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Questions and answers after CBT2

I am syKim from Tree of Savior (TOS) Dev Team. We are still analyzing the data that we gathered from CBT2 so we want to apologize that we weren’t able to update our Dev blog for a long time. The questions below are the ones that we are repetitively receiving after CBT2.   Q) The locations of the Class Masters were dispersed from each other too much so I had hard times looking for them. A) Our plan was to utilize various places in the fields, but after reviewing the results from CBT2, we decided that it wasn’t satisfactory so we will eventually move each of them to the villages in the game.   Q) Depending on the items that were equipped, there were some skills that I could not use. Was this purposely designed this way? A) That’s because we had a lack of sprite patterns. (For example, the animation of “Rapid Fire” was only available with a character equipped with a crossbow and a shield.) We will try our best to fill in more animations in the next version.   Q) Up to which rank would we be able to play in the Open Beta? A) Our original plan was to open up to Rank 10~11, but we are thinking about changing that. We are thinking about hiding 20 classes so there is a chance that the last rank could be 8, but it’s not confirmed yet Q) Was it purposely designed in the game to cancel character’s basic attacks? A) When a character becomes stiff after each attack, we allowed character’s movement to enhance the controllability, but we started CBT2 knowing that it will increase character’s attack speed as a side effect. We think that the decision on whether we will limit this function or not would depend on the fatigue that would accumulate after a player plays the game for a long time. For your reference, we limited this function by consuming the stamina when a character attacks while jumping in the air, but we haven’t decided whether we would apply this in cancelling basic attacks as well.   Q) The game seems to have some balancing issues on using different skills. Some skills are too effective and there are also other skills that are not that effective. A) We will keep adjust the balances, but we will focus more on different uses for each skill. The basic attacks would still be used by players even if their characters reach the maximum level, and even if a skill has a low usage, there will be circumstances that players should use such skill. Q) The quests in the game are not too exciting. A) We concluded that the reason why the quests feel somewhat boring is because the game is supplying too many quests Instead of supplying too many quests that are lacking in their purposes and meanings, we believe that it will be more meaningful for players to search for the quests enthusiastically themselves so we are planning to hide most of the quests   Q) It seems that the speed of the battles is somewhat slow. Do you have future plans to make them little faster? A) In present MMO games, the servers calculate and share everything so with that underlying constraint present, we actually maximized the speed of the battles in the game. You may feel like that since TOS servers should allow the inputs whenever you attack. Please understand it as a characteristic of the genre.   Q) How many party contents are in the game? Are there any other contents besides hunting with my party members? A) We are creating party events a lot so I guess we should come up with something somehow if we really don’t have other ideas besides hunting. For your reference, we will enhance the qualities of party plays in our next version so we will share with you when the details get confirmed. ▲ We are creating a function to match different players into one party.   Q) I really liked the game pad compatibility, but targeting is still somewhat uncomfortable. A) After CBT2, we came with an idea to attack and cancel attack with the mouse so our main programmer is working on the mouse control in such a long time.   Q) It was unfortunate that there was no vibration on the game pad. A) We eliminated the vibration feature since we can’t check the remaining battery amount or a player’s fatigue level. If we include it on the next version, then we will make it so that players can select the option.   Q) Evasion, Critical and some other attributes are displayed with their numbers, but I feel uncomfortable since I have no idea how often they get activated in the game. A) The reason why we can’t indicate the exact % or the rate is because the evasion or the critical rates are decided by comparing your character’s evasion or critical rates and the monsters that you are facing against. So for example, when you face against 3 kinds of monsters, the final critical or evasion rates are decided depending on those 3 monsters’ stats. We understand that this is not intuitive so we will use “Appraiser” class to view the exact rates.   ▲ You will be able to view your enemies’ weak points or stats by playing with “Appraiser” class.   Q) A Helper seemed to be ineffective. It really didn’t help me except for normal attacks. A) Our original plan was to switch between your character and the Helper temporarily so that you could control the Helper character, but due to the UI malfunctioning during CBT2, we could not use the feature. We will make the feature available for the next version so send us your opinions on that when you test it next time.     Q) When is the next CBT or the commercial service? A) There will be many changes taking place in CBT3 so the testers who played the previous tests may feel unfamiliar with the game in the next CBT so we are still discussing internally. We may start the tests in other countries or launch FGT2, but nothing is decided yet. We are planning to invite a few testers to our studio to receive their precise feedback.  We will try our best to upload the next post or announce new information within a short period of time.  We always appreciate for your support and cheers.

