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The Lore You Know: Zealot

February is the month of love, so why not shine a light on our more fanatical of Goddess-lovers, the Zealots.    For those of you who are not as familiar with this Cleric-tree class, our Zealots do not call upon the power of a specific Goddess but instead sacrifice their life energy and similar forces to invoke a different type of power to use in battle. There are also rumors that they tortured and assassinated demons during their search for the missing Goddesses. But in regards to this, how does our MMORPG version of the Zealots differ from that of history?  First, let’s break down the etymology of the word "zealot". Zealot comes from the Greek word, zelotes, which means, “one who is a zealous follower.” Zealot is also the common translation of the Hebrew word, kanna’im, which means “one who is zealous on behalf of God.” In this historical context, this term was used to characterize members of a 1st century Jewish sect who fought against the Roman rule in Palestine. The more extreme members of this group participated in acts of terrorism and assassination in order to fight against the pagan Romans. When discussing this sect, the word zealot is usually capitalized.  The Zealots were adamantly opposed to the pagan Romans that ruled over them. And their views were so extreme that they also opposed any idea of peace between the two political bodies. As Zealots believed they were the defenders and true devotees of the law of God, some Zealots even carried daggers beneath their cloaks to stab anyone they believed were committing a sacrilegious act or who were being too friendly to Rome.  A lot of our knowledge about the Zealots during the 1st century comes from the historian and scholar Josephus (37-100AD) who wrote influential works on Jewish history and the political climate of the time. However, Josephus labeled the Zealots as dangerous fanatics and pointed them out as a possible reason why the Romans destroyed the city of Jerusalem.  With all of this in mind, it is also important to state that although Jewish Zealots are seemingly the more popular mention, there are zealots in other areas of history as well. The Zealots seen in TOS are not a reflection of the Zealots from the 1st century but more of an interpretation of the word’s core definition “one who is a zealous follower.”  Our Zealots express themselves through various skills that reflect the actions of a zealous follower. Skills that involve blind fate, fanaticism, and immolation. Therefore, as you search for the Revelations of the Goddess, have you also given thought to devoting yourself as their follower and becoming a Zealot yourself?   References  Poole, G. 2017. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Flavius Josephus. [Online]  The Editors, 2014. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Zealot. [Online]  Etymoline. Zealot. [Online]  Jewish Encyclopedia. Zealots [Online]  Wikipedia, 2018. Zealotry in Jewish History. [Online]

Developer's Blog
February 9th, 2018
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[COMPLETE] Returning Savior Event: Homecoming Gift (Apr '18)

  Greetings, Saviors! If you've been away from TOS for a while, make sure to login after the scheduled maintenance of April 3 to get your hands on some exclusive returning player goodies!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on April 3, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on May 2, 2018 Who Can Participate - Players who haven’t accessed their TOS account in 30 or more days How to Participate STEP 1. Log into your TOS account and retrieve the Homecoming Gift (14 Days) from the Message Box in your lodge. This item will be sent automatically to all eligible players.         - A total of 1 Homecoming Gift will be sent to each eligible account. STEP 2. Open the Homecoming Gift from your character’s inventory to receive the following rewards: - Returning Savior's Book (14 Days) x5 [Grants all party members + 2000 maximum HP, + 1000 maximum SP, and +1 movement speed for 1 hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.] - Returning Savior's Potion (30 Days) x1 [Grants +500 physical attack and +500 magic attack for 1 hour when used. Can be used multiple times (is not consumed). Cooldown is 1 hour.] - x8 EXP Tome (14 Days) x2 - Attribute Points: 500 (14 Days) x1 - Skill Reset Potion (14 Days) x1 - Stat Reset Potion (14 Days) x1 STEP 3. All players eligible for this event can also visit the Event Notice Board in Klaipeda to receive one Boost Pack (14 Days), regardless of Team Level or Character Level!         - Click here to read the Rookie Savior Event announcement and see the prizes you can win with the Boost Pack.         - The Boost Pack can be received only once per team. If you already got the Boost Pack from the Rookie Savior Event, you will not receive another one during the event period. Important - The edition of the Homecoming Gift announced here will be available to eligible accounts until May 2, 2018. After that, the Gift’s contents can be changed for future iterations of the event. - The Homecoming Gift is not transferable via Team Storage, so make sure to retrieve it with the correct character. Items received on the wrong character will not be exchanged or transferred. - Items with time limits cannot be moved via Team Storage and they will begin to count down as soon as they are received in your character’s inventory.

May 9th, 2018
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[COMPLETE] Temporary Maintenance Notice – Nov 10th, 2016

[UPDATE] The silver wrongly consumed when using Shining Silver Anvil will be claimable on the Market's "Retrieve" tab. Compensation: - EXP Tome x1 (Must be claimed before EST 23:59 Nov. 13th)                          - Token Time 3 hour extension Greetings, Saviors. We will be performing temporary maintenance on our servers today to address the following issue. - Shining Silver Anvil consuming Silver when it should not.  Maintenance is expected to take place during the following period: [EST] November 10, 2016 – 02:00 AM to 04:00 AM Thank you for your patience and understanding.

