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[COMPLETE] Known Issue: March 19, 2021

Greetings Saviors,   The following issues have come to our attention:   - [Fixed]  Temporary issue on Steam TP Shop   The in-game store service on STEAM is currently unavailable, the issue is being under fix by steam, until their procedure is complete, the tp store will be temporarily unavailable.  We have checked the STEAM store and the TP shop is now back online again.   If there are any updates, we will let you know that through our Known issue notice.   Thank you for your patience and understanding.   Regards, IMC staff

Known Issues
March 18th, 2021
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Leticia's Secret Cube: May 1, 2023

Rank Item Quantity B Mercenary Badge Voucher : 10,000 5 B Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 5 B [Lv.470] Arcanum of STR 1 B [Lv.470] Arcanum of INT 1 B [Lv.460] Aether Gem Catalyst 1 B Shining Remnants of Bernice Aegis Potion Lv.1 5 B Challenge Mode Add. Reward Voucher 4 B Class Change Voucher Lv 3 1 B Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 8 C Mercenary Badge Voucher : 1,000 10 C Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 1,000 10 C Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 2 C [Lv.490] Enhance Aid 3   ▶ The sales period of this Leticia's Secret Cube is May 1, 00:00 ~ May 15, 17:59 (KST).   ▶ When using 10 Star Legend Card Selection Album #2, you can select and obtain one of the 10 Star Legend Card from the following list: - Vasilisa Card - Boruta Card - Resurrected Paulius Card - Jellyzele Card - Reservoir of Corruption Card - Falouros Card - Rose the Miserable Card   ▶ You can check the probabilities of items from here.

April 25th, 2023
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[EDITED] Known Issue: Server Instability on South America [Resolved]

Greetings, Saviors.   We are aware that the [South America] region has an instability issue. As such, we are investigating the problem and will make another announcement as soon as an update is available. If you are experiencing any issues with the game, please send a ticket describing the problem via our Support page. - [Resolved]   Thank you.   [update] Greetings, Saviors! We gave out the following compensation with the meaning of apology. - Tome of Experience x 3 - enlengthen the active token time for an hour.

Known Issues
September 18th, 2020
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Questions and Answers about TOS #12

