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Rank 8 Classes IRL

Greetings, Saviors!  Rank 8 Classes IRL is to describe the history and concept of Rank 8 's classes and how we could be inspired. Hope our saviors to be interested in each class and play throughout reading it.  Which one is the best class for our saviors?   Murmillo – Swordsman Murmillo is a subset of Gladiator. Murmillos adapted the Roman standard army equipment (i.e a short sword ‘gladius’ as weapons and a rectangular shield ‘scutum’) The term ‘Murmillo’ is derived from the fish-like helmet (Cassis Crista) and the fish scale-like armor they wore. In the game, Murmillos wear their iconic helmet and bravely engage in combat.     Lancer – Swordsman Lancers appear frequently in medieval battles. They wielded long jousting spears and charged towards the enemy line, destroying their formation. Fun fact! Lancers have been in the history of warfare as far back as 400 BCE and persisted until the Great War. According to some reports, in Poland lancers fought until 1934. In TOS, Lancers are a companion-riding, dual-hand spear wielding fierce PVP class.     Sage – Wizard In various works of fantasy fiction, a sage is a not uncommon name to hear. The word is used to refer to someone who is wise and achieved great knowledge. In most RPGs, they are the top wizards. In TOS, Sages are the ones who attained the understanding of the universal principle through knowledge. They can manipulate dimensions. The class is best known for its incredible Missile Hole skill, the zenith of supportive skills.     Enchanter – Wizard In most other games, enchanters are NPC classes. The actual meaning of the word is more akin to those pixies that allure people through beautiful tunes and spells. Nowadays, the word is used to describe magic users who enhance items through magic. TOS is no exception. Enchanters can set up shops that can grant equipment special abilities and effects or help comrades by giving out buffs to their gears.     Mergen – Archer Type All those Mongol ethusiasts might be familiar with the term Mergen. It is a Mongolian word for an excellent archer. It is a name of Ghengis Khan’s maternal grandfather. The name has become something of a title that is awarded to those who showed great marksmanship. In TOS, Mergens are well known for being able to fend of multiple enemies at once. A great hunter indeed.     Hackapell – Archer Hackapell was one of the names used to call the Finnish Calvary in Sweden also known as Hackapelit. The name is derived from the slogan they uttered “Hakkaa päälle!” (Cut them down!) They shot their enemies from a distance with their pistols, charged towards the enemies, moved swiftly while on horses, and attacked mercilessly with their swords. The terror they imposed on their enemies is inconceivable. In TOS, Hackapells, instead of a pistol, use a crossbow and a one-handed sword and ride on a companion to fight.     Taoist – Cleric Taoism originated from China and those who practice it are called Taoists. Some of the most well-known skills are the ones that utilize paper charms, just like Taoists in TOS use Strange Yellow Papers. Taoists have more tricks up their sleeves, however, like being able to control ghosts and paper dolls. It’s a shame we can’t fully list all of the amazing feats Taoists are capable of. We hope more of the Taoists’ charms and magic will be revealed in Circle 2.     Inquisitor – Cleric Nobody expected the Inquisitors! The name ‘inquisitor’ now lives in infamy for ruthlessly eliminating so-called heretics. It has been said that their infamy was even more notorious in the modern age. However, unlike the historical inquisitors who were deeply involved in politics and harmed so many innocent lives, in TOS, the Inquisitors are truly faithful and pure people who worship the goddesses and pass judgment unto the monsters only. There are numerous torture devices such as the iron maiden, but at the moment only the Pear of Anguish is in the game. Fingers crossed for more horrendous torture devices to appear in the game as the class’ skills.    

