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Known Issues: June 15th

Greetings, Saviors. The following is the list of bugs that we are aware and currently working on them.   GENERAL   - Infinite Jump: "Fly Me to the Moon"  The problem of being able to reach an unreachable height by using Warp fuction.   - Multiple Item Crafting Issue: "Overwork" When crafting multiple items, automatically cancelling the process (Working on it)   - Unrideable Companion: "Must Be This Tall to Ride" After getting incapacitated, your character being unable to ride the companion in Lv 190 dungeon.   - Invisible Cube: "Show Me the Cube" Cube items dropped by boss monsters not appearing properly.   - Chat and Friends List: "So Lonely…" After a client crash, broken chat texts appearing and Friends List getting wiped.   - Wrong Name on the Journal: "Yognome On Parole" Confined Yognome' registering on the Adventure Journal as 'Yognome'   - Weapon Swap Issue: "No Swap For You" The weapon item on the Weapon Swap slot not disappearing after registering and completing a collection.   - Wrong Gem Selected: "These Are Not the Gems You Are Looking For" When crafting an item that require a gem item as its ingredient, the system selects the foremost gem item rather than the intended and selected gem.   - Wrong Item Drop: "Yognome Droppings" The monster 'Confined Yognome' dropping items far below the appropriate level.   - Trade Limits Issue: "Numbers Do Lie" The problem of Number of Trades Allowed not changing even after Token 60-Days or Token double use.   - Ashaq Prison Issue: "Doin' Time In Ashaq" Getting stuck and lag occurring on a lift in Ashaq Underground Prison 1F   - Item Mislabelling: "You Had One Job!" The problem of item names not printed properly when putting in and out of Base Camp Storage   QUEST   Saule Goddess Quest: Problem of NPC not responding   Hauberk in the Maze Quest: Even after defeating the monster, nothing happening   Pull out the Metal Plate' Quest: Being able to obtain Metal Plate without removing the vines in the 'Pull out the Metal Plate' quest. SKILL   Cryomancer Snow Rolling: 1) A Cryomancer character being unable to move when casting Snow Rolling after receiving the 'Fade' effect from a Cleric character.- 2) Snow Rolling skill causing the affected monsters to stand still and getting knocked back. And also the problem of monsters under the skill's effect, attacking the player character. Ice Bolt: Character freezing when changing weapon while the meter is still charging. Subzero Shield: Freezing the player character when getting the bleeding damage while the 'Subzero Shield' is on.   Psychokino Teleportation: Activation discrepancy between the Mouse Mode and the Keyboard Mode whe using Psychokino's 'Teleporation'. Gravity Pole: 1) The visula effect for Psychokino's Gravity Pole getting cut in a certain way 2) Causing Client Crash   Druid Carnivory: The grass objects on the ground appearing improperly when Druid casts 'Carnivory' skill in Demon Prison. Shapeshifting: Getting the unattainable skills from the monsters.    Alchemist Magnum Opus: Unable to craft multiple items   Fletcher Cross Fire: The problem of Fletcher's Cross Fire skill having a counter despite it has no cooldown. Thaumaturge Transpose: Losing HP when using Thaumaturge's skill 'Transpose' again while its effect from the previous casting is on.   Rodelero Shield Bash: CON not changing after getting hit by Rodelero's 'Shield Bash'.   Oracle Clairvoyance/Resetting: The Oracle's skills 'Clairvoyance' and 'Resetting' not working properly against the monster 'Pavaisa'. Please let us know via Support Ticket if you are experiencing other problems. When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/Team/server/class details, and timestamps would be greatly appreciated. That way we can have more information to work with on a more specified problem allowing it to be resolved faster.     ADDTION: The following issue is not a bug but in fact an intended effect. Priest Blessing: Unable to be applied to Sadhu in an Out of Body state.

Known Issues
June 16th, 2016
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Goddess' Blessed Cube: Mar 26, 2019

  Important: All the Goddess' Blessed Cubes follow the updated item list regardless of the date it was purchased. This policy will be standard unless stated otherwise. e.g.  Goddess' Blessed Cube A (purchased in November of '18), B (purchased in January of '19) and C (purchased in February of '19) will all follow the item list the most current.