November 10th, 2016
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Three is The Magic Number

Greetings, Saviors!   Three is the Magic Number! Set yourself an in-game goal that you can work on over three days to earn special rewards.     Event Period     FROM the scheduled maintenance on October 8, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on October 29, 2019       Who Can Participate     - Players of level 50 and above.       How to Participate     STEP 1. Interact with the Magic Number Helper NPC in Klaipeda, Orsha and Fedimian to set a goal for yourself.   Available goals include: - Complete Challenge Mode at stage 5 or above - Complete a Unique Raid - Complete a Saalus Convent Mission - Complete the Level Dungeon 3 times   STEP 2. Complete your goal once a day for three days. Mission completion count is reset 00:00 EST daily and the goal does not need to be completed over a consecutive three-day period but just three times per day on any day during the event period.   STEP 3. Talk to the Event NPC again after you've completed your goal to receive a Magic Number Box.   STEP 4. Repeat the steps 1 to 3 five times and you will be able to receive Goddess Blessed Gem x3 as a special completion reward for one time only. You can also check how many times you have completed your goal by talking to the Magic Number NPC.       The Magic Number Box     - You can obtain one of the following items at random by opening the Magic Number Box.   Name Team Storage Market NPC Shops Personal Trade Throw Away Practonium x1 O O O O O Blessed Shard x10 O O O O O Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x5 O X X X O Attribute Point 1,000 (14 Days) x2 O X X X X     Important     - The Magic Number Box can only be transferred via Team Storage. - Goddess' Blessed Gem that are issued as a completion reward can be traded personally and over the market. - All unopened Magic Number Boxes will be removed during the scheduled maintenance on November 5, 2019.

October 8th, 2019
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Goddess' Blessed Cube: July 28

July 27th, 2020
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Fan Art Fest: The Art of Loving Begins!

  [UPDATED]: The title item has been changed from 'Mai Waifu' and 'Mai Husbando' to 'Passionate Artist'. Sorry about the confusion. Why hello there, please come in, Saviors! Darling, do you know what time it is? It’s time for FAN ART FEST for Valentine’s Day! This time it will be called ‘Fan Art Fest: The Art of Loving'. The usual rules, policies and details will apply but keep in mind that it should be Valentine’s Day or Romance themed. That means, it should be related to everything Valentine’s Day, love, romance or most importantly chocolate. You can even propose to someone through this. But, please keep it within the T rating of the game (Don’t make it too hot.). Also, as always, the work has to be Tree of Savior related. The submitted works will have a chance to be on in-game loading screens and receive certain prizes. We encourage much participation from our beloved users. I hope all of you will spend victorious, vividly vivacious, visceral Valentine’s Day with someone you love. Reminder: Based on our past experience, please, make sure to upload your work a day prior to the deadline. SENTIMENTAL_STAFF_John 1. Period: From Now Until 2017. 2. 06. 23:59 (EST)  2. Eligible Participants: All Tree of Savior users 3. How to Participate: Upload your work on Forum > Fansites > Fan Art category with the '[SUBMIT]' in the topic title. And please include the following information in the post. - Your Server Name - Your Team Name - Brief Description of the Work - And most importantly your artwork 4. Prize: 300 TP + Ingame title (‘Passionate Artist’) Requirements File Format : jpg/png/psd Size : 1920 *1080px , 300dpi  Type: Tree of Savior-related Valentine’s Day or Romance themed works - Illustration - Comic panels - Image that utilize ingame screenshots - EXCEPT for real-life photography or image that utilize such Policies and Disclaimers The creator of the material will hold the rights of the submitted work, however, by submitting the work, you agreed to have the material to be applied to in-game loading screens and posted on the forum to introduce the selected works. The images might undergo slight modification when applying them to the loading screen. The date of loading screen application shall be announced at a later date. The loading screen images are subject to change without prior notification. imcGAMES will not be held responsible for the plagiarized works submitted by a user. When plagiarism or IP theft is confirmed, we may retrieve all the benefits and the prize given to the user. You may not post materials that are sexually explicit, offensive to certain groups or generally inappropriate for the game’s T rating.  

