at level 260, while Lv2 badges can only be used by characters of level 300 or higher.         Q. How do you use a Hethran Badge? 1) First, move to Klaipeda, Orsha or Fedimian (the badges can only be used in town). 2) Go to the Item tab on your inventory and right-click your Hethran Badge. It will be under the Consumable category. 3) A random quest will begin, depending on the level of the badge you used. Note that you can’t play two Hethran Badge quests of the same level simultaneously. If you’re playing a quest obtained from a Lv1 badge, you will need to complete it in order to get another quest from a different Lv1 badge. You’re allowed to have one Lv1 quest and one Lv2 quest in progress at the same time, however. Also, there is no limit on the number of Hethran Badge quests you can complete in a day, so you are free to use as many badges as you like. ▲ The quest starts automatically after you use a Hethran Badge from your inventory. ▲ The badges can only be used by characters of levels 260/300 or higher and in town. Q. Can the badge quests be played with a party? Yes! Once you use a Hethran Badge, nearby party members will also be able to accept the quest and play together, even if they don’t have a badge themselves. However, if another party member already has one Hethran Badge quest of the same level as yours in progress, your party will not be able to accept your quest. Q. Can Hethran Badges be combined like monster cards or gems? Yes. You can combine two Lv1 Hethran Badges to create one Lv2 Hethran Badge! Q. Where can I get some badges? You can obtain Hethran Badges from a series of maps with recommended levels ranging from 261 to 327. The chances of obtaining a badge vary from map to map, however. Below is the list of maps where you can obtain Hethran Badges, organized by drop rate. On maps with the “highest drop rate”, the chances of obtaining a badge are 4 times higher than the maps with the “lowest drop rate”, so keep this in mind if you’re looking to collect some badges. Highest Drop Rate ♦♦♦♦ - Martuis Storage Room - Tevhrin Stalactite Cave Section 1 - Zima Suecourt - Tevhrin Stalactite Cave Section 2 - Phamer Forest - Tevhrin Stalactite Cave Section 5 - City Wall District 8 - Mollogheo Forest - Inner Wall District 8 - Ghibulinas Forest High Drop Rate ♦♦♦ - Emmet Forest - Syla Forest - Pystis Forest - Kule Center - Nobreer Forest - Yudejan Forest - Tevhrin Stalactite Cave Section 3 - Nheto Forest - Khonot Forest - Taniel I Memorial Low Drop Rate ♦♦ - Lake Rasvoy - Tevhrin Stalactite Cave Section 4 - Alembique Cave - Inner Wall District 9 - Salvia Forest - Arcus Forest - Jonael Memorial - Lhadar Forest - Khamadon Forest - Mishekan Forest Lowest Drop Rate ♦ - Timerys Temple - Workshop - Outer Wall District 9 - Jeromel Park - Solitary Cells - Maven Abbey - Sekta Forest - Storage - Investigation Room - Oath Memorial Site

Developer's Blog
February 3rd, 2017
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[UPDATE] Costume Collection Event

