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[UPDATE] [Fan Art Festival] TOS Revelation

Greetings Saviors! This time around the Fan Art Festival theme is…   Your Revelation!   We want to know: If you had received your very own revelation from one of our Goddesses, in what form would it be? Would they have appeared in your dreams to deliver their message? Or perhaps through a heavenly voice echoing from beyond the clouds? Show us how you would receive your very own revelation!   We will be accepting submissions from now until December 15th 23:59 EST.  From December 17th 03:00 EST until December 22nd 03:00 EST voting will commence.    PRIZES INCLUDE:   500 TP + A Surprise Gift + In-Game Title (“One of A Kind”) + Your art as an in-game loading screen   (Prizes will be given out during the scheduled maintenance on December 24th. The surprise gift will be the next costume to appear in the Goddess' Blessed Cube). [UPDATE] Due to delay of the schedule, the images will be applied to the loading screen during the scheduled maintenance on December 31st. We are sorry for inconvenience.   Similar to the previous festival, a total of 10 pieces will be chosen. - 5 pieces will be picked by User Vote by receiving the most "Likes" by the Forum Users. - 5 pieces will be personally picked by Staff (after users have voted).   HOW TO ENTER:    Log into the TOS Official Forum and upload your art to the Fansite / Fan Art Category.    The title of your post should start with “[SUBMIT]” and should include the name of your piece. Inside your post, make sure to write the Title, Your Server Name, and Team Name plus a short description of your art.   When the submission period ends, an official voting thread with all the works of art will be created by the Staff. Only the "likes" received in this official thread will be counted as user votes.     Art Requirements: Format: JPG/PNG/PSD Size: 1920*1080px, 300dpi The art must be related to the theme Acceptable mediums: - Illustration - Comic panels - An image that utilizes in-game screenshots or material. - Real-life photography, or images that utilize such, will not be accepted - Please note: We will exclude votes cast by forum accounts that shared the same IP addresses after reviewing the accounts. The results of the user vote are a reflection of this change.    Policies and Disclaimers imcGAMES will not be held responsible for (a) any contest disruptions, injuries, losses or damages, caused by events beyond the control of imcGAMES; (b) damages caused by plagiarized work submitted by the artist; or (c) inconvenience caused by human error or typographical errors in the rules or promotional material. ImcGAMES reserves the right to change, suspend, or cancel the contest if, in imcGAMES discretion, intervening circumstances warrant such action.     Contest Overview: This contest is held by imcGAMES and is open to all Tree of Savior fans. Artist interested in participating may submit a design of fan artwork.  Please keep in mind that vote selling of any kind is discouraged and could result in disqualification.  General Contest Conditions: By entering this competition, you are granting us a non-exclusive perpetual license to reproduce images of your artwork into in-game loading screens and in posts on the forums (forum.treeofsavior.com) when introducing the works selected. Artworks selected might undergo modification when applying them to loading screens. Artworks will not be used for any other purpose than that which is stated here. Loading screen images are subject to change without prior notification.  Original Work of Authorship: By submitting your work you hereby warrant and represent that your submitted art is, in fact, original works of authorship on your part and have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work and do not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights of any other person or entity.  You may not post materials that are sexually explicit, offensive to certain groups, or generally inappropriate for the game’s T rating. Artists who violate these policies are subject to disqualification from entry and should plagiarism or IP theft be confirmed, imcGAMES holds the rights to revoke all benefits and prizes given to the artist.   

December 19th, 2019
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Known Issue: April 21, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!   The following issue has come to our attention.      - The malfunction of Ichor feature     Due to the malfunction of the Ichors, we will block equipping and removing all Ichors temporarily.  We will inform you by updating this announcement when the issue has become resolved.   Thank you for your patience and understanding.   Regards, IMC staff

Known Issues
April 21st, 2020
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Leticia's Secret Cube: , 2024

