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[UPDATE] [Special] Lucky Shard Package

Greetings, Saviors!   Test your luck with our new Lucky Shard Package available at our TP Shop! Read on below for details.     Sale Period     FROM the scheduled maintenance on June 18, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on July 16, 2019         Lucky Shard Package x3     7 TP - No purchase limit per Character or per Team - Each Lucky Shard Package contains a Feeling Lucky Package x1 and a Blessed Shard x1 - Open the Feeling Lucky Package to obtain one of the following items at random:       Important   - [UPDATE] The current edition of the Lucky Shard package will only be available until the end of the sale period on July 16, 2019. So don't forget to open the cubes before the event period ends! - The Blessed Shard contained in the Lucky Shard Package can be traded via the Market or between and can be transferred via Team Storage. - Lucky Shard Package and the Feeling Lucky package cannot be personally traded or sold over the Market and cannot be transferred via Team Storage.

July 11th, 2019
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Announcement regarding the inability to redeem multiple TP Bundles

Greetings Saviors, We have found that it is currently not possible to redeeming multiple TP bundles that offer the same amount of TP thanks to your excellent feedback. We would like to offer our most sincere apologize for any inconvenience and confusion this may have caused and humbly ask for your understanding while we work hard to solve this issue. We would also like to kindly request that you refrain from purchasing multiple TP bundles of the same amount for the time being. An announcement as soon as this issue has been resolved. As always, thank you for your continued cooperation, support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior. Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 31st, 2016
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Scheduled Maintenance for January 16, 2018

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (January 16, 2018). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
January 15th, 2018
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Upcoming Update: New Raids and System

  Hello, this is Tree of Savior Dev team. This posting is about new content that will be updated in the next big update.       Goddess Raid : Delmore Battlefield         Delmore Battlefield   Savior successfully broke through the Beholder's forces at Delmore with the Royal Army led by General Ramin.  However, it was only one hurdle, and the war is yet over. This is a dangerous moment that could bring the entire world to destruction unless we find the Beholder within Delmore and stop his plans. Although it's an urgent moment, it was an unexpected being that stood in the way of Delmore.       Gate of Delmore   The castle gate constantly rolls its unpleasant eyes and fires indiscriminate attacks on discovered intruders, blocking the front of the Army and the savior. If you do not go through this gate, the return of the Royal Army cannot lead to the revival of the kingdom.     You can experience a new way of the game, unlike the previous raid in [Goddess Raid : Delmore Battlefield].     To defeat the boss monster, the members need to cooperate and calmly overcome the threats they face.   Delmore Battlefield consists of Solo, Auto Match, and Party (Hard). You can obtain the recipe for Party (Hard) difficulty in Auto Match just like the Saint's Sacellum.   Category Solo Auto Match Party Game Formation Only Phase 1 Up to Phase 2 Basic Entry Count 2 times per character First 1 time is given as an event Additional Entry Purchase Entry Voucher in Mercenary Badge Shop Use Entry Voucher Item you Receive Refined Revived Soul Fragment x11 Refined Revived Soul Fragment x7 Refined Revived Soul Fragment x7 Revived Soul Fragment x38 Silver Chest x1 Additional Reward X MVP - Refined Revived Soul Fragment x1 Revived Soul Fragment x1 Reward by chance Recipe - Delmore Battlefield: Goddess One Entry Voucher (Untradable) Goddess Token (Gabija) [Lv.470] Enhance Aid 10, 30, 50 Box Revived Paulius Card     From this raid, the first clear graphic title will not be given from the party (Hard) version, and you can obtain the graphic title from the clear Achievement. Also, in the extreme version for the squad (fixed party concept) only, which will be updated in the future, a limited-time title that can be set up for one week will be given to the squad that ranks first in clear time every week.         New Goddess Rank Accessory   New Accessory Isidavie will be added. Isidavie accessory can be crafted by the 'Succession' function to the Luciferie accessory with 8 TRA or above bound to the character. It can only be succeeded to the same type, and only half of the ENH value will be transferred. (round down the decimal point).       