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Maintenance Extended in [NA]Klaipeda and [SA] Silute

Greetings Saviors, Due to the recent abnormal item drop issues, [NA] Klaipeda and [SA] Silute have been closed so we may retrieve back the problematic items and assess the current DPK situation. We believe that processing the accounts of involved users and the items themselves may take longer than expected. Maintenance on the servers is expected to last another 4 hours minimum. We will announce further details 30 minutes before that period ends. Once the servers open, they will only be available for accounts not affected by or related to the DPK errors. All other accounts will remain temporarily restricted until maintenance is complete. The process of retrieving the affected items shoud take up a long period of time, for which we ask your understanding. We will keep you updated on the situation with further announcements. Our most sincere apologies for the inconvenience and confusion. Sincerely, IMC Staff

June 3rd, 2017
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NEW! Royal Soccer Tournament Festival

  Greetings, Saviors! It’s soccer tournament season in the Kingdom and competition is fierce between the Orsha Lions and the Klaipeda Capricorns. Pay a visit to the little Goalkeeper in town and stock up on soccer goods to support your favorite team!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on June 26, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on July 17, 2018 Who Can Participate - Characters of all levels How to Participate STEP 1. Find the Goalkeeper Penguin in the city of Klaipeda by the Event Notice Board and pick your favorite team to receive a banner and a title showing your support. You can pick a maximum of one set of items per team (account). - Orsha Lions Support Banner x1 - Title: Orsha Lions Supporter x1 OR - Klaipeda Capricorns Support Banner x1 - Title: Klaipeda Capricorns Supporter x1 STEP 2. Complete 15 correct guesses in the Hat Trick Quiz event to obtain the Supporters Armband. STEP 3. Return to the Goalkeeper with the Supporters Armband and your team’s goods to receive the Ultimate Ace Trophy and complete your soccer goods collection! Important - The rewards of this event can be received only one per team. - The rewards obtained from this event cannot be traded, but they can be transferred via Team Storage. - Only characters possessing both one set of supporters’ goods from this event (either the Lions set or the Capricorns set) and the Supporters Armband from the Hat Trick Quiz event can receive the Ultimate Ace Trophy.

June 25th, 2018
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Weekly Question and Answer – October 14th, 2016

Q1. It is difficult to see how lenses and hair dyes will look on characters before purchasing them. Will there be a way to see what it will look like on the character before the purchase to prevent bad decisions? We have developed a way for you to preview what the items will look like on your characters. We hope that you will be able to make more satisfactory purchases with this preview function which will be implemented in the not too distant future. Please keep a close eye on future patch notes to see it.   Q2. kTOS recently had a major revision of the Enchant Scroll and Gems that changed a lot of the currently established norms. We are wondering if there will be a similar revision to the current Monster Card system. While we may decide to add new cards to allow more diverse usage, we currently do not have any plans on revising the Monster Card system. If we do decide to make any major changes, we will be sure to announce them beforehand, so make sure to read any announcements on the Official Website. Q3. It is nice to finally be able to trade more items via the Market system. We are now finally able to trade Gems and Monster Cards which is great for enhancing character abilities. However, it is difficult to find them unless we know exactly what to search for since they do not have a separate category in the Market.  We are planning on creating separate categories in the Market to allow easier perusal of Monster Cards and Gems. We hope that this will aid you in your search for those elusive cards that are preventing you from creating your preferred build. Q4. A large part of playing an MMORPG is having fun with friends. As such, it would be nice if the option of using the automatic party matching system in a pre-made party.  As avid gamers ourselves, we understand that being unable to find a party with friends made things difficult. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that the ability to use the automatic party matching system from a pre-made party has been developed. Please read future patch notes carefully for when it will be implemented.   - Preview and Purchase UI   - Instanced Dungeon and Mission Entry UI  ​ p.s The feature of UI can be changed for the future patch.         

