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Introducing Rank 8 – Wizard

Greetings, Tree of Savior dev team here.   Today we’re introducing you to the new Rank 8 classes, and we’re starting with the Wizard class tree.  As always, remember that the contents you see here are still under development and could look different in their final version.   Necromancer (Circle 3) This is the highest circle of the Necromancer class. The effect of the original Necromancer Decay debuff was limited to weakening the enemy to arrow attacks, but in Circle 3 it becomes a lot more powerful, momentarily neutralizing the effects of all the items equipped by the opponent.   ​ ▲ You can enhance the Necromancer’s Decay debuff, making it corrode the enemy’s equipment.     ​ ▲ The new debuff is expected to open up more diverse strategies for Necromancers, like enhancing the power of summons, or using Shoggoth/Dirty Pole to widen the area affected by Decay.     ​ ​▲ A new skill for summoning “Skull Archers” with high combat power will also be introduced.     Alchemist (Circle 3) ​Circle 3 Alchemists will be able to choose the appearance of items created through the Briquetting skill when both items combined are of the same type. ​     ​▲ Alchemists can now combine items of their preferred appearance and stats to create new items.  The effect of the Briquetting skill was rather tame in terms of enhancing the performance of new items, but in Circle 3 we widened this scale of enhancement.   Also, we’ve introduced a whole new roster of recipes to be used with the Tincturing skill, allowing Alchemists to take the role of item makers. As for item awakening dungeons, we’re introducing a feature that will require 3 times the amount of materials, instead delivering the results 3 times faster.     ​ ▲ The Magnum Opus skill gets an additional number of slots, allowing you to craft an “Homunculus”, the ultimate creation.     ​ The “Homunculus” will carry some of the skills of the Alchemist that created it and can be set to use them automatically.  The “Homunculus” creature has a life span of 10 days after it is created.   Warlock (Circle 2) In Circle 2, Warlocks, who use the power of evil spirits, will be given a new skill that will allow them to either combine summoned evil spirits to create a more powerful attack, or manipulate a summoned evil spirit directly. ​ ▲ The higher-grade spirits in red appear based on probability and are stronger than the regular evil spirits.   ​▲ The new skills allows you to manipulate evil spirits and lead them to your enemy.  When nearby spirits have been absorbed, these evil spirits can be launched through regular attacks.   Featherfoot (Circle 2) Featherfoot Circle 2 unlocks the skill Levitation.     ​▲ A flying Featherfoot will evade most melee physical attacks and fly over magic circles on the ground.    ​ There will be a self-destruct type skill that can only be used while flying. The skill will drain 60% of your max HP. Casting it with HP below the 60% mark will incapacitate your character. However, the skill temporarily renders nearby enemies in a special state where, when you attack them, it will heal you in return.   Sage (Circle 1) Sage is a class that will be first introduced in Rank 8. The general concept is that a sage gained the knowledge of the inner workings of the reality and, as a result, can manipulate space itself. The class will possess skills that distort space and dimensions.     ​ ​▲ Open up a "portal" for you and your party members to move to a memorized location.    ▲ The skill Micro Dimension attacks opponents with small distorted fragments of space and it can have a replicating duplicate attribute.  The number of duplicates grows with the skill level.    ​ ▲ Ultimate Dimension maximizes the portion of space to attack enemies. One attribute of this skill can also increase its perimeter and power.   Enchanter (Circle 1) The Enchanter is also a newly-introduced Rank 8 Wizard-type class.  Enchanters do possess some combat skills but they mainly play the support role by enchanting items with magic.      ​▲ ​Enchanters can craft magic skills into a magic scroll and give it to other players.    ​ ▲ This means, if you are friends with an Enchanter, you can use Joint Penalty.   ​   The store’s customers can choose their desired options listed on the shop and the enchanted item will have a corresponding prefix in front of its name.  The effect lasts for 24 hours and the number of available enchantments grows with the skill level. Enchanter C1 can only enchant Armor items such as tops, bottoms and shields.  