!This probability is only applied to the Leticia Secret Cube of September!   【Additional Rewards Based on the Number of Opens】   - For every 50/100/150 opens, you will receive an additional 1 item from S to B Ranks. - For every 200th opens, you'll receive a Leticia's Treasure Selection Box where you can select and obtain 1 of the S Rank items. - If you purchase a 10+1 item, it will count as having been opened 11 times. - The number of opens resets at every 200th open and at the end of the Leticia's Secret Cube sale each month.   Number of Opens Additional Reward Rank Additional Reward Chance per Rank S A B 50 times S~B 20% 40% 40% 100 times S~B 40% 40% 20% 150 times S~A 60% 40% -       【September Leticia's Secret Cube Item List and Probability】 Rank Item Name Count Basic Chance Chance of additional rewards based on the number of opens 50 times 100 times 150 times S Vulture Special Class Unlock Voucher Box 1 0.50% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% S 2020 Special Fashion Museum Ticket 1 0.20% 0.80% 1.60% 2.40% S 2019 Special Fashion Museum Ticket 1 0.20% 0.80% 1.60% 2.40% S Upinis Card 1 0.20% 0.80% 1.60% 2.40% S Foretold Noire (Auto Match/Solo) One Entry Voucher 15 0.30% 1.20% 2.40% 3.60% S Collapsing Mines (Auto match, Solo) One Entry Voucher 15 0.30% 1.20% 2.40% 3.60% S Isle of Despair: Party (Hard) Add. Reward Voucher 2 0.30% 1.20% 2.40% 3.60% S 9 Star Leticia Card Box 1 0.30% 1.20% 2.40% 3.60% S Mystic Fire Flame Earring Fragment 1 0.30% 1.20% 2.40% 3.60% S [Lv.520] Advanced Goddess Ichor (Armor) Fragment 1 0.20% 0.80% 1.60% 2.40% S [Lv.520] Advanced Goddess Ichor (Weapon) Fragment 1 0.20% 0.80% 1.60% 2.40% S Goddess Token(Jurate): 50,000 20 2.00% 8.00% 16.00% 24.00% A Goddess Token(Jurate): 50,000 5 5.00% 7.41% 7.41% 7.41% A 2020 Costume Fashion Museum Selection Ticket 1 0.80% 1.19% 1.19% 1.19% A 2019 Costume Fashion Museum Selection Ticket 1 0.80% 1.19% 1.19% 1.19% A 2020 Weapon Appearance Fashion Museum Selection Ticket 1 0.90% 1.33% 1.33% 1.33% A 2019 Weapon Appearance Fashion Museum Selection Ticket 1 0.90% 1.33% 1.33% 1.33% A [Weekly Boss Raid] Leticia Special Potion 5 0.50% 0.74% 0.74% 0.74% A 7 Star Leticia Card Box 1 0.70% 1.04% 1.04% 1.04% A 4 Star Leticia Card Box 1 0.90% 1.33% 1.33% 1.33% A Isle of Despair(Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher 5 1.50% 2.22% 2.22% 2.22% A Isle of Despair: Solo Multiply Token 3 1.30% 1.93% 1.93% 1.93% A Division Singularity Add. Reward Voucher 10 1.70% 2.52% 2.52% 2.52% A Thurible of Salvation: Party (Hard) Add. Reward Voucher 3 1.70% 2.52% 2.52% 2.52% A Thurible of Salvation: Solo Add. Reward Voucher 6 1.70% 2.52% 2.52% 2.52% A Wailing Graveyard: Multiply Token 3 1.70% 2.52% 2.52% 2.52% A Challenge Mode Add. Reward Voucher 10 3.45% 5.11% 5.11% 5.11% A Boruta Seal - Enhancement 1 3.45% 5.11% 5.11% 5.11% B Goddess Token(Jurate): 10,000 5 8.00% 7.80% 3.90% 0.00% B [Lv.520] Arcanum of STR 1 5.00% 4.88% 2.44% 0.00% B [Lv.520] Arcanum of INT 1 5.00% 4.88% 2.44% 0.00% B [Lv.520] Arcanum of CON 1 5.00% 4.88% 2.44% 0.00% B [Lv.520] Aether Gem Catalyst 1 5.00% 4.88% 2.44% 0.00% B Challenge Mode Add. Reward Voucher 4 5.00% 4.88% 2.44% 0.00% B Shining Class Change Voucher Lv.3 1 3.00% 2.93% 1.46% 0.00% B Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 8 5.00% 4.88% 2.44% 0.00% C Mercenary Badge Voucher : 10,000 2 15.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% C Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 2 12.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% ※ The probability is rounded to 2 decimal places

September 12th, 2024
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[Video] New Class Preview: Exorcist & Pied Piper

Greetings, Saviors!   The Exorcist & Pied Piper are our next classes in the Cleric & Archer tree.    Today we bring you a sneak peek of what this class is about.   Introducing our new class preview: Check it out below!            

