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Latest Performance Improvement Tests

Greetings, Saviors! Today we want to let you in on some tests we’ve been conducting to improve overall frame performance in Tree of Savior. We’ve compared the current performance in the game in ms with the values obtained after applying two improvement measures intended to minimize elements responsible for frame drop issues, as explained below. Particle Instancing: Optimizes function call when identical particles (objects) are rendered on the screen to improve processing speed. Quest Loop: Considers all existing quests but only updates when their status is changed to either ‘available for start’, ‘ongoing’ or ‘available for completion’, making for a more efficient processing of quests.   Blue represents the data obtained before the optimization measures, red represents the data registered after the measures were applied.   perf1 avg time: 31.6ms / max time: 137ms perf2 avg time: 25.5ms / max time 266.6ms avg time difference: 6.1ms / max time difference: -129.6ms avg time improved 0.8 times / max time improved 1.9 times ▲ MAINLOOP: Overall game performance time. The time required to render and show a frame in-game. FPS will increase as this number decreases.   perf1 avg time: 0.1ms / max time: 6.5ms perf2 avg time: 0.5ms / max time: 74.8ms avg time difference: -0.4ms / max time difference: -68.3ms avg time improved 4.5 times / max time improved 11.6 times ▲ UPDATE_QUEST_LOOP: The time required to check quests in-game. While most are checked server-side, some are being checked by the client. There will be less lag the less time this takes.   perf1 avg time: 0.1ms / max time: 2.2ms perf2 avg time: 0.8ms / max time: 3.3ms avg time difference: -0.7ms / max time difference: -1.2ms avg time improved 9.5 times / max time improved 1.5 times ▲ UpdateAnimation: The time required to show the game’s animations. It shows how much time is required to show a character’s movement per frame. The less time it takes, the less time is required to show a character’s animations.   perf1 avg time: 0.6ms / max time: 7.9ms perf2 avg time: 1.4ms / max time: 4.1ms avg time difference: -0.8ms / max time difference: 3.8ms avg time improved 2.3 times / max time improved 0.5 times ▲ RenderVertex: The time required to show game effects. It shows how much time is required to show the game’s effects. Game effects will appear to be smoother the lower the number is.   Looking at the results obtained from our internal tests, we expect these new measures to bring significant improvements to the performance of the game. We’ll be continuing to test the new measures more extensively to stabilize them, and we hope to bring these improvements to you as soon as they’re ready.

Developer's Blog
September 13th, 2016
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for September 13th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for September 13th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
September 13th, 2016
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The 'Crystal Root Lottree' Event

Greetings Saviors, We are pleased to announce that you will soon be able to participate in the 'Crystal Root Lottree' event! As is implicated in the event's name, it will be a lottery involving the beloved Tree Root Crystals scattered throughout the world. The details can be checked down below. [Details] 1. Event Period - From : Scheduled Maintenance on September 13th, 2016 - Until : Scheduled Maintenance on October 11th, 2016   2. How to Participate - Players will have a chance of obtaining the Essence of any Tree Root Crystals that they destroy. - Collect 5 Tree Root Crystal Essences and take them to the Event Notice Board in Klaipeda or Orsha to choose a number. - A reward will be given if the player has chosen the correct number between 1 and 10. - The raffle number will be selected at random each day and will differ from player to player. - Players will be able to choose another number by bringing another 5 Essences if they have selected the wrong number.   3. Reward Reward #1 - Highly Condensed HP Potion x 50 Reward #2 - Keistas Bravery Potion x 5 Reward #3 - Highly Condensed SP Potion x 50 Reward #4 - Keistas Protective Potion x 5 Reward #5 - Zemyna Necklace (14 Days) x 1 Reward #6 - Soul Crystal x 3 Reward #7 - Keistas Bravery Potion x 10 Reward #8 - Urgent Repair Kit x 5 Reward #9 - Keistas Protective Potion x 10 Reward #10 - EXP Tome x 2 & Five x4 EXP Tome Recipes Reward #11 - Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x 2 Reward #12 - Silver Anvil (14 Days) x 1 Reward #13 - Warp Scroll Bundle x 1 Reward #14 - Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x 3 Reward #15 - EXP Tome x 3 & Five x8 EXP Tome Recipes Reward #16 - Special Reward Reward #17 - Special Reward Reward #18 - Special Reward Reward #19 - Special Reward Reward #20 - Special Reward   4. Important - All event rewards are untradeable. - You may only complete the event quest and receive the rewards once a day per account. - You may participate in this event up to 20 times. - The quest limit resets every day at EDT 00:00.

September 13th, 2016
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Weekly Question and Answer – September 9th, 2016

    Q1. Being unable to trade items between characters in my team makes it much harder to level other characters. Will we ever be able to share currently untradable items between characters in the same team? A1. We are considering the removal of sharing restrictions on items up to the 'Rare(purple)' tier. However, we do not have any plans on removing the restrictions on 'Unique(red)' tier items which will continue to be character specific. While slightly off topic, recipes that use other recipes as ingredients will appear in the future to add more variety to the crafting system. Q2. Lower level players are having trouble in the Siauliai mission since the level of boss monsters are set to the highest level player. Are there any plans to make things more fair for all the players? A2. We realize that the large level gap may have made it much harder for lower level players than we had intended. We plan to balance the monster levels according to each party. We expect that this will alleviate this issue and this feature is expected to be implemented soon. Q3. It has been a while since we had our last event. Are there going to be any more events? A3. We are currently planning and testing various types of events in order to provide more things to look forward to every time you log in. We hope that you will enjoy the next event we have planned for you. Q4. It has been a while since the x4 and x8 EXP Tomes have been introduced in kTOS. When are we going to be able to use them? A4. We had decided to postpone their introduction in order to make sure that players would be able to get their full potential. You will soon be able to craft them in the enhanced form that is currently available on kTOS.

