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Introducing Rank 8 – Cleric

Greetings, Tree of Savior dev team here. As you can guess, we’re continuing our introduction of the new Rank 8 classes, and today we’re covering the Cleric tree.                                                                               Druid (Circle 3) There are many changes in the final form of the nature loving Circle 3 Druids. Players will be able to control numerous monsters at once thanks to the crowd control attribute that will be added to the "Telepathy" skill. (Please note that this attribute cannot be used during PVP) The newly added “Henge Stone” increases the level of all cleric Magic Circles and deployed equipment by 1. It also increases all statistics of Druids while they are transformed. The Druid will be able to transform into a werewolf by using the “Lycanthropy” skill. Druids will be able to jump and dash when transformed as a werewolf and will also be able to use speedy skills that normal Boss Monster werewolves do not have.   Oracle (Circle 3) The Circle 3 Oracle is the final form of the Cleric that intervenes with Fate.   Circle 3 Oracles will be able to change the gender of other players by using the “Switch Gender” skill. Oracles will be able to use this skill in the form of a shop in cities to wait and switch the genders of other players.   The new “Fortell” skill will randomly pick players on the magic circle and grant them temporary invincibility status. This magic circle keeps moving in a set direction, so players will have to keep following it’s movement in order to sustain the effects.   The "Twist of Fate" skill decreases up to 40% of the enemy’s health at once but will restore twice that much health for 30 seconds. It will have to be used strategically since it has the possibility to harm your party more than it helps. This skill will be applicable to all Boss Monsters excluding Field Boss Monsters but will not be counted towards Boss Monster Kill Contribution.    Plague Doctor (Circle 2) The main characteristics of a Circle 2 Plague Doctor that alters the status of players are as follows.   The "Incineration" skill will have a new contagion attribute which will spread all the debuffs from any monsters defeated by Incineration to nearby monsters.   The new "Disenchant " skill will nullify all of the buffs on an enemy. Players will be able to add an attribute that will nullify some effects of items making it extremely useful during PvP.   The new “Plague Vapors” skill which deals powerful damage over time receives additional bonus damage when used with the Incineration skill so it will be usable when combating multiple foes. Kabalist (Circle 2) As a Cleric that uses Kabala magic, the Circle 2 Kabalist has strengthened defensive skills.   The "Merkabah" skill will receive a new “Blessing” attribute which will increase the defense and add Divine Property damage to nearby allies. It will also receive an attribute that will reduce the movement speed of enemies allowing it to become a tank in party play.   The “Ghematria” and “Notricon” skills that change the enemy’s name to numbers will receive attributes to increase calculation speeds. The newly added “Multiple Hit Chance" skill will allow Kabalists to hit enemies as many times as marked above the enemy’s head which will allow Kabalists to show great combat prowess depending on enemy types.   Players will be able to copy monsters at random with the "Duplicate" skill. However, copied monsters cannot be re-copied and will drop silver and items just like the original monster but will not give you more experience points.  Inquisitor (Circle 1) The Inquisitor class which first appears at rank 8 is especially useful when dealing with magic users.   The “God Smash” skill will receive bonus damage when using blunt weapons and according to the enemy’s magical attack.   The “Inquisition" skill will make the user player temporarily receive additional damage equal to the caster’s magic damage, and will cast a Lv. 3 debuff that reduces the INT and SPR stats as well.   The "Pear of Anguish" deployed on the ground will only deal a little damage to enemies that step on it but will fly up to and attack any enemies that use magic in close proximity. This attack will deal 3 times more damage to when simply stepped on.   The "Breaking Wheel" will summon a wagon wheel shape that will attack any nearby enemies.   The Wheel will spread damage to enemies within range while it is spinning making it a good partner to any Swordsman type classes.    Taoist (Circle 1) The Taoist first appears at Rank 8 and utilizes charms to form a unique fighting style. Different types of Charms can be used and deployed on the ground, where they will be activated once allies or enemies come near.     Using the “Begone Demon” skill can be used to activate all the Charms from afar at once.   The "Shadow Walk" skill will make all the nearby allies temporarily invisible.   The "Storm Calling " will call thunder and rain on the spot where the Charm was. Players will be able to amplify the damage of electric property skills in the area such as the "Zaibas" skill. The "Tri-disaster Charm" will increase the resistance of nearby allies against fire, ice and electric property attacks.   ▲ The Creeping Death Charm arriving extremely late. 3 Charms are on top of each other   The "Creeping Death Charm" moves slowly after being thrown and will damage any enemies that get in the way. It deals damage as long as it is touching the enemy but moves very slowly making it ideal for use against slow or stationary enemies. We are looking forward to seeing how the players utilize it as it can be used in a variety of ways including forcing enemies into tight corners or kiting depending on the individual player’s control.

