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Regarding Missing Event TP/Titles and Other Issues after Oct 11 Maintenance

Greetings, Saviors. Missing Event TP and Titles Some users have reported their Event TP items and ‘Happy-go-Lucky’ titles obtained from the previous ‘Crystal Root Lottree’ event going missing after the latest scheduled maintenance. We would like to let you know that we are working on fixing this issue and will restore the missing TP and titles as soon as possible. Other Issues We would also like to announce that we are looking into other issues reported after today’s maintenance and will update you after they are solved. Please note that, depending on your region, even after the patch your client could take some time to sync with the server. We suggest you try checking the integrity of your game files on Steam if you are experiencing problems after this maintenance. We ask for your patience and understanding while we fix the remaining issues. Remember you can report any problems you may be experiencing via ticket through the Support page. Thank you.

October 11th, 2016
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[Special] Support Package

Greetings, Saviors!   We have prepared special packages to support you! Don't miss the special chance!     Blacksmith's Support 99 TP Max: 10 per team Item Name Amount Tradability Shining Ruby Anvil 5 O Shining Golden Socket 1 O [Lv.460] Legend Enchant Jewel 5 O (Personal trade X) Glowing Awakening Stone 5 O Lv.430 Awakening Abrasive 5 Only to Team Storage Advanced Golden Anvil 10 Only to Team Storage Enhancement Coupon: 100,000 Silver 50 Only to Team Storage   Goddess' Support 298 TP Max: 3 per team Item Name Amount Tradability EXP Card (Lv.430) 1 Only to Team Storage Class EXP Card Box 1 Only to Team Storage(※) Legend Card Slot Unlock Voucher 1 Only to Team Storage Lv15 Basic Condensed HP Potion 100 Only to Team Storage Lv15 Basic Condensed SP Potion 100 Only to Team Storage [Event] Small Elixir of HP Recovery 50 Only to Team Storage [Event] Small Elixir of SP Recovery 50 Only to Team Storage x8 EXP Tome 5 Only to Team Storage Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher 20 Only to Team Storage Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token 30 Only to Team Storage Miracle Seeds 20 Only to Team Storage Goddess Sculpture 20 Only to Team Storage Class Change Voucher Lv 4 1 Only to Team Storage ※The price at the [First Time Shoppers Only] and [Rookie/Returning Player Shop]: 99 TP ※Max: 1 for Rookie/Returning Player Shop and First Time Shoppers Only ※Class EXP Card Box can be transferred via team storage only when it's NOT opened. The items in the Class EXP Card Box cannot be transferred separately.     Master's Support 99 TP Max: 10 per team Item Name Amount Tradability Unidentified Mystic Tome 1 Only to Team Storage Attribute Points 10,000 Ticket 5 Only to Team Storage Skill Reset Potion 1 Only to Team Storage Attribute Reset Potion 1 Only to Team Storage ※The price at the [First Time Shoppers Only] and [Rookie/Returning Player Shop]: 49 TP ※Max: 1 for Rookie/Returning Player Shop and First Time Shoppers Only     

September 21st, 2020
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Adventure Journal Renewal – First Notice

Greetings, Saviors. We’re planning to improve on some of the problems affecting Adventure Journal contents, and for that we would like to notify you of a few big changes that are taking place in the near future. 1) Data registered in the Adventure Journal will be applied on a per-team basis, instead of the current per-character setup. This means you will have a single Adventure Journal shared with all the characters of your team, and the contents you play with each character will all contribute to your team’s common Adventure Journal. 2) Data currently registered in Adventure Journals will be deleted, and all compensation-related content will be revised. 3) Current Adventure Journal rewards can only be received before the renewal, so make sure to collect any rewards you may have from your Adventure Journal achievements before the changes are applied. Details about which contents will be changed and how they will change will be shared in a future announcement, along with the renewal schedule. Make sure to keep an eye on our News page for more updates.

April 23rd, 2017
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[SA] Silute Server Connection Issues - May 29th, 2016

Greetings Saviors,   We are aware that players may have been experiencing connection issues to the [SA] Silute server.  This was due to some internal connection issues between the servers. The issue has been resolved at [EDT] 06:25 May 29th and you should now be able to access the game. Please let us know via the ticket system if you are still having trouble accessing the game after this point. As always, we thank you for your continued support, understanding, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.   Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 30th, 2016
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Scheduled Maintenance for October 22, 2019

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (October 22, 2019). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
October 21st, 2019
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Announcement regarding event rewards

Greetings Saviors,   We would like to announce that there was a slight issue with the event rewards for the first day. Several players were able to obtain rewards meant for another day instead of the rewards intended to be given for the first day.   This was unintentional and we have reset the properties related to the event as of 05:20 A.M. (EDT) September 13th, 2016. Players will now receive the intended reward for the first day.    Any players that have finished the quest before this time will have had their quest status reset. Therefore, those players will be able to do the event quest once more and receive the rewards for the first day. Please make sure to redo today's event quest before the day is over to be able to receive the second reward tomorrow.   We offer our most sincere apologies for any confusion caused by the mixed rewards for the event. Sincerely, IMC Games

September 13th, 2016
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Announcement Regarding [SA]Silute Server Connection Issues - May 5th

Greetings Saviors! There are some connection issues with the [SA] Silute server at the moment.  You will be able to read more at the following link. https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/updated-announcement-regarding-sa-silute-server-connection-issues-may-5th/245530 We apologize for any and all inconvenience that you may have experienced from this problem. Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 8th, 2016
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NPC Profile - Demon Queen Gesti

Greetings, Saviors! Get to know the malevolent Demon Queen Gesti through this week's NPC Profile.

Developer's Blog
December 2nd, 2016
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[Guild Delete Exploit] Now Accepting Guild Restore Requests

Greetings, Saviors. We recently fixed an exploit in the game that allowed players to disband their guilds without becoming the guild master (more details here). As a result, several guilds have reportedly been deleted unintentionally. We are planning to restore all guilds disbanded through this exploit during our next scheduled maintenance on May 24, 2016, and will now start accepting requests via Support ticket. Guild masters of guilds affected by the exploit may send in their requests via Support ticket (Type: Etc) until [EDT] Sunday, May 22, 2016, at 11:59 PM. Before you send in your request, make sure you read and understand the conditions below: - Only guild masters may submit a restore request for their guild - Requests must be submitted via Support ticket (Type: Etc) - We will accept requests submitted until [EDT] Sunday, May 22, 2016, at 11:59 PM How to submit your request via Support ticket (only submit if you are the guild master): 1) Go to the Support Page on our official website 2) If you haven't, verify your Steam account 3) Click on Submit Ticket 4) Select Type: Etc, then enter your information on the fields shown 5) Enter the following in Title: -GUILD RESTORE- YOUR GUILD NAME 6) In Description, enter the following information    - Server:    - Guild name:    - Guild master character's name:    - Approx. date and time guild was deleted (EDT): Let us know if you run into trouble when submitting your request. Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 18th, 2016