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Patch without Maintenance: December 8, 2023

Greetings Savior,   On December 8, 2023, a patch went live on KST 16:23 due to the following issues:     - Weekly Boss Raid content has a pattern that doesn't match the location: This fix will be applied from next week - When using Fire Charm: Updraft at Evangelism, Didache: Eschaton does not activate - [Arts] Gospel: Hymn effect does not work normally - During reservoir of Corruption: Goddess (Party) the crystal shatters unprecedently     Please leave the current area or channel for the normal application of the patch above.   Thank you.  

December 8th, 2023
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Known Issue: April 12, 2024

Greetings Saviors,   The following issues have come to our attention:   -  Two fertilizers being given instead of one when you use Multiply Token of Goddess Raid : Dreamy Forest, Abyssal Observer, Isle of Despair.   There will be no sanctions against users who used the Fertilizers.   Thank you for your understanding.   Regards, IMC staff

Known Issues
April 12th, 2024
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[UPDATE] Temporary Maintenance: February 14, 2024

Greetings, Saviors!   We will conduct temporary maintenance on W server due to the following issue:   - Winged Hussar's buff stack rises above 1 when obtaining Vigor of Battlefield   [Maintenance Period]   [KST] 16:00 to 16:30 (February 14, 2024) [SGT] 15:00 to 15:30 (February 14, 2024)   The compensation for the temporary maintenance will be given to your mailbox and removed within a day. We suggest that you take them all as soon as possible.    Thank you for your patience and understanding.   Regards,   IMC staff

February 14th, 2024
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TOS Support Guild: Vice Guild Master (12/8~2/2)

Greetings saviors,    Guild Vice-guild Master Selection has ended! Thank you all for your participation:)       Vice Guild Masters of TOS Support Guild     Congrats to all selected Vice Guild Masters:)    [NA] Klaipeda Faircross Aoketsu Silver_Eagle [EU] Fedimian Fjolnir Elfie Hardcored [SEA] Telsiai BetaTea - - [SA] Silute HypNotizes PeT Kimilock   - Activity period is from December 8, 2023 to February 2, 2024 - Please note that selected Vice Guild Masters need to join the TOS Support Guild until December 7, 2023 (EST). - Vice Guild Master authority will be applied on December 8, 2023. ※ Current Vice Guild Masters' authority will be removed on December 8, 2023. ※ Vice Guild Master who is currently in another guild must leave the current guild. ※ Guild Masters must check the Mailbox frequently for the information for the roles. ※ New Guild Masters must send us their forum accounts via ticket.       Vice Guild Master Activity Guide   Necessary Activity 1. Activate the Guild Chat a. You can bring energy to the guild chat window by saying hello to the guild chat when you log in or log out, or when other users log in. b. Answer the questions related to playing the game to solve guild member’s curiosity about the game C. Using Discord is okay, but since there are guild members who don't use Discord, please keep in mind that Guild Chat must be used more often.   2. Play Guild Quest  a. How to play Guild Quest: Guild Tower → Guild Quest → Select the Guild Quest you want to play → Go to the Guild Quest area → Enter via Guild Quest pillar after recruiting (space bar) (Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary can be played:))   3. Others a. Other stuff such as Card Album Party, run raids with guild members as party or so. - Please upload a screenshot or video in the Forum - Vice Guild Master category. (which you will be added once you become a VGM) ※ Please tag the VGM who've participated in the activity together. Important - You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other wars since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members.  - Vice Guild Master can send a request via forum post - Vice Guild Master category when needed. ※ The benefit of Vice Guild Master is 3,000 TP per month.  ※ After reviewing the Vice Guild Master’s activity record, 1500 TP will be given every 2 weeks. ※ The first benefit will be given on December 22, 2023.         Guild Quest TIP   1. Guild Tower Location: West Siauliai Woods 1 channel, near the Statue of Goddess Vakarine  - This location is only for the 1st guild tower.  - Location may change from the 2nd guild tower and if so, Vice Guild Masters need to tell via Forum-Vice Guild Master category. ※ Refreshment Table is at Klaipeda.    2. How to create Guild Tower: Talk to Uska NPC at Klaipeda → Buy Guild Merchandise → Purchase ‘Build Guild Tower’ → Use the item in the installation location   3. If the participation rate is low, guide the progress and reward. - Guild Boss Raid: Click the Participate button, move to the location, and defeat the boss monster together! - Guild Mission: Click the Participate button, move to the location, and clear the mission! - ‘Guild Foundation’ repetitive quest is cleared when clearing Guild Quest twice a week.     We look forward to your passionate work Vice Guild Masters!   Thank you.     ※ If we verify excessively repetitive joining and leaving the Support guild for intentional profit-seeking or inappropriate activities, there may be restrictions put on the account according to the policy such as being excluded and permanently banned from the Support Guild

