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Scheduled Maintenance for November 20, 2018

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (November 20, 2018). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
November 19th, 2018
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Hayraven’s Unofficial Chronicles Part 2

  Warm sunlight was shining through the window of the captain’s cabin. Hayraven, opening his eyes, awoke from his shallow sleep. He had dreamt another of his many recurring dreams. At times finding himself on a small boat, facing an unfamiliar foe, or at others recalling events from his past. He would dream of endless rope ladders and ghost ships. Visions of his crew and Vladislovas’ subordinates populated his subconscious; dreams that shifted but remained unchanged as well. He put on his clothes and stepped out onto the deck, where he was greeted by his crew. Hayraven raised his hand in response as he walked, but was halted by the sight of Seadog approaching. The latter looked up at the watchman stationed atop of the mast. Before Seadog could speak, the watchman cried out, “Mast sighted starboard!” Unaware of the fact that he would have been punished had his warning arrived only a second later, the watchman continued to shout. “Merchant vessel! Flag unidentified!” He soon followed with more information. “Flag confirmed! It’s a Kedoran Alliance vessel!” Hayraven nodded at Seadog, who understood his orders. The captain, having spotted the approaching vessel long before the watchman, sat down on a deckchair and quietly observed his crew prepare for battle under Seadog’s command. The merchant ship was now close enough for all the men on board to see. Seadog, who was standing next to the captain, muttered in surprise, “Huh. Who do we have here?” Hayraven’s eyes were also set on the group of heavily armed men on deck of the neighboring vessel. “Looks like Guerra’s Pledge of the Blade mercenaries are on board,” he said. Seadog spoke carefully. “They don’t seem to be shipping any cargo. If all they have are the mercenaries, their ship will be light and fast. Seems to me like they should be counting on that to retreat as fast as they can now… Unlike the Golden Note mercenaries, they don’t look like they travel with enough combat supplies, either.” “Running away would taint their reputation; that can’t be good for business. No, they’re looking for a fight here. Let’s grant them their wish”, Hayraven concluded. “Do you reckon Guerra’s involved?” “It doesn’t look like he is, Captain.” Seadog shot another glance at the watchman, confirming the absence of any new reports. Hayraven spoke again. “Look at the way they’re lined up. They’re expecting hand-to-hand. They think I’m going to fight them their way, do they?” “The Pledge of the Blade is known for the knives, but they should know their arrows, too.” Hayraven took Seadog’s words lightly. “We’re pirates; we start our fights from the ship, and if we can, we end them from the ship. Why let it escalate? It’s not like we’re fighting the Great Pirate Vladislovas now, is it?” Seadog acquiesced and began calling out the captain’s orders to the crew in a sonorous voice. Hayraven returned to his deckchair. The early stages of the battle were easy for Hayraven’s side. The wind blew in the direction of the enemy, protecting his ship from the merchant vessel’s arrows and allowing his crew to decimate a large part of the mercenary forces. Yet, no strangers to projectile attacks themselves, the Pledge of the Blade used wide shields to defend their crew. However, they were at sea, and if anyone had the knowledge to make the most of the factors at play, it was Hayraven. By controlling the movement of his own ship from its fortunate position, he made use of the wind and currents to tilt the enemy vessel to a nearly 45 degree angle. Not only were they now standing on a slope, the mercenaries had to maintain their balance over the continuous rocking of the waves, which to less seasoned sailors was no easy task. Once the Pledge’s numbers were sufficiently reduced, hand-on-hand combat began. Seadog coarsely shouted the order at the pirates. “Hook them! Hook the ship!” Hayraven’s subordinates hurried to swing their hooks into the enemy vessel. The mercenaries, in turn, bustled to and fro, cutting off the ropes attached to the pirates’ metal hooks using large two-handed swords. Observing the mercenaries’ fast response to his attack, Hayraven stood up from the deckchair. “They aren’t playing, are they?” He ran to the edge of the ship and swung his own iron hook at the merchant vessel, striking an unknown mercenary across the chest. The hook went on to bury itself deep within the ship. Another member of the Pledge ran towards Hayraven’s hook brandishing his bayonet. Seeing him, the captain withdrew his pistol and aimed. One shot was all it took to blast away the mercenary. Yet already another one was attempting to reach the hook. This time, the mercenary avoided the pistol shot, causing Hayraven to react with a smile of amusement. “Alright, this one knows what he’s doing. Let’s see you cut this, then!” As he spoke, Hayraven swung another hook at the enemy ship, one which the agile mercenary was unable to avoid. Struggling to free himself from the hook, the man bore deep injuries as Hayraven pulled him through