Developer's Blog
January 20th, 2017
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Balance Talk: Jan 13, 2017

Greetings, Saviors! This Balance Talk will be an update on the changes we’re making to the classes mentioned in our post from last week (if you haven’t yet, read it here first). The bulk of the changes we’re planning for each class remain the same as explained in the previous post (cooldown and duration reductions, etc.), so under “Updates” I will only be highlighting the elements that were altered or added since last week. Again, keep in mind that these changes won’t be applied to iTOS immediately, and by the time they do, some details may have been altered.   Barbarian Updates: - Circle 3 Warcry debuff attribute: debuffs applied by the casting character will last 1 sec longer per attribute level on enemies affected by Warcry (maximum level 10) If on one hand this class conjures up the image of a rugged warrior with a mind of their own, something we learned after playing around with the latest changes was that the Barbarian is surprisingly compliant, in the sense that it is flexible enough to successfully mix with other classes under and above it. One way we decided to push this trait of the Barbarian was to connect the new Warcry attribute with the skills of other lower- and higher-rank classes by allowing it to extend the duration of all debuffs cast by the character, further enhancing the mighty cry of the Barbarian.   ​ Cannonneer Updates: - Cannon Blast overheat changed to 2 - Siege Burst range increase removed (sorry, we ran into some trouble when testing this) - Siege Burst cooldown time reduced from 30 to 7 sec - Bazooka range increased by 20% and skill cancellation time reduced - Other Cannonneer skills can be used with Bazooka (this will also increase the skills’ attack range by 200%) After reading your feedback on our last balance post, one thing we deeply agreed with was that the Cannonneer was still in need of some adjustments to bring it closer to our previously-mentioned vision of the AoE single-hit blaster. Unfortunately, we had some issues with the Siege Burst range increase we wanted to apply, so we had to cross that one out for the time being (we’re not giving up on it, though). After some internal discussion, however, we decided to add in a few more changes to the class, namely the ability to use other Cannonneer skills in the Bazooka state. To sweeten the deal, we also made Bazooka increase the range of these skills by 200%. Note that this increase won’t apply to range boosts coming from equipment items or other external elements, but we believe it’s a good step towards giving the Cannonneer some real explosive potential.   Corsair Updates: - Stamina consumption when using Double Weapon Assault reduced 5% per Jolly Roger skill level - Changes applied to make the Jolly Roger flag last longer Seeing the little Corsair icon appear on the party UI is always a good omen to other players, given the class’ well-earned reputation of the sturdy group leader. This is especially true after our latest changes to Jolly Roger, which helped Corsairs make a name for themselves in high-level contents. As I explained last week, however, we felt that Corsairs weren’t faring so well in solo combat, which is why we upped the usability of Jolly Roger, namely by making it reduce the stamina consumption in Double Weapon Assault. We’re not yet done with the Corsairs though, and we’ll keep perfecting the class until they are as helpful to themselves as they are to their party members.   Monk Updates: - Golden Bell Shield cooldown reduced to 14 sec (24 sec in PvP) - Golden Bell Shield cooldown reduced 1 sec per skill level - Golden Bell Shield duration changed to 1.5 sec - After using Golden Bell Shield, buff will last for additional 0.5 sec - Golden Bell Shield casting time reduced - Golden Bell Shield: Safety Zone attribute cooldown changed to +1 sec We did some more testing on the Monk changes mentioned last week and, from the results we got, it does seem the Double Punch stamina consumption-reducing attribute and the Energy Blast charging time reduction did produce some slight improvements in the use of both skills. At the same time, there are still some problems, some pointed out by the players themselves, that we still need to work on to make sure these skills are having an appropriate influence in the Monk class. The biggest changes since last week for the Monk, however, belong to Golden Bell Shield. We’ve always been a little afraid to tamper with this skill but, after going through the feedback received from players worldwide, our team agrees that, as a class that undergoes extensive physical training to multiply the blessing of the goddesses within itself, it’s only fair that Golden Bell Shield gets a proper boost as well. Don’t think you can start walking around without a Soul Crystal or two, though…   Rune Caster Last week I talked about how we intended to make Rune of Giants usable with other Wizard skills to expand on its utility. We still stand by that idea, especially considering how the Rune Caster is already restricted by the long casting and cooldown times of its skills. On the other hand, we are a still little wary of making Rune of Giants work with all skills, as this could have unexpected consequences. For this reason, we believe it’s best to lift the restrictions on Rune of Giants gradually and analyze the results step by step, increasing the efficacy of this skill in a way that’s safer for the general balance of the game.   Warlock To put the recent Warlock changes in perspective, allow me to mention the Bokor class for a while (I’m not Cleric-biased, I swear). The Bokor’s skill set, despite being in the Cleric tree, revolves mostly around curses and the dead, but in a way that is still connected to the grace of the goddesses, even if a little unorthodox. In the case of the Warlock’s Mastema, we felt that the duration of this skill was too short to allow for any connection to divine power, hence why we decided to extend it and give holy property attacks a chance to make better use of it, at the same time increasing the synergy between Warlocks and other players’ – namely Clerics – class skills. We realize this change isn’t quite revolutionary, but we want to keep improving on the Warlock’s team work abilities as well its efficacy and power in high-level contents.   To the players whose classes aren’t listed here, I hope you won’t be too disappointed; we are aware that there are other classes in need of adjustments. This is an ongoing process, so eventually we’ll get around to making changes to other classes’ characteristics as well. Meanwhile, I thank you all once again for your continuous feedback on our TOS channels. Until the next Balance Talk, this has been yours truly, the balance dev :)

