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[CLOSED] Serial Trickster

Greetings, Saviors! In the world of TOS, not everything is what it seems... not during April Fools' week, that is! Beware of the deceivers, or prepare to be fooled! See below for the details on the new event. 1. Period Event From: the scheduled maintenance on March 28, 2017 To: the scheduled maintenance on April 4, 2017 2. How to Participate - You will notice your companion looking a little heftier during the event period. Don't worry though, your bulky buddy will increase your EXP gains by 20% the whole week!   (This buff will not apply to Hawk companions. They will still grow a little bigger, however.) - A pesky little monster going by the name of Commander Lord Phail will appear in the cities of Klaipeda, Orsha and Fedimian. Defeat the snarky beast to receive a buff of +5 movement speed for 1 hour.   (This buff does not have a cooldown, but it is not stackable with itself or the Haste buff.)   (The Haste buff, when applied to a character with the Commander buff, will cancel the Commander buff.) - Also, you can obtain a Totally Legit Cube from a mischievous Little Trickster NPC in the cities of Klaipeda, Orsha or Fedimian. The cube will drop equipment items you can't get anywhere else... although they may not be exactly what you're looking for.    (The Totally Legit Cube can only be obtained once per character during the event period.) - Be nice to the Little Trickster and she'll give you 50 April Feathers you can use to fool your friends and enemies.    (The April Feathers can only be obtained once per character per day.) 3. Totally Legit Cube - Drops "totally legit" equipment items with a 7-day limit. - Is not consumed when used. - Has a cooldown time of 30 minutes. 4. April Feather Effects - Use to perform one of 4 random actions:    1) Pretend to be frozen    2) Pretend to be asleep    3) Pretend to level up    4) Pretend to be incapable of combat 5. Important - All event items are untradable. - Totally Legit Cubes and April Feathers will be deleted after the event period is over. - April Feathers cannot be used while riding a companion or using Hanging Shot. - The 50 April Feathers can only be received every 24 hours per character. - This event is not meant to be taken seriously. Please think of it as just a way to play around during April Fools'.

May 12th, 2017
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[UPDATE] Joha's Lost Coin

