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Scheduled Maintenance for January 8, 2019

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (January 8, 2019). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
January 7th, 2019
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New Event: Harvest Festival

Greetings, Saviors! We have a new event coming up to celebrate Thanksgiving and set the mood for the holiday season. Read below to find out how to participate. 1. Event Period - From: scheduled maintenance on November 15, 2016 - To: scheduled maintenance on December 6, 2016 2. How to Participate - Receive an event Seed from the Event Notice Board. You can receive a maximum of one per day. - Use the Seed to receive its buff effects or plant it to grow yourself a prize.   a) Seed buff effects (if used): +2 speed movement and +25% EXP gains for 1 hour   b) Growing a prize (if planted): plant the Seed in one of the locations mentioned in this notice and a random prize will be ready to harvest after 1 hour - Event seeds can be planted in the following maps: Shaton Farm, Tenants' Farm, Myrkiti Farm, Greene Manor 3. Important - Participation in this event is limited to characters of levels 50 and above. - Event Seeds will be deleted after the event period has ended. - Planted seeds will be automatically deleted during every scheduled maintenance. - Planted prizes can be collected by anyone as soon as they are ready to be harvested. Please note that you alone will be responsible for keeping your harvest safe as we will not be providing help with lost harvests.

November 14th, 2016
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[UPDATE] TP Shop Special Premium Packages

Greetings, Saviors! We’re getting ready to release a new set of three special premium item packages in our TP Shop. Check them out below!   Sale Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on February 19, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on March 12, 2019 Wake Up Growth Package 198 TP Max. 3 packages per team - Unique Support Weapon Box x1 - Unique Support Weapon +11 Enhancement Voucher x1 - Unique Support Weapon Stage 5 Transcendence Voucher x1 - Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x30 - Lv15 Basic Condensed HP Potion x200 - Lv15 Basic Condensed SP Potion x200 - Attribute Points: 10,000 x5 - Token x1 - Recipe - HP Potion (1 Day)* x3 - Recipe - SP Potion (1 Day)* x3 * Use this recipe and Elixir of HP/SP Recovery x20 to craft a potion (1 Day) that restores 40% of your HP/SP instantly, then 40% more every 2 seconds for the next 11 seconds (cooldown 20 seconds). Wake Up Enhancement Package (UPDATED[1]) 358 TP Max. 1 package per team - Silver Anvil x10 - Golden Anvil x5 - [Lv 390] Unique Enchant Jewel x5 - [Lv 1] Unique Enchant Jewel x5 - [Lv 380] Stage 8 Transcendence Voucher x1 - Recipe - HP Potion (1 Day)* x3 - Recipe - SP Potion (1 Day)* x3 * Use this recipe and Elixir of HP/SP Recovery x20 to craft a potion (1 Day) that restores 40% of your HP/SP instantly, then 40% more every 2 seconds for the next 11 seconds (cooldown 20 seconds). [1] Players who received an incorrect amount of items due to a difference between the UI text and the actual composition of the package will be compensated with the remaining items via Message Box. Wake Up All-in-One Package 556 TP Max. 1 package per team - Wake Up Growth Package x1 - Wake Up Enhancement Package x1 - Widnium Fragment* x3 (bonus) - Recipe - HP Potion (7 Days)** x1 - Recipe - SP Potion (7 Days)** x1 *Take these fragments to Blacksmith Teliavelis in Fedimian and exchange them for Diamond Anvil (14 Days) x1. ** Use this recipe and Elixir of HP/SP Recovery x180 to craft a potion (7 Days) that restores 40% of your HP/SP instantly, then 40% more every 2 seconds for the next 11 seconds (cooldown 20 seconds). Important - All items included in the packages can be transferred via Team Storage, but not traded with other players. - The Diamond Anvil obtained from Blacksmith Teliavelis will reduce 1 Potential if the attempt fails, but your item’s enhancement value will not be reduced. If your item is at 0 Potential, however, the item will be destroyed if the attempt fails. - Unused Diamond Anvils will be automatically deleted on March 12, 2019.