Only characters with Lv.470 or above can equip Isidavie accessory. Isidavie accessory can only be moved to the Team Storage once it's crafted and will be character-bound once equipped. You can Enhance the Isidavie accessory but cannot Transcendence and Awaken. You can enhance the accessory via 'Goddess Equipment Management' as other Vasilisa equipment and Goddess Token (Gabija) and Refined Revived Soul Fragment will be used as enhancement material. Blessed Shard will be added for enhancement material from a certain value of the enhancement.   You can increase the Success Rate when enhancing the Isidavie Accessory by using newly added [Lv.470] Enhance Aid, and [Lv.460] Enhance Aid cannot be used. [Lv.470] Enhance Aid can also be used for lower-level equipment (Lv.460 Vasilisa) and the level limit of Premium Enhance Aid will be removed so that it can be used for every equipment and accessory, regardless of the season.         You can change the Isidavie accessory into other types by using [Lv.470] Accessory Type Change Tome. You can change the type even when the lower-level accessory(Luciferie) of the Isidavie accessory is not registered.      2 Accessory Type Change Tome for necklace and 1 Accessory Type Change Tome is needed when changing the type.           New System and Content   Goddess Message where you can obtain Earring, which is new equipment, Arcanum Brewing that you can craft useful consumables for various contents, and an Archaeology system that you can excavate materials for Brewing will be added.     Archaeology   You can start Archaeology contents via Geraldas sibling NPC in each town (lv.470). You can pay a certain fee to receive Archaeology missions and find the relics.     Once you receive the Archaeology mission, 3 areas that you can excavate will be activated. You can check the area at the upper side of the World Map (N).     Detector is needed to detect the relic and you can purchase the 'Basic Detector' via [Item Merchant] or purchase 'Detector' with medal.  You can approximate the distance to the relic and if you find the exact location, a pile of dirt where you can excavate the relic will be created.   When you excavate a certain number of Relic (3) per area, you can no longer receive more relics. The number of excavations will reset when you receive new Archaeology mission.     When you interact with the pile of dirt, the less detection the more, the higher level of relic can be received. However, if you exceed a certain number of detection (50 times) while excavating one relic, you fail on Archaeology mission and can no longer excavate the relic. You can exchange relics for other items via Geraldas siblings and those items will be material for Arcanum Brewing.       Arcanum Brewing   Arcanum Brewing is content where you craft combat items and Arcanum that applies special effect or increases stat for a certain time.   <Main Screen of Arcanum Formula>   It is a system that you can receive Arcanum by using material items in possession to make Bottle indicated in the recipe to arrive at each destination within a specified poison (opportunity).   <Arcanum Brewing Board>       The process of Arcanum Brewing contents is as follows.     1. Receive Material   You need material to craft the Arcanum. Material can be received by playing certain content, and there are 2 kinds of material: Ingredient and Additive.   Ingredient is an item that moves the Bottle of the Formula. Each item has its movement direction, number of movement spaces, and toxicity according to its grade. Superior material that has small movement is easy to control the direction and has high toxicity. Contrarily, inferior material has lower toxicity but has a lot of movement which needs great effort to control the Bottle's location.   <Material item needed for Arcanum Brewing>     Additive is not related to the movement but an additional item. Currently, only Toxic Neutralizer items exist. Toxic Neutralizers reduce the current toxicity by a certain value or chance based on its rank.   <HR(High Rank) - NR(Normal Rank) - LR(Low Rank) Toxic Neutralizer>   '[Lv.470] HR Toxic Neutralizer' can be crafted by using Recipe and NR, LR Toxic Neutralizer.   <HR Toxic Neutralizer Recipe>     2. Receive Formula   Formula is a basic material to make Arcanum. You cannot use Formula directly but can be used after identifying the Formula via 'Professional Alchemist' NPC in each town. Please be noted that Formula cannot be used when a certain time pass after the identification.   <'[Lv.470] Faint Arcanum Formula' item and Formula Identification>   <Time Limit of Formula item>   '[Lv.470] Faint Arcanum Formula' can be received via certain contents.     3. Arcanum Brewing   If you received all materials, you can proceed in Arcanum Brewing. The content aims to obtain rewards by moving the Bottle to as many destinations as possible within a fixed opportunity (toxicity).   Mini-game for Arcanum Transmutation proceeds as follows.   