Developer's Blog
October 14th, 2016
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Known Issues: September 2nd

Greetings, Saviors. The following is the list of bugs or issues that we are aware and currently working on them.   GENERAL Team Battle League Rewards Issue: “The Spoils of Battle Spoiled” The Team Battle League event 'Survival and Victory' rewards being unable to be redeemed in some cases. Please, send us a support ticket, if that is the case.   Skill Level Up Effect Issue: “I'm Sorry, I'll Re-equip That Again” Skill Level Up effect on the gear requiring to be requipped when moving to a different map.   Character Head Spinning: “You Spin Me Round” The character's head spinning in certain cases.   GvG/TBL Rankings Problems : “Rankings Deserve Some Spanking” The GvG and TBL rankings incorrectly appearing.   SKILL & STAT Falconer - Hovering : “Angry Video Game Bird” The hawk not coming back to when using the skill 'Hovering' Rodelero - High Kick: “Duration Description Deviation” Duration of the skill incorrectly appearing as 0 in the skill description. Please let us know via Support Ticket if you are experiencing other problems. When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/Team/server/class details, and timestamps would be greatly appreciated. That way we can have more information to work with on a more specified problem allowing it to be resolved faster.

Known Issues
September 2nd, 2016
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Scheduled Maintenance for May 19, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (May 19, 2020). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
May 18th, 2020
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New Unique/Legend Raid Preview

Greetings Saviors,   Today we would like to give you a sneak preview of the new Unique/Legend raid, The Tomb of the White Crow.       Tomb of the White Crow   The Tomb of the White Crow can be entered through the Dimensional Crack that appears after clearing the Shadowmancer’s quest in Rasvoy Lake. It is an area that the Shadowmancer Master Eclipse Ubik had come across accidentally during her studies.      Eclipse Ubik had entered the area thinking that she had reached the goal of her studies but a powerful demon had been waiting for her in the area. Feeling threatened, she had sealed away the demon using sealing mechanisms that she had devised and left the area thereafter.      But Ubik soon came to the realization that the seal she had laid to bind the demon in place was rapidly weakening over time and she had come to seek the help of the Saviors of the realm in order to seal away the demon for good.     Skiaclipse   The Tomb of the White Crow is a raid that is designed so that players are in a continuous battle against the raid boss. You will first come across Skiaclipse entrapped by the Shadowmancer Master’s device.     But soon he begins to chip away at the seal and regain his suppressed power. Players must protect the Sealing Orbs in this phase of the raid.       You try to protect the Sealing Orbs, but Skiaclipse unleashes his power and frees himself from the seal.     Skiaclipse is still very powerful despite having lost much of his power while being sealed away.     His power grows as the fight draws on. To prevent Skiaclipse from regaining his full power, the devices set in place by the Shadowmancer Master must be activated.     Successfully making use of these devices will prevent the demon’s power from growing, but failing to do so will leave the you to deal with the monstrous wrath of Skiaclipse.     When weakened to a point, Skiaclipse will begin his frantic last stand against the Savior. Should you be able to withstand his final struggle, you will be successful in sealing the terrible demon away.     New Equipment: Unique-level Skiaclipse Series     The Unique-grade Skiaclipse series of equipment are special items that can only be obtained through the Tomb of the White Crow raid. They have fixed stats like the items obtained from raids introduced earlier and can be used to extract ichors from as well as worn into battle.   And…   Just as players begin to grow accustomed to the Skiaclipse raid, the new Legend Raid: Tomb of the White Crow will be made available. The new legend raid will be comprised of bigger, badder and harder gimmicks and reworked Skiaclipse boss monster, as well as new Legend-grade equipment available as a reward.     That will be all for the Dev post today. Thank you all for reading!

Developer's Blog
April 24th, 2019
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Weekly Question and Answer – October 28th, 2016

Q1. SPR and INT don’t seem to be as effective as other stats in the game. Any plans to address this? We agree, so we did make a few plans to address stat effectiveness. Starting with the INT and STR stats, we are currently undergoing internal tests to improve their effects. In the case of SPR, however, instead of increasing the effects of the stat in itself, we focused more on improving how certain skills scale with it (particularly skills in the Cleric class tree.)   Q2. All the Lv 270 and Lv 315 items right now are either purple or red. Are you going to introduce any regular high-level items as well? We know there are a few players who were curious about this, so we wanted to let you know that yes, we are in the process of preparing new regular items for the higher levels as well. The release date for the new items isn’t set yet, but if everything works out we expect to be able to launch them as soon as our next kTOS patch.   Q3. Will our male characters ever get hairstyles with a beard or mustache included? We’ve always received suggestions about beard/mustache and shaved head styles, and at the same time, there have always been those who feel like it doesn’t really fit with the design of the game. Considering the consistent requests we get from players, however, we feel like it’s time we give it a try, so we’re going to start designing a few samples.    

