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Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 24th, 2016)

Greetings, Saviors. We have banned a number of accounts for violating our terms of use. Please refer to the following link for more details:  https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/accounts-banned-for-abuse-april-24th-2016/214434 Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 24th, 2016
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Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 23rd, 2016)

Greetings, Saviors. We have banned a number of accounts for violating our terms of use. Please refer to the following link for more details:  https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/accounts-banned-for-abuse-april-23rd-2016/212617 Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 24th, 2016
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Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 22nd, 2016)

Greetings, Saviors. We have banned a number of accounts for violating our terms of use. Please refer to the following link for more details:  https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/accounts-banned-for-abuse-april-22nd-2016/210857 Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 22nd, 2016
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Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 21st, 2016)

Greetings, Saviors. We have blocked 140 bots and 232 gold sellers. The following is a list of their team names and the reason why they were blocked. If you feel you have been wrongly banned, please report your case to us through the support page. Thank you for your support and cooperation. Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 21st, 2016
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Announcement Regarding Price Changes and South American Server

Greetings Saviors, Until yesterday, the Founder’s Pack products were available for purchase at prices set by Steam, which take the living standards of individual countries into consideration. If, for example, a player from NA had to pay $49.99 for a package, another player living in a different country was able to purchase it for half that price or even less. Players can essentially purchase the Founder’s Pack at a lower regional price, purchase Tokens with the TP earned, and sell them on the market to obtain silver. Players in regions where the price is not discounted face a loss compared to them. This is not what we intended when we designed the Token and market systems. Any tradeable items in one server should be sold at the same price to all users. Therefore we requested Steam to change the price policy before releasing new TP bundles and transitioning to F2P to prevent problems ahead of time. The prices were changed yesterday because our request was handled. We sincerely apologize for disappointing those who faced sudden, drastic price increase without being notified beforehand, and we’d like to provide the following solutions. 1. We’re going to open a South American server. We’ll open it after the team transfers to EU and SEA servers have finished, and then start taking transfer requests from Klaipeda and Orsha to the new SA server. We are cancelling previous announcement that there will be no new SA Steam server. Please note that we can only move teams from Klaipeda and Orsha to the new SA server. Transfer from Fedimian and Telsiai is not supported. In addition, unlike the previous transfer to Fedimian and Telsiai, we will open the SA server first and then transfer teams to it. We will start taking team transfer requests to the new SA server as soon as next week. We’ll take request tickets until the beginning of May, in the same manner and procedure as we have done for the transfer to EU and SEA servers.  2. We’re going to apply different prices to the SA and SEA servers after transitioning to F2P. The discount rate will be announced separately later. The Tokens purchased on SA and SEA servers cannot be traded on NA or EU servers, so we expect that fairness will not be an issue as mentioned above. We'd like to note that the new DLC products specifically sold to SA and SEA servers cannot be claimed on NA and EU servers, and vice versa. Lastly, we’ve decided to raise the discount on our DLC products. We will be selling them at 50% off instead of the 30% originally planned. The content of the DLC products including the TP amount will not change. Players who have already purchased the DLC products previously will be able to buy the discounted packs as well, since they are treated as new products. This discount will start on the 21st as planned and will remain available until near the F2P transition date. These 50%-off DLC products will not take regional pricing into account as they will be discontinued before F2P and regional pricing implementation for the SA and SEA servers. Due to such change of plans, we had to push the F2P release date back in order to account for longer preparation. Our goal is to finish transferring teams to the appropriate servers first before opening up our game to the general public. We expect the transition to F2P to happen sometime early to mid-May, and we will make a separate announcement once the date is confirmed. We apologize to those who have been waiting eagerly for the F2P transition. Again, we apologize for the instability in our service. We’re going to continuously strive to provide a pleasant and fair environment where players can truly enjoy the game itself. Thank you for your concerns and support. Sincerely, IMC Staff   *From this point on, we will be using the term "South America Server" for the server instead of "Latin America Server".  