Developer's Blog
April 7th, 2016
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Tree of Savior is now Greenlit on Steam

Hello. We are TOS Service Team. Many people are asking us who submitted Tree of Savior into Steam Greenlight so we want to clarify here that we, imcGAMES made the submission. We want to apologize to our fans that we weren’t able to post the announcement about it before the submission. (Please understand that it was our first time submitting our game into Steam Greenlight. :) ) Tree of Savior is now Greenlit within less than 10 hours after we made the submission. We want to thank you for your love and support for Tree of Savior. For the information to be updated from now, we will officially announce it on our dev blog and Facebook so stay tuned for more detailed information in the future. Thanks.  

Developer's Blog
May 12th, 2015
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Class Introductions on Squire and Centurion

I am syKim from TOS Dev Team. I want to say “Thank you” to all of you who sent us various feedbacks on our last blog post, “Alchemist Class Introduction”. Among the classes that will make their first appearances in CBT2, we think that it will help our fans to understand better if we introduce some of those classes that have unique controls on our blog. So today, I will introduce Squire and Centurion in details. ▲ Male Squire, Female Squire Squire is a Swordsman-based 5th ranked class which mainly supports other classes. It ties up big-sized monsters and makes them immobile, but it doesn’t have any other skills that are usable in battles. As Blacksmith fixes items, Squire can also fix items that have low durability.  In this case, the items fixed by Squire last longer with sturdier durability compared to the items fixed by Blacksmith. ▲ Durability is 58/38.  You can see that the item is over-fixed. Squire can also touch up items to increase their stats temporarily and set up a stall to touch up other players’ items after receiving some payments from them. ▲ This sword will have ATK +14 for 200 times in the next 4 hours. Let’s go meet Squire again when the effect fully diminishes. Squire can set up a base camp for its party members on the fields.  Party members can return to the base camp from anywhere in the game and the camp also serves as a Storage. ▲ When you are hungry, you should eat even if it’s raining. Also, buffs that can be casted on party members at the camp increase the duration time maximum twice compared to buffs casted on other fields so make appointments and meet your party members here.     ▲ Female Centurion Centurion, which was briefly explained at one of the previous posts on Dev Blog, is 6th ranked Swordsman-based class and it will make its first appearance in CBT2. Centurion opens so-called Formation by ordering “Call-Up”.  The people who want to participate Formation pass their controls to Centurion. When you want to go out of Formation, just press one of directional keys to go out of Formation. We used to have an exclusive Formation UI at the last year’s version of TOS to change each member’s location, but we deleted this UI after we found an easier way. Now, the commander, Centurion can type in the numbers that are displayed on Formation to change locations of party members.   Centurion can also strategically change Formation and go out of Formation any time. “Phalanx” concentrates Blocking rate to the 3 members in the first row. “Testudo” increases all members’ Blocking and Defense rates.  All members will move slowly and unable to attack, but it will be useful in penetrating crowded battle fields. “Crane Wing” decreases Defense rates of all enemies that enter into the field so it is useful when concentrating attacks to a herd of enemies.  Players can move while in this Formation so it will be more effective when there are more long-range attacking characters. “Schiltron” is useful when defending against rushing enemies, and “Wedge” concentrates all attacking power to the person at the front. Other Formations such as “Skirmish” is a 3rd circle skill which won’t be included in CBT2 so I omitted it from this post.   We are working hard for CBT2 and we will announce the detailed schedules for CBT2 within a short period. After we announce the schedules, we will also explain the changes that will occur in CBT2. Thank you.