1. Items in possession are displayed at the top. Select the appropriate item and add it to the grinder to move the Bottle to its destination.   <Add Material Item>   2. The Bottle moves when clicking the ☞ icon.   <Activate the Grinder>   <How the Bottle moves>   3. Repeat the 1, 2 progress and move to the destination.  Once the toxicity is full, you need to use the Toxic Neutralizer, or will no longer progress.   <Toxic Gauge and Neutralizer>   4. Arcanum will be extracted once you reach the destination. Type of Arcanum is determined by fixed chance, and the number of Arcanum will be given by chance according to the current toxic value.      <Arcanum Extraction>   <Receive Arcanum>   Up to 4 destinations can be created. If there is remaining toxic after the extraction, you can continue progressing to the next destination.    <Arcanum Items>   <Combat Item>   Arcanum greatly increases the character's specification, and Combat item gives an effect that helps the combat in Goddess Message: Memory of Flame. Details of effect and function can be checked when applied to the game.         Goddess Message: Memory of Flame / New Accessory   It is a content where you defeat multiple monsters by using the powerful party skill and combat gimmick (Gabija's Aura). Because a powerful monster appears, not only the party members' specification but the judgment of using party skill and the combat gimmick affects the clearing of the content. Party leader can use the party skill, and the difficulty can be lowered by using the item crafted by Arcanum Brewing that can only be used by the party leader. This content is progressed for 12 minutes and has monster wave by 4 times. 3 kinds of difficulty will be provided: Solo, Fixed 5 members Party (Normal), and Fixed 5 members Party (Hard).     Status UI       Party Skill (Cooldown: 60 seconds)   Skill Effect Increases party members' final damage by 100% for 60 seconds. Decreases party members' skill Cooldown by 50% for 45 seconds. Party members become immune to the damage for 35 seconds.     Combat Gimmick (Gabija's Aura)   Gabija's Aura appears periodically during the combat. The number of lights suitable for the difficulty level is created among 5 kinds of lights. When the light is activated, various effects will be given to the monsters near the light.     Color Effect Blue Freezes the nearby monster periodically. Red Decreases nearby monster's Defense by 50% periodically. Purple Pulls the nearby monster near the light periodically. Green Makes nearby monster's AoE Defense Ratio to 0 periodically. Yellow Increases the nearby enemy's striking judgment range periodically.     Reward you can receive   Item that you equip to the new slot (earring) can be received. The number of [Fire Flame Earring Fragment] can be received according to the difficulty, and you [Fire Flame Earring] can be received by collecting the [Fire Flame Earring Fragment].       When you create the earing by collecting the fragment, the stat of the Fire Flame Earring will be determined. UP to 3 Main Stats (STR/CON/INT/SPR/DEX), and up to 3 special stats(skill level increase per each rank) can be applied to the earing. Class that increases skill level can consist of the same type, and the earing can be traded via market before equipping but will be bound to the character once equipped.         Deletion of Uphill Defense and Dimensional Collapse Point   With the Contents/System update, Uphill Defense and Dimensional Collapse Point will be deleted. Mercenary Badge, which is the main reward of the contents, will be added to the Weekly Boss Raid Total Reward.  Total damage reward of the Weekly Boss Raid will be changed as follows. (The detailed date will be announced via patch note when applying to the game)   Toatal Damage Before After 125,000 Mercenary Badge - 2,500 Attribute Points 1,000 x8 Fedimian Public House Balloting 1 Time Free Voucher x11 Mercenary Badge - 2,500 2,000,000 [Lv.460] Enhance Aid (Untradable) x1 Mercenary Badge - 3,000 Fedimian Public House Balloting 1 Time Free Voucher x11 [Lv.470] Enhance Aid (Untradable) x3 Mercenary Badge - 18,400 5,000,000 Shining Demon Lord Cube Box x1 Mercenary Badge - 7,500 Fedimian Public House Balloting 1 Time Free Voucher x11 Shining Demon Lord Cube Box x1 Mercenary Badge - 22,900 10,000,000 Shining Demon Lord Cube Box x1 Medal of Honor: Boruta x1 Fedimian Public House Balloting 1 Time Free Voucher x11 Shining Demon Lord Cube Box x1 Medal of Honor: Boruta x1 Mercenary Badge - 15,400 18,750,000 [Lv.460] Enhance Aid (Untradable) x1 Mercenary Badge - 5,000 Fedimian Public House Balloting 1 Time Free Voucher x11 [Lv.470] Enhance Aid (Untradable) x3 Mercenary Badge - 20,400 25,000,000 Recipe - Raid Portal Stone (x3) x10 Fedimian Public House Balloting 1 Time Free Voucher x11 Recipe - Raid Portal Stone (x3) x20 37,500,000 Lv.460 Awakening Abrasive (Untradable) x2 Fedimian Public House Balloting 1 