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Halloween '17: Final Week Changes

Greetings Saviors, We would like to make an official announcement regarding the Halloween '17 events.  Our goal was to create new, light-hearted and easily enjoyable PvP content. We then decided to try out this new content with the season of Halloween in mind and created Creepy Klaipeda. However, as the event progressed, it was clear that the Halloween Dungeon contained systematic issues and a lack of balance. Therefore, after taking into consideration our players’ thoughts, we worked to improve the dungeon during maintenance each week. After the scheduled maintenance on November 14, 2017, we will be moving into the fourth and final week of the Halloween Event Dungeon. Although not perfect, we do believe that, through these continuous enhancements, the Dungeon has improved since its first appearance. Yet, we understand that, because of the issues mentioned above, the Certified Trick-or-Treater ranking and prize system we had in place was not set in a level playing field. We have also paid close attention to the concerns raised by our players about this issue.   Because of this, we have considered how to properly deal with the rewards in a way that would satisfy our players. We have decided that not handing out or changing the Certified Trick-or-Treater rank prizes would go against the promise we made in the initial event announcement and this would be unfair to our player base. However, since we wish to ensure that the rewards received in the fairest way, we have decided to change the event’s ranking system.  Our solution is as follows:   Instead of the previous “top 3 of teams with the most Odd Candies exchanged selected per server, per week” we will be selecting “the top 12 teams with the most Odd Candies exchanged during the 4 week period." as our Certified Trick-or-Treaters from all servers.  Like this, players will be able to receive the Certified Trick-or-Treater rewards based on their total numbers. Yet, we understand that there are still issues that can be raised because of this. Therefore, for the last 4 weeks we have improved the Trick-or-Treat and Creepy Klaipeda Sweet Treats and Odd Candy rewards.    1. Simply participating and completing the Halloween Dungeon: Creepy Klaipeda, will now grant players 30 pieces of Odd Candy after exiting.   2. Sugar Treats received in the Halloween Dungeon will be multiplied by 3. This includes the additional 30 pieces of Sugar Treats mentioned before. Meaning players will receive the 30 Treats bonus plus 3 times the candy.  For example: If you acquired 50 pieces of Sugar Treats in the dungeon. After exiting you will receive (50+30) x3 = 240 pieces of Odd Candy. 3. The Event NPC, instead of handing out only 30 pieces of Odd Candy, will randomly hand out between 50~100 pieces.    Through these reward improvements, we believe that this will have a huge effect on the rankings at the end of the fourth week.  We have also added improvements to the Halloween Dungeon:   In the Dungeon, if you have less than 30 pieces of Sugar Treats, you will be protected from other players' attacks.  This is for players who are not used to the “aggressive” nature of PvP but are still participating in order to acquire candy.    Once you have more than 30 pieces of candy, you are now free to attack and be attacked by other players.  For example: Once you obtain 31 pieces of Sugar Treats, you will be able to attack and be attacked. However, if your amount of treats is reduced to 25 due to an attack from another player, you will once again be in a neutral state - unable to attack or be attacked.    And, as a way to apologize to our players for any conveniences caused we will be granting each player 2,000 pieces of Odd Candy.   Last, but not least, we would also like to announce that we have a new system in place to prevent future "speed-hacking" cases. If there is any sign of hacking in Creepy Klaipeda, a message will be sent out in-game and the account kicked off the server. After this, the player's account will be investigated and proper action taken.  We hope that, with these changes, you will be able to fully enjoy the Halloween Dungeon. What is most important for us, of course, is for our players to be able to enjoy the event. We would like to once again apologize to our players for any inconveniences this may have caused and we are preparing these various rewards for you to enjoy in the final week.  Thank you. 

November 13th, 2017
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Demon God's Temptation

