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Goddess' Blessed Cube: September 28, 2021

Rank Item Name Amount C Burdensome Ribbon 1 C Luxury Hat and Rose 1 C Rosy Bowler 1 C Sky Blue Ribbon 1 C Decorative Ribbon Hat 1 C Heart Hairpin 1 C Slacking Sloth 1 C Toaster 1 C Heart Candy 1 C Crocus 1 C Cloud 1 C Banana Peel 1 C Good Idea! 1 C Sun 1

September 27th, 2021
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Upcoming Remake: Sadhu

      Hello, this is Tree of Savior Dev. team. This posting is about adjustments for Sadhu and Cleric Class.   New Master's Request - Remake Class [Sadhu]   There will be a remake for Sadhu. New Master's Request will also be added along with the remake. Title for Achievement and Common Costume can be received as a reward.         Some people enter the clerical service through learning, but sometimes they are chosen as a person to convey the providence of the Goddess through grace.  The Sadhu is a group that has been handpicked by the goddesses and trained to serve them directly in our world. They are more shamanistic in nature and are masters of dreams and sleep.   With long Penance, Sadhu can control their spirit by applying various power. Spirit can move freely and confuses the enemy.     Sadhu Sadhu is a Cleric class that damages the enemy with [Holy] magic by using the spirit. Sadhu can afflict status ailments by controlling the spirit directly and can use other class' skills. Also, they can go through the obstacles in PVP. By using the Arts [Spirit Expert: Wandering Soul], you can make it cast the Sadhu skill automatically without control. But the function that gives the Status Ailments to the enemy is removed. The details for Arts Enhance and Enhanced Upgrade are not written and the details may change when applying it to the live.    Spirit Expert    Gets very weak to the Holy Magic damage when the Sadhu controls the spirit but becomes immune to other damages.  There are limits on the number of strikes for immunity.  Spirit returns to the body when consuming all counts and becomes easily exposed to the enemy's attack periodically.  Other class skills can be used in spirit status but there are limits for usage.  When controlling the spirit in PvP areas, the spirit can go through obstacles.    Spirit Expert: Wandering Soul    Sadhu does not control the spirit directly but the spirit freely goes to the nearby enemies to attack.   The factors that distract the enemy's movement are removed.     Prakriti    Spirit continuously damages the enemy in a certain area and distracts the movement.    Prakriti: Penance    Apply debuff that spirit gives more pain to the enemy.    Possession    Creates barrier near the spirit to damage the enemy and stops the enemy's movement inside the barrier.    Enira    Blows wind in front of the spirit to push enemies back and attack    Tanoti    The chain comes out near the spirit and pulls the enemy to attack.    Patati    Make a big impact near the spirit and knocks down the enemy to attack.    Moksha    Spirit absorbs the near energy and a big explosion occurs. <Vaivora Vision -  Agni> [Lv1 Effect] - When Enira is activated, fires a flame in front and apply [Agni: Flame] debuff to the enemies for 10 seconds. - Enemy under [Agni: Flame] debuff gets continuous damage by 30% of damage applied per 1 second, and the damage received by the caster increases by 20%. [Lv4 Effect] - Doubles the number of continuous hits of Moksha ※ Item Stat will be announced later.     Cleric Class Balance Adjustment   Plague Doctor Because Incineration is a skill that applied debuff to the enemy to damage, there isn't meaning but only the duration renews when using Incineration for a short time even though there are 2 overheats.  In order to solve this problem, it is changed to bring out the deal of Incineration by driving them all together on the first cast, and the Insufficient range of Plague Doctor will also be improved. Incineration  Function that increases damage by 30% when attacking the enemy under Black Death Steam with Incineration will be deleted.    Function will be changed as follows.   - Before : Increases damage by 10% per 1 debuff (max. 10 debuffs)   - After : Increases final damage by 10% per 1 debuff (max. 5 debuffs)    Overheat will be changed from 2 to 1.  Number of targets will be changed from 4 to 8.    Skill factor will be changed.    - Before : 238 + [skill level -1] * 40.6 (total: 806)    - After : 317 + [skill level -1] * 52.9 (total: 1057)    Range will be doubled.  Black Death Steam  Range will be doubled.   Crusader Damage will increase. Condemn  Skill factor will be adjusted.   - Before : 1112 + [skill level -1] * 288.8 (total: 3711)    - After : 1656 + [skill level -1] * 429.8 (total: 5524) Sacred  Skill factor will be adjusted.    - Before : 650 + [skill level -1] * 169 (total: 2171)    - After : 975 + [skill level -1] * 253 (total: 3252) Protection of Goddess  Skill factor will be adjusted.    - Before : 1340 + [skill level -1] * 1340.4 (total: 6701)    - After : 1785 + [skill level -1] * 1786 (total: 8929)Cooldown will be changed from 45 seconds to 35 seconds.   Miko Attack skill factor will be improved and new Vaivora Vision will be added. Gohei  Skill factor will be adjusted.    - Before : 1157 + [skill level -1] * 192.9 (total: 3857)    - After : 1374 + [skill level -1] * 229.1 (total: 4581) Hamaya  Skill factor will be adjusted.    - Before : 685 + [skill level -1] * 114.4 (total: 2286)    - After : 1473 + [skill level -1] * 245.7 (total: 4912) Vaivora  –  Ema  [Lv1 Effect]   - If [Great Blessing: Honor] does not occur when Omikuji is cast,  [Great Blessing: Peace] will be applied by the duration of Omikuji.   - Enemy under [Great Blessing: Peace] increases Attack by 2.5%.    - Does not get afflicted when you possess [Great Blessing: Peace]    - Cooldown of Omikuji resets when the buff applied by Omikuji isn't [Great Blessing: Honor], [Great Blessing: Hope].    - Cannot reset with reset Omikuji.    [Lv4 Effect]   - Buff is still applied when the casting is stopped, changes Kagura casting time by 15 seconds.    - Increases final damage by 4%~8% during Kagura buff proportionally to the casting time.    - Item and skill function related to the casting is not affected.       Exorcist Connection between skills and skill factors will be adjusted. Rubric  Function will be changed as follows.    - Before : When Rubric is cast over Aqua Benedicta, enemies within half-range of Aqua Benedicta receive equal damage as Rubric by a maximum of 25% chance when farther away the distance is and 25% chance when the hit is critical.   - After : When Rubric is cast over Grand Cross, it is applied as 2 consecutive hits.  Entity  Function that amplifies Hamaya with Entity will be deleted.     Aqua Benedicta   Skill factor will be adjusted.    - Before : 312 + [skill level -1] * 52 (total: 1040)    - After : 440 + [skill level -1] * 73.4 (total: 1467) Grand Cross  Tile duration will be changed from 2.5 seconds to 5 seconds.   Damage gap will be changed from 0.5 seconds to 1 second.     Skill factor will be adjusted.    - Before : 537.6 + [skill level -1] * 239.2 (total: 2690)    - After : 1653 + [skill level -1] * 428.6 (total: 5510) Katadikazo  Skill factor will be adjusted.    - Before : 896 + [skill level -1] * 897.2 (total: 4484)    - After : 1017 + [skill level -1] * 1018 (total: 5089) [Arts] Katadikazo: Flame Spear  Following function will be deleted:  - When Grand Cross is on the fire tile, a holy explosion occurs and damages enemies in range with Holy property proportionally to the Grand Cross factor.   Monk Distributes the focus of the deal only on the Energy Blast and the function of Monk: Nirvana will be changed. Vaivora Vision - Thunder Kick  Vaivora Vision - Thunder Kick will no longer involve Breaking Wheel to the target. [Arts] Monk: Nirvana  Function is changed as follows.   - When attacking the enemy with Monk skill, [Golden Bell Shield: Carve] buff stacks up to 20.   - If [Golden Bell Shield] is on Cooldown when 20 stacks, [Golden Bell Shield: Unity] buff is afflicted for 5 seconds.   - When afflicted by [Golden Bell Shield: Unity], [Golden Bell Shield] skill resets.   - Reset gap cannot be shorter than the Cooldown of [Golden Bell Shield], and [Golden Bell Shield: Carve] buff cannot be received.   - When casting [Golden Bell Shield] during the [Golden Bell Shield: Unity] buff, [Golden Bell Shield: Freedom] buff that increases final physical damage of Monk by 15% is afflicted for 30 seconds. Double Punch  Skill factor will be changed.    - Before : 308 + [skill level -1] * 48 (total: 980)    - After : 635 + [skill level -1] * 106 (total: 2119)     Following function will be deleted.   - When the enemy's HP becomes 50% or below, property additional strike activates proportionally to the [STR/DEX]. Palm Strike  Skill factor will be changed.    - Before : 1613 + [skill level -1] * 270 (total: 5393)    - After : 2431 + [skill level -1] * 405.3 (total: 8105) Hand Knife  Skill factor will be changed.    - Before : 2660 + [skill level -1] * 689.8 (total: 8868) x 1    - After : 2233 + [skill level -1] * 579 (total: 7444) x 2 One Inch Punch  Skill factor will be changed.    - Before : 1625 + [skill level -1] * 421.4 (total: 5417)    - After : 2730 + [skill level -1] * 707.9 (total: 9101) Energy Blast  Skill factor will be changed.    - Before : 240 + [skill level -1] * 240 (total: 1200) x 8    - After : 263 + [skill level -1] * 263 (total: 1315) x 20 Function that doubles damage of enemy under Malleus Maleficarum will be deleted. God Finger Flick  Skill factor will be changed.    - Before : 2662 + [skill level -1] * 690.3 (total: 8874) x 1    - After : 2187 + [skill level -1] * 567.1 (total: 7290) x 2     Duration of Physical damage increase buff is changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds and will be applied only to the Monk. Golden Bell Shield  Function will be changed as follows.    - Temporarily increases the damage of Monk skill.    - Player becomes immune to all removable debuffs during the buff's duration.     Inquisitor Distributes the dependency of  Breaking Wheel and will improve the skill cycle. Breaking Wheel   Skill factor is adjusted.    - Before : 186 + [skill level -1] * 31.2 (total: 622)    - After : 191 + [skill level -1] * 49.6 (total: 637)     Master level is changed from 15 to 10. Cooldown is changed from 45 seconds to 25 seconds. Breaking Wheel: Additional Damage  Additional range damage will be changed from 100% to 10%.   Strike limit of 20 times will be deleted.   Additional damage will only activate for the physical attack of the caster. Ripper  Cooldown will be changed from 55 seconds to 50 seconds.   Time spent until the first strike will be decreased by 66%. God Smash  Skill factor will be adjusted.    - Before : 672 + [skill level -1] * 112.3 (total: 2244)    - After : 978 + [skill level -1] * 163.1 (total: 3261) Judgment  Buff Duration will be changed from 60 seconds to 30 minutes.  Duration of debuff to the enemy will be changed to 30 seconds. Judgment: Summary Decision  Function will be changed as follows.    - Before:  [Judgment] is changed as a debuff for the enemy.  Removes additional damage of Holy property, attack received from the caster is changed to be judged as Demon property      - After:  Additionally applies [Judgment: Summary Decision] that lasts for 10 seconds when attacking the enemy during [Judgment].  When the enemy under [Judgment: Summary Decision] debuff is attacked by the caster, the attack is judged as Demon type. Malleus Maleficarum  Skill casting time will be decreased by 50%.  Cooldown will be changed from 28 seconds to 25 seconds.   Zealot Skills with smaller rewards compared to the penalty will be adjusted and the skill delay will be improved. Immolation  Skill factor will be adjusted.   - Before : 733 + [skill level -1] * 122.3 (total: 2445)   - After : 1055 + [skill level -1] * 176 (total: 3519)    Function will be added.    - When you're burning, Zealot's minimum critical rate increases by 20%. Skill casting time will be decreased by 30%. Fanaticism  Function that decreases HP recovery by 20% will be deleted. Fanatic Illusion  Skill factor will be adjusted.    - Before : 420 + [skiill level -1] * 108.9 (total: 1400)    - After : 531 + [skill level -1] * 137.7 (total: 1770)     Skill casting time will be decreased by 30%. Beady Eyed  Buff Duration will be changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. Blind Faith  Function will be changed as follows.   - Before:  Consumes 50% of your remaining SP to deal additional holy property damage during the duration.     - After:  Consumes 5% of maximum SP to attack by making a powerful impact nearby.  Shocked enemy increases Sp by 2 times of the SP consumed by the caster.    Skill factor will be applied.    - 1875 + [skill level -1] * 486.1 (total: 6249) x 5 Emphatic Trust  Skill factor will be adjusted.    - Before : 384 + [skill level -1] * 385 (total: 1924)    - After : 485 + [skill level -1] * 485 (total: 2425)   This concludes the Sadu and Cleric Class Adjustments.     NEXT       Next posting will be about the new Archer class and adjustments for some Archer classes.   Thank you.   

Developer's Blog
November 11th, 2021
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8th Anniversary Event: Little Witch's Happy New Year

Greetings Savior!   The Little Witch and her friend Snigo have come to celebrate the 8th Anniversary of Tree of Savior and the year 2024!   Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on January 2, 2024 TO the scheduled maintenance on February 6, 2024     Who Can Participate   - Every savior     How to Participate   Step 1. Clear the event dungeon and obtain the [2024] New Year's Token! - The event dungeon will be open from the scheduled maintenance on January 2, 2024, to February 5, 2024, 05:59 KST. - You can enter the New Year event dungeon 6 times weekly per team and the entry count is reset on Monday 6 AM KST. - Check your event status by typing in the '/newyear' command. - You can enter the event dungeon by talking to the Event NPC Little Glacia. ▶Little Glacia - The locations of the event NPC are as follows. Step 2.  Collect the [2024] New Year's Token and exchange it with various items from the [2024 New Year] Exchange Shop. Category Item Quantity Trade Property Required Token Special [2024 New Year] Legend Card Selection Album 1 Team Storage Only 150 Special 7 Star Leticia Card 1 Team Storage Only 150 Special 4 Star Leticia Card 1 Team Storage Only 25 Special Advanced Enchant Scroll(Untradable) 1 Team Storage Only 10 Special 10-Star Gem Abrasive 1 Team Storage Only 30 Special [Lv.500] Advanced Goddess Ichor (Weapon) Fragment (Bound) 1 Team Storage Only 100 Special [Lv.500] Advanced Goddess Ichor (Armor) Fragment (Bound) 1 Team Storage Only 100 Special Advanced Spaulder of Ferocity Fragment (Bound) 1 Team Storage Only 100 Special Advanced Belt of Insight Fragment (Bound) 1 Team Storage Only 100 Entry Voucher Division Singularity Add. Reward Voucher 1 Team Storage Only 10 Entry Voucher Challenge Mode Add. Reward Voucher (Untradable) 1 Team Storage Only 10 Entry Voucher Abyssal Observer (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 1 Team Storage Only 10 Entry Voucher Dreamy Forest (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 1 Team Storage Only 10 Others Character Bound Ark Level Up Scroll (Lv.10) 1 Team Storage Only 25 Others Storage Ark Register Voucher 1 Team Storage Only 25 Others [Event] Mystic Tome 1 Team Storage Only 1 Others [Event] Attribute Points 10,000 1 Team Storage Only 1 Others [Event] Special Res Sacrae Growth Box 1 Team Storage Only 10 Others Goddess Token (Lada): 50,000 1 Team Storage Only 5   Important - Little Glacia NPC is available until the scheduled maintenance on February 6, 2024. - The New Year's event dungeon is available until February 5, 2024, 05:59 KST. - [2024] New Year's Token will be deleted after the maintenance on February 6, 2024.  

January 2nd, 2024
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Encyclopedia of Masters Chapter.1

Time to meet the Class Masters! Who are they? Well here, we will give you a little info about them!  

Developer's Blog
July 7th, 2017
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[COMPLETE]Temporary Maintenance for 12 March 2017

Greetings Saviors,  We will be performing temporary maintenance on our servers tomorrow due to the following issue. - Daylight saving time Maintenance is expected to take place during the following period: EST March 12, 2017 - 00:45 AM to 02:15 AM Thank you for your patience and understanding.​  

March 12th, 2017
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Road to Halloween

Greetings saviors! Halloween event is coming up next week! So, we've have prepared a little gift for you to wait for the upcoming event:)  Hope you don't get too exhausted before the merge:) !     Period   From October 9, 2020 To October 11, 2020, 23:59 EST      Who can participate   - All Saviors who log in on the corresponding date.    Gift List   Friday (October 9) [Event] Unidentified Mystic Tome x3 [Event] Attribute Points 10,000 x2 Saturday (October 10) [Event] Golden Anvil x15 Enhancement Coupon: 100,000 Silver x50 Sunday (October 11) [Lv. 440] Transcendence Stage 8 Scroll - Accessory (30 Days) x1 Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher x10   Important   - These items will be sent to the Mailbox and be deleted at 23:59 EST each day. - All items can only be traded via team storage.