Time Free Voucher x11 Lv.460 Awakening Abrasive (Untradable) x2 50,000,000 Shining Demon Lord Cube Box x1 [Lv.460] Enhance Aid (Untradable) x1 Mercenary Badge - 5,000 Fedimian Public House Balloting 1 Time Free Voucher x11 Shining Demon Lord Cube Box x1 [Lv.470] Enhance Aid (Untradable) x3 Mercenary Badge - 5,000 125,000,000 Medal of Honor: Boruta x1 Mercenary Badge - 7,000  No change 175,000,000 [Lv.460] Enhance Aid (Untradable) x1 Weekly Boss Raid Cube x2 [Lv.470] Enhance Aid (Untradable) x3 Weekly Boss Raid Cube x2 250,000,000 [Lv.460] Enhance Aid (Untradable) x1 Shining Demon Lord Cube Box x1 Medal of Honor: Boruta x1 Mercenary Badge - 10,000 [Lv.470] Enhance Aid (Untradable) x3 Shining Demon Lord Cube Box x1 Medal of Honor: Boruta x1 Mercenary Badge - 10,000 300,000,000 Recipe - Raid Portal Stone (x3) x10 No change 375,000,000 Medal of Honor: Boruta x1 Shining Demon Lord Cube Box x1 No change 625,000,000 [Lv.460] Goddess Enchant Jewel (Untradable) x1 Medal of Honor: Boruta x1 No change 750,000,000 [Lv.460] Goddess Enchant Jewel (Untradable) x1 Weekly Boss Raid Cube x1 [Lv.460] Goddess Enchant Jewel (Untradable) x2 Weekly Boss Raid Cube x1 1,250,000,000 Medal of Honor: Boruta x1 Weekly Boss Raid Cube x1 No change 1,750,000,000 Goddess Black Gem Cube x1 [Lv.460] Awakening Abrasive (Untradable) x1 Goddess Black Gem Cube x1 [Lv.460] Awakening Abrasive (Untradable) x3   Related items will be changed as follows. (Multiply Token has the same effect regardless of tradability).     Mercenary Badge Boost Voucher effect is changed as follows.   Before After Weekly Acquisition Limit +100,000 Uphill Defense 1 time gain +5,000 Dimensional Collapse Point 1 time gain +4,000 Remnants of Bernice gain +20,000 Weekly Boss Raid 125K Damage reward +40,000 Field gain +100% Weekly Acquisition Limit +100,000 Remnants of Bernice gain +20,000 Weekly Boss Raid 125K Damage reward +76,000 Field gain +100%         NEXT   This concludes the posting about the new contents and system. The detailed dates will be announced via the patch note before applying it to the live server. Contents above may change/be added/deleted when applying to the live server.   Thank you.

Developer's Blog
January 19th, 2022
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Update Plans for the Second Half of 2020

Greetings, Saviors. This is Tree of Savior Developer Team.  We would like to share the Update Plans for the Second Half of 2020.      1. Solo Raid   List of Additional Solo Legend Raid   - Legend Lepidoptera Junction Normal - Legend Lepidoptera Junction Hard - Unique White Witch’s Forest   Like traditional casual raids, the main reward items(ex; Unique Glacia equipment, Moringponia Talc Powder) are the same, but the best of luck rewards(ex; a Finished product of Karaliene Accessory) that can only be obtained in the party version is excluded.   Casual Raids can only be cleared in solo and can accompany 1 assister.   It provides a separate entrance count from the party raids and the weekly count is unsettled.     2. Solo Challenge Mode with the Assisters     A solo version of Challenge mode that allows the player to fight alongside 4 Assisters will be added. The structure is equal to the original Challenge Mode but can be played by 1 player and 4 assisters. The performance of the monsters in Challenge Mode and the Assisters will be adjusted to the content.    Although the types of rewards are the same, silver and item drop probability will be 70% of the party challenge.   We are currently developing the content to be played in a variety of ways such as holding the monsters with Tank or Holding character and giving damage with the Assisters, supporting the Assisters in battle with a support or Healer character, or dealing by yourself with a healing Assister.       3. Balance Change     Balance Patch will resume. In the balance patch later this year, skill factor and structure of some classes including Mergen, Fletcher, Ranger, Highlander, Fencer, Matador, Cryomancer, Chaplain, and Monk will be adjusted.   The following lineup which requires more developing period and resources are: reorganizing Nak Muay and settling the builds of Swordsman class strike attack classes, reorganizing Psychokinesis, Earth, and Non-property classes of Wizard class especially Psychokinos, reorganizing Sadhu of Cleric class, and 2 new classes. These are currently planned for updates at the end of this year.    We are aware of the classes that need attention but as there are limits in reorganizing them by simply adjusting the skill factor, we ask for a kind understanding that more developing/test period is needed. The order or the reorganized class may be changed according to the development situation.        