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'Hunting Season' Event

Starting from August 16th right after the maintenance until August 30th (2 weeks), you are invited to check out the noticeboards in Klaipeda or Orsha and obtain a quest with a target monster. By hunting the target monsters, you get the chance to earn a new reward every day. Please, note that     1. All event rewards are untradeable.     2. You may only complete the event quest and receive the rewards once per day.     3. The quest limit resets every day at EDT 00:00.     4. You may participate in this event up to 10 times.     5. Items with 14 days time limit will begin counting down upon acquisition.

August 15th, 2016
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Leticia's Secret Cube: August 27

  ※ IMPORTANT: Please note that your character must be above level 40 to use this content.

August 26th, 2019
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Goddess' Blessed Cube: April 20, 2021

  Rank Item Name Amount B Salmon Egg Sushi 1 B Egg Sushi 1 B Shrimp Sushi 1 B Tuna Sushi 1 B Salmon Sushi 1 B Roll 1 B Fried Shrimp 1 B Salmon Egg Roll 1 B Salmon Roll 1 B Avocado Roll 1 B Octopus Roll 1 C Movement Speed Potion: 1 Hour 2 C Superior Urgent Repair Kit 2 C Elixir of HP Recovery 6 C Elixir of SP Recovery 6 ※ The Count Reward is not applied to Goddess' Blessed Cube: April 20, 2021. 

April 19th, 2021
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[UPDATE] About further Restricted Accounts and Item, Silver Recovery

About Restricted Accounts   We have to announce the today completed procedures with extra restricted accounts.   Just like we announced on the former announcements that we have already punished the one conducted such illegal behaviors. And during that process we also restricted       A. Those who shared same IP address, especially who have trade record during this incident.     B. Those who registered and sold items with excessive overpricing.       But there still could be innocent users could be effected on both cases above, we’ve been conducted an extra investigation on those users. Since the nature of this investigation, it requires play pattern and all-inclusive verification. We also apologize for that much of time consumed during this procedure.   Today, the investigation process has almost completed and we also sent each person a compensation that we caused another inconvenience. I would suggest to log in and check if the accounts are now safe and back to normal, and the items are received on message box correctly.   We also apologize for that we didn’t give correct and sufficient information via ticket or any other channel. Even to process such investigation in Top priority but it is true that we didn’t announce sufficient information to calm the restricted users during this work. We will be going to provide more detailed information with the reasons categorized reasons something for example, like A and B above.         With Item and Silver Recovery   As we announced on 2nd of October 2018, “Actions Against Illegal Silver Acquisition and Market Abuse”, the ones whom still facing with missing item, or a Silver are mostly the process of retrieve/recovery is not yet completed.   We also have found some players from the forum that still facing issues with item recovery or the silver, with this investigation and the process comes to complete, we expect the recovery will also going to be done.    Which means, there will be only two status will be left.   Those who considered as Abuser will going to stay as permanent Ban or those who considered as a normal user will going their item or silver will be recovered.   There will be no, partial result something like taken partial silver with no item issues.   We expect everything to be completed on upcoming maintenance.   Again we apologize for those who faced such inconveniencies and for your patience for waiting for us.   [UPDATE] Silver returned to the player's market retrieve tab will be able to be withdrawn after a 24 hour wait period. Items returned to the market retrieve tab can be withdrawn immediately.

October 10th, 2018
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Demon God's Temptation