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2016
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Updates on the International Test

Hello.  I am Hakkyu Kim, CEO of imcGAMES. We have been silent about our International Test Version for some time, so we will share you our current process with our overseas fans. ▲ English Version (under development) We are currently working on English translations inside, but since there are too many texts, it will take too much time if we focus on accuracy. However, we wanted to open the international test server as quickly as possible.  Also we didn't  want to outsource translations to 3rd party who does not have deep understanding of the game so we came up with a new idea called OTC (open text client) The basic idea of OTC is to put all in-game text data into different language folders in the client so that it will be easier for our fans to see and edit them directly. To explain briefly about it, (inside the folder) (Please note that for territories where we already decided on our publishers, we may not support the languages in such regions. ) If a language pack is put inside the folder, (selection screen in the game) Players will be able to select a language pack within the game and they can also change to different languages real-time. Each language pack contains Unicode plain texts that are in .tsv format. (Tab Seperated Values)   (tsv example screenshot) Inside the file, text ID and translated language texts (foreign language) are matched like the above, When these texts are modified, then the modified texts will be applied in the game. When you find awkwardly translated texts in the game, just locate the cursor on the texts and press Ctrl+Shift with a mouse click.  (These could be changed in the future)  The editor program will pop up and it will take you to the texts automatically.  When you modify the texts from the editor and save them, the client will reload only the modified texts automatically.  Each folder contains the fonts that are adequate for different languages so other languages besides Korean and English can also be applied in the game if there are other language data inside each folder. Our plan is to distribute the client which you won’t have a big problem playing the game so the English texts in the game may feel awkward at the beginning.  However, we will receive better translations and expressions from the testers and continue to apply them in the game.  It would have been the best to provide the completed language packs from the beginning, but we believe that we will shorten our time to prepare for the International Test by utilizing this method.  Furthermore, when communities that use other languages besides English submit new language packs to us, we will officially distribute them as client patches after going through our examination and verification process internally. For the purpose of sharing translated texts between our fans and imcGAMES and to submit and manage those texts, we will first create OTC Repository (such as github.com, not tested yet though) and disclose our texts to our fans.  We hope that  OTC becomes an efficient way for our non-English speaking fans to enjoy TOS in their native languages sooner than any other ways. We are currently undertaking various tests to decide where to locate the servers for the international testable version. Possible candidates are Amazon AWS and a few overseas service providers.  We are looking for the most optimized solution so that we could secure stable Pings for all our fans.  Furthermore, for our overseas fans to register securely and conveniently, we are currently developing a feature to register via Facebook and Google+ accounts.  By the time when we are finished developing the feature, we think that we will be ready to open up the test server. We think that one server location will not be enough to cover all territories, so after reviewing our first test results, it is very likely that we will decide on our 2nd server location. We haven’t decided the exact date for the International Test, but we think it will be after CBT2 in Korea.  The detailed schedules for CBT2 in Korea will soon be decided. We welcome your questions or opinions.

Developer's Blog
March 15th, 2015
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Alchemist Class Introduction

I am syKim from TOS Dev Team. Today, I will introduce ‘Alchemist’ to you. Alchemist is a wizard-based 6th ranked class, and it will be introduced to you for the first time in the upcoming CBT2. Alchemist’s main skills are related to the items in the game. Alchemist can attack enemies by exploding its own items that are dropped on the ground, but usually Alchemist engages in modifying and creating items. Gems that can be obtained in dungeons make differences in various parameters when they are inserted into sockets.  Some parameters will improve, but there will be other parameters that will have negative penalties.  You will be able to mitigate the effects of these penalties by engaging in [Gem Roasting].     Alchemist can also combine two different weapons to create one new weapon by engaging in [Briquetting] The stats on the weapon that will be formed (Master Item) as a result  of Briquetting could be better or worse, but regardless of the outcomes, ingredient items will be consumed and the Master Item’s potential will decrease by 1. ▲ Enchance Schmitar by melting Sabre.  The maximum Attack Rate which was previously 72 could either drop to 66 or increase to 77. Alchemist can also extract juice from herb items and create potion items using the juice. ▲ Grind aviete, boil it, and filter juice from it. The juice will be the potion that will increase your movement speed. Some of the items that were introduced during CBT1 such as potions to increase your movement speed, decrease your cool-down time and etc can only be crafted by Alchemist and can’t be obtained through other ways, but for our smooth testing during CBT1, we temporarily sold them at one of the shops in the game. The number of kinds of potions that can be crafted will increase based on the level of [Tincturing] skill, and these potions’ stats will also increase. Alchemist can also find hidden options in items. ▲ Alchemist can use an item as a medium to create a portal to a two-dimensional dungeon.  After clearing a mission there, the hidden options of the item will be activated.  The number of players that can participate in this mission increases as the skill level increases.  As more people participate this mission, it can be cleared more easily. ▲The Gladius with an awakening option.  The option was [Strength +10].  There are items in the game that can only be crafted by alchemy since they can’t be obtained through Shops or monsters. Alchemist can craft these items using its distinct skill called “Magnum Opus”. You can use this skill when you place ingredient items on the Craft Plate.  The items that will be created as a result of this skill will vary depending on what kind of ingredient items you used and the locations of those items on the plate. As the skill level increases, the size of the plate will enlarge and you could also deploy various manuals on the plate to create multiple items simultaneously. It could take from a few seconds to a few hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmIsOemRKFw ▲ The video for Alchemist’s item crafting and enhancing   We know that many people are wondering when we will launch CBT2.  We are currently discussing with Nexon for CBT2’s detailed schedules. We will notify you within a short period of time.  We always appreciate for your huge interest in TOS.  Thanks.  

