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Introducing Rank 8 – Cleric

Greetings, Tree of Savior dev team here. As you can guess, we’re continuing our introduction of the new Rank 8 classes, and today we’re covering the Cleric tree.                                                                               Druid (Circle 3) There are many changes in the final form of the nature loving Circle 3 Druids. Players will be able to control numerous monsters at once thanks to the crowd control attribute that will be added to the "Telepathy" skill. (Please note that this attribute cannot be used during PVP) The newly added “Henge Stone” increases the level of all cleric Magic Circles and deployed equipment by 1. It also increases all statistics of Druids while they are transformed. The Druid will be able to transform into a werewolf by using the “Lycanthropy” skill. Druids will be able to jump and dash when transformed as a werewolf and will also be able to use speedy skills that normal Boss Monster werewolves do not have.   Oracle (Circle 3) The Circle 3 Oracle is the final form of the Cleric that intervenes with Fate.   Circle 3 Oracles will be able to change the gender of other players by using the “Switch Gender” skill. Oracles will be able to use this skill in the form of a shop in cities to wait and switch the genders of other players.   The new “Fortell” skill will randomly pick players on the magic circle and grant them temporary invincibility status. This magic circle keeps moving in a set direction, so players will have to keep following it’s movement in order to sustain the effects.   The "Twist of Fate" skill decreases up to 40% of the enemy’s health at once but will restore twice that much health for 30 seconds. It will have to be used strategically since it has the possibility to harm your party more than it helps. This skill will be applicable to all Boss Monsters excluding Field Boss Monsters but will not be counted towards Boss Monster Kill Contribution.    Plague Doctor (Circle 2) The main characteristics of a Circle 2 Plague Doctor that alters the status of players are as follows.   The "Incineration" skill will have a new contagion attribute which will spread all the debuffs from any monsters defeated by Incineration to nearby monsters.   The new "Disenchant " skill will nullify all of the buffs on an enemy. Players will be able to add an attribute that will nullify some effects of items making it extremely useful during PvP.   The new “Plague Vapors” skill which deals powerful damage over time receives additional bonus damage when used with the Incineration skill so it will be usable when combating multiple foes. Kabalist (Circle 2) As a Cleric that uses Kabala magic, the Circle 2 Kabalist has strengthened defensive skills.   The "Merkabah" skill will receive a new “Blessing” attribute which will increase the defense and add Divine Property damage to nearby allies. It will also receive an attribute that will reduce the movement speed of enemies allowing it to become a tank in party play.   The “Ghematria” and “Notricon” skills that change the enemy’s name to numbers will receive attributes to increase calculation speeds. The newly added “Multiple Hit Chance" skill will allow Kabalists to hit enemies as many times as marked above the enemy’s head which will allow Kabalists to show great combat prowess depending on enemy types.   Players will be able to copy monsters at random with the "Duplicate" skill. However, copied monsters cannot be re-copied and will drop silver and items just like the original monster but will not give you more experience points.  Inquisitor (Circle 1) The Inquisitor class which first appears at rank 8 is especially useful when dealing with magic users.   The “God Smash” skill will receive bonus damage when using blunt weapons and according to the enemy’s magical attack.   The “Inquisition" skill will make the user player temporarily receive additional damage equal to the caster’s magic damage, and will cast a Lv. 3 debuff that reduces the INT and SPR stats as well.   The "Pear of Anguish" deployed on the ground will only deal a little damage to enemies that step on it but will fly up to and attack any enemies that use magic in close proximity. This attack will deal 3 times more damage to when simply stepped on.   The "Breaking Wheel" will summon a wagon wheel shape that will attack any nearby enemies.   The Wheel will spread damage to enemies within range while it is spinning making it a good partner to any Swordsman type classes.    Taoist (Circle 1) The Taoist first appears at Rank 8 and utilizes charms to form a unique fighting style. Different types of Charms can be used and deployed on the ground, where they will be activated once allies or enemies come near.     Using the “Begone Demon” skill can be used to activate all the Charms from afar at once.   The "Shadow Walk" skill will make all the nearby allies temporarily invisible.   The "Storm Calling " will call thunder and rain on the spot where the Charm was. Players will be able to amplify the damage of electric property skills in the area such as the "Zaibas" skill. The "Tri-disaster Charm" will increase the resistance of nearby allies against fire, ice and electric property attacks.   ▲ The Creeping Death Charm arriving extremely late. 3 Charms are on top of each other   The "Creeping Death Charm" moves slowly after being thrown and will damage any enemies that get in the way. It deals damage as long as it is touching the enemy but moves very slowly making it ideal for use against slow or stationary enemies. We are looking forward to seeing how the players utilize it as it can be used in a variety of ways including forcing enemies into tight corners or kiting depending on the individual player’s control.

