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[EDITED] Intense Balancing: Wizard and Swordsman Trees

Greetings, Saviors! This time around in our Intense Balancing series, we’re covering a whole roster of Wizard and Swordsman classes and the plans we’re making to adjust their skills. But first, we’d like to talk about some damage calculation changes we’re also working on.     Damage Increase/Decrease Calculation Changes   So far, damage increasing and decreasing options in TOS have always been calculated by summing and subtracting the corresponding factors. Now, we have plans to change damage reduction options into multiplication formulas which affect the amount of damage the attacked target receives.   Attacker Damage increase 25% (A) Target Damage taken decrease 25% (B) Before = (100% (base) + 25% (A)) - 25% (B) = 0% (100% damage received) After = (100% (base) + 25% (A)) x 0.75 (B) = 0.93 (93% damage received)   As you can see, a 25% damage reduction can be rather useful (75% damage received), but when the attacker’s damage increase option is powerful, the effects don’t quite live up to the expectations. With the new calculation formula, however, that option reduces the damage received by 25% in a more intuitive way.   On the other hand, in cases when your opponent has no damage increasing options and you have several damage reducing factors, your damage reducing effects can become less noticeable than what they currently are. See the example below.   Attacker : No damage increases Target : Damage taken decrease 25% (A) : Damage taken decrease 15% (B) Before = 100% (base) -25% (A) - 15% (B) = 60% (60% damage received) After = (100% (base)) x 0.75 (A) x 0.8 (B) = 0.64 (64% damage received)   Also, unlike damage reductions, damage increases will continue to be calculated by sum.   Attacker : Damage increase 25% (A) : Damage increase 15% (B) Target : Damage taken decrease 25% (C) : Damage taken decrease 15% (D) Before = 100% (base) + 25% (A) + 15% (B) -25% (C) -15% (E) =100% (100% damage) After = (100% (base) + 25% (A) + 15% (B)) x 0.75 (C) x 0.85 (D) = 0.89 (89% damage)   Damage effects from property relations are calculated first and added to the final multiplication. This process applies after the target’s damage reductions are calculated.   Attacker (50% increase from Ice-Fire relation) : Damage increase 25% (A) : Damage increase 15% (B) Target (Fire property) : Damage taken decrease 25% (C) : Damage taken decrease 15% (D) Before = 100% (base) + 25% (A) + 15% (B) + 50% (property) -25% (C) -15% (E) = 150% (150% damage) After = (100% (base) + 25% (A) + 15% (B)) x 0.75 (C) x 0.85 (D) x 1.5 (property) = 1.34 (134% damage)   We hope the change of damage reduction and property relation calculations to multiplication formulas will help players understand them more intuitively.   Having all increase and decrease formulas sum up means that it can be hard for players to figure out how they work, especially not knowing an opponent’s damage increasing stats. With these changes, if your damage reduction factor is 30%, you get 30% less damage; if you have a 50% bonus based on property, you can expect 1.5 times the damage, and so on.   Increased Property Attack Damage on Status Ailments   We will be applying a damage increase effect to some property attacks which influence enemies under certain status ailments.   Lightning attacks +50% damage dealt to frozen enemies Fire attacks +50% damage dealt to petrified enemies Dark attacks +50% damage dealt to cursed enemies     Alright, let’s get on with the class balancing plans.   Wizard [Wizard: Rank 1]   Earthquake [C1 Skill]   The casting speed of Earthquake is increased dramatically, with the skill gaining the ability to hit flying monsters and dealing double the damage to ground monsters. Lvl 15 Earthquake now inflicts 428% damage to aerial monsters, and 956% to earthbound monsters.     The new attribute Earthquake: Remove Knockdown consumes additional SP and removes the knockdown of enemies hit by the skill.   Lethargy [C1 Skill]   Physical/magic defense decrease proportionally by skill level, and the evasion decrease factor is also boosted. Damage from tiles is increased 20%. The duration and cooldown of the skill both change to 20 sec.   Attribute Lethargy: Enhance is removed, and Lethargy: Tile Speciality is added to C2. Tile Speciality increases tile damage per attribute level. C1 attribute Lethargy: Additional Damage is changed to Lethargy: Strike Specialty and moved to C3.   Sleep: Dream Eater [C2 Attribute] New   Sleep’s attack limit (number of hits required to wake up) is decreased by 80%, but the new Dreaming attribute gives Psychokinesis property and property-less magic attacks double the damage on sleeping enemies.   Reflect Shield -> Magic Shield [C1 Skill]   Reflect Shield is changed to Magic Shield.   Magic Shield is a defensive buff skill that decreases damage by 20% per skill level. SP is consumed when hit.   Attribute Reflect Shield: Reflect Damage is changed to Magic Shield: SPR Efficiency, which decreases SP consumption according to your SPR stat.   Surespell  [C2 Skill]   Sure Spell, which makes skills uninterruptible by enemy attacks while being cast, is changed to a party buff that adds targets according to skill level.   Duration is fixed to 300 sec, while skill cooldown is changed to 60 sec.   Magic Missile [C3 Skill -> C2 Skill]     Magic Missile is moved to C2 (Lv 10 master), while the skill’s attack factor and number of missiles depend on Circle and maximum level. Firing speed increases dramatically.   C3 attribute Magic Missile: Enhance is moved to C2.   Quick Cast [C3 Skill]   Duration is fixed at 300 sec, and cooldown is changed to 60 sec.   Pyromancer [Wizard: Rank 2]   Staff Mastery: Fire [C1 Attribute]   Instead of increasing Fire property attack, Staff Mastery: Fire is changed to increase the damage of Fire property skills by 5% per attribute level when equipping a staff.   Flame Ground [C1 Skill]   Flame Ground is now generated around the caster. The attack cycle becomes faster, while the area of the magic circle is enlarged to match the range of Flare.     The new C2 attribute Flame Ground: Diffusion debuffs enemies within range of Flame Ground. Enemies affected by the debuff get reduced Fire property resistance, and can be attacked with Flare.   Enchant Fire [C1 Skill]   Enchant Fire is applied only to the caster, no longer affecting party members or other players.   Fire Wall [C1 Skill]   Fire Wall is cast on 8 tiles across in the direction where the caster is looking, instead of the current cell selection method.   Damage is increased in proportion to skill level and overheats 3 times. Skill cooldown is changed to 20 sec.     New C3 attribute Fire Wall: Knockback pushes enemies back and deals continuous damage to enemies.   Flare [C1 Skill]     Flare gains the ability to explode fireballs around the caster.     Affected fireballs inflict Flare damage to surrounding enemies, but they do not disappear until their duration is expired.   Fireball [C1 Skill]   Fireball is changed to ground target cast.     The duration of Fireball is changed to 10 sec, and the ball remains after hitting the enemies (will not attack enemies that were already hit, nor be pushed by Psychic Pressure).     New C2 attribute Fireball: Residual Heat increases the duration of Fireball.   Fire Pillar [C2 Skill]   Fire Pillar is no longer nullified by status ailment resistance. The radius of the skill is enlarged and its cooldown is decreased dramatically.   Hell Breath [C3 Skill]   Casting Hell Breath consumes 1 Pyrite (purchasable from the Pyromancer Master for 80 Silver).     Hell Breath is uninterruptible while being cast. The skill’s hit rate is increased, its area growing more than 3 times in length, and about 1.5 times in width.   Cryomancer [Wizard: Rank 2]   Rod Mastery: Ice [C1 Attribute]   Like Staff Mastery: Fire of Pyromancer, instead of Ice property damage, Rod Mastery: Ice increases the damage of Ice property skills when equipped with a rod.   Cryomancer: Freeze Speciality [C1 Attribute]   Cryomancer: Freeze Speciality, which makes enemies frozen by Cryomancer skills receive 10% additional damage, is changed to increase the chances of freezing the enemy with Cryomancer skills according to attribute level.   Ice Bolt [C1 Skill]   Casting of Ice Bolt is removed.   Ice Pike [C1 Skill]   Ice Pike is changed to cast on the ground, inflicting damage one time with ice spikes.   Damage factor is increased, and enemies hit will be frozen 100% (chances are different for PVP and boss monsters).   Gust [C2 Skill]   Gust and its corresponding attribute (Gust: Collision Damage) are removed.   Show Rolling [C3 Skill -> C2 Skill] Snow Rolling is moved from C3 to C2.   