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[COMPLETE] Official Forum Maintenance - July 11, 2017

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 July 11, 2017 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

July 11th, 2017
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Turn your character into a figure style image…for real!

Greetings Savior, For those of you who wanted to meet your character as a figure after seeing the news of [Revelator Figure for Sale] on April Fool's Day, we prepared an event to turn your character into a figure-style image…for real!   Event Period   FROM April 2, 2023 after the announcement TO April 10, 2023 09:59 server time     How to Participate 1. Zoom in to your character and take a screenshot! ▼Example: - Magnify as much as you can and film when there are no monsters, objects, or other characters around you. - By pressing the 'Alt + A' key, you can hide the UI from the screen including the team name. - The screenshot must include the whole character.   ※ There is no limit to the character's pose. Please take a screenshot with the pose you wish to see. The angle of the screenshot will be reflected in the art as it is. ※ Please post the image in JPG or JPEG or PNG format.   [TIPS] - If you attach an image similar to the example image, the probability of being selected might increase.   2. Post the screenshot in the official discord’s #figure_event channel with your server and team name! ▼ Example:   Reward   - 20 Saviors selected by GM's PICK (5 per server): A figure-style image of the character based on the Savior’s screenshot ▼ Example:     Important   - If the post does not fit the required format, you will be excluded from the participants. - If you use other people's characters and screenshots, you will be excluded from the participants. - Screenshots that include inappropriate images or language can be excluded from the participants and deleted without notice. - When duplicate participation occurs, the most recently uploaded post will be counted. - If you change your team name during the event period, you may be excluded from the participants. - The image applied may be retouched or trimmed during the process. - The images made by this event can not be used for any profit-making activities, original or retouched. - Because AI used for this event learned data based on non-copyright images, very similar original images compare to the figure painting style image may exist somewhere. - The AI program used for this event is currently developed by IMCgames. - Images posted on this event may be used on our official SNS, official forums, and advertisements for the purpose of announcing the results. Please accept and participate.     Thank you.  

April 2nd, 2023
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Patch Note Preview: June 12~13, 2023

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (June 13, 2023). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
June 12th, 2023
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Questions and Answers about TOS #10