Hello.  I am syKim from “Tree of Savior (TOS)” Development Team. This is 12th post of Questions and Answers about TOS which answers the questions from our fans. Please understand that TOS is a game which is currently under development so the answers that are given below can be changed in the future when we launch official service of the game. Q) I think having a fire place in the game is a very good idea.  Can we also throw torches against enemies?  Are there tents in the game? A) We don’t have tents in the game yet, but we may add tents in the game in the future.  The idea of throwing torches against enemies was present in the earlier version of the game, but we don’t have the feature anymore.  Please use fireplace to warm yourself. Q) Are there any advantages when Squire repairs items instead of Ironsmith NPC? A) There a few advantages of using Squire to repair items such as lower costs, items fixable outside villages and so on.  Depending on the level of repair skill, an item’s stats may exceed its original or intrinsic stats. Q) What do you mean when you said Peltasta’s thrown shield may disappear?  Is it going to really disappear from Equipment UI? A)  If you don’t pick it up within a limited time, then it will disappear from Equipment UI.  I think this much risk was needed when we allowed Peltasta, which is a melee class, to engage in long range attacks. Q) I know that spears’ attack ranges are longer than those of swords and they can also deal additional damages on the gigantic monsters with certain skills.  Then what are the benefits of using swords instead of spears? A) You can also bash enemies besides thrusting enemies when using swords.  Since you can use both bashing and thrusting for swords, you can use both of them strategically when you face different types of monsters in the game.  Some monsters will be weaker on bashing, and some monsters will be weaker on thrusting. Q) Can Alchemist also stay in the game after logging out from the game if it opens a shop like Pardoner? A) Alchemist doesn’t open a shop, but when it crafts an item, it may take several hours so it is possible for Alchemist to stay in the game after log-out when it is engaged in crafting. ▲ A screenshot of male Alchemist.  (There was a question on how male Alchemist looks like.) Q) Is the color of summoned devils always in black? A) Each boss monster has its intrinsic color, but when Sorcerer summons a devil, the color of the summoned devil will always be black. ▲ The original boss monster is shown on the left, while the devil which is summoned by Sorcerer using the boss monster’s card is shown on the right. Q) When Sorcerer summons a devil, what happens to the card which was inserted on Grimoire? Will it be dissipated? A) No.  Boss monster card will only dissipate when it combines with another boss monster card.  One of the cards will be used to level up the other card. Q) Is there a time limit on using summoned boss monster? A) It depends on Sorcerer’s SP and stamina.  It is also possible to recharge SP and stamina using specific items while the summoned boss monster is being activated. Q) Can Rogue use daggers on both hands?  Is there any stealth class who can attack repetitively? A) Rogue is an Archer-type class in TOS so it uses a bow.  It can hide under the ground, but stronger stealth skills can be used by Scout class which is another Archer-type class.  Repetitive attacks using weapons on both hands are done by corsair class, but corsair is a Swordsman-type class.   ▲ It looks like a normal wood keg, but Scout is hiding in it.  Scout can move wood keg using its toes while hiding inside. Q) Is there Samurai class or any other similar class in the game? A)  We have Shinobi class in the game. Q) I hope a player who contributed the most in party play receives more EXP points rather than sharing EXP points equally. A) The leader of a party can decide how to share EXP points.  They can be either shared equally or shared based on each player’s contribution.  This option can be changed anytime depending on which rule your party wants to follow. Q) Can an item be also damaged while being enhanced? A) An item’s Potential will be depleted by 1 whenever it succeeds its enhancement.  Don’t try to enhance your item when its Potential falls to 1.  You may lose your item. This week’s class introductions :     ▲Highlander is a Swordsman-type class and it uses swords on both hands. It has stronger attack stats than Peltasta which is in the same rank.  It also possesses numerous long range attack skills, so it is useful when you are facing multiple enemies at once.  The enemies that are thrown by Highlander receive secondary collision damages when they get hit on walls or barriers so when the environment around Highlander is rather complex, it will prove its worth. ▲ Dievdirbys is a Cleric-type class which is specialized in making diverse types of wooden statues. Depending on which goddess statue Dievdirbys makes, it changes the outcome of battles by casting debuffs on nearby enemies, increasing attack ranges of other players and so on.  When Dievdirbys makes “Vakarine” statue on the field, then the statue will act as a temporary warp point and everyone can use it to teleport to other locations.     ▲ Ranger is an Archer-type class which is specialized in facing multiple enemies. It can use wide range attack skills on certain conditions which is very unique for a class which uses a bow.  For example, the skill which penetrates all enemies standing in a row, the arrow which reflects itself to the other location when it defeats an enemy and a few other skills represent Ranger’s wide range attacks that are useful in facing multiple enemies.   ▲ Oracle is a Cleric-type class which uses its power to foresee the future. It advises other players in advance where enemies will attack, which items monsters will drop, and etc.  Oracle has an ability to transform the monster that it is facing to the other monster which is about the same level as the previous monster, and it can also summon a monster which is somewhere on the field in front of it.  If you use these skills cleverly, more strategic farming play would be possible.     Next Friday is a national holiday in Korea so we will skip our post on Developers’ blog next week. We hope for your understanding.  Thanks. This week’s bonus image: ▲ The Goddess of Destiny, Laima.  For your reference, she is sister of the Goddess of Death, Giltinė.

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2016
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Official Forum Maintenance 6th Feb 2019

  Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. -  Maintenance Period : (EST) 21:30 - 22:00 Feb 06, 2019 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

February 6th, 2019
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[COMPLETE] Official Forum Maintenance - Dec 4, 2017

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EDT) 21:30 - 22:00 Dec 4, 2017 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

December 14th, 2017
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Alchemist Class Introduction

I am syKim from TOS Dev Team. Today, I will introduce ‘Alchemist’ to you. Alchemist is a wizard-based 6th ranked class, and it will be introduced to you for the first time in the upcoming CBT2. Alchemist’s main skills are related to the items in the game. Alchemist can attack enemies by exploding its own items that are dropped on the ground, but usually Alchemist engages in modifying and creating items. Gems that can be obtained in dungeons make differences in various parameters when they are inserted into sockets.  Some parameters will improve, but there will be other parameters that will have negative penalties.  You will be able to mitigate the effects of these penalties by engaging in [Gem Roasting].     Alchemist can also combine two different weapons to create one new weapon by engaging in [Briquetting] The stats on the weapon that will be formed (Master Item) as a result  of Briquetting could be better or worse, but regardless of the outcomes, ingredient items will be consumed and the Master Item’s potential will decrease by 1. ▲ Enchance Schmitar by melting Sabre.  The maximum Attack Rate which was previously 72 could either drop to 66 or increase to 77. Alchemist can also extract juice from herb items and create potion items using the juice. ▲ Grind aviete, boil it, and filter juice from it. The juice will be the potion that will increase your movement speed. Some of the items that were introduced during CBT1 such as potions to increase your movement speed, decrease your cool-down time and etc can only be crafted by Alchemist and can’t be obtained through other ways, but for our smooth testing during CBT1, we temporarily sold them at one of the shops in the game. The number of kinds of potions that can be crafted will increase based on the level of [Tincturing] skill, and these potions’ stats will also increase. Alchemist can also find hidden options in items. ▲ Alchemist can use an item as a medium to create a portal to a two-dimensional dungeon.  After clearing a mission there, the hidden options of the item will be activated.  The number of players that can participate in this mission increases as the skill level increases.  As more people participate this mission, it can be cleared more easily. ▲The Gladius with an awakening option.  The option was [Strength +10].  There are items in the game that can only be crafted by alchemy since they can’t be obtained through Shops or monsters. Alchemist can craft these items using its distinct skill called “Magnum Opus”. You can use this skill when you place ingredient items on the Craft Plate.  The items that will be created as a result of this skill will vary depending on what kind of ingredient items you used and the locations of those items on the plate. As the skill level increases, the size of the plate will enlarge and you could also deploy various manuals on the plate to create multiple items simultaneously. It could take from a few seconds to a few hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmIsOemRKFw ▲ The video for Alchemist’s item crafting and enhancing   We know that many people are wondering when we will launch CBT2.  We are currently discussing with Nexon for CBT2’s detailed schedules. We will notify you within a short period of time.  We always appreciate for your huge interest in TOS.  Thanks.  

