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Scheduled Maintenance and Patch Notes - April 19th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
April 22nd, 2016
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How to test your ping to the EU and SEA servers

Greetings, Saviors! Many of you have been wondering about the new location of our EU (Fedimian) and SEA (Telsiai) servers in regards to ping and how it will affect your gameplay. For this reason, we have set up an echo server in each region to allow you to test your network response time to each server with a simple ping test. Below are the details of each server: Fedimian region (Frankfurt) IP: Telsiai region (Singapore) IP: How to perform the ping test:    1) Open a Command Prompt window (press the Windows key + R) and type in `cmd`, then press Enter.    2) After C:\>, type in `ping  -t` or `ping  -t` and press Enter. You will see your network's response time to the server counted in ms. We hope this will help you with your decisions regarding server transfer applications. Remember that, if you wish to transfer to a different server, you can submit your application until the 24th of April, 2016, through our official Support page. Also, if you haven't yet, don't forget to read our announcements regarding the upcoming server transfers. Server Transfer - Now Taking Requetss: [LINK] Server Transfer Details and Conditions: [LINK]   Sincerely, IMC Staff  

April 18th, 2016
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On the State of Server's Economy

Hello. Today on the Developer's Blog, we would like to address a few rumors circulating the forum.   While we were working on recent issues related to Steam's payment system, we came across a post with a screenshot of a user owning two or three hundred million silver. Some of you commented that it was demotivating. The payment abuse and that screenshot have been reported to a certain Korean website as well and an article came out stating that Steam server has serious problems. Some users even say a server wipe is needed. Is it necessary? You might wonder.   A short answer would be ‘no.’   First, the screenshot is simply not true. We can look through our server database and figure out the actual amount of silver the account in question owns, what the user traded, and the movement of silver on each server. We can even identify which top 100 accounts possess the most silver. We can identify daily changes of total amount of silver. It turned out the user in the screenshot only owned less than a hundredth of the alleged amount.   Due to the nature of MMORPGs, data in the game client can easily be altered. We believe that screenshot is also a result of such practice, and the change only appears on the user's own screen. This altered data doesn't get transmitted to the server that deals with monetary transaction, meaning the game's economy isn't affected.   Contrary to what some users pointed out, the TP obtained through transaction exploit is irrelevant to the silver increase in the game. Even if abusers purchase and sell Tokens using the TP they unfairly gained, it does not generate new silver. The silver simply moved from one account to another during the transaction. During those transactions, actually total amount silver decreases due to 10% market fee. This may have influenced silver's RMT value or Token-to-silver ratio, but we have confirmed that it did not affect the total amount of silver circulating the servers.   We take economical stability seriously, and our GMs monitor the statistics every day. Whenever we make systems related to trades, we make sure to check for possibilities of the damage they may do to the server's economy. We plan to explain the bot problem and the report system we made to counter it in our next blog post. Thank you.    

Developer's Blog
April 17th, 2016
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Server Transfer Details and Conditions

Greetings and Salutations Saviors! The long awaited Server Transfer is upon us, and details about the service can be found below. Please read carefully to avoid any misunderstandings as the transfer process will not be reversed once it is completed. You must also consent to the 'Terms and Conditions of Service' in order to be eligible for the transfer.   [Server Transfer Availability] [Terms and Conditions of Service] I have read, understood and agree to the conditions and policies of the service. I agree to perform the necessary tasks to meet the prerequisite conditions. I understand that I will not be eligible for the service if any of the prerequisite conditions are not met. I accept that I will not be able to make an objection to the service after the Server Transfer has occurred if the data warranted by the guarantee has not been corrupted or tampered with in any way.   [Prerequisite Conditions and Policies] If there is a pre-existing team on the destination server, the pre-existing team will be deleted and replaced with the transferred team. Please keep in mind that the deleted team cannot be restored. You cannot apply for the server transfer service while logged onto the game. The transfer will take place after all the requests in a given time period have been sent to us and during the actual transfer, the servers will be down temporarily. At a laster date, the location of Fedimian (EU) and Telsiai (SEA) servers will be moved to Germany and Singapore respectively. Depending on where in NA, players playing from NA may experience poor connectivity if they decide to transfer to one of the regional servers. The transfer cannot be reversed nor cancelled once the process is completed. Friends list : Will be reset Guild / Party : Leaving or disbanding a guild is required to apply for the server transfer service Market : You need to retrieve all of your items in order to apply for the server transfer service. This applies to both items you listed to sell and items you bought from the market   [Additional Details] The Server Transfer will NOT CHANGE the following Team Name Lodge Message Lodge Theme Character Slots Companion Name Level and EXP TP Token Benefits Class Quest Stat Skill and Attributes Map Exploration Rate Likes Adventure Journal Title and Achievement Collection Team Battle League Score Silver Equipped Items Inventory Team / Character Storage If you have any questions regarding the service, please let us know.  As always, we thank you for your continued enthusiasm, support and love for Tree of Savior. Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 26th, 2016
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Changes regarding trading restrictions, bot policy

