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Returning Savior Event: Homecoming Gift (Mar ‘18)

  Greetings, Saviors! If you've been away from TOS for a while, make sure to login after the scheduled maintenance of March 6 to get your hands on some exclusive returning player goodies!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on March 6, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on April 3, 2018 Who Can Participate - Players who haven’t accessed their TOS account in 30 or more days How to Participate STEP 1. Log into your TOS account and retrieve the Homecoming Gift (14 Days) from the Message Box in your lodge. This item will be sent automatically to all eligible players.         - A total of 1 Homecoming Gift will be sent to each eligible account. STEP 2. Open the Homecoming Gift from your character’s inventory to receive the following rewards: - Returning Savior's Book (14 Days) x5 [Grants all party members + 2000 maximum HP, + 1000 maximum SP, and +1 movement speed for 1 hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.] - Returning Savior's Potion (30 Days) x1 [Grants +500 physical attack and +500 magic attack for 1 hour when used. Can be used multiple times (is not consumed). Cooldown is 1 hour.] - x8 EXP Tome (14 Days) x2 - Attribute Points: 500 (14 Days) x1 - Skill Reset Potion (14 Days) x1 - Stat Reset Potion (14 Days) x1 STEP 3. All players eligible for this event can also visit the Event Notice Board in Klaipeda to receive one Boost Pack (14 Days), regardless of Team Level or Character Level!         - Click here to read the Rookie Savior Event announcement and see the prizes you can win with the Boost Pack.         - The Boost Pack can be received only once per team. If you already got the Boost Pack from the Rookie Savior Event, you will not receive another one during the event period. Important - The edition of the Homecoming Gift announced here will be available to eligible accounts until April 3, 2018. After that, the Gift’s contents can be changed for future iterations of the event. - The Homecoming Gift is not transferable via Team Storage, so make sure to retrieve it with the correct character. Items received on the wrong character will not be exchanged or transferred. - Items with time limits cannot be moved via Team Storage and they will begin to count down as soon as they are received in your character’s inventory.

March 5th, 2018
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Scheduled Maintenance for March 23, 2021

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (March 23, 2021). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
March 25th, 2021
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[COMPLETE] Guildies Gather Up!

  Greetings, Saviors! Login to TOS with your guild members and get Talt and Attribute Points gifts every day for three weeks!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on March 20, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on April 10, 2018 Who Can Participate - Guild members of Team Level 5 or above How to Participate STEP 1. Login to TOS and interact with your nearest Event Notice Board to join the event. Do this every day during the event period (resets at 00:00 server time)! STEP 2. Go back to the Event Notice Board to receive daily rewards according to the number of guild members who checked in on the previous day! Here’s what you can win: 1-9 members: - Talt [Event] x10 - Attribute Points: 50 x1 10-19 members: - Talt [Event] x10 - Attribute Points: 50 x2 20-29 members: - Talt [Event] x10 - Attribute Points: 50 x3 30-39 members: - Talt [Event] x10 - Attribute Points: 50 x4 40+ members: - Talt [Event] x10 - Attribute Points: 50 x5 - Instanced Dungeon One Entry Voucher (14 Days) x1 Important - Today’s rewards are calculated from yesterday’s attendance, so on the first day of the event you can only check in (the Event Notice Board will not give you a reward). - Each reward is sent to the inventory of the character that checks in at the Event Notice Board, so make sure you’re participating with the correct character beforehand. - ‘Talt [Event]’ and ‘Instanced Dungeon One Entry Voucher (14 Days)’ cannot be traded or transferred via Team Storage. - ‘Attribute Points: 50’ cannot be traded, but it can be transferred via Team Storage.

May 9th, 2018
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Scheduled Maintenance for March 10, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (March  10, 2020). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
March 10th, 2020
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Scheduled Maintenance for November 3, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (November 3, 2020). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
November 2nd, 2020
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Leticia's Secret Cube Item List - Updated October 24, 2017

※ IMPORTANT: Please note that your character must be above level 40 to use this content.

October 23rd, 2017
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Item Restore Policy