  Greetings, Saviors!   Joha accidentally spilled her grandpa’s coin collection in the Fishing Spot! Please find the lost coins and return them to Joha. She will exchange the coins with various items!       Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on June 2, 2020 TO the scheduled maintenance on June 23, 2020     Who Can Participate   - All users who can fish     How to Participate   Collect [Event] Lost Coin by clearing the following contents:   A. Maintain Log-in   - Maintain login for 1 hour and receive [Event] Lost Coin x10. - Maximum 20 coin daily per team.     B. Fishing   1. Talk to Joha's Bucket of Mudfish and receive [Event] Joha's Mudfish x100, [Event] Fishing Bonfire (1 Day) x1, [Event] Paste Bait (1 Day) x1. 2. Fish in the Fishing Spot in Klaipeda or Cobalt Forest with [Event] Joha's Mudfish. (1 coin per 1 successful fishing/Consume fishing counts)   - Additional [Event] Joha's Mudfish can be bought from Joha's Bucket of Mudfish by 5,200 silver each. - Maximum 10 coin daily per team.   - Obtainable Items from fishing:      - Small Silver Fish      - Silver Fish      - [Event] Red Fish      - [Event] Lost Coin   - You can receive [Meowlicious!] buff by giving [Event] Red Fish to the ‘Cat at the Fishing Spot’.      - [Meowlicious!]: EXP gains +30%, Looting Chance +500, Maximum HP +3000, Maximum SP +1000 (60 minutes)     C. Clear Contents   - Maximum 100 coin daily per team. - Clear the content and receive coins according to the following:   Category Content Number of Coin  Level Dungeon Underground Chapel Dungeon 10 Historic Site Ruins Monument of Desire Dungeon Underground Castle Dungeon Lanko Lake Dungeon Lv.400 Weekly Rotation Dungeon Unique Raid Former Fantasy Library: Sausis Room 9 25 First Shelter Magic Research Facility Astral Tower Closed Quarters Asiomage Testing Grounds Tomb of the White Crow: Unique  Lepidoptera Junction Unique Unique Raid - Casual Former Fantasy Library: Sausis Room 9 : Casual 20 First Shelter : Casual Magic Research Facility: Casual Astral Tower Closed Quarters: Casual Asiomage Testing Grounds: Casual Tomb of the White Crow: Casual Lepidoptera Junction: Casual Earth Tower Lolopanther Area 20 Solmiki Area 20 Legend Raid: Velcoffer's Nest Velcoffer's Nest 40 Legend Raid: Tomb of the White Crow Tomb of the White Crow: Legend Tomb of the White Crow: Legend - Casual Tomb of the White Crow: Legend - Casual Uphill Defense Uphill Defense Mission (Normal, above Lv.10) 10 Uphill Defense Mission (Hard, above Lv.5) 10 Uphill Defense Mission (Very Hard, above Lv.5) 20 Lepidoptera Junction Legend Lepidoptera Junction Legend (Easy) 40 Lepidoptera Junction Legend (Normal) Lepidoptera Junction Legend (Hard) Hunting Grounds Boss Madon Maiden 10 Amiss Dog 10 Misrus 30 Challenge Mode Challenge Mode Stage 5 and above 20 Challenge Mode Stage 7 and above 30 Dimensional Collapse Point Dimensional Collapse Point Stage 5 and above 30 Normal Hunting Regular fields/Hunting Grounds 1 ※Cannot receive coins from normal hunting when the level gap between the content and the character is over ± 50.     [UPDATE]Exchangeable Items   Item  [Event] Lost Coin Required Exchange Limit (per team) Carrot Fishing Rod 800 1 Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days) 20 10 Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher: 14 Days 10 5 Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher (14 Days) 30 10 Challenge Portal Scroll (14 Days) 10 15  x8 EXP Tome (14 Days) 20 3 Attribute Points: 500 (14 Days) 10 30 Lv15 Basic Condensed HP Potion 2 200 Lv15 Basic Condensed SP Potion 2 200 7 Star Gem Abrasive (14 Days) 15 10 [Event] Urgent Repair Kit 5 20 Miracle Seeds (14 Days) 5 10 Goddess Sculpture (14 Days) 5 10 [Event] Golden Anvil (14 Days) 40 10 [Event] Silver Anvil (14 Days) 20 20 Premium Awakening Stone (14 Days) 20 20 Enchant Scroll (14 Days) 20 20     Important - Exchange the [Event] Lost Coin from [Fishing Manager] Joha with various items. - Event coins are collected per team. - The daily limit of the acquirable coin is 130, and is rest every 6 AM Server time. - Check the number of [Event]Lost Coin obtained by /fishing command. - All [Event] items will be deleted after the event period during the scheduled maintenance on June 23. - All mudfishs in possession will be exchanged into 5 attribute points at the end of the event.    

June 1st, 2020
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kTOS User Meetup Summary

