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All DLC Products to be removed soon

Greetings, Saviors!   We are saddened to announce that we will be removing all DLC products from the Steam Store soon.   The following DLC products will be removed from the Steam Store on EST March 17, 2020. Please note that there may be a slight delay due to time zone differences.   TREE OF SAVIOR - MASTER BLACKSMITH PACK TREE OF SAVIOR - NOVICE PACK FOR SEA SERVERS  TREE OF SAVIOR - NOVICE PACK FOR SA SERVERS  TREE OF SAVIOR - NOVICE PACK FOR EU SERVERS  TREE OF SAVIOR - NOVICE PACK FOR NA SERVERS   We hope to be able to offer you new DLC products soon!   Thank you.  imcGAMES

February 20th, 2020
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[COMPLETE] Official Website and Forum Maintenance - May 10th, 2017

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Website and Forums may be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance.   - Maintenance Period : (EDT) 03:00 - 03:15 May 10th, 2017   [EDT] 03:00 - 03:15  [BRT] 04:00 - 04:15  [CET] 10:00 - 10:15 [SGT] 16:00 - 16:15   Sincerely, IMC Staff

May 10th, 2017
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Let’s listen directly from our developer - Art Director MAGGI

Hello. We are "Tree of Savior" development team. There were so many questions regarding the art concept of TOS, so I asked our art director Maggi directly. Maggi has been with imcGAMES for a long time since “Granado Espada”. ▲The person who had drawn this poster from GE! Q) What was the reason that TOS selected quarter view? A) Back when our team was first formed to develop TOS, there were so many games out there which concentrated on new rendering technologies and detailed expressions.  There were just so many of them.  All of them focused on reality so it was very hard to distinguish each game by just looking at screenshots.  Instead of just showing characters’ backs, we wanted 3rd person point of view so that players can be more immersed into the game and since timing is crucial in this game, we thought quarter view fits well.  That’s why we removed angle rotations.  It was also easier to take a view around the characters. ▲ Quarter view which emphasizes player's visibility Q) So quarter view was not just selected to reminisce about the old, classic games. A) No.  Classical designs are just methods and not our objective. To enhance visibility, we even removed angle rotations which were available in the earlier version. We wanted players to really immerse into their characters so as we develop the game, characters’ representations became more and more simple. Eyes, eyebrows, and lips of the characters in the earlier version were very detailed, but we kept modifying the characters so now characters’ eyes are more emphasized. Q) Are there any differences in the art concept of TOS compared with the other games? A) We wanted to give players a feeling that TOS is like a moving fairy tale book or pop-up book so most of the textures are actually hand drawn by our designers.  Instead of relying too much on new 3D rendering technologies, we are trying to emphasize the details so it takes little more time.  The number of drawings that we have drawn since the start of TOS project is much more than the number of drawings that we had drawn in the past. Q) Was there some kind of objective that you had in your mind when you were designing the backgrounds of the game? A) I wanted to make TOS like a huge diorama.  We wanted characters to touch on or climb on neatly designed architectures and decorations.  To give fairy tale feeling, we emphasized on shapes as much as we had on the characters.  As a result, I enjoy myself even when my characters just walk on the fields in the game. Q) There are some opinions that the game looks little dark. A) We have thought about it a lot.  The world in TOS has some dystopian element so we couldn’t just make it too bright and too happy.  Instead, we wanted players to really immerse into the world.  The details and the expressions in the game should not be just cute and lovely.  Depicting the world as it is, and depicting the reality as closely as possible is more important to us.  If there is grass, then it should sway in the wind. ▲ We want to ride on that cable car !! If there is a lever, regardless of how small it is, players should be able to pull it. Q) How did you collect information? A) To collect information and documents for backgrounds, costume designs and etc, our staff traveled to various places including Lithuania, Turkey, Nepal, France, China and etc.  We still have many more places to go.   ▲Collecting info at Vilnius   ▲'Fedimian' is designed based on the information we collected from Bhaktapur, Nepal. Q) There was a question whether this game is based on the Norse mythology. A) We got a motive from Lithuanian mythology.  There are classes in the game which are related to the gods in Baltic mythology.  The same goes for the “Tree” which is the major part of the story in the game.  However, we used Lithuanian mythology only as a motive so the game is not wholly based on Lithuanian mythology. Q) Please give a word to our fans who are waiting for this game. A) We are working happily on TOS.  I hope our fans keep their continuous interest on TOS.   ▲The initial wizard design in TOS. It may appear as a NPC in the future. Okay so that’s it for our interview with Maggi. AD Maggi is responsible for character designs, costumes, illustrations, NPC images, background images and a lot more in TOS.  She always has a drawing pen on her hand.  Send her a support message!

