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Scheduled Maintenance for August 21, 2018

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (August 21, 2018). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
August 20th, 2018
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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance on June 11, 2019

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (June 11, 2019). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
June 10th, 2019
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Upcoming New Class: Lama

New Class: Lama   Lama, a fighting class of Cleric class will be added.   “Lama is a class that can cope with various situations according to the battle situation with main attacks and sub attacks.”     Lama can cope with various situations by using attack skills that can be changed by combining main attacks and sub attacks. You can also have a chance to use another powerful skill by using the attack skill.    If there is an enemy nearby, Lama becomes powerful. The power weakens temporarily when attacked, but if Lama understands the enemy's attack, Lama can avoid the attack by using the exclusive Defense skill and moving skill.   ※ Details of Enhance and Enhanced upgrade will be posted later when applying to the live server, and may change. Icon Details Enhance Physical Performance   - Stacks [Physical Boost] if the enemy is nearby (maximum 5) and increases final damage of Lama skill proportionally to the number of stacks. - Decreases 1 [Physical Boost] stack when struck. (decreases the stack once per 0.2 seconds) Vipashyana - Switch into Lama’s exclusive fighting stance. - Main attack (z) and sub attack (c) change and become immune to Knockback and Knockdown. - Stacks 1 [Fist] buff when attacking with main attack, 1 [Kick] buff when attacking with sub attack. Stacks up to 4 stacks and remains for a certain time.  - Increases final damage of Lama. - When using Lycanthropy: Human Form during Vipashyana, does not change to basic attack of Human Form. Vipashyana: Spot Chance   - [Muscle Pump] buff is applied by a certain chance when attacking the enemy with [Strong Fist], [Leg Trip], [Point Kick], [Break Mountain], [Sudden Kick], and [Flying Kick]. (treated as once even when striking multiple times) - Cooldown does not apply when using [Surging Wave] while [Muscle Pump] buff is activated. The cooldown resets if it already started Shamatha   - Can be used during [Vipashyana] buff. - Resets [Fist, Kick] buff stack. [Arts] Shamatha: Recovery   - Recovers HP, SP by 0.5% per 1 stack of [Fist], [Kick] removed by Shamatha. Glide   - Can be used during [Vipashyana] buff. - Decreases damage received while casting and [Read the Flow] is applied for a certain period. - [Physical Boost] does not decrease when struck while [Read the Flow] buff is applied. [Arts] Glide: Spurt   - Deletes the effect that decreases damage received but resets the Cooldown of [Langon] Langon   - Can be used during [Vipashyana] buff. - Quickly moves a certain distance to the front. - Temporarily becomes invinclible when moving. Strong Fist/ Leg Trip   Strong Fist - Can be used when you have 3 stacks of [Fist], and 1 stack of [Kick]. - Attacks the enemy in front. - The less enemy nearby, the more final damage of Strong Fist is increased.   Leg Trip - Can be used when you have 1 stack of [Fist], and 3 stacks of [Kick]. - Attack the enemy in front arc area. - The more enemy nearby, the more final damage of Leg Trip is increased. Point Kick / Break Mountain   Point Kick - Can be used when you have 2 stacks of [Fist], and 3 stacks of [Kick]. - Attacks the enemy currently targeting. - The less enemies nearby, the more final damage of the Point Kick is increased.   Break Mountain - Can be used when you have 3 stacks of [Fist], and 2 stacks of [Kick]. - Attacks nearby enemies. - The more enemy nearby, the more final damage of Break Mountain is increased. Flying Kick / Sudden Kick   Flying Kick - Can be used when you have 4 stacks of [Fist], and 2 stacks of [Kick]. - Grant Flying Kick to the designated area. - The more enemy near the targeted area, the more final damage of Flying Kick is increased.   Sudden Kick - Can be used when you have 2 stacks of [Fist], and 4 stacks of [Kick]. - Attacks after teleporting to the behind of the currently targeted enemy.  - The less enemies in a certain range near the caster, the more final damage of Sudden Kick increases. Surging Wave   -  Can be used during [Vipashyana] buff. - Attacks nearby enemy. - 1 second of casting time will be applied in PVP. Vaivora Vision - Principle of Emptiness   Lv1 - All Lama Skill Level +1 - Final damage of Lama's Rank 2 skill increases by 33%   Lv4 - Muscle Pump activation chance increases by 26%   ※ Item stat will be announced later.       Cleric Class Update   With the Lama update, some of the Cleric classes will be adjusted as well.   ※ The details may change when applying to the live server. Details about the change in skill factor will be announced via patch note before applying to the live server. ※ Skill factors of the stated class below will all be adjusted.     Druid   - New Vaivora Vision is added. - Casting time of Lycanthropy will be halved so that users can have a more satisfying game experience.   Skill  Details Chortasmata Duration of Rash is changed from [10+skill level * 0.6] seconds to 20 seconds. [Arts] Chortasmata: Healing Garden A maximum limit is added to the value at which half of the skill factor is added as a healing factor. - Healing factor: up to 350 Lycanthropy Casting time decreases by 50%. Vaivora Vision - Soul of Forest   Lv1 - All Druid Skill Level + 1 - Activates [Soul of Forest] when casting Carnivory - [Soul of Forest] remains for 5 seconds and gives damages to the nearby enemies by the skill factor of [Carnivory] per 0.5 seconds.   Lv4 - Additional increase in Final Damage of Human Form by 10.5% - Additional increase in Final Damage of Wolf's Spirit by 3.5%    ※ Item stat will be announced later.     Exorcist   - Skill factor is adjusted. - Condition for the number of strikes for Gregorate is changed. Skill Detail Gregorate Duration of [Gregorate : Magic] is changed from 15 seconds to 60 seconds. Striking the party members within 150 range is changed to striking 5 times.     Monk   - Skill factor is adjusted. Skill Detail Monk: Nirvana Previous function will be deleted and will be changed as follows.  - Apply Golden Bell duration as 30 seconds - Monk skill final damage additionally increases by 15% during Golden Bell buf    The skill factor of the following class will be adjusted.   ● Zealot ● Inquisitor ● Sadhu ● Crusader       New Raid: Sinking Seizure       Sinking Seizure   The Savior arrived on a small island - not even marked on the map - guided by the request of the Goddess Jurate. This island, once a part of the land that Nijole destroyed to annihilate the humans and now bearing the shape of the sea where she was born, gradually became niether land or sea by the power of Jellyzele, a worshipper of Nijole.   Jellyzele   Jellyzele, who was once only a small coral reef demon, plots a plan to unlock Nijole's seal.  Knowing that Ausrine has disappeared and Giltine's power has weakened, Jellyzele knew that now is the time for her to set Nijole free and destroy the land where all humans can stand according to her will.   Sinking Seizure has Solo, Auto Match, Party (Hard), and you can obtain materials to craft the new equipment ‘Belt of Insight’. Party (Hard) - 2 times per character weekly ● Basic Reward ○ Belt of Insight Fragment (Untradable) x15 ○ Belt of Insight Fragment x15   ● Reward by Chance ○ High Belt of Insight Fragment (Untradable) x1 ○ Jellyzele card x1 Auto Match (Normal) - 2 times per character weekly, shares the count with Solo (Normal) ● Belt of Insight Fragment (Untradable) x7 ● Belt of Insight Fragment x3 Solo (Normal) - 2 times per character weekly, shares the count with Auto Match (Normal) ● Belt of Insight Fragment (Untradable) x8 Following item is added to the Mercenary Badge Shop. ● Recipe - Sinking Seizure (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) ○ Purchase Limit: 2 times ○ Exceeded Purchase Limit: 20 times     Belt of Insight     Collect 20 Belt of Insight Fragment from the raid and use them to obtain the new equipment, Belt of Insight.  Random stats (1 main stat, 3 sub-stats) besides Physical/Magic Defense will be applied to the item when creating the Belt of Insight.     When using the normal fragments, you can receive a High Belt of Insight or Superior Belt of Insight by a low chance. When using the High Fragment, you'll receive a High Belt of Insight or Superior Belt of Insight by a low chance.   ※ The stats and the value on the tooltip may change when applying to the live server.     You can reset only 1 stat for Belt of Insight. Stat will be changed within the same group, and if you select one stat to reset, other stats can no longer be changed. Belt of Insight with stat reset will be bound to the team.       This concludes the posting about New Class: Lama and Sinking Seizure.     Thank you.       ※ Contents may change when applying to the live server.

