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No Maintenance on May 9, 2017

Greetings Saviors! We would like to announce that there will be no maintenance on May 9, 2017. However, please note that hotfixes or temporary maintenance may be implemented if needed. Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 8th, 2017
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Goddess' Blessed Cube: July 16, 2019

July 15th, 2019
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Goddess' Blessed Cube: May 25, 2021

B Angelic Halo 1 B Huge Sweat 1 B Sky Blue Ribbon 1 B White Snowflake Unicorn Horn 1 B White Snowflake Glasses 1 B Hamster 1 B Sunflower Seed 1 B Queenly Crown 1 B Tiger Swallowtail 1 C Movement Speed Potion: 1 Hour 2 C Superior Urgent Repair Kit 2 C Elixir of HP Recovery 6 C Elixir of SP Recovery 6

May 24th, 2021
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Special Gift from GM!

Greetings Savior! We have brought Special Gifts for you! Check out the gifts and have a great time in TOS:)     Period   From the scheduled maintenance on September 8 To 23:59 EST on September 14     Who can participate   - All Saviors who login on the corresponding date.      Gift List   Tuesday (9/8) [Event] Ruby Anvil (14 Days) x 5 Golden Anvil (14 Days) x 15 Wednesday (9/9) Attribute Points: 10,000 (14 Days) x 2 Attribute Reset Potion (14 Days) x 1 Thursday (9/10) Pamoka Solution EXP 2x Voucher (14 Days) x 4 Silver Ichor Extraction Kit (14 Days) x10 Friday (9/11) Sandra's Magnifier (14 Days) x 5 Sandra's Detailed Magnifier (14 Days) x 10 Goddess Sculpture (14 Days) x 15 Miracle Seeds (14 Days) x 15 Saturday (9/12) Premium Awakening Stone (14 Days) x 3 Lv. 10 Enhancement Card (14 Days) x 3 Sunday (9/13) [Event] Ancient Golden Socket x 3 [Event] Class Change Voucher Lv.4 (14 Days) x 1 Monday (9/14) Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher (14 Days) x 3 Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days) x 6     Important   - These items will be sent to the Mailbox and be deleted on 23:59 EST each day. - All items cannot be traded via market and individually. - All items can be traded via team storage except for the Golden Anvil (14 days), Attribute Reset Potion (14 Days), Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days).

September 8th, 2020
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Scheduled Maintenance for October 5, 2021

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (October 5, 2021). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
October 1st, 2021
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NPC Origins - Shadowmancer Master

