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64Bit & DirectX11 Update Announcement

Greetings Saviors!   On June 1, 2021, We have a few updates on the client.  This is about the details, so please refer to this posting before playing TOS:)       Selects the version of Client when executing the Game   - Provides both 32bit and 64 bit at the same time for stability. - If it's hard to play the game due to unexpected problems at 64bit, please choose 32 bit to play. Operating System(OS) Bit Client Version 32Bit user Automatically executes the previous 32bit client. 64Bit user - When clicking [Start Game], it starts with 64bit client. If you want to play with 32bit client, please click [Start 32bit Version] on the bottom.   - ‘Automatically start the last selected version’ function is added. If you check on the function, the previously selected version's client automatically starts after 3 seconds the window pops up.   - If you uncheck the 'Automatically start the last selected version' within 3 seconds and click Start Client, the auto play function turns off from the next execution. - If it's hard to play the game due to unexpected problems at 64bit, please choose 32 bit to play.       Automatically selects DirectX according to the PC   - DirectX version is automatically executed according to whether the graphic card supports the DX 11. - Graphic card that does not support DX11 is executed by DX9 version, graphic card that supports DX11 will be executed by DX 11 version.       How to check on the Bit of Operating System(OS)   - Can be checked via the route as follows depending on the Windows version Operating System(OS)  Route Windows XP  or below (98, ME, XP) This PC - Properties - Basic - System (If there is 64, it is 64bit and if not, 32bit) Windows 7, Windows Vista Control Panel - System and Security - System - System Type (32bit Operating System, or 64bit Operating System) Windows 10 Control Panel - System and Security - System - System Type (32bit Operating System, or 64bit Operating System)       About Windows 7    - When an update for KB2670838, KB2999226 from Windows Update is not processed, DX9 version will be executed even when using the DX11. - If DX9 is executed in Windows 7 & DX11 graphic card environment, please process the Windows Update.   [Platform update for Windows 7 (KB2670838)] https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=36805   [Windows 7 update for x64 based system (KB2999226)] https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=49093       64Bit & DirectX11 Related Issue   - If you have any issues related to the 64bit & DirectX11, please submit us a ticket.       We will do our best so that this update can be securely set to provide the best environment to play the game. Thank you.

June 1st, 2021
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Assister Event

  Greetings, Saviors!   There's no friends like the Assisters! Assisters are here to join the savior's adventure in ToS! Complete the Assister quest to get an Assister of your own and receive chat emojis along with the rewards!       Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on June 2, 2020 TO the scheduled maintenance on June 30, 2020   Who Can Participate   - All users  How to Participate     1. Receive the Assister Quest from the [Kedora Alliance] Geraldasia in Klaipeda. 2. Clear the quest ‘Alongside Assisters(5)’ during the event period and receive items from the inventory. (Once per team)     Event Rewards     - Attribute Point 10,000(14 days) x2 (Can be stored in team storage/Cannot trade) - Emotion Package : Maru (3 types) x3 (Can be stored in team storage/Cannot trade)     - Maru (3 types) chat emoji is registered when used. - Assister Card Album : Select x4 : Only 1 of the 5 cards can be chosen and obtained. - Assister Card Album : ALL x1 : Obtain 5 Assister cards.     Important     - Assiter quests can also be continued after the event period but the rewards will not be given. - The registered Assisters are shared between teams and can be used in all characters. - The following emojis are registered when using [Emotion Package : Maru (3 types)]:

June 1st, 2020
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Weekly Question and Answer – September 23rd, 2016

