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[UPDATE] Giltine's Team Clash: Second Round

  Greetings, Saviors!   The evil Giltine has descended upon Klaipeda once again, to bring chaos into the city and gather more followers into her realm. Stand, ye mighty saviors, show thy worth to the evil Giltine and claim her favor amongst others!       Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on August 27, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on September 24, 2019     Who Can Participate   - Characters of level 50 and above   How to Participate   STEP 1. Find the Giltine Apparition NPC near the Residential District in the city of Klaipeda and interact with her to join the team clash. You can try for an unlimited amount but may claim the reward box only one time per day, per team (resets at 00:00).    STEP 2. Once inside the area, you will be placed in one of two teams (Blue Team or Red Team), each composed of three players. The Red Team’s camp is a triangle located near the Fishing Spot, while the Blue Team’s is a circle by the Item Merchant NPC.   STEP 3. Click the blue or red summoning devices in the center of Klaipeda to summon a set number of monsters, which will begin to move towards the opposing team’s camp.   - Note: The colors of the summoning devices are not related to your team’s, so everyone can use both. However, each device may summon different kinds of monsters worth different points.   STEP 4. Coordinate with your team members and defeat the opponents’ monsters to keep them away from your own camp.   STEP 5. Do not lose hope if your team is losing the battle! At the 4-minute mark, all monsters summoned by the team with the lowest number of scores (the team with fewer monsters successfully sent to the opposing camp) receive a +10 movement speed boost.   STEP 6. After 8 minutes, the team responsible for the most successful monster invasion is declared the winner. All players will receive Giltine's Gift Box x1 and [Event] Vasalos Coin x50 as participation prizes. Each Gift Box contains one of the following random items:   - Premium Awakening Stone (14 days) x5 - [Event]Lv. 400 Unique Enchant Jewel x1 - Raid Portal Stone x3 - Blessed Shard x2 - Sierra Powder x10 - Attribute Points: 500 (14 Days) x1   [UPDATE] STEP 7. Prove yourself as a true follower of Giltine and participate 15 times in the team clash to receive Giltine Follower Armband x1! (1 participation each day for 15 days)   Important   - You may quit the team clash at any time, but you will NOT receive the participation reward. - Team clash rewards are automatically sent to the participating character. - All rewards obtained through this event CAN be transferred via Team Storage. Gift Boxes, Premium Awakening Stones, Unique Enchant Jewels, Attribute Points, and Armbands, however, CANNOT be traded with other players. - Unopened Gift Boxes will be automatically deleted during the scheduled maintenance of October 1, 2019.

September 18th, 2019
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Returning Savior Guide