Developer's Blog
May 23rd, 2018
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Odd Candy Bonus Temporarily On Hold

Greetings, Saviors. As mentioned in the ‘Halloween ’17: Final Week Changes’ announcement from November 13, during this week’s scheduled maintenance we distributed to every player a bonus of 2,000 Odd Candies as compensation for Halloween event issues. Due to further problems found in the distribution of this bonus, we have decided to temporarily put a hold on all messages sent containing the Odd Candy bonus until those problems can be solved. This means that you will not be able to retrieve the Odd Candies from the GM message in your lodge while the process is ongoing. Note that this measure does not affect Odd Candies that have already been retrieved from the message box. If you already received the bonus in your inventory, those Candies will not be removed. Thank you for your patience and understanding while the issues are being processed. We will make sure to notify you once they have been solved.

November 14th, 2017
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[EDITED] Temporary Maintenance Notice - November 16, 2017

Greetings, Saviors! We will soon be carrying out a temporary maintenance on all servers.  During this maintenance, we will prepare to redistribute the Odd Candy bonus and retrieving excess Odd Candies from accounts that do not fall under our new Halloween ’17 participation conditions. - An account that played Halloween dungeon at least once. The temporary maintenance is expected to take place during the following period:   [EST] 16th November 10:00 ~ 11:00 [BRST] 16th November 13:00 ~ 14:00 [CET] 16th November 16:00 ~ 17:00 [SGT] 16th November 23:00 ~ 17th November 0:00   Thank you for your patience and understanding.

November 16th, 2017
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Scheduled Maintenance for December 7, 2021

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (December 7, 2021). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
December 6th, 2021
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Demon God's Temptation

Greetings saviors:)    Demon God Ragana has visited the saviors in town! Offer her silver and get costumes by chance!     Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on February 9, 2021 TO the scheduled maintenance on March 9, 2021     How to Participate   STEP 1. Go to the [Ragana] NPC in the towns (Klaipeda/Orsha/Fedimian).   STEP 2.  Offer her 50,000 silvers and she might grant you with costumes by chance!   - Even if you don’t get the costumes, you can exchange them with Demon God's Temptation Points collected by each offering.     - 1 Demon God’s Temptation point will be given per each offering without reward. - Demon God's Temptation event items are sorted as [Legend/Unique/Magic] rank.   Item Rank Details Legend Rank - Wings/Effect/Doll item will be given as a form of package. - Obtainable amount is limited to 20 per server. - Obtainable amount of [Legend] rank reward resets on the scheduled maintenance on February 23, 2021. Unique Rank - Costume item will be given as a form of package. - Obtainable number of items is limited to 400 per server. - Obtainable amount of [Unique] rank reward resets on the scheduled maintenance on February 23, 2021. Magic Rank - Costume item will be given as a form of package. - No limits on the obtainable number of items.   STEP 3. Go to the [Demon God's Temptation Points Store] and buy costumes by using Demon God's Temptation Points.       Important   - Consume Demon God's Temptation Points to exchange with the items in the Point Store. Points can be shared between teams. - Costume selection box from the [Demon God's Temptation] event can be exchanged into Demon God's Temptation Points. - Contents of Demon God's Temptation Points Store will change when the contents of [Demon God's Temptation] event changes. - Items from the Demon God's Temptation Points Store are not included in the number of acquisition limits per server. - [Wings/Effect/Doll] items exchanged from Demon God's Temptation Point Shop are given as a form of item, and [Costume] is given as a form of package. All contents from the package and items, exchanged by the points can only be moved to Team Storage.   ※Contents described in this posting may be added, deleted, or changed due to updates.

March 5th, 2021
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[VIDEO] Brace yourself for Rank 10!

Greetings, Saviors! Tree of Savior is undergoing a massive update this month with the arrival of the long-awaited Rank 10. Read below for details on our brand new content!   The 10th Revelation will be in your hands! Are you ready?   RANK 10 UPDATES -New 390 level cap and rank expansion -New areas to explore and new quests to complete -New skills and attributes            

Developer's Blog
August 31st, 2018