the waters between the two vessels. The keel hauling eventually took his life before the captain could pull him up onto the pirate ship. The two crafts drew closer and closer, and Hayraven eagerly reached for the Jolly Roger. “Did Vladislovas ever hit a ship with the Jolly Roger from this far?” he asked, grinning blithely. Seadog, who had been standing by the captain awaiting new orders, shook his head. “At this distance? Impossible.” Hayraven replied. “That’s right. For anyone else it is.” With this, he launched the pirate flag across the waters. Seeing the Jolly Roger lodge itself in the merchant ship, Hayraven called out to his crew. “Go! Let them fear my flag! I’m giving twice the loot to the first pirate to slaughter a mercenary by the Jolly Roger!” Seadog followed with his own commands. “You heard the captain. The last man to get on that ship is riding the keel.” The pirates dutifully complied, echoing each other’s battle cries as they crossed over onto the merchant ship. The Pledge of the Blade were already behind their opponents in both number and morale, and having Hayraven himself join the combat only asserted their inevitable defeat. The Pirate Captain’s dust devil quickly spread terror among the last surviving members of the mercenary group, who promptly abandoned their weapons and surrendered. It wasn’t long before Hayraven’s subordinates executed the few who had dared to resist them. Finally, the captain and crew of the merchant ship, who had been hiding in a corner of the vessel as the battle was held, were dragged out onto the deck. These sailors had been spared by the mere efficacy of Hayraven’s powerful attacks. Had the conflict spread out across the entire ship, they were unlikely to have survived. The pirate looked down at the captured crew before addressing them. “Are these all the men you have? I didn’t think there’d be so few of you.” Their captain replied. “It is as Guerra requested, yes. The Alliance crew was reduced and the work was assigned to his mercenaries to decrease costs. Not only was the ship mostly occupied by these mercenaries, we are also carrying a considerable amount of our own cargo. It was very difficult for us to sail in these conditions, you see. Guerra’s men aren’t familiar with the sea; I suppose that ultimately led to their defeat today.” “According to your logs, the goods you’re shipping are heavy but they aren’t worth much. And you say you cut the freight charges, too. It sure doesn’t sound like a good deal for the Alliance.” “Before our encounter, Captain, the mercenaries were paying their passage as stipulated in the contract, tending to the weapons and cleaning the deck. As for the goods, they may not be worth much now, but surely you’re aware of how we do business at the Kedoran Merchant Alliance. The original value of those goods will pose no problem. That is why…” The captain of the merchant vessel stood up to adopt a bolder stance. “Should you release this ship, the crew and all of our merchandise in safety, I propose to write you a certificate. A document that guarantees you a generous fee from any branch of the Kedoran Alliance. Our goods won’t yield much profit to an untrained merchant. And as you can see, our current personnel are far too scarce to be of any help to you. Our only condition is that this ship arrives safely at its destination. Once that is confirmed, you’re welcome to claim your reward.” “So you’re offering me a paper that’s worth more than this ship, the cargo and a few crewmen. Is that right? And all I have to do is wait for you to dock and tell the Alliance to get my money?” “That is correct. I should say, our communications network is rather advanced; it won’t take long for the information to reach all our branches.” Hayraven pondered for a moment. “Alright. The Alliance always finds a way to avoid a loss, don’t they? Dirtier than pirates, you are. Then, the rest of the filthy mercenaries will stay with us, yes? Everything they had on them, too.” The captain of the Kedoran Alliance knew Hayraven was not asking for consent, and so he nodded in agreement. The surviving mercenaries and their belongings were moved to the pirate ship. Oceanid approached Hayraven and asked, “Should we get the plank ready?” It was the custom in pirate ships to force captured enemies onto a plank laid on the side of the vessel and demand that they choose between joining the crew and drowning at sea. Hayraven, however, shook his head. “Leave them be. I have a deal with Olfas Grimm. We’ll gather a few more prisoners and sell them off to the Monk Master. Let them starve until they’re weak enough, but not so much that they’ll mutiny.” The captain’s orders were confusing, but Oceanid acceded and returned to the crew. Hayraven was left to mutter to himself. “Guerra, you filthy rat. I hope you find me after this; maybe then I’ll finally get myself a worthy fight. This time we’ll use our knives. Hmm. Come to think of it, they do say Creak is a match for Guerra. Who knows, it could be fun to fight Creak, too. Bore a bullet hole in his skull like I did to Vladislovas. He’s not bad with his gun either, or so they say.” At the end of his train of thought, Hayraven became silent. He raised his eyes to the silhouette of the merchant ship slowly disappearing in the horizon before turning back to the captain’s cabin.

