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Weekly Question and Answer – August 12th, 2016

1. I’m curious to know how auto-matching works in Team Battle League. Can you let us in on how the teams are matched together? The process of matching teams together for the Battle League involves two major steps. First, teams applying for the Battle League are sorted by the average level of their members. Then, the system compares the MMR of the sorted teams and searches for the best match within a limited MMR range. If the matching process is delayed, this MMR range is automatically adjusted to allow for a bigger difference between both teams and reduce waiting time. Along with these methods, our plan is to gradually improve the system so as to include Elo ratings in the matching process as well. 2. Having the guild master as the sole administrator of a guild can be a little inconvenient. Any plans to create a sort of sub-master for guilds? Having a single leader in a guild can in fact be less than ideal for the other members when the guild master isn’t around, especially in larger guilds. Because of this, we are planning to develop a new role of sub-master for guilds that want to assign one. This sub-master will have the authority to perform some of the same actions as the guild master, allowing members to participate in guild activities even when the guild master is not available. Nothing concrete has been settled about this feature yet, but we’ll keep you updated with more details in the future. 3. Will Rank 8 increase the current maximum level? Indeed, it will. As you know, level 280 corresponds to the current maximum of Rank 7. Applying the Rank 8 patch, then, will not only unlock the new classes we already introduced in our blog, but also expand the maximum level to 330 for characters and companions. And, of course, the maximum team level will also increase accordingly. 4. Sometimes the boss monster in “Guild Boss Hunting” doesn’t appear when it should. Is this being fixed? We are aware that this problem tends to occur at times during guild events, so to solve it, we’ve decided to adjust the conditions of the event. We’re in the process of developing a solution to this error and expect to apply the fix in a future patch. 5. We’ve waited long enough for the bunny costumes now, and the new swimwear costumes you released in Korea look really cute too. When can we expect them on Steam? If you’ve been waiting for the bunny series costumes and the new swimwear line, you’ll be pleased to hear that we’re planning on introducing them both on the TP Shop on Steam very soon. We’re very thankful for the interest the community has shown in our costume sets and will continue to develop new cosmetic items for those who enjoy personalizing their characters.

Developer's Blog
August 12th, 2016
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The Fan Art Fest Is Now Officially Over

Greetings, Saviors. Our first ever Fan Art Fest has ended. Thank you all for your participation and support. We have had so many great artworks and great enthusiasm from other users as well. The winners would be announced within August.  We are always grateful for having such loving and supporting fans.

August 10th, 2016
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Novice Pack DLC Coming to Steam

Greetings, Saviors! The Novice Pack, a new DLC item bundle catered to first-time adventurers, will soon be released on Steam. The pack, expected to arrive as soon as it passes Valve's approval process, will remain available for purchase for those who wish to acquire it. See below for the contents of the Novice Pack DLC. Novice Pack DLC Contents - 15 Day Token x1 (untradable) - 65 TP - Highly Condensed HP & SP Potion x30 - Small Stamina Pills & Lv2 Movement Speed Potions x30 - Soul Crystal x10 - Megaphone x10 - Warp Scroll x10 IMPORTANT 1. The Novice Pack will be released as four different DLCs, one specific to each server region, being tagged as [NA], [EU], [SEA] or [SA] accordingly. DLC products are region-exclusive, meaning they can only be redeemed in servers of their corresponding region (e.g. Novice Packs tagged [SEA] or [SA] cannot be redeemed in Klaipeda, Orsha or Fedimian). Make sure to confirm your server region and carefully check the region tag of the DLC before you purchase. 2. Each DLC can only be purchased and redeemed once per Steam account. Accounts that have already purchased the Novice Pack will no longer be able to purchase this DLC for servers of the same region. 3. All DLC products are non-refundable once redeemed in the server. 4. In the event that the Novice Pack DLC is removed from Steam, we will provide due notice two weeks in advance via official announcement.