Developer's Blog
October 28th, 2016
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Sunfish Attacks!

Greetings, Saviors!   Tree of Savior is under attack! Sunfishes are terrorizing the Kingdom’s citizens. Protect them by defeating the sunfishes and claim your reward.         Event Period     FROM the scheduled maintenance of June 4, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance of June 25, 2019       Who Can Participate     - This event is open to players of all levels     How to Participate     - Hit a Little Sunfish at least once when they appear. - Defeat all 50 Little Sunfishes that appear in the various event areas with everyone. - Sunfishes will appear daily on the following schedule:   Time Weekdays Weekends 13:00 - Channels 1, 2 and 3 16:00 - Channels 1, 2 and 3 19:00 - Channels 1, 2 and 3 20:00 Channels 1 and 2 X 22:00 Channels 1 and 2 Channels 1, 2 and 3   * Sunfishes will respawn after the channel reboots if a channel crashes during the event. You can proceed with the event normally after the channel has rebooted then claim your reward.       Event Areas, NPC's and Treasure Chest Locations     - When 50 Little Sunfishes have been defeated, an Event NPC and a Treasure Chest will appear.   - There are different NPC’s for each location and channel. - The Event NPC and Treasure Chest will be removed 30 minutes after they are spawned.       Rewards   [Sunfish Power] Buff   - Physical ATK +200 - Magic ATK +200 - Movement Speed +5 - Looting Chance +1000 - Applied to all players 30 minutes after the Sunfishes have spawned and lasts for 1 hour. - The buff will only be available in general field areas (Instance Dungeons, Missions and PvP areas are excluded).   Attribute Points: 100 (14 Days) x2   - Item cannot be traded or transferred via Team Storage. - All players who have hit a Little Sunfish at least once will be eligible to receive the reward. - This reward will be available only after all 50 Little Sunfishes have been defeated. - You can visit any of the Event NPC's in all areas that you've hit a Little Sunfish to claim your reward. - You will only be able to receive this reward once when having hit Little Sunfishes on different channels in a single area.   Treasure Chest   - You must first gain permission from the Event NPC before you can open a Treasure Chest. - You can gain permission to open a chest even if you have not hit a Sunfish at least once. - Treasure Chests will appear when all 50 Little Sunfishes are defeated in an event area. - A total of 100 Treasure Chests will spawn in the event area after all 50 Little Sunfishes have been defeated. - Treasure Chests can be opened once per character per event time slot. - Unopened Treasure Chests will be removed 30 minutes after they are spawned. - Right-click the Treasure Chest to obtain one of the following items at random:   Item Number Team Storage Trade Raid Portal Stone 2 O O Goddess’ Blessed Shard 3 O O Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher (14 Days) 1 X X Enchant Scroll 2 O O [Lv. 400] [Event] Unique Enchant Jewel 1 O X  

June 3rd, 2019
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White Witch Forest Raids

