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NEW! Community Guide Hall of Fame

  Greetings, Saviors! Much has changed with the arrival of Re:Build, and many new features have made their way into the game as well. In this event, we’re celebrating the big update and acknowledging the adventurous players out there exploring new content and sharing the knowledge.   Event Period Submissions: FROM [EST] January 22, 2019 TO [EST] February 12, 2019 Winners announced: - February 19, 2019 How to Participate STEP 1. Compose and submit or update your existing game guide at the ‘Game Tips and Strategies’ category of our official forums until February 12, 2019. The guide can be about new Re:Build changes or any in-game content you’re well-versed in and would like to share with the community. Make sure to read the submission guidelines below and make sure your guide abides by forum rules. STEP 2. Until February 19, we will review all submitted guides and select the top posts. Winning guides will be moved to a new forum category called ‘Community Guides’, where only staff-approved guides will be posted. Selected players will also win the following rewards: - Title: Game Guide Creator x1 - Barber Shop FREE Gift Coupon x1 - Goddess’ Blessed Cube x10+1 Submission Guidelines 1) The title of your post should start with ‘[SUBMIT]’. In the body of the post, please include your server and team name information. 2) Guides must include a sufficient amount of up-to-date, correct information, sufficient quality of analysis, and be sufficiently comprehensive of the covered subject. 3) Guides must be conveniently displayed and formatted. 4) Guides must be written on the official TOS forums, and not on a link elsewhere. However, links to external resources, screenshots and videos etc. are allowed when used to complement the guide. 5) Guides must be newly written or updated during the event period. Outdated guides are not eligible for rewards. Important - We will not accept guides that are similar to others already published in our official forums. - Guides added to the new ‘Community Guides’ category may be removed if they become outdated. - You will not be able to post in the new ‘Community Guides’ category directly. Any guides must be posted in the ‘Game Tips and Strategies’ category, from where they can be moved by a staff member. - During the event period, you can submit your guide to this event as well as our Equipment Guide section. However, you will not receive double the rewards. - Players are encouraged to be a part of the process, report outdated or incorrect guides, and recommend well-written ones be added to the new category. - The individual class guide will be allowed, but individual build guide will not be allowed as they are too narrow in scope.

February 8th, 2019
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December 20th 2016 - GVG Ranks

  Greetings Saviors. We are happy to announce the following GvG TOP 10 ranks. Hope others keep on challenging to Top of your region. In addition, guilds which tried to GvG with others receive 50 event-talts throughout guild's storage. North America (Klaipeda/Orsha) 1. Crimson / Klaipeda 2. Lotus / Klaipeda 3. Alpha / Orsha 4. Diamond / Klaipeda 5. CuteNotLewd / Klaipeda 6. Ravens / Klaipeda 7. Asperity / Klaipeda 8. Impetus / Klaipeda 9. SleepDeprived / Orsha 10. cute / Klaipeda Europe (Fedimian) 1. Legends™ 2. Maid Café 3. Into the Abyss 4. The_Expendables 5. WhitePopolion 6. FreakSquad 7. Insanity 8. Nifelheim 9. NyaKawaiiDesu 10. †EternaL Owls† South-east Asia (Telsiai/Varena) 1. LastOrder` / Varena 2. AvantHeim / Varena 3. Dispeller* / Telsiai 4. -CHAOS- / Telsiai 5. Echelon / Telsiai 6. HUMBLE / Varena 7. "young&naive♪" / Telsiai 8. OrientePrimus / Varena 9. Paradox / Varena 10. Steel^Wolves / Varena South America (Silute) 1. Hydrarium 2. Unbelievable 3. Paradise 4. TheOverMind 5. WarLords 6. Tyrant 7. B i q u e i r a 8. Irmandade 9. Caguei na Build 10. Estige

December 20th, 2016
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[UPDATED] Temporary Connection Issues with the [SEA] Varena Server

