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Re:Build - Rank System Changes Pt. 1

Table of Contents   1. Rank System Changes Pt. 1 2. Rank System Changes Pt. 2 (Click here) 3. New Content: Borutas Kapas & Astral Tower Closed Quarters (Click here) 4. FAQ (Click here) 5. Compatibility Issues & Solutions (Click here) 6. FAQ 2 (Click here)     Greetings, Saviors! Today we would like to continue our dev blog series on the upcoming [Re:Build] update! Here, we will be overviewing the changes made to the game’s rank and stat systems. As there is a lot of content to cover, we are breaking this post down into two parts, the second of which you can read here (click to go to the post).   <A player hunting monsters using the new Pyromancer and Warlock skills.> The New Class Advancement System <New class advancement UI.> The current rank system allows players to pick their classes, each subdivided into three circles, and advance their character in rank by 9 times, reaching the maximum of Rank 10. The new class advancement system allows each character to advance their class three times, but each advancement is equal to reaching Circle 3 of the chosen class on the current rank system. Classes that only have Circle 1 skills (i.e. Shinobi, Rune Caster, Chaplain, Miko, Appraiser and Nak Muay) will have their skill sets expanded with the [Re:Build] update. In [Re:Build], players are able to choose a total of 4 different classes similar to how they can currently pick one base class and three different Circle 3 classes (total of 10 ranks). As much as it will be difficult for players to become a jack-of-all-trades with the new advancement system, our ultimate goal is to reinforce the strengths and weaknesses unique to each class/build, as well as to enhance party interaction and create synergies between the different builds available in the game. To adhere to the lore of the game, hidden classes can be chosen starting from the character’s second class advancement. This is because the unlocking of hidden classes is closely related to the lore of the game. Hidden class quests require the player to be somewhat knowledgeable about the game world, and Class Masters and quest locations are located in mid- to high-level areas. Class Level Maximum class level will be expanded to 45, as one class advancement is equal to advancing 3 Circles in [Re:Build]. However, the maximum class level for base classes such as Swordsman and Wizard will remain at 15, with part of their their current skills either transferred to a different class or removed from the game. Class Change System <Points can be earned for Class Change by completing in-game tasks, as shown above.> Similar to [Rank Reset], a [Class Change] system will be implemented into the game to alleviate some of the difficulties that players may experience in creating their unique character build. Players can earn up to 1,000 points per week and save up to 3,000 points in total by completing various tasks in-game. These points can be consumed for a single Class Change, which costs 1,000 points. Upon Class Change, the players’ class attribute points are reset to be spent again on the new class of choice. Existing Rank Reset Vouchers are repurposed as Class Change Vouchers that give players points for class change when used. Rank 8 Class Prerequisites Removed <Rank 8 classes that will no longer have prerequisites for advancement.> Prerequisites for advancement into Rank 8 classes will be removed, while hidden classes (i.e. Shinobi, Rune Caster, Miko, Appraiser, Nak Muay) will continue to require an unlocking process just as before, with the exception of the Chaplain class, which is no longer a hidden class. All characters that have already unlocked Rank 8 classes prior to the update will earn a title for each of the Rank 8 classes that have been unlocked. Even after the [Re:Build] update, players can still earn the Rank 8 titles by completing the corresponding class quests. Rank Reset for All Characters With [Re:Build], all rank advancements are reset and characters are returned to their base classes. Attribute points are refunded to the player to spend again, and class EXP is also returned to the player as new EXP Cards that correspond to the newly updated system. Characters that have already used Rank Reset Vouchers prior to the [Re:Build] update are also issued new EXP Cards of equal value. The ranks of Templar characters are also reset, as the system will allow for any Templar to reset their ranks, regardless of Guild Master status.   New Class Tree and Class Reassignment Class Tree Reassignment The [Re:Build] update reassigns the classes from their original class trees in order to reestablish and further solidify the key characteristics that define each class tree. Including the newly introduced Scout class tree, there are 5 class trees in total. The changes in class tree composition have been made with factors such as the type of weapon used by each class and the class’ ability to mount in mind, and with the goal of maximizing the compatibility between the different classes within a single class tree, as well as the synergy between the different players within a single party. <Names in blue are classes that have been assigned to a new class tree.> The Swordsman tree consists of classes that utilize bladed melee weapons such as swords, spears and rapiers, as well as classes that are able to combat while mounted on a Companion. Hackapells originally belonged to the Archer tree due to the historical records that they used both swords and bows. The decision to move this class to the Swordsman tree was made because one-handed swords have become the natural weapon of choice for Hackapell players. The Hackapell class was moved to the Swordsman tree to maintain the overall consistency of the Archer tree at the cost of historical accuracy. Also, to fit in better with the Swordsman tree, Hackapells become able to equip one-handed swords as their main weapon, and equip daggers and shields in the subweapon slot. The Wizard tree includes all DPS-focused magic users, summoners and support classes that have spell-related buffs. The grouping was made with the focus on how different attack spells available within the tree can be combined for maximum synergy, and also on whether a candidate class’ skill set consists of offensive, defensive and self-targeting buffs. Following these guidelines, the summon-focused Bokor class and the DPS-focused Taoist classes are being moved to the Wizard tree along with some skill adjustments. Archer tree classes specialize in ranged attacks and wield bows and crossbows as their main weapons. Cannons are now two-handed weapons and their attack value is being increased to reflect this change. See the ‘Items’ section in part 2 of this post for more details on cannon changes. Also, we have a new class that uses muskets and cannons as main weapons planned for reveal in the first half of 2019. Cleric tree classes specialize in blunt weapons but, like the Wizard tree, they are not heavily restricted by weapon type. As the tree includes many different classes that play the roles of physical and magic DPS, healer and support, the classes within this tree are unified by the theme of being either healers or devotees of different religions within the game world. New Class Tree: Scout The new Scout tree will include classes from other trees, as well as two brand new classes (Assassin and Outlaw). The classes in the Scout tree are grouped by their main weapons of choice, which are daggers and pistols, and also by the availability of support spells that affect the player’s party as a whole. The key characteristics of support classes within the Scout tree is that they have no affiliation with religion or healing. Hence, the Linker and Thaumaturge classes have been moved to the Scout tree, as their skill set is optimized for party support. Newly introduced classes that major in support roles will be added to either the Cleric or Scout trees in the future. Another key feature of the Scout class tree is their focus on attack speed. They will be optimized for offensive roles with skills that have shorter animation and casting time in comparison to classes of the other trees. The Bullet Marker and Schwarzer Reiter classes have been moved to the Scout tree because of their focus on normal attacks, and the Enchanter is also transferred over from the Wizard tree because of its DEX-focused build. Scout tree classes wield one-handed swords as their main weapon, but most of their skills make use of the daggers and pistols equipped in their subweapon slot. As is tradition, the name given to each tree is identical to that of the tree’s base class. In the case of the new tree, the Scout class was chosen to become the base class with the compatibility with the other classes within the tree in mind. The base class for the Scout tree needed to be compatible with daggers, pistols and support spells. At first, the Rogue class was considered as the candidate for this tree’s base class, but it was ultimately abandoned because of the fact that the Rogue class’ skills are based almost exclusively on daggers. As the Scout class did not specialize on any specific weapon and had many skills that were in need of a rework, it was a better choice overall to be elected as the new tree’s base class. [Re:Build] reworks the Weapon Swap attribute in order to increase compatibility between the skills that utilize different types of weapons within a single class tree. The Weapon Swap attribute, formerly obtainable in the player’s second rank, will now be a default feature for all characters. Weapons will be swapped automatically upon using two different skills that require different weapons when the two skills are used consecutively, as long as the alternative weapon is registered for Weapon Swap. With the aforementioned changes, many classes that were formerly neglected will find a place in many players’ builds. The Taoist, as an example, was a class typical of this problem and was not fit to be neither a dealer nor a supporter, being used only as a support class in conjunction with the Krivis class skill, Zaibas. The [Re:Build] update moves the Taoist class into the Wizard tree and introduces new Lightning spells for the Taoist so as to repurpose it as a DPS class. <The Taoist’s Storm Calling skill can be used to maximize the efficiency of Electrocute.> Players will be able to use Quick Cast to overcome long casting times and also make use of Upper Level to reinforce tiled offensive skills such as Flame Ground or Toyou. These are just some of the examples of enhanced class compatibility that can be found in the Wizard tree with the [Re:Build] update. <Players can use Upper Level to reach flying enemies with tile-based skills like Flame Ground.