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Announcement on Plans to Temporarily Restrict Access for New Players

Greetings Saviors, We are planning to temporarily limit new players from accessing Tree of Savior and have currently requested that Valve restrict newer players from downloading the game. Current players will have no problems in accessing the game. Such restrictions are being implemented so that we can solve issues regarding server stability, client-side lag and other service related problems. The decision was made after serious internal debate on how to best to enhance the gaming experience for current and future players alike.  These restrictions will be put in place as soon as they are implemented by Valve and will be lifted as soon as the issues have been resolved. There will be another announcement as soon as the restrictions are implemented. Thank you for your continued understanding, cooperation and support for Tree of Savior. Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 25th, 2016
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[UPDATED] The ‘Daily Mystery Delivery Event' is coming!

Greetings Saviors! We are pleased to announced that the "Daily Mystery Delivery Event" will be released soon. Please make sure to check all the details below for information about the event. [Details] 1. Event Period - From : Scheduled Maintenance on July 26th 2016 - Until : Scheduled Maintenance on August 16th 2016   2. How to Participate - You will automatically be eligible for participation during the event period. - The event will begin as soon as the [Event Notice] appears at Klaipeda or Orsha. - Receive a daily mystery box and event quest at the Klaipeda or Orsha event notice. A. You may earn up rewards from the 'Resident Looking for a Mystery Box' after completing the quest. OR B. Open the mystery box to earn the rewards directly.   3. Rewards Choice A. QUEST Complete the quest and receive a fixed reward. Reward #7/26 - Highly Enriched HP Potion x 50 Reward #7/27 - Highly Enriched SP Potion x 50 Reward #7/28 - Warp Scroll x 10 Reward #7/29 - Mystery Rewards "?" Reward #7/30 - Keistas Bravery Potion x 10 Reward #7/31 - Keistas Protective Potion x 10 Reward #8/1   - Soul Crystal x 5   Reward #8/2   - Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x 1  Reward #8/3   - EXP Tome x 2 Reward #8/4   - Enchant Scroll x 5 Reward #8/5   - Mystery Rewards "?" Reward #8/6   - Highly Enriched HP Potion x 50 Reward #8/7   - Highly Enriched SP Potion x 50 Reward #8/8   - Silver Anvil x 1 (14 days) Reward #8/9   - Keistas Bravery Potion x 10 Reward #8/10  - Keistas Protective Potion x 10 Reward #8/11  - EXP Tome x 4 Reward #8/12  - Mystery Rewards "?" Reward #8/13  - Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x 2 Reward #8/14  - EXP Tome x 4 Reward #8/15  - Silver Anvil x 2 (14 days)   Choice B. OPEN the Mystery Box and receive a random reward. Reward #1 Highly Enriched HP Potion x 1 ~ 100 Reward #2 Highly Enriched SP Potion x 1 ~ 100 Reward #3 Keistas Bravery Potion x 1 ~ 20 Reward #4 Keistas Protective Potion x 1 ~ 20 Reward #5 Soul Crystal x 1~ 10 Reward #6 Warp Scroll x 1 ~ 10 Reward #7 Urgent Repair Kit x 1 ~ 10 Reward #8 Megaphone x 1 ~ 10 Reward #9 Token: 7 Days [Event] x 1  Reward #10 EXP Tome x 1  -Choice B rewards will be chosen randomly after the mystery box is opened. -You can open the mystery box to complete the quest at once.   4. Important -Any items obtained as rewards are not tradable. -You can choose and complete up to 21 quests in total during the event. -The quests may only be received and completed once per day. -You will not be able to receive a new quest on the same day you complete one. -You will be able to receive a new quest after EDT 00:00 a.m. -Please note that the content above might be adjusted due to changes of the development plan.  [UPDATED] -Please note that you must use the 'Silver Items' have a 14 day expiration date.