Greetings Saviors, There was a slight issue with the [SEA] Varena Server where certain channels were unexpectedly shut-down. Details 1. Time: [EDT] 11:00 ~ 11:40, Sunday, May 29th, 2016 2. Problem: Unable to access certain maps. 1. Time: [EDT] 09:20 ~ 09:40, Sunday, May 29th, 2016 2. Problem: Unable to access certain maps The issue has been resolved. We are sincerely sorry for the reoccurance of the issue. Please let us know via the ticket system if you are having trouble accessing the game. As always, we thank you for you continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior. Sincerely, IMC Staff    

May 29th, 2016
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Regarding abnormal class advancement through alteration of game files

Greetings Saviors, We would like to make an announcement regarding Class Advancement Exploits. We have been informed via the Forums about certain players having unusual Class Ranks. While investigating those players, we discovered that they had been able to abnormally advance their class ranks. They had been able to do so by altering game files which is in breach of our Terms of Service and EULA.  We have banned any accounts found guilty of using the exploit and have also implemented measures to prevent any additional use of the exploit. Please let us know via the ticket system if you believe that you have been unfairly banned.   Sincerely, IMC Staff

August 26th, 2016
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January 3rd, 2017 - GVG Ranks

  Greetings Saviors. We are happy to announce the following GvG TOP 10 ranks. Hope others keep on challenging to Top of your region.   North America (Klaipeda/Orsha) 1. Crimson / Klaipeda 2. Lotus / Klaipeda 3. Diamond / Klaipeda 4. Alpha / Orsha 5. CuteNotLewd / Klaipeda 6. Asperity / Klaipeda 7. Ravens / Klaipeda 8. Impetus / Klaipeda 9. SleepDeprived / Orsha 10. Guardian / Klaipeda Europe (Fedimian) 1. Maid Café / Fedimian 2. Legends™ / Fedimian 3. Sparks / Fedimian 4. EriLayne / Fedimian 5. Insanity / Fedimian 6. TeaTime / Fedimian 7. Elegy / Fedimian 8. Aurora! / Fedimian 9. GoodGuild / Fedimian 10. FRIGORIS / Fedimian South-east Asia (Telsiai/Varena) 1. LastOrder` / Varena 2. AvantHeim / Varena 3. Dispeller* / Telsiai 4. TaKoMo / Varena 5. Echelon / Telsiai 6. young&naive / Telsiai 7. Steel^Wolves / Varena 8. Yubikiri / Varena 9. OneForAll / Varena 10. Comfy / Telsiai South America (Silute) 1. Hydrarium / Silute 2. Paradise / Silute 3. Caguei na Build / Silute 4. B i q u e i r a / Silute 5. ColiseoDragon / Silute 6. TheOverMind / Silute 7. Pallium / Silute 8. AgeOfThorns / Silute 9. Phalanx / Silute 10. TheHeroes / Silute  

January 3rd, 2017
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[SPECIAL EVENT] Goddess’ Blessed Cube Bonus Reward

Greetings, Saviors! In this edition of the Goddess’ Blessed Cube (May 29 - June 12, 2018), you can get extra Rank A or B items for opening multiple Cubes! Here’s how. STEP 1. Purchase your Goddess’ Blessed Cubes from TP Trader Leticia and open them. STEP 2. Get one additional Rank A or B item every time you reach the following total of Cubes opened: 15, 25, 35, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and so on (when you reach 50 cubes, you get one extra item with every 50 Cubes you open after that). Just interact with the Bonus Cube located next to the TP Shop to receive your special rewards. STEP 3. At the Bonus Cube, you can also check your total of Cubes opened and how many you need to open until your next reward. Alternatively, use the /BonusCount command to display the information. Important - In order to receive the item bonus, the Cubes must be opened between the scheduled maintenances of May 29 - June 12, 2018. Once the current edition of the Goddess’ Blessed Cube is removed from the TP Shop, you will no longer get additional items from opening multiple Cubes. - 10+1 Cube bundles count as 10 Cubes, as 1 Cube is given as a bonus.