> The skills of classes that have not changed trees, for example the Hunter, have been adjusted to improve the various aspects of the class. More details on classes and their skills will be revealed through the official patch notes. Class Stat Specialization   Swordman Max HP Max SP Phys DEF Mag DEF Block HP Recovery   100% 60% 300% 300% 150% 120%   Wizard Max HP Max SP Block Penetration SP Recovery       65% 100% 150% 120%       Archer Max HP Max SP Accuracy Move Speed       70% 70% 150% 110%       Cleric Max HP Max SP Phys DEF Mag DEF Critical RES HP Recovery SP Recovery 80% 80% 150% 150% 150% 120% 120% Scout Max HP Max SP Dodge Critical Rate ATK Speed     75% 60% 150% 150% 110%       Each class tree will have specialized stats, and these stats will increase in proportion to the class tree stat specialization. With specialized stats, classes with similar skill sets will be played differently in combat and require different equipment settings. Apart from the stat differences as shown above, class trees will differ considerably in terms of skill AoE ratio, range and overheat rates. Along with specialized stats for different class trees, different classes within a tree will also affect character stat growth, which will be explained further in detail in the second part of this announcement. Class Tree Change <Players can change their character class tree with the help from the Class Tree Helper NPC.> We are providing a temporary Class Tree Change for all players in order to give the players the chance to experiment in the event that their favorite class has been removed from the player’s current class tree. More information about the Class Tree Change will be detailed in a future announcement. Templar <New Templar costume.> All guild-related functions are removed from the Templar class. Guild Masters will no longer be required to have a Templar character in order to gain access to guild functions. Templars’ skill set is also reworked so that their role becomes more GvG-focused.   Skills With the new horizontally-structured class system in [Re:Build], skill factors are no longer determined by the rank at which the skills are acquired. Skill factor standards after the [Re:Build] update are as follows:   Category Skill Factor Class Ranks Removed The skill factors are now independent of the skill’s rank and circle and all skills have consistent skill factors. AoE / Number of Targets Skill factor increases with smaller AoE and lower number of targets. Skill factor decreases with larger AoE and higher number of targets. Singular / Multiple Hits The casting time and the number of hits during casting are adjusted, along with new values that determine how the number of hits changes over skill duration. All skills have a skill factor that fits into a balanced range of DPS. Overheat / Cooldown Time Overheat and skill cooldown factors are reworked. Channeling Spells and Magic Circles Skill factors will be influenced by aspects such as threat levels while casting, difficulty in casting and maintaining the spell, the duration in which the player is inactive after the spell is cast, etc. Others If the skill has crowd control functions, its skill factor will be deduced. Item consumption will be taken into account on determining skill factor. The delay time present before and after casting a skill will also influence the skill factor.   Do keep in mind that there are exceptions influenced by factors such as technical difficulties and continuity of the lore where the above rules either don’t apply or are applied in a different manner.   BEFORE AFTER   The overall damage produced by skills is reduced with these changes in skill factor, but the overall HP of monsters have also been decreased to reflect the changes made to the game’s balance. On the other hand, the difficulty of Saalus Convent and Mercenary Post missions will be increased, while the difficulty of Hunting Grounds is lowered in order to match the changes implemented in the [Re:Build] update. Buff Skills <The Swordsman’s Gung Ho skill changes from a fixed-value damage increase to a percentage-based increase.> Buff skills are being adapted to include new effect factors or ratios. In the current game, fixed-value effects stop many of these skills from performing satisfactorily at later levels, so this change is here to help their buff effects stay relevant even as the character levels up. Skills Being Added/Deleted and Moved With the [Re:Build] update, new skills will be added to reinforce the role and characteristics of the different classes and, in return, others will be deleted from the game due to their incompatibility with the class’ concept or negative influence on game balance. A new skill, ‘Elemental Essence’, is a good example of this change, as it emphasizes the Wizard’s character role as a master of the elements. Some skills will also be moved to a different class, again to fit into the target class’ role and characteristics. Another example would be ‘Quick Cast’, a cast time-reducing skill currently in the Wizard class, which aptly becomes a Chronomancer skill after the update. Quicken, a support skill that affects the caster’s entire party, is moved from the Chronomancer to the (soon-to-be Scout tree) Thaumaturge class skill repertoire. A full list of all the skills affected and how they change will be included in the patch notes corresponding to the [Re:Build] update. Multiple-use Skill Recharges Skills that can be used more than one time will change the way they recharge after cooldown.   BEFORE AFTER +1 use recharged after cooldown All uses recharged after cooldown   In the current game, when a player doesn’t exhaust all the uses of a multiple-use skill, that skill recharges one use at a time after the cooldown. With the [Re:Build] update, all uses of the skill are recharged simultaneously after cooldown, so there is no need to expend them unnecessarily. Party Member-Targeting Skills <Players will target specific party members with the ‘Heal’ skill instead of generating Heal tiles.> Buff skills applied to a single party member become targetable. Buffs like Healing Factor, for example, require the caster to place the skill tile on the ground for the intended party member to use them in the current game. With the new targeting function, Plague Doctors are able to cast Healing Factor on the desired party member directly. This feature also allows you to direct buffs towards yourself and avoid having them “stolen” by fellow players. Attributes Attributes are one of the base systems of TOS combat, one that so far has suffered from excessive costs and enhancement attributes skewed towards dealer classes. We’re setting out to solve this by significantly decreasing attribute costs and correcting the most inconvenient and unfair aspects of this system. Attribute Costs and Buff Enhancements <Graph comparing the accumulated costs of attribute points before and after Re:Build> Overall enhance attribute costs are readjusted to a standard similar to that of current Rank 7 skills. This change means you can raise two enhance attributes to level 100 with the same number of points used to level one Rank 10 enhance attribute to level 100 in the current game setup. Other attributes have reduced in cost as well. The overall attribute points spent per character has been decreased but the attribute points for skills below Rank 7 have been raised also. So, depending on the build, the total attribute cost that you may have required could be higher overall. Besides the cost reductions, one important change is the addition of Enhance attributes to buff skills. Important enhancing attributes will no longer be an exclusive feature of attack skills, becoming useful to support classes as well. With the enhance attributes that are made for buff skills in the Re:Build update, supporters can further increase the effectiveness of their build. Attribute Point Extraction <Attribute point extraction UI. For a given period after the update, all players will be given the one time chance(per character) to extract attribute points without silver costs.> A new feature is introduced that allows you to extract attribute points from one character in the form of scrolls, then pass them onto another character in your team. This function lets you extract attribute points in batches of 1,000, and it comes with an extraction fee (paid in Silver) equivalent to 10% of their original price. If one attribute point costs 1,000 Silver, that means a fee of 100 Silver per point. The items extracted cannot be traded to other players 1:1 or via the Market; they can only be transferred to same-team characters through the Team Storage. Also, you can extract only from your total of unused attribute points, not from points already consumed by attributes. Extracting used attribute points is only possible after changing classes or using other functions that automatically reset attribute points. Armor Mastery Attributes Armor mastery features assigned to characters are undergoing a few significant changes. Same-type equipment effects will trigger whenever a character equips not 3, but 4 items of the same group. Some effects will be altered, and their values will apply based on the effects of the lowest-grade armor item. For example, if 3 of your armor items are Unique and 1 is Rare, your overall armor grade will be Rare. Armor mastery effect changes are as follows.   Armor Type BEFORE AFTER Cloth Magic damage taken -10% Normal Magic damage taken -5% Magic Magic damage taken -7.5% Rare Magic damage taken -10% Unique Magic damage taken -12.5% Legend Magic damage taken -15% Leather Critical rate +50   Accuracy +50 Normal Critical chance +4% Max. critical chance +10% (all grades) Magic Critical chance +8% Rare Critical chance +12% Unique Critical chance +16% Legend Critical chance +20% Plate Physical damage taken -10% Normal Physical damage taken -5% Magic Physical damage taken -7.5% Rare Physical damage taken -10% Unique Physical damage taken -12.5% Legend Physical damage taken -15%   As you can see, Cloth and Plate armor effects remain the same, but apply in different degrees according to item grade. Leather effects, on the other hand, are adjusted to fit into the new critical formulas and add +10% to maximum critical chance limits, increasing the 50% threshold to 60%. Critical chance here corresponds to the actual ratio applied when the character attacks. If you have a 30% chance of critical, for example, that percentage is increased by 20% with Legend-grade armor, becoming 36%. After the [Re:Build] patch, we plan to introduce new class-specific types of armor mastery, including effects that are relevant to the characteristics of each class. Each type of armor will continue to be compatible with different class trees, namely Plate for Swordsmen, Cloth for Wizards, Leather for Archers and Scouts, and Cloth/Plate for Clerics.   ※ Note that the above content is still under development and may be subject to changes before it is finally applied to the game. Head on over to part 2 of this blog post, where we discuss even more details of the [Re:Build] update (click here)!