Q1. It's almost the end of September. When is Rank 8 coming to iTOS? A1. We are aware that many of you are waiting for the Rank 8 update.  That is why we are being extremely thorough in the testing process so you will be able to fully enjoy the new contents. We also know that many of you at Rank 7 will love to focus on leveling your characters as soon as the update arrives in order to experience the new classes and skills. As such, we are also preparing a few extra treats that will help you do so near the update's release date. Q2. Swordsman type classes are finding it extremely difficult to complete quests at higher levels due to the high damage from monsters. Having to find a party every time makes questing hard for soloing players. Can you give us any ideas on what you are planning for the Swordsman in the future? A2. We are constantly testing various ideas with regards to re-balancing the Swordsman class.  Some of the things we are considering are adjusting monster parameters, Swordsman exclusive items, the fifth type of gem for melee type classes etc. We'll let you know as soon as we have found a combination of changes that works well. Q3. There's only one way to trade Monster Cards, but it's really inconvenient. Would it ever be possible for us to trade them?  A3. We are considering the removal of trading restrictions on Monster Cards. Further Info. would be released via announcement. Q4. Many of us have chosen to become a Templar in order to create guilds to enjoy the game with others. However, there currently aren't any attributes for Templar skills making the class otherwise less interesting. Is there any chance that we will be able to invest in attributes as well? A4. We deliberately developed the Templar class in such a way so that it would only have to focus using resources on the management of guilds. However, we have received much feedback with regards to the class and are testing various options to see if we can't add attributes to enhance the Templars. Q5. When will we be able to try out the Wonderland Costumes? A5. We are in the final preparations of bringing the new 8 types of Wonderland Costumes to a TP shop near you! We hope that you will enjoy the fantasy themed costumes. Please note that the wings on the costumes do not grant you the ability to fly. On a happier note, you don't have to worry about your hair becoming messed up from the desserts on the hats either.    

Developer's Blog
September 23rd, 2016
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[Complete] Temporary [SA] Silute Server Maintenance - May 5th, 2016

Greetings Saviors! The server is now back online. You may now access the server. The Silute server will be going temporary maintenance in order to enhance server stability. The details can be checked at the following link : https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/temporary-sa-silute-server-maintenance-may-5th-2016/245631 Thank you for your cooperation.  Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 8th, 2016
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Introducing: Guild Territory Wars

Greetings, Saviors! We at the dev team have hinted about wanting to develop new formats of PvP content before, particularly when it comes to guild wars. Well, we’ve been working away on a bunch of new ideas ever since, and today we’re ready to introduce you to a different kind of GvG experience we’re developing called the Guild Territory Wars. Our goal with the Territory Wars is to create a guild activity that’s challenging and highly rewarding, one that requires optimal team work from the guild members and strong leadership from the guild master. Everything is still in the works for now, but we’re going to continue focusing on this and other projects to advance and diversify guild content.   So… What Are Territory Wars? Guild Territory Wars are a large-scale PvP challenge in which guilds can battle each other to seize areas of territory in a field. We believe Territory Wars – and the hefty rewards we have planned for them – can help promote healthy competition, creating a real purpose for guilds to grow and develop. Before the War   The plan is to have Guild Territory Wars begin every Sunday at 8 PM and last a total of one hour. Before the schedule begins, players will be able to select whether to take part in the wars or not through an option in the Guild window. Only the guild master will have the authority to opt in or out of Territory Wars. This is in line with a series of other updates we have planned for guild content, which aim to solidify the role of leader for guild masters. Spot Areas   Spot Area Genar Field Galeed Plateau Inner Wall District 8 Grade B B A   Spot Areas are maps where players can fight in Territory Wars, with Spots being the sections of land you can seize. According to the grade of the Spot Area, the rewards for seizing the corresponding Spot will be different. As of now, we have a total of three Spot Areas planned out (the ones in the table above), but we will consider adding more areas to the game depending on how they perform. The War Begins!   When the Territory Wars schedule starts, entering a Spot Area will require you to select one of two options at the green arrow in adjacent fields. Here you can jump right into the war zone, or skip the battle and enter the map as you normally would. After moving to the Spot Area, guild members can battle in true PvP style to either protect their seized Spot or seize the one held by the rival guild. Members of the guild that seized the Spot in the previous Territory Wars will be allowed to enter the Spot Area 5 minutes before the war begins to plan out their strategy. Seizing/Protecting a Spot   During the war, each Spot Area will contain a Territory Tower, with the land around it forming the Spot that can be seized by a guild. To gain hold of a Spot, guild members will need to earn points by advancing into the perimeter of the tower. The guild that currently holds the Spot, on the other hand, can fight back by reducing the points of the invaders. The final score will then determine which guild will hold that Spot during the next Territory Wars. 1) Earning Points (Invading Guild)   The invading guild earns points every second according to the number of members within the perimeter of the Territory Tower. Below is a table that shows the amount of points earned by invading the Spot of the guild that holds it.   No. of members in the Spot 1 member 2 members 3 members 4 or more members Points earned per second 3 5 7 9 2) Taking Points (Protecting Guild)   The guild protecting their Spot can deduct points from the invading guild, also according to the number of guild members within the perimeter of the Territory Tower. Here, too, the amount of points taken from the invading guild every second increases proportionally to the number of members of the protecting guild inside the Spot.   No. of members in the Spot 1 member 2 members … 9 members 10 or more members Points taken per second 1 2 9 10 3) Final Score   The first guild to score exactly 1,000 points in the war seizes the Spot. In certain situations, however, the guild may not be able to gain any more points, like in the example below.   Guilds My guild (1 member in the Spot) Guild A (1 member in the Spot) Guild B (2 members in the Spot) Guild C (1 member in the Spot) Score 999 999 995 850 If, like in this example, two or more guilds have gathered all the conditions to reach 1,000 points, their score will no longer increase. Instead, those guilds will need to gather all of their members inside the Spot in order to win. We should note that there’s still room for improvement in the point system, but we will keep you notified of any changes. 4) Protector Buff   Guilds that succeed in seizing a Spot will receive a special Protector Buff that boosts their members’ combat abilities. Not only that, the more wars a guild manages to keep hold of a Spot, the more intense the effects of the buff will be. Strategic Bosses     Territory Wars have one more tactical element to them: boss monsters. During the war, a powerful boss monster will appear, which guild members can defeat in order to receive temporary beneficial effects. These boss monsters can make a big difference in the amount of points you earn or take, becoming an important part of your guild’s strategy. We do, on the other hand, understand that there could be aspects about this feature we haven’t fully predicted, so we’re open to adjusting any rules necessary to make the system as fair as possible. The Rewards     Winning the Territory Wars and securing a Spot is certainly worth a generous reward. After every period of war, guilds that succeeded in seizing a Spot will receive a set percentage of the amount of Market fees they paid during the past week. This prize is delivered in the form of items to the Guild Storage. Again, this a feature we are still polishing. Any changes we make to the rewards should be announced separately.

