Greetings, Saviors! Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and huge interest in all that is going on with TOS! Here's a short status update, for all of you tireless sentries on the lookout for more news! - International Website Renewal We are proud to announce that the Official Websites have been renewed! Please take a look and let us know what you think and whether you deem them worthy of the goddesses! - Dedicated Contributor Recognition We wanted to show our appreciation to those of you that went the extra bit to help realize iTOS sooner. As such, we have created a separate discussion category to allow the dedicated translators get their feedback across a little more easily. If you also wish to help us out and gain access to the category, see if there is anything you can do to help at Github(! Just wanted to say that we're trying our best to get iTOS out to all you fans worldwide. We wouldn't have been able to progress so quickly without your continued enthusiasm, support and love. With love, IMC Staff
Greetings, Saviors! We just wanted to use this chance that the website renewal gave us to thank all of you! Thank you all for your outstanding participation during the Reader's Choice Awards 2015! We were able to be awarded several times in the Client Games category thanks to your support! Here's the list of awards we received - 1st in the 'Most Anticipated in 2015' category - 1st in the 'Favorite MMORPG in 2015' category - 1st in the 'Best Soundtrack in 2015' category - 2nd in the 'Best Graphic in 2015' category Awards Results : Once again, our most sincere gratitude for your enthusiasm and support during the past year. We will try our best to live up to all your interest and love in 2016 as well. With love, IMC Staff
Hello. We are "Tree of Savior (TOS)" Development Team. This blog was created to share you more information about the development of TOS before the official homepage is created. For the announcements of the future schedules of TOS, we will announce on our Facebook page, Thanks. ▲ Goddess of Fire, Gabiya
Hello. We are "Tree of Savior" development team. Our interview is on Game Webzine Inven ( Link : There is a saying that trends are keep revolving around and this does not only apply to the world of fashion. Due to improvement in technologies, gamers can see the graphics in real time which were only available in CG videos before. However, there are many people who miss the memories of 2D dot graphics in the past. It may be due to the quality of the games that they had enjoyed in the past or it could be due to the recollections that are still in their minds from the communities in those game. The one thing sure is that they are missing those memories. Back in April 30th, when the information about the newest title from Hak Kyu Kim's imcGAMES was released, lots of people have shown their interest in the game which may be due to the reasons that I stated above. Due to the improvement in the game engines, the games that are being released these days are becoming more and more real, but the decision made by imcGAMES was somewhat different. Back to the past, but not old fashioned, concentrating on the feelings of the classics were the main themes that imcGAMES have emphasized while developing the game. To get the latest information about 'Tree of Savior", which features retro concept, we had an interview with the development team at imcGAMES. Let's listen to what they tell us about the game. 5 months have passed after the first information about the game was released at G-Star, but it seems that the attentions on the game are getting bigger and bigger. A1) We can't deny that we feel pressure on those attentions, but they also give us strength to work on. We are trying our best to release the game as soon as possible. Q2) I know that you had FGT for the first time back in February. What kind of feedback did you receive from the people who had participated FGT? A2) We received lots of feedback and advises on the matters such as balances between the classes, quest flows, difficulty level, controllability of a few classes, interfaces, and etc. Most of them told us that the game is very fun and they enjoyed a lot. They also told us that they will play the game again once the game starts it's service. However, since we had only invited a small number of users to our studio, most of the feedback that we received were concentrated on the first impression of the game and the contents in the game. Therefore, we haven't tested and verified the game's feasibility on the environment where lots of users are connected at the same time. We plan to test this when we launch our CBT which is scheduled within this year's summer. Q3) Are there any changes in the game after FGT? A3) We have identified that the current control system, which may confuse some people who play the game for the first time, may need some adjustments. Also we are adjusting difficulty level of the monsters and modifying some of the items in the game based on