Developer's Blog
May 23rd, 2022
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NEW! Popo Point Shop 2

  Greetings, Saviors! PP Shop is back! Earn points based on your daily play time and use your points for items at the Popo Point Shop! All users will be given 200 PP as compensation for the issue where the Popo Points were reset earlier than scheduled in our previous PP Shop event.       Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance of October 23, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance of November 27, 2018 (Points reset at the end of the event period on November 27, 2018)   Who Can Participate - Characters of all levels   How to Participate STEP 1. Login to Tree of Savior and start raking in the Popo Points! You get 10 Points for every 30 minutes, no matter what character you’re playing with. STEP 2. Use your well-earned PP to purchase items from the Popo Point Shop! You will see a new gift box icon appear in your bottom-right menu. Click it to access the PP Shop and exchange your Points for potions and other useful items.     Changes   - Removed Raid Portal Stones from the shop. - Removed Stat Reset Potions from the shop. - Premium Awakening Stones have been added to the shop. - Black Butler & Maid Costume Selection Box has been added to the shop.   Important - Each item in the PP Shop comes with a per-team purchase limit. - Most PP Shop items will be untradeable. Timed items are also character-bound and not transferable via Team Storage. - Black Butler & Maid Costumes are character-bound and not transferable via Team Storage, unlike the Butler & Maid Costumes you can obtain from the Fishing event. - Popo Points and purchase limits will be automatically reset on November 27, 2018. Make sure to use your points before then.