Greetings saviors:)    Demon God Ragana has visited the saviors in town! Offer her silver and get costumes by chance!     Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on December 16, 2020 TO the scheduled maintenance on January 12, 2021     How to Participate   STEP 1. Go to the [Ragana] NPC in the towns (Klaipeda/Orsha/Fedimian).   STEP 2.  Offer her 50,000 silvers and she might grant you with costumes by chance!   - Even if you don’t get the costumes, you can exchange them with Demon God's Temptation Points collected by each offering.     - 1 Demon God’s Temptation point will be given per each offering without reward. - Demon God's Temptation event items are sorted as [Legend/Unique/Magic] rank.   Item Rank Details Legend Rank - Wings/Effect/Doll item will be given as a form of package. - Obtainable amount is limited to 20 per each server. - Obtainable amount of [Legend] rank reward resets on the scheduled maintenance on December 29, 2020. Unique Rank - Costume item will be given as a form of package. - Obtainable number of items is limited to 400 per each server. - Obtainable amount of [Unique] rank reward resets on the scheduled maintenance on December 29, 2020. Magic Rank - Costume item will be given as a form of package. - No limits on the obtainable number of items.   STEP 3. Go to the [Demon God's Temptation Points Store] and buy costumes by using Demon God's Temptation Points.       Important   - Consume Demon God's Temptation Points to exchange with the items in the Point Store. Points can be shared between teams. - Costume selection box from the [Demon God's Temptation] event can be exchanged into Demon God's Temptation Points. - Contents of Demon God's Temptation Points Store will change when the contents of [Demon God's Temptation] event changes. - Items from the Demon God's Temptation Points Store are not included in the number of acquisition limits per server. - [Wings/Effect/Doll] items exchanged from Demon God's Temptation Point Shop are given as a form of item, and [Costume] is given as a form of package. All contents from the package and items, exchanged by the points can only be moved to Team Storage. ※Contents described in this posting may be added, deleted, or changed due to updates.

January 11th, 2021
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Upcoming Update: Episode 14-2 / New Raid

  Hello, this is Tree of Savior Dev. team. This posting is about a new episode, new content, and changing system.       Episode 14-2 and Level Expansion   With the new episode, the maximum level of the character will be increased to 480. The story will go on in Delmore Waiting Area, Hidden Passage, and Magic Association Assembly Hall (working titles).   The main goal of episode 14-2 is to find the hidden Beholder in the Delmore Waiting Area, Hidden Passage, and Magic Association Assembly Hall where you break through the Delmore Battlefield to stop him. We need your power to stop his plans!     Start of Goddess Token (Vakarine) season   The Goddess Token (Gabija) season will be over, and the new Goddess Token (Vakarine) will begin with the new contents.   Goddess Token (Vakarine) will be used when enhancing the new equipment, and purchasing items in the Goddess Token (Vakarine) Shop. Also, you will receive Goddess Token (Vakarine) from new contents.   Goddess Token (Gabija) will still be used for current systems. (Crafting Vasilisa equipment and Isidavie Accessory). Token of Goddess (Gabija) x1 can be purchased with Token of Goddess (Vakarine) x1.  Thus, you can purchase the Gabija's Authority with the Token of Goddess (Vakarine) if you exchange it for the Token of Goddess (Gabija). However, please be noted that this may change when applying it to the live server since it is in the developing stage.     Goddess: Turbulent Core   Goddess: Turbulent Core where you can meet the boss of episode 14-2 and receive new equipment will be added. This episode includes 3 boss raids and you'll first meet the Corruption Spreader (working title).    The update date for the following contents is yet fixed. ▶ Corruption Spreader Solo/Auto, Corruption Spreader (Hard), Falouros Solo/Auto, Falouros (Hard), New raid    You can receive Lv.480 weapon in Corruption Spreader,  Lv.480 Armor in Falouros, and a new type of item in the third new raid.     Lv 480 New Equipment System   Like the previous Vasilisa items, new gear starts with succession. When succeeding a Vasilisa's equipment, you can immediately acquire the Weapon/Armor of the Corrupted (working title) and 50% of the existing enhancement value (decimal point rounded off) will be succeeded. However, the armor will not be able to be enhanced until the next raid is added.   There will be a change in the equipment crafting system. Category System Remaining System Enhancement Stat Engraving Fixed Ichor Socket Appearance Change (weapon only) Evolve (weapon only) Deleting System Transcendence Enchant Awakening Set Stat New System Goddess Ichor (Random Stat)   There will be no change in Enhance system for equipment and Fixed Ichor, Gem Socket, Engraving Stat, and Applying Stat system will remain. Appearance Change system and Evolove system that were applied only to the weapon will also remain. However, you can craft the equipment with Lv.460 as usual.   Like the Isidavie accessory, the transcendence system will disappear from weapons and armor, and the Blessed Shards will be used when enhancing the equipment. In addition, system of Enchant, Awakening, and Set stat will also disappear. It has a higher main stat than before in line with the season update and disappearing stats.     The Random Stat system will change. Vasilisa was able to use after having a random stat attached to the equipment, setting the option through Magnifier, and then engraving it. But from the update, you can upgrade the random stat by engraving with the new item, Goddess Ichor, which can be acquired by gameplay. Random stat saved via the existing Magnifier can be applied to the new equipment as well.   Goddess Ichor can be received by low chance when hunting in the field or from the Challenge mode, or so. It has a higher value of stat than the existing random stat, and it can re-identify the stat of a limited number just like the Belts without the Magnifier.     Additional / Adjusting System   Flexible Party System   Monster's HP will be set variably in proportion to the number of members. Number of party members Monster's  HP 5 100% 4 88% 3 69%   HP adjustment will be applied to the Challenge Mode (Auto), Division Singularity (Auto Match), and Goddess Raid: Turbulent Core.     Share the Lottery Reward   For Silver Chest that you can receive when clearing the raid and lottery reward by low chance, the same amount will be given to all of the party members. (Not given as a box but will be given as silver when clearing) Lottery reward will also be obtained by low chance in Res Sacrae Raid and Demonic Sanctuary.     Challenge Free Mode   Challenge Free Mode, which you can play without entry count will be added. It matches with the existing Challenge Auto Match, and only 20% of the fixed seasonal coins can be received. However, Contents Point and Lottery Silver Chest can be received equally.     Contents with Level Expansion   The difficulty of non-seasonal contents such as Challenge mode, Division Singularity,  Remnants of Bernice Dungeon, Weekly Boss Raid, Joint Strike Raid, and Blockade Battle will be adjusted.     Field Boss A field boss that allows you to acquire rare costumes and season coins through field exploration rather than equipment ability competition will be added. 3 to 5 monsters will be spawned in a random field for at least 2 hours cycles, and the savior who first hit the boss will have the right to have the dropped items.   When you defeat the boss, you can get an appearance item with a high rarity by low chance along with the Season Coin. However, unlike items obtained from the Goddess' Blessed Cube, it'll be bound to the team.     Hunting in the Field   From episode 14-2, field monsters are very powerful, and you'll be able to get better items as a reward. The first floor of the Hunting ground will be removed, and you can get season coins and various seasonal items by hunting in the field. In addition, if you get lucky, you can get high-value Goddess Ichor as well as Evolution Stones.     Others   Bounty Hunt will be updated to Lv.480 and will defeat more powerful wanted monsters. Fedimian Public House, Goddess' Grace (Offering), Blockade Battle, and Weekly Boss Raid rewards will be renewed and items for the Achievement Shop will be added.       We are planning for the update around October. However, the schedule and details are subject to change and some of the contents may be updated sequentially.     Thank you.