Greetings, Saviors. This is Tree of Savior Developer Team.    We would like to share the new raids that are currently under development: The White Witch Forest Raids.     New Unique Raid: White Witch Forest     Upon the low land of the Stogas Plateau, there's a shallow passage that marks the history of mankind a long time ago.      It's so high, so rough that no travelers bypass the passage any longer. But this cold, desloated place was perfect home for the white witch. Her wrath and the freezing weather of the plateau never seeks a rest.     White Witch Forst - Frost Pbeta     Frost Pbeta is a demon made from snow and ice created by the white witch. Only handful of wisemen who know about the white witch assume that Beholder somehow influenced her due to the shape of Pbeta.     Frost Pbeta is receiving the power of the white witch for the most in the forest through the black crystal of Beholder. This makes Frost Pbeta very powerful, but defeating Frost Pbeta will deplete big portion of the white witch's power.       White Witch Forest - White Witch   The White Witch Forest is like a natural labyrinth. One has to break through the rough mountain passage.   The white witch was the only daughter of a family that supported the Crusaders vigorously. She is only few years younger than Zofija Eleonora, the Crusader Master. They were like real sisters in the past. The two friends made their last farewell promise a night before Zofija's dispatch to the southern kingdom in order to search for the trace of goddesses. But before the day comes, Mezio Diena arrived first.   On the day of Mezio Diena, many people were abducted by the demons under Beholder. The white witch was no exception. The victims were used for Kruvina experiment and had to experience great suffering.     Fortunately, the white witch could escape the miserable madness. But Beholder kept his eyes on her from the shadow. He used hallucinations and deluded people to isolate her. Everything tore apart the poor soul: the aftereffect of the Kruvina experiment, the loneliness after the escape, and the fear of demon pursuer. She had only one remaining hope, her only sister like friend, Zofija. She headed to the south where Zofija was dispatched. But there was the high mountains of Stogas Plateau. She had no choice but to climb the ridge. It was so cold that her whole body was numb. It was so hungry and thirsty that she had no strength to raise her hand. It was so tired that she couldn't keep her balance. She fell, across the shallow passage, down the cliff.    The fall broke her legs. She didn't give up. She crawled the bottom of the cliff for shelter and help. But it was a mere struggle before her last breath.      The death could not free her from misery. The leftover of Kruvina experiment resurrected the white witch as the demon of snow and ice. Her poor soul could not stand the reality that she turned into a demon. Her mind was shattered, and her madness turned into philautia.    The white witch's glacial madness and hatred will now face toward the people and goddesses who did not help her when she needed them for the most, and Zofija for not showing up as promised.     New Unique Eqiupment   The new Unique grade equipment are exclusive from the White Witch Forest. They will have their unique options just like the other Unique grade equipment, and can be used as the equipment itself or extracted to ichors.   Here are some of the unique options for the new equipment.   [Frozen Beat] - Triggered by Murmillo: Shield Attack - Deals damage to the surrounding 3 times for 3 seconds - Skill damage +1100% - Strike Property - 20% chance to freeze the target for 3 seconds - The target number is affected by caster's AoE Attack Ratio   [Icicle Burst] - Triggered by Fence and Matador attack skills - Pierce Property damage to 10 targets around - Skill damage +1500% - Stacks 1 debuff to the targets for 5 seconds (Stacks up to 5) - Each stack of debuff lowers critical resistance by 5% - Cooldown 3 seconds   [Magic Bolt] - Triggered by Magic skill attack - Skill damage +2000% - Cooldown 5 seconds - Magic Bolt will be triggered 2 times if the remaining SP is lower than 60% - Magic Bolt will be triggered 3 times if the remaining SP is lower than 30%   AND...   Legend Raid: White Witch Forest will be introduced as well. The Legend Raid: White Witch Forest will be much more powerful, harder difficulty, and new Legend grade equipment will be available.      Unique Raid: White Witch Forest Event     An event for the new Unique Raid: Whtie Witch Forest will be held. Any team which completes the Unique Raid: White Witch Forest for the first time can receive the rewards. Zofija Eleonara will provide 5 event bonfire which will help your raid.        Legend Raid: White Witch Forest   Overview   We are preparing a new Legend Raid for the White Witch Forest.     The threats of the new Legend Raid: White Witch Forest will not only be increased Attack and HP of the monsters but also the skills will be. You might found that the skills are not that difficult to overcome in the Unique Raid: White Witch Forest. It will not be as easy as in the Unique Raid when you face them in the Legend Raid.     New skills will also be added to the Legend Raid. These new skills will be key to your successful assault on the Legend Raid.     Reward: New Legend Grade Equipment   You can receive the new Lv. 440 Legend grade equipment from the Legend Raid: White Witch Forest. You may receive the rewards according to the difficulties you try, and the rewards will be final products or the materials for the new Legend grade equipment. You might be able to receive +11 enhanced Legend grade equipment in the Hard difficulty in low chance. The new Legend grade equipment will hold their own unique options specialized to the Raid contents, which will differentiate itself from the other Set-Stats(like Smugi) and provide another attractive option for you. 

Developer's Blog
June 21st, 2020