Developer's Blog
September 19th, 2017
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Combat System Changes QnA Session 2

Greetings, Saviors! Today we bring you another round of answers from the dev team about the ‘Plans for Combat System Changes’ post. Please keep your questions and suggestions coming in [this thread] for the next Q&A session! Rank Reset Q1. If I’m a Templar, will I need to transfer the position of guild master to someone else or disband the guild to reset my rank? A1. Yes. We know it’s not the most convenient solution, but you will have to transfer the position of guild master or leave the guild in order to reset your rank. We want to continue to work on improving the rank reset system while taking into account the issue of Templar guild masters. Q2. What happens if I don’t immediately advance into higher ranks and just leave my character as it is after the rank reset? A2. After you reset your rank, you receive rank-up cards that can restore your EXP to the rank you had before the reset. If you choose not to use these cards, you can still keep playing the game to increase your EXP and advance ranks the way you would normally do. There’s no advantage in saving the rank-up cards, however, since they can only take your character up until the rank you had before the reset. Also, you won’t be able to reset your character’s rank if you still have any rank-up cards left over from the previous rank reset. Q3. What if I was a Kannushi before the reset and want to advance into Kannushi again after the reset? A3. We mentioned last time that players who have advanced into hidden classes will not have their hidden class advancement requirements reset. To become a Kannushi, however, you will still need to use Switch Gender again after the reset. Q4. Can I only reset one of my characters each day? Or only once during the rank reset event? A4. During the reset event, you will be able to reset you rank, stats and skills one time per day, per character. This means that, during the event, you can reset all your characters on the same day if you wish, but to reset one or more of them again you will have to wait until the next day. Stats and Skill Attack Q5. If I wait until Circle 3 to start increasing my skill levels, will that make the skills stronger? A5. No. The performance of skills will be proportional to the skill level; the timing at which you rank up will not have an effect on it. Q6. How will the use of single- and multi-hit skills change according to item stat boosts and the enemy’s defense? A6. Because damage will be calculated on a division system, a single-hit skill with 500% attack and a five-hit skill with 100% attack, for example, will offer the same basic damage. However, you’ll also have to consider additional property attack factors and buffs, which can change the way in which single- and multi-hit skills are used. An enemy with high defense will likely take a toll on your damage, but since additional attack factors and buffs are calculated as true damage (independently from the enemy’s defense), skills which hit multiple times can turn out more advantageous. Miscellaneous Q7. Since the effects of the Glass Mole Card are based on the attack of the main weapon, we barely get to see any effect in the subweapon. Will this be improved, too? A7. Yes, with the new combat system changes, the effects of the Glass Mole Card will apply to subweapons as well. Q8. When is Rune Caster going to be patched? A8. There are still a few Rune Caster improvements we want to implement that unfortunately were a little pushed back by the plans for the new combat system changes. We will introduce them in a future patch though, so stay tuned! Q9. I’m worried about players using the rank reset event to abuse the Varnalesa and Lettuce items, since they can just advance into a class that can get those items to purchase them in large quantities, then reset into their actual desired class. A9. We have no plans to keep players from resetting into another class after advancing into Alchemist to purchase herbs. We’re in the process of readjusting the performance, cooldown time, etc. of all herbs and potions, however, so keep that in mind.

