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2021 Forseeable Update Plans

Greetings savior, this is the Tree of Savior developer team.   This posting is about the future updates scheduled before the update of the Goddess system. Most of the content has been mentioned in the FAQ about Brief plans for 2021 Updates - (2) and more details are included in the post.   We will not explain the details of the Goddess system in this posting but will introduce a related post before the reorganization of the Goddess system.      Combine Vaivora A system that allows Combine Vaivora function the ability to acquire the desired Vaivora will be added.     When combining 3 Vaivora weapons you can obtain one Vaivora Weapon by an equal chance each, and 1 Vaivora Origin Stone will be given per each combining. With 5 Vaivora Origin Stones, you can select a Vaivora you wish.   When a new Vaivora is added, you can obtain it from the combine system, and with the Vaivora Origin Stone, you will be able to get the new Vaivora right away.       Combine and Dismantle Res Sacrae Gem   Currently, saviors achieve Prism Coal by dismantling Res Sacrae Gem and obtain the chance to get a new Res Sacrae Gem by consuming Prism Coal via combining. Unlike other combining systems, this system is divided into 2 stages, making it inconvenient and double-cost.     It will be changed into a more similar system as the other combining system as the usage is poor due to the low chance of obtaining Res Sacrae Gem.   In the new Combine system of Res Sacrae, you need 3 gems of the same grade and color, and Prism Coal.   When combining Legend Res Sacrae Gem, you can obtain 1 gem of the same color by an equal chance. The grade of the gem might increase to Goddess by a very low chance. Also, you can obtain 1 Goddess Gem Fragment of the same color when combining once.     With 15 Goddess Gem Fragments, you can select and obtain one of the Goddess Res Sacrae Gem of the same color.    When combining 3 Goddess Res Sacrae Gem, you will immediately obtain 15 Goddess Gem Fragments of the same color. This means that you will be able to select another Goddess Gem of the same color when combining 3 Goddess Res Sacrae Gem.        Obtain Breath of Power by hunting in the field   Breath of Power will be added as the field drop reward and can be obtained by a low chance when hunting monsters in normal fields of EP.13.     Housing Workshop : Crafting Consumables     Housing Workshop content will be added to the Personal Housing Workshop contents. By installing the new housing items added during the update you can additionally obtain useful consumables.   For example, the upcoming Steampunk theme item can produce Reputation Coupons that can be exchanged with Reputation Points when installed in the Personal Housing. Steampunk theme Housing items will be obtainable from Reputation shop, Contents Point Shop, and field hunting in EP.13.   Housing Workshop will be constantly updated in the future to produce consumables such as Reputation Point/Mercenary Badges and is planned to develop in a way to reinforce consumable items and collection/life contents.      PvP Skill Balance Adjustments Out of many PvP balances to be adjusted, the first skills adjusted will be skills that cause excessive server load in GTW, where multiple users must participate.   Tree of Savior is a style game that targets 2 to 3 in basic melee attacks and 15 to 20 depending on the AoE attack ratio. Among these skills, there are some skills that have a short cooldown or that can be used consecutively by overhit. A large number of consecutive hits multiplied to this is the basic style of battle in Tree of Savior.   This allows you to hunt pleasantly by using AoE skills in PvE, but when used equally in PvP, it causes a large number of negative side effects. This is spotted especially in GTW, where a battle between group and group frequently occurs.   GTW's server lag (skill works after delaying for a while) has continuously improved through several optimizations, migrations, and machine hardware specifications upgrades. However, server lags are still occurring when dozens of characters are in battle, and the maximum stake in the lag's cause lies in the number of combat operations performed by the server.   The Tree of Saviors has a relatively high number of attacks occurred by a single skill compared to other games, which is [Number of actual consecutive hits when using the skill once x number of target].   AoE attacks frequently inflict 5 to 20 hits at 10 to 20 targets for the duration, and the server has to calculate 50~400 times just by this single skill used by a single user. Skills like these are used once every 25~30 seconds and about 10 other skills like this can be used in between.     There are many other types of attacks that have a higher number of targets, or fewer, but a very high number of attacks per time. Skills that inflict a single hit against a single target, or skill with a single overhit and short cooldown will be harder to find in Tree of Savior.   A large number of targets of AoE skills not only inflicts the lag but also the meta in PvP. If the factor of AoE skill with 10 targets isn’t 1/10 of the single target skill factor, it is natural that only AoE skills are counted in large-scale battles such as GTW. This hasn’t changed for a long time.     The goal of this PvP adjustment is to resolve the server lag and partial balance meta by limiting the number of attacks. Of course, the lag will not disappear at once and the meta will not completely change by this AoE/number of hit adjustments, but the adjustments will continue and we hope for an environment a little better than before.     Any number of targets over 2 and AoE ratio over 4 will decrease by a certain ratio in PvP only. An adequate number of targets will be set for skills with an unlimited target number, according to the limit previously stated. Some skills with a too wide range will also be adjusted.   Adjustment in the number of hits will be applied in both PvP and PvE, starting with skills with too many hits per 1 attack are the targets.     Out of AoE consecutive hits, DOT(Damage on Time), and melee consecutive hit skills, skills that have an excessive number of hits will be adjusted and the number of hits decreased will be compensated by the factor. Moreover, the effect of fake-consecutive hits will increase for melee attack skills that inflict many actual consecutive hits during a short period of time.       New Vaivora Weapon added   5 new Vaivora Weapons will be added. This Vaivora is Assassin, Zealot, and 3 other classes and it will later be available from Vaivora Combine. As the Vaivora cabinet is reorganized, Vaivora of the common weapon class will be added.   Other Updates   Other than these, reorganization of the Joint Strike Raid reward, aggregation of title and achievements per team, and pre-quest of Episode 13-2 are planned.     This is it for the details on future update plans. Thank you.         The villains are coming soon…...♣        ※ Contents described in this posting may change according to the future development policy.