Developer's Blog
August 5th, 2016
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The ‘Scavenge Challenge’ is coming!

Greetings Saviors! We are pleased to announce that our first event, the ‘Scavenge Challenge’, will soon be upon us! As you may have guessed from taking a look at the name of the event, it will be a sort of scavenger hunt that will have you hunting across the world. The details can be checked at the event page as well as from a summary of the details down below. [Details] 1. Event Period - From : Scheduled Maintenance on July 19th 2016 - Until : Scheduled Maintenance on August 2nd 2016 2. How to Participate - Receive a daily mission from the event notice board located at either Klaipeda or Orsha. - Go to the location of the treasure chest after reading the quest details. - Obtain contents from the treasure box if you can find it. The reward will change depending on how many times you have completed the quests. 3. Reward Reward #1 – Settlement Support Potion x 1 Reward #2 – EXP Tome x 1 Reward #3 – Settlement Support Potion x 1 + EXP Tome x 1 + Special Reward Reward #4 – Settlement Support Potion x 2 Reward #5 – EXP Tome x 2 Reward #6 – Settlement Support Potion x 2 + EXP Tome x 2 + Special Reward Reward #7 – Settlement Support Potion x 3 Reward #8 – EXP Tome x 3 Reward #9 – Enchant Scroll x 5 + Special Reward Reward #10 – Settlement Support Potion x 4 Reward #11 – EXP Tome x 4 Reward #12 – Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x 1 + Special Reward Reward #13 – Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x 2 + Special Reward Reward #14 – Title : ‘Shady Geologist’ + Special Reward 4. Important - Any Items obtained as rewards are not tradable. - The quests may only be received and completed 1 time per day. - You can complete up to 14 quests in total during the event. - You will be able to receive a new quest after EDT 06:00 a.m.

July 19th, 2016
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Scheduled Maintenance for July 27-28, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (July  27, 2020). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
July 31st, 2020
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[Completed] EU and SEA Server Relocation Notice

Greetings, Saviors! We're now preparing to relocate Fedimian (EU server) and Telsiai (SEA server) to their corresponding regions and would like to announce the relocation schedule. Please refer to the following link for more information. https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/request-to-transfer-to-the-sa-server-open/217324 Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 28th, 2016
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Changes regarding trading restrictions, bot policy