Developer's Blog
December 13th, 2017
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Outline of RMT Policies and Definitions

Greetings Saviors,   We have introduced our RMT policies for the first time in July and August, 2018, and since then we have refrained from outlining the details of the processes involved in investigating RMT cases as to withhold information from the offending parties. But looking at the latest trends of our official forums, we have decided that it would be in everyone’s best interest to clearly outline and define the various punishable cases of in-game RMT.   As we did with our announcement in 2018, we will focus on enforcing both the old and new policies outlined below for the next couple of months.          Current RMT Policies   Illegal Trade   Definition   - All illicit exchange of goods via the market or personal trades without having paid the fair market price.   Penalty   - 1st Strike: A warning and the confiscation of all traded goods for all parties involved. - 2nd Strike: Confiscation of all traded goods and a 15-day suspension from the game for all parties involved. - 3rd Strike: Permanent suspension.   * Those suspected of being a gold-seller will be suspended permanently without any warning.   - When one is caught pro or post-RMT, the related illegal item will be confiscated, and depend on the size of the trade value, it could lead to sanction on the account. The repeated manner in RMT will bring up more harsh punishments. - If the illegally traded item originates from an illegal source(such as chargeback fraud etc), the trade partner also could be punished, as he/she took part in the distribution of the illegal item. - When the user is under the confiscating process due to creating/distributing illegal items and doesn't possess illegal items due to trading or already used after RMT, This could be reimbursed by confiscating the other item or a value on par with the illegally traded item. Also, this could lead to additional reasons to impose sanctions. - If the illegal item is being used with other legal items when these illegal items being used or enhanced, the legal item - which used illegal item for enhancements or crafting. - also could be confiscated     Chargeback Related [Punished User/Guild] - Account that committed Chargeback (Permanent Ban at first strike without warning)  - User who transfers items created by Chargeback (to Guild/Market/Trade, etc) - Account that invited the Chargeback account to the guild.  - Guild Master will be Permanently Banned when items created by Chargeback are moved to the Guild Warehouse 2 times.  ※ If the Guild Master changes to another user right before inviting the Chargeback account, it will be regarded as abusing the terms and both accounts will be treated as Guild Master.   Penalty   - 1st Strike: Confiscate items created by Chargeback and ban temporarily for 7 days - 2nd Strike: Confiscate items created by Chargeback and ban temporarily for 30 days - 3rd Strike: Permanent Ban     Botting   Definition   - Acquiring in-game currency using game exploits and/or third-party software/hardware that automates the process.   Penalty   - Strike 1: 15-day suspension from the game. - Strike 2: Permanent suspension.   GM Inspection Process   1) GM’s will randomly patrol the areas of the game that are known to be inhabited by bots. 2) GM’s will attempt to interact with the player character suspected of botting. 3) If the suspected player character does not react and carries on farming the user will be punished according to the penalties outlined above.     Multi-Accounts   Definition   - Different player accounts having simultaneously connected to the game via identical IP’s is not enough of a reason alone for us to put any kind of restriction on anyone. However, it is a bannable offense when multiple accounts connected on the same IP are funneling items to a single specific account. There could even be legitimate cases where even over a hundred accounts may be connected to the game via a single IP address. But when items or other in-game currencies are continuously transferred between these accounts, we will need to investigate the involved accounts and take appropriate action against them. This is common sense as the same is applied even for accounts connected via different IP addresses. This is no different from the way in which we identify and ban gold-seller bot accounts, and multiple accounts where items of value or in-game currencies are being funneled will be treated no differently.   Penalty   - Merely connecting to the game does not warrant any penalties. But, if items and in-game currencies are being funneled to a single account, we will put a permanent suspension on all involved accounts and IP addresses as we will treat the case as an instance of RMT gold-selling.      Newly Introduced RMT Policy   Being Reported for Listing Suspicious Items on the Market   Definition   - Items with no specific use or value being listed on the market for values well over their normal market price. - Simply listing an item on the Market is not itself a punishable offense but it is highly suspicious seeing items of little value or use being listed, especially miscellaneous items. - e.g. Mallardu Meat, Broadhead Arrow, etc.   Measure Taken   - Reported items will be removed from the market and subsequently from the game in their entirety.     Price   Definition   The Price indicated in our policies does not only refer to the value displayed in the market UI but also the "universal value" shared by the Users. This also applies to items that do not have an exact price value because they are not being traded frequently or the demand on the market is limited.   Thank you for reading.