Developer's Blog
November 26th, 2018
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The 4ever Update: Detailed

  Greetings, Saviors!   We'd love to introduce our 4ever update in detail. Today's post will cover this large-scale update from A to Z.   Content   1. Equipment and Stat Revision   - Random Stats - Ichor Difficulty Adjustment - Dismantlement and Stat Transferring - Weapon Attacks by Type - Leather Armor Adjustment   2. New Items   - New Sub-weapon: Weapon Accessories - New Equipment: Ark - New Legend Equipment and Set Stats - New Unique Equipment 3. Combat System Revision   - Combat Formula - PvP Combat Formula   4. New Content   - Merge of Mercenary and Saalus Mission: Lv.400 Instanced Dungeon - Challenge Party Benefits - Goddess' Blessing Event       1. Equipment and Stat Revision   Random Stats    Currently, there are 4 kinds of equipment rarities (magic, rare, unique, legend) which grant random stats to the equipment when identified by a magnifying glass item. Magic and rare equipment is often neglected by MMORPG players because lower rarity typically means lower bonus stats for the equipment. Effective from the update of Episode 12, the upper limits of random stats are now equal regardless of rarity. On the other hand, the lower limits are set differentially. You can view the upper/lower limits in the chart below:   Item Rarity Stat Range (Min~Max)% Magic 10 ~ 100% Rare 40 ~ 100% Unique 80 ~ 100% Legend 80 ~ 100%    Now that the lower grades have a chance to receive maximum stats, we anticipate the saviors’ burden of spending hours in the field in order to obtain higher-grade equipment to be eased.    Equipment with Unique rarity has become far harder to obtain from looting, but the increased chance to gain better stats will compensate your efforts and time. Our dev team has been working on this modification of the random stat system to ensure pleasurable farming for players.   Types and Max Value of Random Stats    The dev team has also decided to reduce the value deviation of random stats. As a result, formulas using random stats are modified and there will be newly introduced stats on unidentified equipment while some of the pre-existing stats are deleted.   Additional Damage/DEF by type will no longer be granted on equipment and new stats ‘Additional Damage/Additional Damage Resistance’ will replace them. Existing Additional Damage/DEF by type stats on your equipment will be integrated into ‘Additional Damage/Additional Damage Resistance’ stats.  The new stats and the max value of them for equipment dropped after the 4ever update and Episode 12 are as follows:   Stat/Part Attack Defense Ability Support Attack by Type Add. Damage Attack Offset Critical Resistance Add. Damage Resistance Stat Stamina Looting Chance Critical Rate and 7 Others Max SP Armor 530 794 530 265 794 80 19 80 265 530 Shield/Sub/ One-handed 993 1489 993 497 1489 149 35 149 497 994 Weapon Accessory 497 745 497 249 745 75 18 75 249 498 Two-handed 1489 2233 1489 745 2233 224 53 224 745 1490   Please refer to the follow-up [Supplement] post for detailed stat information. * Attack value differs based on targets' armor (cloth, leather, plate), size (small, medium, large), and creature type    (ghost, plant, beast, demon, mutant, insect). * Attack Offset effect depends on targets' armor type and size. (Medium-type only) * There are 5 kinds of ability stats. * Critical Rate and 7 others: Critical Rate, Block Penetration, Block, Accuracy, Evasion, HP Recovery, and SP Recovery   2 New Magnifiers: Sandra's Magnifier, Sandra's Detailed Magnifier  2 new magnifier items will be introduced into the game. There will be ‘Sandra's Magnifier’ which allows you to re-roll the selected random bonus stats and ‘Sandra's Detailed Magnifier’ which allows you to re-roll the 'value' of the selected random stat.     These items are to become obtainable from [Goddess' Grace]. With the new magnifiers, we intend to ease saviors' burden of constantly re-identifying their equipment for better performance.                           Ichor Difficulty Adjustment    The Ichor system currently plays a large role in enhancing equipment performance. Unfortunately, this is often considered an obstacle to progress by saviors who face difficulty obtaining the desired Ichors. The system will become more player-friendly upon Episode 12 update.   Ichor Extraction    The chance of successful Ichor Extraction will be increased two-fold. This revision will facilitate acquiring Ichor from equipment with random bonus stats. We hope this can bring you a better experience with the Ichor system as Lv. 430 unidentified equipment offers far better stats.   Ichor Transmutation    The number of items required for Ichor Transmutation will be reduced 3 to 2.  Although transmutation was designed to offer players a concrete chance to obtain the Ichor that player desire, Ichor Extraction has always been the alternative. We anticipate more players to utilize Ichor Transmutation after this change.   Dismantlement                                                   Dismantling transcended equipment now provides bonus items depending on its transcendence level. 10% bonus rate will be added per transcendence level and you can obtain extra Nucle Powder and Sierra Powder.     Stat Transferring   As you know, awakening and enchanting equipment do not secure the certain stats and effects you wish to gain, but grant random effects. Therefore, replacing equipment can be a tough decision as bonus stats and effects are not transferable.    We are introducing a new system to transfer the additional effects gained from awakening and enchantment from one to another without any losses. You will soon be able to transfer equipment effects via the NPC in Miners’ Village, Vaidotas. Bonus stat transferring will cost a little silver. The receiving equipment must have the identical rarity, availability level, and part with the equipment you are extracting stats from.   Weapon Attacks by Type    Currently, each weapon type in ToS has a different average attack value. As we have noticed irrational imbalances among classes after the recent balance patch, there will be adjustments to weapon attack value.   Weapon Weapon Type Avg. Attack Ratio (Current) Avg. Attack Ratio (After Change) One-handed Sword One-handed Weapon 1 1.1 Rod 1 1.1 Crossbow 1 1.1 One-handed Blunt Weapon 0.9 1.1 One-handed Spear 1 1.1 Rapier 1 1.1 Dagger One-handed/ Sub-weapon 1.1 1.1 Pistol 1.1 1.1 Two-handed Sword Two-handed Weapon 1.2 1.3 Bow 1.2 1.3 Two-handed Blunt Weapon 1.08 1.3 Two-handed Spear 1.2 1.3 Staff 1.2 1.3 Cannon 1.3 1.3 Musket 1.3 1.3 Weapon Accessory Two-handed/ Sub-weapon - 0.66   We categorized weapons into 2 groups by one/two-handed and increased the average attack ratio based on the weapons with the highest value from each category.    Also, there will be changes which make the attack value ranges even wider to secure the unique feel of each weapon, which could have become less prominent in the case of equalized attack value.   Weapon Weapon Type Attack Min~Max Range (Current) Attack Min~Max Range (After Change) One-handed Sword One-handed Weapon 5% 3% Rod None None Crossbow 10% 3% One-handed Blunt Weapon 5% 1% One-handed Spear 5% 10% Rapier None None Dagger One-handed/ Sub-weapon 5% 8% Pistol 5% 8% Two-handed Sword Two-handed Weapon 10% 20% Bow 10% 20% Two-handed Blunt Weapon 10% 10% Two-handed Spear 10% 30% Staff None None Cannon 15% 50% Musket 15% 35% Weapon Accessory Two-handed/ Sub-weapon - None   One-handed weapons will be more reliable, dealing damage to foes steadily under any combat conditions with a small gap in the attack range. Two-handed weapons will be more effective with certain conditions met. For example, a player with a musket can actively reduce the large min ~ max attack range with the skill ‘Sniper's Serenity’. Plus, splash damage effect that attacks up to 3 foes is planned for cannons. We set the attack range wide so the weapon has a high potential with the effect.     Leather Armor Adjustment    Leather armor was originally designed to allow players to utilize rather aggressive combat styles while providing the lowest defensive performance compared to cloth and plate armor. As a new combat formula will be applied on PvP mode upon Episode 12 update, which does not include Critical limit value, leather armor will lose its strength in PvP mode. Leather armor’s DEF will be increased by 1.5 times to compensate its lost tactical feature.     Physical Defense Magic Defense Set Effect As-is To-be As-is To-be PvE PvP Cloth 100% 100% 200% 200% Magic Damage received -15% Magic Damage received -15% Plate 200% 200% 100% 100% Physical Damage received -15% Physical Damage received -15% Leather 100% 150% 100% 150% Damage +15% Critical Chance +20% Critical Chance Limit +10% Damage +15% Critical Chance +20%       2. New Items   New Sub-weapon: Weapon Accessories    A new sub-weapon, Weapon Accessories will be added.     A Weapon Accessory can be equipped on the sub-weapon slot while holding a two-handed weapon. This sub-weapon boosts the combat performance of the main two-handed weapon by providing extra Physical and Magic Attack stats. With Weapon Accessories, reinforce your two-handed weapons as you can for a one-handed weapon with a shield.                                                                Ichor and Set Stats are available for a weapon accessory. When applying Set Stats, the weapon accessory is considered as a ‘weapon’ just like shields. In addition, the cost for applying Set Stats on a weapon will decrease by half.   New Equipment: Ark     A new equipment, Ark will be added.    An Ark can be equipped on an Ark Slot and provide diverse additional stats. You can upgrade Arks by spending in-game materials and when it is upgraded to a certain level, it unlocks its special effects to help the player.                                                                         You will have your very first Ark as you go through Episode 12 and are soon able to acquire other uncommon Arks from content rewards.   New Legend Equipment and Set Stats   A new Lv.430 Legend equipment will be added. NPC Teliavelis in Fedimian will help you craft the new equipment if you bring the material item ‘Brikynite’ obtained from the newly introduced area.                                                         This new Legend equipment will embrace a higher level of attack and other random stats compared to Savinose Legva. You can visit NPC Vidotas to apply new Set Stats on your equipment.   