Developer's Blog
July 29th, 2016
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Introducing the Rank Reset Voucher

 Greetings, Saviors!   Today we would like to introduce the long-awaited Rank Reset Voucher, an item that, as the name implies, allows you to reset your character’s rank. We understand our players will have a lot of questions on how this item works and how it can be used, so we wanted to do this round-up guide to show you how you can take the best advantage of the Rank Reset Voucher. First, we hope you understand that, as much as the Rank Reset Voucher will help you redo an important part of your build, there are a few things to consider before you decide to use yours. And so, to avoid any kind of misunderstanding, we urge you to read the information here very carefully. We know it’s a lot, but we don’t want your precious Rank Reset Voucher to go to waste!   1. What kind of item is the ‘Rank Reset Voucher’? The Voucher can be retrieved from the message box in your lodge until XXday, XX XX, 2017, at XX:XX (EST). One Voucher will be provided per account, and the Voucher can only be given to one character in your team. ※ You will not be given additional vouchers, and you cannot move the Voucher from one character to another, so choose wisely!! After you retrieve the Rank Reset Voucher from your message box, you must use it within 14 days. The received Voucher will then appear in the inventory of the character to whom you give it. The item cannot be disposed of, cannot be traded, and cannot be moved via team storage.     2. What do I need to do before resetting my rank? Unequip all items your character may be equipping. Unlock any costumes received via class advancement your character may have in their inventory. If your character is learning an attribute, wait until all attributes your character may be learning are complete. Your character cannot be learning any attributes when you use the Rank Reset Voucher. Make sure there are no companions following with your character (you can disassociate a companion from a character at your lodge). You cannot be using shops (buff shops, etc.) or have any shops open while using the Rank Reset Voucher. You cannot be crafting items, enhancing items, enhancing gems or combining cards while using the Voucher. If your character is a Templar guild master, you need to transfer the position of guild master to another member or leave the guild entirely.   ※ Before using the Voucher, make sure to check whether you gather all the conditions for a successful rank reset through the Voucher’s UI.   3. What happens to my character after I use the Rank Reset? You character will reset to Class Level 1 of Rank 1, and you will automatically receive the amount of Rank Cards necessary to return to Class Level 1 of your character’s original Rank. All Rank Cards obtained are bound to the character that receives them and are untradeable. ※ Your character’s Class Level and EXP will completely reset when you use the Rank Reset Voucher. ※ If your character’s Class Level is 15, you will also receive a Rank Card corresponding to the next Rank. For example, a character of Rank 7 and Class Level 15 will receive Rank Cards up to Rank Card 8, allowing them to reach Class Level 1 of Rank 8 after using the Cards and completing the corresponding advancement quests. Meanwhile, a character of Rank 7 and Class Level 10 will only receive Rank Cards up to Rank Card 7, allowing them to reach Class Level 1 of Rank 7 after using the Cards and completing the corresponding advancement quests. ※ Each Rank Card can only be used when your character is in the Rank immediately prior to it (e.g. when you are on Rank 1, you will need to use the Rank 2 Card; when you are on Rank 2, you will need to use the Rank 3 Card, and so on).       All of your character’s learned attributes will reset. However, after the Rank Reset your character can learn the same attributes they had learned before the Reset, as long as the Class/Circle and Skill Level are the same before and after the Rank Reset. The attributes where your character meets these conditions can be learned by them free of charge (no silver consumed) up until the attribute level reached before the Rank Reset.     All costumes received via class advancement will be deleted. Hair accessories will remain in your inventory.   Hidden class advancement requirements remain the same after you use the Rank Reset Voucher. ※ If you had advanced into a hidden class before the Reset and want to advance into the same hidden class after the Reset, you will need to gather the exact same conditions once again in order to advance.   All advancement quests will be reset. In order to advance to your desired class, you will have to use the Rank Cards provided to increase your Class Level and complete each advancement quest according to the class you want.   Equipped monster cards will be unequipped and moved to your inventory. No penalty will be applied to your cards after they are automatically unequipped during the Rank Reset (i.e. they will remain the same as they were before the Reset).   Companion vouchers obtained via class advancement will be deleted when you use the Reset. Companions previously obtained via voucher will not be deleted and will remain in your team.   Remember that Circle 3 Costumes may become unequippable by your character after the Rank Reset if you choose a different Circle 3 class than the one you had before the Reset.   If your current character is a Kannushi and you wish to advance into the same class again, after the Rank Reset you can only do so with a female character.     Again, make sure you understand what the Rank Reset entails and how to use the Voucher before you jump into your new class tree. May the goddess’ blessing accompany you in your path. PS. We are currently proceeding with tests regarding a Hidden Class, Earth Tower Solmiki contents, Rank Reset Vouchers etc and they will be released as soon as the tests are finished.     