Developer's Blog
May 21st, 2021
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Scheduled Maintenance for February 8, 2022

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (February 7-8, 2022). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
February 7th, 2022
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[UPDATE] Like & Comment Event: MusCATeers Coming Soon!

Greetings Saviors!   All for meow, meow for all! MusCATeers are here on Facebook! Press Like on our Facebook and Get the new Companion and costume!     Event Period   From 00:00 EST on June 11, 2020 To 23:59 EST on June 25, 2020     Who can Participate   - All users playing Tree of Savior     How to Participate    - Press ‘Like’ and 'share' on the MusCATeer Event post uploaded on Facebook and leave a comment. [LINK]   - The comment must include the following:      1) The correct server/team name of the character you wish to receive the reward      2) The phrase "All for meow, meow for all! Here comes the MusCATeers!"      3) Feel free to fill in any other comments after including the phrase in 2)!   [UPDATE]Rewards   - Reward will be given to 10 saviors in total by random.   [1 savior] - Hedgehog Egg(Companion) x1   [1 savior] - MusCATeer Tracks(Effect) x1   [6 saviors] - MusCATeer Baron Tabby/Cheese Costume Selection Box x1 or - MusCATeer Merchant Black/Ragdoll Costume Selection Box x1 or - MusCATeer Soldier Cookie/Shorthair Costume Selection Box x1   [2 saviors] - MusCATeer Weapon Selection Box x1     Important   - Inappropriate comments including things such as slander, insults, and hate speeches will not be counted. - Any participation after the event period will not be counted. - The rewards will be given after the scheduled maintenance on June 30, 2020, and the Goddess’ Cube containing the costume will also start sale on the same day.    

June 11th, 2020
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Staff Summer Supply

Greetings, Saviors!   In memory of the short Summer, the staff are sending you surplus supplies.          Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on August 20, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on October 15, 2019     Who Can Participate   - Characters of all levels     How to Participate   - Log in every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (server time) to receive [Event] Vasalos Coins x150.      Important   - The bonus [Event] Vasalos Coins can be retrieved each day from your Lodge mailbox each day from 00:00 to 23:59 EDT. 

August 22nd, 2019
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Known Issues: August 22, 2017

Greetings, Saviors. We are currently aware of the following issue and it is being worked on. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will update you once it is resolved. 1) Skills and other actions not working properly in fields - After the scheduled maintenance of August 22, class skills, buffs and regular attacks aren’t working properly in fields and may appear to freeze or lag, failing to display the corresponding effects.   Please let us know via Support Ticket if you are experiencing other problems. When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/team/server/class details and timestamps would be greatly appreciated. The more information we have on a specific issue, the quicker it will be resolved.

Known Issues
August 22nd, 2017
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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance Extended (January 28)

Greetings, Saviors.   We regret to inform that today's scheduled maintenance has been extended by 2 hours in all servers, due to issues that require further processing. Maintenance is therefore expected to be completed on the following schedule. [EST] 06:00 (January 28, 2020) [BRT] 08:00 (January 28, 2020) [CET] 12:00 (January 28, 2020) [SGT] 19:00 (January 28, 2020) We will update this announcement once the maintenance is complete and the servers are open again. Thank you for your patience.

January 28th, 2020
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Additional Patch: February 21, 2018

Greetings, Saviors. We have recently applied a small patch to TOS in order to address certain hardware incompatibility errors and overall stability issues affecting the game. In order to ensure you have the latest patch installed and the fixes applied, please restart your Tree of Savior client. Thank you.

February 21st, 2018
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Gleam Event : Vote for Your NPC

Greetings, Saviors!   Your choice maketh new event! We prepared a 2nd popularity vote event for the saviors! Vote for the Favorite NPC of your choice!    *The TOP 10 NPCs will become candidates of an in-game event later on.   Period FROM 00:00 EST May 13, 2020 TO 23:59 EST May 21, 2020   Who can Participate - All saviors   How to Participate   1. Log in by Steam Account   2. Click [here]   3. Choose the NPC of your choice and click [Continue] at the bottom of the page   4. Type the Name(any name available) and Email and click [Save]   Important - Boruble and Rozalija is excluded from the candidates. - Only 1 vote will be counted per Steam Account.  

May 13th, 2020
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[UPDATED][SA] Silute server party system issues - June 19th, 2016

Greetings saviors, We would like to let you know that we are aware that there are issues with the party system on the [SA] Silute server. The dev team is currently taking a look into this issue and we will make another announcement when we have resolved this matter. We offer our most sincere apologies for any inconveniences that you may have experienced due to this issue. [UPDATE] The issue with the party system on the [SA] Silute server has been resolved. Please let us know if you are still having difficulty with the party system after this point. We will be keeping a close eye in case it occurs again. 

June 19th, 2016