Developer's Blog
July 21st, 2022
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[SA] Adventure Journal Points Delayed to Oct 10

Greetings, Saviors. As you may know from the patch notes of today’s scheduled maintenance, this week’s big update includes the new version of the Adventure Journal, with new rewards for Growth and Exploration delivered based on your previous achievements. In order to apply this update to the game, all points obtained in those categories must be converted into the new point system in order for players to receive the corresponding rewards once they login after the maintenance. Unfortunately, processing that data in [SA] Silute is taking longer than expected, so we have decided to open the server WITHOUT applying the new Adventure Journal points for the time being. These points will be applied during the next scheduled maintenance on October 10, 2017. We would like to note that your Growth and Exploration point data is safely stored and intact (this includes your previous data as well as the new data generated after you log back into the server). We are merely delaying their application to the game in order to avoid denying access to the server any longer. We apologize for this issue and thank you for your patience while the new Adventure Journal point data is being processed.

September 26th, 2017
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Lovely Rolly Polly: SUGAR HIGH

  Greetings, Saviors!    A week of the Rolly Polly Event has passed and Thank the goddesses! So many saviors has delivered candies to masters of their preferences. Therefore we would like to hold one more small event with saviors' great support. The candies given to NPC will be counted until the April 7th, the end of the event, and an emoji of the NPC who received candies the most will be made and handed out.   Please send candies to the NPC you like, since NPC most high in sugar can be sent as an emoji!     Event Period   From March 10, 2020 To April 7, 2020      Who can participate   - All saviors     How to Participate   - Deliver candies to masters you like     How is it going now    

March 20th, 2020
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Scheduled Maintenance for July 20, 2021

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (July 20, 2021). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
July 19th, 2021
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Toasty Roasty Winter Snack

