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Auto Clear Event

Event Period     FROM the scheduled maintenance on January 3, 2023 TO the scheduled maintenance on February 7, 2023       Who Can Participate     - Every savior     How to Participate   Step 1. Clear the event contents and receive the Auto Clear buff!   ▶ Event Contents - Res Sacrae Raid: Auto Match (Normal) - Res Sacrae Raid: Auto Match (Hard) - Saint's Sacellum: Auto Match - Delmore Battlefield: Auto Match - Sinking Seizure: Auto Match  - Goddess Message: Memory of Flame (Hard) - Demonic Sanctuary: Auto Match - [Edited] Demonic Sanctuary: Party (Normal) - Turbulent Core: Auto Match (Reservoir of Corruption/Falouros)     Step 2. Use the Auto Clear buff to instantly receive the clear rewards of the content!   ▶ What is Auto Clear Buff? - When you clear the target contents of the event, an "Auto Clear" buff will be applied. - 2 buffs will be given per 1 time cleared and it stacks up to 12. - When you have the Auto Clear buff, you can consume 1 buff stack and 1 entry count to automatically receive a 1-time clear reward of specific content by clicking its Auto Clear button from the Contents Status Board. - Auto Clear buff can only be used in the towns (Klaipeda/Orsha/Fedimian). - This buff is applied per character. - The duration of the buff is 72 hours and the time resets when obtaining a new buff. - Auto Clear buff is not removed when the character becomes incapable of combat.       Important   - The Auto Clear buff and UI are removed after the event. Please consume all within the event period.  - The number of times you clear the content with "Auto Clear" is not counted in the related achievements. - You can not obtain the event coins when clearing the content by "Auto Clear". - Additional Reward Voucher is not applied to Auto Clear. - You can receive the Lottery rewards when clearing the contents that have the possibility of winning the Lottery reward (Demonic Sanctuary/Res Sacrae Raid/Goddess Message) by Auto Clear. - Auto Clear function can not be used when queuing for Auto Match.  

January 9th, 2023
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NPC Origins – Matador Master