Greetings saviors:)    Demon God Ragana has visited the saviors in town! Offer her silver and get costumes by chance!     Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on March 9, 2021 TO the scheduled maintenance on April 20, 2021     How to Participate   STEP 1. Go to the [Ragana] NPC in the towns (Klaipeda/Orsha/Fedimian).   STEP 2.  Offer her 50,000 silvers and she might grant you with costumes by chance!   - Even if you don’t get the costumes, you can exchange them with Demon God's Temptation Points collected by each offering.     - 1 Demon God’s Temptation point will be given per each offering without reward. - Demon God's Temptation event items are sorted as [Legend/Unique/Magic] rank.   Item Rank Details Legend Rank - Wings/Effect/Doll item will be given as a form of package. - No limits on the obtainable number of items. Unique Rank - Costume item will be given as a form of package. - No limits on the obtainable number of items. Magic Rank - Costume item will be given as a form of package. - No limits on the obtainable number of items.   STEP 3. Go to the [Demon God's Temptation Points Store] and buy costumes by using Demon God's Temptation Points.     Important   - Consume Demon God's Temptation Points to exchange with the items in the Point Store. Points can be shared between teams. - Costume selection box from the [Demon God's Temptation] event can be exchanged into Demon God's Temptation Points. - Contents of Demon God's Temptation Points Store will change when the contents of [Demon God's Temptation] event changes. - Items from the Demon God's Temptation Points Store are not included in the number of acquisition limits per server. - [Wings/Effect/Doll] items exchanged from Demon God's Temptation Point Shop are given as a form of item, and [Costume] is given as a form of package. All contents from the package and items, exchanged by the points can only be moved to Team Storage.   ※Contents described in this posting may be added, deleted, or changed due to updates.

April 15th, 2021
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New Class - Pontifex and the Black Market

Greetings, Savior!   This is [GM] Kiwi. It's that time of year again: the cold winter months and a brand new year 2024 are upon us.   The Fruit GMs are hard-working like always to make sure the Saviors have a happy adventure next year!   In this GM’s Letter, we are going to introduce an upcoming new class and a new Black Market content.   Let's take a look!   [New Class - Pontifex]   A new class, Pontifex, is arriving at Tree of Savior very soon.   Pontifex is an extremely powerful casting class, who finds the greatest satisfaction in judging evil heresies in the name of faith.   Pontifex also has a unique mechanic called "Sin" and "Pardon" that can grant you special effects according to how it is used!   Surely, I’m not the only one feeling like even the mightiest boss in Tree of Savior is shuddering at the arrival of Pontifex, right?     Special Class <Concep Art of Pontifex> Pontifex is a Special Class that comes with a costume and a set of fancy skills to match.   Pontifex's Class Unlock Voucher is said to be available exclusively through the upcoming Leticia's Secret Cube! We're rooting for your successful advancement!   Along with the release of the Special Class, improvements will also be made to Leticia's Secret Cube.   The previous Leticia's Secret Cube rewarded you with a random S Rank item for the 200th open, but the new Leticia's Secret Cube will allow you to choose your own S Rank item!   We're working for the arrival of Pontifex and the improvements of the Leticia's Secret Cube to be released during the Tuesday, December 5th update!   Stay tuned and don’t miss it!     [Black Market (BM)]   The Black Market is a new auction event content coming to Tree of Savior. (※ We'll notify in advance when the event content ends.)   Let's take a quick look at what it is!   Auctions and Rewards Auctions in the Black Market start on a pre-announced schedule and feature a variety of rare items like Lada Stat Armor and Goddess Grace Ichor.   Saviors can spend their Goddess Tokens (Lada) to bid on special auctions in the Black Market, and the Savior with the highest bid at the end of the auction will win the item.   Auction Status and Current Highest   From My Auction Status UI, you can see the current high bid (second place), as well as the amount you have bid to date (first place). ① The current highest will show the second high bid of all bids. ② My Bidding will show the quantity of Goddess Tokens (Lada) you are currently bidding for.   The highest bid is said to be hidden so that only the Savior who bid that amount will know. Please keep this in mind if you're participating in an auction.   Winning Bid in an Auction   If you bid the highest amount and the auction ends, you win the item.   If you are successful, you will win the item for the amount stated as the current high bid, and if your bid is higher, you will receive Goddess Tokens (Lada) for the difference.   All items will be delivered to the Market Retrieve Tab of the character who placed the bid!   !!TIP - If you are outbid, your Goddess Tokens (Lada) will be fully returned.   The first auction on the Black Market is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, December 19th, so run out and collect your Goddess Tokens before the auction opens!                                                        These were the highlights of the upcoming content!   There's a lot more to come that we didn't get to cover in this GM Letter, but we're looking forward to helping the Saviors on your epic journey with the renewed Popo Boost, so stay with us!   Thank you, Saviors, for reading through the post and we'll be back with more good news next time:)   This has been your [GM] Kiwi!     ※ Please note that the above is subject to change when the update goes live.     [GM Kiwi’s Surprise Quiz]   - Period : until December 8, 2023, KST 23:59 - Leave your server, exact team name, and the correct answer to the quiz in the FORUM comments of this post! - The savior with the correct answer will receive 100,000 Goddess Tokens (Lada)!     Q) Which base class can advance to the new class, Pontifex?   ▶ Comment Example:  - Server: Klaipeda (NA)  - Team Name: GM Kiwi  - A: Swordsman   ※ Important - The reward will be given to the mailbox within 7 days after the end of the event period. - The reward will not be given if any of the required information is missing or incorrect. - You can only participate in this event once per team, and duplicate participation counts as 1 event participation.  