Developer's Blog
April 20th, 2017
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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for January 9, 2018

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (January 9, 2018). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
January 9th, 2018
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Leticia's Secret Cube Item List - Updated September 25, 2017

  ※ IMPORTANT: Please note that your character must be above level 40 to use this content.

September 25th, 2017
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Ep 13 : New Contents, System and System Adjustments

Greetings, Saviors. This is Tree of Savior Developer Team.    This posting is the 3rd part of the Ep.13 Update, which is about New Contents, System and System Adjustments.     1st : Episode 13 : Scar of Fate 2nd : New Classes and Class Adjustments 3rd : New Contents, System and System Adjustments     1. Res Sacrae System   New equipment Slot [Res Sacrae]       With the update of Episode 13, new equipment slot will be added and the new item Res Sacrae will be able to equip. Res Sacrae is ranked as Goddess, which is one rank higher than the Legend rank.      Liberate Res Sacrae skill will be automatically learned when equipping the Res Sacrae, and the savior can show intensive power periodically by using Liberate Res Sacrae skill. Under Liberate Res Sacrae status, the appearance of weapon equipped and effect changes according to the level of Res Sacrae, and consumes resource called RP continuously.       RP is a permanent consuming resource which does not recover automatically and needs item which can be obtained via contents’ reward for supplement. As there are difficulties to use Liberate Res Sacrae skill, it is designed to have high performance so that it can be the final strike to turn the table in the critical time.     Acquisition and Development of Res Sacrae Equipment     Res Sacrae can be obtained via quest which is processed when the character level is 450 or above, and it is a developing item that will share the Journey with the saviors.       Res Sacrae provides all stats as the main ability and the increase value of all stats increases according to the level.   Res Sacrae has three sockets for equipping Res Sacrae Gem. Each socket can be equipped with one of the three Res Sacraes, Cyan Gem, Magenta Gem, Black Gem, which will have a different effect on the main body of the Res Sacrae.   Res Sacrae Gem Effect Cyan Gem Effect that activates only once when casting Liberate Res Sacrae skill Decides the amount of RP when casting Liberate Res Sacrae skill Magenta Gem Effect that applies during the Liberate Res Sacrae Decides the amount of RP consuming per second during Liberate Res Sacrae Black Gem Increases the character’s ability when equipping to the Res Sacrae  Applies at all time even when the Liberate Res Sacrae is not used     Because the Res Sacrae Gem also has a variety of individual items within the categories of Cyan Gem, Magenta Gem, Black Gem, it can be equipped on the Res Sacrae by the Savior’s choice and create synergy with each other.   Each Res Sacrae Gem has a level that can be developed, and the effect increases accordingly. Lots of resources are needed to develop the Res Sacrae Gem, but Res Sacrae Level Transfer function will be provided for minimizing sunk cost according to the level increase so that the level can be transferred to other Res Sacrae Gem without burden of expenses.   To maximize the effect of Res Sacrae, not only the level up of Res Sacrae is needed but to enhance and loot for the right Res Sacrae that fits the character’s concept is needed.      Res Sacrae Contents and Reward   As the Res Sacrae system and equipment is planned to be added, the Res Sacrae Contents which can develop the Res Sacrae will also be added. Res Sacrae content consists of Res Sacrae Dungeon and Res Sacrae Quest. Res Sacrae Gem and Breath of Power can be obtained when clearing those contents.      Res Sacrae Dungeon The Res Sacrae dungeon consists of the Res Sacrae Dungeon: Auto-match and Res Sacrae Dungeon: Challenge Mode, and the relevant information can be checked via Contents Status Board (F10). You can enter the Res Sacrae Dungeon via Guard NPC in towns, and the specific equipment requirements such as level need to be met.   ▲ Patterns and new maps will be added periodically to the Res Sacrae Dungeon.   Res Sacrae Gem Enhancement Material and various Res Sacrae Gem can be received as a reward, and Rare Res Sacrae Gem which can be obtained only in Res Sacrae Dungeon is also prepared. Res Sacrae Dungeon: Auto-match which is low difficulty, and the Res Sacrae Dungeon: Challenge Mode which has higher difficulty and reward will be the new main contents that every savior needs.   