Weekly Question and Answer – October 21st, 2016


Oct 21st, 2016

Q1. It is very difficult to tell elite monsters from regular monsters. Do you have any plans to distinguish them with a certain clear indicative effect?

  • We are currently in the process of making a method to highlight elite monsters. We understand that, at the moment, players may have trouble instantly recognizing elite monsters which might hinder intuitive gameplay. This may also reduce the fun factor of finding and defeating these relatively rarer monsters. What we are planning to do is indicate them visually on screen and also their names will reflect their elite status to add a sense of drama as well. Such features are on their way.
  • Q2. The monsters run away so fast that it somewhat hinder the gameplay. Is the current speed of monster retreat intentional? Additionally, would there be other gameplay elements regarding the monster fleeing AI such as a monster running away to call for a backup?

  • We also see that the monster fleeing AI can be improved in a variety of ways to improve gameplay. We have come up with some ideas and are now in the final testing and execution stage. Certain changes will be implemented to make the monster behave more organically, less intrusively and allow players to experience the thrill of the hunt.
  • Q3. There is no clear indication of critical evasion and other chances through the character statistics. Are there any plans to make them more intuitive?

  • The chance calculation of critical evasion and alike is based on not just the character’s statistics but also that of the target. Therefore, it is very difficult to have a fixed number representing such chances. However, that is not to say the status quo will remain completely the same. We are internally discussing and experimenting with some ideas to make the gameplay more informative such as displaying target monster’s critical evasion chances on the monster info UI.