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Patch without Maintenance: December 20, 2023

Greetings Savior,   On December 20, 2023, a patch went live on KST 18:33 due to the following issue:     - A new character can not progress the Popo Boost event if the Boost Premium Ticket has been used by a character that does not meet the event condition.     Please leave the current area or channel for the normal application of the patch above.   Thank you.

December 20th, 2023
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[EDITED] A Wild GM Appeared! Event

Greetings, Saviors!   A wild GM has appeared! or may appear! or not appear.... on the most mischeivious day of the year! Be the first to find the wild GM and get the reward!   Event Period   Server Period Klaipeda  3/31 EST 22:00 ~ 23:00 (21:00 ~ 22:00 server time) Fedimian  4/1 CET 09:00 ~ 10:00 (03:00 ~ 04:00 server time) Silute  3/31 BRT 22:00 ~ 23:00 (20:00 ~ 21:00 server time) ※ GM might appear any moment during the event period.       Who Can Participate   - Saviors of [NA] Klaipeda, [EU] Fedimian, [SA] Silute       How to Participate   STEP 1. When a wild GM appears on a random map of the server, a World Message will be sent with hints of each GM's location.  - One of the following wild GMs will appear in each server. Find out where they have appeared based on the sound of each GM crying. ▶ Wild GM #1: "It's important to always remember where you came from." ▶ Wild GM #2: "I am sick and tired of bees!!!!" ▶ Wild GM #3: "I'll crack open a cold one for you lots." STEP 2. FInd the Wild GM and type the yellow phrase over the GM head on the Nomal chat of the map! - [Event] Giltine's Wing (7 Days) will be given to the first Savior who types the phrase. GM will announce the winner on the place. ※ The typed phrase must be EXACTLY identical to the phrase above GM's head. (Case, spacing, punctuation)       Important   - The reward will be given via maiil box during the scheduled maintenance on April 1~2, 2024.    

March 29th, 2024
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Patch Note Preview: July 15~16, 2024

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (July 16, 2024). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
July 15th, 2024
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[COMPLETE] Known Issue: June 08, 2022

Greetings Saviors,   The following issue have come to our attention:   - [Fixed] Server Instability in Silute [SA] server.   We are currently aware of the issue and trying to fix it.   If there are any updates, we will let you know that through our Known issue notice.   Thank you for your patience and understanding.   Regards, IMC staff

Known Issues
June 7th, 2022
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Patch Note Preview: July 29~30, 2024

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (July 30, 2024). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
July 29th, 2024
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[UPDATE] Temporary Maintenance: February 8, 2023