Greetings, Saviors! Recently, a meetup with players from our Korean servers took place, where questions were answered and our dev team shared a bit of what we have in mind in terms of the development of Tree of Savior. Today, we thought we’d share some details of this meetup with you here at the dev blog to let you in on some of the things we’re preparing and also gauge your opinions on the themes we discussed. First, these are the main goals our dev team is working to implement in the near future: 1. Improve the damage calculation system. 2. Increase the efficiency and revise the effects of each stat. 3. Create formulas to replace the currently fixed-number skill attack values and effects. 4. Revise the basic stats of all equipment items. 5. Readjust the efficiency and cost of enhancement/transcendence. 6. Readjust the difficulty of all fields and dungeons. 7. Overall improve the chat UI and develop new group chat functions. 8. Standardize and simplify item trade policies. As for the contents of our session, below are some of the topics we discussed with the players, summarized in a Q&A format. Transcendence and Balance Q: Item transcendence comes up too early in the game, and the effect it has on overall balance seems a little excessive. A: Originally, we introduced the transcendence system to give items a higher degree of importance in the game. We don’t want to devalue transcendence, since it would negatively affect players who already invested in it, so we are reviewing ways to increase the supply of transcendence items in order to reduce the gap. Q: Being a magic class is tough… A: We want to make it easier for magic classes to play solo in regular fields. We expect some of the difficulties felt by these classes can be alleviated by readjustments in the transcendence system and item rebalancing, so we’re going to make more specific plans after we test these out. Q: If you think about all the new equipment that’s going to come out in the future, it becomes a little too difficult to invest in transcendence, especially if you use a sub-weapon. Even with multiple characters, it’s a lot of work. A: In a way, the game already allows you to “recycle” your transcended items by restoring either part of the Blessed Gems or the item itself, but we are also considering making transcended equipment tradable. Perfecting the transcendence system is a bigger priority at the moment, however.   The group of kTOS players met with IMC representatives at our offices in Seoul.   Announcements and Communication Q: We don’t get many updates from you on what you’re working on and what your projects are for the game. Even if your plans end up not working out, we’d rather you at least communicate with us and let us in on the progress. A: The truth is that it has always been a little intimidating for us to talk about our plans for TOS, considering the amount of well-documented bugs we have yet to fix. Slowly but surely, however, we’ve started to work more on communicating our ideas and plans for the game, and we continue to strive for improvement on that area. One concern we have is figuring out the right stage of development at which to announce anything we might be working on, given that we do need to be at least somewhat sure that we can carry it out… Premium and Cosmetic Items Q: We get the feeling that new costumes are often released too late, and even when we do want to buy them, their prices aren’t exactly affordable. A: Last year was a constant struggle against bugs. We refrained from pushing the marketing of the game too much until we had some of the most basic issues fixed, and at the same time we didn’t want the gameplay at the time to rely excessively on paid items. In order to be able to service TOS in the long run, we don't think premium items should have too high of a priority on our list of aspects to improve on. We will continue to review our stance on this, but we don’t want anything premium to have too big of an effect on the core gameplay. Q: We understand that you want the game to be working at its best, but the players don’t want to wait. We wish we had more non-combat-related things to do in the game, decorative elements, housing, etc. The lack of premium items means that, even when we do spend money on TOS, there isn’t much we can do with it. A: We have received similar suggestions from players regarding non-combat play, including some really interesting ones we would surely like to review. We will continue to ponder on them and hopefully we can introduce more interesting items in the future. Addons Q: Some addons give unfair advantages to those who use them; we want to know your stance on these. Also, would you develop convenience addons for TOS? A: We wish we could review every single addon used for TOS, but realistically it’s something we cannot do. We can’t vouch for the reliability of any external addon, so our general stance is that it’s best to avoid them, although we do not punish the use of addons unless they are considered harmful to the game. We are, however, considering applying some functions of existing addons into TOS.   It was definitely interesting hearing the players talk about their experiences with TOS face-to-face.   