Developer's Blog
January 1st, 2018
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for September 25-26, 2017

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (September 25-26, 2017). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
September 27th, 2017
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for June 7th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
June 7th, 2016
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Intense Balancing: AoE, Multi-hit, Swordsman/Archer Trees

Greetings, Saviors! It’s been a while since we shared our latest development plans here at the blog, but today we would like to continue our Intense Balancing series with another round of general combat and also class-specific changes we have in the works, this time geared towards the Archer and Swordsman class trees. Note that the content we’re discussing here can look different once it actually makes it into the game. Any changes will be duly announced through the patch notes when they’re ready to be applied.   Readjusting the AoE Attack/Defense Ratio One of the focal points of this patch is going to be the AoE attack/defense ratio. In a nutshell, the AoE attack/defense ratio determines how many targets are hit by an AoE attack. If the maximum AoE attack ratio of a given attack is 15, for example, that attack can hit as much as 5 characters that have an AoE defense ratio of 3. There are many ways to increase and decrease AoE attack/defense ratios in the game, but we’re mostly looking to address the skills that decrease AoE defense ratios to 0. Using an AoE attack on enemies with an AoE defense ratio of 0 lets you hit an unlimited number of targets within your range, with some single-target skills also allowing this. Attacks like this often become virtually inescapable. The two skills that can currently decrease the AoE defense ratio to 0 are the Linker’s Circle 1 attribute ‘Hangman's Knot: Splash Defense’ and the Falconer’s Circle 1 skill ‘Circling’ – these skills will be updated to decrease AoE defense ratios to 1 as the minimum value. The Mergen’s Circle 1 skill ‘Homing Arrow’, which despite being designed as a single-target attack can be used to reach multiple enemies, is having its hit range and AoE attack ratio values readjusted in the same context. Falconer Changes Let’s look at some class-specific changes now. The Falconer is a class with many unique skills, but more often than not, it’s ‘Circling’ that attracts players to it. Our goal in this patch is to improve on the distinctive aspects of the Falconer, increasing its potential as an attractive class on various angles.   [C1 Skill] Roost - 50% increase to Falconer skills used near the roost. - Duration decreased from 120 to 20 sec. - Cooldown decreased from 60 to 20 sec. [C1 Skill] Circling - AoE defense ratio set to 1. - Duration changed from 20 sec to 15 + [skill level x 1] sec. - Hawk follows the casting character for the duration of the skill. - Applied range identical to skill ‘Aiming’. [C1 Skill] Hovering - 50% additional damage to Beast type enemies. [C2 Attribute] Hovering: Guardian NEW - 'Hovering' deals 100% additional damage to boss monsters. [C1 Skill] Pheasant - 50% additional damage to Beast type enemies. - Max. number of targets changed from unlimited to 15. - Cooldown reduced from 40 to 25 sec. - New C2 attribute ‘Pheasant: Lightning Bolt‘. - New C3 attribute ‘Pheasant: Heavy Impact’. [C2 Attribute] Pheasant: Lightning Bolt NEW - Increases hawk’s number of attacks when using 'Pheasant'. [C2 Attribute] Pheasant: Heavy Impact NEW - Enemies affected by 'Pheasant' gather at the point where the skill was cast. [C3 Skill] Pre-Emptive Strike - Changed to ON/OFF function (SP adjusted, cooldown removed). - Triggers ‘Sonic Strike’ and ‘Hovering’ additional damage. - New C3 attribute ‘Pre-Emptive Strike: Sure Victory’. [C3 Attribute] Pre-Emptive Strike: Sure Victory NEW - Increases critical chance proportionally to attribute level when an enemy affected by 'Pre-Emptive Strike' has 100% HP. [C3 Attribute] Hawk Hunter NEW - The Hawk does not leave when using skills and returns to standby position automatically. ‘Roost’ is becoming more than just a perch for your Hawk companion, adding a 50% attack increase to all Falconer skills performed near it. Also, by reducing its duration from 120 to 20 seconds and cutting the cooldown to 20 seconds, we want to turn ‘Roost’ into a skill useful for not only stationary but moving combat situations as well. ‘Circling’, which reduces enemy AoE defense ratios proportionally to skill level, is now going to reduce them to a fixed value of 1, regardless of skill level. Duration is being set to 15 + (skill level) seconds, with the range matching that of Circle 3 skill ‘Aiming’. Another big change is that, while ‘Casting’ is active, the Hawk will now always follow the casting character without disengaging from the skill. The unlimited targets of ‘Pheasant’ are being replaced by a maximum of 15 enemies. To compensate, the skill is getting an increased attack value and a shorter cooldown of 25 seconds. The new ‘Pheasant: Lightning Bolt’ Circle 2 attribute is going to increase the number of times the Hawk attacks during the skill’s duration. ‘Pheasant: Heavy Impact’, the new Circle 3 attribute, gathers all enemies affected by ‘Pheasant’ to the central point where the skill was cast. Also in Circle 2 there’s the new ‘Hovering’ attribute ‘Guardian’, which gives 100% additional damage to ‘Hovering’ attacks on boss monsters. To complement this, ‘Pheasant’ and ‘Hovering’ both get 50% additional damage on Beast type enemies. ‘Pre-Emptive Strike’ is changed into a toggle skill you can switch on and off, meaning cooldown is eliminated and the skill only consumes SP when it is active. Also, ‘Sonic Strike’ and ‘Hovering’ attacks executed under ‘Pre-Emptive Strike’ are getting a 10% damage boost per skill level, while the new Circle 3 ‘Pre-Emptive Strike: Sure Victory’ increases critical chance by 10% per attribute level when the enemy hit by the skill has HP at 100%. The final new attribute to be added to Falconer Circle 3 is ‘Hawk Hunter’ (requires a minimum of ‘Roost’ and ‘Call’ at level 1). This attribute makes it so that the Hawk companion does not wander away from your character even when using skills, setting it automatically to standby mode when necessary. Linker Changes   [C1 Attribute] Hangman's Knot: Splash Defense - Name changed to ‘Hangman's Knot: Focus Attack’. - AoE defense ratio set to 1. - [Attribute level x 5%] damage increase for 3 seconds (max. level 5). Similarly to ‘Circling’, ‘Hangman’s Knot’ is another attribute that currently allows you to reduce AoE defense ratios to 0. After changing the attribute's name to ‘Hangman's Knot: Focus Attack’, we’re setting its AoE defense ratio to a fixed value of 1. With a maximum level of 5, it will provide a 5% damage increase per attribute level on enemies affected by ‘Hangman’s Knot’. Other AoE Attack Ratio Increases The attack values of the following skills and summons will also be getting an AoE attack ratio increase.   Featherfoot - Ngadhundi +3 - Kundela Slash +3 Necromancer - Skeleton Archer +5 - Skeleton Soldier +5 - Shoggoth +5 (all attacks) Sorcerer - Salamion +5 (all attacks) Bokor - Zombie +5 - Wheelchair Zombie +5 - Scale Zombie +5 (all attacks)   Improving Damage in “Effect” Multi-hit Attacks There are two kinds of multi-hit attacks in Tree of Savior: one kind is calculated as actual separate hits according to the attack’s formulas (the “true” multi-hit); the other is calculated as the damage of the entire attack, but displayed as multiples (the “effect” multi-hit). Currently, whenever a proportion-based damage increase is added to an “effect” multi-hit attack, that damage increase is applied only one time, like so: - 50% damage