March 25th, 2019
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (August 16, 2017). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
August 16th, 2017
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Dev Interview: Legend Cards

Greetings, Saviors! In a previous roadmap post, our devs talked about a new type of cards – called the Legend Boss Cards – that are being developed for the middle slot in the card equip system. We were curious to see how this feature was looking so far and what we could expect when it finally comes out in the game, so we took some time to test it out with the developer in charge.   <Card equip window showing a Legend Card with +10 movement speed. Nice.> Staff: It looks like your plans for the Legend Card feature are coming along really well! Though, looking at how these new cards are being referred to, I noticed you’re not calling them “Legend Monster Cards” anymore, but only “Legend Cards”. Are you worried that players might confuse them for cards with legendary monsters in them, or…? Dev: Actually, we decided to call them that because there’s a chance we might want to make Legend Cards out of TOS characters that aren’t monsters. Staff: Gasp! Do you mean human NPCs? Maybe even… villains? Like this one? Dev: Well… I’m a big fan of Giltine myself, so I can’t say it hasn’t crossed my mind. Staff: Sweet. Moving on to another topic, last December during the Rank update we got new quest lines and a new Revelation thrown into the lore of TOS. It also seems like the quest to unlock the Legend Card slot is going to connect to the Revelations. I’m just wondering: where does it end? I see myself playing TOS for many years to come (☆ TOS 4EVER ☆) so I’m worried that we’ll never see the end of all these Revelations. Are you going to continue adding new Legend Card quests as well? Dev: The Legend Card unlock quest will only deal with Revelations introduced up to the point when the feature is first released. Staff: So that is the first and last time Legend Cards and Revelation quests will ever be related? Dev: I can’t really talk about what’s going to happen to the story in the future, so… Staff: Right, spoilers. Well, I had a look at the list of cards you’re planning to add and I saw a lot of familiar names. Apart from the “Powerful Kugheri Balzermancer” and the “Pantorex”, they were all Monster Cards we already have in the game. Does that mean these cards have a regular version and a Legend version? Dev: Yes. The regular cards are going to have the same stats they do now; the new ones are going to have more. The difference is that the regular cards will be available from Mercenary Post missions and Card Albums. Also, if you summon a monster from a Legend Card instead of a regular demon card, your summon will be bigger and the visual effects will be different. <Summoning with a Boss Card.> <Summoning with a Legend Card.> Staff: Cool. Looking at the stats of the new Legend Cards, it seems like there’s a big difference in what stats these cards have depending on where you get them. Is that meant to reflect the difficulty of the different game features from where the Legend Cards drop? Dev: Correct. Legend Cards obtained from more difficult game features will come with juicier stats. The Powerful Kugheri Balzermancer, for example, is a card you can get from the Unique raid dungeon. Unlike other places that drop Legend Cards, this dungeon has no competitive component and it has a lower degree of entrance restrictions. In this context, we’ll be increasing the competitive factor of field bosses and upping their difficulty level in order to boost the chances of acquiring Legend Cards. The Pantorex monster from guild quests is also going to see an increase in difficulty. Staff: So I was right. But there’s something I’m really curious about. How many cards do you need to get a Legend Card to Lv 10? Dev: Legend Cards are going to increase levels via card enhancement, a system different from traditional card synthesis. The reason we chose this was that, although combining cards is a safer mechanism, it requires large amounts of fodder to reach maximum level. Applying the exact same method to Legend Cards would make it way too tiring for players to boost up them up, so we added a shortcut process that lets you get to your target level faster with a bit of luck. Staff: When I was testing the card enhancement, I noticed that you can only use 4 other cards to enhance a Legend Card, though. And even with four Lv 10 Legend Cards as fodder, the chance of success from 3 to 4 stars still wasn’t 100%. Why is that? Is there no way to get 100% chance of enhancement with Legend Cards? Dev: That’s the shortcut process I was talking about. We realize that some players – like yourself – will still prefer the original card combination method, so we created another mechanism that lets you use high-grade, high-level cards to achieve 100% chances of enhancement. Under this mechanism, using other Legend Cards or enhancement cards designed specifically for Legends guarantees that your card gets another star. <Legend Card with 100% chance of enhancement.> Staff: I see, that’s a relief. I’d rather go the safe route, even if it takes a little longer. It looks like you can also increase the star level of Legend Enhancing Cards by combining them with other cards; is that right? How does that work? Dev: That’s right. You can feed regular cards to a Legend Enhancing Card via the normal card combination process to increase its star level. As you can probably guess, Legend Enhancing Cards are used to enhance Legend Cards only. The chances of success when using a Legend Enhancing Card as fodder are up to 5 times higher when compared to regular cards, so they’re something to keep in mind if you want to play safe. <You can increase the star level of a Legend Enhancing Card by combining it with other cards.> Staff: Alright! Those are all the questions I had for you today. Thank you very much for your time and for letting us play around with this new feature. I can’t wait for it to come out. Dev: No problem! I’m looking forward to what our players have to say about it too.