Item Performance and Stats Q: Can you explain why certain leather armor now increases INT?? A: Our intent with this was to reduce the restrictions on the various types of armor for each class tree. Our impression is that it’s currently tilting towards plate armor. Q: Each class has always had its own suitable type of armor; if you start changing things now it will only confuse players. We think it’s best for each type of armor to have a concrete concept attached to it. A: This isn’t the first time we set out a strong concept then ended up making a compromise on it. Our current plans are to make hard-concept equipment more focused towards PvP. It’s a subject we still need to consider. Instanced Dungeon Matching Q: Auto-matching in instanced dungeons sometimes creates parties that are really unbalanced in terms of class distribution. A: If we focus on having a more equal distribution of classes in auto-matched parties, it will end up extending the time necessary to create a party. We need to consider what the optimal way to go about this is, since we also have to take in account the number of players in the queue. Q: How about allowing us to enter missions with a mercenary NPC or adjusting the mobs’ HP according to the number of party members? A: Both suggestions are already being considered and have a chance of making it into the game sooner or later. Bugs and Testing Q: How do you test for bugs? How do you go about fixing bugs that you can’t recreate on the test server and only manifest on the live servers? A: We encounter many different types of bugs, from those that affect both the live and test servers, to those that only sometimes appear on the test server. In cases where it’s difficult for us to recreate the bug, the process of analyzing and fixing it often gets delayed. Q: When is Briquetting going to be fixed? A: We are very sorry for the trouble it’s causing. We are still investigating the cause of this bug and hope we can find a solution soon. Guild Upgrades and Guild Wars Q: Guild raids lack a lot of practicality and it’s currently too difficult to increase the level of our guilds. We need more motivation for investing Talt, and we wish we could get better reward items, like titles or decorations. Also, after you introduced neutrality, guild war contents are pretty much dead. Do you have any plans to take it back? A: We don’t really want to remove guild neutrality. We do want to improve on issues like delays, location errors, lag, etc. and create a better environment for PvP gameplay. The option for neutrality will remain, however.   What would you ask the TOS devs if you had the chance to meet the team in person?   Other Feedback and Complaints Q: Can you allow us to use TP to extract gems without a penalty? A: The value of gems varies a lot depending on their grade, so it’s not easy to put a TP price on it. We’ll try to think of ways to make this work. Q: There are so many problems with Sorcerer bats. If the Wugushi poisonous insect disappears, the Sorcerer summons disappear with it. You also can’t control the direction in which the summons attack. Not to mention the SP consumption is out of this world… A: We agree that these are issues that cause inconvenience for players, although we should clarify that the fact that you can’t control the direction of summon attacks is indeed an intended feature. Q: We wish it was easier to recognize lucky mobs… A: We will consider ways to make them more visible. Skill-related User Opinions 1) The damage of low-rank attack skills is too low. 2) We wish it was easier to view the amount of skill-related material items. It’s also very inconvenient to have to visit an NPC every time we need these skill materials. 3) One minute is way too short for buffs. The cooldown time for skills is also too long. 4) The pros and cons of skills should be more balanced. Some skills only have pros, which makes them disproportionally popular. 5) Make skill values a percentage instead of fixed numbers. Other User Opinions 1) It can be hard to tell where each of our items is when we have a lot of characters. 2) There’s too much competition for field bosses, which often leads to arguments between players. We wish there was more content we can enjoy together as allies. 3) Regular monsters use stun way too often, especially considering there’s no way for our characters to cancel it. 4) We wish there was a system that would allow us to “hire” NPCs. 5) If you aren’t going to allow us to trade silver, will you at least consider an alternative? This game has so many restrictions, it feels like an RPG from the ‘90s :( 6) Please increase the number of basic slots in the Team Storage. Also, we need a way to deal with the problem of being unable to retrieve silver from the Team Storage after our Token period ends. 7) So many beautiful fields in TOS are abandoned… I suggest you improve the effects of their Collections? 8) The fact that clicking on mouse mode controls both moving and attacking causes many unnecessary problems. Please separate the controls for these two actions. 9) Having Team Battles be 2:2 can cause a big gap between the participating characters. I think 3:3 would be a better option.   We look forward to your reactions on the subjects we discussed in this Q&A, so do leave a comment and let us know what you think. And if you’re wondering, we are preparing another GM meetup soon in our Steam servers! We will make a separate announcement on it once we have the details, so keep an eye on the News page.

