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Scheduled Maintenance for June 30, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (June 30, 2020). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
June 30th, 2020
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Goddess' Blessed Cube: Nov 20, 2018

Important: All the Goddess' Blessed Cubes follow the updated item list regardless of the date it was purchased. This policy will be standard unless stated otherwise. e.g.  Goddess' Blessed Cube A (purchased in November of '16), B (purchased in January of '17) and C (purchased in May of '17) will all follow the item list the most current.

November 19th, 2018
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Upcoming New Class: Hwarang

  Hello, this is the Tree of Saviors developer team. In this post, we will be introducing the adjustment on Archer class and a new class due to be updated in the future.       Buff Independent Adjustment and Overall Class Balance Adjustment   In order to ease the issue that only a few fixed builds of classes are used due to the buffs that require a certain weapon or property, factors will be adjusted and buffs will now become independent.     Buff Independent Adjustment   Buff skills used for battle can be sorted into 3 types; 1. Buffs that only apply to the casting class, 2. Buffs that only apply to the casting character, and 3. Buffs that apply to the party members as well.   The condition of buffs applied to the caster will be changed to be applied when ‘attacking with skills of that class’, and value will be adjusted. The buff that lasts for 30 minutes will become passive skills to be applied constantly without having to use it every single time if it is learned.  Not all buffs applied to the caster will be limited to class skills. Some buffs that define the character or that require precise control and decision strategically will be changed to apply on all targets. In this case, it will be free of all requirements after the update even if it was required to use a certain weapon or property in the past. However, because it will now be applied to all attack skills, it will have lower performance compared to the class-limited buffs.         For example, Highlander’s Cross Guard is a skill that receives benefits for slash attacks for a moment after succeeding Block. This type of skill will now receive benefits in all types of attacks. However, the performance of the skill will also be adjusted. The chance of firing Arbalester’s Homing Arrow will also apply on all attacks but its frequency will be lowered. Dragoon’s Dragonoid will also be applied to all attacks since it is a skill that can make an interesting outcome that way, having short duration compared to the cooldown and a high returning benefit. The performance of the buff will of course become lower than the current value.         Mechanism of skills that work as the party buff by buffing or debuffing the party will be maintained. The limits related to certain types of weapon or property will be excluded as much as possible.  However, the damage dealt by the class with the party buff will be adjusted low or the performance of the party buff will be the lowest of all buffs due to two reasons. 1. The party buff applies on all attacks and 2. it is also applied to other party members.    Some skills or attributes can be deleted during the process of reorganizing the buffs.     Attack Property x Defense Property Adjustment Eased   Even when we remove the weapon/property limits of the buff, using the same property is still favorable while "Increase in Final Damage according to Attack and Defense Offensive property" takes a big part. Therefore an update reducing the Offensive property damage will also carry out at the same time.   Before After Property Cloth Leather Plate  Property Cloth Leather Plate  Slash Bow/Crossbow Fire Psychokinesis Dark +25%     Slash Bow/Crossbow Fire Psychokinesis Dark +5%     Pierce Pistol Ice Non Poison   +25%   Pierce Pistol Ice Non Poison   +5%   Strike Cannon Lightning Earth Holy     +25% Strike Cannon Lightning Earth Holy     +5%     Total Skill Factor Adjusted   The Skill Factor of every other skill will be readjusted according to the buff of the reorganized class. When higher the buff performance of the class is, lower the factor or number of skill will be. In addition, when setting the DPS of the attack skill, the reference values such as range, number of targets, additional effects, and duration are changed. Some skills or attack functions can be excluded during the skill adjustment as well.   Stats and requirements of Vaivora Vision and Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor, which has a great impact on the skill factor, will be changed along with the skill factor adjustments.     Equipment change and reset event   The following reset/support event will be held with the update, due to the situation that requires a total rebuild of the existing classes.   ▶ [Storage] Vaivora Vision Extract Voucher / Unlimited within the period ▶ [Storage] Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor Extract Voucher / Unlimited within the period ▶ Obtain Equipment Type Change Tome/ Unlimited within the period ▶ Obtain Skill, Attribute, Arts Reset Voucher& Class Change Voucher  / 5 times per character  -   Selected Class Skill Reset Potion x 4   -  Selected Class Attribute Reset Potion x 4   -  Arts Reset Potion Selection Box x 4   -  Class Change Voucher Lv 4 x 1   Vaivora and Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor registered in the Equipment Storage can be extracted to a Register Voucher of the same level. Lv 3 Vaivora Register Voucher will be given when unequipping Lv.3 Vaivora Vision - Fire Bolt and Lv 4 Vaivora Register Voucher will be given when unequipping Lv.4 Vaivora Vision - Outrage. Because this Register Voucher can level up a Vaivora to the level you wish even when you don’t actually have that Vaivora in possession, it will only be provided as a temporary item. The same steps can be taken for the Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor. The reset support items above will be automatically deleted at the end of the event. (Vaivora & Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor Extract Voucher will be deleted but unused Vaivora Register Voucher made by extracting will remain)       Master’s Request - New Class [Hwarang]   A new class “Hwarang” will be added. New Master's Request will also be added and Achievement Title and Common Costume can be received as a reward.       