Greetings, Saviors! We’ve been listening to your recent feedback regarding trading restrictions and bot presence in Tree of Savior, and would like to announce some changes we’ll be making to improve your in-game experience. 1) Less Trade Restrictions As mentioned in previous announcements, the trade restrictions were implemented to address RMT issues. However, based on your feedback, we have determined that it may feel a bit too high-handed.  As such we have decided to implement new measures to reduce the inconvenience of trading restrictions on non-Token users in order to reduce trading restrictions on regular users. We are planning on allowing Non-Token users to partake in 1:1 trading. However, we are not yet certain how we will implement this new system. More details will be released as soon as they have been decided upon. The changes are intended to remove restrictions to players who may not be Token users but wish to help out or give class restricted items to other players. We also hope this will dissuade bots from collecting items through farming.   2) Bot Report Function We wish to continuously strive towards reducing the bot problem and provide better gaming experiences for normal players. As such, we are working on implementing the much requested bot report function. Not only that but we’re also developing and testing a system to detect bots faster.  Through the reporting system, you will not only able to select and report suspected bots, but you will also be able to report items in the market suspected of being part of RMT (e.g. low-value items sold at unusually high prices). Through this system, GMs will be able to catch more bots by prioritizing and reviewing cases reported by users. However, we know that this system can be misused or even abused and are in the process of polishing rules to regulate the system. We wish to provide merits to those who accurately report bots, and penalize those who misuse the system to report innocent users. This will most likely be a constantly updated set of rules since there will always be different cases. As always, we thank you for your continued support, understanding, and enthusiasm for Tree of Savior.   Sincerely, IMC Staff

Developer's Blog
April 14th, 2016
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Statement on Trade Restrictions

Hello. We are the "Tree of Savior" development team. Many players have voiced negative opinions on the 1:1 trade restriction of our game system. We’d like to announce our stand on this system and explain why we cannot modify it immediately.   Economy is an important part of an MMORPG. It’s difficult to maintain one, yet very easy to ruin.   The main factor that ruins in-game economy of F2P games is gold (in this case, silver) selling. Unlike the P2P model, F2P games are much more vulnerable to exploit because gold sellers make near to zero investment on accumulating in-game currency. They can make essentially an infinite amount of silver in the game. Therefore, it’s important to know what can control in-game transactions effectively.   We can track down and ban the gold sellers individually, but that’s a primitive method of defense and gold sellers are constantly developing newer ways to run their business. Causing players to make minimum investment, which is mediated by Tokens, is only the first step to enforcing the limitation on gold sellers.   How are we to regulate and block gold sellers who purchase Tokens? In the end, RMT(Real Money Trading) is the goal of selling in-game currency. The second method we can use, then, is preventing one-way transfer of goods.   Gold sellers transfer their goods using the following method:  (1) Run multiple bot accounts (to accumulate silver)  (2) Transfer the silver to a separate "seller’s account"  (3) The silver on said seller's account then goes to the buyer   There’s no need to regulate trades where the goods being traded from each side are similar in value. However, an uneven transaction is observed when trades are made between bots and seller’s accounts or between sellers and buyers.   Gold sellers transfer silver using the market system. Through the market, transactions are made by listing cheap items at high prices. The sellers would purchase these items to “send over” their silver to the buyers. To stop this, we could put a set silver value on the items. By doing so, we'll be able to quickly notice the discrepancy when an item isn't sold at its rightful price. The problem is, it’s difficult to maintain a set price on every item in the game.   To tackle this, we have also implemented mechanisms to limit one-way transactions through the market. With our current market system, once an item is sold enough times through the market, highest and lowest market values are automatically generated. Players cannot list items at prices that exceed this range. On top of it, there’s already a limit on how many items can be listed.   In addition, trades are temporarily held for 48 hours upon completion. This gives our staff time to detect and cancel any suspicious transactions before buyers and sellers get their goods. In the future, we hope to reduce this time frame by developing a system that can automatically detect and block such suspicious trades. We are continuously working on this function.   We do not believe these restrictions can completely shut out gold sellers. Rather, what we’re trying to do is utilize this system to make gold selling something that isn’t worthwhile to both gold sellers and buyers.   Finally, after considering the arguments stating that making team storage a premium feature is irrelevant to preventing gold sellers, we’ve decided to lessen the restrictions on this part. We will be modifying this feature for the upcoming patch.   We’re also developing an in-game report function for players to use, and we anticipate other inconveniences to naturally diminish once we successfully administer bots.   We hope this defined our reasoning behind the trade restriction we’ve implemented. Thank you for your attention.

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2016
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What are Guild Battles?