Set 3 Parts equipped 4 Parts equipped 5 Parts equipped Sauk STR +66   INT +66 Block Penetration +331 Deals damage and knocks out nearby enemies for 1 sec. Increases damage you deal by 150% for 4 sec on landed skill.  - Skill Attack 5330%   - Overheat 3, Cooldown 30 sec   Unequipping Sauk set increases skill cooldown of other set stat skills by 100 sec.    Dragon Strength Lv 1 - Damage Increase Effect Duration +2 sec Essera CON +68 Critical Resistance +265 Gain a 40-sec 'Essera’s Composure' buff which resists all debuffs that require advanced removal.   Buff duration decreases by 5 sec and gain 'Essera’s Will' buff every time debuff resistance effect is activated.   - -4% damage taken per Essera’s Will stacked - Up to 5 stacks for Essera’s Will - Essera’s Will follows the Essera’s Composure duration Cooldown 100 sec   Dragon Strength Lv. 1 - Duration +10 sec Balinta Physical Critical Attack +1286   Magic Critical Attack +1286 HP Recovery +248   SP Recovery +248 Restore HP equaling to 50% of HP Recovery on landed Slash, Pierce, and Strike attack for 30 sec. Restore HP equaling to 25% of HP Recovery on other landed attack for 30 sec. Cooldown 100 sec   Dragon Strength Lv. 1 - Balinta Cooldown -2 sec every second when HP is at 100%     New Unique Equipment    New Unique equipment with fixed stats will be added. The equipment is obtainable at a low chance by hunting Elite monsters in the new Episode 12 areas.                                                                  The Elite monsters in stage 6-7 of the new Challenge also drop the Unique equipment. The drop rate is fairly low but it has better Ichor as compensation.     4. Combat System Revision   4-1. Combat Formula   Attack by Type Formula    We have thought that the formula for attack by type needs to be adjusted as the current formula tends to make players’ efforts to increase the attack value meaningless. Some attack values such as Slash attack rely on the equipment available for only certain classes, which results in an increasing burden for players to set more equipment. In order to prevent the issue and let players set equipment based on their tastes, all attack stats now depend on the armor, size, and creature type of the target.    Attack by type will be added to the damage increase value as +% form. The modified formula is as follow.   Formula (1)   Example   Conditions: Defender Lvl 420, Attacker ATK Value 2,000, Defender DEF Value 500   Steps: 1. 2,000(ATK Value) - 500(DEF Value) = 1,500 2. 1,500(from step 1) / (420(Defender Lvl) * 30) = 0.119 3. 0.119(from step 2) * 100 * 0.5 = 5.95%   Result: Damage Increase: 5.95% The following type stats are applied to Formula (1).   Offensive Stat Defensive Stat Attack against Cloth armored Target Attack Offset against Cloth armored Target Attack against Leather armored Target Attack Offset against Leather armored Target Attack against Plate armored Target Attack Offset against Plate armored Target Attack against Small-type Target None Attack against Medium-type Target Attack Offset against Medium-type Target Attack against Large-type Target None Attack against Ghost armored Target None Attack against Plant-type Target None Attack against Beast-type Target None Attack against Demon-type Target None Attack against Mutant-type Target None Attack against Insect-type Target None     Add. Damage Formula   All additional damage stats will be merged. 8 different values for additional damage and resistance each will be integrated into Additional Damage and Additional Damage Resistance. The property effects against additional damage will also be removed and if the target is not ‘non-property’, it receives +10% more damage and the formula has been simplified.   Formula (2)   The following type stats are applied to Formula (2).   Offensive Stat Defensive Stat Add. Damage Add. Damage Resistance     HP/SP Recovery Formula    HP/SP Recovery now depend on your max HP/SP. The higher max HP/SP you have, the more healing efficiency you can gain. The modified formulas are as follows.   Formula (3)   Formula (4)       In short, the maximum HP/SP you can restore at once is 20% of your total HP/SP.     4-2. PvP Combat Formula   Heal Control    Currently, the only way to interfere healing in ToS PvP mode is using CC skills directly upon the healing characters. Supporting characters are intended to take an important role in battle but we decided it is too restricting to interfere healing, so we are introducing new skill effects for some classes to inflict debuffs to reduce received healing. The skills will allow players prevent healing indirectly. Meanwhile, the victims can lift the debuffs with their skills making the whole battle more interesting.   The Classes to receive the heal control effect are 39, including new classes, and the detailed information for the skills can be viewed at the follow-up [Supplement] post.   Profession No. of Classes No. of Skills Max Effect Max Duration Swordsman 10 12 50% 10 sec Wizard 6 7 50% 15 sec Archer 9 11 69% 20 sec Cleric 3 3 30% 7 sec Scout 6 6 34.5% 7 sec     Buff/Debuff Control    There are abundant skills to grant buffs and debuffs in ToS and we decided to introduce skill effects into existing skills to nullify or worsen buffs/debuffs to enrich battle tactics.    The skills to receive buff control effects are 47, including skills for new classes, and the detailed information can be viewed at the follow-up [Supplement] post.   Profession No. of Classes No. of Skills Max Effect Max Removal Swordsman 14 15 75% 2 Wizard 4 5 50% 2 Archer 6 6 50% 1 Cleric 13 15 100% 2 Scout 6 6 100% 2      The skills to receive debuff control effects for allies are 29, including skills for new classes, and the detailed information can be viewed at the follow-up [Supplement] post.   Profession No. of Classes No. of Skills Max Effect Max Removal Swordsman 3 3 100% 1 on Self, 2 on Allies Wizard 3 3 100% 1 on Self, 2 on Allies Archer 8 8 100% 2 on Self Cleric 6 6 100% 2 on Self, 1 on Allies Scout 8 9 100% 1 on Self, 1 on Allies     Formulas for Critical Rate, Block, and Evasion    The current formula is significantly imbalanced and advantageous to the attacker. This leads players to except defensive elements when selecting equipment. To resolve this issue, we redesigned the formula as a symmetrical function. We anticipate a wider range of settings and tactics in PvP situations.    The modified formulas for [Critical Rate/Critical Resistance], [Block Penetration/Block], and [Accuracy/Evasion] as follows.   Formula (5)   Also, Block damage reduction rate will be changed to 30% from 60% and it will be 60% only while putting up a guard.  The attack stats [Critical Rate, Block Penetration, Accuracy] now have basic chances of activation. The chances are as follows.   Basic Chance of Activation Critical Rate 10% Block Penetration 70% Accuracy 90%   The formula to calculate the final value is as follows.   Formula (6)     Example   Conditions: Defender Lvl 420, Attacker Critical Rate 3,000, Defender Critical Resistance 1,500   Steps: 1. 3,000(Critical Rate) - 1,500(Critical Resistance) = 1,500 2. 1,500(from step 1) / (420(Defender Lvl) * 15) = 0.238 3. 0.238(from step 2) * 100 = 23.8 [Item Stat] 4. Plug in formula (6) = 21.9 4. 10(Basic chance of Critical Rat) + 21.9(from step 4) = 31.9%   Result: Critical Chance: 31.9% The following type stats are applied to Formula (6).   Offensive Stat Defensive Stat Critical Rate Critical Resistance Block Penetration Block Accuracy Evasion   Evasion - Level Advantage   The dev team wished to raise the value of character leveling by offering more benefits to high level characters in order to encourage players to level up.  There will be an advantage granted for Evasion of the character with a higher level than the opposing character based on their level difference. This additional Evasion value will be applied on the final value with a multiple operation.   Here are examples of additional evasion value.   Attacker Defender Lvl Attacker Lvl Lvl Difference Add. Evasion Player 430 400 30 60% 410 400 10 20% 405 400 5 10% 401 400 1 2% 340 310 30 60% 320 310 10 20% 315 310 5 10% 311 310 1 2%             5. New Content   New Instanced Dungeon added     Saalus and Mercenary Post Missions will be merged with a Instanced Dungeon for easy and quick access to the content.   1. Admission     The new Instanced Dungeon is for characters with Lv. 400 or above and you can enter via the Level Dungeon NPC in each city.    Each character can clear the dungeon 3 times a day and you can reset the count by using [Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher].     2. Locations   Fields for the added instance dungeon differ each day.   Day of the Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Dungeon Royal Mausoleum Crystal Mine Seven Valley Catacombs Canyon Belt Castle (Saalus) Siauliai     3. Rewards    The new instanced dungeon rewards players with EXP, Talt, and Blessed Pieces. The rewards will be given depending on the completion rate, except Blessed Piece.    The reward items from [Mercenary Mission] will now be obtainable from field. The reward items from Crystal Mine Mission are obtainable from Lv.270 field dungeons.   Challenge Party Benefits    A drop bonus is given depending on the number of members participated in the party. The modified reward system for challenge will be applied on the new Episode 12 areas.   Challenge Stage No. of Members Item Drop Bonus Remarks Under 5 3 2x Apply to locations for Lv.420 4 3x 5 4x Above 6 2 2x 3 3x 4 4x 5 5x      The Elite monsters appearing in Challenge Mode Stage 6 in the new areas will drop the new Unique equipment, providing players more chance to acquire fine equipment and to enjoy group plays.     Unique Casual Mode: Goddess' Blessing    A casual mode was added for single players. However, the rewards from it were not satisfying enough, resulting in a low motivation for players to participate in the mode. Now that Goddess’ Blessing Event will be added, which begins upon clearing a dungeon for 60 seconds offering more rewards, players would acquire more valuable items from the content.  The new event is available via the icon at the top right corner of the screen.                                                     We expect to raise the interest in consuming the content by offering a chance to obtain valuable items with a little silver spent. The event will not continue once the player leaves the dungeon.   That will be all for this post. We appreciate your interest in our 4ever update. Thank you.   * The information disclosed above relates to works currently in progress and are subject to change with future development.  