Hwarang uses a two-handed bow and maximizes its ability when fighting with allies. Hwarang values ​​camaraderie and collusion among its members and spends enough time cultivating their beauty. This culture of cooperation and self-management largely influenced the Hwarang’s tactics. A group composed of or led by a Hwarang is usually the first person to announce the victory on the battlefield.  Hwarang is a two-handed bow class that can both attack and support the party. Skills can be used in a wider range in a party than when you are alone. They can also launch an additional attack on their own or give a beneficial buff to their allies after hitting an enemy with skill.       Hwarang Hwarang is an archer class that can attack enemies from a distance and also support the party at the same time. All Hwarang’s skills can only be used with a two-handed bow.   Hwarang uses the class-only buff [Unbending Spirit], and deals additional attacks or gives beneficial buff to party members by consuming [Unbending Spirit].   The key attack skill [Pyeonjeon] fires an unguided projectile with a long range after casting. [Unbending Spirit] can be obtained only by accurately hitting the Pyeonjeon skill, so hitting Pyeonjeon in the right place at the right time is the key to operating the Hwarang class.   The [Dancing Arrow] is a skill that makes up for Pyeonjeon’s difficulty. It can be used without consuming [Unbending Spirit], and is designed as a skill that allows you to easily acquire the [Unbending Spirit] buff with a channeling AoE attack.   Descriptions of Enhance and Enhanced Upgrade arts will not be mentioned in this post and the contents applied to the actual game may differ from the following. Hwarang: Prostration   Increases Accuracy by 4% per attribute level (Maximum Level 5) Pyeonjeon   Maximum Casting Time: 2 seconds   Fires a long-range Pyeonjeon after loading it. It can be fired after 0.7 seconds of casting time, and the fired Pyeonjeon penetrates through the enemy according to the AoE attack ratio and gives damage. When Pyeonjeon is accurately hit, it leaves the [Vestige] debuff on the enemy for 6 seconds and 2 [Unbending Spirit] stacks on the caster (Maximum 2 stacks) The damage and range of Pyeonjeon increases in proportion to the casting time. If Pyeonjeon is not fired for 5 seconds after casting, casting is stopped and a half of the cooldown is applied. 2 seconds cooldown is applied when canceling the casting before 0.7 seconds.   ※ The presence or absence of a specific buff will be displayed at the bottom of the character after the update Pyeonjeon: Moving Aim   * After 0.7 seconds of casting Pyeonjeon, you can move while facing the front with a fixed movement speed of 20. * Increases SP consumption by 20% Pyeonjeon: Majority Specialized   * Increases Cooldown by 5 seconds * Knockdown target when inflicting accurate hit after casting for 2 seconds * Removes 2 removable buffs on the target * Damage dealt by Pyeonjeon ignores enemy’s Evasion * Black and White Horn Bows that are cast within 3 seconds after hitting Pyeonjeon ignores the enemy’s Evasion Black Horn Bow   Consumes 1 [Unbending Spirit] buff   Targets with [Vestige] debuff applied by yourself receive instant damage the moment skill is cast. Cooldown of Dancing Arrow decreases by 2 seconds when it is cast within 2 seconds after White Horn Bow is cast. White Horn Bow   Consumes 1 [Unbending Spirit] buff   Targets with [Vestige] debuff applied by yourself receive instant damage the moment skill is cast. Cooldown of Dancing Arrow decreases by 2 seconds when it is cast within 2 seconds after Black Horn Bow is cast. [Arts] Sky Striking Grenade   * Final Damage of Black, White Horn Bow -75% * When casting Black, White Horn Bow, unguided projectiles are fired at the target location, and deals AoE damage at 40 range around the target * AoE Attack Ratio of Black, White Horn Bow changed to 5 * Flight speed of Black and White Bow projectiles decreases Outbrave   Consumes 1 [Unbending Spirit] buff   Plant an Outbrave flag in front of you. The installed flag points to the direction the character was looking at when casting the skill. Critical damage increases when party members, including yourself, attacks in the direction of the flag inside the range of the flag. This is not applied to Magic Circle and Continual AoE skills. [Arts] Outbrave: Fight to Death   * Existing functions are replaced with the effects below * When party members, including yourself, cast an attack skill in the direction the flag is pointing inside the flag’s range, fire supporting arrows forward.  * Supporting Arrow Skill Factor n% (n% of Pyeonjeon skill factor) * Supporting Arrow Cooldown 5 seconds (Applied per character) Brotherhood   Consumes 1 [Unbending Spirit] buff   Gives buffs to party members nearby for the duration. Damage dealt increases according to the number of party members receiving the buff. When a party member moves out of the buff range, the buff is removed from that character. Dancing Arrow   Channeling time: 2 seconds   Scatters arrow on the ground and shows Dancing Arrows. Fires an arrow to the front for 3 times and damages the enemy in range. The 3rd arrow has a higher skill factor. When the Dancing Arrow begins, you obtain 2 stacks of [ Unbending Spirit] buff for 6 seconds and the enemy hit by the 3rd arrow receives [Vestige] debuff. Dancing Arrow: Leap  * Increases SP consumption by 50% * Casts Leap in current level after channeling for 2 seconds. Vaivora Vision - Jusalnegi   Lv1 Effect - Changes the Unbending Spirit buff to max. 4 stacks - Fires 2 consecutive times when casting Pyeonjeon   Lv4 Effect - White Horn Bow Final Damage +50% - Black Horn Bow Final Damage   ※ Item Stat will be announced later       Archer Class Balance Adjustment     With the addition of Hwarang and the independence of the buffs, some classes in the Archer will have skill reorganization. Targets are classes that use Two-handed Bow,  Musket, and Cannon.    Archer To give a temporary advantage when dealing with enemies with high Evasion stats, new attribute will be added to the [Concentration] skill. This will clear the whole Archer class concept and we expect Archer class can do their own role in PVP. Concentration: Hawkeye   * Removes the [Concentration]’s effect that increases Critical Rate * Duration will be changed to 5 seconds * Unable to evade the enemy during the buff duration     Ranger   As buff independence improvement work that most of the buffs possessed by each class function only in the skill of that class progresses, the Ranger class, which has only relied on the powerful buff performance of [Critical Shot] and [Steady Aim], will be completely redesigned.   