Greetings saviors!   Complete the Collection by collecting various costumes and increase the stats!     Period     From the scheduled maintenance on November 17, 2020 To until the further notice     Who can Participate   - All saviors     How to Participate   STEP 1. Go to Magic Association and buy [Costume Collection] and [Costume Voucher] via Contents Point Shop.   STEP 2. Use [Costume Collection] to add it to the Collection. (F11)   STEP 3. You can add costumes to the [Costume Collection] by using [Costume Voucher].   STEP 4. Get effects by completing the [Costume Collection]!    STEP 5. Right-click on the costume registered in the Costume Collection to get the costume. (once per character).     Sales Schedule    Schedule Item Effect  Points November 17, 2020 ~ Scheduled Maintenance on February 9, 2021 Collection: Honored Rose Theme - Honored Rose Crimson Suit (Male) -Honored Rose Crimson Dress (Female) - Honored Rose Purple Suit (Male) - Honored Rose Purple Dress (Female) - Honored Rose Blue Suit (Male) - Honored Rose Blue Dress (Female) Increase every Stats by 15 Collection: 3000pt Costume: 10,000pt Collection: Masquerade Theme - Masquerade Phantom of Music Costume (Male) - Masquerade White Swan Costume (Female) - Masquerade Weeping Frankenstein Costume (Male) - Masquerade Weeping Ghost Costume (Female) - Masquerade Simple Tux Costume (Male) - Masquerade Simple Tutu Costume (Female) Increase every Stats by 15 December 15, 2020 ~ Scheduled Maintenance on March 9, 2021 Collection: Littleberk/Maru Theme - Littleberk Happy Daily Wear Costume (Male) - Maru Happy Daily Wear Costume (Female) - Littleberk Simple Battle Uniform (Male) - Maru Simple Battle Uniform (Female) - Littleberk Exhausted Daily Wear Costume (Male) - Maru Exhausted Daily Wear Costume (Female) Increase every Stats by 15  February 2, 2021 ~ Scheduled Maintenance on April 13 Collection: Evening Star Theme - Evening Star Altair Costume (Male) Voucher - Evening Star Vega Costume (Female) Voucher - Evening Star Comet Costume (Male) Voucher - Evening Star Comet Costume (Female) Voucher - Evening Star Deneb Costume (Male) Voucher - Evening Star Deneb Costume (Female) Voucher Increase Critical Rate, Block Penetration, Accuracy by 40  March 9, 2021 ~ Scheduled Maintenance on June 8, 2021 Collection: Ice Cold Theme - Ice Cold Green Jumper Costume (Male) Voucher - Ice Cold Green Jumper Costume (Female) - Ice Cold Cozy Bubble Jacket Costume (Male) Voucher - Ice Cold Cozy Bubble Jacket Costume (Female) Voucher - Ice Cold Black Jumper Costume (Male) Voucher - Ice Cold Black Jumper Costume (Female) Voucher Increase Critical Rate, Block Penetration, Accuracy by 40 April 6, 2021 ~ Scheduled Maintenance on July 6, 2021 Collection: Task Unit Theme - Task Unit Alpha Operator Costume (Male) Voucher - Task Unit Alpha Operator Costume (Female) Voucher - Task Unit Omega Troop Costume (Male) Voucher - Task Unit Omega Troop Costume (Female) Voucher - Task Unit Omega Operator Costume (Male) Voucher - Task Unit Omega Operator Costume (Female) Voucher Increase Critical Resistance, Accuracy, Block by 40 May 4, 2021 ~  Scheduled Maintenance on August 3, 2021 Collection: Rosy Floret Theme - Rosy Floret Violet Blossom Costume (Male) Voucher - Rosy Floret Violet Blossom Costume (Female) Voucher - Rosy Floret Punch Blossom Costume (Male) Voucher - Rosy Floret Punch Blossom Costume (Female) Voucher - Rosy Floret Late-Spring Flower Costume (Male) Voucher - Rosy Floret Late-Spring Flower Costume (Female) Voucher Increase Critical Resistance, Evasion, Block by 40     Season Off Sales Schedule    Schedule Item Effect  Points February 9, 2021 ~ further notice Collection: Honored Rose Theme - Honored Rose Crimson Suit (Male) -Honored Rose Crimson Dress (Female) - Honored Rose Purple Suit (Male) - Honored Rose Purple Dress (Female) - Honored Rose Blue Suit (Male) - Honored Rose