Greetings, Saviors!   We will conduct temporary maintenance on every server due to the issue that the Ichors can not be applied on Lv.480 Weapon created by the Main/Sub Weapon set box from the 2023 New / Return Growth Package.     [Maintenance Period]   [EST] 02:30 to 04:30 (February 8, 2023) [CET] 08:30 to 10:30 (February 8, 2023) [SGT] 15:30 to 17:30 (February 8, 2023) [BRT] 04:30 to 06:30 (February 8, 2023)   The compensation for the temporary maintenance will be given to your mailbox and removed within 2 weeks. We suggest that you take them all as soon as possible.    1. For the Saviors that purchased the 2023 New/Return Package but did not use the item 2. For the Saviors that opened the 2023 New/Return Package but did not use the +15 Reservoir Main/Sub Weapon Set Selection Box from the package.   : The packages will be retrieved and returned during this temporary maintenance.     3. For the Saviors that opened the +15 Reservoir Main/Sub Weapon Set Selection Box from the package but did not do anything on the equipment. 4. For the Saviors that opened the +15 Reservoir Main/Sub Weapon Set Selection Box from the package and either enhanced, opened gem socket, applied gem, applied Vaivora Vision, or applied weapon appearance on the equipment.   : The items will be retrieved and recovered in order within this week : You might be temporarily disconnected from the server during the process above.   [How it will be recovered] Retrieved Item/Adjustment made to the retrieved item Item Given +15 Main/Sub Weapon +15 Reservoir M/S.Weapon Set Selection Box according to the weapon type Additional enhanced value of the weapon Material used for the enhancement Gem(Color/Aether) Socket Opened and Gem equipped Material used to open the gem socket and the equipped gem Vaivora Vision applied Silver consumed to create the Vaivora Vision  Weapon Appearance changed Weapon Appearance Item used on the weapon ▶ The items returned will be sent to the market retrieve tab of the character that held the retrieved item. (The most recently logged-in character if you had it in the team storage.)   ※ If you have already enhanced or adjusted the main/sub-weapon from the 2023 New/Return Package, DO NOT enhance or adjust them further more after the temporary maintenance. ※ If you make any adjustments to these weapons after the temporary maintenance, they may be not recovered.   [Updated on February 10, 2023] - Following items will be returned during the scheduled maintenance on February 14, 2023: - Goddess Token (Vakarine) consumed to open the gem slot on the retrieved weapon will be sent to the Market Retrieve Tab of the character that held the retrieved item. (The most recently logged-in character if you had it in the team storage.) - Silver consumed to roast the colored gems equipped on the retrieved weapon will be sent to team storage.   ※ Please send us a ticket if you have any inquiries regarding the measure above.   Thank you for your patience and understanding.   Regards,   IMC staff

February 10th, 2023
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[COMPLETE] Temporary Maintenance (W server) : May 6, 2023

Greetings, Saviors!   We will conduct temporary maintenance on W server due to server upgrade progression for server stabilization.      [Maintenance Period]   [KST] 10:00 to 11:00 (May 6, 2023) [SGT] 09:00 to 10:00 (May 6, 2023)   The compensation for the temporary maintenance will be given to your mailbox and removed within 2 weeks. We suggest that you take them all as soon as possible.    Thank you for your patience and understanding.   Regards,   IMC staff

May 5th, 2023
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[UPDATE] Known Issue: March 20, 2022

Greetings Saviors,   The following issues have come to our attention:     - Unable to use [Lv.470] Faint Arcanum Formula dropped before the maintenance on March 18, 2022     ※ Unused [Lv.470] Faint Arcanum Formula dropped before the maintenance on March 18 will be compensated during the maintenance on March 22.   [Update] The number of [Lv.470] Faint Arcanum Formula dropped before the maintenance on March 18 will be given during this scheduled maintenance. You are able to discard the item, so please delete the [Lv.470] Faint Arcanum Formula that cannot be used.   [Update]  Goddess Token (Gabija) is given to the Market Retrieve tab. [Lv.470] Faint Arcanum Formula and Neutralizer are given to the Mailbox and will be deleted after 4 weeks.       If there are any updates, we will let you know through this post.   Thank you for your patience and understanding.   Regards, IMC staff

Known Issues
March 22nd, 2022
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TOS Support Guild Vice Guild Master Election (9/2~10/28)