Ranger have skill composition that is effective to increase the distance with the enemy, and will be reworked to a single-target damage dealer class that can be compatible with Two-handed bow and crossbow. Ranger: Swift Runner   * Increases Stamina by 20 * Recovers Stamina by 5% when casting [Strafe] Barrage   Maximum Lv: 15 Overheat: 3 times Cooldown: 15 seconds   Place 3 arrows at once and fire at one enemy. Barrage: Knockback   * When the third overheat is accurate, knocks back the target  * Only applied to the medium target * Increases the range of Knockback according to the Attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 20% [Arts] Barrage: Wild Throw   * Decreases Cooldown by 5 seconds * Decreases caster’s Accuracy stat by 70% when calculating the Barrage skill damage. Scan   Maximum Lv: 15 Cooldown: 60 seconds   Apply [Scan] debuff that can be removed to the target. When you damage the enemy under [Scan] with Ranger skill, the Critical Rate Stat will be additionally calculated. The Cooldown decreases when the character is dashing.  Full Throttle   Maximum Lv: 5 Applies at all times when learned   Final damage increases when the Ranger attack skill is critical.  Applied skill:  - Barrage  - Double Take  - Strafe  - Blazing Arrow Double Take   Maximum Lv: 10 Cooldown: 15 seconds Can be used after learning the skill   When the Ranger attack skill is accurate, fires the arrow to the target when it’s not during the Cooldown and applies Cooldown. Decreases Cooldown by 5 seconds when the Ranger’s attack skill is critical.   Ranger attack skill:  - Barrage  - Strafe  - Blazing Arrow  Strafe   Maximum Lv: 10 Cooldown: 0 seconds Can be used once for 3 seconds after [Barrage] and [Blazing Arrow] is accurate.   Fires an arrow to the target and moves fastly to the right side. You can choose the direction with an arrow key. Temporarily increases the Evasion stat when the attack is accurate. [Arts] Strafe: Scud   * Doubles total skill factor * Temporarily removes the effect that increases Evasion after use * Can be charged up to 3 times Blazing Arrow   Maximum Lv: 5 Cooldown: 30 seconds   Fires a slow speed arrow to damage the target. Character pushes back when firing. When the hit target is under [Scan] debuff you’ve applied, removes the [Scan] debuff and halves the Cooldown of this skill. [Arts] Blazing Arrow: Frozen Arrow  * Changes [Fire] property to [Ice] property * Applies [Frozen] to the target for 3 seconds * Decreases total skill factor by 30% Vaivora Vision - Tempest   Lv1 Effect - Decreases Cooldown of Double Take by 5 seconds - When Double Take is cast, a tornado is created  around the target and damages within 70 range.  - Knocks non-boss monsters into the air for 1 second (Skill factor is equal to current level of Double Take) - Targets: 10    Lv4 Effect -  Blazing Arrow Final Damage +100%   ※ Item Stat will be anounced later.   <Using Ranger skill after fixing the target>      Fletcher   Fletcher consists of active attack skills which are not only inconvenient to use, but the attack skills had a dry concept with no features. Thus, the Fletcher class will be completely redesigned to simplify the control and give its own features.    Adjusted Fletcher can use all 4 arrow skills with [Fletcher Arrow Shot] skill, and gains temporary AoE Attack ability with [Catena Chain Arrow] skill. Fletcher is a long-distance dealer class that can be a great choice when you lack attacking skill since Fletcher can use both Two-handed Bow and Crossbow. Fletcher Arrow Shot   Maximum Lv: 5 Cooldown: 0 seconds Activates when you have 1 or more Fletcher Arrow buff   Fires Fletcher arrow to single target. Fletcher Arrow skill buff with short Cooldown will be consumed first, and Cooldown will be applied to the fired Fletcher Arrow skill.   Fletcher Arrow skill:  - Barbed Arrow  - Bodkin Point  - Crossfire  - Divine Machine Arrow   Skill range: n (increases according to skill level) Every skill factor of Fletcher Arrow skill increases proportionally to the skill level   Bodkin Point   Maximum Lv: 15 Cooldown: 15 seconds Can be used after learning the skill   Applies [Bodkin Point] buff to the character when it’s not during the Cooldown. You can fire Fletcher Arrow buff with [Fletcher Arrow Shot] skill. Bodkin Point ignores part of the enemy's Physical Defense.   Barbed Arrow   Maximum Lv: 15 Cooldown: 10 seconds Can be used after learning the skill    Applies [Barbed Arrow] buff to the character when it’s not during the Cooldown.  You can fire Fletcher Arrow buff with [Fletcher Arrow Shot] skill. Barbed Arrow ignores part of the enemy's Evasion.  Cross Fire   Maximum Lv: 10 Cooldown: 12 seconds Can be used after learning the skill   Applies [Cross Fire] buff to the character when it’s not during the Cooldown.  You can fire Fletcher Arrow buff with [Fletcher Arrow Shot] skill. Cross Fire applies AoE damage in Cross range around the target and strikes the enemy in the center of the range for 2 times.  [Arts] Crossfire: Portfire   * Increases Cooldown by 5 seconds * Pulls the struck enemy to the center of skill range * Target gets stunned for 2 seconds. Divine Machine Arrow   Maximum Lv: 10 Cooldown: 20 seconds Can be used after learning the skill   Applies [Divine Machine Arrow] buff to the character when it’s not during the Cooldown. You can fire Fletcher Arrow buff with [Fletcher Arrow Shot] skill. Divine Machine Arrow damages with AoE in a narrow area 3 times around the location of attack. Catena Chain Arrow   Maximum Lv: 5 Cooldown: 40 seconds   Fires Chain Arrow to the designated location to install the arrow and connects it with you. Applies AoE damage in a straight range where you and the chain are connected every time you use Fletcher Arrow Shot. Uninstalls the arrow when you use the skill while the arrow is installed or when you get far from the connected arrow in 300 or more distance.  Cooldown of the skill starts from the moment when the installed arrow is removed.   Duration: 20 seconds Targets: 10   Catena Chain Arrow: Promised Hit   * Changes target to 1 * Ignores target’s Evasion, block. The attack becomes accurate unconditionally. [Arts] Catena Chain Arrow: Haken Leap   * Decreases duration of arrow installation by 5 seconds * When the skill is used again while the arrow is installed and the installation is removed, the character leaps to the location of the arrow connected to the character. Vaivora Vision -  Reinforced Bowstring   Lv1 Effect - Applies 2 stacks when applying Bodkin Point buff - Applies 2 stacks when applying Barbed Arrow buff   Lv4 Effect - Divine Machine Arrow Final Damage +100%   ※ Item stat will be announced later. <Catena Chain Arrow - Fletcher Arrow Shot x 4 times - [Arts] Haken Leap>     Mergen In order to In order to strengthen the identity of the AoE damage dealer class, the overall skill range will be increased, and the maximum level of skills will be changed and the skill factor will also be adjusted.   