Greetings, Saviors!   We have prepared a guide for returning players to celebrate the Rank 10 update of Tree of Savior. If you are a returning player, you can read all about our new improvements and in-game content here!     1. System Enhancements   Lodge Character Slots     1) You can move a character to any Lodge number you want by clicking on the Move Lodge button. 2) Selecting a character and pressing the up and down arrows will let you arrange your characters in any order you like.   PROTIP:  The character slots provided will be 4 at first but you can expand your character slots with TP.     Trading Transcended Items   -Transcended items can now be traded and transferred to the Team Storage. -Once traded, Blessed Shards can no longer be extracted from the items.     Item Display   -Items will be displayed differently depending on the item's stats:     1. Item icons will show the rarity of the item according to their background color:     Magic: Green     Rare: Purple     Unique: Red     Legend: Yellow 2. Unidentified items will have a magnifying glass on the bottom right corner of the icon. 3. Transcendence level of the item will be shown on the little star on the bottom left corner of the icon. 4. Enhancement level of the item will be shown as the number on the bottom right corner of the icon.     2. Content Changes   Daily Quest Rewards   -Daily Quest completion requisite and rewards have been changed.   Before After QUEST Hunt monsters & collect items Hunt monsters (no item collecting) LIMIT Available 5 times per day Available twice per day REWARD EXP Mon-Thu: Silver / EXP Fri-Sun: Attribute Points / EXP   PROTIP: If you've accepted a quest a day before and completed the quest the following day, you will only be able to do 1 daily quest for that day.     Earth Tower   -The Earth Tower's quest objective and entry count have been reworked. -Players must fight off the invading horde of Elite Monsters for a given time in the 4F of Solmiki and Lolopanther areas. -Characters can enter the Earth Tower twice per week. -Earth Tower shares its entry count with Velcoffer's Nest. -Entry count is reset every Monday on 06:00 AM server time. -Entry limit is only counted when the completion rewards for the dungeon is received.   PROTIP: If you have completed Velcoffer's Nest and received a reward, you may not be able to enter the Earth Tower because of their shared entry count.     Uphill Defense   -Uphill Defense's play mechanic has been tweaked and gimmick monsters have been added. -Entry limit has been changed from twice per week to 10 times per week (reset every Monday at 06:00 AM server time). -The level and DEF of monsters in Uphill Defense will be changed to match the highest level character in the party. -The stage will progress when no monsters have been summoned for some time. -Starting from stage 16, Gimmick Monsters will be generated at random: 1) Lapflammer: Wide range attacks, high damage, attacks characters and torch 2) Lapemiter: Self-destructs when in contact with the torch, deals damage equal to 10% of the torch's max HP. 3) Lapezard: Restores the HP of nearby monsters by 10% every 4 seconds. -Items in the Uphill Defense Shop now include Silver Anvil (14 days), Ripped Legend Enhancement Card, 6-star Gem Abrasives and much more.     3. New Content   Solo Dungeon: The Remnants of Bernice   -Remnantsmnants of Bernice is a solo dungeon where players must attempt to complete as many stages as possible during the given time. -You can enter by talking to the Oracle Master in Klaipeda and asking about the 'Other Dimension'. -The req. level for entry is 300 and there is no limit to how many times you can enter. -Players are ranked on the number of stages they completed for the duration of 15 minutes. -Players are rewarded on their weekly ranks, which is reset every Monday 06:00 AM server time.   PROTIP: The Dungeon will end if your character incapacitated within the 15 minute time limit.     Title Buffs   -Collecting titles can give you beneficial buffs. -There are a total of 40 stages of Title Buffs you can receive. -The number of buffs required to next stage is different for each stage.   PROTIP: Title Buffs are NOT shared between all the characters in your team.     Velcoffer's Nest     -Velcoffer's Nest is a Lv 360 Legend Raid dungeon made up of 5 stages. -Entry limit is twice per day and it is shared with the entry limit for Earth Tower. -You can talk to Kupole Simona in Tevhrin Stalactite Cave Section 5 to enter. -Players will be rewarded with a Velcoffer Cube for completing the raid, which includes materials for crafting Legend grade items.   PROTIP: You will fail if you do not complete Velcoffer's Nest within 60 minutes.     Velcoffer Equipment   -Players can take the Velcoffer Spirit Fragments that can be found by opening Velcoffer Cubes to the Blacksmith Teliavelis in Klaipeda to create Velcoffer gear.     -Velcoffer gears are Lv 360 items made up of new weapons, armors and costumes.     Ichor System   -Ichor System is whereby players give stat bonuses to Velcoffer gear as they do not come with pre-attached stat bonuses. -Here is a step by step guide to Ichor Extraction: 1) Select a weapon to extract Ichor from     2) Select the item with the stat bonuses you want to have extracted.     3) Ichor extraction requires Sierra Powder and Ichor Extraction Kit. -Ichor can be equipped to Lv 360 Legend grade items of the same category. -Ichors are only applicable to the same type of equipment as the item they were extracted from. -For example:     Primus Raffye Sword > One-handed sword Ichor > Velcoffer Sword(One-handed)     Ausura Greaves(Plate) > Boots Ichor > Velcoffer Greaves(Plate)     Beauty Shop     -You can purchase new hairstyles, wigs and lenses on 1F of the Beauty Shop. -Each purchase will earn you a stamp in the coupon book, which can be exchanged for discount coupons.     -The 2F of the Beauty Shop is the Boutique where you can try on male/female costumes. -You can also produce costume packages and Blessed Goddess Cubes at the Boutique.   PROTIP: Wig dyes are not applicable to hairstyles. Remember to read the item information carefully!

September 4th, 2018
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Burning Weekend Returns

  Greetings, Saviors!   Thank God It's Weekend! Let's burn the weekend with more EXP!         Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on August 20, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on October 8, 2019   Who Can Participate   - Characters of all levels   How to Participate   Login to Tree of Savior on weekends (server time) during the event period to automatically apply the special buffs! The buffs you can get are as follow:   - EXP +100% - Movement speed +1

August 19th, 2019
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Weekend Burning on January!