Res Sacrae Quest   Res Sacrae Quest consists of quests that can be proceeded repeatedly and can be checked via a separate tab from the Quest window (F5).  Res Sacrae Quests are organized to help saviors easily achieve the quest goals through commonly played contents, and consists of Title Quest and Subquests, which can have rewards when clearing each content.    The reward for Title Quest can be obtained even when clearing part of the Subquests. Breath of Power, the basic reward of Res Sacrae Quest is used to level up the Res Sacrae.       2. Equipment Item Upgrade Expand   Vaivora Weapon Level Expansion   Maximum level of Vaivora Weapon will be expanded to Lv.4.     Vaivora Level can be increased by Transmutation. Level 3 gives you a similar improvement in ability as existed, and level 4 gives you the option to additionally enhance one of the skills from the regarding class. Some Vaivora weapon adds other additional effects than the specific skill.     Equipment status item or item extracted by item can be registered to the main material and sub-material which will be used as material, and the part that ‘2 identical Vaivora equipment of the same level is needed’ is as equal as the Lv.2 Transmutation.   For the Transmutation from Lv.3, the Concentrated Vaivora Transmutator and silver is needed. Concentrated Vaivora Transmutator can be crafted by adding a primary raid reward item to the Existing Vaivora Transmutator(name is expected to be changed).   Basically, Transmute value increases by 1 from one Transmutation and upgrades to the next level when reaching the maximum Transmute value. If the luck follows, the value can be increased by 2 with low chance, and you can even reach the maximum Transmute value at once if you get really lucky.       Transmute value remains as the elemental property of the Vaivora item, the value preserves in the case of extracting with Ichor or equip/unequip as Legend Item, and Market trade.      Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor Level Expansion   Maximum level of Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor will be expanded to Lv.3   It can be increased by the Transmutation as the weapon, and the part that basic item and item extracted by the ichor can be registered to the main material and sub-material is also the same.      For sub-material of Transmutation, identical Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor of the same level is needed, and the Blessed Transmutator and Silver are needed for Transmutation material. The difference between the Vaivora weapon is the material of Transmutation.    Transmute value increases by 1 from one Transmutation and upgrades to the next level when reaching the maximum Transmute value. If the luck follows, the value can be increased by 2 with low chance, and you can even reach the maximum Transmute value. Transmute value remains as the elemental property of the Vaivora item, the value preserves in the case of extracting with Ichor or equip/unequip as Legend Item, and Market trade.      Basic Ark Maximum Level Expansion and New Ark Added   The maximum level of Ark - STR, Ark - INT, Ark - SPR, Ark - DEX which can be obtained per character from the episode quest will be expanded to Lv.10. Ark- Healing Wave, which can be used by Healer will be newly added.       Team Common Attribute     Common Attribute which applies to all characters possessed in the team will be added.   Types of Team Common Attribute begin with basic abilities such as STR, INT or composition similar to Item Random Stats such as Critical Rate, second abilities of Block type, etc. The ability needed for the whole team member can be supplemented by improving the Common Attribute, and the material for the improvement is Attribute, same as the character.       3. Reputation System and Contents   Reputation System and how to use - Reestablishment of Kingdom Reconstruction The kingdom's reconstruction team, which dreams of rebuilding the kingdom by human power, was founded with the aim of helping humans rise again with their own beliefs and beliefs about each other, focusing on their faith in the lost goddesses. The Kingdom Reconstruction is an organization that seeks to rebuild the kingdom by the hands of the human, founded by the goal of humans who endured the end with faith in the lost goddesses, to stand again with their own beliefs and trust about each other. Members of the Kingdom Reconstruction have been dispatched to disaster sites and conflict zones in the scattered kingdom to try to resolve the problem.   