NPC Origins - Shadowmancer Master    Who is Shadowmancer Master Eclipse Ubik?  Born a commoner, Eclipse Ubik spent her life devoted to researching and developing her skills by using the solar and lunar eclipse in her magic. As a master of shadows, she has researched the various effects shadows have on other magic forms from all around the world. To perfect the results of this research is her desire as Shadowmancer Master.  She also keeps a close relationship with the Chronomancer Master. Together they have researched the use of solar eclipses in their work because the beauty of eclipses is that everyone can share the exact same moment without an apparatus or the help from another. Eclipse has headed most of the research herself.  But let's take a step back and see how Shadow Master Eclipse Ubik received her name.    The Shadow Master’s Experiment  Ubik took a deep breath and turned around. She saw, in the seats provided, the various mage Masters sitting side by side. Some were apathetic, while others looked on with anticipation. But regardless of how these Masters felt, Ubik did not want to fail before any of them.  With great composure, Ubik signaled towards her students and a monster began to take shape from the shadows. Remembering its name would be a task for another day. Ubik, knowing it would be failure to lose focus now, carefully, but with quick precision, completed her casting.   The monster’s pursuing shadow shot out into four arrows -- arrows so sharp they hung like needles. These arrows embedded themselves, one by one, into each of the monster’s four feet. The monster let out a shriek as it found itself pinned to the ground. The shadow then crawled from the monster’s feet up to its legs threading and separating into separated arrows above and below, crisscrossing around and swiftly piercing the monster’s body with sixteen strikes.  The shadow then rose above the monster and formed into a gigantic lance and whatever breath was left was taken away with one swift strike that pierced the monster’s head.  The demonstration complete, Shadowmancer Master Ubik turned to face the various Masters that sat on the platform behind her. The first to comment was the Sorcerer Master, Dame Circe, “That Shadow control is something that can only be seen at a Master’s level, no? I think it would be hard for other Shadowmancers to follow. You have gathered many Masters here to perform a feat that only one of Master level can perform.” Before Ubik could respond with That’s it!  Wican Celestic stepped in. “Circe is correct. If it is a skill of this level that other Shadowmancers cannot follow than it is indeed magical. However, seeing as how the Sorcerer Master also has a similar skill to reflect a demon’s shadow, you may not be able to invoke the amount that she can summon." This time Ili Terid spoke, “You are both correct, however let us move on to the next demonstration. If we continue to discuss after each display, one day will not be enough.” With that, Ubik turned back around and motioned again to her students, who released a second monster. This time without appearing to move, Ubik pinned the monster to the ground. And this time Thaumaturge Master Larisa was first to gave her opinion.  “Isn’t this the normal skill of a Shadowmancer? To pin down an opponent’s shadow so that it is unable to move? It's a skill that they all know.”  “Correct,” Ubik answered and signaled. Her students began to turned on and off the magic flames that were prepared on all sides. Even during the day the flames were strong and more shadows of the monster appeared. But that was not all.  The monster began to be yanked around by the shadows that had just newly formed. And as it was restrained to its shadow, if the shadow suddenly appeared in another location or drastically changed shape or direction, the body too was forcefully moved to follow suit. Each time the monster hit the ground it received physically damage.  The monster was then dragged into the air and slammed against the hard ground multiple times until the monster was no more. Ubik turned around again to face the other Masters' criticisms.  This time again Sorcerer Master Circe was the first to speak, “To fight like this, isn’t it a problem to have to prepare lighting every time?” Linker Master Winona Ende spoke afterwards. "I can use linking technology well, and I can do it without preliminaries if I instantly place a glowing object like a fireball or something of magic on every side. This is a technical application for a joint battle with other mages. That might be the original intention." Ubik liked that Winona mentioned linkage attacks. But that did not last long as Psychokino Ili Terid soon said: "But if you're going to give the enemy a physical shock like that, why don’t you just do this?" After saying so, Ili Terid grabbed, with his telekinesis power, the body of the monster that was already dead and he waved it back and forth.  Wican Celestic intervened without hesitation, "Of course if there are times where I cannot get the help of Telekinesis or Psychokino, that would be the situation when when I would need this. But it doesn’t seem very efficient."  Sorcerer Master Circe rose from her seat and spoke, “I understand that the Shadowmancer Master has taken Shadowmancer magic to a higher level. But I don’t feel as though the other mage Masters necessarily needed to see it. I would like to see more, but sadly I’m too busy. This is all I will watch for today.” With that, Dame Circe along with Wican Celestic said their goodbyes. The other mage Masters, some of which were interested in the demonstration and wanted to stay, were divided on what to do next.  At that time, the quiet Chronomancer Master Lucid Winterspoon rose from her chair. As she was their elder, the other Masters as well stood up and began to say their goodbyes to Ubik.  Although the first to stand, Lucid Winterspoon was the last to approach.  “It seems that my action has caused a reaction through the others, but that was not my true intention.” Ubik heard this and spoke, “Was that not what you had intended when you rose from your seat?” “Yes, there was that. But that was not all. I wanted to speak with you alone. As a result, of the magic you just demonstrated, you were able to send the body of the tied down shadow to another place. If you develop this further you would be able to apply this to teleportation. Have you thought of that?”  “But to do that, I will have to solve the problem of physical shock upon arrival. The further the distance the stronger the shock. So of course, you could send the monster a shorter distance and they will not be damaged. But it depends.” Lucid Winterspoon grinned at hearing those words and said, “If that was the only problem, then in comparison it would be easily solvable.”  Ubik thought for a moment and replied, "Plus, another problem is, if you want to send the shadow further, one will need stronger lighting as well. And lights need to be installed the further the location. Plus if the body isn’t there, there is no way to send the shadow of that body first."  “Then what if you do not use your own shadow. What if you used the shadow of something else?” “I’ve never considered that so I’m not sure if it is possible. I would have to come to that conclusion through research, no? To send my shadow or to send the shadow of someone else, the problem is still the same as the one before. Without a way to call on stronger lights and the shadow first, the body will still need to go to the place to reach the shadows."  Lucid Winterspoon grinned again and said, “And if that shadow was the moon’s?" At those words, Ubik’s expression changed. “That’s genius! If you can utilize the shadow of the solar or lunar eclipse then one can call upon it from anywhere. I hadn’t thought of that.” Lucid Winterspoon spoke again, “Well, try. Teleportation has been considered inefficient but until trying, you won’t know. How would you feel about researching this type of magic? I will be able to help you from time to time.” “Yes, why not? I will start from today. Thank you so much. This is an amazing idea, Master Lucid.” And from that day forward, the Shadowmancer Master was known as Eclipse Ubik. 