The casting time of Snow Rolling is fixed to 1 sec. The number of targets mentioned in the tooltip changes from the AOE ratio to the number of enemies. The number of enemies that can be trapped by the snowball increases, and the effect area grows by about 1.5 times.   Related attribute Snow Rolling: Enhance is moved to C2, and its costs are recalculated.   Frost Pillar [C3 Skill]     Frost Pillar no longer pulls nearby enemies, instead freezing and continuously attacking enemies in the area. The skill consumes 1 Cryorite when it is cast (Cryorite is purchasable from the Cryomancer Master for 80 silver).   Also, new attribute Frost Pillar: Enhance is added to C3.   Psychokino [Wizard: Rank 3]   Psychic Pressure [C1 Skill]   Damage factor is increased by 1.5 times. Skill inflicts 50% additional damage to Mutant type enemies (applies to all Psychokino attack skills).   Telekinesis [C1 Skill]   Inflicts 50% additional damage to Mutant type enemies (applies to all Psychokino attack skills).   Magnetic Force [C2 Skill]   The number of targets is increased from an AOE ratio of 5 to 10, with the skill area also expanded. Inflicts 50% additional damage on Mutant type enemies (applies to all Psychokino attack skills).   Heavy Gravity [C2 Skill] New     Heavy Gravity is a new skill that inflicts Psychokinesis type damage by enhancing the gravitational force of an area, changing aerial type enemies to ground type and inflicting 50% additional damage to Mutant type enemies.     Heavy Gravity removes nearby Raise tiles, including enemy and friendly ones.   Also, new attributes Heavy Gravity: Enhance and Heavy Gravity: Slow Movement Speed are added to C2, with Heavy Gravity: Duration on C3.   Gravity Pole [C3 Skill]   Added 5 more enemies to the base number of targets. The skill inflicts 50% additional damage to Mutant type enemies (applies to all Psychokino attack skills).     Gravity Pole: Decreased Defense also decreases magic defense along with physical defense.   Raise [C3 Skill]   Raise removes Heavy Gravity tiles, including enemy and friendly ones.   Linker [Wizard: Rank 3]   Spiritual Chain: Enhance [C2 Attribute] New   Spiritual Chain: Enhance increases the magic damage of linked characters in proportion to attribute level.   Spirit Shock [C2 Skill] New   Spirit Shock is a new attack skill that links to the enemy’s spirit and inflicts spiritual damage.   Spirit Shock works on a single enemy. Casting Soul Link disconnects the link with the previous target, although it can also be disconnected with Unbind.     Enemies under Spirit Shock take Psychokinesis type damage while the skill is active (3 to 8 sec), and the link disconnects when it reaches a certain distance from the caster.   Adding new attributes Spirit Shock: Enhance (C2), Spirit Shock: Confusion (C2), and Spirit Shock: Mental Pressure (C3). Spirit Shock: Mental Pressure decreases a linked enemy’s physical defense dramatically and inflicts additional damage in proportion to the caster’s SPR.   Lifeline [C3 Skill]   Duration per skill level is increased.   Thaumaturge [Wizard: Rank 4]   Swell Left Arm [C1 Skill]   Swell Left Arm no longer increases the attack of subweapons, and it consumes 1 Magic Powder when cast (Magic Powder is purchasable from the Thaumaturge Master; its price changed to 100 Silver).   New attribute Swell Left Arm: Summons (C1) increases physical/magic damage of the caster’s summons per attribute level.   Swell Right Arm [C2 Skill]   Swell Right Arm no longer increases the attack of weapons, and it consumes 1 Magic Powder when cast.   New attribute Swell Right Arm: Summons (C1) increases physical/magic defense of the caster’s summons per attribute level.   Swell Brain [C3 Skill]   Casting the skill consumes 2 Magic Powder.   New attribute Swell Brain: Fast Operation applies the same level of Quick Cast as Swell Brain per attribute level. Quick Cast is applied only to the caster, and does not require Quick Cast (Wizard C3 skill).   Elementalist [Wizard: Rank 4]   Electrocute [C1 Skill]   The damage of Electrocute no longer decreases when transferred to next target, the overheat is increased to 4 times, and the area for the first target is widened.   Attribute Electrocute: Freezing Magic Damage is removed.   Stone Curse [C1 Skill]   Enemies under the influence of Stone Curse take additional Psychokinesis type damage. Skill cooldown is changed to 50 sec.   Hail [C1 Skill]   The duration of hail is fixed to 10 sec, and the damage factor is increased by about 2 times.   Prominence [C1 Skill]   Skill cooldown is changed to 25 sec.   New attribute Prominence: additional summon (C3) increases the number of Prominence summoned.   Frost Cloud [C3 Skill] -> Storm Dust [C2 Skill]   Frost Cloud (C3), which inflicted continuous Ice damage to ground enemies, is changed to Storm Dust (C2), which inflicts Earth damage with a dust storm.     Storm Dust can be cast in a way similar to Frost Cloud. It has a larger effect area and inflicts half of its damage to flying enemies as well.   Attributes Storm Dust: Enhance (C2), Storm Dust: Slow (C2) and Storm Dust: Humpback (C3) are added, while attributes for Frost Cloud are removed.   Rain [C3 Skill]   Rain and related attributes are removed.   Meteor [C2 Skill -> C3 Skill]   C2 skill Meteor is moved to C3.   Meteor is moved to C3 and the effect area and damage factor are increased. Casting time is fixed to 3 sec, and skill cooldown is decreased to 40 sec.     Attribute Meteor: Evasion is removed, with new attribute Meteor: Flame Ground increasing the damage of Meteor cast on Flame Ground.   Sorcerer [Wizard: Rank 5]   Summon Servant [C1 Skill]   Casting Summon Servant consumes 1 Empty Spellbook (purchasable from the Sorcerer Master for 200 Silver).       Chronomancer [Wizard: Rank 5]   Stop [C1 Skill]   Casting Stop consumes 3 Time Crystal Fragments. (purchasable from the Chronomancer Master for 100 Silver).   Reincarnate [C1 Skill]   Casting Reincarnate consumes 5 Time Crystal Fragments.   Quicken [C1 Skill]   The attack speed increase is reduced to a base of 50%, with the remaining 50% determined according to the caster’s SPR and the recipients’ level.   For example, after these changes are applied, Quicken will increase attack speed by 175 at level 15 (originally 330). Considering a caster with 200 SPR and a recipient with a level of 250, then 200/250 = 80%, meaning +80% (+140) is added to the base value of 175, which results in a final attack speed increase of 315. This increase according to SPR and level will not exceed 100% of the initial base value.   Duration is changed to 120 sec at skill level 15, consuming 1 Time Crystal Fragment.   Haste [C2 Skill]   Similarly to Quicken, the attack speed increase is reduced to a base of 50%, with the remaining 50% determined according to the caster’s SPR and the recipients’ level.   If you and your party members can maintain a decent amount of SPR (including items), your Quicken and Haste will perform very closely to how they do now. You’ll have to consider the effect this change will have with other builds, however, like full INT dealers or high STR PvP-oriented builds.   The skill consumes 1 Time Crystal Fragment, and its duration at Lv 10 changes from 80 to 120 sec.   Backmasking [C3 Skill]   Casting Backmasking consumes 2 Time Crystal Fragments (Time Crystal is the new name of the Dimensional Essence item sold by the Chronomancer Master; its price is also changed to 2,000 Silver).   Pass [C3 Skill]   Passed skills cannot be passed again until after the skill is used. Pass also consumes 1 Time Crystal.   This means that you will not be able to bring a skill’s cooldown back to 0 by using Pass multiple times when there are 50 sec left, for example. The passed skill can be affected by Pass again once that skill is cast.   Rune Caster [Wizard: Rank 6]   Rune Caster: Skilled Casting [C1 Attribute]   Removed the penalty that reduces skill duration if Quick Cast hasn’t been learned.   Regardless of whether Quick Cast was learned, a basic duration of 5 min is applied. Meanwhile, Quick Cast’s casting time reduction effects are applied in the same way as currently (Lv 1 effects are applied if Quick Cast was not learned).   Rune of Protection [C1 Skill]   Removed status ailment resistance, and added immunity to knockback and knockdown. This effect applies only to the caster, but can be connected to party members via link.   Casting time is changed to 2 sec, duration up to 150 sec, and skill cooldown to 180 sec (casting time for all Rune Caster skills is changed to 2 sec).   Attribute Rune of Protection: Critical Resistance is changed to Rune of Protection: Maintain Casting, which makes casting uninterruptible when Rune of Protection is on. However, Rune of Protection: Maintain Casting decreases the duration of Rune of Protection.   Rune of Destruction [C1 Skill]   Damage factor and effect area of Rune of Destruction are increased, and casting time is decreased to 2 sec, with cooldown at 40 sec.   