Developer's Blog
January 13th, 2017
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[COMPLETED] [SEA] Telsiai and [SEA] Varena Temporary Maintenance Notice - January 12, 2017

[UPDATE] Compensation of 3 x EXP Tomes, 1 x Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher (14 days), 9 hour Token Benefit extention has been provided for the inconvenience. Please remember to retrieve them before 23:59 Jan. 15th, 2017. Greetings, Saviors. We will be performing a short maintenance on our [SEA] servers to fix a few stability issues. This maintenance is taking place during the following time period: January 12, 2017 from EST 02:30 to 05:30 Thank you for understanding.

January 12th, 2017
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Introducing Hunting Grounds and Item Identification

Greetings, Saviors! We’re very excited to introduce you to two new interesting features that should be coming up in the game with our next major content update: Hunting Grounds and Item Identification. Hunting Grounds Hunting Grounds are a new map concept focused on hunting and farming. Unlike instanced dungeons and missions, hunting grounds don’t have a specific goal to complete, and you won’t find any boss monsters in them. On the other hand, one advantage of hunting grounds is that they can be accessed at any time without restrictions by both solo players and parties. Plus, they provide higher silver and item drops when compared to regular maps. You see, hunting grounds are also inhabited by glowing Giant monsters (a heftier version of regular TOS monsters) that give you twice as much silver and EXP and up to twice as many items as the monsters you see elsewhere. We’re going to add four portals spread throughout different regions that will grant you access to each of the hunting grounds. All you need to do is stand close to the portal to be transported inside.   The list of hunting grounds to be added is as follows:   - Narcon Prison (Gytis Settlement Area; rec. level 150)   - Natarh Watchtower (Dina Bee Farm; rec. level 170)   - Tatenye Prison (Ruklys Street; rec. level 190) - Neighport Church East Building (Stogas Plateau; rec. level 210)   We wish our saviors to find 'Giant Monsters' on each map.   ▲ You can get double EXP,  items and silver by defeating Giant monsters, which only appear on Hunting Grounds.   Item Identification One type of items you can obtain from the new hunting grounds are what we call Unidentified Items. These consist of weapons and armor with a maximum equip level requirement of Lv 120 or Lv 170 (characters above Lv 170 can, of course, equip them just the same). Unidentified items can’t be equipped, enhanced, added sockets, transcended or awakened. To unlock all these options, you will need to take these items to the new Identifier NPC located in Fedimian to get them identified for a silver fee. The advantage of unidentified items is that, once they become identified, their number of sockets and potential can grow a maximum of two times that of regular items. All you need to keep in mind is that they can only be identified once. We can’t wait to bring in the new features, so don’t miss out and make sure to keep an eye on our weekly patch notes to find out when these are added.    

Developer's Blog
January 11th, 2017
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[COMPLETE] Official Forum Maintenance - January 11th, 2017

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EST) 01:00 - 02:00 January 11th, 2017 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff  

January 18th, 2017
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Known Issues: January 10th, 2017

Greetings, Saviors.   The following is the list of issues that have been reported to us and are currently being worked on.   1) Loading Screen Stuck - Characters getting stuck on a loading screen and occasionally getting disconnected. 2) VGA Error - VGA errors occurring and causing the client to crash.    Please let us know via Support Ticket if you are experiencing other problems. When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/team/server/class details and timestamps would be greatly appreciated. That way we can have more information to work with on a more specified problem, allowing it to be resolved faster.