October 8th, 2020
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Smart Casual Accessories Removed From Exchange Shop

Greetings, Saviors. During yesterday’s scheduled maintenance (March 7, 2017), eight hair accessories from the Smart Casual series were erroneously introduced in the Exchange Shop along with the costumes of the same line. We would like to announce that these accessories will be removed from the Exchange Shop during the next scheduled maintenance, on March 14, 2017 (already-purchased accessories will not be deleted). The following Smart Casual accessories will be removed from the Exchange Shop: - White Leather Brimmed Hat - Black Leather Brimmed Hat - High Brim Teal Hat - High Brim Orange Hat - Black Western Hat - Pink Western Hat - Smart Short Brim Hat - Smart Outdoors Hat

March 8th, 2017
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Gold Fishing

  Greetings Savior!   Fishing is back in TOS:)  Catch Golden Fish and exchange it for awesome rewards!       Event Period     From the scheduled maintenance on November 23, 2021 To  the scheduled maintenance on December 14, 2021       Who can Participate     - All Saviors       How to Participate     STEP 1. Receive [Event] Octopus Tentacle Bait and [Event] Golden Fishing Rod from Fishing Manager Joha NPC!   - [Event] Golden Fishing Rod will be given only once per team. - [Event] Octopus Tentacle Bait can be received up to 250 per day via [Fishing Shop] Joha's Tackle Box. ※ You can purchase additional Octopus Tentacle Bait via Fishing Manager Joha, Joha's Tackle Box event shop.     STEP 2. Try fishing Golden Fish!   - Try fishing with the [Event] Golden Fishing Rod and [Event] Octopus Tentacle Bait. - You can succeed in fishing up to 500 times per day. ※ The Gold fishing trial won't be included in the daily fishing limit. - Following items can be obtained by succeeding in fishing. Item Team Storage Trade/Market Shop Small Silver Fish O x O Silver Fish O x x [Event] Golden Fish O x x Goddess Token (Gabija): 100 O x x Goddess Token (Gabija): 10 O x x [Gold Fishing] Mercenary Badge Voucher: 40 O x x [Event] 10TRA Vasilisa Armor Selection Box O x x [Event] 10TRA Vasilisa M.Weapon Selection Box O x x [Event] 10TRA Vasilisa S.Weapon Selection Box O x x [Event] Goddess Main weapon Selection Box O x x [Event] Goddess Sub-weapon Selection Box O x x       STEP 3. Succeed in fishing Golden Fish and exchange it for an item! - You can exchange Golden Fish for an item as follows. Item Amount Exchange Limit (per team) Team Storage Market/Trade Amount of Golden Fish [Gold Fishing] [Lv.460] Sandra's Magnifier 1 100 O X 30 [Gold Fishing] [Lv.460] Sandra's Detailed Magnifier 1 200 O X 10 [Gold Fishing] [Lv.460] Artisan Magnifier 1 200 O X 3 [Gold Fishing] [Lv.460] Mysterious Magnifier 1 200 O X 3 [Gold Fishing] Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token 1 50 O X 10 [Gold Fishing] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher 1 25 O X 20 [Gold Fishing] Ruby Anvil 1 50 O X 20 [Gold Fishing] Golden Anvil 1 50 O X 10 [Lv.460] Enhance Aid (Untradable) 1 50 O X 20 [Lv.460] Goddess Enchant Jewel (Untradable) 1 10 O X 40 [Lv.460] Engrave Stone (Untradable) 1 50 O X 10 [Gold Fishing] Attribute Points 1,000 1 100 O X 3 [Event] Octopus Tentacle Bait 100 500 O X 1       Important     - Every daily acquisition resets at 6 am (server time). - [Event] Golden Fishing Rod, [Event] Octopus Tentacle Bait, and [Event] Golden Fish will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on December 14. - Items with [Gold Fishing] header will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on December 21.

