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[UPDATE] [CLOSED] The Ultimate Monster Tamer: Round 2

  Greetings Saviors!  The Ultimate Monster Tamer has returned! Once again, tame up to 3 monsters of your choosing to conquer our mission and obtain even better rewards!    Event Period  FROM the scheduled maintenance on November 21, 2017 TO the scheduled maintenance on December 19, 2017   Who Can Participate Characters of level 100 and above   How to Participate   STEP 1: Interact with the message board in Klaipeda to receive both a Tamer's Blue Orb and a Special Monster Trapper.   STEP 2: Use the Special Monster Trapper in fields to capture your very own pet monster.  - The Special Monster Trapper cannot be used on bosses or elite monsters.     STEP 3: The captured monster will be saved in the Tamer's Blue Orb. - Up to 3 Monsters can be saved at a time. - No more than 2 of the same monster can be captured.  - It will cost 30 Monster Energy to release your pet monster. However, the level of the newly captured pet will match that of the one released.   STEP 4: Your monster will start at level 1, but by using Monster Energy you can train your new pet monster and increase its level. - Each level increase will consume 1 Monster Energy. STEP 5: You will have the chance to acquire Monster Energy by continually defeating monsters in fields. However: 1. Your character must be level 100 or above.  2. The item will only drop in fields.  3. The level difference between monster and character must be no more than 20. FINALLY: Use your captured monster to clear the event mission and receive your reward. You can enter the mission 2 times per day (Resets at 12 AM server time). Token users will have 1 extra entry. - During the mission your character can only use items. (You won't be able to use basic attack or skills)  - This means you must defeat the boss with your pet monsters.  - You will only have 5 minutes to defeat the boss, so be quick.  Mission Clear Rewards Blue Cube + Pieces of Blue Orb (Every 10 levels the amount of pieces received will be increased by 1)  - Opening the Blue Cube will grant you one of the following items at random!    Believer's Potion x2 Talt x1 Fortune Cookie x2 Fortune Cookie x1 Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days) x1 Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x1 Silver Anvil (14 Days) x1 Diamond Anvil (14 Days) x1  Attribute Points 1,000 Ticket x1 Attribute Points 500 Ticket x1 Advanced Gem Abrasive (14 Days) x1 [Non-tradable] Level 315 Weapon/Sub-weapon x1 [Non-tradable] Level 270 Newt Armor x1    Pieces of Blue Orb Rewards  Collect Pieces of Blue Orb to trade for items at the Event Notice Board.  20 pieces - Blue Cube   50 pieces - Enchant Scroll (14 Days) 70 pieces - Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days) 150 pieces - [Non-tradable] Level 270 Newt Armor 160 pieces - Advanced Gem Abrasive (14 Days) 180 pieces - Silver Anvil (14 Days) 500 pieces - Diamond Anvil (14 Days) EDIT: [Can only be obtained up to 3 times per team.] 650 pieces - [Non-tradable] Level 315 Weapon/Sub-weapon PLUS!  Continue to clear missions for even more rewards!  - These rewards can only be obtained once per Team.  10 Missions Cleared - x4 EXP Tome (14 Days) 20 Missions Cleared - x8 EXP Tome (14 Days) 30 Missions Cleared - Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher (14 Days) 40 Missions Cleared - Golden Anvil (14 Days) 50 Missions Cleared - Ball from Another World   Important  1. Rewards with timers will expire when the time runs out.  2. Blue Cubes, Monster Energy, and Pieces of Blue Orb, etc, will be deleted when the event ends.  3. No more than 2 of the same monster can be captured.   

January 8th, 2018
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The 4ever Update: New Class Skills and Balancing Preview