Developer's Blog
December 1st, 2023
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TOS Support Guild

Greetings saviors,    We are going to announce [TOS Support Guild] and [Guild Vice-guild Master Selection]. Have your full attention please:)!!       TOS Support Guild     ■ Summary   TOS Support Guild is a systemized guild that helps the savior understand the Tree of Savior, and to make them enjoy together. The purpose is to make new/returning saviors to naturally join the regular guild and ultimately activate the community, which is the key of MMORPG.     ■ How to join TOS Support Guild   Join Automatically With the TOS Support Guild update, every team that meets the following condition will automatically join the Support Guild. ① Every team who have logged in within 3 days and have no record of abandoning the Guild ② New team created after the update How to Join Find [TOS Support Guild] in [Guild Promotion Board(Alt+R)] and click [Apply to Join].   - You can register more fastly when you click ‘Check online members with authority to accept applications’ and whisper. - Registration may be restricted when you have a history of violating the operating policy.     ■ FAQ   Q. Who is the Guild Master of the Support Guild? Although the GM is set as the Guild Master due to the system configuration, the Vice Guild Master is responsible for the actual operation and management of the guild.  The Guild Master(GM) will not be involved in any issues except for major issues related to Vice Guild Master selection and operation, and will only monitor the Support guild so that it can be operated according to its purpose. In addition, all records (including authority usage and chat) of the Guild Master(GM) will be kept and inspected and thoroughly managed so that there are no incidents.   Q. Can Support Guild also participate in competitions with other guilds such as Guild Territory War? You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other combats since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members. Guild Quest: Sulivinas Lair is also not available as it is difficult to distribute the reward fairly.   Q. I was invited to the Support Guild automatically (or joined by registration) but want to move to another guild. There are no penalties(time limit on rejoining) when leaving the Support Guild. You can leave the guild whenever you want. Also, you can rejoin the Support Guild even after you leave the guild.     ※ Guild members who haven’t logged in for 90 days or more will be abandoned every scheduled maintenance. ※ In cases that goes against the purpose of the Support Guild such as, repeated joining-abandoning guild, intentional profit-seeking behavior, and impolite behavior within the guild, there may be restrictions on service usage according to the game policy.(ex;Expelled and permanently banned from the Support Guild) ※ Re-joining the Support Guild is available after 1 week of abandoning the guild.           Vice Guild Master Selection Support Guild is run by selecting one Vice Guild Master for each world. Vice Guild Masters will share their experience and knowledge about TOS, process various contents, and support the fun and activities that can be enjoyed in the TOS community.     ■ Vice Guild Master’s Role   As the main operator body of the TOS Support Gild, Vice Guild Master helps new/returning saviors who joined the guild settle down and play various guild events     ■ Vice Guild Master Selection   Number of Recruitment 1 per each server (Total 4) Recruit Period June 21, 2021 ~ July 6, 2021 Announce Date July 12, 2021 Activity Period July 13, 2021 ~ September 10, 2021 ※ Can be continued according to the Vice Guild Master's intention and activity records after 2 months. Benefit 3,000 TP [Event] will be given every month ※ The benefit of Vice Guild Master is changed from 2,000TP to 3,000TP. (edited: June 24, 2021) ※ After reviewing the Vice Guild Master’s activity record, it’ll be given separately on the second Friday of the month and the fourth Friday of the month. (the first benefit will be given on July 30.) Qualification - Savior who can consistently log in during the activity period (7/13~9/10) - Savior who has a wide knowledge of the game - Savior who can help guild members understand, adapt, and settle in the game - Savior who has no record of sanctions due to violating the Policy Preference - Savior who has experience of online cast - Savior who has been a Guild Master in TOS or other MMORPG How to apply - Reply to the following Survey (Google account is needed for the survery)  → LINK ※ There may be a brief meeting in-game after the selection. Important ※ Guild Master(GM) is not involved in any issues except for the major issues such as Vice Guild Master selection and operation-related issues, and will only monitor the Support Guild to make sure it is operated according to its original purpose.  ※ All records (including authority usage and chat) of the Guild Master(GM) are kept/inspected/managed thoroughly. ※ Total activity period may change due to application status.             Vice Guild Master Activity Guide   Necessary Activity   1. Log in to TOS 3 days or more per week   2. Accept applications of Support Guild when logged in to TOS a. Approvement route: Alt+G Guild → Settings → Applications b. Newly created teams will be automatically added to the guild, but other saviors need to be approved manually. c. Every applicant must be approved. (However, if it is judged that the purpose of applying  is clearly to make conflict/dispute, it may be rejected.)    3. Play Guild Quest 2 times or more per week a. How to play Guild Quest: Guild Tower → Guild Quest → Select the Guild Quest you want to play → Go to the Guild Quest area → Enter via Guild Quest pillar after recruiting (space bar) b. Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary cannot be played. Selective Activity 1. Answer the questions related to playing the game to solve guild member’s curiosity about the game   2. Check Guild Community a. Reply to inquiries about the game b. Questions frequently asked by the guild members can be saved in the Community section to help the players.   3. Activate the Guild Chat a. You can bring energy to the guild chat window by saying hello to the guild chat when you log in or log out, or when other users log in. Important Guild Territory War, Guild Wars, Guild Quest: Sulivinas Lair, Demonic Sanctuary cannot be played. - You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other wars since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members.  - Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary are also not available as it is difficult to distribute fairly.       Guild Quest TIP   1. Guild Tower Location: West Siauliai Woods 1 channel, near Statue of Goddess Vakarine (the location may change) 2. How to create Guild Tower: Talk to Uska NPC at Klaipeda → Buy Guild Merchandise → Purchase ‘Build Guild Tower’ → Use the item in the installation location 3. If the participation rate is low, guide the progress and reward. - Guild Boss Raid: Click the Participate button, move to the location and defeat the boss monster together! - Guild Mission: Click the Participate button, move to the location and clear the mission! - ‘Guild Foundation’ repetitive quest is cleared when clearing Guild Quest twice a week.       This concludes the announcement of TOS Support Guild. We look forward to your support and participants:)   Thank you.  

July 19th, 2021
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[UPDATE] Regarding the Invite a Friend event rewards