Greetings Saviors! This is the Tree of Savior Dev Team. We are happy to announce that we will be continuing further updates on this blog to keep you in the loop of what is going on behind the scenes. Today, we would like to introduce a new feature we’re currently working on: Guild Battles. First of all, please note that this feature is still a work in progress and the final product may look different from what we’re showing you here.   What are Guild Battles? Guild Battles are a type of PVP play that sets guilds of different servers against each other to compete for victory. They will be available twice a day and the overall guild ranking will be determined based on ELO rules. ▲ The name of each guild is displayed along with its corresponding server. The competing guilds must attack each other’s Guild Towers, located in their respective team headquarters, with the first guild to destroy its opponent’s Guild Tower within the time limit being declared the winner. Analyzing the enemy’s strategies and developing defensive strategies for your own guild will be major decisive factors for victory.   ▲ The first guild to destroy its opponent’s tower wins. If neither guild manages to destroy the opponent’s tower within the time limit, victory will be awarded to the guild with the highest kill count. In the event of an even number of kills, the title goes to the guild with the most accumulated damage. This means that guilds will need to consider offensive tactics as well as defensive strategies in order to win Guild Battles,. Gathering the guild members to strategize and discuss different control methods before entering the Guild Battles will also be crucial in gaining an advantage.   Participating in a Guild Battle via the Auto-Matching System To participate in a Guild Battle, the guild master should go to Battle League > Guild Tower Battle and click the ‘Join’ button to initiate auto-matching. ▲ Determining an opponent via auto-matching The guild masters will be moved to the battle area once an opponent is found, and preparation for the Guild Battle will begin upon entering the battlefield. ▲ Remaining preparation time for the Guild Battle Guild members will be able to enter the battlefield during the preparation period but will not be able to do so once the Guild Battle begins, so please make sure to enter during the preparation period. The Battle Begins Each guild will be assigned a random headquarters out of the 8 available areas. ▲ Guild Battle Battlefield The battle will begin immediately after the preparation period. ▲ Victory Condition Locating the enemy’s tower is an important part of the battle as it is one of the main victory conditions. Use every strategy that your guild has at your disposal to search and destroy the enemy’s tower within the 30 minute time limit. Having your Guild Tower’s location discovered first can lead to an unfavorable battle. Another good tactic is to have fast-attacking classes target the enemy tower while the others focus on preventing the opponent from interfering since Guild Towers in the Guild Battles only receive 1 damage per hit just like regular Guild Towers. ▲ Defensive headquarter entrance The entrance to each guild’s headquarters is rather narrow and can create a bottleneck making it risky if you decide to go for an all-out attack. ▲ Players can spectate while waiting to resurrect. There will be resurrection countdown if your character falls during a Guild Battle. You will be able to spectate other guild members during this time, allowing you to plan ahead and decide where you will be needed the most. ▲ The ‘Results’ window shows the victors as well as individual kills, deaths and score points.   You will be able to confirm the victors of the battle through the ‘Results’ window. Make sure to strategize and implement tactics that will give your guild every edge possible since, as mentioned earlier, a guild must destroy its opponent’s tower or have the higher kill count to win.   Ranking and Rewards You will be able to check your guild’s ranking across all servers through the ‘Guild Battle Rank’ window which will be reset every Sunday after 11:59:59PM. Guilds will be rewarded in accordance to their rank while the server that is home to the weekly 1st place guild will become the winning server, increasing the bonus TP limit to 8TP for all users on that server. We hope this will encourage guilds of all servers to keep competing for the top spot. [Ranking and reward items] Rank         Reward items   1                  60x 100TP Chests     2                  40x 100TP Chests   3                  30x 100TP Chests   4                  20x 100TP Chests   5                  5x 100TP Chests   6                  5x 100TP Chests   7                  5x 100TP Chests   8                  5x 100TP Chests   9                  5x 100TP Chests  10                 5x 100TP Chests   Reward items won via the Guild Battle ranking can be claimed by clicking the ‘Reward’ button on the ‘Guild Battle Rank’ window. The items will then be transferred to the corresponding guild’s common storage, where the guild master can distribute (transfer) them to other guild members. Those items can be received through the personal message box of individual guild members, which will then be bound to the guild member once obtained. This is as much as we can say about the Guild Battle system for now and we will make future announcements in order to keep you updated on the implementation schedule. Hope to see you soon with more good news. Thank you.    

Developer's Blog
April 7th, 2016
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Scheduled Maintenance

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
April 5th, 2016
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance - April 5th, 2016

Greetings Saviors! We will be holding the scheduled weekly maintenance as notified in our previous announcements. The detailed time can be seen down below. More details will be provided on what will be tweaked in a later announcement. Scheduled Time for Maintenance : 1~5 a.m. (EDT) April 5th, 2016 We would like to use this chance to apologize for the inconvenience that many of you have experienced during the launch week. We are constantly keeping an eye out for your feedback to see what the more prevalent issues are. Through your feedback, we are able to figure out what can be fixed quickly and what requires development time. Some issues have been carried over from older versions, other unknown issues have occurred because they hadn't been exposed to such focused stress and yet others are due to connectivity issues between us, Steam, AWS, and individual clients. The more major bugs/issues will take longer to iron out since we do not wish to negatively affect other aspects of the game. Others can simply be dealt by a hotfix / patch during shorter maintenance periods. Once again, we would like to apologize for the poor connectivity and numerous in-game issues that many of you have experienced last week. We also wish to thank you for your continued enthusiasm, patience, support and love for Tree of Savior. Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 5th, 2016