Developer's Blog
March 12th, 2015
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[EDITED] Leticia's Secret Cube: March 14, 2023

  Rank Item Quantity B Mercenary Badge: 10,000 4 B Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 4 B [Lv.470] Arcanum of STR 1 B [Lv.470] Arcanum of INT 1 B [Lv.480] Aether Gem Catalyst 1 B Shining Remnants of Bernice Aegis Potion Lv.1 5 B Challenge Mode Add. Reward Voucher 4 C Mercenary Badge: 1,000 10 C Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 1,000 10 C Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 2 C [Lv.480] Enhance Aid 3

March 12th, 2023
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Leticia's Secret Cube: September 12, 2024

Rank Item Quantity B Goddess Token (Jurate): 10,000 5 B [Lv.520] Arcanum of STR 1 B [Lv.520] Arcanum of INT 1 B [Lv.520] Arcanum of CON 1 B [Lv.520] Aether Gem Catalyst 1 B Challenge Mode Add. Reward Voucher 4 B Shining Class Change Voucher Lv.3 1 B Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 8 C Mercenary Badge Voucher : 10,000 2 C Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 2 ※ New Dual Class 'Vulture' cannot be used with other Special Classes Fashion Museum Selection Tickets   ▶ 2019 Special Fashion Museum Selection Ticket Category Name Back Costume Balloon Wings Back Costume Small Steam Punk Wings Back Costume Glittering Rose Bouquet Back Costume Emerald Beach Wings Back Costume Explorer's Backpack Back Costume Roasted Turkey Balloon Back Costume Gabija Wings Back Costume Little Twinkle Star Back Costume Evergreen and Bountiful Effect Costume Floral Decoration Effect Costume Sweet Explosion Effect Costume Magic Circle - Heart Effect Costume Magic Circle - Diamond Effect Costume Good Student Stamp Effect Costume Rose Petal Shower Effect Costume Crescent Moon Effect Costume Gabija's Fire Effect Costume Midnight Starlight Doll Little Gabija Doll Toy Campfire Popup Book Toy Toy Whisk Toy Toy Saltshaker Toy Toy Frying Pan Toy Kitchen Table Popup Book Toy TOS Ranger City Popup Book Companion Lucky Golden Pig Egg Companion Teeny Chick Egg Companion Dionys Cub Egg Companion Fluffy Sparrow Egg Companion Christmas Sled Box     ▶ 2019 Costume Fashion Museum Selection Ticket Category Name Armband Black Bear Armband Costume Black Tracksuit Costume Red Tracksuit Costume Green Student Tracksuit Costume Grey Tracksuit Costume Blue Lazy Day Tracksuit Costume Purple Swag Tracksuit Costume Yellow Jumpsuit Costume Lucky Golden Pig Costume Costume Autumn Shade Hanbok Costume (Male) Costume Autumn Shade Hanbok Costume (Female) Costume Spring Shade Hanbok Costume (Male) Costume Spring Shade Hanbok Costume (Female) Costume Royal Hanbok Costume Costume Striped Hanbok Costume Costume Mystic Savior School Uniform (M) Costume Mystic Savior School Uniform (F) Costume Mystic Boy - Diamond (M) Costume Mystic Girl - Diamond (F) Costume Mystic Boy - Heart (M) Costume Mystic Girl - Heart (F) Costume Mystic Girl - Diamond (M) Costume Mystic Girl - Heart (M) Costume Laima Kindergarten Costume (M) Costume Laima Kindergarten Costume (F) Costume Private-Eye Costume (M) Costume Private-Eye Costume (F) Costume Elegant Noble Party Costume (Male) Costume Elegant Noble Party Costume (Female) Costume Red Rose Knight Costume (Male) Costume Red Rose Knight Costume (Female) Costume White Rose Knight Costume (Male) Costume White Knight Rose Costume (Female) Costume Twilight Star Knight Costume (Male) Costume Twilight Star Knight Costume (Female) Costume Twilight Star Royal Guard Costume (Male) Costume Twilight Star Royal Guard Costume (Female) Costume Twilight Star Dispatcher Costume (Male) Costume Twilight Star Dispatcher Costume (Female) Costume Scarlet Beachware Costume (Male) Costume Scarlet Beachware Costume (Female) Costume Marina Oceanware Costume (Male) Costume Marina Oceanware Costume (Female) Costume Beached Out Trunks (Male) Costume Beached Out See-through Costume (Female) Costume Black Bear Costume Costume Camping Costume (Male) Costume Camping Costume (Female) Costume Jungle Explorer Costume (Male) Costume Jungle Explorer Costume (Femlae) Costume Head Chef Costume (Male) Costume Head Chef Costume (Female) Costume Deputy Chef Costume (Male) Costume Deputy Chef Costume (Female) Costume Restaurant Manager Costume (Male) Costume Restaurant Manager Costume (Female) Costume Red TOS Ranger Costume (Male) Costume Red TOS Ranger Costume (Female) Costume TOS Ranger Pink Costume (Male) Costume Blue TOS Ranger Costume (Female) Costume Green TOS Ranger Costume (Male) Costume Yellow TOS Ranger Costume (Female) Costume Black Rabbit Costume Costume Candy Killer Rascal Costume (Male) Costume Candy Killer Clown Costume (Female) Costume Haunted Hospital Nurse Costume (Male) Costume Haunted Hospital Nurse Costume (Female) Costume Skull Party Skeleton Costume (Male) Costume Skull Party Skeleton Costume (Female) Costume Gabija