Greetings, Saviors. We would like to announce that we have retrieved the reward items that were issued incorrectly during the Invite a Friend event. The reward items will only be retrieved for new players who have received their event rewards prior to the temporary maintenance on August 22, 2018. All future participants can rest assured that the event reward items will be issued correctly and as intended. 1) The rewards incorrectly issued to all new players have been retrieved. The new players will be able to obtain the rewards again correctly by interacting with the Event NPC. 2) The following measures have been taken to retrieve the reward items already consumed by the new players: - Token effects have been removed for any Tokens that have been used already. - Attribute Points that have been spent have been completely reset and all available points have been retrieved. - All Titles, Companions and Classes that have been unlocked by the new users have been reset. 3) The reward items were not retrieved for active players who have received their rewards earlier than their respective partners' levels.  - Please take note that the active players who have already received their rewards will not be able to re-obtain the same rewards again. Please understand that we have put much thought into the decisions made in dealing with the issue at hand and would like to apologize for any inconvenience that we may have caused for our players, old and new. All players who have not yet participated in the event can rest assured that the issue has been fixed  We would also like to sincerely thank all players for their patience and understanding. [Update] Code usage count has been reset for players whose codes have lost their validity because it was used before new players created a Team in-game. For all players affected by this issue, try to use your invitation codes again and make sure that the new player has created their Teams before entering the code on our invitation page. And for all future participants, the issues related to the Invite a Friend event have been resolved and all event-related content should now function correctly as intended.

August 23rd, 2018
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Fan Art Fest: Merry Me Begin Again!

Greetings Saviors! This time around the Fan Art Festival theme is…   Merry Me: Christmas Season Edition! Show us how will you spend your Christmas holiday! Will you go out to watch the holiday sights? Or stay home and watch Christmas specials on TV? Fill us in!    We will be accepting submissions from now until Nov 23th 00:00 EDT.  From Nov 23th 02:00 EDT until Nov 29th 00:00 EDT voting will commence.    PRIZES INCLUDE:   500 TP + A Surprise Gift + In-Game Title (“The Gifted Artist”) + Your art as an in-game loading screen   (Prizes will be given out during the scheduled maintenance on Dec 5th. The surprise gift will be the next costume to appear in the Goddess' Blessed Cube).   Similar to the previous festival, a total of 13 pieces will be chosen. - 7 pieces will be picked by User Vote by receiving the most "Likes" by the Forum Users. - and 6 pieces will be personally picked by Staff (after users have voted)   HOW TO ENTER:    Log into the TOS Official Forum and upload your art to the Fansite / Fan Art Category.    The title of your post should start with “[SUBMIT]” and should include the name of your piece. Inside your post, make sure to write the Title, Your Server Name, and Team Name plus a short description about your art.   When the submission period ends, an official voting thread with all the works of art will be created by the Staff. Only the "likes" received in this official thread will be counted as user votes.     Art Requirements: Format: JPG/PNG/PSD Size: 1920*1080px, 300dpi The art must be related to the theme Acceptable mediums: - Illustration - Comic panels - An image that utilizes in-game screenshots or material. - Real-life photography, or images that utilize such, will not be accepted   Policies and Disclaimers imcGAMES will not be held responsible for (a) any contest disruptions, injuries, losses or damages, caused by events beyond the control of imcGAMES; (b) damages caused by plagiarized work submitted by the artist; or (c) inconvenience caused by human error or typographical errors in the rules or promotional material. ImcGAMES reserves the right to change, suspend, or cancel the contest if, in imcGAMES discretion, intervening circumstances warrant such action.     Contest Overview: This contest is held by imcGAMES and is open to all Tree of Savior fans. Artist interested in participating may submit a design of fan artwork.  Please keep in mind that vote selling of any kind is discouraged and could result in disqualification.  General Contest Conditions: By entering this competition, you are granting us a non-exclusive perpetual license to reproduce images of your artwork into in-game loading screens and in posts on the forums (forum.treeofsavior.com) when introducing the works selected. Artworks selected might undergo modification when applying them to loading screens. Artworks will not be used for any other purpose than that which is stated here. Loading screen images are subject to change without prior notification.  Original Work of Authorship: By submitting your work you hereby warrant and represent that your submitted art is, in fact, original works of authorship on your part and have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work and do not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights of any other person or entity.  You may not post materials that are sexually explicit, offensive to certain groups, or generally inappropriate for the game’s T rating. Artists who violate these policies are subject to disqualification from entry and should plagiarism or IP theft be confirmed, imcGAMES holds the rights to revoke all benefits and prizes given to the artist.   

November 3rd, 2017