Developer's Blog
March 12th, 2015
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The answers for the questions received after CBT1

I am syKim from TOS dev team. First of all, I would like to say “Thank You” to all of you who had participated the first CBT (CBT1) and shown us a huge interest during CBT period.  We were able to verify the problems that are currently present in the game and also get some ideas for our future development direction. I answered some of the most frequently asked questions after CBT1 briefly. Since our fans outside Korea were not able to participate the CBT, some of the questions may not be clearly understandable for you at the moment so please just read them casually.   Q) Right now, the game can be only played by the keyboard.  Do you have any future plans to include mouse control as well? A) In fact, that was the most debated topic inside our Dev team, and at one time, there was a suggestion to make controls different for each class. For example, when you are playing with Wizard, you move your character with the mouse and when you are playing with Archer, use WASD + mouse targeting. We tried several different versions, but none of them were well suited for TOS since characters’ directions of sight are very important in the game.  Therefore, we concluded that all classes will be played by the keyboard.  We do not have any future plans to add mouse controls. However, for the next CBT (CBT2), we will try our best to make the game compatible with the gamepad.   Q) Why is Stamina system in the game? What’s its use? A) During the beginning phase in the game, it is used to limit your character’s movement speed, but as your character’s rank increases, it may also influence your character’s skills depending on your character’s class attributes. For example, there’s a skill called Shield Charge used by Rodelero which you will use while moving.  The skills like this will get influenced by the amount of Stamina you have. Stamina will also be consumed when you are controlling your companions so eventually Stamina will be another parameter that you will have to manage in the game.  ▲ Rodelero’s “Shield Charge” consumes stamina.   Q) When a class which uses dual-wield swords changes its job to a class which uses a spear, I am not able to use the skills that the previous class used to have and the changed class does not feel stronger.  The same goes for Wizard type classes.  Is it going to be like this in the future? A) The reason why there are distinct skills depending on which type of weapons you equip is to express each weapon’s uniqueness.  Also when you are in PVP situations, you can guess what kind of skills your enemies will use.  Since some people feel uncomfortable about this, we will add swap feature which you will be able to change your weapons easily. ▲ I think it will be some like this.   Q) Do you have any future plans to add voices to each character? A) The voices that are currently available in the game were worked for CBT1.  We will do recordings for the voices again based on the feedbacks that we received after CBT1.   Q) Why are boss monsters so easy? A) There were two problems.  First, we misadjusted the game’s difficulty levels.  We were trying to make the game easy in the beginning phase so that more people could adopt the game quickly and meet harder bosses as they progress through the game.  However, lots of testers adopted the game pretty sooner than we had initially expected. The other problem was that many of the bosses’ patterns were not functioning as we designed during CBT1.  We found the underlying causes for those malfunctions and fixed them so the bosses will be different in CBT2.  Also, during CBT1, boss monsters telegraphed the locations where they will attack in advance, but this function will gradually disappear as players progress in the game and only Oracle (the class which foresees the future) will be able to see where monsters will attack.   