Priest Costume (Male) Costume Gabija Priestess Costume (Female) Costume Sparking Tree Trunk Costume Costume Platina Dafne Costume (Male) Costume Platina Dafne Costume (Female) Costume Crimson Noel Costume (Male) Costume Crimson Noel Costume (Female) Costume Midnight Snow Costume (Male) Costume Midnight Snow Costume (Female) Hair Costume Lucky Golden Pig Helmet Hair Costume Gehong's Hat Hair Costume Hitomiko's Wreath Hair Costume Groucho Glasses Hair Costume Grandpa Groucho Glasses Hair Costume Mystic Savior - Heart Ribbon Hair Costume Mystic Savior - Diamond Ribbon Hair Costume Baby Chick Hair Costume Laima Kindergarten Hat Hair Costume Elegant Voluminous Rolls Hair Costume Rose Knight in Shock Hair Costume Blue Twin Ribbons Hair Costume Honorable Medal Hat Hair Costume Rose Knight Hat Hair Costume Elegant Noble Capeline Hair Costume Twilight Star Head Ornament Hair Costume Twilight Star Winged Helm Hair Costume Twilight Knight Helm Hair Costume Twilight Star Royal Guard Helm Hair Costume Twilight Star Dispatcher Helm Hair Costume Cool Shades Hair Costume Manly Man Beard Hair Costume Hibiscus Straw Hat Hair Costume Lobelia Straw Hat Hair Costume Ribbon Straw Hat Hair Costume Black Bear Helmet Hair Costume Gabija Doll Accessory Hair Costume Explorer's Hat Hair Costume Black Bear Ears Hair Costume Bubble Tea Accessory Hair Costume Chef Hat Hair Costume Culinary Hat Hair Costume Toque Blanche Hair Costume Head Chef Hat Hair Costume Kateen Flower Decoration Hair Costume Kaiju Helmet Costume Hair Costume Yellow Beanie Hair Costume Checkered Hat Hair Costume TOS Ranger Hairpin Hair Costume TOS Ranger Glasses Hair Costume Black Rabbit Helmet Costume Hair Costume Clown Mask Hair Costume Butcher Knife Headband Hair Costume Skull Party Mask Hair Costume Firebird Hair Brooch Hair Costume Red Hair Knot Hair Costume Gabija Feather Hairband Hair Costume Messenger of Fire Hair Costume Sparking Tree Head Costume Hair Costume Snowy Reindeer Antlers Hair Costume Snowy Deer Antlers Hair Costume Jingle Bell Earmuffs Hair Costume Present Wrapper Ribbon Hair Costume Christmas Party Hat Hair Costume Snowman Nose Hair Costume Santa Beard     ▶ 2019 Weapon Appearance Fashion Museum Selection Ticket Category Name Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Mace Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Bow Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Staff Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Dagger Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Sword Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Shield Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Spear Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Pike Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Rapier Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Fluffy Kitty Rod Weapon Appearance Mystic Savior Staff Weapon Appearance Mystic Savior Rod Weapon Appearance Mystic Savior Mace Weapon Appearance Mystic Savior Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Dagger Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Sword Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Rapier Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Shield Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Pike Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Spear Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Mace Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Staff Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Rod Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Bow Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Crossbow Weapon Appearance Cruncy Choco Cannon Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Musket Weapon Appearance Crunchy Choco Pistol Weapon Appearance Impassioned Rose Rapier Weapon Appearance Impassioned Rose Cannon Weapon Appearance Impassioned Rose Musket Weapon Appearance Impassioned Rose Pistol Weapon Appearance Twilight Star Shield Weapon Appearance Twilight Star Mace Weapon Appearance Twilight Star Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Twilight Star Sword Weapon Appearance Twilight Star Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Twilight Star Spear Weapon Appearance Twilight Star Pike Weapon Appearance Red Pincer Sword Weapon Appearance Sawfish Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Sawfish Rapier Weapon Appearance Conch Shell Horn Dagger Weapon Appearance Pink Parasol Spear Weapon Appearance Blue Parasol Pike Weapon Appearance Butter-roasted Squid Rod Weapon Appearance Crab-hunter Staff Weapon Appearance Ukulele Mace Weapon Appearance Guitar Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Pelican Toy Musket Weapon Appearance Octo-cannon Weapon Appearance Mackerel Pistol Weapon Appearance Rubber Ducky Crossbow Weapon Appearance Hibiscus Bow Weapon Appearance Steering Wheel Shield Weapon Appearance BBQ Skewer Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Roasted Marshmallow Rapier Weapon Appearance Survival Knife Weapon Appearance Roasted Kepa Spear Weapon Appearance Red Kepa Roast Spike Weapon Appearance Steel Frying Pan Rod Weapon Appearance Grilled Mackerel Staff Weapon Appearance Lumberjack Axe Mace Weapon Appearance Buttered Corn Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Canned Kepa Cannon Weapon Appearance Sausage Crossbow Weapon Appearance Calcot Bow Weapon Appearance Grilled Platter Shield Weapon Appearance Whisk Spear Weapon Appearance Fish-Carver Raiper  Weapon Appearance Wine Glass Rod Weapon Appearance Saltshaker Mace Weapon Appearance Pot-lid Shield Weapon Appearance Whisk Pike Weapon Appearance Pepper Shaker Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Spatula Staff Weapon Appearance Cheese Knife Weapon Appearance Two-handed Butcher Knife Weapon Appearance Pepper Grinder Cannon Weapon Appearance Hand Mixer Pistol Weapon Appearance Table Knife Sword Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Sword Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Spear Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Pike Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Rapier Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Mace Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Bow Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Crossbow Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Musket Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Cannon Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Dagger Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Pistol Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Staff Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Rod Weapon Appearance TOS Ranger Shield Weapon Appearance The Bat Count Sword Weapon Appearance The Bat Count Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Pumpkin Lantern Spear Weapon Appearance Pumpkin Streetlamp Pike Weapon Appearance Surgical Scissors Rapier Weapon Appearance Ripped Teddy Mace Weapon Appearance Rag Doll Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Haunted Oak Bow Weapon Appearance Clown Crossbow Weapon Appearance Pumpkin Mage Musket Weapon Appearance Heavy Coffin Cannon Weapon Appearance Surgical Scalpel Dagger Weapon Appearance Vital Sign Pistol Weapon Appearance Haunted Skull Staff Weapon Appearance Hallowventer Hand Rod Weapon Appearance Occult Paper Charm Shield Weapon Appearance Aurora Dafne Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Ice Crystal Spear Weapon Appearance Ice Crystal Pike Weapon Appearance Santa Rapier Weapon Appearance Jingle Bell Mace Weapon Appearance Crystal Dafne Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Rudolf Bow Weapon Appearance Evergreen Crossbow Weapon Appearance Christmas Sock Musket Weapon Appearance Rudolf Cannon Weapon Appearance Twinkle Dagger Weapon Appearance Ice Crystal Staff Weapon Appearance Candy Cane Rod Weapon Appearance Twinkle Shield     ▶ 2020 Special Fashion Museum Ticket Category  Name Back Costume Pink Strand Wing Back Costume Red Strand Wing Back Costume Green Strand Wing Back Costume Gumiho Tails Back Costume Magical Savior Wing - Spade Back Costume Magical Savior Wing - Clover Back Costume Bluebird Asteroid Balloon Back Costume Mayflower Blessing Silk Back Costume Sandy Beach Wave Wing Back Costume Royal Rose Great Wing Back Costume Red Rose on Gold Back Costume Masquerade Crimson Demon Wing Back Costume Littleberk/Maru Baby Skiaclipse Wing Back Costume Littleberk/Maru Baby Skiaclipse Wing Back Costume Laima's Wing Effect Costume Mark of Doggaebi Effect Costume Guardian Halo Effect Costume Magic Circle - Spade Effect Costume Magic Circle - Clover Effect Costume Colorful Spotlight Effect Costume Pilot's Dream Effect Costume Romantic Heart Effect Costume MusCATeer Tracks Effect Costume Police Line Effect Costume Emergency Siren Effect Costume Lurking Shark Effect Costume Honking Seagulls Effect Costume Gaze of Masked Demon Effect Costume Twinkling Steps Doll Mini Vakarine Doll Toy Popo Pop Photo Wall Popup Book Toy Popo Pop Camera Toy Toy Toy Fire Extinguisher Toy Watermelon Splitting Companion School Dodo Bird Egg Companion Hedgehog Egg Companion Police Shepherd Egg Companion Cadet Armadillo Egg Companion Dalmatian Egg     ▶ 2020 Costume Fashion Museum Selection Ticket Category Name Costume Heaven Guardian Armor (Male) Costume Heaven Guardian Armor (Female) Costume Earth Guardian Armor (Male) Costume Earth Guardian Armor (Female) Costume Magical Savior - Spade Costume (Male) Costume Magical Savior - Spade Costume (Female) Costume Magical Savior - Clover Costume (Male) Costume Magical Savior - Clover Costume (Female)  Costume Magical Savior - Professor Costume (Male) Costume Magical Savior - Professor Costume (Female) Costume Popo Pop Neon Activity Costume (Male) Costume Popo