August 9th, 2016
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[Complete] Scheduled Maintenance for August 9th, 2016

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for August 9th, 2016. Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
August 9th, 2016
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Coming Soon: Monster Card Equip, Transcendence, New Premium Items

​   Greetings, Saviors! Continuing our large-scale Big Brawl Update, that brought the Team Battle League and Regional Guild Battles to the international servers, we’re following up with a set of new features soon to be introduced to Steam. Here is a quick preview of some of the main additions you can expect to arrive in a maintenance not too far away. Monster Card Equip System Previously covered in our Developer’s Blog, this feature allows you to equip Monster Cards obtained from boss monsters into slots located in your character’s inventory. Each equipped card will then grant you different benefits that you can mix and match to your best advantage. You can check out the Monster Card Equip System dev blog post here for a better rundown of all the features, just remember that some aspects of the system can be different from the post by the time it is updated on Steam. Item Transcendence Transcendence is a new function that will allow you to improve the features of your equipment items, akin to item enhancement. To transcend an item, you will first need the ‘Blessed Shard’, a material obtained from a new mission soon to be introduced in the Saalus Convent region. With this material, you can purchase a recipe from an Accessory Merchant that will allow you to craft a Goddess Gem to transcend either a weapon, armor or accessory item. The transcendence process itself can then be completed at a Blacksmith NPC. More details about item transcendence are to come in a future announcement, so stay tuned to our news page. New Premium Items The updates we’re preparing include a whole range of premium cosmetic items to personalize your characters. The TP Shop will soon see the arrival of not only more thematic and class-specific costumes, but also hair accessories, hair dyes and contact lenses. Make sure to keep an eye on our weekly patch notes for more updates and new events coming up.

August 8th, 2016
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New Item Packs Coming to the TP Shop

  Greetings, Saviors! We’re pleased to announce the release of two new premium item packs coming soon to the TP Shop. Each pack includes a set of premium items at a special TP price, and will be available for a period of two weeks starting August 9, 2016. See below for the contents of each pack. Penguin Companion Pack: 248 TP - Penguin Egg x1 - Sardine Bundle x5 (One Sardine Bundle contains 10 Sardines.) Adventurer’s Pack: 70 TP - Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x1 - EXP Tome x3 - Settlement Support Potion x2 ► The new packs will be available for purchase from August 9 to August 30, 2016.

August 24th, 2016
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Official Forum Maintenance - August 7th, 2016

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 August 7th, 2016 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

August 7th, 2016
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[Complete] Telsiai Connection Issue (August 6th 2016)

  Rejoice! The connection issue has been solved! However, if the terrible and abominable connection issue rears its ugly head again, please let us know. Greetings Saviors! Telsiai server is currently undergoing certain connection issues. Our Dev team is currently working on fixing the issue and once the process is fully complete, we will update this current post.  Sincerely, IMC Staff

August 6th, 2016
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Weekly Question and Answer – August 5th, 2016

1. The spectator mode in Team Battle League and Guild Battle matches can have the side effect of revealing each team’s strategy to the opponent. How do you plan on dealing with this issue? Currently the spectator mode in Team Battle League and Guild Battle matches works by allowing anyone to watch them in real-time, a feature which, some players have pointed out to us, can be used to “spy” on the opposing team’s constitution and strategy. We understand the implications this brings to the competition, so we want to consider developing alternatives to the real-time spectator. For example, a transmission with a short delay (e.g. 1 minute) that would still allow players to spectate the combat, but minimize the possibility of an unfair advantage. 2. We have physical block in the game, but no magic block. Do you have any plans to introduce magic block or evasion later on? It’s true that magic has no block, just like it has no critical either. We can also say that we don’t intend to add a block feature to magic. As you know, magic allows for resistance to specific types of attacks or states, and that is the way we conceived magic-type attacks from the beginning. We don’t see ourselves deviating from this concept, so it’s safe to say magic is going to remain unchanged in terms of these features. 3. Can you set the time of Team Battle League and Guild Battles according to each server region, instead of using the EDT standard for all servers? After receiving feedback from players in different time zones about this issue, we can see how our current time settings for Team Battle League and Regional Guild Battles aren’t the most convenient for all regions. As such, we have started to prepare for setting different time slots for each region and are currently working towards implementing them. We hope to bring these new time settings to the game as soon as possible so players in every server have better chances participate in Team Battle League and Regional Guild Battles. 4. When are we going to get momentary invincibility after becoming incapable of combat during Guild Battles? We did introduce this feature to our Korean servers the past 28th of July, so characters that become incapable of combat during a Guild Battle will respawn with momentary invincibility. We expect to add this patch to Steam as well when it’s ready, along with other Regional Guild Battle features you’re looking forward to.

Developer's Blog
August 5th, 2016