increase is applied to a 1,000 x 5 multi-hit attack - Damage increase is applied only to one hit = 1,500 + 1,000 + 1,000 + 1,000 + 1,000 = 5500 - Counting all of the attack’s hits, 5,500 / 5 = 1,100 (it only comes up to a 10% increase per hit) To improve on this, we want to have damage increases apply to all the hits of these “effect” attacks, the same way it happens with the ”true” multi-hits. In the example above, that would mean 50% applied to each of the 5 hits (1,500 x 5). When we apply this proportional damage increase to the attacks below, their total damage value will also increase. Keep in mind, however, that we are simply correcting the fact that the proportional damage increase wasn’t being applied to the total value of the attack; we are not giving each hit an additional damage value (+) like what happens with “true” multi-hit attacks.   Swordsman Wizard Archer Cleric Highlander - Cross Guard Peltasta - Umbo Blow Hoplite - Pierce Cataphract - Earth Wave - Doom Spike Doppelsoeldner - Redel - Zucken - Zwerchhau - Sturtzhau - Zornhau Dragoon - Gae Bulg - Dragon Soar   Wizard - Energy Bolt - Earthquake Cryomancer - Ice Bolt Elementalist - Freezing Sphere Alchemist - Alchemistic Missile Featherfoot - Bone Pointing Archer - Twin Arrow Quarrel Shooter - Running Shot Ranger - Spiral Arrow - Barrage Fletcher - Barbed Arrow Falconer - Sonic Strike Cannoneer - Shootdown - Cannon Shot Musketeer - Volleyfire - Bayonet Thrust - Birdfall - Penetration Shot Hackapell - Skarphuggning - Storm Bolt - Leg Shot Mergen - Triple Arrow   Paladin - Conviction Besides these skills, we will also be applying proportional damage increases to the total damage value of buffs that temporarily increase damage or the number of hits of an attack. Quarrel Shooter Changes   [C3 Skill] Running Shot - New additional damage calculation formula. - Duration set to 300 sec. The amplifications and multipliers of the additional damage in ‘Running Shot’ are now being replaced by a simple addition formula. To understand how this works, take the example below. Ex.) Double Gun Stance (x 150%) x Running Shot level 5 (x 300% >> + 200%) Current: Double Gun Stance 150% x Running Shot 300% = 450% New: Double Gun Stance 150% + Running Shot 200% = 350% ※ This will also apply to the attack multiplier formula of the Cannoneer’s ‘Bazooka’. Other than this, the duration of the ‘Running Shot’ buff is also being set to a fixed value of 300 seconds, instead of the maximum of 23 seconds at level 5. Hoplite Changes               [C1 Skill] Stabbing - Faster consecutive piercing hits. - Damage increases with the number of consecutive piercing hits. [C3 Attribute] Stabbing: Onslaught NEW - Increases the max. number of Stabbing hits according to attribute level (max. 10 hits). [C1 Skill] Pierce - Cooldown decreased from 30 to 20 sec. - Overheat increased from 1 to 2. - New C2 attribute ‘Pierce: Repeated Shock’. [C2 Attribute] Pierce: Repeated Shock NEW - Applies +2 hits on enemies affected by the Shock debuff. [C2 Skill] Long Stride - Increases damage according to the character’s weight. - Increased range. - Number of targets increased from 5 to 10. - Cooldown reduced from 49 to 30 sec. - New C2 attribute ‘Long Stride: Stun’. [C2 Attribute] Long Stride: Stun NEW - Inflicts Stun proportionally to attribute level. [C2 Skill] Spear Lunge - Cooldown reduced from 24 to 20 sec. First, the piercing hits of ‘Stabbing’ are getting twice as faster, with more and more damage applied according to the number of consecutive hits. Not only that, the new Circle 3 attribute ‘Stabbing: Onslaught’ is going to increase the number of hits by 1 per attribute level, up to a maximum of 10 hits. These skill changes, combined with the new attribute, are expected to boost the DPS of ‘Stabbing’ by about 3-4 times, helping cement its place as another essential Hoplite skill. As for ‘Pierce’, which deals more damage on larger