Greetings, Saviors! We’ve been listening to your recent feedback regarding trading restrictions and bot presence in Tree of Savior, and would like to announce some changes we’ll be making to improve your in-game experience. 1) Less Trade Restrictions As mentioned in previous announcements, the trade restrictions were implemented to address RMT issues. However, based on your feedback, we have determined that it may feel a bit too high-handed.  As such we have decided to implement new measures to reduce the inconvenience of trading restrictions on non-Token users in order to reduce trading restrictions on regular users. We are planning on allowing Non-Token users to partake in 1:1 trading. However, we are not yet certain how we will implement this new system. More details will be released as soon as they have been decided upon. The changes are intended to remove restrictions to players who may not be Token users but wish to help out or give class restricted items to other players. We also hope this will dissuade bots from collecting items through farming.   2) Bot Report Function We wish to continuously strive towards reducing the bot problem and provide better gaming experiences for normal players. As such, we are working on implementing the much requested bot report function. Not only that but we’re also developing and testing a system to detect bots faster.  Through the reporting system, you will not only able to select and report suspected bots, but you will also be able to report items in the market suspected of being part of RMT (e.g. low-value items sold at unusually high prices). Through this system, GMs will be able to catch more bots by prioritizing and reviewing cases reported by users. However, we know that this system can be misused or even abused and are in the process of polishing rules to regulate the system. We wish to provide merits to those who accurately report bots, and penalize those who misuse the system to report innocent users. This will most likely be a constantly updated set of rules since there will always be different cases. As always, we thank you for your continued support, understanding, and enthusiasm for Tree of Savior.   Sincerely, IMC Staff

Developer's Blog
April 14th, 2016
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Recent Client Optimization Measures

Greetings, Saviors! Today on the blog we’re talking about our game client. Many of you have long been noticing that, when user numbers go up or during busy battle scenarios, the client’s response time tends to drop rather low. And in fact, while the game’s graphic engine is able to portray images with its distinctive unique 2d-like feel, it was suffering from a lot of performance-related problems. So, in this post, we want to notify the information about how much we improved in the new patch. The biggest issue with the current engine was the high number of draw call. Every time this number reached a certain level, the CPU would become overworked while the performance of GPU was underutilized. One of the main reasons behind this high number of draw calls was the abundance of particle effects. Whenever an enemy dies, or a character on screen attacks, and even when doing nothing, a large number of particle effects is required to render all the small objects moving in the background.   - Particle Effect Batching   In order to reduce the number of draw calls, we need to group together particles of the same type to create draw call batches. The problem is that most particles used are semi-transparent, so without depth sorting, they won’t be rendered the way we intend. The current engine prioritizes rendering accuracy, so particle effects of all types were mixed together, making batching impossible and increasing the number of draw calls. We considered, in this case, that improving the client’s performance was a more urgent matter and decided to slightly compromise the visual accuracy of the game in favor of allowing more batching. We’re also applying other measures to improve performance and reduce draw calls, such as exploiting multiple render targets, shadow processing optimization and character instancing.   - Multiple Render Target   - Shadow Processing Optimization and Character Instancing   - We tested versions with and without the optimization measures applied and compared the results.   - Chart Showing FPS (Frame Per Second) and MS (Millisecond per frame) Figures by time The top of the graph shows FPS variation (the higher, the better), while the bottom represents MS figures (where lower is better). With all the optimization measures applied, we witnessed an increase of approximately 2.5 times in minimum FPS. We were able to see that the gaming environment was improved greatly by the fact that by raising the minimum FPS allowed the game to maintain at least 60 FPS on the testing specifications. Note that these results were obtained in a testing environment and can differ depending on each user's PC specifications. However, the inconvenience caused by these problems is expected to reduce significantly in most situations. Besides of these issues, there are still some problems need to be optimized such as CPU multicore utilization and Graphics data-side optimizations. These measures are part of all efforts to continue providing a better environment to TOS players. Thank you.  

Developer's Blog
May 30th, 2016
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Scheduled Maintenance for April 24, 2018

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (April 24, 2018). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
April 30th, 2018
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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for August 23-24, 2021 - New Content

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (August 23-24, 2021). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
November 1st, 2021
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Announcement on Server Names

Greetings, Saviors. We're glad to tell you the final server names using the real town of Tree of Savior. Server names :  Klaipeda and Orsha Both servers will be opened at the same time. Hope it would be helpful to enjoy Tree of Savior with your friends. We would like to remind you again to check the 'Terms of Service,' 'Privacy Policy,' and the 'EULA' if you haven't done so already. We wouldn't have an enjoyable and flourishing community without your help! Hope to see you start your adventures soon! Best regards, IMC Staff

March 28th, 2016