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Scheduled Maintenance for May 23, 2017

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (May 23, 2017). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
May 22nd, 2017
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[UPDATE] Scheduled Maintenance for June 24 - 25, 2019

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (June 24, 2019). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
June 27th, 2019
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[CLOSED] Level Up Event: Cookie It Up!

  Greetings, Saviors! If you can’t wait to reach maximum level when the new Rank expansion comes out, make sure to get your Level Up Chests on December 12! Reach up to 10 level milestones for Fortune Cookies, instanced dungeon items and, if you get to level 360, a sweet Rank Reset Voucher!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on December 12, 2017 TO the scheduled maintenance on January 9, 2018 Who Can Participate - Characters from level 50 to 350 How to Participate STEP 1. Head to the city of Klaipeda or Orsha and visit the local Event Notice Board to receive Level Up Chest x10. STEP 2. Each Level Up Chest contains a level milestone you will have to reach in order to receive the corresponding rewards. You can receive up to 10 rewards.         - You can use the Chest to find out its target level.         - The target level of the Chests are set according to your current character level. STEP 3. If you grow your character up to the maximum level (level 360), you can also receive a special reward! Interact with the Event Notice Board with your level 360 character to receive a Rank Reset Voucher (60 Days)!         - The Rank Reset Voucher can be received once per team and it cannot be transferred via Team Storage. Level Up Chest Rewards Receive new rewards according to the total number of level milestones you achieve! 1 = Fortune Cookie (14 Days) x5 AND Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher (14 Days) x1 2 = Fortune Cookie (14 Days) x5 AND Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher (14 Days) x1 3 = Fortune Cookie (14 Days) x5 AND Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher (14 Days) x2 4 = Fortune Cookie (14 Days) x5 AND Goddess Statue (3 Days) x2 5 = Fortune Cookie (14 Days) x5 AND Miracle Seeds (3 Days) x2 6 = Fortune Cookie (14 Days) x5 AND Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days) x3 7 = Fortune Cookie (14 Days) x5 AND Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher (14 Days) x2 8 = Fortune Cookie (14 Days) x5 AND Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days) x3 9 = Fortune Cookie (14 Days) x5 AND Silver Anvil (14 Days) x1 10 = Attribute Points: 1,000 x2 AND Golden Anvil (14 Days) x1 Important - You can receive the Level Up Chests from the Event Notice Board once per character. - Items with time limits cannot be moved via Team Storage and they will begin to count down as soon as they are received in your character’s inventory. - Level Up Chests will be deleted when the event ends.

January 21st, 2018
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[Re:Build] Class Point Support

  Greetings Saviors! To celebrate the arrival of the Re:Build update, we are providing all players with Class Points that can be used in changing the character's class! See below for event details.     Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on January 15, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on January 29, 2019     Who Can Participate   - All characters who have advanced into a new class at least once - Available once per character per day     How to Participate   [For Existing Characters] STEP 1. Retrieve the Class EXP Recovery Card from the character's market retrieve tab. STEP 2. Use the retrieved Class EXP Recovery Card in the correct order. STEP 3. Move to a different zone or a channel. STEP 4. Check the Advancement UI to confirm that you have received 3,000 Class Points by clicking the on the Advancement icon at the bottom of the screen.     [For New Characters]   STEP 1. Level your character to class level 15. STEP 2. Advance into the class of your choice. STEP 3. Move to a different zone or a channel. STEP 4. Check the Advancement UI to confirm that you have received 3,000 Class Points by clicking the on the Advancement icon at the bottom of the screen.     Important   - If you already have full Class Points at the time of the event, Class Points will be issued to you after you have used up all the Class Points you already have. - You cannot change your class while your character has unused Class EXP Recovery Cards in your possession. - The maximum Class Points you can have saved is 3,000.

January 14th, 2019
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The First Fan Art Fest Results!

Greetings Saviors. We have had so many great submissions for the first ever Fan Art Fest. We'd like to thank every one of participants and those who have supported this event through comments and likes as well. Now, after several rigorous internal voting sessions, we have selected 10 artworks that will be go on the ingame loading screens. We would like to emphasize that we agonized quite a bit over which one to choose for almost all of them were very creative, cute, atmospheric and clearly showed much love and work put into them. So, if your submission was not selected please, don't be discouraged. The following is the list of artworks that are scheduled to be included in the loading screens after the Scheduled Maintenance of August 30th.   Click on the forum name to visit the submission post. Swift Step by Incillu Friendship & Talt by pixelp0p  Wings of Vibora Lena & Rosia by Chee-qi My Name Calls for the Curse by iTeddy Goddesses by elinhime Druid! Wipe It Out! by chaoschyan Channeling Oracle by proyectoalmeria  Cryomancers with penguin by play_makmie  Demon Queen Gesti by carolinaeade Abomination by wanderyen