Zenith skill will be changed to passive skill that increases the other skills so that it can provide a high value of AoE attack Ratio to the Mergen skill or increase the final damage. Also, Mergen’s Arts will all be redesigned.  Mergen: Injury Rupture   Attribute will be deleted. Mergen: Expanded Range   Attribute will be deleted. New Arts will be added.   [Arts] Mergen: Continue Hunting   * Recovers 20% of HP Recovery when defeating Small, Medium, Large sized monsters with Mergen attack skill (Cooldown: 5 seconds)   Spread Shot   Effect that deals increased damage to the targets in Fear will be deleted. AoE Attack Ratio will be changed from 3 to 1.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Down Fall   Skill factor will be adjusted. Down Fall: Broaden   Attribute will be deleted. [Arts] Down Fall: Rapid Shot   Arts will be deleted. Zenith   Can be learned from class lv.1 Maximum Lv: 5 Applied at all times when learned   Increases AoE Attack Ratio of Mergen attack skill.   Applied Skill:  - Spread Shot  - Homing Arrow  - Triple Arrow   Increases Mergen Skill AoE Attack Ratio by [3 * skill level]  ON/OFF Attribute   Zenith: Fire For Effect   * Removes the effect that increases AoE Attack Ratio * Increases final damage of Mergen attack skill by [n * Zenith skill level]%    Skill that increases damage:  - Spread Shot  - Triple Arrow  - Homing Arrow  - Arrow Rain  - Down Fall Homing Arrow   Overheat will be changed from 2 to 1. Cooldown will be changed from 25 seconds to 20 seconds. AoE Attack Ratio will be changed from -1 to -7. Skill range will be changed from 130 to 200.   Skill factor will be adjusted. New Attribute will be added. (character with lv.350 or above can learn)   Homing Arrow: Shackle   * Apply [Unable to Move] for 2 seconds when the hit is accurate to non-boss monsters. * Increases SP consumption by 30% Arrow Sprinkle   This skill will be changed to casting skill. Skill distance will be changed from 200 to 250. Skill range will be changed from 45 to 80. Range of one arrow falling down will be changed from 9 to 15.  Size of the falling arrow’s effect will increase and the speed will become faster. Falling frequency of the arrow during the duration will increase.   Maximum casting time: 1 second Duration increases by 0.5 seconds per 0.1 seconds of casting time Arrow Sprinkle maximum Duration: 5 seconds   Skill factor will be adjusted. [Arts] Arrow Sprinkle: Barrage   Arts will be deleted. Triple Arrow   This skill will be changed to a skill that can be learned from class level 31. (Maximum Lv: 5) Cooldown will be changed from 20 seconds to 15 seconds. Skill range will be changed from 140 to 175. Range of explosion effect will be changed from 25 to 30. AoE Attack Ratio will be changed from 6 to 3.   The way the explosive effect is applied will be changed. - Before: 10% of damage by Triple Arrow is applied as a basic attack. - After: Apply as a separate skill with 40% skill factor of Triple Arrow.   Skill factor will be adjusted. New Arts will be added.   [Arts] Triple Arrow : Zephyr   * Removes explosive effect * Skill will be casted for 2 times at once when using the skill Vaivora Vision - Orbital Arrow   Some of the Lv1 effect will be changed. Before After - Additional damage to 20 enemies within the range by descending a gigantic arrow every 1 second where Arrow Sprinkle is cast - Duration: 3 seconds  (Skill factor of Orbital Arrow is equal to 1 hit of Arrow Sprinkle) - Additional damage to 20 enemies within the range by descending a gigantic arrow every 1 second where Arrow Sprinkle is cast (Skill factor of Orbital Arrow is equal to 1 hit of Arrow Sprinkle) - Duration is equal to that of Arrow Sprinkle       Musketeer  Although the Musketeer has high dependency on the [Sniper's Serenity] skill, the play experience was not good in terms of user perception and convenience since it has a mechanism where you have to repeat casting to maintain the buff.   Thus, [Sniper's Serenity] will be deleted, and the responsiveness of using attack skills will be improved so that we can change Musketeer into an easy-to-operate and intuitive dealer class.   Also, [Snipe] skill will no longer be a one-shot attack skill, but will be redesigned as a quick attack skill used between skill uses, serving as a measure of Musketeer operation skills.  Musketeer: Ready for Battle   Attribute will be deleted. Sniper's Serenity   Skill will be deleted. [Arts] Sniper's Serenity: Large Caliber   Arts will be deleted. Head Shot   Skill will be deleted. [Arts] Snipe: Conceal   Arts will be deleted. Covering Fire   Function that increases the damage during [Sniper's Serenity] will be deleted. The skill will be changed from limiting the number of targets to AoE Attack Ratio skill. AoE Attack Ratio will be 14. Skill range will be changed from 60 to 80. The way of striking will be changed from 11 continuous hits to 11 continuous hits in motion. Cooldown will be changed from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Penetration Shot   Function that increases the damage and range during [Sniper's Serenity] will be deleted. Skill will be changed from targeting skill to skill that instantly hits a straight-line range in front of you.   Skill range: 170, width: 35 This skill will be changed to AoE Attack Ratio skill. AoE Attack Ratio will be 10 Cooldown will be changed from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Prime and Load   Function that applied additional Cooldown according to the skill reset will be deleted. Cooldown will be changed from 25 seconds to 60 seconds. When using the skill, resets Cooldown of [Covering Fire], [Penetration Shot], and  [Volleyfire] and removes [Sniper Exposed] buff applied to you.   Grooving Muzzle   Maximum Lv: 10 Receives 45 stacks of [Enhance Steel Wire] buff upon use. Consume 1 stack of [Enhance Steel Wire] buff when attacking with Musket, applies [Grooving Muzzle] debuff when accurate. Decreases Defense and Block stat per 1 stack of [Grooving Muzzle]. The Cooldown will be applied when the [Enhance Steel Wire] buff is removed and you cannot use the skill during the buff.   Maximum number of [Grooving Muzzle] debuff stacks increases according to the skill level.   