January 10th, 2017
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January 10th, 2017 - GVG Ranks

  Greetings Saviors. We are happy to announce the following GvG TOP 10 ranks. Hope others keep on challenging to Top of your region.   North America (Klaipeda/Orsha) 1. Crimson / Klaipeda 2. Lotus / Klaipeda 3. Diamond / Klaipeda 4. Alpha / Orsha 5. CuteNotLewd / Klaipeda 6. Ravens / Klaipeda 7. Asperity / Klaipeda 8. Impetus / Klaipeda 9. UnNamed / Klaipeda 10. Radiant-Arietis / Orsha   Europe (Fedimian) 1. Legends™ / Fedimian 2. Maid Café / Fedimian 3. Insanity / Fedimian 4. GoodGuild / Fedimian 5. Sparks / Fedimian 6. †EternaL Owls† / Fedimian 7. EriLayne / Fedimian 8. Rebellion / Fedimian 9. Tsunderstorm / Fedimian 10. Aurora!​ / Fedimian South-east Asia (Telsiai/Varena) 1. LastOrder` / Varena 2. Dispeller* / Telsiai 3. AvantHeim / Varena 4. TaKoMo / Varena 5. Yubikiri / Varena 6. Folivora / Telsiai 7. Paradox / Varena 8. OneForAll / Varena 9. Avalanche / Telsiai 10. young&naive / Telsiai   South America (Silute) 1. Hydrarium / Silute 2. Paradise / Silute 3. Unbelievable / Silute 4. Caguei na Build / Silute 5. Reborn / Silute 6. ColiseoDragon / Silute 7. TheHeroes / Silute 8. Miguxos / Silute 9. TheOverMind / Silute 10. B i q u e i r a / Silute

January 10th, 2017
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TOS Facebook Event Results:2017 Make Your Wish

We've just announced the winners of our TOS Facebook Like event! See the full list of lucky Saviors. The prizes will be sent to the winners via in-game GM message during the scheduled maintenance on January 10, 2017.. Prize : Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x5 AND Jumbo Dumpling x10 AND Goddess’ Blessed Cube x1 Server : Klaipeda          De***ate Bar***rossa Z***s Oxy***phone Lon*_**o      Server : Orsha        Antidilu***no Gibson-W***es HiImSp***ty G***us T***h2      Server : Fedimian        Fl***n Ce***l V***V Be***h Gulga***h      Server : Telsiai      Lightb***r N**ba Q*F Gaeb***X Kry***l      Server : Silute      El***a VonSt***e Teafa***y Sno***x Profite***e       Server : Varena  Jaz***e Mis***a Redr***e Velh***t AdF**n

January 10th, 2017
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TOS Facebook Event Results:What’s Your New Class Tree?

We've just announced the winners of our TOS Facebook Like event! See the full list of lucky Saviors. The prizes will be sent to the winners via in-game GM message during the scheduled maintenance on January 10, 2017.. Prize : Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x5 AND Jumbo Dumpling x10 Server : Klaipeda          Shadow***  Aut***Aran Narcis*** Al**en Zliv** Orice*** Arc***thax W***path       Server : Orsha        Out**-God Da** Radica***eamers A***ggio  fa**era Silvertw*** weap*** C**iche      Server : Fedimian         F**or   Bri**fer C**ron- ObscureS***ows Men***y  We11**sher Xtr3**56      Server : Telsiai      Ant***ge kil***ll EngrM**s Rockboyb**05 SpawnQue** Gel**dria Zydri** Za** C**bits      Server : Silute      Pe**row  A**rn En**ys Chu**ute Son**aki  As**d Ni** Mis**ay Sno***ve      Server : Varena  royalebl**kcat Salaman**ero Tsun***u LipAlm**hty B**_za MrT***edo J***lle Gie***66 Re***lle

January 10th, 2017