June 14th, 2021
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[Special] 2020 New Year Package

  Greetings, Saviors!   It's a new year! Prepare this year's revelation with our new Special Packages!     Sale Period   From the scheduled maintenance on January 21, 2020 To the scheduled maintenance on February 4, 2020     Mysterious Package 147 TP Max: 3 per team   Item Tradability Team Storage Mystic Tome Page x2 X O Goddesses' Blessed Gem x5 O O Attribute Points 10,000 Ticket x5 X O   Ready for Battle 495 TP Max: 3 per team   Item Name Tradability Team Storage Legend Growth Weapon Selection Box x1  X O Growth Weapon +11 Enhancement Voucher x1  X O Growth Weapon Stage 5 Transcendence Voucher x1  X O Lv2 Settlement Support Potion x50  X O Lv15 Basic Condensed HP Potion x500  X O Lv15 Basic Condensed SP Potion x500  X O Attribute Points 10,000 Ticket x10  X O Token x1  X O Honey Dumpling x50 O O Silver Chest: 1,000,000 x10  X O Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher x20  X O Challenge Portal Scroll x20  X O x4 EXP Tome x5  X O Raid Portal Stone x40 O O Character Slot Voucher x1  X  X EXP Card (Lv.400) x1  X O Class EXP Card Box x1  X O   Class EXP Card Box Items Tradability Team Storage Class EXP Card (1st) x1  X  X Class EXP Card (2nd) x1  X  X Class EXP Card (3rd) x1  X  X Class EXP Card (4th) x1  X  X   To the Dungeon Package 99 TP Max: 5 per team   Item Name Tradability Team Storage Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher x30 X O Challenge Portal Scroll x15 X O Raid Portal Stone x50 O O Legend Raid Portal Stone x10 O O Attribute Points 10,000 Ticket x1 X O  

January 20th, 2020
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Actions Against Illegal Silver Acquisition and Market Abuse

Dear, Saviors. First of all, thank you for your utmost patience and we at IMC would like to sincerely apologize for having kept our players waiting all these hours. We would like to make a couple of announcements regarding the actions taken on the issues of illegal silver acquisition and the subsequent abusive market usage. During the extended maintenance, we have banned 46 accounts for direct involvement in the illegal acquisition of silver and market abuse and also banned an addition of 259 accounts on the basis of the IP's the directly involved accounts have connected from: Klaipeda (NA) oni**** sas**** old**** ila**** tea**** zhi**** dea**** Fedimian (EU) lor**** fla**** Telsiai (SEA) myo**** doa**** sky**** kor**** leg**** reb**** lie**** Silute (SA) o_r**** dea**** dea**** -me**** poo**** pom**** bla**** god**** qui**** piz**** tio**** ime**** pam**** ake**** tos**** zha**** xme**** lub**** bag**** emp**** bag**** the**** the**** n3s**** wam**** sis**** ala**** dea**** clo**** b4k****   Additionally, we have performed the following tasks during our extended maintenance: - All market transactions involving the banned accounts have been revoked. - All items sold in the transactions involving the banned accounts have been returned to the respective sellers and all silver earned through such market transactions have been reclaimed. - All returned items are retrievable from the players' market retrieve tab. - Some players' silver may have been moved from the market retrieve tab to the players' inventory in order for us to deduct the silver earned from a possible market abuse case. - For accounts where items to be retrieved are no longer present, we have retrieved the silver of amount equal to the item's value as the first step. All affected accounts will either have their item restored or silver returned to them after further investigation. - For accounts that no longer possess the items to be retrieved and also do not have enough silver for us to retrieve, we have left such accounts untouched provided that the items had been listed on the market at a fair price. - All players who have deliberately listed items at a high price on the market for the purpose of profit or transferring silver between accounts have been and will continue to be banned as the investigation progresses. Most of the illegally acquired silver spent on the market have been successfully retrieved through the process detailed above and we are currently doing our best to examine the cases where further investigation is required. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Sincerely, IMC Staff

