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Tree of Savior is now Greenlit on Steam

Hello. We are TOS Service Team. Many people are asking us who submitted Tree of Savior into Steam Greenlight so we want to clarify here that we, imcGAMES made the submission. We want to apologize to our fans that we weren’t able to post the announcement about it before the submission. (Please understand that it was our first time submitting our game into Steam Greenlight. :) ) Tree of Savior is now Greenlit within less than 10 hours after we made the submission. We want to thank you for your love and support for Tree of Savior. For the information to be updated from now, we will officially announce it on our dev blog and Facebook so stay tuned for more detailed information in the future. Thanks.  

Developer's Blog
May 12th, 2015
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Official Forum Maintenance - Aug 08, 2018

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - [UPDATE] Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 Aug 08, 2018 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

August 8th, 2018
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About the Black Market

Greetings Saviors, this is Tree of Savior. In this post, we will introduce the Black Market System. What is a Black Market?   The Black Market is an auction system where the second-highest price is open to the public. Bid prices are managed by a private first-place price and a public second-place price. The highest bid you can see from the "[Black Market] Auctioneer NPC - On-going Auction" in your town is second place.     Only the highest bidder can check the private first place from the My Auction Status tab.     All auction items have a minimum bid, and you must enter a bid above this price to win.   The bid price can be entered in increments of 1 million, and you must also have that amount on hand. There also is a 5-second re-bid cooldown.     Example Auction Scenario Let's walk you through a scenario. Let's assume the minimum bid is 5,000,000.   A bids 7,000,000. The bid is successful and the highest bid (second place) remains at 5,000,000. The private first price would be 7,000,000.   B can then bid from 6,000,000, a price that exceeds the highest bid (second place) of 5,000,000. 1. If B bids 6,000,000, the highest bid (second place) changes to 6,000,000, and B fails to win the item. 2. If B bids 7,000,000, the highest bid (second p[lace) changes to 7,000,000, and B fails to win the item. - Now that the highest bid (second place) and the private first place are at the same price, the winning bid can be passed on to the next person who bids higher.   Let's assume that B bids according to situation 2 above, resulting in the highest bid (second place) of 7,000,000. If C bids 100,000,000, the highest bid (second place) will remain at 7,000,000, but the private first place will be 100,000,000. As a result, C wins and A loses the right to bid, and 7,000,000 coins are returned to A.   Bids that fall short of the private first price of 100,000,000 can only change the highest bid (second place) and cannot win the auction.   Let's say the auction continues and the highest bid (second place) is 70,000,000 when the auction ends. C wins the auction item for the second highest value (70,000,000), and the difference (first place - second place), 30,000,000 coins, is paid to the Market Retrieve Tab with the winning item.   This auction system avoids the stress of racing to the end of the auction by allowing bidders to win an item at the second-best price, even if they pre-bid the maximum price they think they can pay for the item.   Therefore, bidding in a situation where the first-place price is not known until just before the end of the auction may not be a reasonable option.       We hope you enjoy the Black Market.   Thank you.

Developer's Blog
December 20th, 2023
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[COMPLETE] Official Forum Maintenance - July 6, 2017

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 July 6, 2017 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

July 6th, 2017
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Known Issue: March 4, 2021

Greeting Saviors!   There was a server instability in some servers at Telsiai world, and some contents were unable to enter.  But we have now fixed the issue.   We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.     Regards, IMC staff

Known Issues
March 3rd, 2021
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[Special] Summer Breeze Package

Greetings, Saviors!   We have prepared special packages! Don't miss the chance to get strong:)     Period     From the scheduled maintenance on July 18, 2023  To August 8, 2023 11:59:59 PM (KST)     Summer Breeze Entry A Package 399TP Max: 5 per team Item Name Cnt Trade Turbulent Core: Goddess One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 5 Team Storage Only Turbulent Core (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 5 Team Storage Only Processed Corrupt Corpse Doll Thread 100 Team Storage Only Processed HR Corrupt Corpse Doll Thread 100 Team Storage Only Processed Falouros Leather 100 Team Storage Only Processed Falouros Horn 100 Team Storage Only     Summer Breeze Entry B Package 199TP Max: 5 per team Item Name Cnt Trade Thurible of Salvation: Goddess One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 10 Team Storage Only Thurible of Salvation (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 10 Team Storage Only Mended Rose's Ribbon 100 Team Storage Only Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 10 Team Storage Only     Summer Breeze Enhance Package 299TP Max: 5 per team Item Name Cnt Trade [Lv.490] Enhance Aid (Untradable) 300 Team Storage Only Premium Enhance Aid 150 Team Storage Only Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 10 Team Storage Only Nucle/Sierra Powder Large Box 4 Market/Team Storage Blessed Shard 500 Market/Team Storage   Summer Breeze All-in-One Package 799TP Max: 1 per team Item Name Cnt Trade Summer Breeze Entry A Package 1 Team Storage Only Summer Breeze Entry B Package 1 Team Storage Only Summer Breeze Enhance Package 1 Team Storage Only Mystic Fire Flame Earring Fragment (Untradable) 1 Team Storage Only [Lv.480] Skill Jewel 20 Team Storage Only    

July 18th, 2023
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[SA] Temporary Maintenance Notice - April 2, 2018

Greetings, Saviors. We will be performing a short maintenance in [SA] Silute in order to improve server stability. Please refer to the schedule below. [EDT] 03:00 to 04:00 (April 2, 2018) [BRT] 04:00 to 00:05 (April 2, 2018) Note that this maintenance will only affect [SA] Silute. All other servers will remain open during the procedure. We will update this announcement when maintenance is complete.