New Attribute Rune of Destruction: Magic Defense Destruction decreases magic defense of enemies hit by Rune of Destruction in proportion to attribute level.     Rune of Ice [C1 Skill]   Rune of Ice is changed to increase the damage of all Ice property skills by 50%. Casting time is changed to 2 sec.   Rune of Giants [C1 Skill]   Rune of Giants is changed to allow using buff skills in giant mode, with damage applied once on every landing. Casting time is changed to 2 sec.   Rune of Justice [C1 Skill]     The character can move while casting Rune of Justice. The damage factor is increased, inflicting double the damage to Demon type enemies. Casting time is also changed to 2 sec and duration to 30 sec.   Warlock [Wizard: Rank 7]   Dark Theurge [C1 Skill]   Dark Theurge’s damage factor is increased by 4.5 times, attacking 5 times. Skill cooldown is changed to 30 sec.   Mastema [C1 Skill]   Effect area becomes 1.5 times larger.   Sabath [C2 Skill]   The additional damage function is removed, and changed to increase the damage of following evil spirits in proportion to skill level.   Skill cooldown is changed to 30 sec, and maximum duration to 10 sec.   Drain [C2 Skill]   Drain is changed to increase dark Property damage in  proportion to the number of evil spirits absorbed.   Duration of Drain is 30 sec, with cooldown set to 40 sec.   Enchanter [Wizard: Rank 8]   Enchant Lightning [C1 Skill]   Casting Enchant Lightning consumes 1 Enchant Round (can be crafted with attribute Craft Enchant Round, and requires Magic Powder to craft. The price of Magic Powder is changed to 100 Silver. 10 Magic Powder are needed to craft one Enchant Round).   New attribute Enchant Lightning: Psychic changes the property of Psychic Pressure and Gravity Pole to Lightning property.   Enchant Earth [C1 Skill]   Enchant Earth consumes 1 Enchant Round when cast. Sage [Wizard: Rank 8]   Dimension Compression [C2 Skill]   Overheat of Dimension Compression is increased to 2.   Shadowmancer [Wizard: Rank 8]   Shadow Pool [C1 Skill]   The caster becomes invincible during the casting of Shadow Pool.         Next up, Swordsman changes.   Swordsman Subweapon Basic Attack Skill Changes   In Swordsman tree class attack skills that use a shield or dagger, we are providing additional attack to the skills’ corresponding equipment items.   First, for shield skills, the equipped shield will receive additional physical attack corresponding to part of its base physical defense value.     For instance, if your physical attack is 1,000 and your shield’s physical defense is 500, with a skill that applies 30% of your shield’s defense, you get 30% of 500, i.e. 150, added to your attack, meaning a base physical attack value of 1,150.   With two-handed attack skills used in conjunction with a dagger, currently only your physical attack counts to 100%. After the changes, however, we’ll be applying a sum of physical attack 80% + subweapon physical attack 60%.   Basic item stats, enhancement, transcendence and armor maintenance will all apply to your subweapon’s values.   The following is the list of skills where subweapon stats will apply.   Class Circle Skill Weapon Damage Peltasta (Rank 2) 1 1 2 2 3 Umbo Blow Rim Blow Shield Lob Butterfly Umbo Thrust Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% +Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 100% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Hoplite (Rank 3) 1 Synchro Thrusting Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 100% (already applied) Rodelero (Rank 4) 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 Targe Smash Shield Charge Shield Push Shield Shoving Shield Bash Slithering Shooting Star Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 100% Corsair (Rank 5) 1 2 Dust Devil Hexen Dropper Physical Attack 80% + Subweapon Attack 60% Physical Attack 80% + Subweapon Attack 60% Murmillo (Rank 8) 1 2 Scutum Hit Shield Train Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30%   Peltasta [Swordsman: Rank 2]   General Changes   Provocation values of all Peltasta attack skills apply as 50 times the value of damage. : Umbo Blow : Rim Blow : Shield Lob : Butterfly : Umbo Thrust : Langort   Swash Buckling [C1 Skill]   Swash Buckling is changed to force enemies to face the caster during the skill’s duration. The current 30-sec provocation value increase by skill level is removed.   Duration and effect area become fixed at all skill levels, and the number of enemies affected is increased in proportion to skill level.   C1 attribute Swash Buckling: Max HP is changed to Swash Buckling: Focused Defense, which decreases damage taken for 10 sec after using Swash Buckling. New C2 attribute Swash Buckling: Maintain Provocation increases the duration of Swash Buckling.   Peltasta: Double Provocation [C3 Attribute] New   New attribute doubles the provocation value.   After provoked, enemies become immune to all provoking skills, including other player’s provocation. This is applied to all provocation skills.   Corsair [Swordsman: Rank 5]   Dust Devil [C1 Skill]   Effect area of Dust Devil is increased.   Unlock Chest [C1 Skill]   Skill is removed.   Hexen Dropper [C2 Skill]   Effect area of Hexen Dropper is increased.   Double Weapon Assault [C2 Skill]   Damage of Double Weapon Assault is increased in proportion to skill level, duration is fixed to 300 sec, and skill cooldown to 60 sec.   Impale Dagger [C3 Skill] New     Adding new single-target skill Impale Dagger, which hits the enemy 3 times.   Attribute Impale Dagger: Enhance is added.   Doppelsoeldner [Swordsman: Rank 5]   Mordschlag [C1 Skill]   Effect area of Mordschlag is increased, cooldown is changed to 30 sec, and overheat is increased to 5.   Punish [C1 Skill]   AoE ratio is changed to 15, with cooldown changed to 10 sec.   Redel [C2 Skill]   Overheat is increased to 2, with cooldown changed to 30 sec.   Zornhau [C2 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 25 sec.   Zucken [C2 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 15 sec.   Zwerchhau [C3 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 25 sec. Shinobi [Swordsman: Rank 7]   Bunshin no Jutsu [C1 Skill]   Attributes and damage increase buffs no longer affects skills cast by clones.   The damage of skills cast by clones is decreased, but they can copy a larger variety of skills, allowing the Shinobi class to be used in many different build trees.     Skills that can be copied by clones (* marked skills are new) Swordsman (Rank 1) [C1] Thrust [C1] Bash [C2] Pommel Beat [C3] Double Slash     Peltasta (Rank 2) [C1] Umbo Blow [C1] Rim Blow [C3] Butterfly* [C3] Langort*     Highlander (Rank 2) [C1] Crown [C2] Moulinet     Barbarian (Rank 3) [C1] Cleave* [C2] Seism*     Hoplite (Rank 3) [C1] Synchro Thrusting     Rodelero (Rank 4) [C1] Targe Smash* [C2] Shield Bash [C3] Shooting Star         Corsair (Rank 5) [C1] Dust Devil* [C2] Hexen Dropper* [C3] Impale Dagger*   Squire (Rank 5) [C3] Deadly Combo*   Doppelsoeldner (Rank 6) [C1] Mordschlag* [C3] Zwerchhau* [C3] Sturtzhau*     Fencer (Rank 6) [C1] Sept Etoiles* [C2] Attaque Composee* [C3] Fleche*     Dragoon (Rank 7) [C1] Dragontooth* [C1] Dragon Soar*     Templar (Rank 7) [C2] Mortal Slash*   Shinobi (Rank 7) [C1] Kunai [C1] Katon no Jutsu* [C1] Mijin no Jutsu*   Clones are changed to unable to harm, and attribute Bunshin no Jutsu: Decreased Damage is removed, and setting clone’s HP proportion to caster’s DEX is removed.   Kunai [C1 Skill]   Cooldown is decreased, with overheat is increased to 4. Casting with Bunshin no Jutsu increases attack even more.   New attribute Kunai: Deadly Dagger doubles the critical rate of Kunai.   Katon no Jutsu [C1 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 25 sec; overheat to 2.   Mijin no Jutsu [C1 Skill]   HP consumption is decreased to 2,000. Mijin no Jutsu can be cast with Bunshin no Jutsu, and clones disappear when cast.     Dragoon [Swordsman: Rank 7]   Dragoon Helmet [C3 Skill] Duration is changed to unlimited.     Murmillo [Swordsman: Rank 8]   Cassis Crista [C1 Skill] Duration is changed to unlimited.   Shield Train [C2 Skill]   Enemies affected by Shield Train are pulled in and held for a while.   Sprint [C2 Skill] Base duration of Sprint is increased by 5 sec.   Lancer [Swordsman: Rank 8]   Crush [C1 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 20 sec.   Quintain [C1 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 20 sec.   Joust [C1 Skill]   Joust is changed to hit enemies regularly, and its effect width and length are both doubled. However, the area able to destroy magic circles doubles only in length, not width.       These are all the immediate plans we have for the Wizard and Swordsman tree. They can still be revised before we add the changes to the game, so make sure to keep an eye on the patch notes when they arrive.    