Developer's Blog
January 8th, 2020
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Announcement on Founder's Server and the Future Schedules

Greetings, this is the TOS Team. First of all, we would like to show our utmost gratitude to all of you who have been eagerly waiting for the TOS English Version for a long time. We are glad to inform you that our schedule has been confirmed. The TOS English version on Steam will kick off by offering ‘Founder’s Server: Exclusive Access’ that will initially allow access to the buyers and service will be open to everyone after 3 months. 3 types of ‘Founder’s Server: Exclusive Access’ will be released sequentially as the service period elapses.  Founder's Server: Exclusive Access is scheduled to be sold from March 16th, but it is subject to change depending on the timing of Steam's authorization. We’ve come up with this initial access to prevent numerous Bot Accounts from the early stages of service and to provide a stable in-game environment to our users. Furthermore, the TOS English version will contain various customized contents that won’t be seen in the Korean version. We will continuously develop or make changes on various contents specifically for the TOS English Version so we hope everyone knows about this in advance. (*Please refer to notices and precautions below.)   We’ve requested review for the exclusive access to Steam and sales will commence as soon as Steam authorizes it. We will continuously update you with the future status.   Thank you. [Notices and Precautions when purchasing 'Founder's Server: Exclusive Access']  - The users from territories where we have local partners will be restricted from purchasing from the Steam Store and login to the English server. - The following territories will be restricted.  “Korea/Japan/Taiwan/Indonesia/China/Hong Kong/Macau” - As for Taiwan, we will make a separate announcement soon. - The composition of items at the TP shop and their prices may differ from the Korean version. - Maximum 5 TP can be accumulated free of charge. 1 TP will be recharged every 4 hours. - Some contents, character balance, etc may differ from the Korean version. - The number of Worlds that will be opened will depend on the number of initial users online. - When the game service goes into Free to Play (June 19th), the new worlds might be added accordingly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MAR 16th UPDATE - Further Details / Clarification] - We have plans to add new servers in June in accordance to the player base - New players may decide which server they wish to play on depending on the server situation. - There will be no data wipe of Teams or items [MAR 16th UPDATE - FAQ] - Servers will be located on the east coast of the US, same as the iCBT servers - 100 TP is priced at approximately USD$9.00 - EXP gained through hunting will be at the same rate as kTOS - The price we announced is based on the price that will be applied to the US. Please check the Steam Store Page for your regional prices. They will be adjusted by Steam Standards. [MAR 18th UPDATE - FAQ] - Access will aslo be restricted from Hong Kong and Macau

March 17th, 2016
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Announcement Regarding Price Changes and South American Server

Greetings Saviors, Until yesterday, the Founder’s Pack products were available for purchase at prices set by Steam, which take the living standards of individual countries into consideration. If, for example, a player from NA had to pay $49.99 for a package, another player living in a different country was able to purchase it for half that price or even less. Players can essentially purchase the Founder’s Pack at a lower regional price, purchase Tokens with the TP earned, and sell them on the market to obtain silver. Players in regions where the price is not discounted face a loss compared to them. This is not what we intended when we designed the Token and market systems. Any tradeable items in one server should be sold at the same price to all users. Therefore we requested Steam to change the price policy before releasing new TP bundles and transitioning to F2P to prevent problems ahead of time. The prices were changed yesterday because our request was handled. We sincerely apologize for disappointing those who faced sudden, drastic price increase without being notified beforehand, and we’d like to provide the following solutions. 1. We’re going to open a South American server. We’ll open it after the team transfers to EU and SEA servers have finished, and then start taking transfer requests from Klaipeda and Orsha to the new SA server. We are cancelling previous announcement that there will be no new SA Steam server. Please note that we can only move teams from Klaipeda and Orsha to the new SA server. Transfer from Fedimian and Telsiai is not supported. In addition, unlike the previous transfer to Fedimian and Telsiai, we will open the SA server first and then transfer teams to it. We will start taking team transfer requests to the new SA server as soon as next week. We’ll take request tickets until the beginning of May, in the same manner and procedure as we have done for the transfer to EU and SEA servers.  2. We’re going to apply different prices to the SA and SEA servers after transitioning to F2P. The discount rate will be announced separately later. The Tokens purchased on SA and SEA servers cannot be traded on NA or EU servers, so we expect that fairness will not be an issue as mentioned above. We'd like to note that the new DLC products specifically sold to SA and SEA servers cannot be claimed on NA and EU servers, and vice versa. Lastly, we’ve decided to raise the discount on our DLC products. We will be selling them at 50% off instead of the 30% originally planned. The content of the DLC products including the TP amount will not change. Players who have already purchased the DLC products previously will be able to buy the discounted packs as well, since they are treated as new products. This discount will start on the 21st as planned and will remain available until near the F2P transition date. These 50%-off DLC products will not take regional pricing into account as they will be discontinued before F2P and regional pricing implementation for the SA and SEA servers. Due to such change of plans, we had to push the F2P release date back in order to account for longer preparation. Our goal is to finish transferring teams to the appropriate servers first before opening up our game to the general public. We expect the transition to F2P to happen sometime early to mid-May, and we will make a separate announcement once the date is confirmed. We apologize to those who have been waiting eagerly for the F2P transition. Again, we apologize for the instability in our service. We’re going to continuously strive to provide a pleasant and fair environment where players can truly enjoy the game itself. Thank you for your concerns and support. Sincerely, IMC Staff   *From this point on, we will be using the term "South America Server" for the server instead of "Latin America Server".  

April 20th, 2016
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Founder's Server : Exclusive Access Now Purchasable on Steam

Hello, Saviors! This is an announcement to let you know that the Founder's Server : Exclusive Access is available for purchase on Steam. You can find the DLC product and make your purchase on the following page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/372000/   Please note the following 1. Service Schedule  - Founder's Server Open Date : Tuesday, March 29, 2016 02:00 AM (EST)  - Free to Play Server Open Date : Thursday, April 28, 2016 (EST) 2. Purchasing the Founder's Server : Exclusive Access does not directly allow access to the founder's server. 3. We will create more worlds in order to avoid waiting queues by keeping an eye out on the demand shown prior to the March 29th opening. 4. The $9.99 option is on the store but it seems to be taking time to be shown on the base game page. Please search for it separately in the store. We are looking into this with Valve In addition, please refer to the below for information on how to claim your Founder's Pack in the game. Information on the Founder's Pack exclusives and TP: 1. The items will be sent to your in-game message box via GM message that will be accessible after Team creation. You may choose which character you wish to give the items to from the GM message. 2. You may only receive the items on one world so please choose carefully. 3. There will be no time limit on when you can redeem your items. You may decide to receive them at the time of your choice. 4. The Hoglan companion is obtainable in-game from Companion Traders for 453,600 Silver. The purchasers of Access Pass 1 will be provided with a Hoglan Voucher that can be exchanged at the Companion Traders. 5. The Hanaming and Popolion Doll Hair Accessories cannot be obtained in-game. They may be obtainable in the future through other products or events. 6. The Stat Reset Potion cannot be obtained in-game, while the Skill Reset Potion can be purchased from the TP shop. 7. Token benefits cannot be paused / restarted once the Token is used. Please make sure you wish to receive the benefits before using Tokens. 8. A maximum of 3 options can be enchanted on the Hair Accessories by purchasing "Magic Scrolls" from the TP shop. 9. TP obtained from the passes can be used to purchase premium items from the TP shops in the cities.   Best regards, IMC Staff

March 18th, 2016
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[RE-EDITED] Plans for Combat System Changes