April 2nd, 2018
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[UPDATE] [Complete] Temporary Maintenance - December 9, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!   We will conduct temporary maintenance in Klaipeda world due to fixing issues related to server stabilization.   [EST] 05:50 to 06:50 (December, 2020) The compensation for the temporary maintenance will be given to your mailbox and removed after a certain period, thus we suggest that you take them all as soon as possible.    Thank you for your patience and understanding. Regards, IMC staff

December 10th, 2020
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Questions and Answers about TOS #9

I am syKim from “Tree of Savior (TOS)” development team. This is 9th  post on Questions and Answers about TOS which answers the questions and the suggestions from all of you who are waiting and cheering for TOS.  TOS is currently under development so the answers that are given below can be changed when we start the official service of the game. Q) I want to know if there’s day and night system in the game. A) There is no day and night system in the game. Q) I heard that we can climb onto the objects in the game.  Can we also find hidden items or do some special actions when we climb onto those objects?  I like looking for hidden dungeons or items. A)  We have some hidden contents at the places that are not clearly visible in the game. Q) Is there marriage system in the game? A) At the moment, we don’t have marriage system in the game.  However if there are lots of users who want this system, then maybe in the future, we could think about adding this system in the game.  Please give us your suggestions. Q) I have a question on costumes.  Do the costumes exist for collection purpose or dressing purpose?  Or maybe do they exist to add some options to the characters? A) In TOS, each costume makes your character look different from the others.  Therefore, they are different from the armors which have defensive attributes.  Even if you don’t wear the costume that you newly obtained in the game and stay in the previous costume, there will be no disadvantage in terms of stats.  Exclusive costumes for each class can be obtained from Class Master NPC when you advance your class to higher class. Q) I saw Chronomancer’s skill which restores the past time. Then is it possible to revive the friends who are dead?  What about the items that we acquired before we restore the time?  How about the monsters which are dead?  Do they resurrect? A) First of all, this skill can’t be used often since some time needs to be passed in order to use this skill again. However, if there were dead friends or monsters, they will resurrect. The items that you acquired before you restore the time will remain even if you restore the time. You can understand it as in Sci-Fi movies where the main character who go to the past using time slip still has a cell phone or other things in his/her pocket which are not possible to be existed in the past. So now more class introductions.   ▲“Thaumaturge” is a class which can change attributes. Monsters’ traps can be used as if they are yours, and you can either shrink or enlarge enemies’ sizes.  Some of the skills of the other classes get influenced by the sizes of the enemies so if you use this skill cleverly, then you will change the outcome of the battles. You can also enlarge specific parts of your character’s body.  For example, if you enlarge the hand which is equipped with a weapon, then attack stats will increase.  If you enlarge the hand which is equipped with a shield, then defense stats will increase.   ▲“Archer” is a basic class in archer-type classes. Arrow’s attack power will vary depending on the character’s distance from the enemies.  If you change the stance of your character, then you won’t be able to move, but then the effective attack range will increase. If the monsters get attacked by a strong arrow attack, sometimes they will be hooked together and as a result you can attack these monsters easily as if you are handing just one monster. Archer can move while it is attacking the monsters so it is useful when you are in battle with boss monsters or the monsters that are big.   ▲ "Pyromancer" is a class which uses fire magic. Fire attacks inflict continuous damages on monsters so it is useful to use this class when you are facing multiple enemies.  “Fire Wall”, which you can place it on the ground, can be used using directional keys when you draw a wall on the ground while casting this skill. “Fireball” can be moved around by attacking it directly from short ranges so it will be useful in many ways when you are in party. ▲ "Centurion” class can order commands to other characters. If players participate “Formation”, then the characters’ control will be controlled by Centurion until they go out of Formation. Formation can be changed into various types depending on various situations and each type of formation has its own unique characteristic. For example, “Winged Formation” which surrounds the enemies and concentrate on firing on those enemies, is effective when you are facing with a huge boss, and “Phalanx” which temporarily gathers all Blocking stats to the players in the first row is effective when you are facing with multiple enemies at once.     ▲This week’s bonus : Klaipeda soldier NPC design (by AD Maggi) Next week, I will answer the questions that are coming to us repeatedly related to the items in the game in details. If you have further questions or suggestions, please forward them to TOS Facebook or Developers’ blog.  Thanks.

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2016