May 25th, 2018
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TOS Newbie Guide

Greetings savior! This is a basic guide for new/returning saviors who are not familiar with TOS system:) If you have trouble starting to play TOS, please read this guide!       1. Benefit only for New Saviors     Attendance check for 14 days, prepared for New Saviors New/Returning saviors can receive 3 kinds of Attendance reward!   New/Returning Player only TP Shop  Chance to buy Premium Token in half of the price! If you want to know more about Token, please read the rest of the guide:)   New/Returning Savior Buff Activation Scroll (30 days) Visit the [Wings of Vaivora] NPC and get a crucial buff to grow your character! Right-click on the [New/Returning Savior Buff Activation Scroll] to get the buff for 4 hours. ▶ When the buff is expired, you can right-click on the buff to re-apply the buff. Press the [F6] key to create a party with other saviors. The special buff will be applied when you have a party with 2 or more party members. ▶ Character buff: HP + (character level * 10), SP +(character level * 4), Movement Speed +3, Physical/Magic Attack +(chacracter level * 10), Physical/Magic Defense +(character level * 10) ▶ Party(2 or more) buff: [New/Returning Savior] - Looting Chance + 2000, [Party member] - Looting Chance + 1000, [Common] - EXP gain +50%        2. Wings of Vaivora, Necessary Point for New Saviors     Let's go to the Wings of Vaivora to receive [New/Returning Savior Buff Activation Scroll]! Wings of Vaivora NPC is in Klaipeda and Orsha. You can check the location of NPC via "NPC" tab on the World Map(N).     Wings of Vaivora Coin Shop  Use the Wings of Vaivora Coin obtained from Attendance Check! You can collect the coin to exchange for usable items.   Exploring Map Reward/Additional Revelation Reward/Goddess Statue Activation If you have completed exploring the map, a special reward will be given. Also, it activates the Goddess Statue of unvisited areas based on the progress.   ※ Receive various items that support you from NPC during the level up!   Kedoran Merchant Support Supplies If you have received level 40/75/120/170/220/270/315/350/380/420/440, you can receive Kedoran equipment and EXP cards! Equipment will be given up to Lv.380. Lv.350 and Lv.380 equipment are Enhanced and Transcended. Equipment is not given from Lv.420, but you can receive powerful equipment by clearing episodes. Don't invest in Enhancement and Transcendence! Kedoran equipment is not the final equipment! Clear the [Episode 11~12] to receive special 'Legend rank equipment'! ※ You can also check how to use Wings of Vaivora via Tutorial - [Mission: Intermediate. Clear the mission and get rewards!        3. TOS Day 1, you'd better start with us!     If you feel lost, Episode quest is the start of the TOS! Press [F5] key and clear from the main quest(). A special reward will be given once per team when clearing each episode.   Stat, the basic of character growth You can check the [stat] via [F1] key. Stat is divided into STR, CON, INT, SPR, and DEX and each stat is automatically divided based on class according to character level. Stat can be obtained by clearing the quest and reaching levels!   Advance to various classes! Each character can choose 3 classes to advance.   Learn special [skills] for the advanced class and [Attribute] that can enhance the skills. Click [F3] right now! Skill can be learned by using skill points given according to advanced class' level. There are limits on the maximum level for each skill, and additional skill points will be given when reaching a certain level. Attribute can enhance skill or change to new function. The attribute can be received by using 'Attribute Points'. Right-click on [Attribute Point] given from the Attendance check to receive Attribute Points! When learning an attribute, attribute level increases by 10 if right-clicking on '+' button.   You can change Stat/Skill/Attribute/Class anytime! You can reset Stat/Skill/Attribute by using Reset Potion anytime. (Excludes Common Attribute) Focus on class attributes first and invest in common attributes later! You can receive Reset Potion from a certain episode reward, Wings of Vaivora Shop, Event, etc.   You can change class from [Advancement Info], and 1,000 [Class Change Point] will be consumed when changing 1 class. If you lack points, try changing the class by using [Class Change Voucher] obtained from Attendance Check!   Hunting in the Field Are you confused because [Mercenary Badge]/Goddess Token (Gabija) is given instead of Silver? You can obtain silver by clearing Challenge Mode. Mercenary Badge/Goddess Token (Gabija) are usable! Check the details below:)   Token Use [Token] obtained from New Attendance Check! The effect will be applied to every character in the team, and it helps you to play the TOS system usefully. Especially, there are exemptions on warping via Goddess Statue, and 'Token Travel' service is provided so that you can move easily via World Map [N].   Free TP Did you know that Free TP is given? Free 1 TP is saving per 2 hours even you are not logged in! (up to 5TP) Free TP is consumed first when purchasing items at the TP shop:)   Use Chat When the chat window appears by pressing [Enter], set the chat by [Tab] key to Normal/Shout/Whisper/Party/Guild and enter the contents! [Megaphone] is consumed when using Shout, and you can purchase [Megaphone] via TP shop. Let's communicate with every savior on the server by Shouting! TIP. You can receive Megaphone from [New/Returning Savior Support Box] which is day 12 reward of Newbie Attendance Check.   Geraldasia  Gem Merchant Gem is an item that gives additional effect by equipping on the equipment. You can equip it after having a socket on an item. You can receive Gem or Abrasive needed for enhancing Gem via [Kedora Alliance Geraldasia] at towns. Don't miss the daily opportunity to have luck!       4. Don't miss these even you're busy leveling up!     