Volleyfire   Function that increases damage during [Sniper’s Serenity] will be deleted. This skill will be changed to single targeting skill. Cooldown will be changed from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Snipe   Function that increases damage during [Sniper’s Serenity] will be deleted. Function that increases damage of the enemy under Bleeding will be deleted. Function that inflicts Ricochet to the enemy nearby the struck enemy will be deleted. Function that applies [Snipe: Wound] to the struck enemy will be deleted.   Function that inflicts a definite critical hit on an enemy under [Coursing] will be removed.   Cooldown is changed from 15 seconds to 1 second. Receives 1 stack of [Sniper Exposed] buff when using the skill. (max. 10 stacks)   Snipe’s damage and Accuracy rate decreases by 10% per 1 stack of [Sniper Exposed] buff. [Sniper Exposed] buff decreases every certain time.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Attribute will be added.   Snipe: Promised Hit   * When there is no [Sniper Exposed] buff, you cannot evade the enemy * Increases SP consumption by 30%   Arts will be added.   [Arts] Snipe: Head Shot   * When calculating the Snipe skill damage, decreases caster’s Accuracy stat by 50% * Unable to block opponent when the hit is accurate * Critical hit when the hit is accurate * Knockdown when the hit is accurate * Apply [Snipe: Wound] debuff when the hit is accurate and damages 10% of inflicted damage per second. (duration: 5 seconds) (Effect of Head Shot Cooldown: 15 seconds)    Effect of Vaivora Vision will be changed.   Vaivora Vision - Armor-piercing Shell   All Musketeer skill level +1   Lv1 Effect -  Ignores 15% of opponent's Defense when attacking with Musketeer’s attack skill or normal attack. (Ignores Defense by 20% when the opponent is a character)   Lv4 Effect - Snipe Final Damage + 100%       Tiger Hunter Removes the function that directly increased the damage to the monster, the dealing function to the single target will be improved. The skill will have a higher utility due to the condition to remove stealth of [Camo Shot] skill will be changed.  The [Eye of the Tiger] skill will be deleted and a new skill [Tiger Hunting] will be added. [Tiger Hunting] can damage a long distance but long casting time is needed.    Since [Tiger Hunting] can inflict strong damage from long distances, but requires a long casting time, you can inflict long-range damage in a relatively safe situation by linking it with the Camouflage effect of the [Camo Shot] skill. [Arts] Tiger Hunter: Bounty Hunter   Arts will be deleted. Tracking   This skill will be changed to the skill that applies [Tracking] debuff to the single target. [Tracking] debuff can be applied only to a single target and when you apply it to a new target, the previous target’s debuff will be removed.   Increases Final damage and minimum critical rate from the Tiger Hunt skill to the target under [Tracking] debuff.    Function that instantly removes the Camouflage buff when the target under debuff receives the [Camouflage] effect will be added.   Function that increased the Movement Speed when approaching the enemy under debuff will be deleted.   Tracking: Duration   Attribute will be deleted. Piercing Shot   Function that increases damage against boss monsters or enemies under [Tracking: Prey] will be deleted. The way of striking is changed from 6 continuous hits to 6 continuous hits in motion.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Rapid Shot   Function that increases damage against boss monsters or enemies under [Tracking: Prey] will be deleted.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Eye of the Tiger   Skill will be deleted. Ambush   Function that applies [Stun] to the enemy by chance will be deleted. When the target is under the [Tracking] debuff you’ve applied, apply [Stun] for 3 seconds. Skill’s delay will decrease.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Camo Shot   This skill will be changed to the skill that can be learned from class lv.16. (maximum lv.5) Cooldown will be changed from 50 seconds to 25 seconds. Duration will be changed from 10 seconds to 6 seconds.   The way of applying Camouflage removal chance will be changed .- Before : Checks the Camouflage removal chance when damaging while hiding  - After : Checks the Camouflage removal chance when using the attack skill while hiding     Camo Shot: Grasslands   Attribute will be deleted. Camo Shot: Advantage   Attribute will be deleted. New skill will be added.   Tiger Hunting   Can be learned from class lv. 31 Maximum Lv: 5 Cooldown: 25 seconds   Activates when there is enemy under [Tracking] you’ve applied   Casting time: 4 seconds   Prepare distant shooting in a seated stance. While casting, the vision gradually expands and fires at the target under the [Tracking] debuff to inflict damage after casting is completed. When you cancel during the casting, half of the Cooldown will be applied. Stops casting when target’s [Tracking] debuff removes during the casting.        <Use Tiger Hunting after Camo Shot>   New Arts will be added.   [Arts] Tiger Hunting: Commando  * Increases casting time by 3 seconds * Resists on every debuff that require advanced removal while casting * Immune to Knockback and Knockdown while casting         Arquebusier Removes an Attribute that deals higher damage in proportion to distance, which was difficult to use in actual battle.    Also, the attacks enhanced by consuming [Clean Hit] buff will be deleted and the [Arquebusier Barrage] skill will be redesigned to make it easier to deal damage in AoE attacks so that the more Arquebusier attack skills you hit, the more often you will be able to activate the [Arquebusier Barrage] skill.   The main change will be the [Desperate Defense] skill, which will be changed to have effect that decreases the damage received to the party. When using the [Desperate Defense] skill, a flag will be installed in the center and any party member can prolong the duration by interacting with the flag. Arquebusier Weapon   Skill will be deleted.   Every Arquebusier attack skill’s property will be determined according to the type of equipped weapon.  (Pistol or Cannon)   Sniper's Breathing   Attribute will be deleted. Prediction   Function that stacks [Clean Hit] will be removed. [Arts] Prediction: Perfect Hit   Arts will be deleted. Arts will be added.   [Arts] Prediction: Perspective Distortion   * Removes effect that increases the Accuracy * Decreases Cooldown by 20 seconds * Appoint range and applies debuff up to 10 enemies within 75 range  * Decreases debuff target’s AoE Defense Ratio by your AoE Attack Ratio (Does not decrease less than 1, debuff cannot be stacked) * Debuff Duration: [skill level * 3] seconds Pinpoint Fire   Skill will be deleted. Skill name will be changed.   