NPC Origins – Matador Master   Who is Matador Master Chridela Otero?  Chridela Otero has both the impressive martial art talent and hard-working spirit needed to reach the level of Master. And what others might find interesting is that she holds weapon mastery and femininity in the same regard.  On top of that, she finds that others misjudge her due to her appearance and, thus, she has mastered the art of letting her skills speak for themselves.  After her family lost their noble status, she was forced to mature when faced with the difficult decision of either finding a trade or getting married. But, she met a sponsor who saw her potential. He trained her in fencing and swordsmanship but the opportunity for her to become a Master in such things did not come. Unable to find a vacant seat, Otero continued to look for ways to unleash her talent as a Master and discovered the Matadors. Due to her skills and determination, she overcame the gender basis against her and, today, her success can be seen from her status and her position as Master of the Matadors.     Chridela Otero Diaries Pt. 1 In a small, tattered house, an old man reached out his hand from the crude bed where he lay. Chridela took her father's hand into her own.  “I'm sorry, Chridela. It's my own fault that I wasted my noble blood only to die like this. I only regret never having done anything for you.” The girl shook her head. “Please don't say that. You have to get better.” “If only I had the fortune of your grandfather, your future would have been very different.” “I can take care of my future.” “I'm sorry.” Her father repeated the words one more time when, as if all energy had left him, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Chridela, having skipped already two meals in a row, succumbed to hunger and fatigue as she, too, went to sleep. When she woke up, her father had already left the world. After the humble funeral, arranged with the help of the villagers, young Chridela could do nothing but cry in her empty house. Her tears had only just dried out when she heard someone knock on the door. Chridela didn't answer, but the door wasn't locked, and they came in through the open door. There were two of them; one was the village elder, the other was a man she didn't recognize. The man took one look at Chridela and sighed. He said to her, “I know your father met someone like me not long ago, and I know it won't be easy hearing what I have to say to you, but...” Before he could continue, Chridela wiped her tears to stare boldly at the man. “An Otero never avoids responsibility, for better or for worse. What is it that you came to tell me?” The man looked back with a hint of surprise on his face. “You are brave for such a young girl. People used to say no one in the family was half as good as Manel Otero.”  The man observed Chridela's expression, but the fact that he had just insulted her family didn't seem to bother her. It wasn't that she didn't understand, she was only being cautious. The man was again surprised by her attitude. This time, he addressed her in a serious tone. “Manel Otero, the founder of your family, was granted noble status under His Majesty, King Termanel, the 38th ruler of our Kingdom. By the third generation, all of your family's property, assets and valuables had been either sold or impounded. Paintings by Sakkurrhe, the great artist of King Wardel's era, were let go at a price that doesn't nearly compare to their value. A most regretful decision, if I may say. Your father had nothing but the noble status of his name, and now he is no more.” “You don't have to tell me what I already know. You should start by telling me who you are.” “Oh! Where are my manners? I am Kdit, from the Kedora Merchant Alliance. I can't really say it's nice to meet you at a time like this. Alas, this is how we had to meet. I'm surprised you were already aware of all of that. But there's something you need to know.” Chridela waited for the man to continue.  “Your father may have been born to a noble family, but under our law, that privileged status does not last forever. The Otero family has never made significant contributions to the Kingdom. What's more, they wasted their reputation and wealth throughout the generations. That is why your noble status has been revoked.  Your family will no longer receive the benefits granted to the noble class, particularly in the fiscal sector. Perhaps, fortunately, your family has no more wealth to benefit from. This house and all it contains will also become property of the Kedora Alliance.  It's a fortunate thing your father owes us and not another agency. We are not the type to strip a poor orphan girl of all her belongings to avoid losses. That said, we can't let you stay in this house anymore. What’s more, it's not just a matter of paying off your father's debt. You need to live with a legal guardian until you're an adult.” “A guardian?” “Or you can be sent to an orphanage run by the clerics, though I do think a guardian is your best option. You'll be sent to your ruling lord, where you'll receive work and education. Most take the chance to learn a profession they can follow as adults. If you're talented enough, there's nothing you can't learn. The lord is required by the law to pay for your upbringing, no matter how costly. Of course, if you're looking for more than basic education, you'll have to pay it all back to the lord once you become an adult.” “So I get to live in the lord's castle?” “Not quite...Normally that is what happens, but your case is different. Someone else has volunteered to be your guardian.” “Who?” “I cannot tell you; not yet. But don't worry. Becoming an orphan's legal guardian is not only a matter of wealth or will, and we at the Kedora Alliance would never disregard the safety of a child.” Kdit paused for a moment. “You don't have to call a neighbor, we will be taking you to your guardian ourselves. Forgive me for this remark but, financially, what we're doing here is a loss for the Kedora Alliance. This old house and everything in it is not enough to repay your father's loan. However, we will allow you to take anything you want with you. That includes objects you may have hidden outside the house, of course, as long as you're able to carry them. Make sure to take anything you think is necessary or important. We won't check even if you're hiding gold bars or other valuables, so I recommend you take as many as possible. Everything you leave behind will be appropriated and reutilized by the Alliance. We will you give you a few hours to prepare. When we return, I expect you to be ready to leave.” Chridela acquiesced and Kdit gave her a short nod before exiting through the front door. The village elder quietly expressed his condolences to the girl before leaving the house.  Kdit was still nearby when the elder came out. They had promised Chridela time to prepare, so they began walking towards the village.  A few steps on their way, the elder turned to Kdit. “I have to say, the Kedora Alliance is much more... generous than I had imagined.”  Kdit smiled abashedly, “There's always something to be gained in everything the Alliance does. We give when we must give, and we take when we must take. It's only a question of maintaining balance. In a way, we can afford to be generous because of how effectively we make a profit.” The village elder didn't quite agree with Kdit, but he chose not to contradict him. Instead, he said, “I'm glad you found a guardian for Chridela. Our village doesn't have the means to look after the girl, and sending her to work for the lord would mean an entire life of menial jobs. She would probably end up in someone else's land, the poor girl...” “That doesn't sound like a bad life at all.” “But considering that she comes from a noble family, I would rather she followed another path, that's all.” Silently, Kdit nodded in agreement. In his mind, however, the Kedora Alliance official had other thoughts. 'If she fails to prove herself to her guardian, she might as well marry a farmer and live a quiet life in the countryside. She may not have a choice right now, but with her attitude, there's no telling what the future of this girl will be...'

Developer's Blog
April 27th, 2018
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Scheduled Maintenance for September 6, 2022

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (September 6, 2022). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
September 5th, 2022
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Odd Candy Bonus Redistributed

Greetings, Saviors. Following the recent measures taken to prevent the unfair use of the Odd Candy bonus distributed during this year’s Halloween events (read more about it here), we would like to announce that we have sent the messages containing the 2,000 Odd Candy bonus to eligible players who had yet to receive them. The bonus has been sent to players who participated in the Halloween event dungeon at least one time before November 16, 2017. The bonus message was sent only once per team, so players who had already opened their bonus message before they were put on hold (announcement here) will not be receiving the message again. To receive your 2,000 Odd Candy bonus, please check the Message Box at your lodge. Thank you.