April 20th, 2016
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About the Bot Report Function

Many of you are showing your concern on bots. Bots are a big problem to the developers as well because they interrupt game play and negatively affect the game's economy. The bot report function we added to the game can effectively ban bots if used properly, but we also have to consider the possibility of its abuse. Throughout time, we've been doing research on how we can minimize this abuse. We're going to explain our report feature in close detail and tell you what to keep in mind when reporting bots. First, not all reports hold the same validity. Each account has a value called "Report Influence Index." This value cannot be seen by players, but it increases whenever said account correctly reports a bot. If a user is reported repeatedly by others, that user is very likely to be a bot. In addition, if the reporter is an influential individual, their report is most likely valid so we can set a priority on which account to ban first. This is where the Report Influence Index (RII) comes in. In terms of numbers, a player with 10 RII has the same impact as 10 different players with 1 RII each when reporting suspicious users. Accounts with high report counts will then move to the next step of verification. Some have suggested using CAPTCHA, but that too, will be breached eventually. It puts needless restrictions on the players, so we are not considering its use. Instead, what we chose to use is a server-side classifier based on Machine Learning (ML) technique. The classifier uses the comprehensive activity log of a reported account to determine if it's a bot in percentages. We will not be revealing the classifier's exact mechanism, as it can be manipulated by violators to bypass the system. We train our classifier by constantly inputting new data. The fact that we can maintain its accuracy is its advantage, because we're going to manually determine which factors should be considered to identify bots. The classifier's accuracy depends on how we determine the behavior criteria, and we examine over 20 basic criteria. The machine showed 99% accuracy on our Korean server when we set the machine to output fewer false positives. If we set strictness value low, the classifier will detect more bot with lower accuracy and vice versa. An account that is deemed to be a bot becomes subject to restriction after a GM's additional confirmation. If that account gets banned, then all the users who reported that account gain one RII point. However, should the reported account be declared clean, the reporter's RII value will be negatively affected. The RII is not a simple difference between the numbers of accurate and inaccurate report counts, and the algorithm we use to determine the final RII value can be changed in the future. Therefore, you should not report bots if you're unsure of their offense. The system can backfire on you if you're not careful. For example, a player going afk while leaving a heavy object on the attack key has to be handled differently from regular bots. The classifier can deem the afk player innocent from looking at the honest play records, so afk players should not be reported using the report function as that will work against your RII. Lastly, if we're not absolutely sure the reported account is a bot, then it will not be banned and the reporter's RII will remain unchanged. We're going to keep examining and upgrading the system and do our best so bots will not ruin your play experience. Thank you for reading and have fun playing Tree of Savior.

Developer's Blog
April 20th, 2016
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For users experiencing a launch error after April 19 maintenance

Greetings, Saviors. It has come to our attention that some users are experiencing an error when trying to launch the game client after our weekly maintenance of April 19, 2016. We have provided a list of possible solutions to this error in our forums here: [LINK] The list will be updated as new solutions are found.   SIncerely, IMC Staff   [UPDATE] We have now patched in a hotfix that should allow you to play the game after restarting the client. Please let us know if you are still unable to do so.

April 22nd, 2016
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Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 19th, 2016)

Hello, Saviors. We've identified and permanently blocked 1,394 bot accounts in the order from the most frequently reported. Additional 1,678 accounts that have manipulated the game client for exploiting purposes have also been banned. If you feel you have been wrongly banned, please report your case to us through the support page. Your reports will be used as important data for us. We do believe these bots are a major issue and will continue to do our best until the problem is solved. In addition, we are taking down the Founders Server : Exclusive Access 3 product temporarily until the bot issue is handled properly. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, IMC Staff    

April 19th, 2016
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DLC 3 Temporarily Off the Shelves

Hello, Saviors. We regret to say that our Founder's Pack : Exclusive Access 3 product has been temporarily taken down from sales due to abuse and exploit. This product will be available again once we resolve the bot issues. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 19th, 2016