Blue Dress (Female) Increase every Stats by 15 Collection: 3600pt Costume: 12,000pt Collection: Masquerade Theme - Masquerade Phantom of Music Costume (Male) - Masquerade White Swan Costume (Female) - Masquerade Weeping Frankenstein Costume (Male) - Masquerade Weeping Ghost Costume (Female) - Masquerade Simple Tux Costume (Male) - Masquerade Simple Tutu Costume (Female) Increase every Stats by 15 March 9, 2021 ~ further notice Collection: Littleberk/Maru Theme - Littleberk Happy Daily Wear Costume (Male) - Maru Happy Daily Wear Costume (Female) - Littleberk Simple Battle Uniform (Male) - Maru Simple Battle Uniform (Female) - Littleberk Exhausted Daily Wear Costume (Male) - Maru Exhausted Daily Wear Costume (Female) Increase every Stats by 15 April 13, 2021 ~ further notice Collection: Evening Star Theme - Evening Star Altair Costume (Male) Voucher - Evening Star Vega Costume (Female) Voucher - Evening Star Comet Costume (Male) Voucher - Evening Star Comet Costume (Female) Voucher - Evening Star Deneb Costume (Male) Voucher - Evening Star Deneb Costume (Female) Voucher Increase Critical Rate, Block Penetration, Accuracy by 40 June 8, 2021 ~ further notice Collection: Ice Cold Theme - Ice Cold Green Jumper Costume (Male) Voucher - Ice Cold Green Jumper Costume (Female) - Ice Cold Cozy Bubble Jacket Costume (Male) Voucher - Ice Cold Cozy Bubble Jacket Costume (Female) Voucher - Ice Cold Black Jumper Costume (Male) Voucher - Ice Cold Black Jumper Costume (Female) Voucher Increase Critical Rate, Block Penetration, Accuracy by 40 July 6, 2021 ~ further notice Collection: Task Unit Theme - Task Unit Alpha Operator Costume (Male) Voucher - Task Unit Alpha Operator Costume (Female) Voucher - Task Unit Omega Troop Costume (Male) Voucher - Task Unit Omega Troop Costume (Female) Voucher - Task Unit Omega Operator Costume (Male) Voucher - Task Unit Omega Operator Costume (Female) Voucher Increase Critical Resistance, Accuracy, Block by 40 August 3, 2021 ~ further notice Collection: Rosy Floret Theme - Rosy Floret Violet Blossom Costume (Male) Voucher - Rosy Floret Violet Blossom Costume (Female) Voucher - Rosy Floret Punch Blossom Costume (Male) Voucher - Rosy Floret Punch Blossom Costume (Female) Voucher - Rosy Floret Late-Spring Flower Costume (Male) Voucher - Rosy Floret Late-Spring Flower Costume (Female) Voucher Increase Critical Resistance, Evasion, Block by 40     Important - Costume Collection and Costume Voucher can be purchased only once per team, and every trade is unavailable but moving to Team Storage. - Both purchased and registered Costume Collection, Costume Voucher can not be restored. - Costume can be obtained by right-clicking the costume registered in the Collection (Once per character), and the costumes can be moved to the Team Storage. (Unavailable to trade.) - Collections and Vouchers that have passed the regular sales schedule will be resold for a certain period of time at the [Season Off Content Point Store], which will be added later. (The cost will be increased.) - The effect of Completing Costume Collection can be stacked. (Ex. when completing Collection: Masquerade Theme and Collection: Honored Rose Theme: Increases every stats by 30.) - Contents Points can be purchased via exchanging particular items in the Content Point Shop. (Please refer to the patch note of November 17)   ※Contents described in this posting may be added, deleted, or changed due to updates.