enemies, we’re cutting the cooldown from 30 to 20 seconds and increasing the overheat from 1 to 2. The new ‘Pierce: Repeated Shock’ Circle 2 attribute also adds +2 hits to the skill on enemies affected by the Shock debuff. Circle 2 skill ‘Long Stride’ is going to increase damage by up to +100% according to the weight of your character’s inventory. Meanwhile, the skill’s range is increasing significantly, as well as the number of targets (5 to 10), with cooldown also being reduced from 49 to 30 seconds. Adding to this, the new Circle 2 attribute ‘Long Stride: Stun’ will have a 100% chance of inflicting Stun for a duration proportional to the attribute level. ‘Spear Lunge’, which is used to increase pierce damage, is also seeing its cooldown reduced from 24 to 20 seconds. Cataphract Changes   [C1 Skill] Impaler - Critical applied to enemies affected by the Shock debuff. [C1 Skill] Earth Wave - 50% more damage dealt to knocked down enemies. - Casting time removed. - Overheat increased from 1 to 3. - Cooldown increased from 12 to 15 sec. [C1 Skill] Steed Charge - Reduced post-casting delay. - Can be cast 1 more time after the initial casting. [C2 Skill] Doom Spike - Reduced post-casting delay. - Reduces critical resistance of affected enemies by 10 per skill level. [C2 Skill] Acrobatic Mount NEW - Increases mounting skill damage by 5% and SP consumption by 10% per level. - Duration: 40 sec. - Cooldown: 60 sec.     With these changes, ‘Impaler’ is going to deliver critical attacks to every enemy affected by the Shock debuff. We’re also getting rid of ‘Earth Wave’’s casting time, while increasing the skill’s damage on knocked down enemies by 50%, the overheat from 1 to 3, and the cooldown from 12 to 15 seconds. ‘Steed Charge’ is another skill with casting-related changes. Not only is the post-casting delay being reduced, right after casting the skill you’ll be able to execute it one more time. ‘Doom Spike’ is receiving the same post-casting delay cut, with an added reduction of critical resistance on enemies affected by it by 10 per skill level (meaning up to -100 at level 10). And to complete the Cataphract overhaul, for every level of the new Circle 2 skill ‘Acrobatic Mount’, you will also be getting a damage increase of 5% (although with an added SP consumption of 10%) on mounting skills, i.e. those that can only be used when mounted on a Companion. ‘Acrobatic Mount’ comes with a duration of 40 seconds and cooldown of 60, and it is expected to significantly increase the damage of not just Cataphract, but Lancer attack skills as well. Dragoon Changes       [C1 Skill] Dragon Soar - 30% damage increase on Flying type enemies. - Overheat increased from 1 to 3. [C1 Skill] Dragontooth - Casting time set to 1 sec. - Applies double the critical rate value when the enemy is hit. - Increases critical damage by 10% with one-handed spears. - Ignores 50% of enemy defense with two-handed spears. [C2 Skill] Dethrone - Reduced pre-casting delay. ‘Dragon Soar’ is getting a much-needed overheat boost, going from 1 to 3, and a 30% damage increase on Flying type enemies that is also applied on targets affected by Raise and other status ailments. ‘Dragontooth’, on the other hand, will always cast in 1 second regardless of skill level, and add a couple of extra effects: double the critical rate when the enemy is hit, 10% critical damage increase if you're equipping a one-handed spear, and 50% of enemy defense ignored when using two-handed spears. Last but not least, we’re reducing the pre-casting delay on ‘Dethrone’, allowing Dragoons to use their spears continuously with more ease. After these changes are applied, we will be preparing another patch of intense balancing, this time with a little more Musketeer. Changes in the Wizard tree will eventually come after that, or so we plan; but again, we’ll make sure to keep releasing more details here on the dev blog, so stay tuned.