Developer's Blog
January 23rd, 2018
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NEW! Halloween Uphill Defense

  Greetings, Saviors! Get ready for a special Halloween edition of the Uphill Defense mission! Defeat the monsters, protect the torch and win exclusive Halloween cosmetic items and consumables!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on October 30, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on November 20, 2018 Who Can Participate - Characters of level 50 and above How to Participate STEP 1. Talk to the Halloween Event NPC in the city of Klaipeda to enter the Halloween Uphill Defense solo mission. There is no entry limit per team, but your daily count resets at 00:00 (server time). STEP 2. Protect the torch and defeat the monsters throughout all 5 stages to clear the mission and receive prizes for the first and third missions you complete each day. Here’s what you can get: 1st Daily Mission Completed: - Attribute Points: 100 (14 Days) x3 - Pumpkin Candy x1 - Halloween Firecracker x1 3rd Daily Mission Completed: - Attribute Points: 500 (14 Days) x1 STEP 3. Win even more rewards according to the number of times you received your first daily mission prize! 10 Times: Pumpkin Hair Accessory x1 18 Times: Jack-O-Lantern Costume Selection Box x1 Important - You will not obtain EXP from the event mission. - Mission rewards are sent directly to your character’s inventory. - The mission is considered completed only after you receive the corresponding reward (if applicable). - Participation and rewards are counted on a per-team basis, so you can play the mission with different characters each time, but make sure to receive the rewards on the correct character. - Event rewards cannot be traded to other players, but they can be transferred via Team Storage.

October 26th, 2018
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[SPECIAL] Demon Cube - Jan 29, 2019

January 28th, 2019
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[UPDATE] 2020 Season Server Stamp Tour