Greetings, Saviors!   Today we would like to give you a more detailed look at the five new Classes that will be added to the game with the upcoming 4ever update.          Blossom Blader   The Blossom Blader is a branch of the Swordsman Class that has been honed and developed in a faraway continent to the east. They have opted not only for efficiency in battle but also graceful movement, leading to a style of swordplay that stresses the importance of ‘stance’.     Flowering   Applies [Flowering] debuff to enemies in front. The [Flowering] debuff stacks with Blossom Blader skills hitting the target and provides additional damage when using Blossom Blader skills. Flowering: Gust   Attribute that increases critical chance while attacking targets under [Flowering] debuff while reducing the amount of additional damage they receive from [Flowering]. Falling Blossom   Moves the player instantaneously to a nearby enemy affected by [Flowering] debuff and deal damage. [Flowering] debuff is removed once the enemy is struck by Falling Blossom and the target receives additional damage and becomes afflicted with a status ailment. Falling Blossom: Imprison   Applies an additional [Silence] debuff go enemies with [Flowering] debuff of 3 stacks or higher. Meditate   Reduces incoming damage by 50% while casting and increases the damage of critical attacks in proportion to the time spent casting. Taking a certain amount of damage while casting will cause the skill to be interrupted and cause penalties for the caster. Meditate: Flying Sword   Decreases the cooldown for the Flying Sword skill when used after Mediate has been cast. Meditate: Falling Blossom   Falling Blossom can be cast immediately when used after Meditate and adds 3 stacks of [Flowering] debuff. Meditate: Flash   Using Flash after Mediate decreases received damage for a 5-second duration. Meditate: Blossom Slash   Increases the damage of Blossom Slash when used after Mediate. Flying Sword   Summon multiple swords to attack the target. [Arts] Flying Sword: Thousand Flying Swords   Multiple swords will swing themselves furiously around the target, dealing reduced damage to enemies nearby to the target. Flash   Charges forward to quickly stab enemies in the player’s path. Flash: Flurry   Flash’s skill cooldown is reduced when critical occurs from using Flash (there is a separate cooldown for the Attribute as well). Blossom Slash   Hide yourself and slash a single target multiple times before revealing yourself again.   Blossom Slash       Terramancer   Rocks may eventually crumble, but they never permanently perish in that they are returned to nature in the end. Terramancers spend great time and effort in order to link with the Earth because of this but they do not worship the Earth Goddess Zemyna. Their spirituality is more in tune with nature itself than with the Goddesses worshipped in the Kingdom.     Terramancer: Sand Cloud   Ignores the damage reduction effect of Petrify debuff and adds additional critical chance. Also applies [Sand Cloud] debuff on targets when hit with Terramancer skills. Sand Blast   Blasts the target with sand. Sand Blast: Explosion   An explosion is caused when critical hit occurs with Sand Blast and causes Sand Blast to damage nearby enemies in proportion to the amount of damage dealt. Sand Wall   Raise a wall of sand from the ground. The wall can be passed by anyone, but it slows down the movement speed of enemies when they walk through. Implosion   Causes a destructive resonance from within the target’s body for damage. Ignores a part of the target’s Magic DEF and causes additional damage against targets wearing Plate armor. Critical damage occurs against targets under [Petrify]. Implosion Stone Shower   Shoots rock fragments towards the direction the player is faced in. Enemies are hit with consecutive hits. Stone Shower: Stun   Provides a chance to stun enemies hit by [Stone Shower] for a 2-second duration. Rolling Stone   Summon a large boulder to roll. The boulder is removed and damages the enemy when coming into contact. The skill does not need to be fully charged but a full charge increases the damage dealt. Rolling Stone: Trample   Makes Rolling Stone ignores Magic DEF of enemies in proportion to attribute level. Rolling Stone Horned Golem   Summon an Earth Golem that charges ahead to damage enemies in its path. [Arts] Horned Golem: Circular Damage   The AoE of Horned Golem is turned circular from which a gush of sand rises. Slows the movement speed of enemies passing through the area.       Arbalester   Arbalesters were founded during the reign of King Rael. They started out as a group who studied the art of homing arrows and their research had progressed drastically by the time of King Rael II during which the Kingdom begun funding their studies. Due to this financial support, the Arbalester were incorporated into the Kingdom’s royal army.   Arbalester: Destruction   Increases Physical Attack and Block Penetration values when the player has a dagger equipped as a sub-weapon. The effects increase in proportion to the attack value of the equipped dagger. Also provides the chance to remove an enemy buff when attacking. Arbalester: Precision   Increases the accuracy of attacks when the player has a shield equipped as a sub-weapon. Also provides a chance to automatically fire homing arrows when attacking. Escape   Swiftly dash backwards then fire homing arrows. Evasion chance is increased while dashing and increases the caster’s movement speed temporarily when cast. Escape: Shielding   Increases block rate instead of evasion when shield is equipped. [Mark] debuff is applied on enemies when a successful block occurs. Guided Shot   Shoots a homing arrow on enemies in front and leaves a [Mark] on them. Enemies under the [Mark] debuff receive increased damage from homing arrows. Fanwise Shot   Shoots multiple arrows to a fan-shaped area. Fanwise Shot: Additional Shots   Homing arrow is fired when Fanwise Shot hits an enemy under [Mark] debuff. Dark Judgement   Shoots an arrow on a targeted enemy then fires a homing arrow. [Arts] Dark Judgement: Dark Curtain   Adds Dark property to attacks with [Dark Judgement] and leaves a [Mark] on enemies hit by Dark Judgement. Dead Zone   Shoots multiple arrows skyward and make them rain down on enemies. Shining Burst   The player spins around for the duration of the key press and shoots arrows at enemies around the player. The player remains mobile during skill use and additional hit occurs against enemies afflicted with [Mark] debuff. Arbalester’s Precision, Dead Zone and Shining Burst in a combo       Crusader   Crusaders begun during King Ousel’s rule when the Grand Cathedral was completed. The Kingdom had suffered from many civil wars up to this point and the Crusaders were formed in order to protect the Kingdom’s religious heritage in the times of turmoil. Crusaders equip themselves with heavy armor overlain with cloth adorned with religious symbols. Most Crusaders have died during the tragedy that is Medzio Diena and there is all but few remaining scattered across the Kingdom at the current time.   