Developer's Blog
April 27th, 2018
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TOS Summer Campfire

Greetings, Saviors.   Collect the [Event] Spray and receive the rewards! Don't miss the Jump Activity:)     Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on June 7, 2022 TO the scheduled maintenance on July 12, 2022     Who Can Participate   - Every savior       How to Participate     Step 1. Play contents and receive [Event] Spray!   - [Event] Spray can be received up to 750 daily. ※ [Event] Spray obtained via Achievement reward and Jump Activity is not counted. - Contents you can receive [Event] Spray are as follows. Category Contents Amount Level Dungeon Lv.400 Weekly Rotation Dungeon 20 Sole Hunt Lv. 440 Tel Harsha 60 Challenge Mode Lv. 440 Solo 30 Lv. 460 Solo 40 Lv. 460 Auto Match (Party) 60 Lv. 460 Division Singularity 110 Lepidoptera Junction : Legend Lv. 440 Party (Hard) 40 White Witch's Forest : Legend Lv. 450 Party (Hard) 40 Demonic Sanctuary: Legend Lv. 458 Auto Match (Normal) 60 Lv. 458 Party (Normal) 80 Res Sacrae Raid Lv. 458 Solo (Normal) 90 Lv. 458 Auto Match (Normal) 110 Lv. 458 Auto Match (Hard) 150 Saint's Sacellum: Goddess Lv. 460 Solo  90 Lv. 460 Auto Match (Normal) 110 Lv. 460 Party (Normal) 150 Goddess Message: Memory of Flame Lv. 470 Solo  90 Lv. 470 Party (Normal) 110 Lv. 470 Party (Hard) 150 Lv. 470 Party (Extreme) 180 Delmore Battlefield Lv. 470 Solo  160 Lv. 470 Auto Match (Normal) 180 Lv. 470 Party (Hard) 220 Lv. 470 Party (Extreme) 250       Step 2. Talk to the event NPC and move to the TOS Rainbow Bridge to participate in the [Jump Activity].   - Cross the Rainbow Bridge by jumping and 4 Tokens can be found by reaching the 4 checkpoints. - Once you interact with the checkpoint, you can instantly move to the checkpoint by entering /check command. ※ The checkpoint resets every 6 AM.   - By entering the Jump Activity area, you'll get a [Event] Jump Jump buff. [Event] Jump Jump: Movement Speed increases 'a lot', STA recovers 'fast', Remove the buff by right-clicking it to return to where you entered. ※ Buff will be removed when you return to the town.   - You can receive a Token by interacting with the checkpoints, you can exchange it with a [Event] Spray via the Event NPC. Check Point 1: [Event] Spray x50 Check Point 2: [Event] Spray x80 Check Point 3: [Event] Spray x100 Check Point 4: [Event] Spray x150 ※ The [Event] Spray you obtain via exchanging the Token won't be counted as a daily limit. ※ 1 Token can be obtained from 1 check point daily. Up to 500 [Event] Spray can be obtained from TOS Rainbow Bridge.       Step 3. Treasure Hunt! Find a Hidden Secret Token in the TOS Rainbow Bridge.   - There will be Hidden Secret Token x1 in the area, and the location changes every day! - You can exchange the Hidden Secret Token with a [Event] Spray x120 via the Event NPC. ※ Up to 500 [Event] Spray can be obtained from TOS Rainbow Bridge.     Step 4. Use the [Event] Spray to the Bonfire and receive the [Event] Fire Fragment.   - You can use the [Event] Fire Fragment at the Event Shop. - Event buff will be applied by simply interacting with the Bonfire. (Duration: 120 minutes) [Event] Warmth: Physical Attack, Magic Attack +1000, Max HP +20000, Max Stamina +15 ※ Does not apply in PVP area and Boss Raid Contents.(Team Battle League, Blockade, GTW, Weekly Boss Raid, Joint Strike Raid, Heroic Tale) ※ When applying the buff during the buff duration, the remaining time will reset.       Step 5. Complete the Achievements and receive additional rewards!   Achievement  Detail Reward Token of Check Point 1 Reach Check Point 1 in TOS Jump Activity to receive a token [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 x2 [Event] Spray x100 Token of Check Point 2 Reach Check Point 2 in TOS Jump Activity to receive a token [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 x2 [Event] Spray x100 Token of Check Point 3 Reach Check Point 3 in TOS Jump Activity to receive a token [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 x2 [Event] Spray x100 Token of Check Point 4 Reach Check Point 4 in TOS Jump Activity to receive a token [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 x2 [Event] Spray x100 Find the hidden Secret Token Find the hidden Secret Token in TOS Trail [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 x5 [Event] Spray x200 Playing with Fire Boldly Use 5000 or more Spray at once [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 x5 [Event] Spray x200 Spread the Warmth Complete Auto Match content 70 times while the Warmth buff - obtained by warming the bonfire - is active (Counted as 1 time even when using the Multiply Token) [Achievement] Attribute Points 10,000 x1 [Event] Spray x500 Fill the Allocation Reach Spray daily acquisition limit 7 times (can be checked via /camping command) [Achievement] Attribute Points 1,000 x5 [Event] Spray x200 Reach Goal Complete all Achievements of Summer Campfire [Achievement] Attribute Points 10,000 x1 [Event] Spray x500 Title - Camping Master ※ [Event] Spray obtained as an Achievement reward won't be counted as a daily limit.   