December 7th, 2023
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[UPDATE] Patch without Maintenance: December 19, 2023

Greetings Savior,   On December 19, 2023, a patch went live on KST 19:08 due to the following issue:     - The Cross effect of Pontifex not displaying properly     Please restart the game for the normal application of the patch above. On December 19, 2023, a patch went live on KST 23:27 due to the following issue:      - Multiple characters can participate in Popo Boost Event      Popo Boost is temporarily blocked to fix the issue.   If you participated in the Popo Boost event before the patch, you can proceed with the Popo Boost Event normally. Please leave the current area or channel for the normal application of the patch above.   Thank you.    

December 21st, 2023
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Regarding the Ghost Maiden's Another Request event

Greetings Savior,   We've realized that the information regarding the "daily maximum amount of [Event] Cooking Material Box that can be obtained by staying in the game" has been left out from the event amnnouncement.   We've now corrected the event announcement and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. In addition, we've sent the following rewards to all Saviors, so please check your mailbox.   Reward: [Event] Cooking Material Box x300   The reward will be automatically deleted if not claimed by Wednesday, November 8 at 11:59 PM server time.     Thank you.

November 1st, 2023
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Known Issues : September 15, 2024

Greetings Saviors,   The following issues have come to our attention:   - The issue where blockade rewards were awarding previous season's set of rewards   - We will additionally hand out compensation to players in the later date with up-to-date rewards. You may use the current rewards freely.   - Where Lv.500 Ichors successions can be used on Lv. 520 Ichors   - This is an intended feature.   - The issue where Lada tokens are expended instead of Jurate tokens when attempting to imbue stats on [Jurate] Spaulers/Belts.   - This issue will be fixed at a later date, but feel free to use Lada tokens to imbue stats on your Spaulders/Belts until it is fixed.   If there are any updates, we will let you know through our Known issue notice.   Thank you for your patience and understanding.   Regards, IMC staff

September 15th, 2024
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[EDITED] Known Issue: July 31, 2022

Greetings Saviors,   The following issues have come to our attention:     - [Complete] Cannot play Auto Match contents in [SEA] Telsiai.   - Salvia Forest cannot be seized during GTW in [SEA] Telsiai. ▶ The issue will be fixed during the maintenance on August 2nd, so you'll be able to seize the area for this week normally.  Twice the amount of tax will be given to the guild that seizes Salvia Forest on August 7th.  (The additional amount of tax will be given manually in the form of GTW Coin  during the scheduled maintenance on August 16 to the Guild Storage)     We are currently aware of the issue and trying to fix it.   If there are any updates, we will let you know through our Known issue notice.   Thank you for your patience and understanding.   Regards, IMC staff

Known Issues
August 1st, 2022
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Patch without Maintenance: October 18, 2023

Greetings Savior,   On October 18, 2023, a patch went live on KST 15:18 to fix the following:   - A random noise occurs when moving the channel or zone  - The effect of the Bracelet of a Comet (Cyan Gem) is not applied normally     Please restart the game for the normal application of the patch above.   Thank you.

October 18th, 2023