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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for June 20, 2017

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (June 20, 2017). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
June 20th, 2017
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The 4ever Update: An Introduction

Greetings, Saviors!   Today we are proud to announce that our next major content update, 4ever, will soon arrive to TOS. With the 4ever Update, we will be introducing not only new classes, but also new content, systems and items.   Today’s post will be a brief introduction of the changes to come in our 4ever update.       Five New Classes   Swordsman Blossom Blader Blossom Bladers belong to the Swordsman Tree and makes use of both one-handed and two-handed swords. They are an offense-oriented class characterized by their speedy attacks. Wizard Terramancer Terramancer is also a class that focuses on attacks with Earth-property spells that involve sands and rocks. Archer Arbalester Arbalester is a class that non-stop barrage of attacks with the crossbow against single and multiple enemies. Cleric Crusader Crusader is a more varied class that can act as both a magic DPS or a healer depending on the [Chant] it chooses to use. Scout Rangda Rangda is a debuff-centered class that uses its ‘Barong’ to remove buffs from enemies and weaken them.       Equipment and Item Changes   It is the dev team’s intention to motivate players to collect the various in-game items and equipment. We will make it easier for our players to obtain the said items and the various bonus stats will be integrated and newly introduced and the formulas for battle damage calculations overhauled in order to adjust to the changes made.     Random Bonus Stats   - The maximum bonus stat obtainable will be identical for all equipment grades and the items of Unique grade or above will be guaranteed to have a bonus stat equal to at least 80% of the maximum possible stat. - The numerical range of bonus stats obtainable on an equipment will be displayed. - New Magnifying Glass item will be introduced that lets you re-roll only the selected random bonus stat. - Additional property damages and property resistance bonus stats will no longer appear and be integrated into the new ‘additional damage/additional damage resistance’ stats (Existing stats will remain on the affected equipment and their effects will be combined)     Ichor Difficulty Adjustment   - The rate of successful Ichor Extraction will be increased by two-fold. - The number of items required for Ichor Transmutation will be reduced to 2 from 3.     Dismantling and Enchanting Overhaul   - Items obtained from Dismantling will be increased by maximum of 50% depending on the dismantled equipment’s Transcendence stage for all Dismantling. - Awakening and Enchant Jewel stats can now be transferred between equipment of identical grade, level requirement and equipment slot.     Adjustment of Weapon Attacks by Type   - Weapons, categorized by one-handed and two-handed, will have their attack values adjusted to be closer to the highest attack value available within their respective category. - The attack value ranges will be adjusted for all weapons. For example, one-handed weapons will have a smaller value range while the range will be wider with two-handed weapons.     Leather Armor Adjustments   - The DEF value of Leather Armor will be increased by 50%. - Leather Mastery’s 10% increase in critical chance will remain unchanged (the maximum critical chance cap will not be applied for PvP environments).       New Items     New Sub-Weapons: Weapon Accessories   - Weapon Accessories slot will be added where new accessories can be equipped simultaneously with two-handed weapons.     New Equipment: Ark   - New ‘Ark’ equipment slot will be added.     New Legend Equipment and Set Effects   - The new ‘Disnai’ Legend grade equipment will be added. - New set effects will be made available for the new Disnai Legend equipment.     New Unique Equipment   - New Unique grad items will be added with fixed stats, which can be obtained by hunting monsters in the new Episode 12 areas. - The new Unique equipment will be more difficult to obtain by comparison but they will have higher stats as compensation.     Combat Overhaul     Changes in the Combat Calculations     - The combat calculations will now be integrated into the overall combat damage as percentages instead of addition/subtraction. - Property Attack/Defense values will be removed and replaced with Additional Damage/Additional Damage Resistance. The values calculated will be integrated with addition/subtraction and non-property targets will receive additional +10% damage. - HP/SP recovery will be improved with higher max. HP/SP values, up to an amount equal to 20% of the player's max. HP/SP values.     PvP Combat Calculations   - Various skills will now be able to reduce HP recovery effects by up to 50%. - Various skills will now be able to remove enemy buffs and ally debuffs. - Calculations for Critical Resistance, Block and Evasion will now be adjusted to be just as effective as attacks-based stats. - Base chance for Critical Strikes, Blocks and Accuracy will be added and reflected in the combat mechanics. - Increased chance for evasion will be added when battling enemies of lower levels, which will range from 2~60% (they will be integrated into the combat calculation at the final step through multiplication).     New Content   - New areas and quests will be added for Episode 12. - Saalus and Mercenary Post Missions will be merged with the Lv. 400 Instanced Dungeon and be available during different days of the week. - Challenge Mode in Episode 12 areas will now provide increased item drop rates up to five times based on the number of players belonging to the party. - 'Goddess' Blessing' event will be added for Unique Raid: Casual, which will be similar to the 'Goddess' Grace' event.       That will be all for today, but keep a look out for more on the way!       * The information disclosed above are currently works in progress and are subject to change with future developmenet.