Step 5. Exchange [Event] Fire Fragment for an item!   - Go to event NPC and exchange the [Event] Fire Fragment for an item below. Item Trade/Market Team Storage Amount [Event] Fire Fragment Exchange Limit [Campfire] Mercenary Badge Voucher : 1,000 X O 1 20 10 [Campfire] Mercenary Badge Voucher : 10,000 X O 1 400 10 [Campfire] Mercenary Badge Voucher : 5,000 X O 1 200 10 [Campfire] Contents Point Acquisition x2 Voucher X O 1 120 5 [Campfire] Attribute Points 1,000 X O 1 20 30 [Campfire] Attribute Points 10,000 X O 1 200 30 [Event] Total Reputation Voucher (EP 13) : 5 X O 1 15 100 Kingdom Reconstruction Coin X O 5000 80 10 [Campfire] 8-Star Gem Abrasive X O 1 120 30 [Event] Breath of Power Purifier X O 1 25 100 Breath of Power X O 1 4 150 Purified Breath of Power X O 1 80 80 [Campfire] Goddess Sculpture X O 1 15 50 [Campfire] Event Elixir Box X O 1 10 5 [Campfire] Miracle Seeds X O 1 15 50 Raid Portal Stone (Untradable) X O 1 30 150 Lv15 Basic Condensed HP Potion X O 1 8 150 Lv15 Basic Condensed SP Potion X O 1 8 150 Soul Crystal X O 1 8 15 [Campfire] Solo Raid One Entry Voucher X O 1 45 35 [Campfire] Memory of Flame One Entry Voucher X O 1 180 20 [Campfire] Delmore Battlefield (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher X O 1 180 20 [Campfire] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto(Hard) Add. Reward Voucher X O 1 160 20 [Campfire] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto/Solo One Entry Voucher X O 1 100 20 [Campfire] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto/Solo Multiply Token X O 1 100 35 [Campfire] Saint's Sacellum (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher X O 1 150 20 [Campfire] Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token X O 1 35 45 [Campfire] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher X O 1 55 25 [Campfire] Division Singularity One Entry Voucher X O 1 70 20 [Campfire] Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher X O 1 60 35 [Campfire] [Lv.460] Goddess Enchant Jewel X O 1 120 35 [Campfire] [Lv.460] Awakening Abrasive X O 1 45 60 [Campfire] [Lv.460] Engrave Stone X O 1 90 20 [Campfire] [Lv.460] Sandra's Magnifier X O 1 30 80 [Campfire] [Lv.460] Sandra's Detailed Magnifier X O 1 25 80 [Campfire] [Lv.460] Mysterious Magnifier X O 1 12 150 [Campfire] [Lv.460] Artisan Magnifier X O 1 12 150 [Campfire] [Lv.470] Enhance Aid X O 1 120 200 [Campfire] Ruby Anvil X O 1 40 150 [Campfire] Enchant Scroll X O 1 40 150 [Campfire] Premium Awakening Stone X O 1 40 150 [Campfire] Golden Anvil X O 1 32 150 [Campfire] Lv 10 Enhancement Card X O 1 20 30 [Event] Master Card Selection Card Album X O 1 40 5 [Event] Master Card Selection Card Album 2 X O 1 40 5 Assister Card Album X O 1 40 30 Assister Card Album: Unique X O 1 250 30 Goddess Enhancement Card X O 1 120 30 [Event] Unlock Voucher Selection Box (14 Days) X O 1 650 1 [Event] Reset Item Set (7 Days) X O 1 1100 4 [EP12] Weapon Stage 8 Transcendence Scroll X O 1 90 0 [EP12] Armor Stage 8 Transcendence Scroll X O 1 90 0 [EP12] Weapon 11 ENH Scroll X O 1 90 0 [EP12] Armor 11 ENH Scroll X O 1 90 0 [EP12] Main Weapon Vaivora Enchant Scroll X O 1 360 0 [EP12] Sub-Weapon Vaivora Enchant Scroll X O 1 360 0 [EP12] Armor Set Stats Scroll X O 1 140 0 [EP12] Weapon Set Stats Scroll X O 1 220 0 ※ [Event] Reset Item Set (7 Days): Class Change Voucher Lv.4 (1 Day) x1, Selected Class Skill Reset Potion (1 Day) x3, Selected Class Attribute Reset Potion (1 Day) x3, Arts Reset Potion Profession Selection Box (1 Day) x3, Vasilisa Equipment Bound Removal Scroll (1 Day) x8, Isidavie Accessory Bound Removal Scroll (1 Day) x3, [Lv.470] Accessory Type Change Tome (1 Day) x4, Goddess'/Demon God's Armor Extract Voucher (1 Day) x4, Vaivora Vision Extract Voucher (1 Day) x2, [LV10 Ark] Extract Scroll (1 Day) x1, [Lv.460] Equipment Type Change Tome (1 Day) x8, Skill Gem Extract Penalty Remove Voucher (1 Day) x1, Fire Flame Earring Team Bound Scroll (1 Day) x1 ※ Every item above can only be transferred to Team Storage.       Important - Daily acquisition limit resets at 6 AM EST daily. - Event status can be checked by /camping command. - Following items will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on July 12, 2022. ▶ [Event] Spray, [Event] Fragment of Fire, [Event] Check Point 1 Token, [Event] Check Point 2 Token, [Event] Check Point 3 Token, [Event] Check Point 4 Token, [Event] Hidden Secret Token - Items with [Campfire] header will be deleted on July 19, 2022 at 06:00 AM.