Chant   Receive the favor of the Goddesses to choose between two different buffs.   - Goddess’ Protection: Activates the restoration effects with Crusader skills. - Goddess’ Wrath: Increases the damage of Crusader skills and Magic ATK. Restoration effects of Crusader skills are diminished or removed completely. [Arts] Chant: Goddess’ Blessing   Applies the buff [Goddess’ Blessing] to activate both [Goddess’ Protection] and [Goddess’ Wrath] simultaneously but with diminished efficacy. Crusader using a Chant Holy Smash   Strike with a blunt weapon imbued with divine power causing an explosion.   - Goddess’ Protection: Provides restoration when the caster is near the enemy struck with Holy Smash. - Goddess’ Wrath: Damages enemies around the target struck with Holy Smash. Ring of Light   Summons a ring of light that damages enemies for a 1-second duration.   - Goddess’ Protection: The ring explodes to restore the caster. - Goddess’ Wrath: The ring explodes to damage nearby enemies. Ring of Light under Goddess’ Protection   Ring of Light under Goddess’ Wrath Sacred   Pray to spread the power of the Goddess around the caster.   - Goddess’ Protection: Restores nearby allies during prayer and causes an explosion after 1 second to heal nearby allies again. - Goddess’ Wrath: Damages enemies during prayer and causes an explosion after 1 second to damage nearby enemies. Sacred: Fissure   [Sacred] ignores enemy DEF partially. Condemn   Strike the earth with a blunt weapon to engrave a divine symbol on the ground.   - Goddess’ Protection: Heals allies within the area of effect. - Goddess’ Wrath: Damages enemies within the area of effect. Retaliation   Lands a ray of divine power to a designated location.   - Goddess’ Protection: Heals allies within the area of effect. - Goddess’ Wrath: Damages enemies within the area of effect. Divine Protection   Creates a barrier using divine powers around the caster.   - Goddess’ Protection: Heals allies within the area of effect. - Goddess’ Wrath: Damages enemies within the area of effect. Divine Protection: Defend   Reduces the damage received for allies within [Divine Protection]’s area of effect while Goddess’ Protection or Goddess’ Wrath is activated.       Rangda   One of the fortunate things to have happened after Medzio Diena is that the Rangda have taken up arms against the invading demon forces. Up to this point, the Rangda have had held both the Goddesses and demons as divine beings and preferred to worship Giltine over all other Goddesses. Their religious beliefs were frowned upon by the clergymen of the Kingdom but since their traditions predate that of the Kingdom’s religious practices, their sacrilege was overlooked and they were left free to pursue their traditions independent of the Kingdom’s rule due to their historical value. What caused them to change as the drastic shift in the power dynamics of the divines that occurred following Medzio Diena. Despite their peculiar beliefs, the Rangda wanted to see the balance of power restored and until then they have decided to battle against the demon forces.   Luka   Attack the enemy for continuous damage. The duration of the damage increases in proportion to the number of debuffs on target. Kutukan   Applies [Chaotic Curse] to target. [Chaotic Curse] debuff turns the enemy into a [Kepa], disables their HP/SP recovery and causes target to deal continuous damage to nearby enemies. Kutukan: Remove Buff   Grants a chance to remove buffs on targets affected by Kutukan. The number of buffs removed increases in proportion to the attribute level. Kutukan Penyerapan   Increases the damage of caster’s Dark property attacks. Also increases the stacks of [Lethargy] and [Movement Speed Reduction] debuffs applied on target with Rangda skills. [Arts] Penyerapan: Siphon Life Force   Restores the caster’s health in amounts proportionate to the number of debuffs on nearby enemies. Barong   Controls a tamed Barong to follow the caster. The Barong attacks nearby enemies for the duration of its summon and has the chance to remove enemy buffs when attacking. Barong: Buff Eater   The caster receives a random buff every time the Barong removes an enemy buff.   - Attack Buff: Increases damage dealt with increasing buff stack. - Defense Buff: Reduces incoming damage with increasing buff stack. - Utility Buff: Increases movement speed with increasing buff stack. Keletihan   Causes enemies within area of effect to become lethargic. [Lethargy] debuff decreases the target’s resistance against accuracy, evasion and critical attacks. Efficacy increases in proportion to the stack of [Keletihan: Lethargy] debuff. Keletihan: Added Effect   Provides additional effect depending on the number of Keletihan stacks.   - 3 Stacks: Curse debuff for 10 second duration - 4 Stacks: Silence debuff for 3 second duration - 5 Stacks: Stun debuff for 3 second duration Rawa   Creates a swamp in front of the caster. Reduces the movement speed of enemies passing through the swamp and the reduction amount increases the longer they remain on the swamp. Rawa: Fatigue   Increases the stack of [Keletihan] debuff every 3 seconds on enemies standing on Rawa. Target must already hve [Keletihan] debuff for its stack to increase.       Changes to Existing Classes     Change Detail New Hunter Art [Arts] Rush Dog: Fierce Attack Removes the stun effect of Rush Dog and increases skill damage. Does more damage against [Bleeding] enemies. Ataka Ataka Set Stat effect will now have a limit to the maximum amount of damage that can be spread when damage is passed from monster to player. Main and Sub-weapon Attack Value Transfers New Attribute [One-handed Spear Mastery: Battle Preparation] A Swordsman attribute that transfers 20% of weapon ATK value to Physical ATK when Equipped with both a [Dagger] and a [One-handed Spear]. New Scout [Double Attack] Effect Increases the ATK value of equipped sub-weapon by 20% of the main weapon’s ATK value. Buff is removed when a shield is equipped and also when auto-swap is used. Cleric [Cure] Cooldown of Cure is reduced by 3 seconds when advancing into any of the following classes (can be stacked, max. 9 second reduction):   Pyromancer [Fire Pillar] Using [Fire Pillar] and [Storm Dust] will only cause [Fire Pillar]’s number of hits to increase. Quarrel Shooter [Deploy Pavise] The number of Pavise that can be installed in Team Battle League will be increased to 4. Retiarius [Blandir Cadena] The attacks performed during [Blandir Cadena] will be changed to 5 Pierce attacks from 2 Pierce attacks and 3 Slash attacks.       We will bet ow this post with a more detailed list of changes that will be introduced in the 4ever Update soon.         * The information disclosed above are currently works in progress and are subject to change with future development.