Developer's Blog
February 22nd, 2017
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Rank 8 Facebook Event: Comment to Win!

Greetings, Saviors! We're commemorating the release of Rank 8 with an event on our official Facebook page. Read the details below and participate for a chance to win your prize! What You Can Win: - Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher (14 Days) x2 + Jumbo Dumpling x5 (100 winners). When to Participate: - This event is open until October 23rd, 2016, 23:00 EDT. How to Participate:  01. Like and Share the following post on our official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/treeofsavior/posts/985962551529959 Then, leave a comment on the same post about Rank 8. You can tell us what you think of the update, leave a support message, suggestion, etc. Don’t forget to include your server and team name information in your comment, in case you’re one of the winners. 02. A total of 100 winners will be chosen at random from the comments, and the list of lucky Saviors will be announced on our official website (https://treeofsavior.com/news/) on October 24th, 2016. 03. The prizes will be sent to the winners via in-game GM message during the scheduled maintenance on October 25th, 2016. IMPORTANT: Make sure to add your correct server and team name information in your comment. The prizes may not be delivered if your information is missing or incorrect.

October 11th, 2016
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Goddess' Blessed Cube Item List: Feb 6, 2018

  Important: All the Goddess' Blessed Cubes follow the updated item list regardless of the date it was purchased. This policy will be standard unless stated otherwise. e.g.  Goddess' Blessed Cube A (purchased in November of '16), B (purchased in January of '17) and C (purchased in May of '17) will all follow the item list the most current.

February 5th, 2018
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[COMPLETE] Re-opening of the [NA] Klaipeda and [SA] Silute servers and temporary suspension of certain accounts due to item retrieval procedures

Greetings Saviors, As previously announced, we are opening the [NA] Klaipeda and [SA] Silute servers for accounts which don't require items to be retrieved or other processing related to the recent DPK errors.   The servers will be open in approximately 30 minutes at the following times:   [UPDATED] [EDT] 10:40  / [BRT] 11:40 , June 3, 2017 Also, please note that some accounts will be temporarily suspended due item retrieval procedures and will be unblocked as soon as they are processed by us.   We will be setting separate guidelines for items with high and low DPK ratios and be retrieving the items based on those guidelines. Accounts shown to have traded large quantities of items or otherwise committed offenses will have all of the items seized and also have suspension periods levied based on the severity of their actions.    We will not be receiving tickets regarding this matter, so we would like to kindly ask for your understanding. There will be a separate announcement once the results have been finalized.   Compensation will be provided to those accounts that had merely been in possession of more than the usual number of items depending on the total duration of the restriction period through another announcement.   Finally, we wish to provide the following items via GM message to your Barracks as an apology for causing so much inconvenience with this issue. Please retrieve the message no later than until EDT 6th of June 23:59.   The following compensation will be sent to each account.   - 20 EXP Tomes (14 Days) - 4 Instance Dungeon Reset Vouchers - 40 Fortune Cookies - 15 Instance dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days) - 6 Instance dungeon One Entry Voucher (14 Days) - 42 hour Token time extension   Our most sincere apologies for the inconvenience and confusion. Sincerely, IMC Staff

June 3rd, 2017
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Announcement regarding recent add-on incidents

Greetings Saviors, As we are now re-defining our policy on add-ons, it is only fair for us to lift any such restrictions made on June 14th regarding first and second time offenders that used certain functions of the cxAnywhere add-on to inappropriately access repair and selling functions. However, please note that any players found using the same add-on to will be penalized. We also believe that most of those players will now be more careful when selecting add-ons in the future. However, we will be much more strict should these players should be caught using abusive add-ons again.  There will be no compensation as the add-ons in question allowed inappropriate access to certain game functions.  It has also come to our attention that there is a specific add-on claiming to boost the luck of players. We would like to re-emphasize that any and all percentage based in-game content, such as item drop rates, are all controlled server-side. No client side alterations will affect the actual rate of server-side calculations. We also did some in-house testing of the add-on as soon as it came to our attention and confirmed that it did not affect any actual in-game data or any critical client-side files. While we do believe that the creator of the add-on in question meant no harm, this particular add-on caused quite a bit of confusion within the community, especially since the add-on creator made a video that could mislead players into believing that the add-on could help their chances when opening cubes. Please note that such add-ons that mislead players and cause unnecessary confusion amongst the playerbase may cause the creator of the add-on be penalized as well. Sincerely, IMC Staff

June 24th, 2016
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A Real Wonder : Mystical Cube

