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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for July 12th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for July 12th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
July 12th, 2016
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Weekly Question and Answer – July 8th, 2016

1. In the silver-sharing feature you have planned, will there be any penalties for transferring silver between characters? As introduced on answer no. 3 of last week’s Q&A post, we’re looking to develop a feature that will allow silver to be shared among characters of the same team. While we don’t intend to implement any sort of tax or penalty for sharing silver with characters of your own team, we do plan to make this feature available only to Token users. This, in a way, is expected to increase the value and usability of Token items as well.   2. Do you have any plans to sell Instanced Dungeon Reset Vouchers in the future? We realize there’s been some demand for Instanced Dungeon Reset Vouchers among players interesting in speeding up their leveling process. As of now, we have no plans to make Reset Vouchers available for purchase, since this would imply considerably expanding the admittance to dungeons which aren’t designed for unrestricted access. That said, we will consider developing a type of advanced EXP Tome for those looking to level up their characters a little faster.   3. Will there ever be an option for blocking in-game requests automatically? We want to review the possibility of developing separate functions for declining all guild join requests, party join requests, friendly dual requests and blocking whispers from selected users automatically. We can’t say for sure that a feature like this will be implemented, but we agree it would be a convenient function to have included in the game settings, so this is something we’ll be actively looking into.   4. Any news about the Bunny Boy costume? We actually had no initial plans to develop a Bunny Boy costume, but we decided to create one after the continuous interest we saw from our Steam users. Seeing as the idea originated from the Steam community, we definitely want to add this costume to the TP Shop there as soon as we can; just wait a little longer.   5. Can we expect any future option to change the skin color of our characters? The current design of TOS characters uses complex graphics which make it difficult to apply color changes to the skin alone. We understand this is a commonly requested feature, however, so we’ll be thinking of ways to make it happen in the most effective way.   6. Are you also considering making it possible to do quests or hunt during auto matching? This is something that has been discussed internally, too, but first our goal is to focus on making dungeon auto matching times shorter. We did apply a patch to our Korean servers recently which actively reduces the waiting time in dungeon auto matching, so we will be analyzing the results we get and likely revisit the possibility of allowing quests and/or hunting while auto matching.  

Developer's Blog
July 8th, 2016
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Known Issues: July 5th

Greetings, Saviors. The following is the list of bugs that we are aware and currently working on them.   GENERAL   Face Disappearing When Using Fireball: "Dullahan Problem" Losing the character's face when equipped with Love-Wave Perm and usingf the 'Fire Ball' skill   Going Over the Iron Gate: "Hang On A Second" Being able to pass through the iron gate in Catacombs Underground Dungeon by using the Falconer's "Hanging Shot"   Elongaged Cooldown: "Travel-Weariness" Skill cooldown increasing when changing channels   Stuck When Using Quest Teleport: "You Shall Not Pass!"  Getting stuck after using the quest completion warp.   Slowed FPS After a Cutscene: "If I Could Save Time In A Bottle" FPS getting slowed after a cutscene.   QUEST   The Legendary Trick(2)': "Transformation Malfunction" The transformed appearance being improperly printed if changing equipment while being transformed during the 'The Legendary Trick(2)' quest.    Memorial Ceremony(3): "Multi-Tasking" Being able to use skills while collecting Butterfly Fragrance during the 'Memorial Ceremony(3)' quest.   SKILL Cryomancer- Snow Rolling: "Impaler Escaper" Being unable to cast Cataphract's "Impaler" skill on a Cryomancer even after the Cryomancer's Snow Rolling has been completed in a friendly duel. Hunter- Hounding: "What a Drag"  The companion draging a character with it when it is hit with the Hunter's "Hounding" skill and attacks the character. Swordman- Bash: "Bash Not! Even! Once!" The knockback effect not applying to the target. Rodelero/Thaumarturge - Shield Bash/Transpose : "Man of Health and Taste"  Being able to increase health stat to an absurd amount by using Shield Bash or Transpose Dievdirby - Statue of Goddess Laima: "Idle Idol" Certain skills not receiving the cooldown buff from the skill. Linker- Physical Link: "A Problem Shared Is A Problem Doubled" Damage is not reduced when using the skill. Corsair- Jolly Roger: "Folly Roger, More Like" Damage buff not working. Please let us know via Support Ticket if you are experiencing other problems. When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/Team/server/class details, and timestamps would be greatly appreciated. That way we can have more information to work with on a more specified problem allowing it to be resolved faster.