the feedback that we had received from FGT. Q4) After seeing the graphics of 'Tree of Savior', lots of gamers are remembering Ragnarok or Arcturus. A4) Our focus was to make the game which can give classical feelings, but not old fashioned, along with expressing the latest trends. As a result, we relied on as many hand drawings as possible instead of using the technology from the graphics engine and we emphasized shapes on designs to have fairy tale impression in the game. We are preparing to explain to all the fans about graphics concept soon at "Tree of Savior" Developers' blog so please wait for our explanation. Ragnarok and Arcturus are not our games. Therefore, those games do not have any relationships with our game. The art director for "Tree of Savior" is Anh Jung Won who has been with us for "Granado Espada" for a long time. [▲Graphics of Tree of Savior] Q5) Did you develop your own engine? A5) We are using the internally developed engine which has been in use and updated since the start of "Granado Espada". This engine was customized to meet the needs to express the impressions of 2D characters, hand drawn art and etc. Except for the graphics side of the engine, we are using the same engine which is being used to develop "Wolfknights", the other game that we are currently developing. Q6) After watching the video which was released at G-Star last year, we thought the sounds in the game are very impressive. We think that the sounds fit the game really well. Who made the sounds for the game? A6) Mr. Dong Il Kwak who was working in SoundTeMP team joined S.F.A team to participate "Granado Espada". And he is now in charge of sound directing for "Tree of Savior". Besides Mr. Kwak, many other artists including SoundTeMP team, Esti, Questrosound, Mr. Joon Sung Kim and the other artists are participating for this game. Among them, there are also some artists from the other countries and the new artists as well. As for "Granado Espada", sound concept was euro-trance genre and classics, and the predecessor's theme was electronic-pop genre. However, this time we are focusing on classical crossover. Please find more about it when we launch the game. Mr. Kwak's interview can be found on the following link. Q7) So you told me that you are planning 1st CBT this summer. How far has the development completed in terms of percentage for CBT version of the game? A7) We think that we are already ready to initiate CBT when we look at the sheer volume of contents inside the game, but we think there needs to be some adjustments on interfaces, game system, skills on each class and some other features in the game. I think we are about 70% complete for CBT. Q8) How diversely can a character move in the game? I know that there will be 8 directions and jump, but is it also possible to dash and run? A8) When we had our prototype version, it was possible to run by pressing the cursor keys fast enough, but after some tests, we had concluded that it's aching to press the cursor keys repeatedly so we changed that the basic movement will be running (instead of walking), but when stamina gets fully depleted, character will start to walk. Dash feature which enables players to avoid attacks instantaneously will be available on certain classes. Q9) I saw a fireplace in a game screenshot. What is it for? A9) We have some features including "Rest Mode" in the game in order to prepare for what players can do while they are not engaged in battles. The details of these features will be updated in the future. Q10) How does character customization work? A10) Since there are some limits on the characters' style, it is hard to freely customize the characters. You can choose class, gender and hair style. We are thinking about changing eye colors of the characters possible. Q11) I saw crafting system in the game from the video. How does crafting work? A11) All classes will be able to craft some items in the game. However, in order to craft an item, you have to first acquire a manual to craft a particular item. A manual will be automatically recorded on Adventure Journal once the manual gets used and after that the item can be crafted any time. Certain manuals can be taught to the others. When you collect all the ingredient items that are specified in a manual, you can craft the item. Crafting is only possible during Rest Mode, and it could take a few seconds, a few minutes, and more than 10 minutes depending on what kind of items you are crafting. Q12) How big is the world in "Tree of Savior"? A12) Our plan is to have more than 200 territories in the game when we launch OBT. It will include 3 major cities. Q13) I know that there are hair/head accessories. How many kinds of accessories do we have in the game? A13) At the moment, we have about 50 costumes that are not relevant to characters' stats. We will have more before we launch the game. [▲Crowns, hair bands, rabbit ears and etc are already present in the game.] Q14) When we look at the classes, there are clear distinctions