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Scheduled Maintenance for November 20~21, 2023

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (November 21, 2023). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
November 20th, 2023
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Patch Note Preview: September 25~26, 2023

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (September 26, 2023). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
September 25th, 2023
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Official Forum Maintenance - June 25, 2020

Greetings Saviors,   We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance.     - Maintenance Period : (EST) 21:30 June 25, 2020 - 22:00 June 25, 2020   Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period.   Sincerely,   IMC Staff

June 25th, 2020
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TOS Support Guild: Vice Guild President Ⅲ

Greetings saviors,    Guild Vice-guild Master Selection has ended! It was a close game since there were lots of enthusiastic applicants. Thank you all for your participation:)       Vice Guild Masters of TOS Support Guild     Congrats to all selected Vice Guild Masters:)           [NA] Klaipeda Tsugami Friend Selenelions [EU] Fedimian Rhoss  Duwduw Slepe [SEA] Telsiai Shakie Zesho Tgbg [SA] Silute m3iki Mikasuki Usumaki   - Activity period is from November 26 to January 21, 2022. - Please note that selected Vice Guild Masters need to join the TOS Support Guild until November 25, 2021. - Vice Guild Master authority will be applied on November 26, 2021. ※ Current Vice Guild Masters' authority will be removed on November 26, 2021. ※ Vice Guild Master who is currently in another guild must leave the current guild. ※ Guild Masters must check the Mailbox frequently for the information for the roles. ※ Every Guild Masters must send us their forum accounts via ticket.       Vice Guild Master Activity Guide   Necessary Activity 1. Activate the Guild Chat a. You can bring energy to the guild chat window by saying hello to the guild chat when you log in or log out, or when other users log in. b. Answer the questions related to playing the game to solve guild member’s curiosity about the game C. Using Discord is okay, but since there are more guild members who don't use the Discord, please keep in mind that Guild Chat must be used more often.   2. Play Guild Quest  a. How to play Guild Quest: Guild Tower → Guild Quest → Select the Guild Quest you want to play → Go to the Guild Quest area → Enter via Guild Quest pillar after recruiting (space bar) (Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary can be played:))   3. Play Saint's Sacellum (Auto/Solo) - [Support Guild] Saint's Sacellum (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher' x100 will be given to the Vice Guild Masters.  - Shares the entry count with the existing Auto Match and Solo Raid. - For Auto Match with party member of TOS Support Guild member, 5 saviors are needed and every party member must be in the same map and channel. - When clearing the raid by Auto Match with Party, Vasilisa Scale x36 (Untradable) can be obtained and Recipe - Saint's Sacellum: Goddess One Entry Voucher (Untradable) that can be obtained by chance cannot be obtained. - When 5 TOS Support Guild members are collected by normal Auto Match besides the Auto Match with Party, same rewards with the existing reward will be given. - For Auto Match with Party, the MVP won't appear and MVP reward won't be given.   4. Check Guild Community a. Reply to inquiries about the game b. Questions frequently asked by the guild members can be saved in the Community section to help the players. Important - You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other wars since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members.  - Vice Guild Master can send a request via forum post - Vice Guild Master category when needed. ※ The benefit of Vice Guild Master is 3,000 TP per month.  ※ After reviewing the Vice Guild Master’s activity record, 1500 TP will be given every 2 weeks. ※ The first benefit will be given on December 10, 2021.       Guild Quest TIP   1. Guild Tower Location: West Siauliai Woods 1 channel, near Statue of Goddess Vakarine  - This location is only for the 1st guild tower.  - Location may change from the 2nd guild tower and if so, Vice Guild Masters need to tell via Forum-Vice Guild Master category. ※ Refreshment Table is at Klaipeda.    2. How to create Guild Tower: Talk to Uska NPC at Klaipeda → Buy Guild Merchandise → Purchase ‘Build Guild Tower’ → Use the item in the installation location   3. If the participation rate is low, guide the progress and reward. - Guild Boss Raid: Click the Participate button, move to the location and defeat the boss monster together! - Guild Mission: Click the Participate button, move to the location and clear the mission! - ‘Guild Foundation’ repetitive quest is cleared when clearing Guild Quest twice a week.     We look forward to your passionate works Vice Guild Masters!   Thank you.     ※ If we verify excessively repetitive joining and leaving the Support guild for intentional profit-seeking or inappropriate activities, there may be restrictions put to the account according to the policy such as being excluded and permanently banned from the Support Guild

December 12th, 2021
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Regarding Monster Card Album (14 days)

Greetings saviors,   We have verified that the following items given in August have not been deleted yet and are still available to use even though the items are expired.   - Monster Card Album: Red (14 Days) - Monster Card Album: Blue (14 Days) - Monster Card Album: Green (14 Days) - Monster Card Album: Purple (14 Days)     Please be noted that the items above will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on December 7. If you wish to use the item, please use it before the deletion:)     Thank you.