Q) I know that there are already lots of classes that are disclosed to the public, but are there any other classes that have not been disclosed? A) Yes.  I think we have more classes to be disclosed.  For example, ▲ Plague Doctor   ▲ Proto sketch (AD maggi) There are a few classes in TOS that are able to change their stances by wearing a mask.  Plague Doctor is one of them. It involves in your allies’ or enemies’ abnormal status or use a skill that purifies polluted areas.   Q) What was the maximum level that players could reach in CBT1?  It seemed there were lots of territories in the game… A) There was no limit on the levels.  However, we just included the quests and the other contents up to 4 Rank.  The number of territories that were included for CBT1 was about one fifth of the OBT version.   Q) When I looked at the client, BGMs were included as MP3 files.  Can I copy them and give them to my friends? A) You can give them to your friends as long as you and your friends don’t use them for commercial purposes.  But, some of those BGMs still need be balanced and go through Mastering process.  Also some of them may not be completely worked at our side.  It will be better to use them when you have the client for CBT2.   Q) There was a BGM called “O Deive” in the game during one of the boss battles.  What is the language in this music and what is the meaning of the lyrics? A) Sevin, who is the chief sound director of TOS, composed the music and Jung Hyun Jin from our Dev Team wrote the lyrics.  Martinas, who gives us advises on Lituanina settings in TOS translated the lyrics.  Soprano Ji Young Kim and two Lituanians, Christina and Arnoldas, did the vocals.  If we get a chance to produce OST CDs for TOS in the future, we will also try to add the music score that has the lyrics in it. ▲ Recording in the studio.   Q) Can we name our party? So we can easily search for it? A) Initially, we were going to have names on each party, but we concluded that it’s better to have names on guilds so we excluded that feature from our future plans.  Instead, we are planning to add descriptions on each party so that they will be easy to find on Party Search interface.  ▲ I think it will be some like this.   Q) Are you planning to add party quests or boss monster raids in the future? A) We observed closely how testers play each other in “Party Events” during CBT1 and we are planning to emphasize this feature during CBT2.  Besides hunting for bosses, we will try to add various missions and quests.  ▲ Boss Hunting Mission which was exclusive for one of the Party Events during CBT1.   Q) I hope there are more diverse types of Companions in the future. A) Right now, there are only two Companions that are purchasable at Klaipeda.  We will add more Companions in the future that will be distinct in each village.   Q) Please give us options to change characters’ eye colors or hair colors. A) We already have a feature to change eye colors or hair colors of characters in the game.  But instead of making them possible when selecting a character, we want players to obtain them in the game. We hope for your understanding for this since we believe that players will be more affectionate to their characters when they become unique and distinct from other players’ characters after a long period of playtime instead of just allowing diverse customization options from the beginning. Q) I want to know when your next CBT schedule is going to be. A) We already started to prepare for the next CBT, and probably we will open up to Rank 6 classes for the next CBT.  The detailed schedule has not been set, but I think it will be around this spring.   Bonus Image: ▲ The goddess of fire, Gabija (AD maggi).   You probably have seen her if you reached the highest level of The Magicians’ Tower during CBT1.  