October 30th, 2018
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NEW! Golden Ball Weekends

  Greetings, Saviors! To celebrate the Royal Soccer Tournament season in TOS, we’re giving special instanced dungeon and movement speed bonuses to all players during the event weekends!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on June 26, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on July 17, 2018 Who Can Participate - Characters of all levels Weekend Perks PERK 1. Play any of the following instanced dungeons and receive double the Silver rewards! [Lv 50] Underground Chapel Dungeon [Lv 120] Historic Site Ruins [Lv 180] Monument of Desire Dungeon [Lv 230] Fallen Legwyn Family Dungeon [Lv 270] Catacombs Underground Dungeon [Lv 300] Castle Dungeon PERK 2. Run around with +1 movement speed applied to your characters at all times! Important - The event perks will apply only during the weekends of the event period, from 06:00 on Saturday to 06:00 on Monday (server time).

June 25th, 2018
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Scheduled Maintenance for August 7, 2018

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (August 7, 2018). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
August 6th, 2018
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[FIXED] Regarding Inconsistency Between DLC Titles and Product Names

UPDATE: This issue has been fixed and all DLC titles should be displaying correctly in their corresponding regions now. Do let us know via Support ticket if you still encounter inconsistencies in the DLC titles or descriptions. Thank you. Greetings, Saviors. It has come to our attention that the names of certain DLC products did not match the corresponding DLC titles. We have requested a correction and expect the name of the DLCs to be fixed soon. We would also like to note that this is merely an error in the way the names of the DLCs appear. This means that, for example, to users in the SA region, the name of the Veteran's Pack may appear as [SEA], but it actually corresponds to the SA version of the DLC and is redeemable in [SA] Silute. We apologize for this lapse and ask for your understanding while the error is corrected. Thank you. Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 24th, 2016
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Weekly Question and Answer – October 7th, 2016

  Q1. I would really like to ride a Guinea Pig companion. Will there be a way for me to do it in the future without a mounting skill? During our initial closed beta tests, Guinea Pig companions were actually mountable by all classes. Later, however, we ended up considering the possibility of it hurting the uniqueness of mounted classes, and that’s when we put the restrictions in place for Guinea Pigs. We don’t think we’ll change the current setup that soon, though, so it seems the only way you’ll get to ride a Guinea Pig companion is by creating a character in a mounted class.   Q2. Will we ever get the current trading system of kTOS in iTOS? We did make some changes to the trading policies in our Korean servers which we trust would be welcome in iTOS as well. Currently, the new trading policies are undergoing a few internal tests in order to stabilize them before we bring them over to the international version. As always, you can keep an eye on our News page for future announcements with more details about these changes.   Q3. Having the bosses in Siaulai Mission match the level of the highest-level character in the party can be a bit rough for those with lower levels. Any plans for improvement? We are well aware that this is an issue affecting auto-matched parties playing the Siaulai Mission. Because of that, we decided to make boss monsters match the average level of all party members, instead of the highest-level character alone. Development of this feature is fully complete now; it’s already been applied to our Korean servers, too. You can be sure we’ll bring it to Steam as well, you’ll just have to wait a little longer for this update.   *P.S.: We would like to take this chance to clarify something about the new Dumpling items, as it seems to be confusing some players. When there are 20 or more levels of difference between your character and the monsters you're hunting, they will not drop Dumpling materials. Please keep this in mind, and our apologies for any confusion this may have caused.    

Developer's Blog
October 7th, 2016
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[RESOLVED]TP Bundles Sales Temporarily Disabled

UPDATED: The sales of TP bundles and Steam Inventory function are now back up again.  Minor updates on the images of the TP bundles have occurred and they will have the region's full name instead of abbreviation.  Greetings, saviors.  Due to certain issues regarding the TP bundles, we will temporarily stop the sales of TP bundles and disable the Steam Inventory function. The sales and the Steam Inventory function will resume when the issues are dealt with. However, the exact period of the temporary shutdown will differ from region to region.  Please note that those who have bought TP bundles prior will not be affected by this. We apologize for any and all inconveniences this might have caused you. Thank you.  Sincerely, IMC Staff

June 3rd, 2016