July 12th, 2022
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[COMPLETE] Temporary Maintenance and short FAQs

Dear, Saviors. We have conducted an additional maintenance as it was revealed that some accounts were omitted from our previous silver retrieval process. Once again, we would like to sincerely apologize for having caused such an inconvenience with our continued maintenances. All players are given with the following items as compensation for the additional maintenance: - Token time extension + 4 hrs - Enchant Scroll (14 days) x5 - Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token (14 days) x4 All accounts that were omitted from our retrieval process are currently under a temporary restriction, which will be lifted in approximately three hours. We will let you know when the retrieval process is complete through the announcement and we will also make sure to deliver additional compensations should there come to a need for the processing time to be extended further.   The followings are the short Q&A from the frequently asked questions.   1. My silver is gone. - We have returned the item you've listed on the market as it was purchased by an account that acquired silver illegally.  2. My silver is gone and I also can't find my item. - This will be the case where the item sold on the market has already been consumed. In such a case we will need to investigate further before making reimbursements.  There will be further announcements with regards to this issue. 3. I've recently used the market to trade but nothing seems to have changed for me. - Retrieval process will only take place when the item you have listed on the market has been purchased using silver that has been acquired illegally. 4. I am banned even though I haven't acquired any silver illegally. - Most accounts that are currently restricted would have been so only temporarily in order for us to carry on with our silver retrieval process as mentioned above. - It is most likely that your account has not been permanently banned so we must ask for your patience in waiting for us to complete the retrieval process. - But all accounts that have knowingly listed items well above the market price were deemed to have taken part in market abuse or illegal silver transfer and banned permanently as a result. - As such, we have banned only the accounts that sought to exploit the recent situation but please feel free to make an inquiry through the tickets if there are any objections. 5. What will you do if the accounts that illegally acquired silver have already spent their silver on attribute points and such? - As previously mentioned, all accounts that sought to make a profit by listing items on the market well above the average market price have been permanently banned. - We have also retrieved all silver that has been earned via market transactions with the accounts that acquired silver illegally.  - All transactions that took place at smaller sums and at fair market price have been left as is. - We believe that we have managed to retrieve most of the illegally acquired silver at the current time but if you know of any suspicious activities that you would like us to investigate, please let us know through the tickets.  

October 3rd, 2018
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Scheduled Maintenance for November 26, 2019

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (November 26, 2019). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
November 25th, 2019