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2016
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Questions and Answers about TOS #13

Hello.  I am syKim from TOS Development Team.  I will answer the questions that we have received from various sources and also introduce you the new classes in the game.  TOS is a game which is currently under development so the answers that are given below can be changed in the future when we start the official service of the game. Q) Can Alchemist or the other classes that are specialized in crafting also engage in other activities while crafting items in the game? A) No.  They can’t.  That’s why we allowed those characters to stay in the game even if players log out from the game when they are engaged in crafting that requires a long period of time. Q) I have a great idea.  Try advertise you game on C~~~~roll.com.  Lots of fans fell in love with TOS, but there are still many of them who don’t know the existence of the Developers’ Blog yet. A) We will think about advertisement or any other kind of promotional activities when we are fully prepared for the official service.  Thanks for your info anyways. Q) What’s the difference between Elementalist and Pyromancer?  Does Elementalist become Pyromancer by specializing fire attribute? A) To become an Elementalist, you have to go through Pyromancer, but Elementalist also uses other spells besides fire such as lightning, petrification curse and etc.  For more information, please refer to the class introduction below. Q) Are there any Doll Masters in the game such as Catherine Torche in Granado Espada? A) There will be a classed called Puppetier which is a high ranked class, but controlling Puppetier will be slightly different from controlling Catherine Torche in GE. Q) I saw Dievdirbys carving a sculpture in the game, but it looked vulnerable since it was surrounded by monsters.  Does carving get cancelled if Dievdirbys get attacked by monsters? A) Yes.  Carving will be cancelled if it gets attacked by monsters.  Therefore, in order to succeed carving you need to receive help from your party members or ‘Safety Zone’ which is a basic skill of Cleric class can protect Dievdirbys while it is carving a sculpture. Q) I saw many accessories in the game such as horns and ears.  Can we get them in the game or do we need to use cash to buy them? A) There are many ways to obtain them.  You can obtain them from monsters, craft them yourselves, or buy them from NPCs.. Q) How does the map system work?  For example, can we see all the players on the field or can we only see our party or group members on the field? A) Normally, you can only see your party members, but Scout can select a spot on the map to find out which players or enemies are there and share this info with party members.   ▲The NPCs that you have encountered and the routes you have discovered will be indicated on the mini-map. Q) Are there any classes that are specialized in music such as Bards?  I want to play flute or horn in the game.  And Ukulele as well! A) We haven’t decided whether to include a class related to music.  However, if you use vuvuzela which is a sub-weapon, you can make vu- vu- sounds. Q) Can characters dance or take poses in the game? A) We have several basic poses and you can also acquire new poses in the game.  Characters can’t dance though. ▲ Cheese~~ Q) I saw the subtitles from a video that says all classes will be able to use level 50 two handed swords.  Why do Archer/Wizard/Cleric have to use those? A) That was a mistake by us.  We were testing something and we didn’t erase the texts.  Sorry about that. Q) Will items be bound to the characters which acquired those items in the first place? A) No.  You can freely trade any items acquired in the game.  However, for the current version of the game, an item’s Potential will decrease by 1 whenever it gets traded so its value may fall. This week’s class introductions:     ▲ Monk is a pure attack-based Cleric-type class. Most of its skills are influenced by Strength, so it may require some patience to grow Monk class. “Iron Shirt” reflects enemies’ attacks without receiving any damages so it will be useful when Monk acts as a tanker in team plays. “Sunrays Hand” receives bonuses from the three stats, so when collaborating with other buff skills or other classes, its effect will be intensified.   ▲ Druid is a Cleric-type class which uses the force of nature. It can either attack enemies or protect itself from enemies’ attacks using the grass on the fields, but since this skill can only be used on the fields with grass, Druid will show its great attack ability on the fields with plenty of grass.   It can also control plant-type or animal-type monsters and even transforms itself into certain monsters to use all of the skills of those monsters.   ▲ Elementalist is a Wizard-type class which uses strong elemental magic spells. It can use Petrification curse or Lightning spell which are not available in other Wizard classes such as Pyromancer and Cryomancer.  High rank fire or ice spells have a long casting time, but since they are rather powerful, they will be effective when fighting against boss monsters or in raid missions when you get help from your party members. “Prominence” moves around freely after it gets summoned so it will be effective when you are facing against multiple enemies at once. ▲ Sapper is an Archer-type class which is specialized in installing traps. Diverse types of traps such as “Claymore” which can be installed in advance and explode it at a preferred time will be effective in battles that are crowded with monsters.   Recently, we are having internal tests inside our studio, so CM Leslie will write her play report for the next week’s blog post.  I hope everyone enjoys her report.

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2016
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Questions and Answers about TOS #12