November 22nd, 2021
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[UPDATE] Jolly Merry Winter Festival Event

Greetings, Saviors.   Jolly Merry Winter Festival is here with some Christmas Treats! Fire the Christmas Firecrackers at the designated location and receive the Golden Snowflake Key to complete the event collection:)     Event Period     FROM the scheduled maintenance on December 6, 2022 TO the scheduled maintenance on January 3, 2022       Who Can Participate     - Every savior       How to Participate   Step 1. Clear the contents and receive the [Event] Snowflake Key!   - [Event] Snowflake Key can be received up to 2000 daily. (per team) ※ [Event] Snowflake Key obtained via Achievement reward is not counted in the daily limit.   - The contents you can receive [Event] Snowflake Key are as follows: Category Contents Amount Level Dungeon Lv.400 Weekly Rotation Dungeon 50 Sole Hunt Lv. 440 Tel Harsha 70 Challenge Mode Lv. 460 Solo 60 Lv. 480 Solo 70 Lv. 480 Auto Match (Party) 80 Lv. 480 Division Singularity 140 Lepidoptera Junction : Legend Lv. 440 Party (Hard) 50 White Witch's Forest : Legend Lv. 450 Party (Hard) 50 Demonic Sanctuary: Legend Lv. 458 Solo (Normal) 60 Lv. 458 Auto Match (Normal) 70 Lv. 458 Party (Normal) 90 Res Sacrae Raid Lv. 458 Solo (Normal) 100 Lv. 458 Solo (Hard) 120 Lv. 458 Auto Match(Normal) 120 Lv. 458 Auto Match(Hard) 160 Goddess : Saint's Sacellum Lv. 460 Solo  100 Lv. 460 Auto Match(Normal) 120 Lv. 460 Party (Normal) 160 Goddess Message: Memory of Flame Lv. 470 Solo  100 Lv. 470 Party (Normal) 120 Lv. 470 Party (Hard) 160 Lv. 470 Party (Extreme) 200 Goddess : Delmore Battlefield Lv. 470 Solo  170 Lv. 470 Auto Match(Normal) 200 Lv. 470 Party (Hard) 240 Lv. 470 Party (Extreme) 270 Goddess : Sinking Seizure Lv. 470 Solo  210 Lv. 470 Auto Match(Normal) 260 Lv. 470 Party (Hard) 320 Goddess : Turbulent Core Lv. 480 Solo  240 Lv. 480 Auto Match(Normal) 300 Lv. 480 Party (Hard) 370 Maintain Logged in every 1 hour 400 Team Battle League (PVP) Win 150 Lose 50     Step 2. Exchange the [Event] Snowflake Key with various rewards and [Jolly] Christmas Firecracker from the event shop!   - Go to the Event NPC in each town and exchange the [Event] Snowflake Key with the items below.   Item Count Trade/Market Team Storage Amount of Coin Required Exchange Limit [Jolly] Mercenary Badge Voucher : 1,000 1 X O 20 10 [Jolly] Mercenary Badge Voucher : 10,000 1 X O 400 10 [Jolly] Mercenary Badge Voucher : 5,000 1 X O 200 10 [Jolly] Contents Point Acquisition x2 Voucher 1 X O 120 5 [Jolly] Attribute Points 1,000 1 X O 20 30 [Jolly] Attribute Points 10,000 1 X O 200 30 [Event] Total Reputation Voucher (EP 13) : 5 1 X O 15 100 Kingdom Reconstruction Coin 5000 X O 80 10 [Jolly] 8-Star Gem Abrasive 1 X O 120 30 [Event] Breath of Power Purifier 1 X O 25 100 Breath of Power 1 X O 4 150 Purified Breath of Power 1 X O 80 80 [Jolly] Goddess Sculpture 1 X O 15 50 [Jolly] Event Elixir Box 1 X O 10 5 [Jolly] Miracle Seeds 1 X O 15 50 Raid Portal Stone (Untradable) 1 X O 30 150 Lv15 Basic Condensed HP Potion 1 X O 8 150 Lv15 Basic Condensed SP Potion 1 X O 8 150 Soul Crystal 1 X O 8 15 [Jolly] Christmas Firecracker 1 X O 15 - [Event] Collection: Jolly Merry Winter Festival 1 X O 500 1 [Jolly] Sinking Seizure (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher 1 X O 210 15 [Jolly] Turbulent Core (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher 1 X O 280 10 [Jolly] Sole Hunt One Entry Voucher 1 X O 45 35 [Jolly] Memory of Flame One Entry Voucher 1 X O 180 20 [Jolly] Delmore Battlefield (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher 1 X O 180 20 [Jolly] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto/Solo (Hard) Add. Reward Voucher 1 X O 160 20 [Jolly] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto/Solo One Entry Voucher 1 X O 100 20 [Jolly] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto/Solo Multiply Token 1 X O 100 35 [Jolly] Saint's Sacellum (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher 1 X O 150 20 [Jolly] Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token 1 X O 35 45 [Jolly] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher 1 X O 55 25 [Jolly] Division Singularity One Entry Voucher 1 X O 70 20 [Jolly] Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 1 X