Developer's Blog
January 19th, 2018
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[COMPLETE / CORRECTED] Temporary Maintenance

UPDATE & CORRECTION: This post previously included an incorrect announcement regarding re-opening Telsiai server to F2P users. The plan is not yet solid nor substantial enough to be announced. We are discussing about the plan at the moment and we will officially and announce it when it gets properly decided.  We apologize for the confusion it might have caused. UPDATE; MAINTENANCE COMPLETE: Our maintenance on all servers is now complete and you should be able to access the worlds again. Fixed Issues: - The guild delete exploit has been fixed (see HERE for details). - Schwarzer Reiter attributes are now functioning as normal. If you are learning an attribute still stuck on the 1-minute mark, please cancel it and learn it again. Greetings, Saviors. We will soon be performing a short maintenance on our servers in order to improve overall world stability.  The maintenance period will start at the following time: [EDT] May 16, 2016, 03:30 AM This maintenance is expected to last for: 1 hour - on Klaipeda, Orsha, [EU] Fedimian, [SEA] Telsiai, and [SA] Silute 2 hours - on [SEA] Varena Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 16th, 2016
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Scheduled Maintenance for July 9-10, 2018

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (July 9-10, 2018). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
July 10th, 2018
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Founder's Server : Exclusive Access Decision

Greetings, Saviors! We would like to announce the finalized decision regarding the Founder's Server : Exclusive Access. After internal discussion, we have decided to schedule a release based on Option B which seemed to be the most popular to the majority of those of you that voted. We are currently undergoing review by Steam. Once confirmed, we will announce the Early Access and Open Beta dates separately.