July 25th, 2016
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Quick Guide: New Classes & Main Changes

Welcome back, Savior! The Goddess will be delighted to hear of your return! Here are some of the main changes that happened in recent months. Read through them and you will feel your power returning to you.     Returning Player: Main Changes   Welcome Savior, and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us. Are you enjoying things so far? At this stage in your adventure, we bet you have seen and heard many tales but we bet you still have some lingering questions. As a rising Savior the world can appear quite dangerous but there is no need to fear as we have the tips and know-how to ensure your first few steps are successful. So let's get to it. These are the major updates that have come to TOS!   NEW Rank Expansion, NEW Challenge Mode, NEW Unique Raid Dungeon, 4 New Classes Added to Class Rank 8   ► Click <<<here>>> to read more information   A lot has changed in TOS with the latest Rank update: new classes, new features, revised content… it can be a lot to take in at once. So, to get you up-to-date with the newest version of TOS, we put together a little FAQ list that hopefully will help clear any doubts on what’s changed and how it’s changed. Keep in mind that this list only contains information on some of the main aspects of the update. please check the 2017 Rank Update FAQ.   ► 2017 Rank Update FAQ   And don’t forget to collect your special event rewards that can only be obtained through ► Returning Savior Event: Homecoming Gift (Dec ‘17) and, NEW Rank Reset Event!     If you tell us your level, we can provide you with more specific trade secrets. [Level 1-100: Developing Your Character]   Well, Savior, you are still in the early stages of your adventure. Cherish those first memories. Here we will provide you with a few more guides to 'guide' your journey. Click to see more details!   ► Status/Rank/Class Circle   ► Adventure Journal   [Level 101-200: Useful Functions For Everyone]   Time to join a guild! Time to party with friends! It must have seemed like a long trip but wait, there's more! Click to see more details!   ► Guild System (Emblems & Guild Funds)   ► Instanced Dungeon Improvements    [Level 201-360: Other Gameplay Features]   Let's check what level 201-360 players are up to! Making items stronger? Sounds like a plan! You have almost reached the final stage, but this doesn't mean that this is the end of your adventure! What else can do you? Let us find out! Click to see more details!   ► Monster Card Equip System (Monster Card Albums & Card Effects)   ► Team Battle League Rebalancing (only applies inside TBL)     We’ll make sure to keep releasing more details here on the dev blog, so stay tuned.     Quick Advancement Guide: New Classes  If you’re looking to become a Matador, Shadowmancer, Bullet Marker or Zealot after the latest Rank update, take a look at our quick guide below to see how you can get started on the freshest classes in TOS.   Matador (Swordsman) The Matadors are bullfighters known for their flashy combat moves. Attacking the enemy in swift, short movements is their signature style.     [Advancement] 1) Read the Matador Notice Board located in the city of Orsha. 2) Ask about the Matador Master’s notice to the people of Escanciu Village. 3) The Matador Master appeared in in Fedimian! Talk to her to start the advancement.   Shadowmancer (Wizard) Shadowmancers are masters in the magic of shadows. They use shadows to conceal themselves and deliver powerful attacks against their enemies.     [Advancement] 1) Get familiar with the shadows inhabiting the Library Annex Roof at the Taniel I Memorial. 2) Ask the Chronomancer Master about the shadows. She is located in Stele Road. 3) Go to Rasvoy Lake as instructed and meet the Shadowmancer Master to start the advancement!     Bullet Marker (Archer) Bullet Markers are a gun-wielding class that uses special bullets with different properties and effects in combat.     [Advancement] 1) Find information on the Bullet Marker Master through Manager Rota at the Mercenary Post (warning: you will have to ask several times). 2) Find the Bullet Marker Master at the Greene Manor to start the advancement.     Zealot (Cleric) The Zealots specialize in making the most out of their skills. Their buffs are particularly beneficial to close-range physical attacks.     [Advancement] 1) In Vera Coast, beyond Khanka Sentry, find the tombstone surrounded by corals. 2) Read the information on the tombstone and ask the Inquisitor Master about it. 3) Then ask the Oracle Master and Paladin Master as well, until… 4) The Zealot Master appears at the Inner Enceinte District! Talk to her to start the advancement.     First Time Player: What type of combat do you prefer? Here in Tree of Savior, you can customize a unique character by progressing on a course based solely on your own design! However, before you can run, you have to learn how to walk, aka. you have to choose a base character to begin your adventure. And don’t forget to collect your special event rewards that can only be gained through the Rookie Savior Event: Get Ahead (Dec ‘17).     [CLASS BUILD RANKING]     If you're planning out your next classe advancement, have a look at our most popular builds! Selecting a Class in Tree of Savior doesn’t mean you will carry that Class until the very end. Instead, for every 15 class levels, you can change your class via Class Advancement.   ► TOP 100 : The most popular TOS class builds of all time. ► RARE 100 : The most unique TOS class builds of all time. ► HOT 10 : Ten TOS class builds that are moving up in the ranks.          