between tanker, healer and dealer. When players form parties, are these roles clearly specified within each party? Or even if we don't care about the combinations of the classes, is it possible to clear dungeons in the game? A14) We are keep adjusting and modifying in terms of battle system. We will tell you more about it after our CBT. Q15) It was unique to see the texts that are being typed by the spectators during a tournament match are shown on the screen. What was your purpose on showing those texts? A15) Players who are waiting for the next matches, or the players who just want to watch the matches are all gathered around in the spectators' seats. They can watch those matches from the point of view of the players who are actually engaged in the matches. The texts that are being typed by the people who are gathered around will be shown anonymously on the screen and we think it will be more enjoyable to watch those matches when there are diverse comments coming from many people. A few people who are reading this may have already noticed. We got an inspiration from the one of Japan's famous video sites. Q16) When I look at Adventure Journal, there is something called Adventure Achievements. What is the purpose and when we complete high level Achievements, what kind of benefits can we receive? A16) There are some players who are mainly focused on leveling up their characters and complete only those quests that are mandatory and there are other players who want to enjoy all the hidden contents in the game. Adventure Achievements are for the latter players, but the Achievements in the game can not be achieved simply by killing lots of monsters. There are many Achievements such as collecting all the different kinds of items, searching and navigating all the maps, clearing all the quests including the hidden quests and many more. Your Achievements will be compared to the other players' Achievements and we will show which players have achieved higher points by ranking those players. Certain quests and certain upper level classes are only possible to do and aquire when your accumulated Achievement points are higher than certain level. [▲The latest build screenshot which was first revealed from Inven ②] Q17) We think community features and real life features (such as marriage, having a house and etc) would fit the game well. A17) It is hard to predict how the community in the game will turn out in the future. After collecting feedback from the testers from CBT and the tests after that, we will decide which system to add in the game. Q18) You have recently opened Developers' Blog for "Tree of Savior" and shared with us some information. When can we get the new information? A18) We will collect all the questions from the Facebook and the Blog and answer them from time to time. We will also update our development process. However, our updates will be non-periodic for a while. Q19) So finally, CBT which is scheduled within this summer, How much can we expect in the game in terms of the number of contents? A19) The main purpose of CBT is to test the game when a large number of people connect at the same time. Therefore, we will limit the number of contents that will be released at the CBT version of the game. Still, we will have enough contents so that the testers can play the game for full two weeks. We are collecting the questions that you have given us so far via Facebook and Developers' blog and we will soon answer your questions on Questions and Answers about TOS #2. Thanks.
Greetings, This is the Tree of Savior Dev Team. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have participated in the tests as well as those who, unfortunately, did not get the chance to be with us yet. We were able to gather valuable feedback and suggestions from all of you and we will make use of these for our future development of TOS. Thank you so much for your participation and support during the second ICBT and we hope to meet all of you again soon. Thank you! I would like to say "Thank you" to all of you who participated for the test and as well as those who, unfortunately, did not get the chance to be with us for the test. We were very pleasant to see you playing the game and we were also able to gather some meaningful data and reports throughout the test. We will meet you again with more improvements in the game next time. From Producer and Director, Seyong Kim From Art Director, Maggi From Art Designer, Mina Kim From Content Designer, Orange Smith From UI Designer, Jooyeon Seo From Effect/SFX Designer, Mayoking From Art Designer, Heajin Sung From Art Designer, Minkyong Kang From UX/UI Manager, Gilyong Lee From Animator, Sookyung Kim From Animator, Minwoo Park From Animator, Seunghyeon Myeong From Character Designer, Dami Kim From Content Designer, Ginyi Lee From Character Designer, Jiae Park From Our Content Designers From Our Background Designers holeheartedly thank you! emphasize while (true). From Senior Programmer, Sanghyup Shin We LOVE this man!