Developer's Blog
September 9th, 2016
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for September 6th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for September 6th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
September 7th, 2016
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Weekly Question and Answer – September 2nd, 2016

1. When are you going to develop new content for Guild Battles and Team Battle League? Besides the Guild Battles currently available, we’re working on adding a new PvP gameplay mode. This mode is still in its early stages, but we’ll update you with more details as soon as it’s a little more developed. As for Team Battle League, we would like to expand the current stages in the future, and we’re considering different ways to use TBL features like the spectating mode. 2. Will you consider allowing premade parties into Team Battle League? Including premade parties into TBL isn’t a feature we intended to add initially, but we also recognize that doing so has the possibility to increase social content and allow friends to play together. Because of this, we will be considering the possibility of allowing premade parties to queue for TBL matching, and we will continue monitoring your feedback on this. 3. We noticed the companion UI includes equipment slots. Does this mean our companions are getting their own equipment someday? We’re reviewing different options for companion equipment at the moment. One option would be to have specific items that would alter the physical appearance of your companion when equipped. Another option would be to have the player equip their own items on their companion, similarly to when they are applied to your characters. We will keep actively considering these possibilities for a future update. 4. It would be nice if the guild UI included the times when each guild member is online. What do you think? We think that’s a great idea. We can see how being able to check when each guild member is online would be convenient for guild masters to manage their guild and plan for guild activities. We will most definitely be looking for ways to include a feature like this in an upcoming update. 5. Is the current party setting of 5 players meant to represent one of each class tree, and if so, does that mean we can expect another class tree in the future? We developed parties to be composed of 5 players for gameplay purposes. We found 5 players to be the optimal number that allows you to distinguish the movements of other players without filling up the screen too much. We didn’t really intend to have a different class tree represented in each individual team member when we thought of this number, and we have no plans to develop a new one any time soon. 6. I want to know why guild members can no longer use the guild invite function. We realize this is not the most convenient setting for guilds when the guild master is not logged in, that is why we are developing an alternative function that will allow the guild master to give guild members permission to invite others into the guild. We also plan to add a feature similar to a stand or stall for guilds that they can set up in the long term to recruit new members. 7. Any news about the bird companion? If you’re wondering about the Battlebird companion, we’re planning on releasing it on Steam very soon, so you won’t have to wait much longer. We will also be launching a Battlebird item package for the TP Shop, similar to what we did for the Penguin companion.

Developer's Blog
September 2nd, 2016
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Known Issues: September 2nd

Greetings, Saviors. The following is the list of bugs or issues that we are aware and currently working on them.   GENERAL Team Battle League Rewards Issue: “The Spoils of Battle Spoiled” The Team Battle League event 'Survival and Victory' rewards being unable to be redeemed in some cases. Please, send us a support ticket, if that is the case.   Skill Level Up Effect Issue: “I'm Sorry, I'll Re-equip That Again” Skill Level Up effect on the gear requiring to be requipped when moving to a different map.   Character Head Spinning: “You Spin Me Round” The character's head spinning in certain cases.   GvG/TBL Rankings Problems : “Rankings Deserve Some Spanking” The GvG and TBL rankings incorrectly appearing.   SKILL & STAT Falconer - Hovering : “Angry Video Game Bird” The hawk not coming back to when using the skill 'Hovering' Rodelero - High Kick: “Duration Description Deviation” Duration of the skill incorrectly appearing as 0 in the skill description. Please let us know via Support Ticket if you are experiencing other problems. When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/Team/server/class details, and timestamps would be greatly appreciated. That way we can have more information to work with on a more specified problem allowing it to be resolved faster.

Known Issues
September 2nd, 2016
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[COMPLETE] Temporary Maintenance Notice - August 31st

Greetings, Saviors.   We will soon be performing a short maintenance across all servers. Please refer to the following for more details. [Maintenance Period] - [EDT] 03:00 - 03:30 (30 minutes) [Reason] - Hotfix : Redeeming TP will no longer make you log out to the server selection screen. - Hotfix : Different Regional Guild Battle and Team Battle League times will now be applied as intended. Please check our previous patchnote for more details.   Thank you for understanding.   Sincerely,  IMC Staff

August 31st, 2016
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The First Fan Art Fest Results!

Greetings Saviors. We have had so many great submissions for the first ever Fan Art Fest. We'd like to thank every one of participants and those who have supported this event through comments and likes as well. Now, after several rigorous internal voting sessions, we have selected 10 artworks that will be go on the ingame loading screens. We would like to emphasize that we agonized quite a bit over which one to choose for almost all of them were very creative, cute, atmospheric and clearly showed much love and work put into them. So, if your submission was not selected please, don't be discouraged. The following is the list of artworks that are scheduled to be included in the loading screens after the Scheduled Maintenance of August 30th.   Click on the forum name to visit the submission post. Swift Step by Incillu Friendship & Talt by pixelp0p  Wings of Vibora Lena & Rosia by Chee-qi My Name Calls for the Curse by iTeddy Goddesses by elinhime Druid! Wipe It Out! by chaoschyan Channeling Oracle by proyectoalmeria  Cryomancers with penguin by play_makmie  Demon Queen Gesti by carolinaeade Abomination by wanderyen

August 29th, 2016