October 2nd, 2018
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Upcoming New Class: Luchador

  Greetings Saviors, This post is about the new class and class adjustments for the next update in the future.         Master's Request     1. Start Master’s Request   - You can start the Master’s Request via Master NPC, and it will appear as an Ink Bottle icon. - You can check the related Achievements and Conditions via Character Info-[Achievement] once you start the quest.     2. Proceed the Master’s Request   - When one of the character from the team starts the Master’s Request Achievement, every character can proceed it. (you can receive the quest with only 1 character) - Quest is divided into Class Unlock Voucher related achievement and Class Costume related achievement, and you can check each achievement's complete status as a goal of clearing the quest.   3. Complete the Master’s Request   - You can receive Unlock Voucher or Costume by completing each group of Achievement.  - You can receive the final title from the master NPC as a reward after completing every request achievement for the corresponding class’ masters and clearing every quest.       New Class - Luchador          Luchador can make an outstanding skill in the chaotic combat scene. With its big action and fancy performance, Luchador is welcomed by the allies. If you are dazed by their move and let them approach, you may look the world upside down. They seek a free fight that is not tied up by form. Luchador's fighting style involves hitting or grabbing enemies directly with their bare hands.        Luchador is a Swordsman class that approaches the enemy and hits with various [Strike] skills.   Luchador can disrupt the enemy’s behavior with skills that have an effect of controlling the behavior, and a certain skill can apply stun or knockdown to the enemy with immunity by attribute.  In addition, if you use a sub attack against a stunned or knocked down enemy, a special skill will be activated, which can be used as a linkage element. If you maintain the [Combination] buff to have the stack by the [C key special skill] and [Chop] skill, some of the Luchador’s skill becomes more powerful. Especially the [Martinete] skill cannot be used generally, but it can strongly attack the enemy automatically when the [Combination] buff is stacked to maximum. Skill / Attribute / Arts / Vaivora (Details of [Enhance] attribute and [Enhanced Upgrade] are excluded, and the contents below may change when applying to the live server.) Enmascarado   Wear a mask to have a free fight and switch to the Lucha Libre stance. Damage of the Luchador’s skill you use increases, but you can be stunned by chance when you receive damage by the Luchador’s skill from the enemy. Enmascarado: Rodando   When you use [Lucha De Silla] or apply stun to the enemy during the Enmascarado buff, you can use [Special Skill: Rodando].   [Special Skill: Rodando] can be used by pressing C key (sub attack button). It gives damage by rolling towards the enemy and 1 stack of [Combination] buff will be given. Skill factor is proportional to the skill factor of [Lucha De Silla]. Enmascarado: Buceando   If you use [Chocar] or grant Knockdown to the enemy during the Enmascarado buff, you can use [Special Skill: Buceando].   [Special Skill: Buceando] can be used by the C key (sub attack button). It damages the enemy with the elbow after jumping towards the enemy, and 1 stack of [Combination] buff will be given. Skill factor is proportional to the skill factor of [Chocar].   Enmascarado: Speed Run   Basic run speed and Dash speed becomes the same during the Enmascarado buff. Also, the Stamina is consumed just like the dash during basic running, but the Stamina consumption is less than deactivating the attribute.   ※ You can use the dash like usual, but the Movement Speed and Stamina consumption is equal to the basic run with attribute applied. Chop   Brandish the hand towards the enemy to strike hard. Final damage of Chop increases by stage per using skill overheat for 1 time, and 1 [Combination] buff stacks. Lucha De Silla   Holds an object with both hands and strikes the enemy hard to stun the enemy. Ignores part of the enemy's defense according to the [Combination] stack. Lucha De Silla: Super Stun   Stun of Lucha De Silla is applied by chance. Characters immune to the stun can also be stunned. Chocar   Ambush towards the enemy to damage and knock down the enemy. Ignores part of the enemy's defense according to the [Combination] stack. Chocar: Super Knockdown   Knockdown of Chocar is applied by chance. Characters immune to the Knockdown can also be knocked down. Golpear   Punch towards the front to damage the enemies in range. Ignores part of the enemy's defense according to the [Combination] stack. Golpear: Huracán   Golpear skill is changed to the skill that pulls the nearby enemies by twirling itself to damage the enemies instead of the original effect. (doesn’t pull the Stationary-type monsters and boss monsters.) Number of targets is changed to 10, maximum channeling time and cycle is the same as before. Ceremonia   Apply debuff to the enemy by posing that makes nearby enemies embarrassed. Applies [Provoke] to male character, [Lure] debuff to female character. Ceremonia: Victoria   Ceremonia skill is changed to the skill that stops with 3 seconds of Invincibility instead of original skill. <Casting Ceremonia: Victoria> Martinete   Jump high and strike hard on the ground to damage nearby enemies. Skill is activated while capturing the target besides a certain monster, and the struck enemy is stunned.  Monsters that cannot be captured are not captured, but the same ranged strike occurs, and the target becomes [Groggy] and cannot move. (becomes immune to [Groggy] temporarily after the [Groggy] debuff ends)  ※ Corresponding skill cannot be used generally but will be activated when entering a certain command after reaching 5 stacks of combination buff. Skill can be misfired when there aren’t any enemies around after entering the command. <Casts Martinete after succeeding in entering 5 stacks Combination command> Vaivora Vision - Doble Attaque   Lv1 effect  - When the Lucha De Silla is accurate, Luchador master appears to cast [Especial].  - [Especial] : Luchador master rushes towards the enemy to damage, brandishes the arm to hit multiple times and jump to the air and strike the range.   Lv4 effect  - Increases the Final Damage of Golpear   ※ Item stat will be announced later.   <Luchador Master and character playing together by Doble Ataque effect>       Balance Patch for next update     With the release of Luchador, there will be a balance patch for some classes of Swordsman. With the Dual Slot system, some conditions for buff related to equipping weapons are changed but those related to Swordsman class are vague and the gap of efficiency is too big according to the class combination. To improve this point, just like the Scout class, the related buff will be adjusted to have the buff according to the number of equipped weapons.   We have judged that classes that use shields such as Rodelero, Murmillo, and Peltasta have a long progress in order to maximize their attack abilities, but they have little merit. Of course, wearing a shield makes it have higher Defense than other dealer characters, but it has a distinct limitation due to its low Attack in many PvE content.  Thus, conditions for switching shield’s Defense to Attack will be adjusted.   Change in Dragoon Helmet skill and Muay Thai will also be adjusted.     [Adjustment for Weapon Equipping Effect and Buff]   Changes Just like the last adjustment for Scout tree, the buff applied when equipping a certain weapon will be applied according to the number equipped in the Dual Slot. Sharp Spear Effect that increases the final damage when the hit is accurate will be applied completely when equipping 2 One-handed Spear or Two-handed Spear. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used) Finestra Adjusted to activate/deactivate the buff by using the skill.   Finestra buff will be applied when equipping [One-handed Spear or Two-handed Spear] on the main slot.   Also, the effect that increases Critical Rate will be applied completely when equipping 2 One-handed Spear or Two-handed Spear, and the effect that increases the block when equipping the shield will be completely applied when equipping 2 shields. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used) Acrobatic Mount Effect that increases the skill damage will be applied completely when equipping 2 One-handed Spear or Two-handed Spear. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used. Skill only for Mount is applied completely regardless of weapon equipped) Preparation Effect that increases the final damage is applied completely when 2 Rapiers are equipped. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used.) Epee Garde Epee Garde buff applies only when [Rapier] is equipped in the main slot.   Effect that increases the final damage when the hit is critical is applied completely when 2 Rapiers are equipped. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used.) Dragon Fear Effect that increases the damage of Dragon Fear is applied completely when equipping 2 One-handed Spear or Two-handed Spear. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used.) Pull Rete Effect of Pull Rete that increases the damage received is applied completely when the attacker equips 2 One-handed Spear. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used.) Throw Rete Effect of Throw Rete that increases the damage received is applied completely when the attacker equips 2 One-handed Spear. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used.) Dagger Guard Effect that applies additional Block is applied completely when equipping 2 Daggers. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used.) Dagger Guard: Deflect Projectiles Effect that applies additional Evasion is applied completely when equipping 2 Daggers.  (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used.) Retiarius: Determination Effect that increases Final Damage is applied completely when equipping 2 One-handed Spear. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used.) Rodelero, Murmillo, Peltasta: Shield Attack Effect that switches Attack is applied completely when equipping 2 shields. (Only half will be applied when 1 is equipped. Equal to the original when main slot is used.) (ex : [Main slot Shield Defense] * 3% + [Sub slot Shield Defense] * 3% when the Attack convert ratio is 6%)   ※ [Synchro Thrusting] is removed from the target skill. For the basic effect of Synchro Thrusting, 30% of shield’s Defense is converted to Attack. ※ Also, as the effect that converts Attack is changed to receive complete effect when equipping 2 shields, it applies equally for Hoplite's [Synchro Thrusting] and Quarrel Shooter’s [Block and Shot]. Quarrel Shooter Chaplain Schwarzer Reiter: Additional Damage Attack conversion rate is adjusted from 10% to 15%. Not only basic Attack but Attack increasing due to buff will also be reflected.     [Swordsman]   Changes   A class that mainly uses a shield had to successfully block the enemy for a long time in order to receive the full effect of Provoke's Wrath. This limitation has lowered the playability. Thus, we’re going to give shield classes an attack option and remove the Provoke-Wrath effect Provoke Provoke-Wrath effect will be removed.     [Dragoon]   Changes   The Dragoon Helmet, which always forced the appearance of the head, will be changed to a Dragonoid skill that can temporarily change the overall appearance and performance. Dragoon Helmet → Dragonoid Gather all powers by wearing a Dragoon’s Dragon Armor. Increases Movement Speed and final damage of Dragoon’s skill and decreases damage received during the buff.  The appearance returns and the damage received temporarily increases temporarily after the buff.   <Appearance change with Dragonoid> Dragoon Helmet: Light Weight Attribute will be deleted.   ※ Light Weight Helmet will be added on the costume shop later. Vaivora Vision - Halberd Condition of Halberd effect will be changed.   - Before : Increases final damage against Large/Boss monsters while equipped with Dragoon Helmet   - After : Increases final damage against Large/Boss monsters (Advancement to Dragoon is necessary. value is equal as before)     [Peltasta]   Changes   Extreme Shield Attack attribute is added, and the related skills are adjusted accordingly. (New) Extreme Shield Attack Attribute related to the Shield Attack is added.  - Cannot receive every shield’s Defense effect, but the Attack conversion value of Shield Attack will increase more.  - Only shield Defense is excluded, but block stage applied when equipping shield is maintained.  - Applied to Peltasta, Rodelero, and Murmillo. Langort Effect that applies Shield Defense Attack conversion value 30% is removed. Hard Shield Effect that increases DEF in proportion to the DEF value won’t be applied when [Extreme Shield Attack] attribute is activated.   [Murmillo]   Changes   Vaivora Vision [Arena] for Murmillo will be added. (New) Vaivora Vision - Arena Murmillo Vaivora Vision is added.   Lv1 effect  - Increases every skill level of Murmillo skill besides Cassis Crista, Sprint  - Decreases penalty of Cassis Crista   - [Arena] area is created near the character after using Frenzied Burst.  - Effect of [Arena] : Increases the final damage of Murmillo skill casted in the Arena. In PvP, [Fugitive] debuff is applied temporarily to the enemy character outside the Arena (excludes monster) and decreases Movement Speed, Evasion, Block and Damage.   Lv4 effect  - When the Headbutt is accurate, 2 Apparition appears with a time lag and casts Butterfly to the enemy (Cooldown: 30 seconds)   ※ Item stat will be announced later.   <effect of Arena Lv1, Lv4> (New) Extreme Shield Attack Attribute related to the Shield Attack is added.  - Cannot receive every shield’s Defense effect, but the Attack conversion value of Shield Attack will increase more.  - Only shield Defense is excluded, but block stage applied when equipping shield is maintained.  - Applied to Peltasta, Rodelero, and Murmillo Frenzied Burst Cooldown is changed from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.   Skill factor is adjusted.  - Before : 1631 + [skill level -1] * 271.9  - After : 2447 + [skill level -1] * 407.9   Effect that applies [Stun] is removed. Butterfly Cooldown is adjusted from 25 seconds to 30 seconds.   Skill factor is adjusted.  - Before : 1127 + [skill level -1] * 187.9  - After : 1352 + [skill level -1] * 225.5   Effect that applies Shield Defense Attack conversion value 30% is removed. Headbutt Cooldown is adjusted from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.   Skill factor is adjusted.  - Before : 1126 + [skill level -1] * 292.2  - After : 1689 + [skill level -1] * 438.3     [Rodelero]   Changes   Name and specification of Vaivora Vision [Slash Space] that attack attributes were not unified will be changed and some skills will be adjusted. (New) Extreme Shield Attack Attribute related to the Shield Attack will be added.  - Cannot receive every shield’s Defense effect, but the Attack conversion value of Shield Attack will increase more.  - Only shield Defense is excluded, but block stage applied when equipping shield is maintained. - Applied to Peltasta, Rodelero, and Murmillo. Montano Attack property will change from [Slash] to [Strike] and changed to Shield attack Skill. ※ Applied to Midnight Baptism effect and  Shield Attack. Shield Push Maximum level will be changed from 15 to 5. Overheat will be adjusted from 3 to 1.   Skill factor will be adjusted.  - Before : 590 + [skill level-1] * 98.5 (max. 1969)  - After : 874 + [skill level-1] * 874 (max. 4370)   Effect that increases the damage received of [Decreased Defense] will be changed to increase damage from Strike skill. [Unbalanced] enemies spin 180 degrees. Shield Shoving Skill will be deleted.  - Related Attributes, Arts, and Gem will be deleted. Shooting Star Effect that applies Shield Defense Attack conversion value 30% is removed. Shooting Star: Violence Value of Shield’s Defense Attack conversion will be changed from 50% to 20%. Vaivora Vision - Slash Space → Vaivora Vision - Escudo Espada Rodelero’s Vaivora name will be changed and some effects will be changed.   Lv1 effect  - Additionally damages 20 enemies in front and apply [Unbalanced] debuff when casting Montano.   Lv1 effect  - Increases final damage of Shooting Star     [Nak Muay]   Changes   Muay Thai has higher efficiency when the Cooldown is shorter while Muay Thai: Muay Boran is activated. Thus, [Strike] property skill and effect that can use these factors will be added. Muay Thai When using strike skills, part of Muay Thai Cooldown will decrease. (This effect will be applied regardless of [Muay Thai: Muay Boran]’s activation.) Ram Muay Attack factor will be adjusted. Nak Muay: Additional Damage Attribute that converts a certain ratio of Attack into Additional damage stat will be added. (equal to attribute of Quarrel Shooter, Chaplain, and Schwarzer Reiter)     [Other Changes]   Adjustment for additional damage property that does not follow increase in Attack, adjustment for Evasion skills, etc will be reflected. Nak Muay  Quarrel Shooter Chaplain Schwarzer Reiter: Additional Damage Attack conversion rate will be adjusted from 10% to 15% per attribute level. Not only increase in basic Attack but Attack by the buff will also be reflected. Outlaw Schwarzer Reiter Sheriff Performance of evasion buffs will decrease. Highlander Two-handed Sword of Cross Guard will have an equal damage increase rate with One-handed Sword.       This concludes the Balance patch with the Luchador’s update. The next upcoming post for the new class will be the Cleric class, so please stay tuned!       Thank you.       ※ Contents, values, and attached materials described in this posting may be added, deleted, or changed when applying to the live server.  