Hello.  I am syKim from “Tree of Savior (TOS)” Development Team. This is 12th post of Questions and Answers about TOS which answers the questions from our fans. Please understand that TOS is a game which is currently under development so the answers that are given below can be changed in the future when we launch official service of the game. Q) I think having a fire place in the game is a very good idea.  Can we also throw torches against enemies?  Are there tents in the game? A) We don’t have tents in the game yet, but we may add tents in the game in the future.  The idea of throwing torches against enemies was present in the earlier version of the game, but we don’t have the feature anymore.  Please use fireplace to warm yourself. Q) Are there any advantages when Squire repairs items instead of Ironsmith NPC? A) There a few advantages of using Squire to repair items such as lower costs, items fixable outside villages and so on.  Depending on the level of repair skill, an item’s stats may exceed its original or intrinsic stats. Q) What do you mean when you said Peltasta’s thrown shield may disappear?  Is it going to really disappear from Equipment UI? A)  If you don’t pick it up within a limited time, then it will disappear from Equipment UI.  I think this much risk was needed when we allowed Peltasta, which is a melee class, to engage in long range attacks. Q) I know that spears’ attack ranges are longer than those of swords and they can also deal additional damages on the gigantic monsters with certain skills.  Then what are the benefits of using swords instead of spears? A) You can also bash enemies besides thrusting enemies when using swords.  Since you can use both bashing and thrusting for swords, you can use both of them strategically when you face different types of monsters in the game.  Some monsters will be weaker on bashing, and some monsters will be weaker on thrusting. Q) Can Alchemist also stay in the game after logging out from the game if it opens a shop like Pardoner? A) Alchemist doesn’t open a shop, but when it crafts an item, it may take several hours so it is possible for Alchemist to stay in the game after log-out when it is engaged in crafting. ▲ A screenshot of male Alchemist.  (There was a question on how male Alchemist looks like.) Q) Is the color of summoned devils always in black? A) Each boss monster has its intrinsic color, but when Sorcerer summons a devil, the color of the summoned devil will always be black. ▲ The original boss monster is shown on the left, while the devil which is summoned by Sorcerer using the boss monster’s card is shown on the right. Q) When Sorcerer summons a devil, what happens to the card which was inserted on Grimoire? Will it be dissipated? A) No.  Boss monster card will only dissipate when it combines with another boss monster card.  One of the cards will be used to level up the other card. Q) Is there a time limit on using summoned boss monster? A) It depends on Sorcerer’s SP and stamina.  It is also possible to recharge SP and stamina using specific items while the summoned boss monster is being activated. Q) Can Rogue use daggers on both hands?  Is there any stealth class who can attack repetitively? A) Rogue is an Archer-type class in TOS so it uses a bow.  It can hide under the ground, but stronger stealth skills can be used by Scout class which is another Archer-type class.  Repetitive attacks using weapons on both hands are done by corsair class, but corsair is a Swordsman-type class.   ▲ It looks like a normal wood keg, but Scout is hiding in it.  Scout can move wood keg using its toes while hiding inside. Q) Is there Samurai class or any other similar class in the game? A)  We have Shinobi class in the game. Q) I hope a player who contributed the most in party play receives more EXP points rather than sharing EXP points equally. A) The leader of a party can decide how to share EXP points.  They can be either shared equally or shared based on each player’s contribution.  This option can be changed anytime depending on which rule your party wants to follow. Q) Can an item be also damaged while being enhanced? A) An item’s Potential will be depleted by 1 whenever it succeeds its enhancement.  Don’t try to enhance your item when its Potential falls to 1.  You may lose your item. This week’s class introductions :     ▲Highlander is a Swordsman-type class and it uses swords on both hands. It has stronger attack stats than Peltasta which is in the same rank.  It also possesses numerous long range attack skills, so it is useful when you are facing multiple enemies at once.  The enemies that are thrown by Highlander receive secondary collision damages when they get hit on walls or barriers so when the environment around Highlander is rather complex, it will prove its worth. ▲ Dievdirbys is a Cleric-type class which is specialized in making diverse types of wooden statues. Depending on which goddess statue Dievdirbys makes, it changes the outcome of battles by casting debuffs on nearby enemies, increasing attack ranges of other players and so on.  When Dievdirbys makes “Vakarine” statue on the field, then the statue will act as a temporary warp point and everyone can use it to teleport to other locations.     ▲ Ranger is an Archer-type class which is specialized in facing multiple enemies. It can use wide range attack skills on certain conditions which is very unique for a class which uses a bow.  For example, the skill which penetrates all enemies standing in a row, the arrow which reflects itself to the other location when it defeats an enemy and a few other skills represent Ranger’s wide range attacks that are useful in facing multiple enemies.   ▲ Oracle is a Cleric-type class which uses its power to foresee the future. It advises other players in advance where enemies will attack, which items monsters will drop, and etc.  Oracle has an ability to transform the monster that it is facing to the other monster which is about the same level as the previous monster, and it can also summon a monster which is somewhere on the field in front of it.  If you use these skills cleverly, more strategic farming play would be possible.     Next Friday is a national holiday in Korea so we will skip our post on Developers’ blog next week. We hope for your understanding.  Thanks. This week’s bonus image: ▲ The Goddess of Destiny, Laima.  For your reference, she is sister of the Goddess of Death, Giltinė.