Developer's Blog
December 12th, 2019
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[Completed] Scheduled Maintenance and Transfer - May 3rd, 2016

Greetings, Saviors! The servers are now open, please check the link for more details. The maintenance schedule and information for Tuesday, May 3rd, have been posted. This maintenance will include the addition of the new SA server (Silute) and team transfers from Klaipeda and Orsha to it. Please refer to the following link to read the entire announcement: https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/draft-scheduled-maintenance-and-patch-notes-may-3rd-2016/241468 Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 4th, 2016
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NEW! Secret of the Tree Root Crystals

Greetings, Saviors! Rumor has it that a special kind of Tree Root Crystal has been growing in certain regions of the Kingdom… All you have to do is find them to be rewarded with Attribute Points, buffs and more every day!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on May 29, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on June 26, 2018 Who Can Participate - Characters of all levels How to Participate STEP 1. Head out to one of the special regions where the Secret Tree Root Crystals grow. Exactly where they are is a mystery, but we do have hints on what they look like (see below). STEP 2. Hunt monsters there for at least 5 minutes and you might see a Secret Tree Root Crystal appear in front of your eyes! STEP 3. Simply destroy the Crystal to receive one of the following random rewards! You can receive Tree Rot Crystal rewards once per day, per team (resets at 00:00, server time). - Movement speed +2 buff (30 minutes) - Attribute Points: 100 - Attribute Points: 500 - Attribute Points: 1,000 STEP 4. If luck is on your side, the destroyed Crystal can also yield an additional Secret Tree Root Crystal Cube, from which you can select one of the following prizes: - Festival Shovel - Title – Root Crystal Finder - Sprout Hair Accessory Important - Unused Secret Tree Root Crystal Cubes, Titles and Festival Shovels will be automatically deleted at the end of the event. - All event rewards are untradeable, and Festival Shovels cannot be transferred via Team Storage. - Only active combat time counts towards the 5 minutes required to begin generating the Secret Tree Root Crystals. - If a Secret Tree Root Crystal is destroyed in a party, all party members contained in the screen will receive the reward. Party members who receive the reward will no longer be eligible for rewards that day. - If a party member was unable to receive their reward due to being far away from the party member who destroyed the Crystal, they can still receive their daily reward by destroying Crystals solo or with another party.