Greetings, TOS dev team here.   Our general goal for the year, besides system stabilization, has been creating and revising contents as a way to develop the gameplay of Tree of Savior into a more pleasant one for every player. The first big aspect we have in mind is PvP play, especially in terms of Team Battle League rules and general environment, and GvG stabilization. The second aspect we want to focus on are ways to connect the main storyline of TOS with future field, dungeon and raid updates.   The combat system changes we’re discussing today are deeply related to several aspects of the game we’re trying to improve with our plan, so we feel like they’re crucial when trying to produce noticeable results.   NOTE: These contents are still under development and can change before they are implemented.     1. Log Scale Down Formula   The current attack/defense-based damage formula of TOS, for example, doesn’t always engage with our initial idea of class/stat customization, physical/magic defense separation and high-rank attack in the most effective way. It also creates issues with not only PvP but also high-rank skills, items and monster balance. To improve on this, we decided to try a new ‘log scale down’ formula.   The log scale down formula is useful for calculating damage in an environment such as TOS where stats and items become stronger as the game is updated. The specific numbers will be different depending on the situation, but under this formula the new value for damage is calculated as follows.   damage = (% factor) x attack x log10 ((attack / defense + 1)^0.x + 1) + additional damage   : attack = current attack stated under Character Info and attack applied from buffs, items and attributes : defense = current defense stated under Character Info and defense applied from buffs, items and attributes : % factor = damage increase in a percentage value (+00%) : + additional damage = damage increase in a numerical value (+00) : log10 = log base 10     The subtraction formula used to calculate damage so far can produce some extreme results, especially considering that stats are customizable and attacks are divided into properties. This meant that, unless your character had some degree of defense, you could end up taking damage in the order of the thousands, but amp up your defense over a certain level and your character’s attack would drop dramatically.   Also, even if you did manage to balance your defense, facing an enemy with a higher attack than you would still take a very significant toll on your HP, further polarizing the extremes. This tied in with the problem of physical vs. magic defense, where if you invested solely on physical defense you would have no trouble dealing with a physical attack monster, but taking two or three hits from a magic attack monster in the same map would leave your character incapable of combat. Finally, there was the issue of balance differences between single- and multiple-hit skills.   In conclusion, this is what we expect to achieve with the new damage calculation formula:   - Provide a consistent damage system that takes into account the continuous increase of character and item stats. - Increase the effectiveness of attack stats (STR, INT) and related items. - Set a better foundation for future PvP (including GvG) and high-rank contents.   2. Skill Attack & Stat Calculation   In a system where it is possible to invest in low-rank classes even at higher ranks, our goal here was to support the efficacy of low-rank skills and preserve the value of attack stats (STR, INT) all the way to higher levels. To do this, we decided to change the current ‘simple addition’ calculation formula to a ‘skill factor’ formula.   2-1. Skill Attack Calculation     In the charts above you can see that, currently, in high-rank skills the attack depends largely on the skill’s attack itself, without much influence from level, stats or weapons. With the new calculation formula, the importance of level, stats and weapons is evenly distributed in skills of all levels.   We expect to change most attack skills to the new formula, making the performance of each skill take into account the skill’s range (no. of targets, width, AoE attack ratio) and casting time (moving/static), hit duration, channeling, SP/item consumption, cooldown time, overheat, added effects, etc. With this, we can expect to reduce the performance gap between high- and low-level skills, letting high-rank characters make better use of skills learned in lower ranks.   Buff skills that increase your attack/defense by a fixed number, like Blessing or Aspersion, will also change to a +% calculation. In doing so, single-hit skills, which got little effect from fixed-number buffs compared to multi-hit skills, can now get a better payoff from buff skills. However, we’re keeping fixed-number calculations for property skills where the attack value is influenced by item options and other sources, meaning the use of single- and multi-hit skills can change according to the enemy’s defense.   We also want to revise the performance, price etc. of buff, attack and “functional” skills to match the calculation changes discussed here. Any update details should be announced here in the dev blog or on future patch notes.   2-2. Stat Changes   First, we’re getting rid of “hidden” modifiers like the factors of physical defense, block and double-handed sword skills in the Swordsman tree; magic defense in the Wizard tree; and accuracy, evasion, critical chance and basic attack defense-reducing debuffs in the Archer tree. We’re also eliminating the bonus factor obtained from allocating points in the same stat to avoid promoting excessively disproportionate stat investment.   More specifically, here’s how we want to change each stat:     With broadened STR and INT attack increase ranges and new skill attack calculations, both STR and INT can maintain a steady influence on attack even in high-rank classes.   Accuracy and critical chance, which only apply to physical attack, get removed from DEX and are replaced by normal attack speed, making DEX a more general stat and preventing it from becoming useless to certain classes. INT, another stat which wasn’t always advantageous to invest in, gets boosted with higher efficiency in skills, and we’re also thinking of ways to have it influence status ailment resistance and summon stats.   2-3. Attribute Reset & Point Exchange   In an effort to address the burden of pricy high-rank attributes and prepare for future class updates, we want to allow players to reset their attributes and exchange them for attribute points. Under this system, the silver you invested in attributes can be converted according to a set rate into points, which you can then use to learn other attributes. The point exchange is done at the class master NPC, the same place where you learn your attributes.   We’re also planning to eliminate a few impractical and structurally ineffective attributes, and change the effects of the corresponding skills accordingly. Again, any updates will be announced here in the dev blog or on future patch notes.   2-4. Reset Event Plans   - To compensate players for the balance changes, we want to prepare an event where you can reset your stats, skills and class ranks at an event NPC. The NPC will provide one stat, skill and rank resetting item per day that can be used a single time and for one day only.   - We’ve solved the problem of the character’s EXP not carrying over after a rank reset, so the new item should let you reset your rank under class level 15 without going back to class level 1.   - During the event period, players will be exempt from advancement quests, so you’ll be able to advance ranks directly without a quest. This applies to all characters, including those who don’t use the reset item.   3. Item Stats & Enhancement/Transcendence System   Changing the skill calculation formula to a percentage-based one means we have to change item values as well. With the [(stat + item) x skill factor] attack formula as the foundation, equipment item attack/defense values will also be matched to the new balance changes. The scale of each value gets readjusted according to level and grade, growing to more than twice that of the current values, and particularly reducing the wide attack gap between one- and two-handed weapons. Besides this, we’re also introducing two new level 315 rapiers (rare, unique), but any changes regarding items will be announced via the patch notes when they’re ready to be implemented.   3-1. Equipment Production & Maintenance Costs   We’re planning a few changes to the production and maintenance costs of all equipment items. There will be differences in enhancement costs, required amount of gems for transcendence and repair fees according to the level and grade of the item. Additionally, we’re reducing production and maintenance costs for one-handed weapons and subweapons equipped by the same character.   3-2. Item Enhancement   While the chances of enhancement remain the same, the effects of enhancing an item are improved. After enhancement stage 6, when the chance of enhancement failure is introduced, there’s a slight increase in enhancement values with every fifth stage achieved (+11, +16, and so on). Besides this, the “safe enhancement” range of subweapons is increased from stage 3 to 5 and overall enhancement costs are reduced.   3-3. Main Armor Stats & Accessories   Currently, the main stat offered by upper/lower body armor is physical defense (magic defense being merely an added option), with gloves providing accuracy and boots evasion. This doesn’t always allow for a good stat distribution, so our plan is to apply physical and magic defense as main stats to all upper/lower body armor, gloves and boots, while removing the extra magic defense from plate armor and the additional physical defense from cloth armor.   Plate armor will offer higher physical defense, while cloth armor will provide better magic defense; meanwhile, leather armor will have lower physical and magic defense, but include other attack-focused features. These changes are also expected to affect existing attributes related to armor types.   This concept of duality is applied not only to armor, but to one-handed blunt weapons as well. The attack of these weapons may be lower than that of specialized physical attack one-handed swords or magic attack rods, but they’ll feature both physical and magic attack as main stats, allowing you to boost them via enhancement and transcendence similarly to armor items.   As for accessories, the Agny Necklace, an item with rather peculiar options, will now increase the factor of fire property skill attacks by 50%. Say, if Fireball has an attack factor of 230%, with an Agny Necklace equipped it will expand to 280%.   Along with this, we also want to readjust the attack factor of a few fire property skills to be more effective even without depending on the Agny Neckalce. We expect to follow the same approach with future attack type-specific accessories, although we don’t intend to base any balancing plans around specific items.   3-4. Transcendence   Following the new skill attack calculation changes, we expect item transcendence to have a higher influence on attack; here’s how we plan to readjust the system.       The increase in attack after transcendence stage 4 may have been reduced, but with the higher attack factor obtained from items and the new skill attack calculations, the influence of transcendence on overall attack remains a strong one. The main difference is simply the higher impact of character level and stats.   Another big change coming to the transcendence system will be the unification of the three varieties of Blessed Gems into a single item that can be used to transcend all types of equipment. To transcend a Lolopanther Two-handed Sword (level 270, unique, two-handed) to stage 10, for example, you won’t see much difference in the amount of Blessed Gems required; one-handed weapons and subweapons, however, will see a more visible reduction in the number of Blessed Gems needed for transcendence, as well as items of lower level and grade. On the other hand, items of level 270 and up (we’re talking ‘unique’ items here) will actually require more Blessed Gems to transcend. The price of Blessed Gem recipes is also expected to increase.   Furthermore, upon extracting Blessed Gems from an item, characters will get back 90% of the amount of gems used in transcendence attempts, instead of a percentage based on the item’s current stage of transcendence. The amount of Blessed Gems extracted will no longer reduce according to the remaining potential of the item.   Now, given the immeasurable amount of effort and funds already invested in the current transcendence system by so many players, we can’t simply apply the changes without compensation. Our plan is to, after resetting all transcended equipment, convert all the materials invested into the new unified Goddess’ Blessed Gems and distribute them back to the players. Any recipes and Blessed Gems you may have saved will also be exchanged for the new versions.   4. Field Balance Changes   We’ve done some tweaking to general field difficulty before with a mid-to-high-level monster stat reduction patch, so this time we want to match those changes to the revised combat formulas.   As a lot of you have already experienced, questing for EXP or farming items in Rank 8 fields (level 280 and up) as a solo player is not an easy task, making it almost mandatory for parties in those areas to be comprised of characters with specific builds and equipment. More often than not, this can turn regular solo players away from the fields, relegating them to instanced dungeons and missions. We figured that using the same field design on the high-rank regions currently being developed (levels 330 and up) would only aggravate the problem, so we decided to rebalance a series of field features as well.   So, to all existing fields, and those to be added in future updates, our plan is to apply the following principles.   4-1. Regular Field Difficulty   First, we want to readjust the difficulty of regular quest and subquest fields in a way that doesn’t make the contents too demanding to solo characters near the recommended level.   We’re improving on the excessive distribution of ‘special’ monsters with high HP by eliminating the distinction between ‘regular’ and ‘special’ monsters. The HP of monsters will instead be determined by the level, meaning current Rank 8 region monsters, for example, are getting a big reduction in their HP.   Also, monsters until level 100 will now provide more EXP, allowing early-level characters to quest their way to the higher levels without depending on instanced dungeons alone. Besides theses changes, our general goal is to improve the gameplay in general fields so that regular solo players can engage with all contents even without previous in-depth knowledge of the game’s systems.   4-2. Hunting Grounds & New Equipment   The monsters in Hunting Grounds are designed to be stronger than those in regular fields, with these hunting-focused regions serving mostly as a means to provide particular items. Characters with stronger equipment configurations can usually play solo at Hunting Grounds without much difficulty, while more common equipment setups may require parties of around 3 players.   Along with the updates discussed here, we’re planning to introduce 3 new Hunting Grounds for levels 280 to 330, providing a series of unidentified weapon and armor items with 270 and 315 minimum level requirements. The features in these new equipment items may be less flashy as those in other 270 and 315 rare/unique items, but they still offer decent attack and defense that are level-appropriate.   Finally, we’re adding normal 270 and 315 level items to an NPC shop in the Saalus Convent, in order to help balance out combat for high-level characters without identified items, and also prepare for post-level 330 content.   4-3. Monster Skills & Elite Monsters   With our planned update in effect, regular monsters that spawn in large numbers will no longer use “advanced skills” in combat. By “advanced skills”, we mean skills that affect your character’s movement (stun, knockdown, freeze, etc.) or those with a long duration that inflict poison, burn, slow and others. They will also stop running away for no apparent reason (we know that was a pet peeve for many…). Simple attack skills and buffs remain the same for these types of monsters.   Instead, we’re introducing new ‘elite’ monsters that accompany regular monsters and act as a sort of leader, with stronger combat features and more varied advanced skills.     The content revisions explained here are all part of our yearly plans to make TOS a friendlier game for players in the long run. The success of these plans will of course depend on whether players find them satisfactory or not, which is why we wanted to lay them out for you here.   These updates are going to be applied to our kTOS test server in April of 2017, and will likely arrive in iTOS in the early summer of 2017. We’ll make sure to announce any further details or modifications as they come up.   Thank you for sticking with us through this long post. Please let us know your thoughts or any questions you may have in the forum thread: [link]   We'll be gathering your feedback from the forums, so make sure to add your two cents! The answers should be published here at the dev blog a few days after we compile a good amount of questions.

