Known Issues : September 15, 2024

By STAFF_William

Sep 15th, 2024

Greetings Saviors,

The following issues have come to our attention:


- The issue where blockade rewards were awarding previous season's set of rewards

  - We will additionally hand out compensation to players in the later date with up-to-date rewards. You may use the current rewards freely.


- Where Lv.500 Ichors successions can be used on Lv. 520 Ichors

  - This is an intended feature.


- The issue where Lada tokens are expended instead of Jurate tokens when attempting to imbue stats on [Jurate] Spaulers/Belts.

  - This issue will be fixed at a later date, but feel free to use Lada tokens to imbue stats on your Spaulders/Belts until it is fixed.


If there are any updates, we will let you know through our Known issue notice.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.



IMC staff