Hello. I am syKim from “Tree of Savior (TOS)” Development Team. This is 10th time of Questions and Answers about TOS which answers the questions coming from all of you. TOS is currently under development so the answers that are given below can be changed when we start the official service of the game. Q) When players go into Rest Mode, do they receive some benefits such as HP restoration? What about the fire place which was shown in the screenshot before? Does it automatically appear when players go into Rest Mode? A) In Rest Mode, HP restores faster. There are also various activities that players can undertake during Rest Mode such as crafting consumables… You can set up a fire place when you are in Rest Mode. It enables faster HP restoration and if there are other players nearby, then those players will also receive benefits from it. ▲ Fire places that can be set up anywhere on the field can be used by anyone. It extinguishes fast though… Q) Do you have characters that represent each country or cultural area? A) A few classes’ concepts are based on the specific cultural areas’ historic heritage, but they don’t represent certain civilizations or countries. Q) I want to know if the game will be in sync with mobile devices. A) We don’t have any specific plans as of yet. Q) I saw an introduction about Centurion class from the last post. It looks very interesting, but I have some worries that it may be misused on bots, farms, trollings or etc. Do you have any plans to avoid these? A) ‘Formation’ skill will not make the game confusing since this skill will not be maintained for a long time after using it. You use this skill when you feel you need it, and you stop using it after achieving your objective. We don’t worry about it that much inside our development team. Q) If there are more than two Chronomancers, then isn’t it possible to multiply the number of rewards? A) Once a certain place has been used to restore the time, then that place will be distorted for some time so that it is not possible to restore the time within that place for some amount of time. Q) Are there any mounted classes in Archer-type classes? A) Yes we have a few. Hackapell class represents a mounted class in Archer-type classes. ▲Hackapell Class Q) The BGM which was used in the last post was done by a musician named Symphonix. What happened? A) Yes. A few of our staffs in development team really like the music of Symphonix who is an electronic musician in Germany. We signed a contract with them since we believed that their music will fit really well into a few scenes in TOS. You will be able to listen to a few of their albums as BGM in TOS. Q) TOS Brazilian community is talking about Archer class a lot. Can you tell us more about Archer class? A) Archer is a very unique and strong class. I will tell you more about it in the near future. Q) There are lots of opinions on the characters’ voices in one of Japan’s online communities. Do you also localize characters’ voices? A) The voices in the game right now are all proto-types. Since the version of the game that we are working on is not the official service version, even the voices of our developers and designers are included in the game at the moment, which were done inside our studio’s recording booth. Of course we will re-work on the voices for the official service version of the game, and when the localizations are needed, then we will make so that players will be able to select the voice pack that they want. It’s like that they can select in-game texts in the language that they prefer. Q) All female characters look pretty and cute. Can you also show a male character’s artwork? A) Okay. I will show you a male NPC’s artwork. ▲ Centurion Master Okay, now, we will answer you, the questions regarding the items, which have been sent to us repetitively.   Generally, items’ tooltips look like the above. ★ above indicates the item’s grade. If there are, more ★ on an item, then that means the item’s grade is higher.   There are options on certain items such as Splash, which is indicated above, lets you attack the multiple enemies at once, and Critical Occurrence increases the possibility of Critical attacks. The items which your character can equip may be limited depending on your character’s level or its class. Potential indicates the margin at which you can upgrade your item stronger. Whenever you upgrade your item, this gauge decreases by 1.   [From left, normal – magic – rare – unique grades] Uniqueness of items is divided into four levels and these can be distinguished by the background colors of item illustrations. Even if you have the same items, additional options or Potential may be added depending on the uniqueness level of those items. Each item has its own weight. There is a limit on how heavy you can equip your items, and if the weight of the equipped items exceeds the maximum weight you can carry, your movement speed will be reduced along with the penalty which you can’t obtain additional items any more. The maximum weight you can carry varies with the growth of your character’s stats.   If you use the items that compose a set, then the additional options will be activated. The composition of a set can be seen from items’ tooltips.     In order to craft an item, you need a manual. Manuals will be registered at Adventure Journal so when you have corresponding ingredients for a particular item, then you can craft it anytime during Rest Mode. When you craft an item, you can freely change its name and you can also add some descriptions on its tooltip.     ▲ When you add texts like the above while crafting an item, these texts will be shown to the other player as well when this item is given to the other player.   There are 3 methods to upgrade an item.   An item’s basic stats will be enhanced using Advancement. After placing an item onto something called Moru, hit it to advance it to the next level. The numbers such as +1, +2 … will be displayed on the advanced item to indicate the item’s advancement level.     You can also give special options to the items by inserting jewels onto them. There are 4 types of jewels; round-type, quadrangle-type, diamond-type, and star-type. You can only insert each type of jewel that fit into the corresponding holes on the items. There are the items that already have these holes, but if you need an additional hole, then you can go meet ironsmith in the villages to make a hole in your item. By making a hole, the item’s Potential will be reduced by 1.   Lastly, you can endow attributes to an item by adding Magic Amulet. For example, there is an option such as [When you succeed in Critical + Overkill simultaneously, the maximum attack speed will increase by 10 seconds with 3% possibility]. ▲ Magic Amulet influences an item’s appearance. The shield with 3 red skulls looks like this.   We will skip on class introductions this week. If you have any questions, please forward them to our Facebook or Developers’ blog. Or if you want to send your questions anonymously, then please forward them to tos@imc.co.kr. We read all of your questions so please do not hesitate to send them to us. Thanks. This week’s bonus image. ▲The initial design of “Archer” class (by AD Maggi)

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2016
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Questions and answers after CBT2