August 2nd, 2021
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[UPDATE] NEW! Invite a Friend

  Greetings, Saviors! Team up with a rookie and win new rewards for every character level milestone they achieve, plus powerful boosting buffs every day!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on August 21, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on September 18, 2018 Who Can Participate - Teams created one month or more prior to the start of the event with at least one character of level 300 and above (inviting/active player). - Teams created after the start of the event (invited/new player). How to Participate STEP 1. Find a friend in your server region who is looking to join TOS and go the page linked HERE to create a code for them. Simply follow the instructions on the page and save your generated code. STEP 2. Hand the code to your friend (privately, otherwise anyone will be able to use the code). You can use the e-mail option on the event code page or deliver the code to them personally. Make sure your friend looks for the e-mail in their spam folder as well, as it could be there. STEP 3. Your friend will need to be logged in to our website and verify their Steam account for the code to be accepted. To verify your Steam account, you can login to treeofsavior.com with your Facebook or Google ID, then access your account settings (click the icon next to the LOG OUT button). STEP 4. Ask your friend to access the page linked HERE and enter the code you created. Remember that both you and your friend must play on the same server, or you won’t be able to receive the rewards. STEP 5. Login to Tree of Savior together to receive your rewards! Here’s what you’re going to get. [Updated] Your friend must have created a Team in-game BEFORE using the code or else the code cannot be used! Login Buff Automatically receive a 24-hour buff every time you log in with your friend! - Note: Once activated, the buffs will continue to count down even if you are not logged in. Rookie Savior Buff (new player) - EXP +100% - Blue visual effect - Movement speed +3 - Increased max. HP - AoE attack ratio +2 - HP, SP and Stamina recovery Savior Buff (active player) - EXP +100% - Red visual effect - Movement speed +3 - HP, SP and Stamina recovery - Looting Chance +100 Level Rewards Get different sets of rewards whenever the rookie player’s character reaches new level milestones! - Note: These rewards can be retrieved at the Event Helper NPC near the Event Notice Board in the city of Klaipeda, but you and your friend must both be logged in.   Character Lv (New Player)   Rewards for the NEW PLAYER   Rewards for the ACTIVE PLAYER   Lv 50 Token: 15 Days [Event] x1 Miracle Seeds (14 Days) x10 Goddess Sculpture (14 Days) x10 Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher: 14 Days x10 Warp Scroll (14 Days) x10   Token: 15 Days [Event] x1 Lv 120 Attribute Points: 1000 x2 X8 EXP Tome (14 Days) x1 Attribute Points: 1000 x2 Premium Awakening Stone (14 Days) x4   Lv 180 Attribute Points: 1000 x4 [Event] Unlock Voucher Selection Box x1   Attribute Points: 1000 x4 [Event] Unlock Voucher Selection Boxx1   Lv 230 Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days) x10  X8 EXP Tome (14 Days) x1 Challenge Portal Scroll (14 Days)x10  Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher (14 Days) x10   Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x4  Enhancement Coupon: 100,000 Silver x4 Lv 270  Attribute Points: 1000 x6    Attribute Points: 1000 x6   Lv 300 Pengmarine Egg x1  X8 EXP Tome (14 Days) x1   Pengmarine Egg x1 Silver Anvil (14 Days) x2   Lv 330 Attribute Points: 1000 x8   Attribute Points: 1000 x8   Lv 350 [Event] Lv 350 Enhanced/Transcended Weapon Selection Box x1  X8 EXP Tome (14 Days) x2 Title - I’m With Friends x1   [Event] Lv 350 Enhanced/Transcended Weapon Selection Box x1  Golden Anvil (14 Days) x2  Title - I’m With Friends x1   Important - Players can only invite/be invited to the event once per team/account. - Once activated, daily buffs will remain active for 24 hours even if the other player is offline. - If you are both online and the buffs expire, you can login again to reapply them. - Level rewards are counted based on the highest-level character in the team of the invited (new) player within the event period. Each player will only receive the rewards corresponding to their role in the event (new/invited or active/inviting player). - Each set of level rewards can be received only once per team. - Unlock Vouchers and Weapon Selection Boxes obtained from this event will be automatically deleted at the end of the event period. Weapons obtained from the boxes will not be deleted, but they will remain character-bound and untradeable. - Items with time limits (“14 Days”) cannot be traded with other players or transferred via Team Storage.

August 21st, 2018
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[COMPLETE] Temporary Maintenance Notice

UPDATE :  The servers are back up and you should be able to access all worlds again. Issues Fixed: - Players are no longer able to join guilds without being invited. Greetings, Saviors. We will soon be performing a short maintenance on our servers in order to improve overall world stability. The maintenance period will start at the following time: [EDT] 07:30 AM, May 17, 2016 This maintenance is expected to last approximately 40 minutes. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 17th, 2016