Greetings, this is Se Yong Kim from “Tree of Savior (TOS)” Dev team. We have completed the open beta version of the TOS build (OBT version) and currently are testing it on our test server. If no significant problem is found, it is more than likely that we will use this version. The following contains the brief descriptions regarding the changes the OBT version would have. 1. Players can now choose the starting point. In CBT version, players started their journey on Klaipeda after getting the divine revelations from the goddesses. In OBT version, however, players can start their journeys from the new city “Orsha.” The Orsha route will largely be the same as the Klaipeda route. Both will have Rank 4 advancement, the storage service and etc. However, the Orsha route will provide players with new areas to explore and new quests to complete. The players from both Klaipeda and Orsha will join paths in “Femidian.” ▲ When creating a character, one can choose the starting city. This choice does alter the early quests and progression. 2. The level cap will be raised to Lvl. 280. In CBT3, players could only reach the lvl. 200 and progress up to Petrified City. The new version will allow players to reach lvl. 280 and new areas will be unlocked. New areas mean new boss monsters and new soundtracks, not to mention new collection for each area. ▲ The current highest accessible area 3. Each area has its own rank. In the previous version, the fields and dungeons only had names. In the OBT version, ranks will appear with their names. (E.g. Field ★★, Dungeon ★★★) As the rank goes up, so do the overall difficulty and the penalty. The rewards will suit the challenges, so don’t worry. Some monsters in the high-ranking fields might be capable of pre-emptive strikes like those of the dungeon monsters. So, you need to stay alert. ▲ Field ★★★, the monsters will attack first. 4. Rank 7 Class will be added. Now your characters can advance to the rank 7 along with two other circles for Rank 6. Let me introduce our new classes in the following. ▲ Dragoon Dragoons are elite spear-wielding soldiers. They will gain more bonuses if they use two-handed spears instead of one-handed ones. ▲ Templar Templars are the commander class that can form and manage guilds. Only the Templar classes can be the guild masters and choose the path a guild could take. For more info on the Guild system, please read the subsection below. ▲ Warlock Warlocks use the power of evil spirits. They can summon or control evil spirits by defeating the enemies. ▲ Featherfoot Featherfoots are the wizards that absorb the life force of the enemies or put curses on the enemies to make combat easier for your allies. ▲ Cannoneer Cannoneers are the archer-type class. The cannon they use do have some shortcomings such as leaving windows of vulnerability before and after firing a shot and cannons might be troublesome to use from time to time. However, you can trust its firepower and the range of area it can cover. Cannons, just like the pistols, fall into sub-weapon category and can be equipped along with crossbow items. ▲ Musketeer Musketeers are the gunner class that uses a rifle. They cannot wield it along with a bow but the musket has high attack speed and effective close-quarter combat skills. ▲ Plague Doctor Plague Doctors are the cleric-type class that high expertise in curing abnormalities of the allies or incinerate that of the enemies. The bird-like beak mask they wear has been treated with special chemicals that protect them against major abnormalities. ▲ Kabbalist Kabbalists are the clerics that practice the ancient magic known as Kabbalah. They either support their allies with infinite power or analyze the enemies’ names to aid them in combat. 5. Guild System will be added. The aforementioned Templars can form and manage guilds. ▲ First, go see Knight Commander Uska and pay handsomely to create a guild. Then, invite friends to your guild. Initially, a guild can accommodate up to 20 people. The max capacity can be increased as the attribute level increases. If you have joined a guild, a Guild tab will be added to your Chat UI. All the discussions both minor and major can be done on this tab without using a mic. Guild masters can raise a guild tower on a field of their choosing. The tower can perform even more functions depending on the guild tower skills the Templar in charge has. Guild members can use the tower to warp, use the guild storage or enter the private area. High-level guild towers can function as a hangout spot. The spot consists of an inside area and a farming garden. In this hangout spot, You can plant crops and harvest them, Or raise unique companions. The crop materials and companions can be obtained from various guild events. A guild master can choose in which guild events to participate. The events will consist of boss raid events, raid missions for guilds, GvG events. Guilds can grow their guild towers by feeding them talt items obtained from those events. As guild level increases, points will be accumulated and you can use those points to grow your guild. There are many ways a guild can grow. A guild can specialize in agriculture or in combat. Guilds can declare war with each other. Warring guilds can destroy each other’s guild tower or PVP the enemy members on fields. There aren’t many things that can be obtained by winning this war so it would be good for everyone to get along well each other. 6. Magic Amulets will be added. The magic amulets that have been distributed for testing purposes in the CBT version will be made available from the lvl. 220. When a magic amulet is attached to one’s shield or weapon, it will grant special stats. The charm attached on the shield is a magic amulet. It can also be attached to weapon. 7. OBT Schedule So far, we have not advertised our game except for one case of an interview. We would like to thank all the users who showed love and enthusiasm for our game despite that. The open beta test is scheduled to be on December 17th, 2015, 3PM. The pre-download will be made available on December 15th, two days prior to the test. The pre-download version will allow players to gain access to the tutorial area. More details on the schedule will be made known through future announcements. Thank you.
