We’re Going Fishing!


Jul 31st, 2017

Greetings, Saviors!

We’ve talked about fishing in two separate Dev Interviews here at the blog (read them here and here), so we’re happy to announce that the long-awaited fishing update is finally making it into iTOS!

In this post, we want to let you in on what you can expect from this new function and how you can make the most of it.

As you may know from our previous posts, fishing is a little different from most other contents in the game, in that it doesn’t require you to fight or concentrate on a specific task. Fishing in TOS is much more relaxed: you simply set up your fishing rod and let the items come to you…

Now, there are a few important things you should know about fishing before heading out to your nearest spot. First, to fish you need 3 essential elements: a Fishing Spot, a Fishing Rod and some Bait.

Before You Fish


Before you start fishing, you’ll need to acquire a fishing rod and bait. You can purchase both of these from Fishing Manager Joha, the new NPC in the city of Klaipeda. Below is a list of the items Joha is selling.


The Old Fishing Rod is your first choice of rod available. For bait, you can get Worms or Shrimp. Other than these basic items, Joha also sells Paste Bait and the Fishing Bonfire (yes, of course it works underwater!), which are bonus items you can use to improve your fishing experience.


You don’t need these items to fish, but they make the process faster and more effective.


If you login after the fishing update, you will find a new fish icon next to your Character Info icon in the lower-right menu. That’s your Tackle Box, and it’s where the items you fish are automatically stored before you receive them in your character inventory. The Tackle Box is shared with all the characters in your team.

How to Fish


Once you have all your fishing gear, find the Fishing Spot in the city of Klaipeda or in the Cobalt Forest region.

To start fishing, get inside a Fishing Spot and right-click the fishing rod from your inventory. The window will prompt you to place some bait on the slot, which can be Worms or Shrimp. Choose your preferred type of bait and click the confirmation button to begin.


Each regular fishing cycle lasts one minute and consumes one unit of bait. If a cycle is successful (i.e. if you catch an item), you will see the item caught appear in your Tackle Box. Unsuccessful cycles (the ones where no item is caught) have no particular effect.

New fishing cycles will begin automatically unless you run out of bait, exceed your daily fishing count or your Tackle Box becomes full. You can also use the ‘Stop Fishing’ button on your Tackle Box to cancel the current fishing cycle.


You can fish a total of 10 items per day (per team), which means that if you already caught 10 items that day, your characters will no longer be able to fish. This daily count resets at 6AM (server time), and you can check how many times you have left by looking at your Tackle Box.

Using Fished Items

There are a few particular items you can obtain by fishing.

1) Small Silver Fish: This is a small fish you can use as bait, the same way you do with Worms or Shrimp.

2) Silver Fish: This type of fish can’t be used as bait. Instead, you can grill them over a bonfire and eat them! This applies the Grilled Fish buff, which increases your HP and SP recovery.

During our new Gone Fishing event, you can also exchange Silver Fish at the Fishing Manager NPC for an exclusive Butler or Maid costume! The full details are over at the event announcement here.

All of these contents will be available starting August 1, 2017. Make sure to understand how the system works before you have a go, and stay tuned for more fishing-related news!