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2016
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Questions and Answers about TOS #11

Hello.  I am syKim from “Tree of Savior (TOS)” Development team. This is 11th post of “Questions and Answers about TOS” which answers the questions that we received during the last week.    Q) How many skills does each class have? A) It varies from one class to the other.  The class which possesses the least number of skills has five skills. Q) Is there any class which is specialized in crafting?  Or is crafting done by sub-classes? A) There are a few classes that have skills related to crafting.  Those classes are not sub-classes and they start at the same level like the other classes. ▲ Alchemist which represents a class specialized in crafting.  So much time and efforts should be spent on crafting items so if you see Alchemists on the road who are burning, boiling, squeezing ingredients, send them a word of cheers. Q) Can we freely change the keys that are used in the game? If it’s possible, I want to play using NUMPAD. A) We don’t have any keyboard customization function in the game yet, but we will try our best to include this function in the game before we launch our commercial service. Q) Please support traditional Chinese letters on the International Version. A) We know that lots of Taiwanese fans are interested in TOS.  We also have in our mind that we should prepare a comfortable environment for our Taiwanese fans so please wait for our further development. Q) Are there any classes which have skills that deal damages over time on enemies? A) There are some classes which have skills that deal damages over time such as Fletcher class which uses special arrows, Wugushi class which uses poison and etc. Q) Are genders locked for the classes in the game? A) No.  We don’t have any class yet that only has one gender. Q) Is it possible to lengthen the life of a fire place by adding some fuels or firewood into it? A) Yes. It is possible to lengthen the life of a fire place by adding firewood into it. ▲ Fire place that is ignited by someone can be used by all. Q Can we change colors of the costumes in the game? A) We are looking for the most optimized solution for this question.  However, if we were to develop such feature, then we want to first change skin colors of the characters. Q) Can items be damaged when fighting against enemies? A) Items won’t disappear, but if an item’s durability becomes 0, then you won’t be able to use its maximum performance.  You can fix items’ durability via Ironsmith NPC or a class named Squire can also fix items’ durability. Q) When is CBT by the way?  It is now summer. A) Ever since our FGT was over, we focused on the development so that we can launch CBT within this year’s summer, but more time was needed than we had expected on the overall balancing of the game so we think CBT will be delayed a bit.  When the date for CBT gets confirmed, we will announce it to all of you via TOS Facebook and Developers’ Blog so please kindly understand for the delay. This week’s class introductions.   ▲ “Peltasta” is a swordsman-type class which uses a shield and a sword together.  Peltasta can block enemies’ attacks and attack enemies using a shield and it can even provoke monsters by tapping its shield itself.  Shield attacks deal a great amount of damages on the enemies that are either in Frozen or Petrified status so it is more effective to collaborate with Creomancer or Elementalist classes. Peltasta can even throw its shield at its enemies, but if you don’t pick it up soon enough, then the shield may disappear.     ▲ Pardoner is a cleric-type class which can make different types of scrolls. It can make Booster items that will be used once automatically whenever you attack or defend, and it can also make one of its skills into a consumable item and either give or sell it to other player.  If you have a skill scroll that is made by Pardoner, then regardless of which class you use, you can use cleric-type magic at any time you want. “Staying in the field after Log-out” is a feature that makes TOS interesting, and we will tell you more about it in the near future. ▲ Hoplite is a swordsman-type class which uses a spear. If Hoplite uses “Overhand Thrust” stance, then its Critical rate will temporarily increase in exchange for a decrease in its Evasion rate.  When an enemy is about to attack, it can receive a Counter Bonus when it counter-attacks the enemy using its shield and spear simultaneously.  Spears have longer attack ranges than swords and some skills with a spear will deal bonus damages on the gigantic monsters.   ▲ “Sorcerer” is a wizard-type class which summons a devil. If you insert a card, which you can obtain from defeating devil-type boss monsters, into “Grimoire”, then you can summon the devil which has the appearance of the boss monster you defeated.  You can either order attacks, or order the devil to protect some designated place.  You can also mount onto the devil and control it directly by using attack keys and movement keys.   This week’s bonus image ▲ “Cleric (female)” initial design (by AD Maggi) Okay so that’s it for this week.  If you have any questions, please forward them to TOS Facebook or Developers’ Blog.  Thanks.

Developer's Blog
April 8th, 2016