February 19th, 2019
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[UPDATED/COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for November 29th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for November 29th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
November 29th, 2016
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On Recent Add-On Compatibility Issues

Greetings Saviors.   Today we would like to address the topic of add-ons. It is our understanding that a large number of our players are currently using add-ons. With a big update like [Re:Build], add-ons become obsolete and even cause issues with the game as reported by the many of you through the tickets. This is why we thought it would be helpful to let our players know of some of the issues that are caused by add-ons and provide instructions for a clean installation in order to resolve the related issues.     Some Issues know to be caused by Add-ons - Players not being able to add new skills to the Quickslot. - The issue where players click on a button in the game UI and getting no response. - Players' silver count missing a comma and the 1's being replaced by the letter i's in the silver amount display.     How to Perform a Clean Installation of TOS STEP 1. Uninstall Tree of Savior from Steam by right-clicking on Tree of Savior in your Steam's library and clicking 'Uninstall...' from the dropdown menu. STEP 2. Locate the directory in which your Tree of Savior game is installed. By default, it should be C:₩Program Files (x86)₩Steam₩steamapps₩common₩TreeOfSavior STEP 3. Delete the TreeOfSavior game folder from its installed location. STEP 4. Reinstall Tree of Savior through Steam and enjoy the game.     IMPORTANT   - Add-on managers may not do the job in removing the installed add-ons completely. - Deleting only the Addon folder in the TreeOfSavior directory will not remove the installed add-ons completely. - Verifying the integrity of game files through Steam will do nothing to remove the installed add-ons.  

January 18th, 2019
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[COMPLETE] Temporary Maintenance - Klaipeda, Orsha, Silute Servers

Greetings Saviors, The maintenance has ended and you will now have access to the game servers.   Greetings Saviors, We are planning on having temporary maintenance for the Klaipeda, Orsha and Silute servers due to certain server-side issues. Please refer to the details below. Time : [EDT] 07:50 ~ 08:10 a.m. June 14th, 2016 We apologize for the inconvenience you may have experienced due to the sudden temporary maintenance.

June 14th, 2016
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2020 Developer Road Map