Developer's Blog
August 5th, 2016
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Changes regarding trading restrictions, bot policy

Greetings, Saviors! We’ve been listening to your recent feedback regarding trading restrictions and bot presence in Tree of Savior, and would like to announce some changes we’ll be making to improve your in-game experience. 1) Less Trade Restrictions As mentioned in previous announcements, the trade restrictions were implemented to address RMT issues. However, based on your feedback, we have determined that it may feel a bit too high-handed.  As such we have decided to implement new measures to reduce the inconvenience of trading restrictions on non-Token users in order to reduce trading restrictions on regular users. We are planning on allowing Non-Token users to partake in 1:1 trading. However, we are not yet certain how we will implement this new system. More details will be released as soon as they have been decided upon. The changes are intended to remove restrictions to players who may not be Token users but wish to help out or give class restricted items to other players. We also hope this will dissuade bots from collecting items through farming.   2) Bot Report Function We wish to continuously strive towards reducing the bot problem and provide better gaming experiences for normal players. As such, we are working on implementing the much requested bot report function. Not only that but we’re also developing and testing a system to detect bots faster.  Through the reporting system, you will not only able to select and report suspected bots, but you will also be able to report items in the market suspected of being part of RMT (e.g. low-value items sold at unusually high prices). Through this system, GMs will be able to catch more bots by prioritizing and reviewing cases reported by users. However, we know that this system can be misused or even abused and are in the process of polishing rules to regulate the system. We wish to provide merits to those who accurately report bots, and penalize those who misuse the system to report innocent users. This will most likely be a constantly updated set of rules since there will always be different cases. As always, we thank you for your continued support, understanding, and enthusiasm for Tree of Savior.   Sincerely, IMC Staff

Developer's Blog
April 14th, 2016
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Recent Client Optimization Measures

Greetings, Saviors! Today on the blog we’re talking about our game client. Many of you have long been noticing that, when user numbers go up or during busy battle scenarios, the client’s response time tends to drop rather low. And in fact, while the game’s graphic engine is able to portray images with its distinctive unique 2d-like feel, it was suffering from a lot of performance-related problems. So, in this post, we want to notify the information about how much we improved in the new patch. The biggest issue with the current engine was the high number of draw call. Every time this number reached a certain level, the CPU would become overworked while the performance of GPU was underutilized. One of the main reasons behind this high number of draw calls was the abundance of particle effects. Whenever an enemy dies, or a character on screen attacks, and even when doing nothing, a large number of particle effects is required to render all the small objects moving in the background.   - Particle Effect Batching   In order to reduce the number of draw calls, we need to group together particles of the same type to create draw call batches. The problem is that most particles used are semi-transparent, so without depth sorting, they won’t be rendered the way we intend. The current engine prioritizes rendering accuracy, so particle effects of all types were mixed together, making batching impossible and increasing the number of draw calls. We considered, in this case, that improving the client’s performance was a more urgent matter and decided to slightly compromise the visual accuracy of the game in favor of allowing more batching. We’re also applying other measures to improve performance and reduce draw calls, such as exploiting multiple render targets, shadow processing optimization and character instancing.   - Multiple Render Target   - Shadow Processing Optimization and Character Instancing   - We tested versions with and without the optimization measures applied and compared the results.   - Chart Showing FPS (Frame Per Second) and MS (Millisecond per frame) Figures by time The top of the graph shows FPS variation (the higher, the better), while the bottom represents MS figures (where lower is better). With all the optimization measures applied, we witnessed an increase of approximately 2.5 times in minimum FPS. We were able to see that the gaming environment was improved greatly by the fact that by raising the minimum FPS allowed the game to maintain at least 60 FPS on the testing specifications. Note that these results were obtained in a testing environment and can differ depending on each user's PC specifications. However, the inconvenience caused by these problems is expected to reduce significantly in most situations. Besides of these issues, there are still some problems need to be optimized such as CPU multicore utilization and Graphics data-side optimizations. These measures are part of all efforts to continue providing a better environment to TOS players. Thank you.  