March 18th, 2016
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Statement on Trade Restrictions

Hello. We are the "Tree of Savior" development team. Many players have voiced negative opinions on the 1:1 trade restriction of our game system. We’d like to announce our stand on this system and explain why we cannot modify it immediately.   Economy is an important part of an MMORPG. It’s difficult to maintain one, yet very easy to ruin.   The main factor that ruins in-game economy of F2P games is gold (in this case, silver) selling. Unlike the P2P model, F2P games are much more vulnerable to exploit because gold sellers make near to zero investment on accumulating in-game currency. They can make essentially an infinite amount of silver in the game. Therefore, it’s important to know what can control in-game transactions effectively.   We can track down and ban the gold sellers individually, but that’s a primitive method of defense and gold sellers are constantly developing newer ways to run their business. Causing players to make minimum investment, which is mediated by Tokens, is only the first step to enforcing the limitation on gold sellers.   How are we to regulate and block gold sellers who purchase Tokens? In the end, RMT(Real Money Trading) is the goal of selling in-game currency. The second method we can use, then, is preventing one-way transfer of goods.   Gold sellers transfer their goods using the following method:  (1) Run multiple bot accounts (to accumulate silver)  (2) Transfer the silver to a separate "seller’s account"  (3) The silver on said seller's account then goes to the buyer   There’s no need to regulate trades where the goods being traded from each side are similar in value. However, an uneven transaction is observed when trades are made between bots and seller’s accounts or between sellers and buyers.   Gold sellers transfer silver using the market system. Through the market, transactions are made by listing cheap items at high prices. The sellers would purchase these items to “send over” their silver to the buyers. To stop this, we could put a set silver value on the items. By doing so, we'll be able to quickly notice the discrepancy when an item isn't sold at its rightful price. The problem is, it’s difficult to maintain a set price on every item in the game.   To tackle this, we have also implemented mechanisms to limit one-way transactions through the market. With our current market system, once an item is sold enough times through the market, highest and lowest market values are automatically generated. Players cannot list items at prices that exceed this range. On top of it, there’s already a limit on how many items can be listed.   In addition, trades are temporarily held for 48 hours upon completion. This gives our staff time to detect and cancel any suspicious transactions before buyers and sellers get their goods. In the future, we hope to reduce this time frame by developing a system that can automatically detect and block such suspicious trades. We are continuously working on this function.   We do not believe these restrictions can completely shut out gold sellers. Rather, what we’re trying to do is utilize this system to make gold selling something that isn’t worthwhile to both gold sellers and buyers.   Finally, after considering the arguments stating that making team storage a premium feature is irrelevant to preventing gold sellers, we’ve decided to lessen the restrictions on this part. We will be modifying this feature for the upcoming patch.   We’re also developing an in-game report function for players to use, and we anticipate other inconveniences to naturally diminish once we successfully administer bots.   We hope this defined our reasoning behind the trade restriction we’ve implemented. Thank you for your attention.

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2016
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Free Rank Reset AND 20% Attribute Discounts Coming Soon!

Greetings, Saviors! The much-awaited Rank Reset Voucher, an item which allows you to redo the class tree of one of your characters, is finally arriving on December 27, 2016. If you’re considering using the Rank Reset Voucher, you will know that this item will also reset your learned attributes. While attributes learned before the reset can be relearned at no cost, we want to support your dream class tree even further by introducing a limited-time 20% discount to all attributes. See below for the details. About the Attribute Discount - All attributes will be available at a 20% off discount from the scheduled maintenance on December 27, 2016 until January 24, 2017. - The attribute discount will apply to every team and character (not just the ones using the Rank Reset). To ensure that you make the most of your Voucher, we would like to remind you of some important aspects you should keep in mind when retrieving and using this item. You will not be given additional Vouchers, so make sure you understand all the conditions and take all the precautions necessary. About the Rank Reset Voucher - During the scheduled maintenance on December 27, 2016, you will receive one ‘Rank Reset Voucher (14 Days)’ item in the Message Box, which is located inside your in-game lodge. - The Rank Reset Voucher can be retrieved until January 17, 2017 (EST). - Upon retrieving the Rank Reset Voucher from your Message Box, you will be asked to give it to one of your characters. The Voucher cannot be traded and cannot be moved via Team Storage, so make sure you are giving it to the correct character. - After one of your characters receives the Rank Reset Voucher, you will have 14 days to use it. The Voucher can no longer be used after the 14-day period expires. - Before you use the Rank Reset Voucher, make sure your character gathers all the conditions necessary. The most important details are made explicit in the item description itself, but you should also read the full explanation here to avoid any mistakes.   1. You MUST have all your items unequipped AND all the costumes received from class advancements unlocked in your inventory. 2. You MUST NOT have any attribute learning in progress. 3. You MUST NOT have any companions following your character. 4. You MUST be inside a city (Klaipeda, Orsha, Fedimian). 5. You MUST NOT be using any shops. 6. You MUST NOT be crafting, enhancing or combining any items. 7. You MUST NOT be a guild master if your character is a Templar. IMPORTANT: Read the rest of the details in our Rank Reset Voucher dev post here: https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=766.

December 26th, 2016
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Intense Class Balancing, Here We Go