4. Changes in reward from normal Field/Hunting Grounds     At the moment, the major contents of Tree of Savior are challenge and raids, which has a limit in playing or requires a separate item to play. Contents that does not have a limit in playing as much as the time allows are the normal fields and the Hunting Ground and compared to other contents that have limitations or costs in use, these contents are vulnerable to automatic hunting programs or the production of goods by extreme hard-playing users(24-hour full play), widening the gap with ordinary users.   Silver is the most effective and most influential commodity produced in the field and free dungeon, and users who play the content on a 24-hour hardcore can earn up to 24 times more silver than users who play it for one hour a day. This difference creates a huge gap than any other limited content.    Therefore, the development team is planning to change the silver drop from high-level fields and Hunting Ground to the corresponding number of mercenary badges, and to remove and supplement silver drop from the low-level fields (areas growing up) with episode clear rewards or quest rewards.   As this is a significant change, we are informing you in advance through this developer’s blog and will apply it in the patch as soon as possible so please take note.       Other than this, the new boss will be added in Hunting Grounds, and Field Boss event, Gemstone Feud, Team Battle League will be reorganized. Update of a new boss monster in Guild Battle and reorganization in GTW for this is planned. Details of each content will be posted after the update is ready.   ※ Contents, values, and attached materials described in this posting may be added, deleted, or changed when applying to the live server.  

Developer's Blog
August 4th, 2020
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Hayraven’s Unofficial Chronicles Part 1

    The Great Pirate Vladislovas. With every step, in the shadow of his footsteps, remained the blood of his defeated enemies. Demons bowed their heads and drew away in his presence. No being was more vicious or brutal than the Great Pirate. In front of the ruthless Vladislovas stood a much younger Hayraven. From the splashing waves to the rocking boats, all became silent. Even the seagulls soaring up high had quieted down to watch them. There was no prize for the winner of this battle; the fight was for the title of Great Pirate. Hayraven drew his cutlass first and began by attacking Vladislovas in swift steps, aiming once for his chest, twice for each side of his torso. But his attacks were too obvious for Vladislovas. Grabbing ahold of Hayraven’s cutlass, he kicked him in the pit of his stomach, knocking him over. Then, as if to teach the younger pirate a lesson, he hit Hayraven with the hilt of his sword again and again. Hayraven barely escaped the cruel pirate’s attack to regain his footing. He was already injured, and Vladislovas looked set for victory. Hayraven swallowed once. If he were to surrender, the brutal but skillful Vladislovas may take him as his subordinate. This likely had crossed Vladislovas’ mind, seeing how he had chosen to spare Hayraven’s life until then. But Hayraven shook away the thought. He began to collect himself as he shot his opponent a hidden smirk. Again, he charged unto Vladislovas, stubbornly delivering the same attacks he knew were in vain. Vladislovas grew bored of toying with the young Hayraven. It would be the sharpened blade instead of the hilt striking at his throat next. Then, Hayraven suddenly turned, drew a pistol out from its holster and pulled the trigger. The bullet lodged itself precisely in the middle of Vladislovas' forehead and his large body slowly collapsed towards Hayraven. Thud! The small boat, no longer able to withstand the weight of both Vladislovas and Hayraven, tilted over. Waves splashed against the hull, and the cries of seagulls began to fill the air again. Nobody came to the surface. And the waves swept away the name of the Great Pirate. Far away from where the sea swallowed the small boat and the two pirates was a large ship. In it, two groups of men had divided themselves between bow and stern; each busy setting up camp on their end of the ship. The men avoided looking directly at the opposite side as they worked. Their eyes were locked in another direction: the direction in which the captain of each group had departed on a small boat long before. The ship where they stood was the last one remaining of a battle that went on for two entire days. Now, the men had been forced into a silent confrontation. One side owned the ship; the other lost theirs, and had come aboard to continue the battle hand-to-hand. If their pact was to be honored, both sides would soon become the crew of that very ship, regardless of who had first served in it. All had agreed that he who survived and returned to the ship would be made captain, be it Vladislovas or Hayraven. No pirate dared to defy Vladislovas, but if the young Hayraven was to kill him, the same would be true for him. Bored of the stagnant tension, one man from Vladislovas’ crew that occupied