Developer's Blog
November 23rd, 2017
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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for May 29, 2018

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (May 29, 2018). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
June 19th, 2018
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for October 10th - 11th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for October 10th - 11th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
October 11th, 2016
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[FREE] Second Anniversary Present DLC Coming to Steam! (Mar 27)

  Greetings, Saviors!   In honor of TOS’ second anniversary on Steam (celebrated on March 29!), we’ve prepared some gifts in the form of the 'TOS - Second Anniversary Present' DLC! (Link to Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com//app/474804)   The DLC will be available at our Steam Store from March 27, 2018. Please note that it will be removed later on so make sure you don't miss out on this opportunity!   Check the details down below to see what we have in store for you!   [TOS - Second Anniversary Present DLC Contents]   - 1 x Token (15 Days) (Untradable) - Receive premium benefits for 15 days!   - 1 x Leaf Penguin Egg (Untradable) - Get your very own adorable Leaf Penguin Companion to travel with!   - 1 x Steam 2nd Anniversary Armband - Show your support with this fashionable armband!   - 1 x Attribute Points 1,000 Ticket (Untradable) - Hit harder with your skills after investing attribute points!   - 10 x Enhancement Discount Coupon: 100,000 Silver (Untradable) - Save silver while enhancing your gear with these Coupons!   - 1 x [Event] Warp Scroll - Start 2nd Anniversary Event (Untradable) - Go to the Event Helper NPC to get 2 costumes and start the 2nd Anniversary Event with this special Warp Scroll!   - 20 x Highly Condensed HP & SP potions (Untradable)   - 10 x Lv2 Settlement Support Potions (Untradable)   - 5 x Highly Condensed Movement Speed Potions (Untradable)   - 5 x Goddess Sculptures (Untradable)   - 5 x Second Anniversary Firecrackers (Untradable)     [Information on the Second Anniversary Present Items]   1. The items will be sent to your in-game message box via GM message that will be accessible after Team creation. You may choose which character you wish to give the items to from the GM message.   2. You may only receive the items on one server so please choose carefully.   3. There will be no time limit on when you can redeem your items. You may decide to receive them at the time of your choice.   4. The Steam 2nd Anniversary Armband cannot be obtained in-game. It may be obtainable in the future through other products or events.   5. Token benefits cannot be paused/restarted once the Token is used. Please make sure you wish to receive the benefits before using Tokens.   6. Using a new Token will cause it to overwrite the benefits of existing Tokens. Please be careful when using Tokens.    

March 19th, 2018
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F2P Release Delayed to May 10th

Greetings, Saviors. We apologize for the confusion many of you had on our game's F2P release date. Due to the changes recently made, we had to push the release schedule back to May. The game will be open to everyone on May 10th, and the exact time will be announced in the future once our regular maintenance hours are confirmed. For detailed reasons why we had to postpone the release date, please refer to the post on our Deveoper's Blog: https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=378 Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm for Tree of Savior. Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 28th, 2016