    Staff_Max : Hello everyone, this is Staff_Max who wasted spent 47 days (unlike Staff_Amy who only took 1 try) trying to get Practonium from the Mystical Cube. Today, I’m with the person in charge of designing that particular nightmare item. Could you please introduce yourself to the players?   PrinceKen : Hello everyone, please call me PrinceKen. I hope you’ll forgive the somewhat sad mood I am in. It’s because spring is around the corner.   Staff_Max : I would like to, on behalf of the players, complain ask about the Mystical box. Something that a lot of players are quite annoyed and angry curious about.   PrinceKen : I think I can see what is coming, and I would like to use this opportunity to apologize in advance….   Staff_Max : Could you please tell us the reasoning behind setting the 24 hour cooldown period and the impossibly extremely low chance to get Practonium?   PrinceKen : There are a few ways to get the best equipment for Rank 8 content. Most of it can be obtained from end-game content such as the Earth Tower. However, we wanted to give the players that can’t enjoy that content a way to catch up. That’s why the Mystical Cube was created. A way for players, with a bit of luck on their side, to catch up with hard-core players. However, since Practonium is a core ingredient for crafting some of the best equipment for Rank 8 content, we had to set it at really low chances so it wouldn’t trivialize the effort that the hard-core players put into clearing end-game content.   Staff_Max : I see(Give me back my 47 days)…. What do you think about the inconveniences that the players are experiencing because of the short expiration time(5 hours) on the Unstable Cube which they get when they don’t get Practonium?   PrinceKen : I do think that we need to tweak the current settings a bit in order to make it less inconvenient for the players. These are some things that we are currently considering. 1. The Mystical Cube can be located in the Cube section of a player’s inventory, while the Unstable Cube is in the Item section. We plan on making it so that they will always be in the Cube section 2. We are currently developing a warning UI that will tell you if an item is about to reach it’s expiration time.   Staff_Max : I think such changes will be able to help many players from missing the expiration date. Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. I hope that this Dev Blog will help answer some of the questions you all may have had about Mystical Cubes.   How many days did it take for you to get your Practonium? You could brag or lament on how quickly/long it took for you to get it. I had to try 47 times(lucky that I’m not a gambling man). Also, please let us know what you would like to be discussed in such fashion. I’ll see if I can ask the devs for a short interview so I can share some insight into how Tree of Savior was made.  

Developer's Blog
February 17th, 2017
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[CLOSED] Rookie Savior Event: Get Ahead (Dec ‘17)