Developer's Blog
December 13th, 2017
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Re:Build - The Introduction

Greetings, Saviors.   Today we would like to introduce you to the changes in the rank advancement system that will be implemented in the game with the upcoming [Re:Build] update. But firstly we would like to share with the TOS community the reasons why such a drastic change is necessary for the game to be improved.   The Limitations of the Current Rank System   The strength of Tree of Savior as a game is the wide variety of classes available for players to pick and choose from with which they can explore and overcome the many challenges presented to them in the game. This was, and still is, the central philosophy behind our game design.   For such a potential to be fully realized, we believe that all choices that our players make in building their characters should be significant.   However, player choice in character development is rather limited under the current rank system. With the vertical rank structure of the current system, classes of the lower ranks fundamentally fall behind the higher rank classes in efficacy. The lower rank classes are chosen on the basis of the availability of a useful buff/debuff and the classes that do not have such desired buff/debuffs are often overlooked despite the wide array of different skills and features they offer the player.   As a result only 23 builds, on the basis of player preference, have proven themselves to be 'valid' builds for the game. In general, these 'valid' builds mostly consist of classes from ranks 7~8 with some lower rank classes added for support of the main higher rank classes.   In its current state, the versatile character build is no longer Tree of Savior's strength because the remaining builds apart from the aforementioned 23 builds become a ‘regretful’ decision that players want to revoke.    [Rank Reset] was introduced as the means for the players to revoke such decisions in developing their characters but it only deepened the problem at hand and further cemented the more powerful builds in their current place.    New Direction   The restructuring of the rank system, at its core, aims to re-value all available classes equally and further develop their feature characteristics and personality.   In order for this to happen, we will be restructuring the convoluted rank advancement system and removing manual stat point allocation that did little to affect the direction of character growth. Furthermore, class trees will be expanded and rearranged to reinforce the role and the purpose of every class available in the tree.   Overall, the new job advancement system will be more intuitive and convenient in comparison and the underutilized lower rank classes will be repurposed through the 'horizontal' restructuring of the rank system to provide our players with more versatile means to enjoy the game.   Along with the restructuring, current in-game features will be improved upon and new content and balance tweaks will be made to compliment the changes in rank advancement.   The summary of the changes in the rank advancement system are as follows:   1. The current rank system will be replaced with a new job advancement system. - Players will be able to choose any of the classes available in a given tree on advancement. - Players will be able to use the in-game [Class Change] system to readily switch between classes. - Level cap for each class will be extended to 45 and a single character will be given a total 4 classes(1+3) to choose from and combine.(For example, 560 different combination of classes can be made in the Swordsman tree)   2. New class tree and new classes will be added and existing class trees will be partly rearranged. - Players will be provided with a [Class Tree Change] for a limited time to compensate for the expansion and the rearrangement of available class trees.   3. With the removal of ranks, the power difference between skills of different ranks will be minimized and all skills will be adjusted so that every class will be able to more faithfully play the roles that match their available skill-set. - Magic attacks will be changed so that it is possible to land a critical strike, be dodged and blocked.   4. Attribute system will be changed. - The learning cost will be drastically reduced for all attributes. - New feature will be added where players can extract attribute points from their characters.   5. Stat system will be changed. - Stat allocation will be automated and increase with each level to better reflect class characteristics. - Extra stat points obtained through quests or Goddess Statues will be available for the players to allocate freely.    The [Re:Build] update is currently in the process of being tested internally with the goal of being released mid-November for kTOS. A more detailed introduction of the changes made will be released in the coming weeks through the official TOS Developer’s Blog posts.    Thank you.