Developer's Blog
December 6th, 2019
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[Complete] Scheduled Maintenance for August 9th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for August 9th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
August 9th, 2016
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Combat System Changes QnA Session 1

Greetings, Saviors! As explained in the last section of our 'Plans for Combat System Changes' post, we gathered a few of your questions from the forum about the new changes for a Q&A session. Here are the answers from the dev team. Please keep your questions and suggestions coming in [this thread] for the next Q&A session! Basic Stats Q1. SPR looks like it’s going to become less effective without status ailment resistance or magic defense. What can SPR be used for now other than saving up on potions? A1. Well, I can tell you that SPR is going to become a lot more important when it comes to saving up on potions. SPR will have a bigger effect on SP, and with the increase of SP consumption in several skills, it will be difficult to keep casting them like before without investing at least a little in SPR. Q2. How will DEX affect skills? Will magic skills also be influenced by DEX? A2. The attack speed increase from DEX will not apply to all skills. Magic skills, for example, will not have their attack speed increased by DEX. Q3. If critical attack is under DEX now, does that mean STR will no longer have an influence on anything critical-related? A3. That is correct. Q4. Will DEX increase the speed of basic attack for all classes? A4. Yes, it will. Q5. You talked a lot about how attack skills are going to change with the new combat formulas, but do you also have plans regarding non-attack skills? A5. Yes, the new combat formulas are going to affect non-attack skills as well. Realistically it would be hard for us to explain how our plans will apply to each individual skill, but we will announce skill-specific changes when they do happen via the blog or our patch notes. Other Stats Q6. How will critical rate and critical resistance work? If critical rate/resistance were removed from the main stats, how will they be calculated? Also, will there be other ways to increase your critical rate other than items? A6. Critical rate and resistance will come from items (including additional stats), skill buffs and attributes, with a new critical rate calculation formula. Our plan is to add critical rate mostly to leather armor, via added item stats and full-set effects, and to attributes. In the case of leather armor, we expect it to have lower physical defense than plate, lower magic defense than cloth, but instead come with critical rate and other attack-centric additions that make it stand out from the other types of armor. Q7. How will property attack and resistance work? Will you make resistance skills more significant in PvP? A7. Property attack and resistance are going to be calculated the same as before, with a subtraction formula. The new way basic defense is calculated is unrelated to property attack, which means this type of attack is going to deal actual damage regardless of the enemy’s defense. Q8. Will magic amplification remain the same? Or will you make it a little more advantageous to Wizard classes? A8. We have no changes planned for neither the values nor the calculation formulas of magic amplification. Q9. Block and penetration are factors that matter in PvP. Will they matter more now in PvE as well? A9. Regular monsters blocking players’ attacks enough to taunt them is not really a common issue. As such, we don’t have any plans to increase the importance of block and penetration in regular monsters. You may, however, find some high-block monsters in certain raids or in specific locations. Q10. Are boss monsters included in your monster-related changes? A10. Yes. We’re readjusting the attack, defense, HP and other combat factors of all monsters to match the new combat formulas. Items Q11. How will green gems change? A11. All gem stat options will remain the same as before. Some gems may become a little more or less valuable depending on the circumstances, but we have no plans to exempt players from gem extraction fees. Q12. Will you revise the additional stats you get from gems and Enchant Scrolls? A12. So far we haven’t considered changing them. Q13. You mentioned a lot of changes about the transcendence of weapon equipment. What about armor and accessories? A13. The transcendence changes we talked about will apply in the same way to armor and accessory equipment items. Q14. Will we need the same amount of Blessed Gems as before to transcend equipment? If not, can you share the specifics on how that will change? A14. Using the Lolopanther Two-handed Sword (level 270, unique) as a standard for all equipment, the amount of Blessed Gems needed will be almost the same. Items with a higher level and grade will require a little more, and vice versa. The amount will be different for each piece of equipment depending on its level and grade, and on whether it’s one-handed/two-handed/sub-weapon or weapon/armor, so it’s too much for us to publish the exact values for every single item here. I’m afraid you’ll have to see for yourself in the game. Q15. Any changes planned regarding collection bonuses? A15. After we apply the big changes, we want to monitor the value of those additional bonuses, along with the added stats of gems and Enchant Scrolls, and then we will decide whether they need to be revised. We also think it would be good to readjust the difficulty of achieving these collection bonuses. Summons Q16. How will SPR affect summoned creatures specifically? How much will the damage of summons increase with SPR? A16. Investing in SPR is going to increase the damage (not the attack) of summoned creatures, although it’s hard to tell exactly how much the damage of the average summon will increase with the new combat formulas. Q17. If higher SPR increases the SP consumption of summons, by how much does it boost their DPS? Unless there are serious improvements to DPS, it sounds a little unreasonable. A17. The SP consumption of summons will become a fixed value instead of a percentage. Q18. Will INT also affect summons? A18. No, it will not. Reset Event Q19. If I want to advance into a hidden class, will I have to take the advancement quest during the reset event? A19. If your character already advanced into a hidden class before, you’ll be exempted from taking the quest again and your requirements for that quest will not be reset. If your character has never advanced into the desired hidden class, however, you will still need to meet the advancement requirements. Q20. During the reset event, will you allow all players to learn attributes instantly, similarly to the benefit offered by Tokens? A20. No, we have no plans to allow that.