Lucky Strike → Linear Shooting   Function that stacks [Clean Hit] buff will be removed. Cooldown will be changed from 15 seconds to 5 seconds. This skill will be changed to casting skill. Casting time: 0.5 seconds Function that removes the limit of target during the [Defend Position] will be removed. This skill will be changed to AoE Attack Ratio skill. AoE Attack Ratio will be 2.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Lucky Strike: Long-range Fire   Attribute will be deleted. Attribute will be added   Linear Shooting: Amplify Restraint   * Apply [Stun] to the target for 2 seconds when the hit is critical * Increases SP consumption by 20% Skill will be redesigned.   Arquebus Barrage   Can be learned from class lv. 16 Maximum Lv: 10 Cooldown: 15 seconds Can be used after learning the skill   After casting Arquebusier's attack skill, if it’s not during the cooldown,  fires damage in front of you and applies Cooldown.     Decreases Cooldown by n seconds when Arquebusier’s attack skill is accurate.   Arquebusier Attack Skill: - Linear Shooting - Dusty Salute - Precision Fire   AoE Attack Ratio: 17   Skill range is changed from 120 to 200. Skill’s delay will be improved. Dusty Salute   Skill range is changed from 45 to 75.   This skill is changed to the skill that can be learned from class lv. 1. (maximum lv: 5) Function that applies Silence by consuming a stack of [Clean Hit] will be removed. Cooldown will be changed from 30 seconds to 15 seconds. AoE Attack Ratio will be changed from 10 to 12. Function that applies [Slow] to the non-boss monster for 5 seconds will be added.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Effect will be changed. Skill will be redesigned.   Desperate Defense   Can be learned from class lv. 16 Maximum Lv: 10 Cooldown: 50 seconds [Continous Area Effect]   Install a protective wall to decrease the damage to the party member in range. Casts for 5 seconds when you or a party member interacts at the point marked in the center of the wall, and the remaining duration of the wall resets when casting is completed. Protective wall removes when you are out of the range. Cooldown of the skill will be applied from the time of when the wall is removed. Fails casting when the protective wall exists in nearby 150 range and 5 seconds of Cooldown will be applied.   Decreases Physical, Magic Damage by n% (increases according to the skill level) Duration: 30 seconds   Skill range will be changed from 60 to 80. Desperate Defense: Maintain   Attribute will be deleted. [Arts] Desperate Defense: Courage   Arts will be deleted. Precision Fire   Function that stacks [Clean Hit] buff will be deleted. Function that decreases the Cooldown according to the [Clean Hit] buff will be deleted. Channeling time will be changed from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. Cooldown will be changed from 35 seconds to 25 seconds. Function that removes the limit of target during the [Defend Position] will be removed. This skill will be changed to AoE Attack Ratio skill. AoE Attack Ratio will be 3.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Effect and sound will be changed. Precision Fire: Long-range Fire   Attribute will be deleted. Arts will be added.   [Arts] Shaped Charge   * Decreases final damage of [Linear Shooting] and [Precision Fire] by 25% * Increases AoE Attack Ratio of [Linear Shooting] and [Precision Fire] by 10  Vaivora Vision - Lever Action    All Arquebusier skill level +1   Lv1 Effect - Speed of firing Precision Fire doubles   Lv4 Effect - Arquebus Barrage final damage +100%     Cannoneer [Bazooka] skill will be redesigned into a skill that changes [Cannon Shot] and [Cannon Barrage] to casting skill. While using [Bazooka], those two skills’ Cooldown will double and casting will be increased, but they will receive suitable damage and AoE Attack Ratio which leads to compressing the time using the skill..   In addition, it will have all of the instant activation, casting, and channeling skills in the skillset, so it will become more flexible on choosing Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor, and the concept of using cannons to launch heavy attacks will be strengthened. Cannon Mastery: Penetration   Condition to apply the attribute and value of the effect will be changed.   * Decreases the chance of attack being Block by 3% per attribute level when attacking the enemy with Connoneer   Increased Maximum Weight   Attribute will be deleted. Cannoneer: Detonate   Attribute will be deleted. Cannon Shot   Skill distance will be changed from 130 to 160.   Skill factor will be adjusted.   Function that applies damage of 3 to the structure will be added. Cannon Shot: Chain Explosion   Attribute will be deleted. Arts will be added.   [Arts] Cannon Shot: Howitzer   * This skill will be changed to firing projectile without inducing the targeting  * Projectile speed will be slow * Changes the skill range of [Cannon Shot] to 85 * Increases AoE Attack Ratio of [Cannon Shot] by 5 Siege Burst   Skill will be deleted. Skill will be redesigned.   Cannon Blast   Can be learned from class level 16 Maximum Lv: 10 Cooldown: 20 seconds Channeling time: 1.5 seconds   Fires Cannon to the front while channeling to damage. You can change the direction while channeling and you are pushed back when firing Cannon. Knockbacks the enemy hit in short distance. Immune to Knockback and Knockdown while channeling.   Skill factor: n% per 0.7 seconds AoE Attack Ratio: 12 Smoke Grenade   Maximum Lv: 5  Cooldown will be changed from 25 seconds to 30 seconds. Skill range will be changed from 55 to 75. Targets affected by the debuff in range will be 20. Duration will be changed from 7 + (skill level * 1) seconds to 1 + (skill level * 1) seconds. Function that exceeds the maximum damage when dealing enemies within the range will be deleted. Decreases Accuracy and Evasion stat of enemies in range by n%. (increases according to skill level) Enhance attribute will be added. (increases effect that decreases Accuracy and Evasion according to attribute level) Cannon Barrage   Can be learned from class level 1. (maximum lv:5) Skill distance is changed from 130 to 160. Overheat will be changed from 2 to 1. Cooldown will be changed from 30 seconds to 10 seconds. Skill Range will be changed from 45 to 60. Function that applies stun by chance will be deleted. Stun the enemy for 2 seconds while under [Bazooka] state.   Skill factor will be adjusted. Cannon Barrage: Weight Reduction   Attribute will be deleted. Skill will be redesigned.   