Developer's Blog
November 4th, 2018
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Scheduled Maintenance for December 12, 2017

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (December 11-12, 2017). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
December 11th, 2017
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Attention All Returning Saviors!

  Greetings, Saviors!   TOS has undergone extensive changes since the arrival of our Re:Build update and still continue to change to this day. So we have prepared a comprehensive guide for all Saviors returning to the game after a long hiatus. Have a read to see all the new features that you may be missing out on!         SYSTEM CHANGES     1. Class Level / Equipment / Attribution Points     - All characters’ Class Levels have been reset and the Class EXP of all characters have been refunded as [Class EXP Recovery Cards], which can be found in your character’s [Market Retrieve] tab along with the character’s previously equipped items. - All invested Attribute Points have also been refunded so you can re-invest them to suit the changes made to different class’ skills.     2. Instance Dungeon Usage Report   - Entry counts for instance dungeons will now be displayed on the [Instance Dungeon Usage] UI for each of your characters in your Team Lodge.      - The Instance Dungeon Usage window displays the remaining entry counts for each of the instance dungeons for each of your character from the moment of your character’s last log-in. - Please take note that the entry counts displayed here will not be automatically updated unless you log-in with the specific character.     3. Quest UI [F5]   - You can now better sort your available quests using the new quest view filter and also choose which quest objectives you want to be displayed by ticking the box to the left of the quest list.   Previous Quest UI / New Quest UI     4. Exclusive Rookie/Returning Savior TP Shop   - You will be able to gain access to the exclusive Rookie/Returning Savior TP Shop if your account is new, or you do not have a log-in history for over a 30-day period.     - The Rookie/Returning TP shop is available for a 30-day duration from the moment you first log-in or the moment return to the game.     CONTENT CHANGES - PVE   1. Level Dungeon   The entry requirement for Level Dungeons have been streamlined to levels 50, 130, 200, 270 and 330.     PROTIP Level Dungeon cubes will now only drop [Talt] and [Monster Cards] of boss monsters. Other items previously available from Dungeon Cubes can be acquired by hunting field monsters instead.      2. Uphill Defense   You can now enter the Uphill Defense mission 4 times a week.      - Uphill Mission now has two difficulty modes available to choose from: Normal and Hard. Completing the Uphill Defense mission in Hard difficulty will reward players with more Uphill Defense points and higher grade Gem Abrasives.     Difficulty Reward Normal 5-Star Gem Abrasive x2 Hard 6-Star Gem Abrasive x1   - Players no longer have to retrieve rewards for every stage they clear and instead be rewarded after the mission has ended.  - The entry count for Uphill Defense mission will only be deducted when the mission is over (either complete or failed), at the point which you can claim your reward from [Sister Lhasa] Uphill Defense Entry Count will be deduct once the Uphill Defense is over (cleared or failed), and you can retrieve clear reward from [Sister Lhasa] NPC.       3. Remnants of Bernice Dungeon   The participation reward for Remnants of Bernice Dungeon has been changed.   Before After Dimensional Potion Remnants of Bernice Coin   - The Remnants of Bernice Point Shop has been added and can now be accessed through the [Oracle Master] NPC in Klaipeda where you can spend your Remnants of Bernice Coin to obtain various reward items.      4. Challenge Mode   - Challenge Mode can now only be entered when in a party and there is also a 10-party entry limit per channel.      - If you or all other party members abandon a party during Challenge Mode, the Challenge Mode will end and you will not be able to re-enter the Challenge Mode session you were participating in.  - Entry Count is only deducted after your rewards have been obtained and the items and EXP points will be issued all at once after the Challenge Mode has been ended. - Note that you will not be able to receive any rewards when failing a Challenge Mode session and your entry count will remain unchanged. - Players can now randomly obtain [Recipe - Legend Raid Portal Stone] by completing the Challenge Mode up to stages 6 and 7.   PROTIP [Legend Raid Portal Stones] are items that grant you additional entry to Legend Raids after your weekly entry counts have been used up.      5. Earth Tower   - Earth Tower is now divided into 4 Lolopanther and 4 Solmiki areas. You can now freely choose which area of the Earth Tower you want to enter.      - Players will no longer be able to obtain Silver for defeating Earth Tower bosses and Lolopanther bosses will no longer reward players with Symbol items.     CONTENT CHANGES - PVP   1. Gemstone Feud   - The level required for entering Gemstone Feud is now 300.  - You will be allocated into a random Gemstone Feud session regardless of the area you’ve entered from and will be returned to the city in which you entered the Gemstone Feud session.         Entry Time Feud Time Session 1 21:10~21:15 EDT 21:10~21:25 EDT Session 2 21:30~21:35 EDT 21:30~21:45 EDT   - Bonus [Mercenary Badges] are now issued to top 5 ranked players in a session but players will not be able to receive Mercenary Badges if they have failed to gain at least 10 points.  - The points earned by defeating the boss monster will not be added to the player’s individual points.     2. Borutos Kapas   - Borutos Kapas is a GvG raid where you and your Guild must fight against opposing Guilds in a free-for-all battle to bring down the terrible Dragon Boruta. - Borutos Kapas sessions are open daily from 22:00 ~ 02:00 server time in Sulivinas Lair, which can be accessed through the Kupole Kaze NPC in Vedas Plateau. - Each Team is given a 1-hour entry limit per day and will be automatically returned to Vedas Plateau after their 1-hour duration is over. - The 1-hour entry limit begins counting down once the player enters Sulivinas Lair and the duration count is continued even while the player is outside of Sulivinas Lair. - Players will be returned automatically to Kupole Kaze in Vedas Plateau when failing to select a respawn point for a 30-second duration after becoming incapable of combat     Guild Rewards Individual Rewards - Rewarded to the top 5 Guilds with the highest contribution points. 1) Shining Boruta Cube 2) Boruta Seal (random class) - Participation rewards can be obtained by earning individual contribution points. - Special rewards are given to players with the top 30 individual contribution points. 1) Boruta Cube 2) Medal of Honor: Boruta     CONTENT CHANGES - Equipment   1. Ichor Transmutation   - Ichor Transmutation is a system that lets players extract Ichors with a 100% chance.  - The success rate of the Transmutation process depends on the potential of the items used as ingredients. - If you use 3 items with full potential, the success rate will be 100%. - Failing the transmutation process will destroy all items used as ingredients.  - Using 3 different items will yield a random Ichor from one of the 3 items used for the transmutation.     Transmutation Requirement: Magic, Rare, or Unique items of Lv. 350 and above. Location: [Teliavelis] NPC in the city of Fedimian Required Items: [Ichor Transmutation Kit], [Sierra Powder]     2. Unequipping Ichors   - Players can now remove equipped Ichors from items. - The bonus stats from Ichors will also be removed from the item and Ichors will be extracted into their original forms.      