I am syKim from Tree of Savior (TOS) Dev Team. We are still analyzing the data that we gathered from CBT2 so we want to apologize that we weren’t able to update our Dev blog for a long time. The questions below are the ones that we are repetitively receiving after CBT2. Q) The locations of the Class Masters were dispersed from each other too much so I had hard times looking for them. A) Our plan was to utilize various places in the fields, but after reviewing the results from CBT2, we decided that it wasn’t satisfactory so we will eventually move each of them to the villages in the game. Q) Depending on the items that were equipped, there were some skills that I could not use. Was this purposely designed this way? A) That’s because we had a lack of sprite patterns. (For example, the animation of “Rapid Fire” was only available with a character equipped with a crossbow and a shield.) We will try our best to fill in more animations in the next version. Q) Up to which rank would we be able to play in the Open Beta? A) Our original plan was to open up to Rank 10~11, but we are thinking about changing that. We are thinking about hiding 20 classes so there is a chance that the last rank could be 8, but it’s not confirmed yet Q) Was it purposely designed in the game to cancel character’s basic attacks? A) When a character becomes stiff after each attack, we allowed character’s movement to enhance the controllability, but we started CBT2 knowing that it will increase character’s attack speed as a side effect. We think that the decision on whether we will limit this function or not would depend on the fatigue that would accumulate after a player plays the game for a long time. For your reference, we limited this function by consuming the stamina when a character attacks while jumping in the air, but we haven’t decided whether we would apply this in cancelling basic attacks as well. Q) The game seems to have some balancing issues on using different skills. Some skills are too effective and there are also other skills that are not that effective. A) We will keep adjust the balances, but we will focus more on different uses for each skill. The basic attacks would still be used by players even if their characters reach the maximum level, and even if a skill has a low usage, there will be circumstances that players should use such skill. Q) The quests in the game are not too exciting. A) We concluded that the reason why the quests feel somewhat boring is because the game is supplying too many quests Instead of supplying too many quests that are lacking in their purposes and meanings, we believe that it will be more meaningful for players to search for the quests enthusiastically themselves so we are planning to hide most of the quests Q) It seems that the speed of the battles is somewhat slow. Do you have future plans to make them little faster? A) In present MMO games, the servers calculate and share everything so with that underlying constraint present, we actually maximized the speed of the battles in the game. You may feel like that since TOS servers should allow the inputs whenever you attack. Please understand it as a characteristic of the genre. Q) How many party contents are in the game? Are there any other contents besides hunting with my party members? A) We are creating party events a lot so I guess we should come up with something somehow if we really don’t have other ideas besides hunting. For your reference, we will enhance the qualities of party plays in our next version so we will share with you when the details get confirmed. ▲ We are creating a function to match different players into one party. Q) I really liked the game pad compatibility, but targeting is still somewhat uncomfortable. A) After CBT2, we came with an idea to attack and cancel attack with the mouse so our main programmer is working on the mouse control in such a long time. Q) It was unfortunate that there was no vibration on the game pad. A) We eliminated the vibration feature since we can’t check the remaining battery amount or a player’s fatigue level. If we include it on the next version, then we will make it so that players can select the option. Q) Evasion, Critical and some other attributes are displayed with their numbers, but I feel uncomfortable since I have no idea how often they get activated in the game. A) The reason why we can’t indicate the exact % or the rate is because the evasion or the critical rates are decided by comparing your character’s evasion or critical rates and the monsters that you are facing against. So for example, when you face against 3 kinds of monsters, the final critical or evasion rates are decided depending on those 3 monsters’ stats. We understand that this is not intuitive so we will use “Appraiser” class to view the exact rates. ▲ You will be able to view your enemies’ weak points or stats by playing with “Appraiser” class. Q) A Helper seemed to be ineffective. It really didn’t help me except for normal attacks. A) Our original plan was to switch between your character and the Helper temporarily so that you could control the Helper character, but due to the UI malfunctioning during CBT2, we could not use the feature. We will make the feature available for the next version so send us your opinions on that when you test it next time. Q) When is the next CBT or the commercial service? A) There will be many changes taking place in CBT3 so the testers who played the previous tests may feel unfamiliar with the game in the next CBT so we are still discussing internally. We may start the tests in other countries or launch FGT2, but nothing is decided yet. We are planning to invite a few testers to our studio to receive their precise feedback. We will try our best to upload the next post or announce new information within a short period of time. We always appreciate for your support and cheers.