January 10th, 2017
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Watermelon Fishing

  Greetings Savior!   Watermelon Fishing is here in TOS! Give the Watermelon Fish to the NPC and get Fresh Watermelon to receive rewards:)       Event Period     From the scheduled maintenance on August 3, 2021 To  the scheduled maintenance on August 24, 2021       Who can Participate     - All saviors       How to Participate     STEP 1. Receive [Event] Octopus Tentacle Bait from Fishing Manager Joha NPC!   - You can receive 250 [Event] Octopus Tentacle Bait via [Fishing Shop] Joha's Tackle Box per day. ※ You can purchase additional Octopus Tentacle Bait via Fishing Manager Joha, Joha's Tackle Box event shop.     STEP 2. Give [Event] Watermelon Fish to the cat!   - Give 1 [Event] Watermelon Fish to the cat to receive Meowlicious! buff and [Event] Fresh Watermelon.   Meowlicious! buff: EXP Gain+30%, Looting Chance +500, Maximum HP +3000, Maximum SP +1000 ※ Buff Duration: 30 minutes, cannot be stacked, Duration resets when re-applying the buff during the buff.   - Exchange limit is 110 times. You can receive [Event] Yellow Watermelon Costume Selection Box after exchanging 110 times. - After 110 times, you will only receive the buff. - 1 [Event] Angler Token is given per exchange of [Event] Fresh Watermelon. - Use Fresh Watermelon to receive one of the following rewards. Item Name Team Storage Market/Trade Amount [Watermelon Fishing] Enchant Scroll O X 5 [Event] Unidentified Mystic Tome O X 1 [Watermelon Fishing] Attribute Points 10,000 O X 1 [Watermelon Fishing] Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher O X 1 [Watermelon Fishing] Mercenary Badge Voucher : 1,000 O X 1 [Watermelon Fishing] Golden Ichor Extraction Kit O X 2 [Watermelon Fishing] Blessed Ruby Anvil O X 1 [Watermelon Fishing] Blessed Golden Anvil O X 2 [Watermelon Fishing] Sandra's Magnifier O X 2 [Event] Combat Support Box O X 1 [Event] Sole Hunt One Entry Voucher(14 Days) O X 5 [Event] Yellow Watermelon Costume Selection Box O X 1     STEP 3. Log in on Weekends and get Fresh Watermelon!   - [Watermelon Fishing] Fresh Watermelon will be given when maintaining logged in for 1 hour. ※ Can be received 2 times per team daily. Sat: 6 AM ~ Sun 5: 59 AM, Sun: 6 AM ~ 5:59 on Mon.     STEP 4. Scroll Shop    - Items you can exchange with [Event] Angler Token from Scroll Shop are as follows:  Name Amount Trade/Market Team Storage Coin needed Exchange Limit (per team) [EP12] Weapon Stage 8 Transcendence Scroll 1 X O 3 2 [EP12] Armor Stage 8 Transcendence Scroll 1 X O 3 4 [EP12] Weapon 11 ENH Scroll 1 X O 3 2 [EP12] Armor 11 ENH Scroll 1 X O 3 4 [EP12] Main Weapon Vaivora Enchant Scroll 1 X O 10 1 [EP12] Sub-Weapon Vaivora Enchant Scroll 1 X O 10 1 [EP12] Armor Set Stats Scroll 1 X O 5 4 [EP12] Weapon Set Stats Scroll 1 X O 5 2 [Event] Octopus Tentacle Bait 100 X O 1 50 ※ Every Transcendence Scroll, ENH Scroll of Weapon and Armor shares the purchase limit. (If you've purchased from a previous event, an additional purchase is unavailable) ※ Items with [EP12] header can be used to [EP12] Savinose Dysnai equipment given as [EP 12-1] reward. (cannot be used to [Event] Savinose Dysnai]) ※ Vaivora Enchant Scroll cannot be restored once used. So please be cautious when using the item.     Important   - Reward status for logging in on weekends can be checked via /fishingcheck command. - Number of [Event] Octopus Tentacle Bait received and remaining counts of exchanging Fresh Watermelon can be checked via /fishingcat command. - Every daily acquisition resets at 6 am (server time). - [Event] Watermelon Fish, [Event] Octopus Tentacle Bait, [Event] Angler Token will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on August 24, 2021. - Items with [Watermelon Fishing] header will be deleted on the scheduled maintenance on August 31, 2021.

August 2nd, 2021
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[UPDATE] Bonus Season: Velcoffer’s Nest

Greetings, Saviors! Make the most out of your Legend raid entries until May 14 with the new Velcoffer’s Nest Bonus Season event!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on April 16, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on May 14, 2019 Velcoffer’s Nest Perks 1) Velcoffer Cubes - Get twice the reward cubes every time you clear Velcoffer’s Nest! 2) Damage-Reducing Buff - Receive a buff that increases your physical and magic defense by +3,000 inside Velcoffer’s Nest! Important - The even buff applies automatically inside Velcoffer’s Nest. It does not affect your character in any other maps.

April 15th, 2019
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[CLOSED] Weekend Double EXP Event

  Greetings, Saviors! Come on over to the servers this weekend for two days of double EXP!   Event Period FROM January 20, 2018 at 00:00 (server time) TO January 21, 2018 at 23:59 (server time) Who Can Participate - All characters How to Participate - Simply login to your server during the event period to receive two times the EXP gains on all your characters! You can check your total EXP UP bonuses in the Character Info window (F1). Important - The double EXP bonus applies to your base EXP gains. - The event bonus will not display in the upper-left corner buff UI. To check your EXP bonuses, use the Character Info window (F1).

January 30th, 2018