Hello saviors, This policy is a service designed to take care of unrestorable damage such as accidental loss of items or receiving items that cannot be used by the savior. Therefore, if the item is lost as a result of using the system where there is a possibility of destruction, or if the item received can be used or retrieved in other ways such as trading, it is basically excluded.      <Item Restore Policy> - Items can be restored when the ticket is reported within 3 days after the incident. - Items cannot be restored if there isn't any data or if the item has been normally traded/consumed.  - We cannot help with the damage caused by a shared account or hacking. - Items deleted according to the deletion date announced in the notice cannot be restored. - Items obtained via abnormal use (bug, abusing, hacking, etc) of the game cannot be restored. - Item might not be recovered due to limitations on the system even if it isn’t mentioned in the [Non-restorable Types] category. - 1 item can be restored per 1 ticket. (When restoring the Selection Box, 1 from 3 restore counts will be deducted per box.) - Items that have been used as a material for crafting via Blacksmith cannot be restored. - Transferring items or information to another account is impossible because the relationship between the accounts cannot be proved.       (1) Details of Policy   ① The service will be provided 3 times a year per account. ② Following cases will be excluded from restoration: Restoring item due to a change of mind, item that changes according to chances per attempts, when a part of the items are already consumed, expired timed items, and other cases that violate the service policy.     (2) Restore Range ① Restorable Cases   Type Content Dismantle Equipment If the item is dismantled by mistake, we will withdraw the obtained Nucle Powder, Sierra Powder, and Enchant Jewels and restore the item to its original state. ※ The items stated above to be withdrawn have to be in the inventory when you send us a ticket. Changing Trade Status of items after personal trade If the Trade Status of the item or the Total Untradable number is changed after personal trade, the item can be transferred to another character in the team. (Only once per item) Discard item We will restore the item when the item has been discarded in the Field or Dungeon by mistake. Received by mistake If an event or reward item given via Message box/NPC/Item box is received by a character other than the one you wanted, the received item will be withdrawn and the item will be given again. (Tradable items are excluded.) ※ Item is only restored when the ticket is sent within 72 hours after receiving the item by mistake. ※ Title can be restored if it was given as a form of item. ※ The item stated above to be withdrawn has to be in the inventory when you send us a ticket. ※ Cannot be restored when the item is crafted (Enhance/ Identify/ Transcendence/Awaken/Enchant Jewel/Appearance change/Socket expansion, etc) and is in different status than it was when received. Character/Companion Delete Can be restored when the Character/Companion is deleted. ※ Make sure the Slot is available in the lodge, and if you have character with the same name as the character you want to restore, please change the existing character’s name before sending the ticket. Item created from Equipment Storage Can be restored when creating Accessory/Ark by mistake.   ※ Item created by mistake will be retrieved and the amount of silver consumed will be restored. ※ When you have crafted the crated item, the materials used when crafting won't be restored. (※added on July 26, 2022)   ② Unrestorable Cases   Type Content Enhanced/Transcended/Awakened Equipment  Cannot be restored when the equipment such as Weapon, Armor is enhanced, and when the items are destroyed due to failing the Enhancement/Transcendence. Class Advancement / Change Cannot restore or reset to the previous status when Class is advanced. Class change point cannot be restored when class is changed. ※ You can change the class by collecting the Class change point in the Advancement Info. Ichor Cannot be restored when: - Item is consumed due to failure of extracting Ichor - Item is consumed due to failure of  transmuting Ichor - Cannot extract when Ichor is equipped in the equipment - Item is consumed due to success of extracting the Ichor ※ Fixed Stats/Random Stats Ichor can be unequipped via Teliavelis NPC in Fedimian. Item Stat Cannot restore or reset if the stat of the item is changed by using Enchant Scroll, Magnifier, etc Title Cannot be restored when the title from event/quest reward is applied directly to the character Consumed Item When some of items that requires withdrawal are consumed Expired Item Expired item cannot be restored Craft All items related to crafting cannot be restored. Stat/Skill/Attribute/Arts Cannot restore or reset when you acquire Stat/Skill/Attribute/Arts. ※ Stat/Skill/Attribute/Arts can be reset by using Stat Reset Potion/Skill Reset Potion/Attribute Reset Potion/Arts Reset Potion. ※ Arts learned from previous Class cannot be restored when changing the Class Tree. Equipped Gem Gems cannot be restored if the gem is equipped with the equipment. ※ Gem can be extracted via Blacksmith NPC. Socket Cannot be restored to the previous status when the socket is added to the equipment. Legend Card Enhancement Enhancement material cannot be restored when the Legend Card is enhanced. Gem/Card Enhancement ※ Legend Card is enhanced by chance, and therefore the material used to enhance the card won’t be restored. ※ The item to be withdrawn has to be in the inventory when you send us a ticket. Assister Card Assister registered in the Assister Cabinet cannot be restored. ※ Only unused Assister Card in the inventory can be restored. Registered Items Items registered in the Equipment Storage cannot be restored. (※added on September 24, 2021) Cube  Items obtained by chance when opening the cube cannot be restored. Ex. Goddess' Cube, Leticia's Cube, Secret Cube, etc. (※added on January 26, 2022) ※ Any kind of restore policy won't be applied when opening the packages purchased with TP, regardless of the reason. (The items in the package have to be unused.)   (3) How to send a ticket   STEP 1. Go to [Support] category on our official website.   STEP 2. Write a ticket with a steam account that matches the team name.   STEP 3. [Item Recovery] need to be mentioned in the title. (Category: ETC)   STEP 4. Write the details. - When and Why the incident happened. - Which character has the item.     ※ The policy might change due to updates. [Update: May 11, 2021] ※ It may take up to 1 week to get the item restored.

July 26th, 2022
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Leticia's Secret Cube: April 6, 2021

B Raid Portal Stone 30 B Shining Silver Ichor x3 Box 1 B Shining Class Change Voucher Lv.3 1 B Uphill Defense x3 Multiply Token 1 B Magic Stone 1 B Practonium 1 B EXP Tome Box (4 Tomes) 1 B Attribute Points Box (Rank B) 1 B Dimensional Collapse Point x3 Multiply Token 1 B Legend Raid Portal Stone 1 B Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token x3 1 B Shining Silver Anvil 1 C Combat Support Box 1 C Looting Chance: 500 5 C Attribute Points Box (Rank C) 1 C Raid Portal Stone 10 C Goddess' Support Box: Punishment 1 C Goddess' Support Box: Protection 1

April 5th, 2021
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Scheduled Maintenance for January 28, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (January 28, 2020). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
January 28th, 2020