Developer's Blog
May 30th, 2016
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New Enchant Options + Rank 10 Attributes

Greetings, Saviors! In today’s post, we’re going to talk about a few changes to the golden stat plans we mentioned in a previous blog and introduce the new attributes we’re developing for dealer classes in Ranks 6 and 7, as well as a couple of additional balancing adjustments. Remember that the final version of the contents we discuss here can look different when the patch is finally applied to the game. With that in mind, let’s get started.   ENCHANT STAT SYSTEM Enchant Jewels We’re introducing a new item called the Enchant Jewel. Enchant Jewels will drop at a low rate from gear items of Rare or higher grades when those items are dismantled. The Enchant Jewel produced will match the grade of the item it dropped from. This will apply to all level 75+ Rare, Unique and Legend equipment items.   Note: Any eligible gear items you may have in your possession before the update will also have a chance of dropping Enchant Jewels when dismantled after this patch is applied. Applying Enchant Stats Enchant Jewels will be used to create new Enchant Stats for your equipment. On average, higher-grade Jewels (Legend > Unique > Rare) produce higher stat values. However, the only difference between each grade will be their chance of applying said values, which means it will be possible for Unique and Rare Jewels to generate maximum stat values as well. Stats added through these Enchant Jewels will not affect the item’s original stats, and will instead be applied independently. Enchant Jewels can be added to equipment of up to 10 levels above the level of the item from which they dropped.   E.g.: When dismantled, a Lv 350 Masinios item will drop a Lv 360 Unique Enchant Jewel, which can then be added to any equipment of Lv 360 and below. Enchant Jewels can be added to any eligible piece of equipment but, as mentioned earlier, their stats will apply independently from the item’s other stats (random stats, fixed stats, etc.). On the other hand, extracting and adding Enchanted Jewels comes at no cost to your characters (no Silver or consumables required, no Potential loss, etc.). Other Features Any item can only have a maximum of one Enchant Stat applied to it at any time. This means that, if you use a second Enchant Jewel on the same item, the latter stat and values will override the ones applied by the first Jewel. Also, having multiple items with the same Enchant Stat will not stack the corresponding effects. Instead, only the stat with the highest value will apply.   E.g.: If you have [Enchant Stat] Critical Rate +12% on your weapon and [Enchant Stat] Critical Rate +8% on your boots, the total Critical Rate bonus applied from both your Enchant Stats will be +12%. As Enchant Stats are completely independent from random stats, they are not affected when an item is re-identified. Enchant Stats will also not transfer onto Ichors when they are extracted.   RANK 10 ATTRIBUTES Doppelsoeldner   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Doppelsoeldner: Tough (Character Rank 10+) Reduces Stamina by 5, but increases the Minimum Critical Chance and AoE Attack Ratio of all Doppelsoeldner skills in proportion to attribute level.   When using any Doppelsoeldner skill: Lv 1 Minimum Critical Chance +1%, AoE Attack Ratio +1 Lv 5 Minimum Critical Chance +5%, AoE Attack Ratio +5 Lv 10 (max.) Minimum Critical Chance +10%, AoE Attack Ratio +10 [C1 Attribute] Deeds of Valor Duration is fixed to 120 seconds regardless of skill level, and cooldown is slightly reduced. [C1 Attribute] Cyclone Cooldown is reduced from 45 to 30 seconds. NEW! [C3 Attribute] Cyclone: Ravage (Cyclone Lv 11+) Doubles the radius of Cyclone and extends its cooldown by 5 seconds.   Fencer   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Fencer: Offensive Rapide (Character Rank 10+) Removes your ability to block regardless of shield use, but applies all Fencer skills as two consecutive hits.   When using any Fencer skill: Lv 1 Fencer skill damage 52% x 2 (104%) Lv 5 Fencer skill damage 60% x 2 (120%) Lv 10 (max.) Fencer skill damage 70% x 2 (140%)   The consecutive hits do not apply as two different attacks. They apply as one attack that is displayed in-game as the total damage divided into two hits.     Dragoon   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Dragoon: Courage (Character Rank 10+) Increases the damage of all spear skills in proportion to attribute damage. Applies to all skills casted with a spear, regardless of class.   When using any spear skill: Lv 1 Skill damage +1% Lv 5 Skill damage +5% Lv 10 (max.) Skill damage +10%   This attribute applies to both one-handed and two-handed spear skills. Basically, any skill that can be performed by a Dragoon with a spear.     Warlock   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Warlock: Darkness (Character Rank 10+) When using Dark property skills, generates additional Dark property damage in a value equal to a percentage (proportional to attribute level) of the caster’s maximum magic attack. Applies to all Dark property skills, regardless of class.   When using any Dark property skill: Lv 1 Added Dark damage equal to 2% of max. magic attack Lv 5 Added Dark damage equal to 10% of max. magic attack Lv 10 (max.) Added Dark damage equal to 20% of max. magic attack   Magic attack weapons don’t normally have random damage deviations, but equipping Red Gems can increase their maximum attack.     