Pop Neon Activity Costume (Female) Costume Popo Pop Damaged Street Costume (Male) Costume Popo Pop Damaged Street Costume (Female) Costume Popo Pop Funky Graffiti Costume (Male) Costume Popo Pop Funky Graffiti Costume (Female) Costume Popo Pop Main Stage Costume (Male) Costume Popo Pop Main Stage Costume (Female) Costume Starlight Prince Costume (Male) Costume Starlight Princess Costume (Female) Costume Romance Pilot Costume (Male) Costume Romance Pilot Costume (Female) Costume Red Fox Costume Costume Mayflower Noble Plate Costume (Male) Costume Mayflower Noble Plate Costume (Female) Costume Mayflower Wedding Tuxedo Costume (Male) Costume Mayflower Wedding Dress Costume (Female) Costume Mayflower Innocent Armor Costume (Male) Costume Mayflower Innocent Armor Costume (Female) Costume MusCATeer Baron Tabby Costume (Male) Costume MusCATeer Baron Cheese Costume (Female) Costume MusCATeer Merchant Black Costume (Male) Costume MusCATeer Merchant Ragdoll Costume (Female) Costume MusCATeer Soldier Cookie Costume (Male) Costume MusCATeer Soldier Shorthair Costume (Female) Costume TOS Task Force SWAT Costume (Male) Costume TOS Task Force SWAT Costume (Female) Costume TOS Task Force Fire Fighter Costume (Male) Costume TOS Task Force Fire Fighter Costume (Female) Costume TOS Task Force Police Costume Selection Box (Male) Costume TOS Task Force Police Costume Selection Box (Female) Costume Summer Wave Sailor Shirt (Male) Costume Summer Wave Sky Blue Off-shoulder Bikini (Female) Costume Summer Waver Swim Brief (Male) Costume Summer Wave Red Black Bikini (Female) Costume Summer Wave Hawaiian Shirt (Male) Costume     Summer Wave White Frill Bikini (Female) Costume     Honored Rose Royal Black Suit (Male) Costume     Honored Rose Crimson Suit (Male) Costume Honored Rose Violet Suit (Male) Costume Honored Rose Royal Black Dress (Female) Costume Honored Rose Crimson Dress (Female) Costume Honored Rose Violet Dress (Female) Costume Honored Rose Arrogant Red Suit (Male) Costume Honored Rose Purple Suit (Male) Costume Honored Rose Green Suit (Male) Costume Honored Rose Arrogant Red Dress (Female) Costume Honored Rose Purple Dress (Female) Costume Honored Rose Green Dress (Female) Costume Honored Rose Superb Pink Suit (Male) Costume Honored Rose Blue Suit (Male) Costume Honored Rose Yellow Suit (Male) Costume Honored Rose Superb Pink Dress (Female) Costume Honored Rose Blue Dress (Female) Costume Honored Rose Yellow Dress (Female) Costume  Masquerade Mysterious Doctor Costume (Male) Costume  Masquerade Mysterious Witch Costume (Female) Costume Masquerade Horror Frankenstein Costume (Male) Costume Masquerade Horror Ghost Costume (Female) Costume Masquerade Strange Doctor Costume (Male) Costume Masquerade Strange Witch Costume (Female) Costume Masquerade Secret Doctor Costume (Male) Costume Masquerade Secret Witch Costume (Female) Costume Masquerade Spooky Frankenstein Costume (Male) Costume Masquerade Spooky Ghost Costume (Female) Costume Masquerade Reverse Tenor Tux Costume (Male) Costume Masquerade Reverse Black Swan Costume (Female) Costume Masquerade Phantom of Music Costume (Male) Costume Masquerade White Swan Costume (Female) Costume Masquerade Weeping Frankenstein Costume (Male) Costume Masquerade Weeping Ghost Costume (Female) Costume Masquerade Simple Tux Costume (Male) Costume Masquerade Simple Tutu Costume (Female) Costume Littleberk Character Pajama Costume (Male) Costume Maru Character Pajama Costume (Female) Costume Littleberk Custom Battle Uniform (Male) Costume Maru Custom Battle Uniform (Female) Costume Littleberk Fluffy Pajama Costume (Male) Costume Maru Fluffy Pajama Costume (Female) Costume Littleberk Sweet Dream Pajama Costume (Male) Costume Maru Sweet Dream Pajama Costume (Female) Costume Littleberk Classy Battle Costume (Male) Costume Maru Classy Battle Costume (Female) Costume Littleberk Finest Daily Wear Costume (Male) Costume Maru Finest Daily Wear Costume (Female) Costume Littleberk Happy Daily Wear Costume (Male) Costume Maru Happy Daily Wear Costume (Female) Costume Littleberk Simple Battle Uniform (Male) Costume Maru Simple Battle Uniform (Female) Costume Littleberk Exhausted Daily Wear Costume (Male) Costume Maru Exhausted Daily Wear Costume (Female) Costume Evening Star Prestige Costume (Male) Costume Evening Star Prestige Costume (Female) Costume Evening Star Bright Costume (Male) Costume Evening Star Bright Costume (Female) Costume Evening Star Twilight Costume (Male) Costume Evening Star Twilight Costume (Female) Costume Evening Star Aurora Costume (Male) Costume Evening Star Aurora Costume (Female) Costume Evening Star Nebula Costume (Male) Costume Evening Star Nebula Costume (Female) Costume Evening Star Venus Costume (Male) Costume Evening Star Venus Costume (Female) Costume Evening Star Altair Costume (Male) Costume Evening Star Vega Costume (Female) Costume Evening Star