Developer's Blog
May 10th, 2017
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Big Rank Updates + More Intense Balancing

Greetings, Saviors! It’s finally time to talk about the next character rank and the brand new classes that are coming along with it. This time around we’re doing things a little differently, so we wanted to take our time to explain how the rank system is changing, and what you can expect when the update arrives. We’re also continuing the last post on intense class balancing with another round of Cleric tree overhauls, this time affecting the Krivis and Oracle classes. As always, don’t forget that the changes discussed here aren’t final and can look different by the time they’re added to the game. As for class-specific plans, keep in mind that there are more updates in store for other classes and class trees, so don’t be too disheartened if yours hasn’t been mentioned yet.   Horizontal Expansion of New Classes First, we’re going to reorganize the way class ranks work and how they’re updated. Starting from this update, any new classes will be considered as Rank 8 classes in order to provide numerous character progression paths. The maximum character rank will still increase from 8 to 9, meaning each character will be able to advance into a maximum of 9 classes, including the Circle 2 of current Rank 8 classes. They will be implemented separately from the level expansions and other new content updates.   In other words, we’re making a distinction between Character Rank and Class Rank. Character Ranks will continue to increase, allowing each character to advance into one more class whenever they reach Class Level 15. The maximum Class Rank, on the other hand, is fixed at Rank 8, which will include all the new classes added to the game in the future. This means that all classes in Class Rank 8 (both current and future) will provide equal combat abilities (attack skill factors) and will be hierarchically equivalent to one another. The reason we decided on this model was that, no matter the total number of class ranks, the classes that pack the most punch are usually the ones in the last one or two ranks, which ends up limiting your class build choices. We wanted to create a system that was fairer to future updates. If, in the current game, your rank (your highest ranks’ skill attack) is the big decisive factor in your combat ability, after the update that role is being taken by your level (basic stats) and items. Because of this, besides the ongoing development of new items, our goal is to increase the amount of tactical skills unique to each class and create an environment where players can more freely make up their character builds according to their own preferences. For lower-rank classes, which skill factors remain relatively low, we have plans to introduce a Master Circle (name undecided) which will expand their combat power and abilities to a level similar to those of higher-rank classes.   New Classes   As you can guess, this character rank expansion is bringing with it a new set of classes, but here too the system through which they’re updated is going to change. Here’s a summary of how it works:   Current system  - Once-a-year update with 8 new classes (2 per class tree) introduced at the same time.  - New classes added to a class rank +1 higher than the previous maximum.  - New farming content and level expansion added at the same time. New system  - One new class introduced periodically (4 classes this time only).  - All new classes added to Class Rank 8.  - Farming content and level expansions updated independently from new ranks. To sum up, until now we aimed for a once-in-a-year rank update with 8 new classes and additional high-level content all at once, but this time we’re releasing a smaller set of 4 new classes (1 per class tree). This is because, in future rank updates, our goal is to start introducing one new class each time. Aside from that, we’re also updating maximum level expansions and new high-level content independently from new ranks.   To the current Rank 7 and 8 classes, of course, we’ll be adding Circles 3 and 2 respectively. Plus, we’ve developed brand new attributes for some of those classes. We expect to share more details about the new classes and skills at a later date through the dev blog.   Class Rollback System   The class system in Tree of Savior is one of our game’s most unique characteristics, but it can also be one of the hardest to approach by players. The high degree of freedom goes hand in hand with a certain burden – and sometimes regret – about class build choices.   To improve this, we want to create a system that will allow all characters to revert their latest advancement decision (one character rank) at any time. To understand how this would work, take for instance a character with the following class build: Cleric 2 – Priest 2 – Monk 3 – Inquisitor 1 (Rank 8). For this character, the rollback system will put them back in Rank 7, Class Level 15, before the advancement into Inquisitor 1. Any Class EXP acquired during Rank 8 will be reset as well, and because the highest rank this character has achieved was Rank 8, they won’t be able to rollback one more time to a Rank lower than Rank 7 (in other words, you can’t rollback more than one character rank). Any class advancement requirements will be maintained in the case of rank rollback, so players won’t have to fulfill them again if they want to advance into the same class.   Advancement Quest Changes   We’re doing away with advancement quests for any new classes to come. Instead, we’re opting for a system where your character will have to fulfill certain requirements before talking to the Class Master in order to advance. This is similar to how current hidden classes work, although the requirements won’t be as difficult to achieve. Existing classes, as well, will no longer require advancement quests; after reaching Class Level 15, you can simply select a class from the menu to advance automatically. At this point you will also be given the option to warp to the corresponding Class Master. As for the advancement quests currently in the game, we have plans to renew them and add them as regular subquests offered by the Class Masters.   For the new classes, however, after your character has advanced, you’ll be able to receive a Specialization Quest from your Class Master. This class-specific quest can consist of high-difficulty missions, retrieval quests and other challenging activities.   As what happens with current existing classes, by advancing into one of the new classes you automatically get the basic costume corresponding to it. The difference is that, with the new classes, you can also get different variations of the costume with alternative colors or additional accessories depending on the difficulty of the Specialization Quests you complete.   Krivis Changes Time to get specific again. Following our previous “Intense Class Balancing” post, which covers classes like Paladin, Priest, Pardoner and other Cleric tree folk, this time we’re introducing some Krivis-specific improvements expected to arrive with the next rank expansion. In a nutshell, we’re restructuring Krivis into a low-rank magic attack class, one worthy of standing between the basic skill-savvy Cleric C2 and the support-heavy Priest.   Divine Stigma Added DOT (damage over time) attack function and damage bonus to Zaibas. Aukuras: Attribute Attribute changes Aukuras to a Fire attack buff with added property damage. Daino Maximum buff limitations removed; Daino effects changed.   The new Aukuras: Goddess of Fire attribute (Circle 2) allows you to reduce the duration of Aukuras by 80% and the cooldown to 30 seconds, while adding Fire property damage to magic attacks on nearby enemies based on your INT/SPR.   To Divine Stigma, now with a fixed duration of 15 seconds and cooldown reduced to 6 seconds, we’re adding a DOT attack function that applies additional Fire property magic damage every second. Not only that, enemies affected by the Divine Stigma debuff receive 1.5 more damage from skill Zaibas. Along with these changes, Divine Stigma is also getting a new Demon Slayer attribute, which increases damage on Demon-type enemies, and a regular Enhance attribute.     Finally, we’re removing all limitations of the maximum number of buffs and turning Daino, which so far served to increase that number of buffs, into a skill that changes your basic attacks into magic ones. Attacks performed under Daino will have no block, evasion or critical, and they will rely on your INT stat for added value.   Oracle Changes Next up, here’s what we’re preparing for our Oracle skill overhaul.   Arcane Energy Will no longer reduce SP or STA when moving to a map. Counter Spell Changed to remove nearby enemy tiles and apply immunity to magic attacks. Prophecy Duration fixed at 25 secs, no. of targets reduced by 50% and cooldown changed to 40 secs. Death Sentence Changed to apply set percentage of additional damage on enemies affected by the skill. Foretell Chance of invincibility changed to regular invincibility within the circle; changed duration and movement speed. The Oracle class is getting its fair share of buffs, nerfs and simple modifications this time. First, Arcane Energy will no longer reduce SP or Stamina, while Counter Spell will now remove all enemy tile skills nearby and provide immunity to magic attacks. We are also changing the duration of this skill to 10 seconds, with a cooldown of 60 seconds and no limitations to the maximum number of targets. Prophecy, on the other hand, is getting a fixed duration of 25 seconds instead of the current variation of 10-80 seconds. Meanwhile, the number of targets is being reduced from 2 to 1 per skill level, with cooldown increasing from 25 to 30 seconds.     Death Sentence is turning into a skill that applies additional damage to enemies affected by it. This additional damage increases from +40% on 1 target at level 1, to +130% on 5 targets at level 10. Besides this change, we’re expanding the skill’s range by 4 times and setting the duration at a fixed 15 seconds, with cooldown reduced from 200 to 60 seconds. An important change to note about Death Sentence is that, unlike the current effects, enemies affected by the skill will not be instantly defeated after its total duration. They will receive additional damage as explained in the paragraph above, but that damage is then applied to the caster after the skill’s duration. To reduce this handicap, Oracles can invest in the new Death Sentence: Reduce Penalty attribute (Circle 2), which reduces the damage returned in proportion to the attribute level.   Finally, the effects of Foretell are changing from a mere 43-45% chance of invincibility to full invincibility when moving inside the skill’s magic circle, plus 100% accuracy for ally attacks. On the other hand, Foretell duration is being changed from 15 seconds at all levels, to 5 seconds on level 1 gradually increasing to 15 seconds at level 5. Its cooldown is also being revised, changing from 42 to 50 seconds. The default movement speed under Foretell is set at 50, but the new Decrease Movement Speed attribute allows you to reduce that number by a good amount. That's it for today's updates. We know the new rank system changes we have planned are quite significant, so don't hesitate to leave your feedback about them or the second round of class balancing introduced here. We would love to know what you think!      