Location: [Teliavelis] NPC in Fedimian Cost: [Item Level x 10,000 Silver]     3. Awakening   - The new [Awakening Abrasive] item has been added to the game. - You can gain higher stat bonuses when an [Awakening Abrasive] is used to Awaken an item.      [Lv.400 Awakening Abrasives] can be randomly obtained by hunting monsters in fields or in Challenge Modes.    [Locations]   Barynwell 27 Waters Maven 31 Waters Maven 32 Waters Northern Parias Forest Central Parias Forest Southern Parias Forest Inner Wall District 10 Outer Wall District 11 Outer Wall District 13 Outer Wall District 14 Outer Wall District 15   * Locations in gold are accessible through Goddess Statue warps.     4. Item Set Stats   - Players can use the [Pamoka Solution] to add set stats to Velcoffer or Savinose set equipment.  - Adding set stats to items now has a 100% success rate as long as you have the required number of Pamoka Solution.      Purchasable from: [Alchemist Master Vaidotas] NPC in the Miner’s Village     NEW CONTENT   1. Guild Hangout Raid   - Players can now participate in the Guild Hangout Raid through the Sage Envoy NPC who appears in the Guild Hangout once a Guild reaches Guild Level 5. - Players will need to be the Guild Master or be given the authority by the Guild Master in order to start the Guild Hangout Raid. - Silver can be claimed as the raid reward from the Sage Envoy NPC and can be earned in amounts proportionate to each player’s accumulated contribution.  - The total amount of Silver acquirable is dependent on the Guild level and contribution rank.     2. Hunting Grounds - Irredian’s Shelter   - New Lv. 390 Hunting Grounds has been added in the northern area of Spell Tome Town in the [Magija Slove Square] area.     - Players can defeat a certain number of monsters to open a portal leading to a boss monster for a Solo Raid.  - The Solo Raid can be played 5 times per week per Team.      3. Tomb of the White Crow: Unique Raid     Name  Tomb of the White Crow: Unique Raid Entry [Shadowmancer Master] NPC at [Rasvoy Lake] Level Requirement Character Level 400 Cost Raid Portal Stone x6   - Players must complete the prerequisite Lv. 400 quest [From a Mistake to a Threat] before being able to participate in the Tomb of the White Crow raid.  - Each additional entry consumes 1 extra Raid Portal Stone and the amount of Raid Portal Stones required is reset every Monday at 6 AM server time.       

Developer's Blog
July 9th, 2019
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for July 25th - 26th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for July 25th, 2016-July 26th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
July 28th, 2016
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Introducing Rank 8 – Swordsman

Greetings, Tree of Savior dev team here. After our introduction of the new Wizard classes last week, Today we’re bringing you a preview of what you can expect from Rank 8 Swordsman types.   Dragoon (Circle 2) The team play aspect of the Dragoon class is reinforced in Circle 2.     ​▲ With this new attribute, “Serpentine” gives a bonus of 100% to all melee physical attacks. We expect this attribute to be useful for parties where there is another warrior class character.       The new skill “Dethrone” is going to inflict occasional debuff effects on boss monsters by reducing their movement and attack speed. This skill will also give you three possible types of bonus according to monster size: “small”, “medium” or “big”; as well as bonuses specific to flying-type monsters.     ​ ▲ This skill works with both short and long ranges, meaning it can be used to slay multiple monsters at once or target opponents in PvP battles.           Doppelsoeldner (Circle 3) Power-grinder Doppelsoeldner is becoming even stronger in Circle 3.     ▲ With the attributes we’re adding to up the number of multiple hits in the skills Zucken and Redel, the Circle 3 Doppelsoeldner is going to be pulverizing enemies like a human blender.     ▲ A new skill, “Zwerchhau”, adds a temporary bonus to slash attacks which, when used in conjunction with other techniques, can become a powerful grinding tool.     ​ ​▲ We’ll be introducing a new attribute for expanding the area of the “Punish” skill, used on knocked down enemies, as well as other attributes for upgrading lower-level skills.     Fencer (Circle 3) Circle 3 Fencers will use their quick, consecutive attack style to build up on the power of earlier circles.   ​     Fencers will be able to use the “Epee Stance” skill in Circle 3. This stance does come with its disadvantages, like neutralizing the effect of any shields equipped, but on the other hand…   … the “Epee Stance” dramatically increases the critical damage of pierce attacks in proportion to the skill level. If the Doppelsoeldner is like a raging blender, the Fencer is more akin to an unstoppable sowing machine.   “Balestra Fente”, which temporarily reduces the critical resistance of enemies, is going to be useful for Fencers who invested their points in stats other than DEX.   “Attaque au Fer” is a new skill that disarms PvP opponents, throwing their weapon to the ground. This skill makes it so that, until they pick up their weapon again, the opponent will not be under their effects.   Templar (Circle 2) Circle 2 Templars will be the class of choice for guild masters who wish to operate a battle-oriented guild. Circle 2 Templars are capable of setting up new structures in the Guild Hideouts.   The “Forge” enhances the physical attack of guild members in proportion to how many are established.   The “Shield Charger” accumulates 100 shields per minute (6,000 per hour, 144,000 per day). Guild members who take the shield buff will receive a protective shield that protects their HP for as much shield they have taken and will not lose HP while that shield exists. Only one guild member will be able to take this shield and will start to replenish from 0, so make sure that all the guild members have agreed to use it. The shield is also usable during Regional Guild Battles. (However, it cannot be used in the Team Battle League.)   The new “Share Buff” skill allows guild members within range to share their buffs regardless of how many they have. However, please note that the Templar will not be able to move while using this skill.   Lancer (Circle 1) The Lancer, which first appears at Rank 8, is a cavalry class that has powerful anti-personnel skills.     It is capable of using buff type skills that drastically increase resistance against magic circles while moving, and counter-cavalry type skills that allow you to deal three times the normal amount of damage. The “Crush” skill that temporarily decreases the effectiveness of the opponent’s equipment also has an ability that allows you to push aside summoned enemies so it is extremely useful for charging through enemy defenses in Guild battles. The “Joust” skill which shocks and silences the enemy at the same time also allows you to destroy enemy magic circles, which means that you will be effective against mage classes as well. (This ability will also be added to the Circle 2 Cannoneer)   Murmillo (Circle 1) The Murmillo is a Gladiator class that has a good balance between offense and defense.   The Murmillo is capable of equipping a “Cassis Crista” that is a helmet with a visor. The effects of the helmet are as follows. - Decreased movement speed and melee evasion. - Increased block chance against physical and magical ranged attacks. - Peltasta and Rodelero skills along with other skills that use shields to attack will become much more powerful by learning certain abilities.  Another small benefit is that you will no longer be able to become stunned when using the “Head Butt” skill with this helmet.   ▲ The revival of forgotten skills.   They will also be able to utilize a surprise attack type AoE skill that works in tandem with skills that deal extra damage to stunned enemies, such as “Head Butt” etc. ▲ Hit them very hard! The Murmillo is the most offense-oriented of all the classes that use shields.    