Greetings, Saviors.   The Magic Association prepared a new Stamp Tour for the New Season Server Saviors!     Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on August 11, 2020 TO the scheduled maintenance on November 10, 2020     Who Can Participate   - New Season Server Users     How to Participate   STEP 1. Visit the Magic Association NPC in Klaipeda and Orsha and select the 'Participate in Stamp Tour' dialogue option to begin your TOS Stamp Tour.   STEP 2. You will receive a Tour Journal when having participated in the event, which contains various missions you can complete to obtain rewards.   STEP 3. The Stamp Tour Journal can be accessed by typing '/note' in the chat. You can also view the Help by clicking the ? button on the right side of the mission name.    STEP 4. Complete the missions in the Journal. The completed missions will be highlighted in the Journal. Click the highlighted mission to receive the rewards.   Stamp Tour Missions and Rewards   Category Beginner Expert Master Growth Finish 1st Advancement Finish 3rd Advancement Reach Lv. 450 Rewards [Event] Class Change Voucher Lv. 3 (90 Days) x1 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Event] Class Change Voucher Lv. 4 (90 Days) x1 Skill+Attribute Reset Package (14 Days) [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Event] Unidentified Mystic Tome x3 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Adventure 1 Clear Episode 3 Clear Episode 7 Clear Episode 12 Rewards [Stamp Tour] Goddess' Statue x10 [Stamp Tour] Miracle Seeds  x10 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Lv15 Basic Condensed HP Potion x100 Lv15 Basic Condensed SP Potion x100 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Lv. 440] Transcendence Stage 5 Scroll - Armor x1 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Adventure 2 Explore a map 100% 20 times Complete over 30 Collections Interact with all Statue of Goddess Zemyna Rewards Basic Warp Scroll x20 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Stamp Tour] Attribute Points 10,000 x3 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Stamp Tour] Attribute Points 10,000 x5 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Enhancement 1 Enhance Card/Gem for 10 times or above in total during the tour Identify unidentified items 50 times Carry equipment with 12 enhancement, 10 transcendence Rewards [Stamp Tour] Enhancement Coupon: 100,000 Silver x10 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Stamp Tour] Sandra's Detailed Magnifier x10 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Event] Ruby Anvil x3 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Enhancement 2 Transcend 1 time Re-identify equipment with level 400 or above 30 times Extract Ichor from equipment with level 400 or above 6 times Rewards [Lv.440] Transcendence Stage 5 Scroll -Weapon x1 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Stamp Tour] Sandra's Detailed Magnifier x5 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Stamp Tour] Golden Ichor Extraction Kit x15 Silver Ichor Extraction Kit x30 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Battle 1 Clear level dungeon 5 times Clear Unique Raid 10 times Clear Legend Raid 5 times: - Tomb of the White Crow: Legend - Tomb of the White Crow: Legend Casual - Lepidoptera Junction: Casual - Lepidoptera Junction: Legend (Normal) - Lepidoptera Junction: Legend (Hard) [UPDATE]- White Witch's Forest : Legend Rewards [Stamp Tour] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x5 [Stamp Tour] Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token x3 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Mercenary Badge x8,000 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 9-Star Gem Abrasive x3 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Battle 2 Clear Uphill Defense 8 times during Stamp Tour (All difficulties) Clear Uphill Defense 16 times during Stamp Tour (All difficulties) Clear Uphill Defense (Very Hard) 8 times during the Stamp Tour Rewards Mercenary Badge x1,000 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Mercenary Badge x5,000 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Mercenary Badge x10,000 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Challenge 1 Clear Challenge Mode Stage 5 or above 3 times Clear Challenge Mode Stage 7 10 times Clear Dimensional Collapse Point Stage 5 or above 5 times Rewards [Stamp Tour] Challenge Portal Scroll x5 [Stamp Tour] Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher x3 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Stamp Tour] Looting Chance: 500 x20 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Stamp Tour] Golden Ichor Extraction Kit x5 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Challenge 2 Clear Earth Tower 5 times Clear Hunting Grounds 20 times Give 50 million or more accumulated damage per Weekly Boss Raid 3 times Rewards [Stamp Tour] Attribute Points 10,000 x1 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Event] Irredian Shelter Accessory Selection Box x1 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Stamp Tour] Attribute Points 10,000 x10 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Activity 1 Dismantle item 50 times from the town's blacksmith Repair equipment 150 times from the town's blacksmith Use personal shops 300 times during the Stamp Tour Rewards [Stamp Tour] Attribute Points 10,000 x1 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Superior Urgent Repair Kit x30 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 [Stamp Tour] Pamoka Solution EXP 2x Voucher x5 ※ The Pamoka Solution EXP Vouchers do not stack with the Weekend Burning buff. [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Activity 2 Purchase item 1 time from the Market during Stamp Tour Draw gem 30 times (Free drawing counted) Craft the Goddess' Blessed Gems 30 times Rewards Token: 1 Day [Event] [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Token: 7 Days [Event] [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10 Flamingo Fishing Rod x1 [Event] Goddess’ Roulette Coin x10   STEP 5. Once you've completed all missions including the weekly missions, talk to the Magic Association NPC to receive [Event] Stamp Tour Mission Clear Celebration Box. The Box contains the following items: - An exclusive title for the Stamp Tour x3 - [Stamp Tour] Attribute Points 10,000 x5 - [Event] Ruby Anvil x5 - [Lv. 440] Stage 5 Transcendence Scroll - Weapon x1 (※ [Lv. 440] Stage 5 Transcendence Scroll - Weapon can only be used to Weapon which is Lv.440 or under)     Important - You can move the mouse over certain missions to view specific instructions on the mission tooltip. - All reward items, except for the [Event] Instance Multiplier Token and Basic Warp Scroll, cannot be traded but can be transferred via Team Storage. The mentioned items are not tradeable nor storable to the Team Storage. - [Stamp Tour] items and [Event] Stamp Tour Mission Clear Celebration Box will be deleted on November 17, 00:00 EST.