Featherfoot   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Featherfoot: Witch Doctor (Character Rank 10+) Increases the damage of all Featherfoot skills on enemies affected by debuffs in proportion to attribute level.   When using any Featherfoot skill against enemies with debuffs: Lv 1 Skill damage +1.5% Lv 5 Skill damage +7.5% Lv 10 (max.) Skill damage +15%   This attribute applies to enemy debuffs under the same conditions as skills like Blood Bath, Blood Sucking or Kundela Slash.     Schwarzer Reiter   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Schwarzer Reiter: Markmanship (Character Rank 10+) Increases the damage of Schwarzer Reiter skills in proportion to attribute level.   When using any Schwarzer Reiter skill: Lv 1 Skill damage +1% Lv 5 Skill damage +5% Lv 10 (max.) Skill damage +10%   Applies to Concentrated Fire, Caracole, Retreat Shot, Wild Shot and Marching Fire with no additional requirements. Does not apply to basic attacks.     Falconer   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Falconer: Hawk Eye (Character Rank 10+) Increases the minimum critical chance of all Falconer skills in proportion to attribute level.   When using any Falconer skill: Lv 1 Minimum critical chance +3% Lv 5 Minimum critical chance +15% Lv 10 (max.) Minimum critical chance +30%   Minimum Critical Chance is a value that works to apply critical when an attack fails to be considered as such.     Cannoneer   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Cannoneer: Detonate (Character Rank 10+) Allows all Cannoneer skills to ignore part of the enemy’s defense in proportion to attribute level. Increases SP consumption.   When using any Cannoneer skill: Lv 1 Ignores 2% Cloth/Leather armor, 4% Plate armor Lv 5 Ignores 10% Cloth/Leather armor, 20% Plate armor Lv 10 (max.) Ignores 20% Cloth/Leather armor, 40% Plate armor   Minimum Critical Chance is a value that works to apply critical when an attack fails to be considered as such.     Musketeer   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Musketeer: Ready for Battle (Character Rank 10+) Reduces movement speed by 1, but increases the attack values of musket attacks in proportion to attribute level.   When using any musket attack (skills, basic attacks): Lv 1 Attack +1%, movement speed -1 Lv 5 Attack +5%, movement speed -1 Lv 10 (max.) Attack +10%, movement speed -1   Unlike Damage increases, Attack increases work to reduce the effects of the target’s Defense (which is also different from ignoring Defense) in combat calculation formulas. Because of this, even at similar values, Attack increases are much more effective.     Druid   NEW! [C3 Attribute] Druid: Wolf Spirit (Character Rank 10+) Extends the duration of Lycanthropy (including Human Form) in proportion to attribute level. Increases SP consumption.   When using Lycanthropy: Lv 1 Duration +3 seconds Lv 5 Duration +15 seconds Lv 10 (max.) Duration +30 seconds     SUMMON CLASS CHANGES Summon Maximum HP We will be changing the maximum HP of some summons to reflect a proportion of the caster’s own maximum HP. The exact ratio varies from summon to summon, but this change applies to the following:   Sorcerer - Bosses summoned by Summoning (Morph included) - Salamion Necromancer - Shoggoth - Skeleton Soldier - Skeleton Archer Bokor - Zombie   Sorcerer   [C1 Skill] Summon Familiar The effects of bats self-destructing will now count as summon attacks. The current skill factor is removed, and instead the bats gain an attack value which is proportional to the caster’s SPR stat, as what happens for other summons. The skill will summon a fixed number of 5 creatures. Skill cooldown is reduced in proportion to skill level, and Familiar duration is set to 1 minute. [C1 Attribute] Summon Servant: Quick Order Attribute effects change to casting all Servant buffs at once. NEW! [C3 Attribute] Summon Salamion: Heat The Salamion steadily restores the HP of itself and its owner’s other summons. The cycle accelerates in proportion to attribute level. [C3 Skill] Evocation The caster will be able to select a spot to attack, and damage will increase in proportion to SPR. [C3 Skill] Desmodus Targets hit by Desmodus become afflicted with the Blood Sucking debuff. Enemies with the debuff receive increased damage from the caster’s summons in proportion to skill level.   In this update, the change to summon attack includes not only Familiar summons but Necromancer Skeletons and Corpse Tower as well.     Necromancer   NEW! [Debuff] Necromancer Bane Enemies hit by skills that attack using corpse parts become afflicted with the Necromancer Bane debuff, which stacks in different values according to the type of skill and resets its 15-second duration whenever a new stack is applied. Necromancer Bane increases the damage dealt by Skeleton Soldiers and Skeleton Archers in proportion to the number of stacks. It also slightly decreases movement speed regardless of the number of stacks. [C1 Skill] Flesh Cannon Enemies hit by this skill have a chance of becoming afflicted with the Necromancer Bane debuff. The number of stacks applied is fixed. [C1 Skill] Flesh Hoop Enemies hit by this skill become afflicted with the Necromancer Bane debuff. The number of stacks applied is proportional to skill level. [C3 Skill] Flesh Strike Casting time is changed from skill level x 1 seconds to 3 seconds, while cooldown is reduced from 54 to 30 seconds. Enemies hit by Flesh Strike become afflicted with the Necromancer Bane debuff. The number of stacks applied is proportional to skill level.   Stay tuned for more news and updates on upcoming content!