Developer's Blog
June 19th, 2014
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TOS Facebook Event Results:2017 Make Your Wish

We've just announced the winners of our TOS Facebook Like event! See the full list of lucky Saviors. The prizes will be sent to the winners via in-game GM message during the scheduled maintenance on January 10, 2017.. Prize : Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x5 AND Jumbo Dumpling x10 AND Goddess’ Blessed Cube x1 Server : Klaipeda          De***ate Bar***rossa Z***s Oxy***phone Lon*_**o      Server : Orsha        Antidilu***no Gibson-W***es HiImSp***ty G***us T***h2      Server : Fedimian        Fl***n Ce***l V***V Be***h Gulga***h      Server : Telsiai      Lightb***r N**ba Q*F Gaeb***X Kry***l      Server : Silute      El***a VonSt***e Teafa***y Sno***x Profite***e       Server : Varena  Jaz***e Mis***a Redr***e Velh***t AdF**n

January 10th, 2017
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Known Issues - June 11, 2019

Greetings Saviors,   The following issue has come to our attention:     - Growing Together Sprout Shop and the players' Sprout items removed from the game     The devs are aware of the issue and all Sprouts removed will be restored along with appropriate compensations with a temporary maintenance, the details of which will be announced later through our event pages.         Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Known Issues
June 11th, 2019
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[COMPLETE] [SEA] Temporary Maintenance Notice - May 10, 2017

MAINTENANCE COMPLETE: [SEA] Telsiai and [SEA] Varena are back up and you can access these servers again.     Greetings, Saviors.   We will be performing a 2 hour-long maintenance on our [SEA] Telsiai and [SEA] Varena servers on May 10, 2017.   Maintenance is expected to take place during the following period:   [EDT] 01:00 to 03:00 / [SGT] 13:00 to 15:00 (May 10, 2017)   Note that this temporary maintenance will only affect the [SEA] servers, Telsiai and Varena. We will update this announcement after maintenance is complete.   Thank you for understanding.  

May 10th, 2017
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Daylight Saving Maintenance November 3, 2019

Greetings, Saviors. There will be a brief maintenance on ALL SERVERS to adjust our systems for the end of Daylight Saving Time on November 3, 2019. The maintenance will last for a two-hour duration and the scheduled times will be as follows:   [EDT] 01:30 to 02:30 [BRT] 02:30 to 04:30 [CET] 06:30 to 08:30 [SGT] 13:30 to 15:30   Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

October 31st, 2019
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Scheduled Maintenance for August 19~20, 2024

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (August 20, 2024). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
August 20th, 2024
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[Fan Art Festival] TOS PoPo's Summer Edition

Greetings Saviors! This time around the Fan Art Festival theme is…   PoPo's Summer Vacation!   We want to know:  how will you spend your summer vacation? Will you go to the beach? Go camping? Maybe even fishing? Give us the scope!    We will be accepting submissions from now until June 18th 00:00 EDT.  From June 18th 02:00 EDT until June 20th 00:00 EDT voting will commence.    PRIZES INCLUDE:   500 TP + A Surprise Gift + In-Game Title (“PoPo Vacation”) + Your art as an in-game loading screen   (Prizes will be given out during the scheduled maintenance on June 25th. The surprise gift will be the next costume to appear in the Goddess' Blessed Cube).   Similar to the previous festival, a total of 10 pieces will be chosen. - 5 pieces will be picked by User Vote by receiving the most "Likes" by the Forum Users. - 5 pieces will be personally picked by Staff (after users have voted).   HOW TO ENTER:    Log into the TOS Official Forum and upload your art to the Fansite / Fan Art Category.    The title of your post should start with “[SUBMIT]” and should include the name of your piece. Inside your post, make sure to write the Title, Your Server Name, and Team Name plus a short description of your art.   When the submission period ends, an official voting thread with all the works of art will be created by the Staff. Only the "likes" received in this official thread will be counted as user votes.     Art Requirements: Format: JPG/PNG/PSD Size: 1920*1080px, 300dpi The art must be related to the theme Acceptable mediums: - Illustration - Comic panels - An image that utilizes in-game screenshots or material. - Real-life photography, or images that utilize such, will not be accepted - Please note: We will exclude votes cast by forum accounts that shared the same IP addresses after reviewing the accounts. The results of the user vote are a reflection of this change.    Policies and Disclaimers imcGAMES will not be held responsible for (a) any contest disruptions, injuries, losses or damages, caused by events beyond the control of imcGAMES; (b) damages caused by plagiarized work submitted by the artist; or (c) inconvenience caused by human error or typographical errors in the rules or promotional material. ImcGAMES reserves the right to change, suspend, or cancel the contest if, in imcGAMES discretion, intervening circumstances warrant such action.     Contest Overview: This contest is held by imcGAMES and is open to all Tree of Savior fans. Artist interested in participating may submit a design of fan artwork.  Please keep in mind that vote selling of any kind is discouraged and could result in disqualification.  General Contest Conditions: By entering this competition, you are granting us a non-exclusive perpetual license to reproduce images of your artwork into in-game loading screens and in posts on the forums (forum.treeofsavior.com) when introducing the works selected. Artworks selected might undergo modification when applying them to loading screens. Artworks will not be used for any other purpose than that which is stated here. Loading screen images are subject to change without prior notification.  Original Work of Authorship: By submitting your work you hereby warrant and represent that your submitted art is, in fact, original works of authorship on your part and have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work and do not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights of any other person or entity.  You may not post materials that are sexually explicit, offensive to certain groups, or generally inappropriate for the game’s T rating. Artists who violate these policies are subject to disqualification from entry and should plagiarism or IP theft be confirmed, imcGAMES holds the rights to revoke all benefits and prizes given to the artist.   

May 23rd, 2019