I am syKim from Tree of Savior (TOS) Dev Team. We are still analyzing the data that we gathered from CBT2 so we want to apologize that we weren’t able to update our Dev blog for a long time. The questions below are the ones that we are repetitively receiving after CBT2.   Q) The locations of the Class Masters were dispersed from each other too much so I had hard times looking for them. A) Our plan was to utilize various places in the fields, but after reviewing the results from CBT2, we decided that it wasn’t satisfactory so we will eventually move each of them to the villages in the game.   Q) Depending on the items that were equipped, there were some skills that I could not use. Was this purposely designed this way? A) That’s because we had a lack of sprite patterns. (For example, the animation of “Rapid Fire” was only available with a character equipped with a crossbow and a shield.) We will try our best to fill in more animations in the next version.   Q) Up to which rank would we be able to play in the Open Beta? A) Our original plan was to open up to Rank 10~11, but we are thinking about changing that. We are thinking about hiding 20 classes so there is a chance that the last rank could be 8, but it’s not confirmed yet Q) Was it purposely designed in the game to cancel character’s basic attacks? A) When a character becomes stiff after each attack, we allowed character’s movement to enhance the controllability, but we started CBT2 knowing that it will increase character’s attack speed as a side effect. We think that the decision on whether we will limit this function or not would depend on the fatigue that would accumulate after a player plays the game for a long time. For your reference, we limited this function by consuming the stamina when a character attacks while jumping in the air, but we haven’t decided whether we would apply this in cancelling basic attacks as well.   Q) The game seems to have some balancing issues on using different skills. Some skills are too effective and there are also other skills that are not that effective. A) We will keep adjust the balances, but we will focus more on different uses for each skill. The basic attacks would still be used by players even if their characters reach the maximum level, and even if a skill has a low usage, there will be circumstances that players should use such skill. Q) The quests in the game are not too exciting. A) We concluded that the reason why the quests feel somewhat boring is because the game is supplying too many quests Instead of supplying too many quests that are lacking in their purposes and meanings, we believe that it will be more meaningful for players to search for the quests enthusiastically themselves so we are planning to hide most of the quests   Q) It seems that the speed of the battles is somewhat slow. Do you have future plans to make them little faster? A) In present MMO games, the servers calculate and share everything so with that underlying constraint present, we actually maximized the speed of the battles in the game. You may feel like that since TOS servers should allow the inputs whenever you attack. Please understand it as a characteristic of the genre.   Q) How many party contents are in the game? Are there any other contents besides hunting with my party members? A) We are creating party events a lot so I guess we should come up with something somehow if we really don’t have other ideas besides hunting. For your reference, we will enhance the qualities of party plays in our next version so we will share with you when the details get confirmed. ▲ We are creating a function to match different players into one party.   Q) I really liked the game pad compatibility, but targeting is still somewhat uncomfortable. A) After CBT2, we came with an idea to attack and cancel attack with the mouse so our main programmer is working on the mouse control in such a long time.   Q) It was unfortunate that there was no vibration on the game pad. A) We eliminated the vibration feature since we can’t check the remaining battery amount or a player’s fatigue level. If we include it on the next version, then we will make it so that players can select the option.   Q) Evasion, Critical and some other attributes are displayed with their numbers, but I feel uncomfortable since I have no idea how often they get activated in the game. A) The reason why we can’t indicate the exact % or the rate is because the evasion or the critical rates are decided by comparing your character’s evasion or critical rates and the monsters that you are facing against. So for example, when you face against 3 kinds of monsters, the final critical or evasion rates are decided depending on those 3 monsters’ stats. We understand that this is not intuitive so we will use “Appraiser” class to view the exact rates.   ▲ You will be able to view your enemies’ weak points or stats by playing with “Appraiser” class.   Q) A Helper seemed to be ineffective. It really didn’t help me except for normal attacks. A) Our original plan was to switch between your character and the Helper temporarily so that you could control the Helper character, but due to the UI malfunctioning during CBT2, we could not use the feature. We will make the feature available for the next version so send us your opinions on that when you test it next time.     Q) When is the next CBT or the commercial service? A) There will be many changes taking place in CBT3 so the testers who played the previous tests may feel unfamiliar with the game in the next CBT so we are still discussing internally. We may start the tests in other countries or launch FGT2, but nothing is decided yet. We are planning to invite a few testers to our studio to receive their precise feedback.  We will try our best to upload the next post or announce new information within a short period of time.  We always appreciate for your support and cheers.

Developer's Blog
April 7th, 2016
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Known Issue: April 6, 2021

Greetings Saviors,   The following issue has come to our attention:     -  Server Instability in all servers     We are currently aware of the issue and trying to fix it. If there are any updates, we will let you know that through our Known issue notice.   Thank you for your patience and understanding.     Regards, IMC staff

Known Issues
April 6th, 2021
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Patch Note Preview: July 17~18, 2023

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (July 18, 2023). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
July 17th, 2023
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Scheduled Maintenance for June 12~13, 2023

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (June 13, 2023). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
June 13th, 2023
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Regarding Level Expansion of Res Sacrae

Greetings, saviors!   As we mentioned on the previous post, we are expanding the level of Giltine's Crown of Thorns to 16 during the scheduled maintenance on August 9th.     Thank you all for your support and interest in Tree of Savior.     Regards, IMC Staffs.

July 27th, 2022