November 17th, 2017
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Change of Monthly TP Spending Limitation Policy

Greetings, Saviors!   We have been restricted the monthly TP spending in order to prevent chargeback fraud to the Steam accounts that have a shorter payment record since their time of the creation.    We have been monitoring the chargeback fraud and found that the chargeback fraud is relatively at a safe level.    Therefore, we decided to widen the TP limitation from 300 TP per month to 1000 TP per month. This policy will be applied after the scheduled maintenance on February 4th, 2020.    Please note that this decision is subject to change when the chargeback fraud issue rises again.    Thank you. 

February 10th, 2020
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[COMPLETE] Official Forum Maintenance - November 2nd, 2016

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 November 2nd, 2016 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

November 2nd, 2016
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[COMPLETE] Official Forum Maintenance - January 11th, 2017

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EST) 01:00 - 02:00 January 11th, 2017 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff  

January 18th, 2017
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[Special] Additional Turbulence Package

Greetings, Saviors!   Special packages for September and October are due right up!     Period     From the scheduled maintenance on September 20, 2022 To the scheduled maintenance on October 11, 2022       Additional Turbulence Entry Voucher Package 539TP Max: 5 per team Item Name Count Trade Delmore Battlefield: Goddess One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 30 Team Storage Only Memory of Flame One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 20 Team Storage Only Sinking Seizure (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 20 Team Storage Only Turbulent Core (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 30 Team Storage Only Remnants of Bernice One Entry Voucher 30 Team Storage Only       Additional Turbulence Upgrade Package 235TP Max: 5 per team Item Name Count Trade Res Sacrae Raid: Auto/Solo One Entry Voucher 30 Team Storage Only Res Sacrae Raid: Auto/Solo Multiply Token 30 Team Storage Only Res Sacrae Raid: Auto Match (Hard) One Entry Voucher 20 Team Storage Only Res Sacrae Raid: Auto(Hard) Add. Reward Voucher 20 Team Storage Only Demonic Sanctuary: Auto Match One Entry Voucher 30 Team Storage Only Enhancement Coupon: 100,000 Silver 800 Team Storage Only       Additional Turbulence Enhance Package 179TP Max: 5 per team Item Name Count Trade [Lv.480] Enhance Aid (Untradable) 255 Team Storage Only Premium Enhance Aid 70 Team Storage Only Exchange Medal 300 Team Storage Only       Additional Turbulence All in One Package 999TP Max: 3 per team Item Name Count Trade Additional Turbulence Entry Voucher Package 1 Team Storage Only Additional Turbulence Upgrade Package 1 Team Storage Only Additional Turbulence Enhance Package 1 Team Storage Only Full Additional Reward Voucher Set 1 Team Storage Only   *Full Additional Reward Voucher Set Item Name Count Trade Sinking Seizure: Party (Hard) Add. Reward Voucher 5 Team Storage Only Delmore Battlefield: Party (Hard) Add. Reward Voucher 5 Team Storage Only Turbulent Core: Party (Hard) Add. Reward Voucher 3 Team Storage Only Division Singularity Additional Reward Voucher 7 Team Storage Only

September 16th, 2022
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Like & Comment Event: MusCATeers are back with Second Event!

Greetings Saviors!   All for meow, meow for all! MusCATeers are back with Second Event! Wear MusCATeer Costume, Take Screenshot, and Get Rewards!     Event Period   From 00:00 EST on July 1, 2020 To 23:59 EST on July 17, 2020     Who can Participate   - All users playing Tree of Savior     How to Participate    - Press ‘Like’ and 'share' on the MusCATeer Event post uploaded on Facebook and leave a comment. [Go to Facebook]   - The comment must include the following:     1) A screenshot of your character wearing the MusCATeer costume (Must show your team name on the screenshot)     2) The correct server/team name of the character  (Must match with the screenshot)   Rewards   - Rewards will be given to 10 saviors in total by random.   - Attribute Points Box (Rank S) - The Next Theme of Goddess' Blessed cube costume 4 types (1ea) - The Next Theme of Goddess' Blessed cube hair costume 6 types (1ea)    * Winners will be announced on July 21  * Rewards will be given on July 28, during the scheduled maintenance.     Important   - Winner's screenshot can be posted on the official homepage and Facebook.  - Incorrect server/team name of the character will not be counted. - Team name on the screenshot and the team name on the comment must match. - Rewards will be sent to the Mailbox and be deleted after 2 weeks. - Inappropriate comments including things such as slander, insults, and hate speeches will not be counted. - Any participation after the event period will not be counted.  

July 1st, 2020