Comet Costume (Male) Costume Evening Star Comet Costume (Female) Costume Evening Star Deneb Costume (Male) Costume Evening Star Deneb Costume (Female) Hair Costume Zodiac: Rat Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Ox Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Tiger Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Rabbit Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Dragon Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Snake Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Horse Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Goat Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Monkey Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Rooster Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Dog Mask Hair Costume Zodiac: Pig Mask Hair Costume Magical Savior Double Ribbon Hair Costume Magical Savior Pure Ribbon Hair Costume Magical Savior Brooch Ribbon Hair Costume Magical Savior Clover Ribbon Hair Costume Magical Savior Neon Heart Hair Costume Magical Savior Wing Decoration Hair Costume Magical Savior Red Frill Ribbon Hair Costume Magical Savior Spade Ribbon Hair Costume Popo Pop Tint Sunglasses Hair Costume Popo Pop Neon Sunglasses Hair Costume Popo Pop Black Mask Hair Costume Popo Pop Stage Microphone Hair Costume Popo Pop Fandom Hairband Hair Costume Rose in Glass Globe Hair Costume Red Fox Brooch Hair Costume Pilot Goggles Hair Costume Twinkling Star Hair Costume Glowing Star Hair Costume Starlight Palace Crown Hair Costume Boa Constrictor Hat Hair Costume Red Fox Helmet Costume Hair Costume Sheep Inside the Box Helmet Costume Hair Costume Mayflower Eye Mask Hair Costume Mayflower Wedding Veil Hair Costume Mayflower Feather Hairpin Hair Costume Mayflower Hair Brooch Hair Costume Mayflower Tophat Hair Costume Mayflower Rosegold Tiara Hair Costume Mayflower Secret Veil Hair Costume Mayflower Platinum Tiara Hair Costume Mayflower Hair Chain Hair Costume Cookie Kitten on Top Hair Costume Black Kitten on Top Hair Costume Tabby Kitten on Top Hair Costume Cheese Kitten on Top Hair Costume Ragdoll Kitten on Top Hair Costume Shorthair Kitten on Top Hair Costume MusCATeer Baron Tabby's Hat Hair Costume MusCATeer Baron Cheese's Hat Hair Costume MusCATeer Merchant Ragdoll's Hat Hair Costume Siamese Kitten on Top Hair Costume TOS Task Force SWAT Helmet Hair Costume TOS Task Force SWAT Beret Hair Costume TOS Task Force SWAT Sunglasses Hair Costume TOS Task Force Fire Fighter Safety Helmet Hair Costume TOS Task Force Police Hat Hair Costume TOS Task Force Officer Hat Hair Costume Orange Heart Sunglasses Hair Costume Yellow Ribbon Hairband Hair Costume Starfish Hairpin Hair Costume Little Sand Castle Hair Costume Seagull on Top Hair Costume High Summer Sunglasses Hair Costume Summer Flower Hairpin Hair Costume White Ribbon Straw Hat Hair Costume Honored Rose Elegant Noble Fascinator Hair Costume Honored Rose Intelligent Monocle Hair Costume Honored Rose Luxurious Ribbon Hairband Hair Costume Honored Rose Crimson Rose Eye Patch Hair Costume Honored Rose Colorful Flower Eye Patch Hair Costume Honored Rose Arrogant Bonnet Hair Costume Honored Rose Superb Cloche Hat Hair Costume Masquerade Strange Witch's Hat Hair Costume Littleberk Character Pajama Helmet (Male) Hair Costume Maru Character Pajama Helmet (Female) Hair Costume Littleberk Sweet Dream Sleeping Mask Hair Costume Maru Sweet Dream Sleeping Mask Hair Costume Vakarine Doll Hair Accessory     ▶ 2020 Weapon Appearance Fashion Museum Selection Ticket Category Name Weapon Appearance Crane Sword Weapon Appearance Taegeuk Small Drum Weapon Appearance Wave Greatsword Weapon Appearance Lotus Staff Weapon Appearance Red Lotus Staff Weapon Appearance Dark Cloud Bow Weapon Appearance White Cloud Bow Weapon Appearance Wave Scimitar Weapon Appearance Guardian Rapier Weapon Appearance Dokkabi Mace Weapon Appearance Dokkabi Maul Weapon Appearance Swallow Crossbow Weapon Appearance Giant Bell Cannon Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Staff Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Rod Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Bow Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Spear Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Pike Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Rapier Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Mace Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Crossbow Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Shield Weapon Appearance Magical Savior Pistol Weapon Appearance Popo Pop Rapier Weapon Appearance Popo Pop Two-Hand Sword Weapon Appearance Popo Pop Sword Weapon Appearance Popo Pop Mace Weapon Appearance Popo Pop Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Popo Pop Spear Weapon Appearance Popo Pop Pike Weapon Appearance Popo Pop Shield Weapon Appearance Popo Pop Cannon Weapon Appearance Popop Pop Pistol