Greetings Saviors:)   The regular election of the TOS Support Guild Vice Guild Master is here! (Whenever there is a vacancy for Vice Guild Master, we will receive applications.)   If you are willing to work as Vice Guild Master of TOS Support Guild, please read this post and apply!     Vice Guild Master Selection Support Guild is run by 2~3 Vice Guild Masters for each world. Vice Guild Masters will share their experience and knowledge about TOS, process various contents, and support the fun and activities that can be enjoyed in the TOS community.     ■ Vice Guild Master’s Role   As the master of the TOS Support Guild, Vice Guild Master helps new/returning saviors who joined the guild to settle down and play various guild events     ■ Vice Guild Master Selection   Recruitment Target Saviors from All Worlds Number Recruited 1~2 Saviors per each world Recruit Period August 17, 2022 ~ August 29, 2022 (EST) Announced Date September 1, 2022 (EST) ※ Selected Vice Guild Master will be announced via separate post and the selected Vice Guild Master will receive GM message on the announcement date. ※ Elected Vice Guild Master must join the TOS Support Guild until September 1, 2022. (server time) Activity Period September 2, 2022 ~ October 28, 2022 ※ Vice Guild Master can continue the activity according to their will and the past activity records after this activity period. Benefit 3,000 TP [Event] will be given every month ※ The benefit of Vice Guild Master is 3,000 TP.  ※ After reviewing the Vice Guild Master’s activity record, TP will be given every 2 weeks. ※ The first benefit will be given on September 16, 2022. Qualification - Savior who can consistently log in during the activity period (September 2, 2022 ~ October 28, 2022) - Savior who has a wide knowledge of the game - Savior who can help guild members understand, adapt, and settle in the game - Savior who has no record of sanctions due to violating the Policy Preference - Savior who has experience with online cast - Savior who has been a Guild Master in TOS or other MMORPG How to apply - Reply to the Survey below until August 22, 2022 at 23: 59 EST (Google account required)  → LINK ※ Current Vice Guild Masters, please do not participate in the link above. ※ For current Vice masters, a separate survey will be sent to the mailbox on August 24. (must be replied before August 30, 2022) ※ 2nd survey will be sent to the applicant's mailbox on August 24, 2022. This survey must be returned until August 30, 2022. Important ※ Guild Master(GM) is not involved in any issues except for the major issues such as Vice Guild Master selection and operation-related issues, and will only monitor the Support Guild to make sure it is operated according to its original purpose.  ※ All records (including authority usage and chat) of the Vice Master(VM) are kept/inspected/managed thoroughly. ※ Total activity period may change due to application status.         Vice Guild Master Activity Guide   Necessary Activity 1. Activate the Guild Chat a. You can bring energy to the guild chat window by saying hello to the guild chat when you log in or log out, or when other users log in. b. Answer the questions related to playing the game to solve guild member’s curiosity about the game C. Using Discord is okay, but since there are more guild members who don't use the Discord, please keep in mind that Guild Chat must be used more often.   2. Play Guild Quest  a. How to play Guild Quest: Guild Tower → Guild Quest → Select the Guild Quest you want to play → Go to the Guild Quest area → Enter via Guild Quest pillar after recruiting (space bar) (Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary can be played:))   3. Others a. Other stuff such as Card Album Party, run raids with guild members as party or so. - Please upload a screenshot or video in the Forum - Vice Guild Master category. (which you will be added once you become a VGM) ※ When posting the activity in the Forum - Vice Guild Master category, please tag other VGMs who participated in the contents.  Important - You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other wars since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members.  - Vice Guild Master can send a request via forum - Vice Guild Master category when needed.     Guild Quest TIP   1. Guild Tower Location: West Siauliai Woods 1 channel, near Statue of Goddess Vakarine  - This location is only for the 1st guild tower.  - Location may change from the 2nd guild tower and if so, Vice Guild Masters need to tell via Forum-Vice Guild Master category. ※ Refreshment Table is at Klaipeda.    2. How to create Guild Tower: Talk to Uska NPC at Klaipeda → Buy Guild Merchandise → Purchase ‘Build Guild Tower’ → Use the item in the installation location   3. If the participation rate is low, guide the progress and reward. - Guild Boss Raid: Click the Participate button, move to the location and defeat the boss monster together! - Guild Mission: Click the Participate button, move to the location and clear the mission! - ‘Guild Foundation’ repetitive quest is cleared when clearing Guild Quest twice a week.     We look forward to your support and participation:)     Thank you.     ※ If we verify excessively repetitive joining and leaving the Support guild for intentional profit-seeking or inappropriate activities, there may be restrictions put to the account according to the policy such as being excluded and permanently banned from the Support Guild.  

August 17th, 2022