Known Issues
July 5th, 2016
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for July 5th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for July 5, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
July 5th, 2016
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Weekly Question and Answer – July 1st, 2016

1. The update gap between kTOS and iTOS is quite wide now. When can we finally expect the next update? The way we develop TOS is generally an internal process, but we know players have been waiting for updates on iTOS for a long time now, so we thought we would shed some light on how we’ve been working and what we’re planning. The repositories that manage the servers, clients, graphic data, etc. for kTOS and iTOS are currently separate. That means that, originally, all the contents and the system were made for kTOS, and then transferred to iTOS. The only exceptions were updates made to target issues specific to iTOS. These updates were applied directly to iTOS, since running them through kTOS first would have delayed our response time to fix the issues. Lately, however, we’ve noticed a high demand for kTOS contents among iTOS players, and so we’ve decided to change our policy and work on merging the repositories for the two versions. So far, iTOS updates like new costumes and such were done through a partial application of contents, rather than a full-sized merging process. However, we feel that this repository merge is necessary to minimize patch gaps between both versions of TOS. As for when you can expect new updates, we’re now focusing on the merge process and the plan is to finish merging and testing during the latter half of July, after which we’ll implement the merge patch. We expect to bring all the major updates we have prepared to iTOS after this process is finished.   2. Whatever happened to the PVP system? When can we expect that? The PVP system is included in the list of major updates we want to implement after the kTOS-iTOS repository merging process is finished. This will include the Team Battle League feature, as well as GvG within servers of the same region. These contents have already been applied to kTOS and are currently being tweaked in terms of balance and bug fixing. We consider PVP contents as a very important part of the game, so we wanted to make sure the environment is as balanced as possible. This unfortunately caused some delays in bringing the PVP system over, for which we ask for your understanding.   3. Do you have any plans for a future silver-sharing feature? We’ve received constant requests and suggestions from the players about a silver-sharing feature, so we’re currently looking for ways on how we could implement this in the TOS environment. We can say that, at the moment, we’re working to develop a feature that would allow silver to be shared between characters of the same team. As of now, we don’t intend to make silver sharable between different accounts; our initial plan is to allow transferring silver through the Team Storage.

Developer's Blog
July 1st, 2016
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Announcement regarding account security

Greetings Saviors! We are making a short announcement regarding account security to help keep your account as well as all of your characters and items safe. While we are sure that you are already doing your best to keep your account safe, please refer to the following for information on a few other ways to protect your personal information. 1. Steam Guard  - You may want to consider utilizing Steam Guard in order to further protect your account. Learn more about Steam Guard here.  - You may also wish to utilize Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. Learn about what it is and how to use it here and here. 2. Password security  - Password complexity : Please use a password with a mix of upper / lower case, numbers and special characters.  - Periodic password changes : Please change your password periodically without using too many of the same sequences. Thank you for your continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.  Sincerely, IMC Staff

July 1st, 2016
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[SA] Silute Server Issues

Greetings Saviors,   We are aware that there may be some users experiencing various issues with the [SA] Silute Server. We are currently looking into the matter and will make another announcement as soon as it is stabilized. Apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced.   Sincerely, IMC Staff

June 28th, 2016
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[COMPLETE] Scheduled Maintenance for June 28th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for June 28th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
June 28th, 2016
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Announcement regarding our policy on add-ons

Greetings Saviors, There have been some recent incidents regarding add-on usage and we would like to use this chance to address something that may players have been asking for a long time. We have decided to cover those incidents in a separate announcement so make sure to check it for more details. [IMPORTANT] 1. We do not endorse the usage of add-ons due to the possibility of user harm and other various dangers. Any damage or inconvenience that occurs from using add-ons is the responsibility of the user. 2. While the fact that a player used an add-on by itself may not be enough to be penalized, there will be certain add-ons that will not be in-line with our service policies. Any usage of such add-ons will be penalized, so please keep a close eye on any related announcements on our official channels. 2-1) Add-ons that fall under the following categories are strictly prohibited and will be penalized to a far greater degree.  i. Tampering the client files to allow abnormal activities  ii. Automating certain actions within the game that violate normal gameplay mechanics  iii. Deceiving or creating confusion amongst the players 3) Restrictions incurred by add-on usage When penalizing users of certain add-ons deemed inappropriate by our standards, we will announce the list of add-ons or functions. Any users using those add-ons or functions after the mentioned time-period on such announcements will be penalized. Please make sure to read the details mentioned above and keep a close eye on the official website for any announcements to which add-ons are deemed as inappropriate to make sure that you do not experience any inconveniences. 

June 24th, 2016