Greetings, Saviors!    New Weekends burning event is here! See the details and let's burn the weekends in ToS!     Event Period     From January 1, 2021 To 23:59 EST on January 31, 2021     Who can Participate     - All saviors     How to Participate     Step 1. Log-in to Tree of Savior on weekends (server time) during the event period.   Step 2. Find the event NPCs in Klaipeda, Fedimian, and Orsha and talk to them! * The map doesn't indicate the location of NPCs.   Step 3. Play Tree of Savior with special buffs and benefits!   The buffs and benefits of the month are as following: ※ Please note that the timeline will follow the server time(EST). Friday Saturday Sunday January 1 January 2 January 3 - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Anvil enhancements 50% discount - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Entry Reset for Legend Raid and Uphill Defence (Once a day) - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Pamoka Solution EXP x2 January 8 January 9 January 10 - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500  - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Class Points earned +500% - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500 - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - 90% Skill Cooldown and SP consumption reduction (Area Limited) - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500 - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Etching Statue worship effect x10 January 15 January 16 January 17 - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Item re-identification 50% discount - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal January 22 January 23 January 24 - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Pamoka Solution EXP x2 - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Etching Statue worship effect x10 - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Class Points earned +500% January 29 January 30 January 31 - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500 - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Looting Chance +1000 - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500 - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - 90% Skill Cooldown and SP consumption reduction (Area Limited) - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500 - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Looting Chance +1000     Important   - Please note that the buffs do NOT stack. If you receive Friday's buff at the end of the day and receive a new buff at the start of Saturday, Friday's buff will be removed and Saturday's buff will be applied.   - The buffs will NOT automatically be granted to your character. You have to talk to the event NPC in order to receive the Weekend Burning Event benefits.

December 28th, 2020
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Scheduled Maintenance for April 2, 2019

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (April 2, 2019). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
April 1st, 2019
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Leticia's Secret Cube: February 9, 2021

  Rank Item Quantity B Sandra's Detailed Magnifier 1 B Shining Class Change Voucher Lv.3 1 B Dimensional Collapse Point x3 Multiply Token 1 B Uphill Defense x3 Multiply Token 1 B Goddess' Blessed Gem 1 B Glowing Awakening Stone 1 B Attribute Points Box (Rank B) 1 B EXP Tome Box (4 Tomes) 1 B Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher 1 B Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token x3 1 C Looting Chance: 500 5 C [Weekly Boss Raid] Leticia Special Potion Box (Rank C) 1 C Blessed Shard Box 1 C Combat Support Box 1 C Goddess' Support Box: Punishment 1 C Goddess' Support Box: Protection 1

February 8th, 2021
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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for March 3, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (March  3, 2020). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
March 3rd, 2020
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Preview: Novaha Unique Raid

Asiomage's Testing Grounds       Quipmage had many secret testing grounds. Some were destroyed during the incident at Nicopolis while others located outside Nicopolis decayed away in ruins as hundreds of years passed. But there were rumors of the testing grounds that the Quipmage had a special testing grounds hidden deep within the forests. The Quipmage currently has no memory of this testing grounds and only the Asiomage, who shares the Quipmage's memories, had revisited the testing grounds when he had returned from the Other Dimension. The Asiomage, certain that the Quipmage is oblivious to its location, has taken the Testing Grounds as his headquarters where he is scheming to overthrow the Quipmage.     The Birth of the Asiomage     Asiomage is a being born out of the Quipmage's failed experiment when he tried to fuse a wild magical animal with a gentle animal in order to tame it.     Asiomage is much akin to the Quipmage as the two were merged and separated during the Quipmage's experiment where the Asiomage was his test subject. The two of them had fought over the control of their one body while they were merged as one in the Other Dimension, but since their return, only the Asiomage has the memory of this struggle in the Other Dimension.       Asiomage: An Introduction     The Asiomage has more memories of when he used to be an Owl and because of this, he holds a grudge against the Quipmage who experimented on him.     But, since he does not know how much about him the Quipmage remembers, the Asiomage is laying low in the depths of the forests scheming to either eradicate or absorb the Quipmage.     The Asiomage is recognized as a threat to humanity as the Asiomage's hatred is not only aimed at the Quipmage alone but the whole human race.     New Equipment     Players will be able to obtain recipes for new Lv 380 gear by completing the Novaha Unique Raid.   ※ The content above is subject to updates and modifications.

Developer's Blog
September 8th, 2018
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Goddess' Blessed Cube: August 24, 2021

Rank Item Name Amount B Tiger Swallowtail 1 B Lotus Leaf 1 B Cloud Lightning 1 B Umbrella 1 B Huge Sweat 1 B Flamingo 1 B Crocus 1 B Cloud 1 B Banana Peel 1 B Good Idea! 1 B Sun 1 C Movement Speed Potion: 1 Hour 2 C Superior Urgent Repair Kit 2 C Elixir of HP Recovery 6 C Elixir of SP Recovery 3

August 24th, 2021