Greetings, Saviors.   We've prepared some Winter snacks to cheer saviors up:) Complete the events and get some snacks to have the buff:)     Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on January 11, 2021 TO the scheduled maintenance on February 08, 2022     Who Can Participate   - Every savior     How to Participate       STEP 1. Collect the [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin.   - You can receive up to 500 [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin per day. ※ [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin can be received up to 1,000 during the weekends. - [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin can be received from the following contents. Category Contents Amount Level Dungeon Monument of Desire Dungeon 80 Lanko Lake Dungeon Lv.400 Weekly Rotation Dungeon Res Sacrae Raid Res Sacrae Raid (Auto Match, Solo) 170 Res Sacrae Raid: Auto Match (Hard) 220 Lepidoptera Junction : Legend Lepidoptera Junction : Legend (Auto Match) 60 Lepidoptera Junction : Legend (Solo) 120 Lepidoptera Junction : Legend White Witch's Forest : Legend White Witch's Forest : Legend (Auto Match) 80 White Witch's Forest : Legend 160 Demonic Sanctuary: Legend Demonic Sanctuary: Legend 200 Demonic Sanctuary: Legend (Auto Match) 180 Saint's Sacellum: Goddess Saint's Sacellum: Goddess 250 Saint's Sacellum: Goddess (Auto Match) 220 Saint's Sacellum: Goddess (Solo) Sole Hunt Madon Maiden 80 Amiss Dog Misrus Tel Harsha 150 Challenge Mode Challenge Mode Solo (Stage 3 or above) 50 Challenge Mode (Auto Match) Challenge Mode : Division Singularity Stage 2 or above 80 Challenge Mode : Division Singularity Stage 4 or above / Auto Match 100 Dimensional Collapse Point Dimensional Collapse Point Stage 5 or above 100 Hunting in the fields Normal Hunting (by chance ) 1 Maintain Logged in every 1 hour 50 New/Returning Savior Log-in Every first login 200 ※ When the savior with New/Returning ends during the event, Savior Log-in benefit cannot be given. ※ Hunting in the fields: Coins can be received when the level gap between characters and monsters is 50.       STEP 2. Receive [Toasty] Sweet Potato and [Toasty] Baked Sweet Potato. - You can receive 20 [Toasty] Sweet Potato by logging in to the game. (once per team daily) - [Toasty] Sweet Potato can also be received by clearing the Event Achievements. - You can exchange [Toasty] Sweet Potato into [Toasty] Baked Sweet Potato via Event NPC - Effects of [Toasty] Sweet Potato and [Toasty] Baked Sweet Potato are as follows: [Toasty] Sweet Potato: Instantly recovers HP by 3,000 [Toasty] Baked Sweet Potato: Instantly recovers SP by 1,500       STEP 3. Receive [Event] Steamed Bun and [Event] Roasted Bun   - You can receive [Event] Steamed Bun by clearing the Event Achievements. - You can exchange [Event] Steamed Bun into [Event] Roasted Bun via Event NPC - Effects of [Event] Steamed Bun and [Event] Roasted Bun are as follows: [Event] Steamed Bun: Maximum HP + 5000, Physical Attack + 800, recovers HP by 500 every 10 seconds [Event] Roasted Bun: Maximum SP + 1000, Magic Attack + 800, recovers SP by 200 every 10 seconds ※ [Event] Steamed Bun and [Event] Roasted Bun buff lasts for 20 minutes. [Event] Steamed Bun and [Event] Roasted Bun buff cannot be used at the same time.  When you use it at the same time, the previously applied buff will be deleted. Effect of both buffs is not applied in the PVP area and Boss Raid Contents. (Team Battle League, Blockade, GTW, Weekly Boss Raid, Joint Strike, Heroic Tale)     STEP 4. Clear the Event Achievements and receive rewards! - Event Achievements period: January 11 ~ scheduled maintenance on February 8. - Event Achievements are as follows. Achievement Goal Reward Achievement EXP [Toasty] Has the event started? (1) Log in 1 day during th event period [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 5 / [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 200 10 [Toasty] Resolution good for three days! (2) Log in 3 days during the event period (Total 4 days of login during the event period) [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 5 / [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 10 / [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 300 10 [Toasty] Where's my weekend! (3) Log in 7 days during the event period (Total 11 days of login during the event period) [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 10 / [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 15/ [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 500  15 [Toasty] Isn't this enough? (4) Log in 8 days during the event period (Total 19 days of login during the event period) [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 10 / [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 20/ [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 700  20 [Toasty] Diligent Event Participant (5) Log in 9 days during the event period (Total 28 days of login during the event period) [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 30 / [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 30/ [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 1000  30 [Toasty] Let's Collect Coins (1) Collect all of daily event coins for 1 time [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 10 / [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 10 / [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 100 10 [Toasty] Coin Collector (2) Collect all of daily event coins for 5 