Greetings, Saviors! We have yet another batch of changes to discuss today, this time related to class balance. We’ve discussed class-specific balancing on many other occasions here at the blog, but the changes we’re introducing today are a little different. Unlike regular balance patches, this one is going to bring more substantial changes to each class, with some skills acting entirely different and new attributes added to the mix. Today we’re sharing some of the adjustments we have in store for a few Cleric classes (don't worry, we have plans for other classes and class trees too). As always, remember that the changes discussed here aren’t final or absolute. Some content may be added or readjusted before it makes it into the game, so keep that in mind.   Paladin Changes We’re starting with Paladins, a class for which we have a few specific skill changes planned. Namely, we’re turning the C2 Conversion skill into a Turn Undead attribute and adding two brand new skills.   Turn Undead: Conversion Conversion skill removed, added as Turn Undead attribute. Sanctuary New buff skill. Demolition New attack skill. Shield Guard C key activates shield to block attacks.   First, we’re taking Turn Undead and Conversion, two skills largely ignored by most Paladins, and combining them into a single skill with increased effects. The cooldown for Turn Undead is being reduced from 70 to 50 seconds, while the AoE ratio goes up by 2. As for the skill’s area, we’re switching the current conical shape for a square one that covers 1.7 times more terrain, giving players a much more comfortable reach on nearby monsters. As mentioned above, the Conversion skill will become a Turn Undead attribute, replacing the current [Conversion: Might Enhance]. The new [Turn Undead: Conversion] attribute, then, means a certain chance per skill level of converting enemies hit by Turn Undead. With this, you can have up to 5 converted monsters at any time, which will act like summons and receive influence from your SPR stat and additional attack from your weapon’s magic attack. Of course, Paladins who already invested points in their Conversion skill will have those returned in the form of Paladin skill points.   Now, let’s look at the new skills. First, we’re adding Sanctuary, a buff that can protect and empower allies, neatly reinforcing the role of the Paladin as a defense Cleric class. For as long as the Paladin holds their prayer, Sanctuary increases ally defense, an increase which then determines the strength of the additional Holy property attack the skill provides. So Sanctuary offers decent protection and attack boosts to nearby dealers who may be short on defense or HP. On the other hand, the skill can only be used with a shield equipped and it lasts for a maximum of 10 seconds (it isn’t canceled when the casting character is attacked).     The other new skill we have ready for Paladins is Demolition, a wide-range attack technique used exclusively with two-handed blunt weapons. Demolition, with its AoE attack ratio of 12, strikes the ground 3 times to deal a total of 7 hits on any monsters nearby. We thought a skill like this was needed to complement the lack of wide AoE action in the physical attack Cleric family, while still differentiating itself from Monk skills of a similar concept.     The new Circle 3 attribute, Shield Guard, gives Paladins the same ability Peltastas and Murmillos have of using their shield to block enemy attacks. Combined with other future Paladin attributes, it can also serve to protect allies, depending on your controls and setup. Priest Buffs and Pardoner Shops   Pardoner shops have always been the subject of discussion. They’re a unique characteristic of Tree of Savior, with many Pardoners dedicating themselves to providing the highest performing buffs at the most affordable prices to everyone in-game.   On the other hand, while celebrity Pardoner buffs get all the acclaim for their attractive effects, Priest buffs are relegated to the background, to the point where even Priest characters often buy their buffs from Pardoners instead of using their own. With these changes, we want to have shop buffs perform 30% below the effects of normal buffs, while boosting the numbers on real skill buffs. Pardoner shop buffs will, therefore, be more limited in terms of how much of a boost they can offer, while Priest skill buffs will perform similarly to the current shop ones. First, we’re doubling the defense-increasing effects of Aspersion (considering a standard of skill level 15, SPR 300). Then, we’re increasing by almost 4 times the effects of the Pardoner skill Increase Magic Defense (same standard), and we’re adding it to the list of skills allowed in the shop. From Blessing, we’re removing the limits on the maximum number of attacks and applying it with 30% less effect in Pardoner shops. Instead, you’ll be able to use this buff for a long time without worrying about the number of attacks you’ve used. Sacrament, often just used as a supplement to additional property damage buffs, is saying goodbye to the downward compatibility with Blessing and the meager Holy damage extra. Our plans now are to have it add a very significant amount of Holy property damage to regular attacks. To recap everything, this is how Pardoner shop and Priest buffs are going to change.   Skill BEFORE (Skill Buff) AFTER (Skill Buff) BEFORE (Shop Buff) AFTER (Shop Buff) Aspersion Lv. 15 Physical defense +512 Physical defense +1060 Physical defense +512 Physical defense +742 Increase Magic Defense Lv. 15 Magic defense +560 Magic defense +2207   Magic defense +1544 Blessing Lv. 15 Add. damage +913 (limited attacks) Add. damage +913 (unlimited) Add. damage +913 (limited attacks) Add. damage +639 (unlimited) Sacrament Lv. 10 Holy attack +330 Holy property add. damage +370 Holy attack +1285 Holy attack +330 Holy property add. damage +370 Holy attack +899 As you can see, skill buffs are going to get a pretty significant increase after the changes. Defense shop buffs, even with 30% less effect, are still going strong. Blessing may become less effective in shops, but it offers unlimited attacks and, when used with Sacrament, a similar degree of additional damage and more than 1 hour of comfortable hunting.   Other Skills     The Priest’s Monstrance, due to its peculiar system (and the occasional bug…), can often be difficult to install, so we wanted to change the way this skill is used to a more intuitive one. The new Monstrance magic circle will be large regardless of level, and it will not disappear when it’s stepped on by an enemy. The Bokor’s Ogouveve is going to increase zombie damage based on skill level. Like Sacrament, the Chaplain’s Last Rites is having its additional Holy damage removed and will instead be adding damage to Holy property attacks, which increases when your HP gets below a certain level.   To create a more stabilized dealing skill for Monks, Golden Bell Shield is becoming a stationary attack skill that provides both invincibility and resistance to knockback/knockdown, gaining you time until the Pain Barrier kicks in. This last part is because, along with the skill change, we’re replacing Golden Bell Shield’s Safety Zone attribute with a Pain Barrier one, which applies a Pain Barrier state for 5 seconds after the skill (your character will be able to move during that time). For the Pardoner’s Decatose, we’re reducing the amount of Silver consumed from 1,500 to 300. The 10% chance of reacquiring the Silver spent is being scrapped; instead, the 10% chance of instant enemy death can be increased up to 2 times (to 20%) according to your SPR stat. Not only that, the skill is getting an overheat of 2 and a new [Decatose: Enhance] attribute. To the Oracle’s Forecast we’re adding an evasion increase of 100 for you and your party members.   We’re also reorganizing the attributes in the Kabbalist’s Merkabah. [Enhanced Durability] will become a basic function and [Magic Defense] will be integrated into [Divine Protection]. Gematria and Notarikon, two skills which take up a little too many points for the amount of function they offer, will be mastered at level 1. They are also having their cooldown reduced from 10 to 1 second in order to combine with other skills more conveniently.   This is all we have for you today, but there are still many more class balancing plans left to talk about. Don’t be too discouraged if your class or preferred skill wasn’t discussed here; as we mentioned in the beginning of this post, none of the changes are final and we are always working on other classes and aspects of the game. We’ll make sure to keep you updated on our plans as usual. Thank you!

Developer's Blog
September 15th, 2017
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[UPDATE] Intense Balancing: Clerics, Archers and More!