Developer's Blog
July 25th, 2018
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NEW Hidden Class: Nak Muay

Greetings, Saviors! The Nak Muay is our next hidden class in the Swordsman tree that's coming out on February 20! Today we bring you a sneak peek of what this class is about.       "The combat style of the Nak Muay is very different from other kinds you may know. We attack the enemy with our hands, feet, elbows, and knees. The risk of injury is high, and it is not an easy style to learn. No matter how strong you are, you must never underestimate your opponent. If you do, the Nak Muay technique becomes nothing but a means for violence." - Khanom Caolaw, Nak Muay Master       Alma Generosa (Nak Muay Main BGM) Composed by Kevin   See you soon on February 20!

Developer's Blog
February 12th, 2018
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Steam TOS Service Improvement Plan

Greetings, Saviors! First of all, we would like to thank you for the love and support you’ve been showing for Tree of Savior. We hope this post addresses some of the most pressing issues you’ve been asking about and sheds some light on how we are working to improve them.   Client Lag Issue The graphic engine optimization is currently in process. We had some major progress and the patch is being prepared. How much it smoothed the overall experience and improved the performance is going to be announced through our Dev Blog.   Server Lag Issue As stated in our previous announcement, temporary restrictions limiting access for new players to Tree of Savior are now in place. We will alleviate the “slow server process speed” symptoms through temporary maintenance before we permanently solve this server lag issue. As previously announced, there have been other DDoS attacks on the [SA] Silute server. Every attack results in the particular machine getting banned, which means far lower machines compared to the user count, and we have been denied adding more machines to the server. The SA server shall be moved to a NA location due to the fact that normal service operation is practically impossible with the current local service provider. The regional pricing will remain the same even after the machine’s location transfer. The server will stay in NA until we find a good solution to the SA problem.   Persistent Bot Problem The Bot Classifier for [SEA] Telsiai, [SA] Silute and [SEA] Varena servers is under maintenance and has not been fully operational. This is a problem related to DB backup, which cannot be solved easily and requires extended maintenance to fix, which is why we are putting it on hold for now. In the case of [SA] Silute, the problem should be solved and the situation normalized after today’s relocation. We also expect to solve the problem for [SEA] Telsiai and Varena and get back to normal operation on those servers as soon as possible.   Why haven’t you applied to iTOS the same patch as kTOS? The regions for iTOS are more and diverse and applying a patch for each region takes some time. Our previous patches also had problems of that sort. Such problems resulted in the updates and the game access being unavailable. Also, after we update the Korean version and receive feedback from the users there, we sometimes end up making changes to it again, so getting a final version of the update that we can apply to iTOS can take some time. That is the reason why we were unable to apply patches frequently.    Feedback and Communication from the Staff Are Insufficient From now on, we will have a regular Q&A time with the Dev Team based on the opinions from you, the users. Also, a CM will gather up questions raised on the forum and forward them to the Dev Team and provide our users with answers.   Token Prices Our players have long been voicing out their opinions about the price of Tokens, and after some internal discussion we’ve decided to lower Token prices. We plan to compensate those who are currently using or have recently purchased Tokens as a result. Details will be announced in a separate news post. link : https://treeofsavior.com/news/?n=434   Thank you for reading and have fun playing Tree of Savior.

Developer's Blog
May 27th, 2016
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We’re Going Fishing!