Developer's Blog
May 10th, 2017
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for August 30th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for August 30th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
August 30th, 2016
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Leticia's Secret Cube Item List: Updated July 18

  ※ IMPORTANT: Please note that your character must be above level 40 to use this content.   - Note on the LEVEL-UP CARD items: Level-up Cards will increase your character's level by 1, but they do not take into account the amount of EXP already accumulated at your current level. For example, if your character is at level 40 with 80% EXP (20% left until level 41), the card will increase the level of your character to 41 with 0% EXP (100% left until level). Please take this into account when using these cards.

July 17th, 2017
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[EDITED] Scheduled Maintenance for September 19-20, 2022

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (September 19-20, 2022). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
October 30th, 2022
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Goddess' Blessed Cube Item List: Updated May 15

  Important: All the Goddess' Blessed Cubes follow the updated item list regardless of the date it was purchased. This policy will be standard unless stated otherwise. e.g.  Goddess' Blessed Cube A (purchased on November of '16), B (purchased on January of '17) and C (purchased on May of '17) will all follow the item list the most current.

May 15th, 2017
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Weekly Question and Answer – June 17, 2016

1. Do you have any plans to make Monster Gems or Cards tradable? We do plan on making Monster Cards, Monster Gems and regular Gems sharable through the Team Storage in a future patch. Along with this change, we plan to make Boss Monster Cards become unobtainable through quests and will be deleted.   2. The current UI makes it difficult to understand whether an item is going to change to untradeable depending on the Token we’re using. Are you working to fix this? When a character participates in a personal trade with an untradeable Token, the items traded with it will also become untradeable after that trade. Despite this having been mentioned in previous comments and announcements, a lot of users are still confused as to why their traded items became untradeable even when trading with a Token activated. For this reason, we are currently developing a new UI that will hopefully make it clearer to trading users how their activated Token will influence the items’ tradable/untradeable status.   3. When will we get new premium costumes on Steam? We will be launching a new set of premium costumes and head accessories for the TP Shop this coming maintenance, and we also plan on releasing premium cosmetic items more often with future scheduled maintenances.   4. Are you working on any Swordsman balancing issues? We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week. These changes will include improving the attack scope of a few skills and increasing STR stat bonuses.   5. It’s not uncommon to see items being sold on the Market for RMT purposes. Do you have any plans to combat this? We’re currently developing an in-game Market report function which we expect to implement sometime next week. As you can probably guess, this function will allow users to report items suspected of RMT, helping us identify similar cases and reduce the prevalence of RMT in the Market.   6. Do you have an ETA on when the servers will be reopened to new users? As mentioned in our previous weekly Q&A post on the blog, the purpose of closing the servers to new users was to allow for a more controlled environment in which we could stabilize the game to a certain extent and fix some pressing issues that required our attention. On the other hand, we’ve been receiving numerous requests from players who are eager to join ToS, and some of the issues we were most worried about have thankfully been fixed meanwhile. As such, we plan on reopening the servers after the Market report function mentioned earlier is implemented in the game, which is expected to happen sometime next week.

Developer's Blog
June 17th, 2016