Bazooka   Can be learned from class lv.16 Maximum Lv: 10 Cooldown: 5 seconds   Turns to Bazooka status and changes part of Cannoneer attacking skill into casting skill and increases the skill’s AoE Attack Ratio, final damage, and Cooldown. Bazooka will be removed when you cast the skill while you’re under Bazooka state.   Casting time of [Cannon Shot], [Cannon Barrage] will be changed to 0.75 seconds. Skill distance of [Cannon Shot], [Cannon Barrage] will be changed to 200. AoE Attack Ratio of [Cannon Shot], [Cannon Barrage] will be increased by n. Final damage of [Cannon Shot], [Cannon Barrage] will be increased by n%. Cooldown of [Cannon Shot] will be changed to 10 seconds. Cooldown of [Cannon Barrage] will be changed to 20 seconds.   AoE Attack Ratio and Final Damage increase rate will be increased according to the skill level. [Arts] Bazooka: Nimble    Arts will be deleted. Sweeping Cannon   Function that creates an attacking area to continuously attack will be deleted.   Skill factor will be adjusted. [Arts] Sweeping Cannon: Siege Shot   Function that increases damage when attacking a boss monster will be deleted. Function that destroys installed [Magic Circle], [Continuous Area Effect] skills will be added. Cooldown will be increased by 10 seconds when activating the Arts. Name and effect of Vaivora Vision - Cannon Hold will be changed.   Vaivora Vision - Air Burst   All Cannoneer skill level +1   Lv1 Effect - When casting Smoke Bomb, [Air Burst] activates per second within the Smoke Bomb range  (skill factor is proportional to that of Cannon shot) - AoE Attack Ratio: 20 - Struck target gets [Slow] for 2 seconds   Lv4 Effect - Decreases Cooldown of Sweeping Cannon by 20 seconds <Cannon Blast -Cannon Barrage - [Arts] Cannon Shot: Howitzer>     Matross Overall skill usage will be improved and skill factor will be adjusted. Also, new skill [Artillery Call] that will substitute the [Canister Shot] will be added. [Artillery Call] temporarily expands the sight and can damage in far distance. Fire and Run   Skill range will be changed from 65 range around you to 50 range in front.   Skill factor will be adjusted. Explosion   Function that increases nearby targets when you’re in [Bazooka] state will be removed.   Skill factor will be adjusted. Menace Shot   Maximum Lv: 5 Targets will be changed to 5 + [skill level * 3]. Skill range will be changed from 80 range around you to 80 range in front of you. Effect of the attribute will be changed.   Menace Shot: Achilles Heel   * Increases Cooldown of Menace Shot by 10 seconds * Removes 3 removable buffs Crouching Strike   Attack property will be changed from [Physical] - [Strike] to [Missile]- [Cannon]. Skill range will be changed from 100 range around you to straight range in front of you. Skill range will be set with 220 length and 50 width. Cooldown will be changed from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.   Skill factor will be adjusted. Crouching Strike: Stun   Attribute will be deleted. Crouching Strike: Remove Knockdown   Attribute will be deleted. Name and effect of the Arts will be changed.   [Arts] Crouching Strike: Lightning→ [Arts] Crouching Strike: Lightning: Quake   * Removes Knockdown effect * Decreases Cooldown by 10 seconds * Increases AoE Attack Ratio by 6 * Decreases final damage of skill by 40% Roar   This skill will be changed to passive skill. Damage of Matross skill will increase by n% according to skill level. Matross attack skill ignores Block and Evasion of the knocked down enemy by 50% chance. Canister Shot   Skill will be deleted. New skill will be added.   Artillery Call Can be learned from class lv.31 Maximum Lv: 5 Cooldown: 40 seconds   Expand the sight and you can appoint the range up to a far distance. Requests a bombardment from a warship to a designated area to damage after 5 seconds,  and the enemy in the center of the range receives 50% increased final damage. Does not damage the character who’s jumping.   Skill maximum distance: 750 Skill range: 150 AoE Attack Ratio: 30     Artillery Call: Remove Knockdown   * Removes knockdown effect of the center when activated * Increases SP consumption by 10% Vaivora Vision - Centerfire   Lv4 effect - Decreases the Cooldown of Artillery Call by 20 seconds       Next posting will be about new episode (14-1) , new raids and contents, and remake of Scout class.   

Developer's Blog
December 7th, 2021
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Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 22nd, 2016)

Greetings, Saviors. We have banned a number of accounts for violating our terms of use. Please refer to the following link for more details:  https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/accounts-banned-for-abuse-april-22nd-2016/210857 Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 22nd, 2016
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Rota's Special Support (July '19)

  Greetings, Saviors!   Mercenary Post’s Manager Rota is once again offering her support to all who are brave enough to face the ruthless Ignas at the Astral Tower Closed Quarters.         Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on July 9, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on August 6, 2019     Who Can Participate   - Characters of level 380 and above     How to Participate   STEP 1. Talk to Mercenary Post Manager Rota in the city of Klaipeda and volunteer to join the battle against Ignas. You can participate in the event once per day, per character (resets at 06:00 EDT). STEP 2. Enter the Unique raid and defeat Ignas to clear the Astral Tower Closed Quarters. STEP 3. Return to Manager Rota and receive your reward: Rota's Special Support Box x1! STEP 4. Open the Support Box to receive one of the following random items.   - Silver Ichor Extraction Kit (14 Days) x1 - Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x1 - Raid Portal Stone x2 - Combat Support Box x1     Important   - You can still clear the Astral Tower Closed Quarters raid during the event period without talking to Rota, but you will NOT receive the event rewards. - You can clear the Astral Tower Closed Quarters raid more than once a day with the same character, but you will only receive one reward per character per day. - All event rewards can be transferred via Team Storage, but Support Boxes and timed items cannot be traded with other players. - Unopened Support Boxes will be automatically deleted during the scheduled maintenance on August 6, 2019.

July 8th, 2019
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Weekend Burning in September!