  Greetings, Saviors! If you’re looking to get a head start on your first TOS adventure, now is the time! Every month from now on, we are welcoming all rookie players with a massive level boost on up to 4 characters!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on December 12, 2017 TO the scheduled maintenance on January 9, 2018 Who Can Participate - Players of Team Level 1 How to Participate STEP 1. If your team is at Team Level 1, head out to your nearest Event Notice Board to receive the following items (they will be received all at once on the first character you use the Notice Board with): - TOS Celebration Costume (Male) x1 - TOS Celebration Costume (Female) x1 - Boost Pack (14 Days) x1         - Note that Team Level and Character Level are different. Your Team Level is calculated according to all the characters and/or companions you have in your Lodge (you can check the top part of the screen at your Lodge to see your Team Level). STEP 2. The Boost Pack will contain a level milestone that your character will need to reach in order to receive the corresponding rewards (see Boost Pack Rewards).         - There are a total of 19 milestones you can reach, with the top milestone at level 290.         - Every time you reach a new milestone, the Boost Pack gives you another round of rewards (see the Boost Pack Rewards below)! Boost Pack Rewards Reach the level milestones to receive the rewards! NOTE: Items tagged as [TIMED - XX Days] have an expiration date and can only be used within the period mentioned in the item’s description in-game, eg. if an item is marked as “30 Days”, it must be used within 30 days after you acquire it. After those 30 days, the item will expire and you will no longer be able to use it. The counter will start to decrease as soon as you receive the item, so plan ahead carefully. - LEVEL 5 - x4 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] - EXP Tomes increase your experience gains, allowing you to level up faster. Warp Scroll x5 - An item that teleports you to a region of your choice. Soul Crystal x5 - Revive on the same spot whenever you become incapable of combat. Settlement Support Potion Lv2 x 10 - Move faster and hit harder for 30 minutes. Movement speed and physical/magic attack will be increased. - LEVEL 10 - x4 EXP Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Warp Scroll x5 Soul Crystal x5 Megaphone x10 - Use Megaphones to communicate with other players via the server's Shout Chat. Zemyna Necklace x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - An accessory that increases your character’s stats. Velheider Voucher x1 - You can exchange this voucher for a Velheider companion at the Companion Trader in your nearest city. Klaipeda Warp Scroll x1 - An item that teleports you directly to Klaipeda, one of the main cities in Tree of Savior. Lv. 50 Weapons [TIMED - 30 Days] - A selection of weapons you can equip starting at level 50. - LEVEL 15 - x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Warp Scroll x5 Soul Crystal x5 Megaphone x10 Settlement Support Potion Lv2 x 10 - LEVEL 30 - x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Lord Hamondale's Bracelet x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - An accessory that increases your character’s stats. Knight Commander Uska's Bangle x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - Another accessory that increases your character’s stats. - LEVEL 50 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - Grants all party members additional EXP for 1 hour. x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - Use this voucher to reset your daily instanced dungeon entries and play them again to boost up your character’s EXP and currency gains. Megaphone x10 Wind Runner x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - A pair of leather boots you can equip starting at level 75. [Event] Token: 3 Days x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] - Using a Token applies beneficial effects to every character in your team, including additional EXP gains. - LEVEL 80 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Warp Scroll x5 Soul Crystal x5 Keista Restoration Potion Lv 1 x20 - A potion to restore your HP and SP spent in combat. Multiply Token x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - Save time on your instanced dungeon runs by multiplying your EXP and currency gains. - LEVEL 100 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Soul Crystal x5 Megaphone x10 Fedimian Warp Scroll x1 - An item that teleports you directly to Fedimian, where a new city awaits you. Tavorh Cave Hunting Grounds Warp Scroll x1 - An item that teleports you directly to the Tavorh Cave Hunting Grounds, a region where you can fight giant monsters for better currency rewards and unique drop items. Multiply Token x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - LEVEL 110 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Skill Reset Potion x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] - This potion will reset your character's skill choices so you can rethink part of your build. - LEVEL 120 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Saalus Convent Warp Scroll x1 - An item that teleports you directly to Saalus Convent, where you can play new party missions. Megaphone x10 - LEVEL 140 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Keista Restoration Potion Lv 2 x20 Multiply Token x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - LEVEL 150 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Warp Scroll x5 Soul Crystal x10 Narcon Prison Hunting Grounds Warp Scroll x1 Sissel Bracelet x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - A stat-boosting accessory you can equip starting at level 170. Wizard Bracelet x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - Another stat-boosting accessory you can equip starting at level 170. - LEVEL 170 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Multiply Token x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Natarh Watchtower Hunting Grounds Warp Scroll x1 - LEVEL 190 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Multiply Token x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Tatenye Prison Hunting Grounds Warp Scroll x1 Keista Restoration Potion Lv 2 x20 - LEVEL 200 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Multiply Token x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - LEVEL 210 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Multiply Token x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Neighport Church East Building Warp Scroll x1 Archmage Bangle [TIMED - 30 Days] - A stat-boosting accessory you can equip starting at level 220. Phada [TIMED - 30 Days] - Another stat-boosting accessory you can equip starting at level 220. - LEVEL 230 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Multiply Token x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Sjarejo Chamber Hunting Grounds Warp Scroll x1 Dhrag Bracelet [TIMED - 30 Days] - A stat-boosting accessory you can equip starting at level 270. - LEVEL 240 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Multiply Token x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Keista Restoration Potion Lv 3 x20 Netanmalek Mausoleum Hunting Grounds Warp Scroll x1 - LEVEL 260 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Earth Tower Warp Scroll x1 - An item that teleports you directly to Earth Tower, a multi-floor map with missions where you win unique items. - LEVEL 290 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Stat Reset Potion x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] - This potion will reset your character's stat choices so you can rethink part of your build. Important - To be eligible for this event, your team must be of Team Level 1. After you enter the event, you can continue to participate even after increasing your Team Level. - Players eligible for the Rookie Savior event cannot participate in the Skilled Savior Event. You will only be able to participate in the Skilled Savior Event if your team is of Team Level 2 or above after the scheduled maintenance of January 9, 2018. - The rewards announced here will be available to eligible accounts until January 9, 2018. After that, the rewards can be changed for future iterations of the event. - The TOS Celebration Costumes can only be received once per team (meaning you will receive a total of 2 costumes: one Male and one Female). - The Boost Pack can be received up to 4 times per team (one time per character). - Items with time limits cannot be moved via Team Storage and they will begin to count down as soon as they are received in your character’s inventory. - Rookie Savior’s Tomes do not stack with themselves (you cannot use more than one at the same time to multiply their effects).

January 21st, 2018