Kingdom Reconstruction, like the Kedoran Merchant Alliance, is a descendant of those who has devoted themselves for the well-being of the kingdom and its people in the dark rather than to the surface of history, and they are looking forward to meeting with the Saviors, who are the witnesses of their reverence.   About the Reputation System   Reputation system can be used from the Reputation tab in the Character Information window[F1]. Clear the quests from the Kingdom Reconstruction NPC in each areas of Episode 13 to increase the Reputation of the area, and change the collected Reputation into rewards from the Reputation Shop.     Following Goddess and Goddess Card   Open the following Goddess tab by completing a certain amount of the new episodes.   Equip the Goddess Cards that can be purchased from the Reputation Shop in the Following Goddess tab and although it takes effort to obtain the item, the effect is promising.     After opening the reputation of the new area of Episode 13, you will be able to obtain a variety of rewards, including special items, personal housing items, and new costumes that can only be purchased in the Reputation Shop according to the Reputation Rate.       4. Content Changes   Challenge Mode added in the New Areas, Division Singularity Changes   Challenge Mode will be added in the new areas of Episode 13, and the entrance portal of Challenge Mode: Division Singularity will be transferred to areas of Episode 13.   Maximum Character level will be expanded with the Episode 13: Scar of Fate update, and the Lv3 Vaivora Weapon or Lv2 Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor will drop by a low chance along with the original Vaivora Weapons in the Challenge Mode/Division Singularity of the new area.     Challenge Mode / Division Singularity Auto Match     Auto Match is added to Challenge Mode and Challenge Mode: Division Singularity.   Auto Match from by clicking [Enter] in the Challenge Mode Auto Match of Contents Status Board(F10). Entry Count is shared with the Challenge Mode in normal fields, and can enter together with a maximum of 2 party members.   There are 3 areas in Challenge Mode Auto Match and each area has an entry level and requirement in equipment. There’s only 1 area in Division Singularity Auto Match, and also has an entry level and requirement in equipment.   Area Character Level Main Weapon Armor Accessory Ark Seal Area 1 361 ~ 399 Unique Lv. 350 or above Unique Lv. 350 or above - - - Area 2 400 ~ 450 Legend Lv. 400 or above/ Equip Fixed Ichor/ Transcendence Stage 5 or above Legend Lv. 400 or above/ Equip Fixed Ichor/ Transcendence Stage 5 or above  Equip Unique  Accessory Lv. 300 or above Equip Ark (except Ark-Dummy) Equip Seal Area 3 450~  Legend Lv. 440 or above/  Equip Vaivora Ichor/  Transcendence Stage 5 or   above  Legend Lv. 440 or above/  Equip Fixed Ichor/  Transcendence Stage 5 or  above  Equip Unique   Accessory Lv. 300 or  above (2020 Botanic  Accessory available) Equip Ark Lv.3 or above (except Ark-Dummy) Equip Seal ▲ Entry Condition of Challenge Mode Auto Match   Area Character Level Main Weapon Armor Accessory Ark Seal Set Option Division Singularity 450 ~ Legend Lv. 440 or above/ Equip Vaivora Ichor/  Transcendence Stage 8 or above Legend Lv. 440 or above/ Equip Fixed Ichor Lv. 400 or above/ Transcendence Stage 8 or above Equip Legend Accessory Lv. 350 or above Equip Ark Lv.5 or above (except Ark- Dummy) Equip Boruta Seal Required ▲  Entry Condition of Division Singularity Auto Match   There is only 1 stage instead of 7 in Challenge Mode Auto Match, and monster spawns more quickly than the Challenge Mode in the field. In Auto Match, you can select the buff that can aid in the place of the class missing in the party, and the difficulty will be set according to the entry condition.   In Challenge Mode Auto Match, when the amount of damage given by my character is lower than a certain ratio of the total damage given by the party, less silver will be given as a reward. Healing Class can choose to carry out a gimmick that allows giving damage with healing skills, and it is difficult for a support only class to receive a maximum silver reward in Challenge Mode Auto Match. Changing(swap, remove) the equipment during content and usage of skill scroll will be limited in Auto Match.   You can clear the Challenge Mode in the normal field with the party members of your choice as before. The stages are adjusted from 7 to 5 stages and the time limit per stage is reduced. Also, 1% of silver will be limited from obtaining per 1 level gap if the character is above lv. 11 from the level of the field. Challenge Mode in the normal field will also be applied in the areas of Episode 13.   