Greetings, Saviors!    New Weekends burning event is here! See the details and let's burn the September weekends in ToS!       Event Period     From the scheduled maintenance on August 28, 2020 To 23:59 EST on September 27, 2020     Who can Participate     - All saviors     How to Participate     Step 1. Log-in to Tree of Savior on weekends (server time) during the event period.   Step 2. Find the event NPCs in Klaipeda, Fedimian, and Orsha and talk to them! * The map doesn't indicate the location of NPCs.   Step 3. Play Tree of Savior with special buffs and benefits!     The buffs and benefits of the month are as following: Friday Saturday Sunday August 28 August 29 August 30 - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Anvil enhancements 50% discount - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds 4 5 6 - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500 - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Looting Chance +1000 - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500 - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Looting Chance +1000 - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500 - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Item re-identification 50% discount 11 12 13 - EXP + 100% - Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal - 90% Skill Cooldown and SP consumption reduction(Instanced Dungeons and Office Missions) - EXP + 100% - Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal Etching Statue worship effect x10 - EXP + 100% - Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal - Pamoka Solution EXP x2 18 19 20 - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 - Class Points received +500% - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 - EXP penalty exemption when enhancing Gems - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Even-numbered transcendence 50% discount 25 26 27 - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Etching Statue worship effect x10 - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Decreases Skill Cooldown and SP consumption by 90%(Instanced Dungeons and Office Missions) - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500 - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Looting Chance +1000 ※ Please note that the timeline will follow the server time(EST).       Important   - Please note that the buffs do NOT stack. If you receive Friday's buff at the end of the day and receive a new buff at the start of Saturday, Friday's buff will be removed and Saturday's buff will be applied.   - The buffs will NOT automatically be granted to your character. You have to talk to the event NPC in order to receive the Weekend Burning Event benefits.

August 24th, 2020
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[UPDATE] Giltine Raid Event

Greetings, Saviors!    The event to celebrate the best raid of Tree of Savior is here! Get awesome buff and clear the Giltine Raid!     Event Period     From the scheduled maintenance on  February 2, 2021 To  the scheduled maintenance on March 9, 2021     Who can Participate     - All saviors     How to Participate     Step 1. Get event rewards!   - Talk to [Demon God's Temptation] Illusion of Demon God Ragana NPC in the towns and click Receive Event Reward. - Reward can be received once per team during the event period. - Rewards are as follows:  Item Name Amount Trade [Event] Mulia Emoticon Package (2 types) 3 Only Team Storage [Event] Sole Hunt One Entry Voucher (14 Days) 1 Only Team Storage [Giltine] Attribute Points 10,000 2 Only Team Storage [Giltine] Ruby Anvil 3 Only Team Storage [Event] Enchant Jewel Box 1 Only Team Storage     Step 2. Get Weekend Login Rewards!   - Talk to [Demon God's Temptation] Illusion of Demon God Ragana NPC in the towns and click Receive Weekend Login Reward. - Weekend Login Rewards can be received on weekends and Lunar New Years' period. (Feb.11-12, 2021) [Update- Feb.18, 2021] - Weekend Login Rewards can also be received from March 3 to March. [Update-Feb.17, 2021] You can receive rewards from 06:00 AM to next day 05:59 AM (server time), and resets at 6 am (server time). - Reward can be received once per team daily. (on weekends and Lunar New Years' period) - Rewards are as follows: Item Name Amount Trade [Giltine] Attribute Points 1,000 3 Only Team Storage [Giltine] Event Elixir Box 1 Only Team Storage [Event] Unidentified Mystic Tome 1 Only Team Storage ※ [Giltine] Small Elixir of HP Recovery x10, [Giltine] Small Elixir of SP Recovery x10 can be received when opening [Giltine] Event Elixir Box. (Both items' Trade properties are equal to [Giltine] Event Elixir Box.)     Step 3. Receive Giltine Raid Event Buff!   - Talk to [Demon God's Temptation] Illusion of Demon God Ragana NPC in the towns and click Receive Event Buff. Buff Effect: Looting Chance +500, Maximum HP 5,000, Maximum SP + 1000, Recover 200 HP, SP every 10 seconds, Movement Speed +2 - The Event Buff can be received once per character daily. (resets on 6 am EST) - Event Buff remains for 3 hours and the remaining time resets when the buff is re-applied during the duration. - The buff is not applied in PVP area, Joint Strike and Weekly Boss Raid.       Important - Event status can be checked via /giltine command. - Daily acquisition limit reset at 6 am. (server time) - Items with [Giltine] header will be deleted at 6 am on March 3, 2021. (server time) 

February 18th, 2021
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World Map Reorganization

Greetings, Saviors. This is Tree of Savior Developer Team.  We would like to introduce the upcoming new World Map! The major changes in the world map are introduced in the video, and more features will be introduced below!     World Map Guide after the Renewal         1. Bookmark   Register the area of choice in the Bookmark and look them up easily from the Category. You can register up to 5 maps in the Bookmark. Include your most-visited maps in the Bookmark.   Bookmark can be used by searching in the category of the World Map as well as in the warp map. If token benefits are applied, you can easily move around the areas you wish by connecting your free warp with the bookmarks.       2. Changes in Functions Connected to the World Map   The World Maps (Shortcut: N) and the functions connected to the World Map before will be changed. The functions are as follows and the renewed world map is available when used.       3. Check Guild Territory Information   You can check the guild territory areas, occupying guild, and the tax rate of the area set by the occupying guild from the world map.   Prepare for battle and collect information before the Guild Territory War. The location of the guild tower of your guild can be checked from the category as well.        4. Check Spawn Location of Field Boss When Field Boss spawns, prepare for battle by checking the location and the name of the field boss from the World Map.   The information of the Field Boss appears 10 minutes before the spawn of the monster and disappears along with the corresponding field boss.        5. Token Travel You can move to any location you wish at once if you have the token effect applied. When you move by using Token Travel, you will automatically move to the starting location of the area without any cost. (※ Starting location is equal to the location moved when using ‘Warpstone’) By using Token Travel, you can also move to an un-encountered location which makes it possible to move to the destination with speed when proceeding quests or contents. Use the Token Travel from the minimap in the world map.       6. Changes in Cost of Warping from Goddess Statue  Travel costs of Goddess Statue set in proportion to the existing distance will be changed to (map level x 10 silver). Areas with low level will be available at low cost regardless of the distance.   Silver is not consumed when moving to cities, and if token benefits are in effect, the cost of traveling by the Statue of Goddess will be exempted.   As the World Map is reorganized, an additional section about what the World Map consists of and how to use them will be added in the Help. This can be found from the [Help] in the System Menu and [Help] on the top of the World Map after the World Map reorganization update.      

Developer's Blog
August 4th, 2020
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for August 16th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for August 16, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
August 16th, 2016