Developer's Blog
July 29th, 2016
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Announcement Regarding Changes in Plans

Greetings, Saviors! We have been having much internal debate after seeing your feedback and would like to hear what you think about the following. First, we would like to explain why we had devised the 3 month Exclusive Access plan.  The main concern we had with the Steam launch was whether we could provide a stable service upon release to a massive international audience.  There are numerous factors that can cause instability, but we anticipate that one of the main causes would be a higher concentration of players than we expected. Many unprecedented problems may affect the servers and creating waiting queues to counter this would merely cause inconvenience for everyone. Furthermore, intrusion of numerous bot accounts would also bring detrimental results to the server and the community. We thought that the best way to provide a much more pleasant and stable gaming environment would be to estimate the approximate amount of players before the massive international release. This would prepare us to respond ideally as we gradually increase the player base. As such, we decided that launching different types of Founder's Pack sequentially would be the most realistic option after researching other cases in the past. However, we thought that Founder's Pack purchasers for other games were not receiving sufficient benefits from the Early Access. Thus, we decided to increase the Early Access period. This decision would also allow us to have enough time to stabilize the servers and adapt to international service before opening up to the mass public. However, we realized that we had missed some critical points after seeing the feedback on yesterday's announcement. The largest point that we missed was that the 3-month gap may cause a divide in the gaming community. We had made options to access the game at lower prices after 1 or 2 months in order to lessen such a divide but realized that it wasn't enough. The feedback gave us a chance to reconsider the initial plan of having 3 months of exclusive access as it proved to be too long for many players. We consider communities to be an integral part of MMORPGs and we consider each and every single player to be important to us regardless of whether or not they pay for the game. We would also like to offer our sincerest apologies for changing to a Founder's Server after announcing an Open Beta without sufficient explanation. We would like to find a way to make amends for announcing a news that let many players down who had been waiting for an Open Beta. Therefore, we would like to ask the users for their opinions on the following before making the final decision.  We understand you may not agree with any of the options mentioned below. In that case, please tell us what you think is a more reasonable method. We are always attentively listening to your feedback. As always, we thank you for your interest, enthusiasm, and love for Tree of Savior. Please refer to the information below for details of each launch plan before proceeding to the poll. The poll will end in 24 hours at 4 a.m(EST) March 18th, 2016. Service shall start on a similar date regardless of which option is chosen. The poll can be accessed from the following link : https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/announcement-regarding-changes-in-plans/145592/1 [ 1 Week Staggered Exclusive Access Period ] The first option is to reduce the Early Access period to 1 week. Founder's Server : Exclusive Access 1  A. Price : $49.99 B. Exclusive Access Period : 7 days C. Benefits : 650 TP + 2 Hair Accessories (Hanaming + Popolion Doll) Founder's Server : Exclusive Access 2 A. Price : $29.99 B. Exclusive Access Period : 4 days(3 days after previous pass) C. Benefits : 380 TP + 1 Hair Accessory (Popolion Doll) Founder's Server : Exclusive Access 3 A. Price : $9.99 B. Exclusive Access Period : 1 day(3 days after previous pass) C. Benefits : 130 TP   [ 1 Month Exclusive Access Period ] The second option is to reduce the Early Access period to 1 month. Founder's Server : Exclusive Access 1 A. Price : $49.99 B. Exclusive Access Period : 1 month C. Benefits : 650 TP + 1 x 60 day Token + 2 Hair Accessories (Hanaming + Popolion Doll) + 1 Companion (Hoglan) + 1 Stat / Skill Reset Potion Founder's Server : Exclusive Access 2 A. Price : $29.99 B. Exclusive Access Period : 1 month C. Benefits : 380 TP + 1 x 30 day Token + 1 Hair Accessory (Popolion Doll) Founder's Server : Exclusive Access 3 A. Price : $9.99 B. Exclusive Access Period : 1 month C. Benefits : 160 TP [ 3 Month Staggered Exclusive Access Period ] The third option is having the 3-month Early Access period as we mentioned. Founder's Server : Exclusive Access 1 A. Price : $49.99 B. Exclusive Access Period : 3 Months C. Benefits : 600 TP + 2 Hair Accessories (Hanaming + Popolion Doll) Founder's Server : Exclusive Access 2 A. Price : $29.99 B. Exclusive Access Period : 2 Months(1 month after previous pass) C. Benefits : 350 TP + 1 Hair Accessory (Popolion Doll) Founder's Server : Exclusive Access 3 A. Price : $19.99 B. Exclusive Access Period : 1 Month(1 month after previous pass) C. Benefits : 200 TP

March 17th, 2016