the stern of the ship decided to break the silence. It was Seadog, a pirate with a large dog tattoo drawn across his broad chest. “If no one returns before sunset, I say we heave up anchor and leave.” The oldest member of Hayraven’s remaining crew stood up from the ship’s bow. His arms were as thick as logs and enveloped by two wreathing sea snake tattoos. The oddly-named Oceanid replied to Seadog’s proposal. “If you swear not to attack us until we reach Vernike Island.” Seadog did not hesitate. “I swear on the name of Jurate, that whoever attacks the other side before we arrive in Vernike Island will forever turn into ballast for the Kivotos.” Oceanid repeated Seadog’s oath, followed by the men on either side of the ship. Seadog took a glance at the sky and spoke again. “We’d better pray for a storm in the meantime. Though, with this weather…” Oceanid, a veteran of the sea himself, agreed with Seadog, though he too thought a storm to be unlikely. “With the men we have, I don’t think we can work this ship under a storm anyway. We’ll barely make it to Vernike with all the crew and any good weather Jurate can bless us with. We couldn’t fight even if we wanted to.” So it was. The battle of the last two days had been violent and intense. They no longer wished to fight over whom to name their captain. If they did, they certainly knew that nothing was to be gained from that. He who returned to the ship would be made captain, be it Vladislovas or Hayraven. If neither did, the crew would leave the waters, and a new struggle for power would surely ensue. After the ship reached Vernike or another suitable port, that is. They would first ensure that the ship could sail with half of the remaining crew, or perhaps even half of that. With as few men as that would entail, reclaiming the authority of any of the former captains would be close to impossible, and they would likely be exterminated or taken under a new pirate crew. To both ends of that leaderless ship, there was nothing to do then but wait for one of the great pirates to emerge victorious. Seadog and Oceanid had fallen silent. They stared into the horizon, avoiding each other’s unpleasant gaze. That both men were wise enough not to start another conflict was a fortunate thing. It was in that moment that they heard the sound of someone climbing up the rope ladder that hung from the side of the ship. The sparse crew meant that no one had been assigned to the lookout atop of the mast. The only way to look was to lean down from the edge of the ship, an act too risky for any of the men on board to pursue. They had not heard the small boat approach the ship, so whoever it was who was climbing that rope ladder, he would have had to swim his way back. The small boat was far too distant for that to seem plausible, but it was even less likely that someone else had happened to approach the ship in those waters. The men on deck focused on the sounds of the climbing stranger, until a hand emerged and gripped the edge of the gunwale. The hand was not familiar to them, perhaps from all the blood, sun and sea that had washed over it on the long way to the ship. No one offered to help. If, by any chance, that hand belonged to the rival captain, they did not want his crew to misunderstand it as an attempted attack. Seadog and Oceanid remained silent, focusing their attention on the edge of the ship while signaling their crews to stay still. The hand gripping the gunwale trembled as it pulled up the heavy body of the stranger, revealing his face. Nearly unrecognizable by his subordinates were Hayraven’s features, mangled by multiple wounds and sheer exhaustion. Every pirate on the ship thanked Jurate for giving them the victor they so eagerly awaited. Hayraven climbed over the gunwale and stood on the deck, looking at the men on each side of the ship before addressing them. “I grant you all permission to board my ship.” He spoke as if he had been alone on the ship waiting for the others to board. That may have not been the case, but to sailors of all kinds, boarding permission was an important convention. It was also a sign that all of the crews’ problems had been solved, as no man had any intentions to defy his authority. Knowing this, Hayraven spoke again. “The captain’s cabin…” Hayraven collapsed onto the deck before he could finish his sentence, and the pirates around him hurried to help. Old and new members of his crew laid the unconscious Hayraven down in the captain’s cabin. <To be continued>        

Developer's Blog
June 23rd, 2017
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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for March 13-14, 2023

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (March 13-14, 2023). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
March 16th, 2023
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[EDITED] Yak Mambo's Winter Festival