Hello. We are TOS Service Team. Many people are asking us who submitted Tree of Savior into Steam Greenlight so we want to clarify here that we, imcGAMES made the submission. We want to apologize to our fans that we weren’t able to post the announcement about it before the submission. (Please understand that it was our first time submitting our game into Steam Greenlight. :) ) Tree of Savior is now Greenlit within less than 10 hours after we made the submission. We want to thank you for your love and support for Tree of Savior. For the information to be updated from now, we will officially announce it on our dev blog and Facebook so stay tuned for more detailed information in the future. Thanks.
I am syKim from TOS Dev Team. I want to say “Thank you” to all of you who sent us various feedbacks on our last blog post, “Alchemist Class Introduction”. Among the classes that will make their first appearances in CBT2, we think that it will help our fans to understand better if we introduce some of those classes that have unique controls on our blog. So today, I will introduce Squire and Centurion in details. ▲ Male Squire, Female Squire Squire is a Swordsman-based 5th ranked class which mainly supports other classes. It ties up big-sized monsters and makes them immobile, but it doesn’t have any other skills that are usable in battles. As Blacksmith fixes items, Squire can also fix items that have low durability. In this case, the items fixed by Squire last longer with sturdier durability compared to the items fixed by Blacksmith. ▲ Durability is 58/38. You can see that the item is over-fixed. Squire can also touch up items to increase their stats temporarily and set up a stall to touch up other players’ items after receiving some payments from them. ▲ This sword will have ATK +14 for 200 times in the next 4 hours. Let’s go meet Squire again when the effect fully diminishes. Squire can set up a base camp for its party members on the fields. Party members can return to the base camp from anywhere in the game and the camp also serves as a Storage. ▲ When you are hungry, you should eat even if it’s raining. Also, buffs that can be casted on party members at the camp increase the duration time maximum twice compared to buffs casted on other fields so make appointments and meet your party members here. ▲ Female Centurion Centurion, which was briefly explained at one of the previous posts on Dev Blog, is 6th ranked Swordsman-based class and it will make its first appearance in CBT2. Centurion opens so-called Formation by ordering “Call-Up”. The people who want to participate Formation pass their controls to Centurion. When you want to go out of Formation, just press one of directional keys to go out of Formation. We used to have an exclusive Formation UI at the last year’s version of TOS to change each member’s location, but we deleted this UI after we found an easier way. Now, the commander, Centurion can type in the numbers that are displayed on Formation to change locations of party members. Centurion can also strategically change Formation and go out of Formation any time. “Phalanx” concentrates Blocking rate to the 3 members in the first row. “Testudo” increases all members’ Blocking and Defense rates. All members will move slowly and unable to attack, but it will be useful in penetrating crowded battle fields. “Crane Wing” decreases Defense rates of all enemies that enter into the field so it is useful when concentrating attacks to a herd of enemies. Players can move while in this Formation so it will be more effective when there are more long-range attacking characters. “Schiltron” is useful when defending against rushing enemies, and “Wedge” concentrates all attacking power to the person at the front. Other Formations such as “Skirmish” is a 3rd circle skill which won’t be included in CBT2 so I omitted it from this post. We are working hard for CBT2 and we will announce the detailed schedules for CBT2 within a short period. After we announce the schedules, we will also explain the changes that will occur in CBT2. Thank you.