November 30th, 2021
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[UPDATE] Patch Note Preview: August 19~20, 2024

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (August 20, 2024). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
August 20th, 2024
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GM Event - Hide and seek with GM!

Greetings, Saviors!   GM is hiding in TOS! Find the GM and get special rewards:)     Event Period   Server Time [NA] Klaipeda March 6, 2022 at 21:00 (EST) [EU] Fedimian March 9, 2022 at 23:00 (CET) [17:00 (Server Time)] [SEA] Telsiai March 8, 2022 at 18:30 (SGT)  [05:30 (Server Time)] [SA] Silute March 6, 2022 at 22:00 (BRT) [20:00 (Server Time)]       Who Can Participate   - Every savior       How to Participate     STEP 1. Log in to TOS at the designated time.     STEP 2. Explore the maps in the Episode 3 area!   - GM will be hiding in one of the following maps. (ch.1 only)   Veja Ravine, Vieta Gorge, Septyni Glen, Dvasia Peak Poslinkis Forest, Saknis Plains, Kateen Forest, Sirdgela Forest   - The location of the GM will change every 20 minutes.     STEP 3. Find the hiding GM!   - Once you find the GM, say 'Peeka' via normal chat. GM will reply to you with 'Boo! (team name)!'.    - If you find the GM during Special Burning Time, a special reward will be given additionally! Special Burning Time: 10 minutes from the starting time, 10 minutes before the event ends. ※ GM will announce the start & end of the Special Burning Time via Shout.       Reward     - Basic Reward: [Event] Yellow Chick Speech Bubble (30 Days) x1, Emoticon Package: (Maru) 3 types x1 - Special Reward: Neon Popolion (Hair Costume)  x1   ※ Reward will be given to the Mailbox during the scheduled maintenance on March 15, 2022. ※ Every reward item cannot be traded. Items can be transferred only to Team Storage.       Important     - The reward will be deleted after 2 weeks from the mailbox. - The reward will be given once per team.  - The screenshot of the event can be uploaded to the Forum and facebook. - Questions irrelevant to the event may be ignored.   

March 8th, 2022
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Official Forum Maintenance - December 25, 2019

Greetings Saviors,   We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance.       -  Maintenance Period : (EST) 21:30 - 22:00 December 25, 2019       Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period.   Sincerely, IMC Staff

December 25th, 2019
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Weekend Burning in August

Greetings, Saviors!    The new Weekend Burning event is here! See the details and let's burn the weekends in ToS!     Event Period   From August 5, 2023 To August 27, 2023     Who can Participate   - All saviors     How to Participate   Step 1. Log-in to Tree of Savior on weekends (server time) during the event period.   Step 2. Play Tree of Savior with special buffs and benefits!   ▶The buffs and benefits of the month are as follows: ※ Please note that the timeline will follow the server time(EST/KST). Date Buff August 5 (Sat) EXP +100% Increase Delmore Battlefield: Goddess (Auto Match) Reward August 6 (Sun) EXP +100% Increase Challenge Mode Reward August 12 (Sat) EXP +100% Increase Sinking Seizure: Goddess (Auto Match) Reward August 13 (Sun) EXP +100% Increase Aether Gem Enhance trial in Remnants of Bernice Dungeon August 19 (Sat) EXP +100% Increase Memory of Flame Reward August 20 (Sun) EXP +100% Increase Division Singularity (Auto Match) Reward August 26 (Sat) EXP +100% Increase Reservoir of Corruption: Goddess (Auto Match) Reward August 27 (Sun) EXP +100% Increase Falouros: Goddess (Auto Match) Reward       Important   - Please note that the buffs do NOT stack. If you receive Saturday's buff at the end of the day and receive a new buff at the start of Sunday, Saturday's buff will be removed and Sunday's buff will be applied.   - The buffs will NOT automatically be granted to your character. You have to talk to the event NPC in order to receive the Weekend Burning Event benefits.

July 25th, 2023