Greetings, Saviors! We’ve talked about fishing in two separate Dev Interviews here at the blog (read them here and here), so we’re happy to announce that the long-awaited fishing update is finally making it into iTOS! In this post, we want to let you in on what you can expect from this new function and how you can make the most of it.   As you may know from our previous posts, fishing is a little different from most other contents in the game, in that it doesn’t require you to fight or concentrate on a specific task. Fishing in TOS is much more relaxed: you simply set up your fishing rod and let the items come to you… Now, there are a few important things you should know about fishing before heading out to your nearest spot. First, to fish you need 3 essential elements: a Fishing Spot, a Fishing Rod and some Bait. Before You Fish   Before you start fishing, you’ll need to acquire a fishing rod and bait. You can purchase both of these from Fishing Manager Joha, the new NPC in the city of Klaipeda. Below is a list of the items Joha is selling.   The Old Fishing Rod is your first choice of rod available. For bait, you can get Worms or Shrimp. Other than these basic items, Joha also sells Paste Bait and the Fishing Bonfire (yes, of course it works underwater!), which are bonus items you can use to improve your fishing experience.   You don’t need these items to fish, but they make the process faster and more effective.   If you login after the fishing update, you will find a new fish icon next to your Character Info icon in the lower-right menu. That’s your Tackle Box, and it’s where the items you fish are automatically stored before you receive them in your character inventory. The Tackle Box is shared with all the characters in your team. How to Fish   Once you have all your fishing gear, find the Fishing Spot in the city of Klaipeda or in the Cobalt Forest region. To start fishing, get inside a Fishing Spot and right-click the fishing rod from your inventory. The window will prompt you to place some bait on the slot, which can be Worms or Shrimp. Choose your preferred type of bait and click the confirmation button to begin.   Each regular fishing cycle lasts one minute and consumes one unit of bait. If a cycle is successful (i.e. if you catch an item), you will see the item caught appear in your Tackle Box. Unsuccessful cycles (the ones where no item is caught) have no particular effect. New fishing cycles will begin automatically unless you run out of bait, exceed your daily fishing count or your Tackle Box becomes full. You can also use the ‘Stop Fishing’ button on your Tackle Box to cancel the current fishing cycle.   You can fish a total of 10 items per day (per team), which means that if you already caught 10 items that day, your characters will no longer be able to fish. This daily count resets at 6AM (server time), and you can check how many times you have left by looking at your Tackle Box. Using Fished Items There are a few particular items you can obtain by fishing. 1) Small Silver Fish: This is a small fish you can use as bait, the same way you do with Worms or Shrimp. 2) Silver Fish: This type of fish can’t be used as bait. Instead, you can grill them over a bonfire and eat them! This applies the Grilled Fish buff, which increases your HP and SP recovery.   During our new Gone Fishing event, you can also exchange Silver Fish at the Fishing Manager NPC for an exclusive Butler or Maid costume! The full details are over at the event announcement here.   All of these contents will be available starting August 1, 2017. Make sure to understand how the system works before you have a go, and stay tuned for more fishing-related news!

Developer's Blog
July 31st, 2017
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Combat System Changes Dossier Pt. 4