O 60 35 [Jolly][Lv.480] Enhance Aid 1 X O 120 200 [Jolly] Ruby Anvil 1 X O 40 150 [Jolly] Enchant Scroll 1 X O 40 150 [Jolly] Golden Anvil 1 X O 32 150 [Jolly][Lv.460] Engrave Stone 1 X O 10 500 [Jolly] Lv 10 Enhancement Card 1 X O 20 30 [Event] Master Card Selection Card Album 1 X O 40 5 [Event] Master Card Selection Card Album 2 1 X O 40 5 Assister Card Album 1 X O 40 30 Assister Card Album: Unique 1 X O 250 30 Goddess Enhancement Card 1 X O 120 30 [Event] Unlock Voucher Selection Box (14 Days) 1 X O 650 1 [Event] Reset Item Full Package (7 Days) 1 X O 1650 4 [EP12] Weapon Stage 8 Transcendence Scroll 1 X O 90 - [EP12] Armor Stage 8 Transcendence Scroll 1 X O 90 - [EP12] Weapon 11 ENH Scroll 1 X O 90 - [EP12] Armor 11 ENH Scroll 1 X O 90 - [EP12] Main Weapon Vaivora Enchant Scroll 1 X O 360 - [EP12] Sub-Weapon Vaivora Enchant Scroll 1 X O 360 - [EP12] Armor Set Stats Scroll 1 X O 140 - [EP12] Weapon Set Stats Scroll 1 X O 220 - Refined Vasilisa Scale 15 X O 100 180 Goddess Token (Gabija): 1,000 1 X O 50 400 [Lv.460] Enhance Aid (Untradable) 1 X O 10 1000   ▶ [Jolly] Event Elixir Box Item Count Trade/Market Team Storage [Event] Small Elixir of HP Recovery 10 X O [Event] Small Elixir of SP Recovery 10 X O   ▶[Event] Reset Item Full Package (7 Days) Item Count Trade/Market Team Storage Class Change Voucher Lv. 4 (1 day) 1 X O Selected Class Skill Reset Potion (1 Day) 3 X O Selected Class Attribute Reset Potion (1 Day) 3 X O Arts Reset Potion Class Selection Box (1 Day) 3 X O Spaulder of Ferocity Team Bound Scroll (1 Day) 1 X O Reservoir/Falouros Equipment Bound Removal Scroll (1 Day) 8 X O Isidavie Accessory Bound Removal Scroll (1 Day) 3 X O [Lv.470] Accessory Type Change Tome (1 Day) 4 X O Goddess'/Demon God's Armor Extract Voucher (1 Day) 4 X O Vaivora Extract Voucher (1 Day) 2 X O [LV10 Ark] Extract Scroll (1 Day) 1 X O [Lv.480] Equipment Type Change Tome (1 Day) 8 X O Skill Gem Extract Penalty Remove Voucher (1 Day) 1 X O Fire Flame Earring Team Bound Scroll (1 Day) 1 X O Belt of Insight Team Bound Scroll (1 Day) 1 X O   - The locations of each NPC are as follows:   ▶ Klaipeda ▶ Orsha ▶ Fedimian     Step 3. Use the [Jolly] Christmas Firecracker at certain locations and complete the event achievement! - Complete the event achievement of each week and collect 3 “[Event] Golden Snowflake Key”. - Purchase the [Event] Collection: Jolly Merry Winter Festival from the event shop and complete them with the [Event] Golden Snowflake Key.   - The event achievements are as follows: Name Details Required Count Reward Cnt Achievement Duration Fireworks Week 1 Complete Complete all "using firecracker" achievements of [Week 1] 5 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 3 2022. 12. 06 after maintenance ~ 2023. 01. 03 00:00 (EST) [Event] Snowflake Key 900 [Event] Golden Snowflake Key 1 [Week 1] West Siauliai Woods Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the West Siauliai Woods 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 1] Lemprasa Pond Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Lemprasa Pond 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 1] Siauliai Miners' Village Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Siauliai Miner's Village 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 1] Zachariel Crossroads Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Zachariel Crossroads 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 1] Royal Mausoleum Constructors' Chapel Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Royal Mausoleum Constructors' Chapel 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 Fireworks Week 2 Complete Complete all "using firecracker" achievements of [Week 2] 5 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 3 2022. 12. 13 after maintenance ~ 2023. 01. 03 00:00 (EST) [Event] Snowflake Key 900 [Event] Golden Snowflake Key 1 [Week 2] Saknis Plains Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Saknis Plains 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 2] Inner Enceinte District Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Inner Enceinte District 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 2] Lanko 22 Waters Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Lanko 22 Waters 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 2] Nazarene Tower Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Nazarene Tower 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 2] Tekel Shelter Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Tekel Shelter 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 Fireworks Week 3 Complete Complete all "using firecracker" achievements of [Week 3] 6 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 3 2022. 