August 29th, 2016
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[COMPLETED] Scheduled Maintenance for November 22nd, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for November 22nd, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
November 22nd, 2016
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Scheduled Maintenance for July 4, 2017

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (July 4, 2017). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
July 3rd, 2017
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Weekly Question and Answer

Greetings, Saviors! Today on the blog we’re talking about our Saviors' Q&A. The following statement is indicating that many of our saviors posted these questions frequently. 1. The game still feels slow, even after the optimization patch. How much more and when do you plan to further optimize the game, and when can we expect a lag-free Tree of Savior? A.  We thoroughly applied all of our previously announced optimization measures, but because every user’s playing environment is different and there are so many diverse factors at play in-game, we still cannot guarantee that the expected improvements will show in every single situation. There are still some areas in the game we can speed up, so we plan on continuing to improve the lag issue through frequent patches. 2. Do you have any plans to develop a class or rank reset potion? A. Creating a character in TOS involves making choices about stats, skills, attributes, classes, and many other things. It is possible to revert a character’s entire state to what it was like the day before, for example, but rolling back their class or skills while maintaining the level and stats intact is not an easy task. We will, however, consider making it possible to give up class advancement quests to allow picking a different class. 3. We’re being affected by the bug that joins 10-15 people together in instanced dungeons. If you’re going to allow large numbers of characters to be matched together, why don’t you introduce stronger boss mobs or random hidden bosses? A. This bug is an issue that’s been affecting only our Steam servers, and something we’re working to fix as soon as possible. We did try playing dungeons with over 10 people in a test version of the game, but it was just too confusing and complicated. That is why we want to keep the parties to 5 players or under. 4. There’s a connection problem happening every time the Gravity Pole skill is used. Are you fixing this bug? How far along are you on this issue? A. This bug has been around for a long time, but we haven’t been able to accurately reproduce it so far, so until now we’re still not entirely sure of how it can be fixed. This is especially true considering that it has never occurred in the development server, only on the live server. We’ve recently found and revised some aspects we think might be related to this bug, and we expect to apply them as soon as we’re done with testing. 5. Sometimes a character’s head will just disappear, which is a shame considering the otherwise beautiful graphics of the game. Are you fixing this bug? A. The dev team is well aware of this issue. We’ve set up a testing PC to figure out whether this happens only with specific video cards. We’ll try to fix this issue as soon as possible. Thank you for reading and have fun playing Tree of Savior.  

Developer's Blog
June 4th, 2016
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On the State of Server's Economy

Hello. Today on the Developer's Blog, we would like to address a few rumors circulating the forum.   While we were working on recent issues related to Steam's payment system, we came across a post with a screenshot of a user owning two or three hundred million silver. Some of you commented that it was demotivating. The payment abuse and that screenshot have been reported to a certain Korean website as well and an article came out stating that Steam server has serious problems. Some users even say a server wipe is needed. Is it necessary? You might wonder.   A short answer would be ‘no.’   First, the screenshot is simply not true. We can look through our server database and figure out the actual amount of silver the account in question owns, what the user traded, and the movement of silver on each server. We can even identify which top 100 accounts possess the most silver. We can identify daily changes of total amount of silver. It turned out the user in the screenshot only owned less than a hundredth of the alleged amount.   Due to the nature of MMORPGs, data in the game client can easily be altered. We believe that screenshot is also a result of such practice, and the change only appears on the user's own screen. This altered data doesn't get transmitted to the server that deals with monetary transaction, meaning the game's economy isn't affected.   Contrary to what some users pointed out, the TP obtained through transaction exploit is irrelevant to the silver increase in the game. Even if abusers purchase and sell Tokens using the TP they unfairly gained, it does not generate new silver. The silver simply moved from one account to another during the transaction. During those transactions, actually total amount silver decreases due to 10% market fee. This may have influenced silver's RMT value or Token-to-silver ratio, but we have confirmed that it did not affect the total amount of silver circulating the servers.   We take economical stability seriously, and our GMs monitor the statistics every day. Whenever we make systems related to trades, we make sure to check for possibilities of the damage they may do to the server's economy. We plan to explain the bot problem and the report system we made to counter it in our next blog post. Thank you.    

Developer's Blog
April 17th, 2016