A monster's buff gimmick will be added to both Challenge Modes, which will be disadvantageous to characters who do not actually play by themselves, and the total playtime is shortened. Total Silver given as a reward will be reduced.   Division Singularity in Auto Match and field will also differ as above.     Dimensional Collapse Point Changes     Dimensional Portals will now only be created in the new areas. Sage Envoy NPC that provides Dimensional Portal Scrolls will also be placed in the new area.     Field Drop Items Added   You will now be able to obtain contents voucher such as Challenge Mode Entry Voucher (3 Days, Cannot be shared by Team) and various Legend Raid Entry Voucher (3 Days, Can be shared by Team) by a low chance when hunting monsters with a level gap within 20 in the field. When you’ve spent all your entry count and mercenary badge exchange count, you will be able to achieve additional entry count by hunting in the field.     Tutorial/Guide Reorganization   Each system that used to provide content guidance such as Tutorial and Help will be reorganized. Through this, we will provide opportunities for new saviors to learn about the existing system when they first encounter the Tree of Savior and continue to reorganize it. In addition, if a new system or content is added, the goal is to provide information within the game according to the update or game guide on the official website.   To that end, the development team will integrate the game guide with the tutorial guide and the tutorial mission. (The existing Help will not be removed and will continue to be added/adjusted.)   The tutorial guide provides you with a guide that helps you play games from basic functions of games that you need to play to processing information of high-grade requirements such as Seal, Ark, and Ichor Extraction. Like the original help system, this will be guided to the savior at the appropriate time during gameplay, and you can check it again at any time.     The tutorial mission is hands-on content that, when it requires more information and experience to fully utilize the system and content, this will be given in quest form to be completed and rewards will be given. Like the Tutorial Guide, his will be guided to the savior at the appropriate time during gameplay, and tutorial items and equipment are prepared for the Tutorial Mission only.     The development team will continue to add and update tutorial guides and missions on new systems, content, or changes to assist the saviors in their smooth gameplay.       5. Giltine Raid and Guild Quest added   Demonic Sanctuary [Party Raid]   Demonic Sanctuary, new Boss Raid for Party will be added.         Giltine stands in front of the savior who arrived at Divine Sanctuary to prevent chaos. This Giltine is only a vision created by Chaos, and although its power does not reach Giltine's original power, it is threatening enough to the Savior.     Demonic Sanctuary is a 5 member party raid that can be entered from Demonic Sanctuary Portal at Pradzia Temple. You can enter the raid both with selected party members or by Auto Match.     You can obtain Ectonite, an item used to charge RP (Res Sacrae Point) by clearing Demonic Sanctuary.   You can obtain Enhancement Ingredient of Res Sacrae Gem or Res Sacrae Gem in normal mode (not Auto Match) additionally by chance, and a rare Res Sacrae Gem or Legend Giltine Card ingredient that can only be obtained in Demonic Sanctuary by a low chance. (You need Legend Boruta Card in order to craft Legend Giltine Card and the level of the Boruta Card used as an ingredient is transferred without any loss.)   Battle in Demonic Sanctuary [Guild Quest]   Demon God Giltine appears in Guild Quest, Blockade Battle.   Guilds that seized 1 or more Guild Territory can enter the new blockade battle, like the Battle in Sulivinas Lair. Guilds that did not seize any territory can proceed with the content by normal guild quests.   Maximum of 15 players can participate in Battle in Demonic Sanctuary. Both Blockade Battles can be preceded by a single guild per week, but each guild member can only choose to enter one battle, either Battle in Sulivanis Lair or Battle in Demonic Sanctuary. The ranking is recorded separately according to the clear time of each blockade battle, and a corresponding reward is given.     Rewards of Battle in Demonic Sanctuary are equal to battle in Sulivinas Lair other than a Battle in Demonic Sanctuary only reward box.       ※ Contents, values, and attached materials described in this posting may be added, deleted, or changed when applied to the live server.  

Developer's Blog
January 29th, 2021