Greetings. This is Tree of Savior Development Team.    In this post, we would like to review the core objectives of 2019 Road Map and introduce our long-term goals. We selected “Social”, “Community”, “Casual” as keywords for the next development theme for Tree of Savior. In addition, we will work on the system stabilization as well.   2019 Road Map Core Objectives Review   The keywords for 2019 were “Lag”, “Lateral Farming”, “Casualization”.      First, we optimized the game by changing the battle calculation from the Interpreter type to Native Code type and solving the main bottleneck sections. This attempt resulted in improving calculation speed, which loads less stress on the server during the battle where a lot of multi-hit skills are used. Currently, we are under development for improving the battle calculation furthermore, along with improving the rendering speed of the client and the reformation for accurate movement synchronization. The reformation for the movement synchronization will change the TCP connection to the UDP connection, and it is about 90% completed. We will conduct several tests before we apply this reformation to the live server.    Second is the Lateral Farming. We were aiming to provide a better approach to various items with less stress. Turned out that our approach was not successful. We believe that this result is due to the unbalance between the difficulty and the rewards, and the expensive price to customize the items. We are planning to improve this situation during 2020.    The last, Casualization is still undergoing objective. The term Casualization does not necessarily mean easy contents. It means there is no fixed way to achieve a specific goal. We want you to achieve your goal whether you are in a party or guild or doing it alone, even if it takes longer than doing it as a group. We believe the current casual contents are successful as many Saviors are enjoying them, but the rewards from the Boruta are not as successful as the other casual contents. Therefore, we are planning to improve on the rewards from the Boruta in the future.    Keyword 1. Social / Community   We have been developing mainly on the systems and contents related to battle. We developed the Guild Housing on top of the battle, but it wasn’t satisfactory. We believe this dissatisfaction was due to lack of communication between the participants, which led to less party playing and satisfaction.  We are planning to improve the Tree of Savior experience by providing housing and other contents for the communication element.    2. 2nd Archetype We are planning to develop brand new contents. We want to avoid too much action and enhance asynchronous multiplayer experience. We haven’t come up with specific content but we are thinking about defense mode, co-op survival, asynchronous competition, and team contents. We hope this new content will balance with the battle contents and relieve the fatigue in addition to new motivation and sense of accomplishment. We will write another post when this project becomes solid.   Casual   The idea of casual in us is to provide an opportunity with less limitation. We wish you can accomplish your goal even if it takes longer than accomplishing it in a party or guild. If you want to achieve your goal faster, you can do it as a party or guild. Our new Casual version Raids from previous updates diminished the burden to be in a party. We updated the Mercenary Badge Shop and Weekly Boss Raid in order to lessen the limitation to acquire the rewards from Boruta. We will update or add casual versions of contents which do not meet our idea of Casual Contents one by one.      System Stabilization   1. Network Structure Reformation   Tree of Savior is using TCP for the movement system. TCP uses a larger load than UDP, which makes it less suitable for accurate data transfer such as character movement. Therefore, we are reforming the network structure for the movement system with UDP. We are almost finished with this task, only some minor errors to fix before applying it to the live game. We expect this reformatting will fix a lot of asynchronous position and movement problems.    2. 64bit Migration   Tree of Savior has been servicing for 4 years. The game is accumulating resources consistently. This increases the required system resource and the memory requirement for the game is almost at the maximum limit for the 32bit environment. We believe optimization within the 32bit system is also hitting the wall. Therefore, we are working on a migration to a 64bit system. The migration is about 70% done. We will do several stability tests when the migration is done and once the game is stable in a 64bit environment, we will apply it to the live game.    Class   1. New Classes and Remakes   There are 5 professions and 80 classes in Tree of Savior, sums up to 85 classes in one game. We are balancing the classes with patches, but more classes make the development and maintenance much more difficult. Also, we found that some classes are unsatisfactory in concept, performance, and data management. Therefore, we are thinking to reduce the development of new classes and remake the existing classes.    We are currently undergoing analysis on sorting out which class to remake based on overall performance via statistics and data. The remake will keep the advantages and appeal and bridge the gap of the class. Some remakes could replace the class concepts, skills, and attributes to almost like new class. Also, there are less classes for the Archer and Scout profession than Swordsman, Wizard, and Cleric, so we are considering adding new classes for those two professions.   2. New Arts   The purpose of the [Art] system is not only to improve the skill performance like [Enhanced Upgrade] but also to provide unconventional experience by applying another special effect, changing the property or visual, and altering the play style of the original class. We are planning to release 1 new Art per class (85 at the moment) throughout the entire year.    3. Balance   Class balance is now our regular project as new classes and Arts are released. Our current main balance objective is to improve the weak points of classes, but we are also considering the improvement of usability. The usability is not simply meaning easy use. It includes all the rewards and fun and experience from various synergies between classes.      If the class is considered difficult, such as hard to achieve synergy or it takes a long time to take effect, the reward will be more abundant.   Item Supply   We want to design various means to obtain an item so that you can acquire your wanted item from any content you play. Our ultimate goal is to give you as much choice as possible on how to obtain your desired item. You can choose to play various unwanted contents but it could save the required time and effort to acquire your desired item. Or, you can choose to play only your favorite contents: it will require you a little more time and effort than playing all contents, but you will eventually get what you want.    Item Option Variation   We will release special effects for the legend items in Episode 12. The legend items from Episode 12 will be 2 types, and each type will have its own special option. You should be able to choose the legend item with proper option for your desired content.    The Set Stats will be either versatile or specialized. The versatile Set Stats will be less efficient than the specialized ones but can be used on all kinds of contents. The specialized Set Stats will be efficient to certain contents, but will show less efficiency in the other kinds of contents.     Enhanced Social and Information Sharing   We believe current battle focused systems and relatively weak community elements could limit the MMORPG Tree of Savior experience and we are looking for the improvement. We started with invigorating the Guild community, but it seems limited invigoration to the big guilds as the current system is concentrated on the battle and farming.    Therefore, we are looking for ways to create a healthy community even if you are not part of a big guild but in a small group or targeting non-battle contents.    1. Private Lounge   Currently we have only Guild Housing, but it is bound to the guild, governed by the guild, and operates as a guild meeting room. There’s a little sense of communication, but it requires to be part of a guild. We believe this is a limited communication element, so we are planning to implement the Private Lounge as a new center of communication at the individual level.   The Private Lounge will be easy to enter. Various themes will be available and you may reposition or replace the furniture in your Private Lounge. You can promote your Persona Housing so that people can visit your lounge and begin communication with various people.      ※ Please note that this is a concept screenshot. Any aspect in the image can be changed in the future.   2. Guild Objective Diversification   We believe that the current guild objective is focused on battle due to the Guild Quest rewards, such as GTW and Boruta. We think that these rewards are very intuitive, which ranks diverse guilds and commits polarization.    We believe guilds which aim other than battle also deserve to grow into big guilds, so we are developing Guild Hangout based activities to attract Saviors of similar interest. We have crafting, trading, and non-battle achievements on the table. We will write another post once the development is on course.    3. Game Information Accessibility Enhancement   We believe current information sharing is relying on the guild communication and out-game community. We think there should be much easier ways to gather information, therefore, we are developing an in-game system to provide information. This is to support both new and returning Saviors with appropriate introduction to the systems, contents, and history of the updates for character promotion and item farming.    Also, we are planning to create an open party system where you can register a party for certain content and gather other Saviors to improve the current party gathering system within guild or by shout.    Scenario Contents Improvement   We are preparing contents related to the post-Episode 12 scenario and planning to release a portion of it as soon as possible. This will bring people around the Tree of Savior World and unveil some previously unsolved lores.    1. Improve Probability of the new Raid Scenario   We are preparing a new raid similar to the Lepidoptera Junction from Episode 11. The related Class Master will request your help and involve more deeply with the content. We believe this will impress you and improve your experience with the story of the raid.    2. Orsha Renewal   We will bring the Beholder for the next scenario. The new scenario will be held in the reformed Orsha and some quest regions. Upon the renewal of Orsha, we are preparing a reformation of the world map according to the Episodes.    3. Developing Scenario based on NPCs   We will use NPCs more actively when developing new contents or quests. Especially the Goddesses you can encounter only in the quests or the wandering Tel Harsha will join the scenario and events.    <Tel Harsha, the keeper of Irredian Shelter>   Thank you for reading the 2020 Tree of Savior Development Road Map.   ※ Please note that all contents, concepts, values, and plans from this post may change in the future.   