times  (total 6 times during the event period) [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 15 / [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 15 / [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 200 15 [Toasty] Obsessed to Coins (3) Collect all of daily event coins for 15 times (total 21 times during the event period) [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 30 / [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 30/ [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 500  30 [Toasty] How to See Event Details via Event NPC [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 5 / [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 15 / [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 100  10 [Toasty] Please roast it well Exchange 1 or more item among [Event] Sweet Potato, [Event] Steamed Bun [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 5 /  [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 100 10 [Toasty] I like unbaked Sweet Potato Use 100 [Event] Sweet Potato [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 10 / [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 300 15 [Toasty] The taste that makes you choke Use 100 [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato [Toasty] Steamed Bun X 10 / [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 300  15 [Toasty] Steamed Bun should be steamed Use 30 [Event] Steamed Bun [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 15 / [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 400  20 [Toasty] You're gonna roast the Steamed Bun? Use 30 [Event] Steamed Bun [Toasty] Sweet Potato X 15 / [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin X 400  20 [Toasty] King of Event Participation! [Toasty] Complete 10 Event Achievements Title -  Winter it is 60 ※ Event Coins received by clearing the Achievements are excluded from the daily acquisition limit.     STEP 5. Exchange [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin for an item! - Go to the Event NPC and exchange [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin for an item.   Item Amount Exchange Limit (per team) Amount of Coins Team Storage Market/Trade Purified Breath of Power 1 25 150 O X Breath of Power 1 500 15 O X [Event] Breath of Power Purifier 1 100 45 O X [Event] Total Reputation Voucher (EP 13) : 5 1 100 20 O X Goddess Enhancement Card 1 10 200 O X Lv15 Basic Condensed HP Potion 1 100 10 O X Lv15 Basic Condensed SP Potion 1 100 10 O X Raid Portal Stone (Untradable) 1 150 40 O X [Event] Drakonas Accessory Type Selection Box 1 1 1000 O X [Event] Unlock Voucher Selection Box (14 Days) 1 1 1800 O X [Toasty] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto(Hard) Add. Reward Voucher 1 10 300 O X [Toasty] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto/Solo One Entry Voucher 1 15 150 O X [Toasty] [Lv.460] Enhance Aid 1 30 120 O X [Toasty] [Lv.460] Goddess Enchant Jewel 1 4 180 O X [Toasty] [Lv.460] Engrave Stone 1 10 150 O X [Toasty] [Lv.460] Sandra's Magnifier 1 50 60 O X [Toasty] [Lv.460] Sandra's Detailed Magnifier 1 50 60 O X [Toasty] [Lv.460] Artisan Magnifier 1 100 20 O X [Toasty] [Lv.460] Mysterious Magnifier 1 100 20 O X [Toasty] Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 1 20 70 O X [Toasty] Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token 1 30 35 O X [Toasty] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher 1 15 70 O X [Toasty] Goddess Sculpture 1 30 20 O X [Toasty] Miracle Seeds 1 30 20 O X [Toasty] Attribute Point 500 1 100 30 O X [Toasty] Attribute Point 5 1 - 1 O X [Toasty] Ruby Anvil 1 50 130 O X [Toasty] Golden Anvil 1 50 70 O X [Toasty] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto/Solo Multiply Token 1 30 150 O X [EP12] Weapon Stage 8 Transcendence Scroll 1 - 45 O X [EP12] Armor Stage 8 Transcendence Scroll 1 - 45 O X [EP12] Weapon 11 ENH Scroll 1 - 45 O X [EP12] Armor 11 ENH Scroll 1 - 45 O X [EP12] Main Weapon Vaivora Enchant Scroll 1 - 180 O X [EP12] Sub-Weapon Vaivora Enchant Scroll 1 - 180 O X [EP12] Armor Set Stats Scroll 1 - 70 O X [EP12] Weapon Set Stats Scroll 1 - 110 O X ※ Items you can get from [Event] Unlock Voucher Selection Box (14 Days):  [Event] Cleric Class - Miko(Kannushi) Unlock Voucher (7 Days), [Event] Archer Class - Appraiser Unlock Voucher (7 Days), [Event] Wizard Class - Rune Caster Unlock Voucher (7 Days), [Event] Scout Class - Shinobi Unlock Voucher (7 Days), [Event] Swordsman Class - Nak Muay Unlock Voucher (7 Days) (Team Storage O, Market/Trade X)       Important - Daily acquisition limit resets at 6 AM daily. - Event status can be checked by /winter command. - [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato Coin will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on February 08, 2022. - Items with [Toasty] header will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on February 15, 2022.

January 11th, 2022
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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for April 1~2, 2024

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (April 2, 2024). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
April 3rd, 2024
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[COMPLETE] Temporary Maintenance

Greetings Saviors, We will be performing a temporary maintenance at EDT 04:30 (July 25th) on all servers to double check processing on the latest Reset DLC.  Thank you for your understanding. 

July 25th, 2017