12. 20 after maintenance ~ 2023. 01. 03 00:00 (EST) [Event] Snowflake Key 900 [Event] Golden Snowflake Key 1 [Week 3] Barynwell 86 Waters Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Barynwell 86 Waters 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 3] Baltinel Memorial Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Baltinel Memorial 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 3] Pradzia Temple Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Pradzia Temple 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 3] Issaugoti Forest Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Issaugoti Forest 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 3] Delmore Manor Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Delmore Manor 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 [Week 3] Hidden Passage Use Christmas Firecracker 3 times in front of the Statue of Goddess Zemyna at the Hidden Passage 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 Special Celebration Receive all 3 Christmas Day Boxes from the Christmas Attendance (12/23 6AM server time ~ 12/27 6AM server time) 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 3 2022. 12. 06 after maintenance ~ 2023. 01. 03 00:00 (EST) [Event] Snowflake Key 900 Winter Collection Purchase and use the "Collection: Jolly Merry Winter Festival" from the event shop 1 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 Collection: Jolly Merry Winter Festival Complete Complete the Collection: Jolly Merry Winter Festival by clearing other event achievements 1 [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 300 Jolly Merry Winter Festival Complete all Fireworks Achievements 3 [Achievement] Attribute Points 10,000 1 [Event] Snowflake Key 2500 Title - Jolly Merry Winter Festival 1 ※ Collection: Jolly Merry Winter Festival effect: STR / DEX / INT / SPR / CON +20     Step 4. Login 3 days during the event period and receive the Christmas Special Attendance reward!   - Event Period: 12/23 6AM server time ~ 12/27 6AM server time  [Updated on 12/9]   - Who can participate: Characters with Lv.480     1. The character with Lv.480 must log in to receive the attendance reward on the first day.   2. Starting from the second day, you can log in with any other characters in the same team to receive the attendance reward.   3. Reward will be given when logging in to any zone but if you are in a zone other than the town, you must click the attendance icon on the bottom right to receive the reward.  - Rewards will be given once per day, for 3 days. (You must receive the reward from the attendance UI)   Reward Item Cnt Christmas Day 1 Box [Lv.480] Advanced Goddess Ichor (Weapon) Fragment (Untradable) 1 [Lv.480] Goddess Ichor (Weapon) Fragment (Untradable) 49 [Lv.480] Enhance Aid (Untradable) 35 Mercenary Badge : 10,000 2 Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 2 [Event] Snowflake Key 2500 Christmas Day 2 Box [Lv.480] Advanced Goddess Ichor (Armor) Fragment (Untradable) 1 [Lv.480] Goddess Ichor (Armor) Fragment (Untradable) 49 [Lv.480] Enhance Aid (Untradable) 35 Mercenary Badge : 10,000 2 Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 2 [Event] Snowflake Key 2500 Christmas Day 3 Box Advanced Spaulder of Ferocity Fragment (Untradable) 1 Spaulder of Ferocity Fragment (Untradable) 100 Advanced Belt of Insight Fragment (Untradable) 1 Belt of Insight Fragment (Untradable) 100 Mercenary Badge : 10,000 2 Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 2 [Event] Snowflake Key 2500       Important   - Every daily acquisition resets at 6 AM (server time). - You can check the event status by typing the /event command. - The event NPC will be removed during the scheduled maintenance on January 3. - Items with the [Jolly] header will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on January 10.

December 9th, 2022