Mercenary Badge Shop Right-click on the [Mercenary Badge] item and convert it into points and purchase it for an item at Mercenary Badge Shop. You can purchase various consumables, equipment, and content entry vouchers. Some items have purchase limits, so please be cautious!   Goddess' Statue/Miracle Seeds Let's grow the character fastly by using the buff! ▶ Goddess' Statue: EXP gain +20%, Increases HP/SP Recovery, Max. HP +10%, Movement Speed +1 ▶ Miracle Seeds: EXP gain +50%, Movement Speed +3, Max. HP +2000 TIP. You can get Goddess' Statue and Miracle Seed from [New/Returning Savior Support Box] and [Support Box] which is a reward for day 2 Attendance Check.   EXP Tome EXP Tome is an item that increases obtained EXP and Stamina recovery. You can craft it to item with higher efficiency by using lower-level items. ▶ EXP Tome: EXP gain +30%, Stamina Recovery x2 ▶ x4 EXP Tome: EXP gain +150%, Stamina Recovery x5 ▶ x8 EXP Tome: EXP gain +300%, Stamina Recovery x9 ▶ x32 EXP Tome: EXP gain +1200%, Stamina Recovery x9   [Recipe - x32 EXP Tome] can be received by a certain chance when defeating monsters with lv.100 or above in every field, cannot be received when the level gap with the monster exceeds 20. (unable to receive from challenge mode)   Craft EXP Tome with a higher level Purchase 'EXP Tome' recipe from [Item Merchant] → Press [Insert]-[S] key to craft 2 x4 EXP Tome → Craft x8 EXP Tome with x4 EXP Tome! ※ Timed EXP Tome can be used as material for EXP Tome, and crafted EXP Tome won't have a time limit. (EX. when crafting x4 EXP Tome with 4 EXP Tome (14 days), x4 EXP without time limit will be received!)   Spell Shop   Do you know the Spell Shop owned by saviors in towns? If the monster's attack becomes harder and harder, purchase the buff from the Spell Shop! (800 silver each) TIP. If you want to purchase all buff, click purchase button for all, and Click yes.             5. Basic of the equipment   Rank There are Normal/Magic/Rare/Unique/Legend/Goddess ranks. Each equipment varies the type of class that can equip the equipment, so please check before receiving it.   There are 4 parts of Armors with 3 types (Cloth/Leather/Plate). Apply 4 parts of armor with the same type to receive the additional effect. ▶ Cloth: Decreases Magic Damage ▶ Leather: Increases Damage ▶ Plate: Decreases Physical Damage TIP. For Dealer class, increase the Defense with Plate type first, and select Leather type after increasing your ability!   Equipment is set according to the skill per each class, and you can check it via skill tooltip. TIP. If you equip a Two-handed weapon, only Trinket can be equipped to the sub weapon. Accessory is divided into bracelet and necklace, and you can equip 2 bracelets and 1 necklace.   Identify the unidentified equipment Unidentified equipment can be used after identifying via [Blacksmith] NPC/[Private Spell Shop] and applying [Random Stat].   Enhance/Transcendence Equipment (under Goddess grade) It is unable to enhance and transcendence episode 12 equipment but it can be enhanced by using Enhance/Transcendence Scroll. Enhance/Transcendence Scroll can be obtained by participating in events. Go visit the [Event Shop]!   Repair Equipment Were you worried that your equipment's durabilities are decreasing during the combat? Durability can be recovered by 'Repair' or by using [Repair Kit]. Also, you can have a special effect by using Personal Repair Shop!   Card (Monster Card/Master Card/Goddess Card) Open the card slot from Inventory[F2] and equip various card items to check each effect. ▶ Monster Card: by defeating a certain monster/via Mercenary Badge Shop ▶ Master NPC Card: by clearing certain episode/Master Card Selection Card Album/Fedimian Public House ▶ Goddess Card: Reputation Shop      Market/Personal Trade If you are suffering from crafting equipment or Ichor, use the 'Market' and 'Trade'! You can use the Market via [Market Manager] NPC. Search for the item and purchase it!   Let's do personal Trade! If the character is not using [Premium Token], the traded item is bounded to the character (unable to trade).   Enchant Scroll [Enchant Scroll] is an item that you can use to 'hair costume' to apply various stats. (Max. 3). Apply stats for both efficiency and fashion!     6. Play various content! Content Status Board  Press [F10] to see the content of TOS. Check the entry level, and play the content! You can check the guide for all contents in Guide category on our website:)   Play content, Get Contents Point! You can receive Contents Point by clearing multiple contents. You can exchange for Contents Point with specific items. Collect the Contents Point and purchase special items from [Content Point Shop] via [Magic Association] NPC in Klaipeda and Orsha!     7. For saviors who have cleared up to Ep.11   Use Ep.11 Savionose Dysnai equipment Have you received Savinose Dysnai equipment after clearing Ep.11? Because Savinose Dysnai equipment is an [Unidentified Equipment], you need to identify and apply 'random stat' to use the equipment. If you suffer from clearing Ep.12 due to strong monsters, please refer to the contents below! ▶ Equip Fixed Ichor We recommend you to play Ep.12 after equipping 'Fixed Ichor' to the Ep11 equipment. You can get the Fixed Ichor by extracting the Ichor from contents of [Kedora Merchant Alliance Galimive Armor Box]. (You can have 4 parts of Armor from 1 Kedora Merchant Alliance Galimive Armor Box) ▶ 'Plate' Armor + 'CON' Random Stat EP12 is an area where the monsters' HP /ATK gets higher extremely. If you have low Defense, how about having the EP.11 Armor with Plate and CON stat for Random stat?!         Hope this guide helps new/returning players play TOS with more joy:)   Thank you!