Developer's Blog
November 2nd, 2021
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Leticia's Secret Cube: November 17, 2020

Rank Item Quantity B Shining Class Change Voucher Lv.3 1 B Sandra's Detailed Magnifier 1 B Sandra's Detailed Magnifier 1 B Uphill Defense x3 Multiply Token 1 B Goddesses' Blessed Gem 1 B Attribute Points Box (Rank B) 1 B EXP Tome Box (4 Tomes) 1 B Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token x3 1 B Artisan Magnifier x10 + 1 1 B Shining Skill Reset Potion 1 B Shining Attribute Reset Potion 1 B Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher 1 C Looting Chance: 500 5 C Mysterious Magnifier x10 + 1 1 C Blessed Shard Box 1 C Combat Support Box 1 C Goddess' Support Box: Punishment 1 C Goddess' Support Box: Protection 1

November 19th, 2020
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Scheduled Maintenance for December 26, 2018

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (December 26, 2018). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
December 24th, 2018
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Regarding Connection Instability of the SA Region Server

Greetings, Saviors! [SA] Silute server has a limited number of server-machine as compared to the number of crowded players which leads to existing heavy lag.  In addition, our service provider has restricted our administrative authorities as a precaution while defending against the DDoS attacks on our game 'Tree of Savior'.  Our machines are currently operating under severe limitations and we are restricted from adding or altering machines.  The solution to solve this problem would be to expand the number of server-machines but the aforementioned restriction could not allow it be to be processed. To provide best server stability for our saviors, we are currently attentively looking for other possible solutions.   We sincerely apologize for inconvenience.    Sincerely, IMC Staff  

May 24th, 2016