May 25th, 2018
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Goddess' Blessed Cube Item List: Updated October 17, 2017

Important: All the Goddess' Blessed Cubes follow the updated item list regardless of the date it was purchased. This policy will be standard unless stated otherwise. e.g.  Goddess' Blessed Cube A (purchased in November of '16), B (purchased in January of '17) and C (purchased in May of '17) will all follow the item list the most current.

October 16th, 2017
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[EDITED] Scheduled Maintenance for January 29, 2019

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (January 29, 2019). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
January 29th, 2019
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance - April 5th, 2016

Greetings Saviors! We will be holding the scheduled weekly maintenance as notified in our previous announcements. The detailed time can be seen down below. More details will be provided on what will be tweaked in a later announcement. Scheduled Time for Maintenance : 1~5 a.m. (EDT) April 5th, 2016 We would like to use this chance to apologize for the inconvenience that many of you have experienced during the launch week. We are constantly keeping an eye out for your feedback to see what the more prevalent issues are. Through your feedback, we are able to figure out what can be fixed quickly and what requires development time. Some issues have been carried over from older versions, other unknown issues have occurred because they hadn't been exposed to such focused stress and yet others are due to connectivity issues between us, Steam, AWS, and individual clients. The more major bugs/issues will take longer to iron out since we do not wish to negatively affect other aspects of the game. Others can simply be dealt by a hotfix / patch during shorter maintenance periods. Once again, we would like to apologize for the poor connectivity and numerous in-game issues that many of you have experienced last week. We also wish to thank you for your continued enthusiasm, patience, support and love for Tree of Savior. Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 5th, 2016
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[TEASER] Level Expansion, New Systems

Greetings, Saviors! We know many have been curious about the new content that’s coming to TOS in the next level expansion (which, we should warn you, is not tied to the addition of new classes; we'll talk more about those later)… As seen in our PvE roadmap, we have a lot more prepared besides the new maps and quests, so today we’re releasing another sneak peek of the key features you’ll be seeing when that patch arrives. Here they are!            

Developer's Blog
September 15th, 2017
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[UPDATE] Preliminary Announcement Regarding Current Account Restrictions

Greetings, Saviors. Due to the irregular DPK issue, we would like to make a further announcement about the current temporary account lock and our ongoing investigation. First, we would like to remind all users who are unable to access the server that their accounts have not been banned. We have temporarily locked accounts in order to complete follow-up procedures that may take some time. This involves checking and retrieving the items that were acquired through irregular DPK. With about 1,642 accounts affected and the number of items that need to be retrieved, it will take us a considerable amount of time to complete our procedures. However, we realize the inconvenience this has caused to the affected players and we are working very hard to complete the process as quickly as possible. We will do everything we can to complete our investigation by Monday. Once we have retrieved the items we will revert the affected accounts back to normal and, as a form of apology, we will compensate affected users for the inconvenience. Compensation Due to users being unable to enter the game because of the time it takes for us to process these irregular items, as a show of apology we would like to compensate these players with the following items: (1) [Event] Token: 30 Days x1 (2) Letitia's Secret Cube 10+1   x1 (3) Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x20 (4) Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x10 (5) Earth Tower Entry Voucher (14 Days) x10 Furthermore, the following compensation will be provided to accounts which have been preventively suspended and unable to login to the game: - 3 hours of Token time extension per every hour of suspension - Multiply Token x1 per every hour of suspension - Instanced One Entry Voucher x1 per every 2 hours of suspension [NOTE] Players whose accounts are considered to have abused the issue will NOT be receiving compensation. Criteria for Ban - Accounts which have obtained large amounts of the irregular DPK items, but have kept those items within the team by crafting them, modifying them or otherwise utilizing them, will not be subject to further restrictions. The items in question and subsequent products, however, will be seized. - Accounts which have circulated the obtained DPK irregular items through the Market or personal trade will be subject to restrictions. - We will release another announcement specifying the different types of restriction to be applied and the list of restricted accounts.

June 5th, 2017