Weapon Appearance Popo Pop Dagger Weapon Appearance Red Fox Sword Weapon Appearance Red Fox Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Blooming Rose Spear Weapon Appearance Fully Blooming Rose Pike Weapon Appearance Precious Small Rose Mace Weapon Appearance Precious Rose Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Prickly Rose Bow Weapon Appearance Rose and the Fox Cannon Weapon Appearance Asteroid Shield Weapon Appearance Simmering Starlight Rapier Weapon Appearance Simmering Starlight Dagger Weapon Appearance Boa Constrictor Musket Weapon Appearance Soaring Bluebird Rod Weapon Appearance Soaring Bluebird Staff Weapon Appearance West Biplane Pistol Weapon Appearance East Biplane Crossbow Weapon Appearance Mayflower Sword Weapon Appearance Mayflower Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Mayflower Spear Weapon Appearance Mayflower Pike Weapon Appearance Mayflower Mace Weapon Appearance Mayflower Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Mayflower Bow Weapon Appearance Mayflower Cannon Weapon Appearance Mayflower Shield Weapon Appearance Mayflower Rapier Weapon Appearance Mayflower Dagger Weapon Appearance Mayflower Musket Weapon Appearance Mayflower Rod Weapon Appearance Mayflower Staff Weapon Appearance Mayflower Pistol Weapon Appearance Mayflower Crossbow Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Sword Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Spear Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Pike Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Mace Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Bow Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Cannon Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Shield Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Rapier Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Dagger Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Rod Weapon Appearance MusCATeer Staff Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Sword Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Spear Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Pike Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Mace Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Bow Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Cannon Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Shield Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Rapier Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Dagger Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Musket Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Rod Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Staff Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Pistol Weapon Appearance TOS Task Force Crossbow Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Sword Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Spear Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Pike Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Mace Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Bow Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Cannon Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Shield Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Rapier Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Dagger Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Musket Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Rod Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Staff Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Pistol Weapon Appearance Summer Wave Crossbow Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Sword Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Spear Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Pike Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Mace Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Bow Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Cannon Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Shield Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Rapier Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Dagger Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Musket Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Rod Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Staff Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Pistol Weapon Appearance Honored Rose Crossbow Weapon Appearance Masquerade Broken Mirror Shield Weapon Appearance Masquerade Blue Blossom Rapier Weapon Appearance Masquerade Injector Spear Weapon Appearance Maru Magic Staff Weapon Appearance Littleberk Pillow Cannon Weapon Appearance Littleberk Claw Shield Weapon Appearance Evening Star Two-handed Sword Weapon Appearance Evening Star Two-handed Mace Weapon Appearance Evening Star Crossbow     ※ You may check trade properties and medal exchange information from the exchange UI.    ▶ You can check the probabilities of items from here.

September 12th, 2024