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2020
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Scheduled Maintenance for February 13, 2018

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (February 13, 2018). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
February 12th, 2018
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New Regional Guild Battle Format

Greetings, Saviors! First, we know that it came as a rude surprise when we rather suddenly removed Guild Battles without proper prior notice, and for that we would like to apologize. This had to do with a few reasons, mainly issues related to stability and the rewards. We felt that we were not able to stabilize Regional Guild Battles at a satisfactory rate, and that the rewards should be more about honor and showing off your guild's victories in a way that is recognizable to other players. However, we know that many players still enjoy the contents, and we would like to see them return. As such, we would like to announce that we are bringing back Regional Guild Battles [next week], but in a different format. Since we are still working on ironing out the kinks, we will avoid any automation that might cause more issues. Also, we will be continuously analyzing the data and feedback from the new seasons in order to improve playability. The major differences will be as follows:  1. Regional Guild Battles will be open for 3 weeks with intervals between each season. 2. There will be 2 Regional Guild Battle sessions per day. 3. There will be major changes in the rewards, as TP will no longer be provided as reward.     The rewards will be provided to the relevant guild’s members individually via GM message to the postbox.    Below are the rewards planned to be given after the first season. They will be usable until the next season ends, after which they will be deleted.    Please note that later seasons may have different rewards. A. First Place (per guild member, per region) ► Regional Guild Battle Armband (1st Place) : Covers the wearer and the surrounding area with a sparkling effect.  ► Paper Box : A box for your character to sit in. Use it when you need attention. ► Potion of the Victor : +100 Physical & Magical Attack, +80 Attack Speed, +1 Movement Speed. Not usable in TBL & Regional Guild Battles. B. Second Place (per guild member, per region) ► Regional Guild Battle Armband (2nd Place) : Covers the wearer with a sparkling effect. ► Paper Box : A box for your character to sit in. Use it when you need attention. ► Potion of the Victor : +100 Physical & Magical Attack, +80 Attack Speed, +1 Movement Speed. Not usable in TBL & Regional Guild Battles. C. Third Place (per guild member, per region) ► Regional Guild Battle Armband (3rd Place) : Has no special effect besides looking pretty. ► Paper Box : A box for your character to sit in. Use it when you need attention. ► Potion of the Victor : +100 Physical & Magical Attack, +80 Attack Speed, +1 Movement Speed. Not usable in TBL & Regional Guild Battles. We’re looking forwards to seeing who will manage to get the very first ‘shiny’ accessory items in Tree of Savior. Which guild do you think will manage to come out on top in the new Guild Battle format? Let us know what you think about the new seasonal system and rewards.

Developer's Blog
February 24th, 2017