Greetings, Saviors! It’s been a while, but today your dev team is back with another preview of some intense balancing changes we’re getting ready to introduce in a future content update. As always, remember that this may not be the final version of all the skills we talk about here, so make sure to check the patch notes when this update arrives.   Healing First, let’s talk about healing. Currently, the amount of HP restored by healing skills is largely determined not by the caster’s level and stats or by the skill’s performance, but by the receiving character’s capacity for HP recovery.   Receiver CON Caster SPR 1 100 200 300 1 8,816 8,915 9,015 9,115 100 13,856 13,955 14,055 14,155 200 19,176 19,275 19,375 19,475 300 24,496 24,595 24,695 24,795   <Amount of HP restored by a Lv. 360 Swordsman tree character via a Priest’s Lv. 10 Mass Heal.> As illustrated by this table, a large part of the performance of healing (90%, in fact) comes not from the skill level or the caster’s SPR, but from the receiver’s CON values. Even when the caster’s SPR is at 300, if the receiver has a low CON value, the healing skill is unable to recover even 10,000 HP. On the other hand, a receiving character with 300 CON in the same circumstances gets more than 24,000 of their HP restored. In reality, this setup where the recovery happens in proportion to your maximum HP makes it so that supporting classes see little advantage in investing in healing skills and building their characters around that function. After this update, the amount of HP restored will depend not on the receiver’s maximum HP, but on the caster’s healing abilities and skill level, like so:   Heal value = [caster’s Healing] x [skill’s heal factor] +x [compensation values] In this formula, Healing is a new secondary stat like physical attack or magic defense, which values will be determined by the character’s SPR and INT stats on a ratio of approximately 2:1. The efficacy of healing skills, then, will be based on your Healing stat and the skills’ own heal factors. For example, if your Healing is 1,000 and the heal factor is 350%, the skill’s final heal value will be 3,500. Any buffs related to healing will also influence this heal value. In the future, we expect to introduce new unidentified items with Healing stats, Boss Cards that increase Healing, and accessories or consumable items that can boost the heal factor of skills. Recovery in proportion to the receiver’s maximum HP will become a feature of only some healing skills. Let’s move on to class-specific changes now. Cleric   [C1 Attribute] One-handed Blunt Mastery: Stun The effects of this attribute change to an increase in Healing whenever the character is equipping a one-handed blunt weapon. Accordingly, the attribute is renamed as One-handed Blunt Mastery: Healing.   [C1 Skill] Heal The skill’s healing factors are revised, and the effects of the magic circle are adjusted to apply only to party members (including instanced dungeon parties). New C1 attribute Heal: Open Sanctuary lets you extend the skill’s effects to other neutral characters, while Heal: Apply to Summons (also C1) can be switched ON to apply the effects of the skill to summons as well. When the attribute is switched OFF, of course, the healing tiles are not consumed by summons. In C3 we’re adding Heal: Linger, which applies a buff that continually restores the HP of any allies that step on the healing tiles. As for the basic Heal: Enhance, this attribute will increase not just the damage of Heal, but its healing ability as well.   [C3 Skill] Guardian Saint The effects of this skill are changed to momentarily increase your Healing stat in proportion to skill level. After this update, current attributes Guardian Saint: Decreased Damage and Guardian Saint: Change Target will be deleted and converted back to points.   Priest   [C2 Skill] Mass Heal The area of Mass Heal is adjusted to fit around the caster, meaning allies standing behind the casting character can also receive the skill’s effects (no changes to the range). And, as what happens with Heal, the skill gains a heal factor that is determined by the character’s Healing stat.   Krivis   [C1 Skill] Aukuras Like the other healing skills, Aukuras also gets a heal factor.   Kabbalist   [C1 Skill] Merkabah Merkabah’s attack is adjusted to deal twice the damage to both Demon type and Large sized monsters.   [C1 Skill] Decrease Level Skill deleted.   [C1 Skill] Ein Sof Ein Sof’s maximum HP increase is changed from +20% to +10% +3,000. There is no change when the receiver’s HP is 30,000; otherwise, this is how it should work:   Max. HP BEFORE AFTER 20,000 80,000 95,000 30,000 120,000 120,000 50,000 200,000 170,000 100,000 400,000 295,000 <Ein Sof Lv 15> The HP increase in this attribute may be cut in half, but with these changes, the SP restoring effects of Ein Sof: SP Recovery apply over 10 whole seconds.   [C2 Skill >> C1 Skill] Double Chance Double Chance is moved to Circle 1. Also, the skill’s attack per hit changes from (skill level x 10%) to (skill level x 8%).   NEW! [C2 Skill] Nachash New skill Nachash uses the power of Kabbalah to summon serpents that attack the enemy. Accompanying this skill is attribute Nachash: Enhance.   NEW! [C3 Skill] Tree of Sepiroth Tree of Sepiroth is the new Kabbalist C3 skill. This skill reduces the damage taken from enemies within its range, and it continually restores HP in proportion to skill level and the receiver’s maximum HP. The effects apply only in the periphery of the tree. Along with this we’re adding the Tree of Sepiroth: Enhance attribute, which increases the ratio of HP restored.   Druid   [C1 Skill] Carnivory Attack factors increase, cooldown time is changed to 20 seconds, and range expands by 50% (same range as Chortasmata).   [C1 Skill] Chortasmata Ground enemies that step on Chortasmata receive an additional Rash debuff, which applies Poison property damage every 0.5 seconds for 10 seconds. Allies on top of Chortasmata, on the other hand, get their HP restored every second with the new Floral Scent buff.   NEW! [C1 Skill] Seed Bomb Seed Bomb is a new skill that lets you plant an explosive seed on your party members (no, seriously). Once it’s planted on an ally, the seed will explode when the ally is hit or after the buff expires, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Since the explosion happens in the spot where your party members are located, you can coordinate to stack its effects. As you can guess, this skill also comes with an Enhance attribute.   NEW! [C2 Skill] Thorn Another new Druid skill is Thorn, which generates a thorny vine that deals continuous damage. Ground enemies hit by the vine have their movement restricted, and the skill also includes an Enhance attribute.   [C3 Skill] Henge Stone To this skill we’re adding an effect that increases the damage of magic skills cast by nearby Cleric classes by 10%. Duration is extended to 10 seconds, and cooldown time changed to 25 seconds.   [C3 Skill] Lycanthropy Lycanthropy is set to undergo several changes. Here is a summary. - 3 seconds of immunity after transformation - Only wolf skills allowed after transformation - Wolf skill damage increased by more than 2 times - Wolf skill damage increased by 10% per Lycanthropy skill level - Wolf skill cooldown reduced by 20-50% - Critical rate increased by 40 per skill level - Movement speed +3 - Maximum HP +100% - Physical defense/magic defense +50% - 2% HP restored every 8 seconds - Dash added - Duration fixed at 100 seconds - Cooldown changed to 120 seconds [UPDATE] - Block penetration +400 - Increased factors and range for all wolf skills - Additional debuff effect for some wolf skills - Movement speed increased from +3 to +10 - Duration reduced from 100 seconds to 30 seconds Learning the new Lycanthropy: Human Form lets you turn into a half-human creature instead of the original wolf whenever you use Lycanthropy. There are a few differences between the half-human and wolf varieties of this skill, so here’s what you can expect from Human Form: - No wolf skills allowed (only your basic skills) - Basic attack changed to Scratch, which induces 5% Bleeding - Dash allowed - 2% HP restored every 8 seconds - Magic attack skill damage increased 4% per skill level - Physical attack skill damage increased 6% per skill level - Critical rate increased by 40 per skill level - Duration of 60 seconds   Ranger   [C1 Skill] Steady Aim Duration changes to 300 seconds, and Missile damage increase is adjusted from +5% per skill level to skill level%. Two new attributes are added to Steady Aim. First, Steady Aim: Two-handed Bow Specialization (C2) increases the skill’s Missile damage bonus by 50%. This means that, if Steady Aim alone increases Missile damage by 15% at Lv 15, with the specialization attribute that number jumps to 22.5%. The new C3 attribute, Steady Aim: Pro Ranger, increases the damage of all Ranger skills by 50%.   [C1 Skill] Critical Shot This skill’s additional critical chance is increased from 62% to a fixed 100%, with a stacking buff generated every time Critical Shot is accurate. This buff increases critical damage by 10% per stack, and it can accumulate up to 5 stacks.   [C1 Skill] High Anchoring The 1-second casting is removed, with the skill also expanding in width by 50%. Learning the new High Anchoring: Continuous Fire C3 attribute reduces the cooldown of Spiral Arrow, Bounce Shot and Time Bomb Arrow in proportion to the number of targets hit with High Anchoring.   [C2 Skill] Time Bomb Arrow Two new attributes are added to Time Bomb Arrow: C2 Remove Knockdown and C3 Extend Fuse. Time Bomb Arrow: Extend Fuse increases the duration of the bomb to 4 seconds, but it also boosts damage by 200%.   [C3 Skill] Bounce Shot Overheat increases to 3.   [C3 Skill] Spiral Arrow Cooldown time decreases from 36 to 15 seconds, while overheat changes from 2 to 1. After the update, Spiral Arrow will ignore enemy defense by 20% and apply the Sure Victory debuff to any targets hit by it, which increases the skill’s consecutive hits.   Fletcher   Common The power of all skills except Magic Arrow increases by 20-50%.   [C1 Skill] Bodkin Point Cooldown is changed to 20 seconds and overheat to 2. Not only that, Bodkin Point gains the ability to remove Subzero Shield (Cryomancer), Genbu Armor (Onmyoji) and Shield Charger shields. Finally, the duration of this skill’s physical defense reduction effect increases from 6 to 15 seconds.   [C1 Skill] Barbed Arrow The number of hits applied according to defense type change to the following:   Defense Type BEFORE AFTER Plate 1 hit 1 hit Leather 2 hits 3 hits Cloth 3 hits 5 hits   [C2 Skill] Magic Arrow We’re changing the design of this skill’s magic circle, and allowing targets to receive part of the damage when they are hit slightly outside the Magic Arrow range.   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Fletcher: Expanded Range This new attribute increases the range of Fletcher skills in proportion to attribute level. [UPDATE] Besides these changes, the Fletcher's Divine Machine Arrow is also set to have its overheat increased from 1 to 3, while cooldown time increases from 10 to 20 seconds. Mergen   [C2 Skill] Down Fall Damage is reduced to 2/3 of its current value, while the attack cycle speeds up by 2 times and enemies hit by the skill become staggered.   [C2 Skill] Jump Shot We’re revising the skill to grant your character invincibility while you jump backwards. At the same time, the attack range is adjusted to count from a point in front of the caster.   Wugushi   [C1 Skill] Needle Blow Skill and related attributes deleted.   [C1 Skill] Bewitch Skill and related attributes deleted.   [C1 Skill] Zhendu Zhendu will add a Poison property to your attacks. All attacks receive additional Poison property damage, while basic attacks gain a Poison property attack bonus (same structure as the Pyromancer’s Enchant Fire). These Poison property attack values are influenced by your STR stat. Cooldown is set at 110 seconds, duration at 300 seconds, and the skill can also be shared via the Linker’s Spiritual Chain.   NEW! [C1 Skill] Latent Venom This new skill allows you to fire a poisonous arrow that deals continuous damage to the target for a period of time. Enemies hit by Latent Venom receive Poison damage every second for 100 seconds, with damage increasing a little more in each turn.   [C2 Skill >> C1 Skill] Throw Gu Pot Skill changes from Circle 2 to Circle 1.   [C1 Skill] Detoxify Maximum level changes from Lv 15 to Lv 1. This skill also gains a new C3 attribute, Detoxify: Level 3, which lets you cure poison up to level 3.   NEW! [C2 Skill] Wide Miasma Wide Miasma is a new C2 skill that has your character break a vial of poison on the ground, spreading a cloud of toxic gases all around. Also, with the new C3 attribute Wide Miasma: Stealth, your character can momentarily enter stealth status within the skill’s range after casting it.   [C3 Skill >> C2 Skill] Jincan Gu Skill changes from Circle 3 to Circle 2.   NEW! [C3 Skill] Crescendo Bane Crescendo Bane is a new skill that activates the poison running through your enemies’ veins. Using Crescendo Bane cuts the duration of the target’s poisoned status in half, while doubling the speed of the damage cycle. This skill activates not just the caster’s poison, but all Poison debuffs the target may hold, and it also applies twice the additional Poison property damage (already activated Poison debuffs, however, cannot be reactivated). The range of this skill increases with skill level, and it reaches a maximum of 10 targets. With new attribute Crescendo Bane: Poison to Poison, the skill deals additional damage to Poison property monsters.   Nak Muay   NEW! [C1 Skill] Muay Thai Muay Thai is a buff that, when casted, reduces the cooldown time of all Nak Muay skills by 1 second each. This does not apply to the basic Nak Muay attack. Besides the new skill, when this update patch hits we will also be reducing the difficulty of Nak Muay class unlocking requirements. Skill Consumables Along with the Cleric/Archer skill renovations, we have plans to adjust the current setup of skill consumables for these classes. Here’s a summary of what changes you can expect.   Class Skill BEFORE AFTER Quarrel Shooter Stone Shot Stone Bullet x1 (generated by skill) Stone Bullet x1 (12 Silver) Stone Picking skill/attributes deleted Sapper Claymore Claymore x1 (300 Silver) Trap Kit x5 (30 Silver x 5) Punji Stake Pine Wood x3 (12 Silver x3) Trap Kit x1 (30 Silver) Broom Trap Ash Wood x3 (12 Silver x3) Trap Kit x3 (30 Silver x 3) Spike Shooter Wire x1 (320 Silver) Trap Kit x5 (30 Silver x 5) Dievdirbys All statue skills Different kinds of Wood (12-20 Silver) Sculpting Wood x1 (12 Silver) Wood acquired from Carve Attack: Chance to Obtain is also replaced by Sculpting Wood Paladin Barrier - Holy Water x10 (50 Silver x10) Krivis Melstis - Holy Powder x5 (20 Silver x5) Inquisitor Breaking Wheel Wheel of Judgment x1 (1,000 Silver) Torture Tools x3 (300 Silver x3) To compensate players in the classes affected by these changes, when the patch is applied we will be setting up a Reset Helper NPC in-game which you can visit during a period of 2 weeks after the corresponding scheduled maintenance.   Eligible characters Items provided All Archer tree classes All Cleric tree classes Stat Reset Potion (14 Days) x2 Skill Reset Potion (14 Days) x2 Attribute Reset Potion (14 Days) x2 Nak Muay C1 and above Skill Reset Potion (14 Days) x2 Not only that, characters in the Sapper, Dievdirbys and Inquisitor classes will be compensated for their skill consumable changes as follows.   Class For every: You will receive: Sapper Pine Wood x3 Trap Kit x1 Ash Wood x3 Wire x1 Trap Kit x10 Claymore x1 Dievdirbys Oak Wood x1 Sculpting Wood x1 Pine Wood x1 Cedar Wood x1 Ash Wood x1 Inquisitor Wheel of Judgment x1 Torture Tools x3 You will be able to exchange these consumables at the reset NPC or at each Class Master. And, of course, the previous materials will no longer be available for purchase.   That’s it for today’s intense balancing patch plans. Don’t be too sad if your favorite class wasn’t featured here; we want to keep improving on the balance issues of all the trees and classes, and we’ll make sure to release more information whenever a new patch is on the way. Thanks for joining us, and stay tuned for more news!

Developer's Blog
May 15th, 2018
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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for November 16-17

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (November 16-17, 2020). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
November 25th, 2020