Greetings, Saviors! TOS dev team here. Today, in part 4 of our Dossier series about the ‘Plans for Combat System Changes’, we’re talking about what differences you can expect in items and hunting fields. 1. What will change about the stats of equipment items? First, here’s the chart showing how level, stats and weapons influence skill attack before and after the changes, in case you missed it. You can see from this chart that the importance of items increases by quite a bit after the changes. Now have another look at the new damage calculation formula: Your attack is going to depend on the defense of your enemy, and on your own attack-defense proportions. A character with attack 100 and defense 100, for example, deals 30 of damage (70% reduction); one with attack 200 and defense 100 will, in turn, deal 90 of damage, suffering a damage reduction of only 55%. This means that larger gaps between your attack and defense values will be more advantageous. Thinking of the two example characters above, the difference between 100 and 200 is only 2 times, but the actual damage (from 30 to 90) is 3 times different. < Regular attack damage according to attack and defense values > Your attack is composed of the following criteria: a) +0.5 per level b) +2 per STR/INT (+5 added every 10) c) Weapon attack (base stats, enhancement, transcendence, gems, options) Note that additional property damage isn’t counted in these criteria. If you consider that you can increase your attack by about 1000 through your level and STR/INT stats, the total percentage occupied by the attack of your weapon is more than 50%, reaching up to more than 70% when enhancement/transcendence/gem values are applied. This percentage can increase even more if you choose to invest in stats other than STR or INT. Skills, on the other hand, take into account the defense of your target to increase your attack only by a certain percentage, so they won’t have much effect on already-low attack values. This is especially true with high-defense enemies, which are unlikely to be visibly affected by even high attack factor skills. < Regular attack damage and skill damage on an enemy of defense 4000 > On the other hand, increasing your defense up to a higher degree can significantly improve how well you withstand regular attacks, and even skills with an attack factor of 1500% won’t make that much of a scratch. Along with the combat system changes, we’re also going to reduce the overall defense in monsters, so we expect it will be easier for players to deal decent amounts of damage not only in fields but in instanced dungeons and Earth Tower as well. After the changes, however, we do want to introduce new item-dropping field bosses with higher defense and attack, so having a certain amount of defense will continue to be important to players. 2. How will the dual stats of armor and blunt weapon items work? With the new changes, we decided to have blunt weapons offer both physical and magic attack, for the convenience of Cleric classes that require both. Enhancing, transcending or maintaining this type of weapons is going to increase both physical and magic attack values simultaneously. Armor items will also offer both physical and magic defense. Plate armor will focus on physical defense, while Cloth armor will provide higher magic defense. Leather armor will have lower physical and magic defense, instead including critical rate-increasing attributes. 3. How will item enhancement be affected by the changes? After the combat system changes, the biggest difference you can expect in terms of items is in the enhancement function, which many players currently feel doesn’t offer enough of a boost to justify its silver prices. To improve on this, we changed the price for each stage of enhancement, making it 20% to 30% lower than the current fees, and increased the efficacy of each increment. < Enhancement of a Lv. 315 rare weapon. Enhancing to stage 6, 11 or 16 are the most efficient options. > Starting from +6, the first stage at which the enhancement can fail, the increment increases, as it does every 5th stage after that (+11, +16, +21, and so on). Matching the enhancement of your item to these stages, then, becomes the most efficient option. We are also changing the maximum stage of “safe” enhancement of sub-weapons to +5, but other than that, the chances of success, potential consumption rules and anvil functions remain the same. One related difference in the field of transcendence, however, is that consuming the potential of an item will not affect the amount of Blessed Gems required in extraction penalties, so that will be one less thing for you to worry about. 4. What is going to change in the transcendence system? The overall percentage of increase you get from each stage of transcendence is going to be smaller, but with the new combat system formulas and skill factor calculations, the performance of transcendence in items is going to remain very much the same, and can even prove itself to be much more powerful than before depending on your skill combinations. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that after the changes, the higher the transcendence stage of an item, the pricier it will be to enhance it. The new transcendence system will also see the current three types of Goddess’ Blessed Gems unified into a single type of Blessed Gem, which can be returned at a rate of 90% of the corresponding successful transcendence stage, regardless of the remaining potential of the item. Blessed Gems lost in transcendence attempts failed from adding less than the required for guaranteed success will not be counted for the total of Blessed Gems returned. Here’s a sample case to help exemplify this rule: Stage 1: used 1/3 and succeeded -> 1 Blessed Gem saved Stage 2: used 2/4 and succeeded -> 2 Blessed Gems saved Stage 3: used 5/5 and succeeded -> 5 Blessed Gems saved Stage 4: used 2/6 and failed -> 0 Blessed Gems saved In the case above, the player saved a total of 8 Blessed Gems (all the Gems they used in successful attempts), so if they were to extract them, they should receive back 8 x 90% = 7.2 (rounded). That’s a total of 7 Blessed Gems, or 70 Blessed Shards. 5. What updates to expect in Hunting Grounds and Unidentified Items? If until now we were unable to introduce Lv. 270 and Lv. 315 weapons and equipment due to balance reasons, after the changes you can finally see these items dropped at the new Lv. 280-320 Hunting Grounds (entrance from Grynas Hills). These new equipment items may have relatively low numbers, but all the options you need (1 magic, 2 rare) are there. Other than these updates, playing in Hunting Grounds with a party of about 3 members is going to continue to be a good option, although solo play will be feasible as well. 6. Which items are changing to legend grade? Lolopanther (Lv. 270) and Solmiki (Lv. 330) equipment sets obtained from Earth Tower will have their current unique (red background) grade changed to legend grade (see images below). As legend items, these pieces of equipment are going to provide higher stats than the ones they currently offer. With these new combat system changes, specifically the new armor effects, we noticed more players wanting to switch their current armor for that of a different type, so we also plan to create a system that let you exchange your Lolopanther or Solmiki armor for the same items of a different type. We expect this system to allow players one single exchange per piece of armor, free of charge.  