Developer's Blog
September 28th, 2017
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Introducing Hunting Grounds and Item Identification

Greetings, Saviors! We’re very excited to introduce you to two new interesting features that should be coming up in the game with our next major content update: Hunting Grounds and Item Identification. Hunting Grounds Hunting Grounds are a new map concept focused on hunting and farming. Unlike instanced dungeons and missions, hunting grounds don’t have a specific goal to complete, and you won’t find any boss monsters in them. On the other hand, one advantage of hunting grounds is that they can be accessed at any time without restrictions by both solo players and parties. Plus, they provide higher silver and item drops when compared to regular maps. You see, hunting grounds are also inhabited by glowing Giant monsters (a heftier version of regular TOS monsters) that give you twice as much silver and EXP and up to twice as many items as the monsters you see elsewhere. We’re going to add four portals spread throughout different regions that will grant you access to each of the hunting grounds. All you need to do is stand close to the portal to be transported inside.   The list of hunting grounds to be added is as follows:   - Narcon Prison (Gytis Settlement Area; rec. level 150)   - Natarh Watchtower (Dina Bee Farm; rec. level 170)   - Tatenye Prison (Ruklys Street; rec. level 190) - Neighport Church East Building (Stogas Plateau; rec. level 210)   We wish our saviors to find 'Giant Monsters' on each map.   ▲ You can get double EXP,  items and silver by defeating Giant monsters, which only appear on Hunting Grounds.   Item Identification One type of items you can obtain from the new hunting grounds are what we call Unidentified Items. These consist of weapons and armor with a maximum equip level requirement of Lv 120 or Lv 170 (characters above Lv 170 can, of course, equip them just the same). Unidentified items can’t be equipped, enhanced, added sockets, transcended or awakened. To unlock all these options, you will need to take these items to the new Identifier NPC located in Fedimian to get them identified for a silver fee. The advantage of unidentified items is that, once they become identified, their number of sockets and potential can grow a maximum of two times that of regular items. All you need to keep in mind is that they can only be identified once. We can’t wait to bring in the new features, so don’t miss out and make sure to keep an eye on our weekly patch notes to find out when these are added.    

Developer's Blog
January 11th, 2017
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[UPDATE] [CLOSED] Active Player Event: Guess to Impress

  Greetings, Saviors! If you've been an active player of TOS for some time now, this is your chance to win a whole month's worth of daily rewards! All it takes is a little guesswork to get your hands on event gear, new costumes, Skill and Stat Reset Potions, and more!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on July 11, 2017 TO the scheduled maintenance on August 16, 2017 Who Can Participate - Players with TOS accounts created before July 11, 2017 at 00:00 EDT How to Participate STEP 1. During the event period, destroy Tree Root Crystals for a chance to win Daily Guess Tickets. Every Tree Root Crystal you destroy can earn you one of these tickets. STEP 2. Once you've gathered enough Daily Guess Tickets, bring them to your nearest Event Notice Board and guess the Number of the Day!         - The Number of the Day will be any number between 1 and 10, and it will vary every day from player to player.         - Each guess will cost you one Daily Guess Ticket, so make sure to stock up.         - After you've guessed the Number of the Day, you'll have to wait until the next day to guess again. STEP 3. Every time you guess the Number of the Day, your team's total correct guess count goes up by +1, allowing you to receive a Daily Guess Reward according to your team's number of correct guesses!         - Each Daily Guess Reward will be automatically sent to the inventory of the character that makes the correct guess for the day, so make sure you're logged in with your desired character. Daily Guess Rewards UPDATE: The rewards for days 27 and 29 have been updated. Please refer to the list below. Receive a new reward every time you increase your team’s total count of correct guesses! 1 = Savior's Top Voucher (14 Days) x1 2 = Savior's Accessory Voucher (14 Days) x1 3 = Savior's Bottom Voucher (14 Days) x1 4 = Savior's Accessory Voucher (14 Days) x1 5 = Savior's Boots Voucher (14 Days) x1 6 = Savior's Accessory Voucher (14 Days) x1 7 = Savior's Gloves Voucher (14 Days) x1 8 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Superior Gem Abrasive: 14 Days x1 9 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Goddess Sculpture (14 Days) x2 10 = [Event] Token: 7 Days x1 11 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Earth Tower One Entry Voucher (14 Days) x1 12 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Fortune Cookie x5 13 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Lv 2 Keista Restoration Potion x20 14 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Superior Gem Abrasive: 14 Days x1 15 = TOS Celebration Costume (Female) x1, TOS Celebration Costume (Male) x1 16 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Goddess Sculpture (14 Days) x2 17 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Earth Tower One Entry Voucher (14 Days) x1 18 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Fortune Cookie x5 19 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Lv 2 Keista Restoration Potion x20 20 = Skill Reset Potion (14 Days) x1 21 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Superior Gem Abrasive: 14 Days x1 22 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Goddess Sculpture (14 Days) x2 23 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Earth Tower One Entry Voucher (14 Days) x1 24 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Fortune Cookie x5 25 = Silver Anvil (14 Days) x1, Golden Anvil (14 Days) x1, Diamond Anvil (14 Days) x1 26 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Lv 2 Keista Restoration Potion x20 27 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Earth Tower One Entry Voucher (14 Days) x1 28 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Goddess Sculpture (14 Days) x2 29 = Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x2, Superior Gem Abrasive: 14 Days x1 30 = Stat Reset Potion (14 Days) x1 - Use the Savior's Vouchers to obtain an event equipment item (30 Days) of your choice. NOTE: Equipment items obtained through Savior's Vouchers can be equipped by characters of level 100 and up. They cannot be enhanced, transcended, added sockets or equipped on Companions. Important - Participation in this event is counted on a per-team basis. - Daily Guess Tickets cannot be picked up by players with accounts created after July 11, 2017. - Daily Guess Rewards mistakenly collected with the wrong character cannot be refunded. Make sure you receive each Daily Guess Reward with the correct character. - You can check your team's total correct guess count at on Event Notice Boards.

August 16th, 2017