Developer's Blog
September 13th, 2021
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[NA] Klaipeda Connection Issue

Greetings Saviors. We have received some problems regarding connection reports from [NA] Klaipeda due to temporary server unrest.  We are aware of our players are unable to move other maps and this issue is under process to be fixed soon for our saviors. Please let us know via Support Ticket if you are experiencing other problems. When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/team/server/class details and timestamps would be greatly appreciated. That way we can have more information to work with on a more specified problem, allowing it to be resolved faster.

January 9th, 2017
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November Weekend Giveaways

Greetings, Saviors!   We are doing another buff and giveaway Weekends to commemorate the new version update and the arrival of the Arts System! Read on below for details.         Event Period     FROM November 1, 2019 TO November 24, 2019       Who Can Participate     - This event is open to Players of all levels       How to Participate     - Connect to the game on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays for EXP +100% buff and daily item giveaways! - The dates to be exact are: November 1~3, November 8~10, November 15~17, and November 22~24       Item List     - Challenge Portal Scroll (14 Days) x5 - Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher (14 Days) x5 - Miracle Seeds (14 Days) x5       Important     - The items listed above are given out once per Team per day. - All items given away during this event cannot be traded but can be transferred via Team Storage - Items will be available in your Lodge Mailbox for 24 hour duration from 00:00 AM until 11:59 PM EST every day.

October 31st, 2019