September 14th, 2020
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NEW! Beauty Shop: Grand Opening

  Greetings, Saviors! Klaipeda’s Beauty Shop is finally opening for business! For two weeks only, customers of the Beauty Shop can enjoy special perks and rewards!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on July 10, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on July 24, 2018 Who Can Participate - Characters of all levels How to Participate STEP 1. Get 30% OFF on all new hairstyles and dyes purchased at the Beauty Shop during the event period! STEP 2. Purchase your first hairstyle at the Beauty Shop to receive the ‘Barber Shop Chair’ item (one per team)! STEP 3. Visit the first and second floors of the Beauty Shop and interact with all the NPCs to receive the ‘Trend Setter’ title (one per character)! Important - To receive the Barber Shop Chair, make sure to interact with either hair stylist NPC and select the corresponding dialog option. - The Trend Setter title is received automatically after your character interacts with the third NPC.

July 9th, 2018
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Future Updates: Guild Promotion, Quests, Title Collection

Greetings, Saviors! We’re back today with another series of neat functions that are being developed for future patches. In this post we’re going to show you our plans for a new guild promotion feature, some quest improvements and a nice addition to the title system. Don’t forget that these plans aren’t final, so the actual content may end up looking a little different when it is applied to the game.   Guild Promotion Board   We’re creating a notice board which guilds can use to promote themselves and recruit members. The promotion board includes different information about the guilds like guild level, activity (Adventure Journal points), average team level, etc., which all players can access. The board allows players to directly send join requests to the guilds they are interested in, and guild administrators can then use the promotion board to manage and process the applications.   In order to register the guild at the promotion board, the guild master must upload the guild’s banner (512 x 200 png) and cover page (1024 x 768-3840 png). Guild masters can set up the guild’s banner, cover page, intro text and promotion status under the guild settings menu. Players interested in the guild can look at the Info tab for more details and use the Apply button to send a join request. Since any player can apply to join a guild through the promotion board, there is no need for the applicant and the guild master to meet in-game in order to process the request. The guild’s administrator can simply access the board and accept or decline the application. Master Quests With the omission of advancement quests from Ranks 2 to 8, the function of Class Master NPCs became limited to selling attributes and consumables. Now, we want to bring quests back to the Class Masters. Starting from the lower levels, each Master will include their own independent subquests, most of them rewarding your character with Attribute Points. We expect to update Master quests over multiple patches in the future. Daily Quest Rewards We have plans to update the rewards and frequency of the Mercenary Post’s daily quests. First, we’re going to make these quests playable 2 times per day, per character. The quests will consist of simple monster hunting (adjusted to your character level), without the current item gathering component. The basic EXP rewards, on the other hand, are getting big boost with added Silver and Attribute Points. According to the day of the week, the daily quests will include only one of the new rewards: Silver from Monday to Thursday; Attribute Points from Friday to Sunday. Silver rewards will be calculated based on your level (level x n Silver), while Attribute Point prizes are awarded as 1 or 2 tickets of 100 Points (or up to 3 tickets if you’re at maximum level). Title Collection Finally, we want to introduce a system that grants characters minor passive stat increases according to the total amount of titles they possess. The image above gives you an idea of how the system works. We don’t want each stat to depend on a different kind of title, so we expect it to apply the stat boosts based only on the overall number of titles.   Stay tuned to the News page for more updates!

Developer's Blog
February 13th, 2018