Developer's Blog
May 5th, 2017
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What’s New: Rank Down, Gems, Monster Cards

Greetings, Saviors! This week’s content update brought in its fair share of new features and additions. In this post, we’re breaking down some of the most important gameplay changes from last maintenance to get you on top of the latest updates. For the full list of changes and additions, make sure to check out the patch notes from February 20, 2018.   Rank Down System Advanced into a class you didn’t mean to or ended up not liking? The Rank Down system was made for cases like yours. Here’s what you need to know about it. 1) The Rank Down system allows you to revert back to the Rank you were before your last advancement. 2) When you use the system to go back one Rank, all the skill and attribute points you used on your latest class/circle are returned to you. 3) Your total Class EXP will also reset back to the value it was right before your latest advancement. 4) You can only use the Rank Down system one time per Rank. 5) After using the system to go down one Rank, you can no longer use it to go back to a Rank lower than that. <The requirements for using the Rank Down system are the same as the Rank Reset Voucher. Make sure to read all the instructions before rolling back your Rank!> Traveling Merchant Geraldas Geraldas is a new Gem merchant NPC that appears every 3 hours (from 00:00, server time) in the city of Fedimian. At this NPC, you can trade Silver or Ancient Gold Coins for one random Gem, but there are a few things you should keep in mind: 1) Only characters of level 100 and above can use this NPC. 2) Geraldas stays in town for only 1 hour at a time. 3) Every time you buy a Gem from Geraldas on the same day, the price goes up (resets at 06:00, server time). There are two ways to purchase Gems from Geraldas: A. With Silver - Base price 10,000 Silver + 5,000 per purchase (starting from the second purchase of the day) - Lv 1-6 Red/Blue/Green/Yellow/White Gem or Monster Gem B. With Ancient Gold Coins - No Silver fee; you can obtain Ancient Gold Coins from the Hunting Grounds - Lv 4-6 Red/Blue/Green/Yellow/White Gem or Monster Gem White Gems <This is what the new White Gems look like.> If you follow our dev blog closely, you may have noticed these Gems making an appearance in a previous post… White Gems are a new type of Gem you can get from Hunting Grounds, which have the ability to increase your Looting Chance when equipped. These Gems are rarer than other types of Gems and can be equipped on top, bottom, weapon, subweapon, boots and gloves equipment items. Because of their effects, White Gems are best used on gear with some Looting Chance to create equipment sets for farming purposes. Besides White Gems, we also added 40 new types of Monster Gems, the full list of which is included in the patch notes for February 20, 2018. Monster Cards <The new Monster Cards added last February 20.> A new roster of Monster Cards is here, including cards from all 4 colours. Have a look at the table below.   Color Card Effects Red Froster Lord Card [★/2]% chance per attack of freezing the enemy for 4 sec Blue Woodspirit Card 10% chance of recovering [★*70] HP when attacked Armaos Card 10% chance of generating [★*100] Shield for 10 sec Green Stone Froster Card CON +[★*1.5] for 10 sec when using HP potions Lavenzard Card SPR +[★*1.5] for 10 sec when using SP potions Rafene Card STR, CON, INT, SPR, DEX +[★/3] Gorkas Card Looting Chance +[★*5] Purple Succubus Card Provocation per attack increase -[★]% We also edited the tooltips of 18 existing Monster Cards to make their effects clearer to understand. Here they are:   Card Edited Tooltip Biteregina Card [★/3]% chance per attack of poisoning the enemy for 6 sec Canceril Card [★]% chance of recovering 2% HP when attacked by Medium-sized monsters, cooldown 15 sec Cerberus Card [★]% chance of recovering 1% SP when attacked by Medium-sized monsters, cooldown 5 sec Deathweaver Card [★]% chance of recovering 3% HP when attacked by Large-sized monsters, cooldown 15 sec Ferret Marauder Card Provocation per attack increase +[★]% Giant Wood Goblin Card Increases [★]% damage against stunned enemies Hydra Card Increases [★]% damage against frozen enemies Ironbaum Card Increases [★]% damage against sleeping enemies Mallet Wyvern Card [★]% chance of recovering 3% SP when attacked by Large-sized monsters, cooldown 5 sec Marionette Card [★/3]% chance per attack of slowing down the enemy for 3 sec Mineloader Card [★/3]% chance per attack of shocking the enemy for 3 sec Moa Card Increases [★]% damage against Demon-type monsters Moldyhorn Card Increases [★]% damage against petrified enemies Prison Cutter Card Increases [★]% damage against bleeding enemies Rajapearl Card [★/3]% chance per attack of bleeding the enemy for 6 sec Velnewt Card [★]% chance of recovering 0.5% HP when attacked by Small-sized monsters, cooldown 15 sec Velnia Monkey Card Increases [★]% damage against poisoned enemies Werewolf Card [★]% chance of attacks being registered as rear attacks

Developer's Blog
February 21st, 2018