Greetings, Saviors!    The Yak Mambo's Winter Festival is here! Collect the keys and open the boxes to get rewards!     Event Period     From the scheduled maintenance on December 15, 2020 To  the scheduled maintenance on December 29, 2020     Who can Participate     - All saviors     How to Participate     Step 1. Get [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key in various ways!   - Login for 1 hour and get 10 [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key. - 10 [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key is used when opening the [Event] Winter Festival Box. - [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key can be obtained up to 500 per day. - Contents you can obtain [Yak Mombo] Snowflake Key are as follows: Category Contents Amount Level Dungeon Underground Chapel Dungeon 20 Historic Site Ruins Monument of Desire Dungeon Underground Castle Dungeon Lanko Lake Dungeon Lv.400 Weekly Rotation Dungeon Unique Raid Former Fantasy Library: Sausis Room 9 30 First Shelter Magic Research Facility Astral Tower Closed Quarters Asiomage Testing Grounds Tomb of the White Crow: Unique Lepidoptera Junction: Unique Unique Raid (Solo) Former Fantasy Library: Sausis Room 9: Unique 30 First Shelter: Unique Magic Research Facility: Unique Astral Tower Closed Quarters: Unique Asiomage Testing Grounds: Unique Tomb of the White Crow: Unique Lepidoptera Junction: Unique Earth Tower  Lolopanther Area 40 Solmiki Area Legend Raid : Velcoffer's Nest Velcoffer's Nest 50 Legend Raid : Tomb of the White Crow Tomb of the White Crow: Legend 80 Tomb of the White Crow : Legend (Solo) Tomb of the White Crow: Legend (Solo) Lepidoptera Junction : Legend Lepidoptera Junction : Legend (Solo) 100 Lepidoptera Junction : Legend White Witch's Forest : Unique White Witch's Forest : Unique (Solo) 100 White Witch's Forest : Unique White Witch's Forest : Legend White Witch's Forest : Legend 120 Uphill Defense Uphill Defense: Normal Stage 10 or above 10 Uphill Defense: Hard Stage 5 or above 30 Uphill Defense: Very Hard Stage 5 or above 50 Sole Hunt Madon Maiden 30 Amiss Dog 30 Misrus 40 Tel Harsha 60 Challenge Mode Challenge Mode Stage 5 or above 30 Challenge Mode Stage 7 40 Challenge Mode : Division Singularity Stage 2 or above 40 Challenge Mode : Division Singularity Stage 4 or above 50 Dimensional Collapse Point Dimensional Collapse Point Stage 5 or above 50 Hunting in the fields (randomly) Cannot be obtained when the level gap is 50 or above 1     Step 2. Login on weekends and get [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key.   [Edited]- Maintain Login for 2 hours and 3 [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key will be given. (2 times a day on weekends and December 24-25 per team.) - 1 [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key is used when opening the [Event] Golden Winter Festival Box.  - 1 [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key can be exchanged with 100 [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key. (no limits)     Step 3. Hunt and get [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box.   - Hunt in the fields and get [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box by chance. (Challenge Mode, Dimensional Collapse Point, Raids, Instance Dungeon, etc are excluded.) - [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box can be obtained up to 30 per day. (per team) - Use 10 [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key to open 1 [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box. - Random reward will be given from the following:  Name Team Storage Market/Trade Amount [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Set(Box + Key) O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Ruby Anvil O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher O X 1 [Yak Mambo] 7-Star Gem Abrasive O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Mercenary Badge Voucher : 500 O X 3 [Yak Mambo] Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token O X 3 [Yak Mambo] Miracle Seeds O X 5 [Yak Mambo] Goddess Sculpture O X 5 [Yak Mambo] Urgent Repair Kit O X 3 [Yak Mambo] Attribute Point 1,000 O X 2 [UPDATE] ※ [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box cannot be obtained when the level gap is 30 or above with the monster.     Step 4. Hunt and get [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Box.   - Hunt in the fields and get [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Box by a low chance. (up to 5 per day) (Challenge Mode, Dimensional Collapse Point, Raids, Instance Dungeon, etc are excluded.) - Maintain log in for 1 hour and get 1 [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Box. (Weekdays: maximum 2 times per team daily, Weekends and Christmas: maximum 3 times per team daily) - 1 [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Box can be exchanged with 10 [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box. (10 times per team) - Use 1 [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key to open 1 [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box. - Random reward will be given from the following:  Name Team Storage Market/Trade Amount [Event] Sole Hunt One Entry Voucher(14 Days) O X 1 Division Singularity One Entry Voucher O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher O X 2 [Event] 440.LV Legend Enchant Jewel O X 1 [Yak Mambo] 8-Star Gem Abrasive O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Sandra's Magnifier O X 2 [Yak Mambo] Ruby Anvil O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Golden Ichor Extraction Kit O X 3 [Yak Mambo] Mercenary Badge Voucher : 1,000 O X 3 [Yak Mambo] Attribute Point 10,000 O X 2 [UPDATE] ※ [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Box cannot be obtained when the level gap is 30 or above with the monster.     Step 5. [Yak Mambo] Christmas Winter Festival Box   - Maintain log in for 1 hour on Christmas Holidays (December 25, 2020, at 6 am ~ December 28, 2020, at 5:59 am, server time) and get 1 [Yak Mambo] Christmas Winter Festival Box. (3 times per day) - 10 [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key is needed when opening the [Yak Mambo] Christmas Winter Festival Box. [UPDATE]- Random reward will be given from the following:  Name Team Storage Market/Trade Amount [Personal Housing] Igloo O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Sandra's Magnifier Box O X 1 Division Singularity One Entry Voucher O X 2 [Yak Mambo] Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher O X 3 [Event] Enchant Jewel Box O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Ruby Anvil O X 3 [Event] Sole Hunt One Entry Voucher(14 Days) O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Attribute Point 10,000 O X 4   - Items you can get from [Yak Mambo] Sandra's Magnifier Box: Name Team Storage Market/Trade Amount [Yak Mambo] Sandra's Magnifier O X 5 [Yak Mambo] Sandra's Detailed Magnifier O X 5   - Items you can get from [Event] Enchant Jewel Box: Name Team Storage Market/Trade Amount [Event] [LV.440] Legend Enchant Jewel O X 1 [Event][LV. 440] Unique Enchant Jewel O X 5     Step 6. [Winter Festival] Exchange Shop.   - Use [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key, [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key, [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box, [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Box, [Yak Mambo] Christmas Winter Festival Box to exchange with following items! Name Team Storage Market/Trade Amount Material Item Amount Trade Limit (per team) [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key O X 100 [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key 1 No limits [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key 100 No limits [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box O X 10 [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Box 1 No limits [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Box O X 1 [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box 10 10 [Yak Mambo] Attribute Point 10,000 O X 3 [Yak Mambo] Christmas Winter Festival Box 1 No limits [Yak Mambo] Attribute Point 1,000 O X 3 [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Box 1 No limits [Yak Mambo] Attribute Point 100 O X 3 [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box 1 No limits [Yak Mambo] Attribute Point 5 O X 10 [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key 1 No limits [Yak Mambo] Attribute Point 1,000 O X 5 [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key 1 No limits ※ Please be aware that [Yak Mambo] Snowflake Key and [Yak Mambo] Golden Snowflake Key are also used to obtain various items!     Step 7.  Attribute Point Free Voucher -  [Yak Mambo] Attribute Point 1 Time Free Retrieval Voucher will be given when talking to the [Winter Festival] Yakmambo Snowman NPC. (3 times per team) -  The fee of extracting the Attribute Point will be exempted when extracting the Attribute point with Attribute Point 1 Time Free Retrieval Voucher in the inventory. ※ [Yak Mambo] Attribute Point 1 Time Free Retrieval Voucher can be moved to Team Storage, but unable to trade (Market also).     Important - Event status can be checked via /YAK command. - Daily acquisition limit will reset at 6 am. (server time) - Maintain Login hours won't be counted in the Lodge, Server selecting mode, and loading screen.  - Items with [Yak Mambo] will be deleted on January 5, 2021, at 6 am. (server time)  [UPDATE] ※ [Yak Mambo] Winter Festival Box and [Yak Mambo] Golden Winter Festival Box cannot be obtained when the level gap is 30 or above with the monster.

December 23rd, 2020
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Scheduled Maintenance for June 23, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (June 23, 2020). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
June 22nd, 2020